Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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' &'x '
Hiss Hazel Erixon, who will appearl""" '.. na " wgm, fli anV r
as "Josle Lockwood," In 'The for-
tuna Hunter," at the Grand theatre
ha nm-nii Ik.gtra
Thursday and Friday nights,
Ono nt 4r. Inrire.t. nml mnt mlmir-
able philanthropies that Salem is asked Thursday evening with a "500" party
to help and support is the production:"' hnn0" of -"r- Hrnck, of Wmni-
ot "The Fortune Hunter" for the ben-ip
fit of the needv families of tho city
This affair will be given at the
Grand theatre on Thursday and Fri
day evenings with the following local
people appearing in the east: Miss Ha
zel Krixon, Miss Margery Marvin, Miss
Ida Simmons, Miss Kiln Steiuor, Miss
Aline Thompson, .lames Mott, Carl Ua
hrielson, Laurence llot'er, Kalpii
Moorcs, Charles Reynolds, Herman
Mciring, K. Cooke Ijutton, Max Bu
ren, Hev. R. F. Tischer, Walter Denton,
Paul Hendricks, Dr. W. H. Mott, Miller
Mctiilehrist and Wilson Howard.
A number of prominent Nalcm wom
en, who have been closely identified
with the .Social Hervieo Center's al
truistic, endeavors will act as patroness
es. The list will include Mrs. A. N.
Bush, Mrs. Ben O. Hchucking, Mrs. Rus
sell ("atlin, Mrs. It. 8. Wallace, Mrs. W.
K. Anderson, MrB. F. A. K.lliott, Mrs.
.loan Carson, .Mrs. Joseph N. Minim
Mrs. P. II. Raymond and Mrs. N. I), i
Several box and line parties hnvo al
ready been planned for tho entertain
ments, and from tho stile of tickets and
reservations, it is evident that Kalein
society will turn out en mass to as
sist in this worthy eouse.
Among (those who will form box
parties' on Thursday evening are: Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas H. Kay, Mr. and Mrs.
George Rodgers, Mr. nml Mrs. 0. M. El
liott, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 1. Stnloy.
For Friday night's performance, the
boies will be occupied by Governor
nnd Mrs. Withycombp, Mr. and Msr.
eorgo I aimer Putnam, Mr. and Mrs.
O. H. Luck, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Al
berts, Mr. and Mis. John Alberts, Mr.
mil Mrs. W. M. Hamilton, Mr. and
Mrs. David Kyre, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Dick, Mr. and Mrs. F, (1. Deckebaeh
and William Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. Asnhel Bush were hosts
for a delightfully informal supper party
following too subscription dance last
The attractive supper table suggest
ing' the apronc.h of spring, with a hand
some center of yellow daffodils, had
covers for fifteen.
Mr. .ind Mrs. Rockey Mason, of Al
bany, and Mason K.hrninn, of Portland,
who were guests of the Bushes for the
dance, returned home this morning.
Mrs. Charles lie Nary entertained n
(rroup of matrons at a very informal
sewing Monday afternoon, as a charm
in); attention to Mrs. Coorgo Kodgnr
snd Mrs. Lenta Westncott on the oc
casion of their natal day.
The La Area club girls of the Artisnn
lodge and a number of their friends
were entertained Saturday evening by
the men of the Wallaco ranch. A largo
Emilio De Gogorza, the eminent baritone, who will
sing at the Grand Theater Monday evening, Febru
ary 7th, makes records only for the Victor you
should have at least one of these fine De Gogorza
Beauty's Eyes (Weatherly-Tosi) No. G4:V72
Carmen (Bizet) No. 88178
Clang of the Forge (Paul Rodney) No. 64037
Comme se canta a Napule . . . (Rolonda-Mario)
No. 64479
Don Giovanni (Berlioz) No. 88147
El Celoso (Alvarez) No. 64482
Faust (Mozart) No. 88447
For All Eternity (Mascheroni) No. 640: !8
Holy City (Stephen Adams) No. 74041
The Lost Cord (Proctor-Sullivan) No. 74:559
Mandolinata La (Paladilhe) No. 64160
'Mong the Green Irish Hills. . . (Nellie I Freese)
No. 74422
The Pipes of Pan . .Adrian Ross-Edward Elgar
No. 744:)S
Sally in Our Alley (Henry Carey) No. 64501
You will always find the latest in Music of all
kinds at our store.
GEO, C. WILL 432 Slate Sleet
liay rack conveyed the guests to the
Wallace Fruit House, where games aud
music were indulged in.
refreshments dosed the evening's
The fruit house was prettily decorat-,
ed with greens and a huc " L'. A." of j
Oregon gr.ipe.
Last night the. La Area elub met at
the honie of Mrs. II. St. Helens, on!
Court street.
A short business session was follow
ed by a sewing and refreshments.
The hostess was assisted by Mrs.
Fay Collins.
In celebration of their fourteenth I
wedding anniversary, Mr. and .Mrs.!
Frank Ward were hosts Friday even-'
nig for X delightful ":mi" party at
their home on Marion street.
Tho rooms in which three tables of
the game were arranged, were adorned
wit!) tulips anil carnations.
During the evening .Miss Francos
Ward, the small daughter of tho hosts,
gave several charming musical selec
tions. Circling the e.ird tables were: Mr.
"'"" ,,, ,
lievier, .nr. UIIU .irn. J'.IIWIUU llluulg-
ham anil .Mr. and Mrs. A. Ii. Jobinson.
Mr. anil Mrs. r. Courier entertained
Card honors fell to Mrs. R. Ii. Good-
in and Ralph Glover.
The hostess wns assisted by Mrs. Kd
ward Given and Mrs. Ralph Glover.
A largo number of former University
of Oregon girls aud men nnd Kappa
Alpha Theftis will be interested to
know th.it Miss Rao Zimmerman has
chosen March the first for her wed
ding to l'aul B. Wilson, of Madera, Cal
ifornia. It will be a simple, home affair, and
the Hev. John 11. Boyd will 'officiate.
Miss Zimmerman is being entertain
ed with a number of smnll informal af
fairs, and next week will be especially
gay with prenuptinl functions for the
popular hriilo-elu.it.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Faulkner were the mo
tif of an enjoyuble surprise party Sat
urday evening when tho members of
"The Never Fail" club and a group of
additional friends gathered to celebrate
the hosts fifteen wedding anniversary.
Five hundred and music were the en
tertaining features of the evening; re
freshments rounding out the festivities.
The club members present, were:
Mrs. Bert Xeyhart, Mrs. W. H. Vuple,
Mrs. K. Bennett, Mrs. J. C. Schaupp,
.Mrs. W. W. Faulkner, Misses Fern
iSchaiip and Ella Bennett. Additional
guests were: Mr. and Mis. A. J.
Hnuck, Mr. nnd Mrs. X. O. Balos, Mr.
Noyhnrt, Mr. W. W. Faulkner, .1. C.
Hctmupp, Carl Bnles, Robert Dennett,
Misses Nell Suhafer, Margaret llebel,
Delilah Faulkner, Masters Donald
Schaupp and Kenneth Faulkner.
Saturday night tho members of the
senior class of the Snlem high school
were given their nunuiil reception by
the faculty at the school building.
The guests included the students of
the mid year and June graduating class
es, and a large number of friends,
Saturday evening Miss Mnyhelle
Wagner nnd Miss Helen Hunt enter
tained the Wa Hi Indies and their
daughters at a shower in honor of Mrs.
Norris Hunt, at the latter 's country
home. .
Tho honoro received an nrrnv of
pretty gifts mil a pleasurnblo after
noon was spent with fancy work.
Later dainty refreshments were
Those present were: Mrs. Xnrr'o
Hunt, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. Wuvne
Ashby, Mrs. A. C. Harrows, Mrs. W.' II.
Tate, Mis. B. Wagner, Mis. J. T. Hunt,
Miss Rose Clndek, Mrs. C. .1. Hunt,
Miss Muriel Stoeves, Salem, Miss Ed
na Tnte, Miss Genevieve Patlon, Mrs.
B. Gisner, Salem, Miss Helen Hunt,
Miss Mayhello Wagner, Beorgia and
Kuchel Hunt.
Household Economy
How to nT the Beat Coach
Remedy and Save S3 bjr
Making- It at Uomt
Cough medicines, as a rule contain a
large quantity of plain svrup. A pint of
granuluted sugar with pint of warm
water, stirred for 2 minutes, gives you
as good syrup as money can buy.
Then get from your druggist 2 ounces
Pinex (50 cents worth), pour into a pint
bottle and till the bottle with sugar
srup. 'J his gives von, at a cost of only
S4 cents, a full pint of really better cough
syrup than you could buy ready made for
$2.50 a clear saving of nearly $2. Full
directions with Pinex. It keeps perfectly
and tastes good.
It takes hold of the usual cough or
chest cold at once and conquers it in 24
hours. Splendid for whooping cough,
bronchitis and winter coughs.
Its truly astonishing how quickly It
loosens the dry. hoarse or tight cough
and heals and soothes the inflamed mem
branes in the case of a painful cough.
It also stops the formation of phlegm in
the throat and bronchial tubes, thus end
ing the persistent loose cough.
Pinex is a highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Norway pine extract,
combined with guaiacol, and has been
used for generations to heal inflamed
membranes of the throat and chest.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2', ounces of Pinex,"' and
don't accept anything else. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt
ly refunded, goes with this preparation.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, InU.
j(c ?c j( jc js jjc sjc )jt jfc sc if )t fc s c
Albert Kgan, o Hopinere, is in the
Al Whitney, hotel man of Independ
ence, is in the city.
Msr. K. K. Kstes, was in the city
yesterday, from Seaside.
Dr. Maurice Butler, of Monmouth,
was in the city yesterday.
Lewis Adams, a prominent attorney
of Silverton. is in the city.
Mr. .in.! .Mrs. ,f. i. Brown, of Dnl
1ns, were in the city yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. :t'red Pyle, of Mon
mouth, were in the city yesterday.
,f. E. .Scott returned last evening
from a business trip of several days in
Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Kalderie, of Dal
las, were transacting business in Sa
lem yesterday.
K. M. Kellogg, a prominent rancher
of Tillamook, was here yesterday trans
acting business.
Mrs. (.'. ('. Kinmcll, of Hillsboro, is
here for a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
K. H. Thompson.
W. H. Steusloff returned list even
ing from a business trip of several
days in Portland.
Mrs. Percy Cotter and little son
Francis, of i)rtland, are visiting at
the home of T. H. Galloway.
Miss Hazel Scott returned yesterday
from Seotts Mills nnd left for Mon
mouth, on professional business.
O. K. Price, the shoe man, is once
more on deck after staying home sev
eral days from an attack of the grippe.
To Prevent The Grip
Colds cause Grip Laxative Bromo
Quinine removes the cause. There is
only one ' 'Bromo Quinine." E. W.
GKOVE'S signaturo on box. 25c.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Silverton, Ore., Feb. 1. Mrs. ('has.
Goss is recovering from a severe sick
spell, having been under the; doctor's
care the past two weeks,
,T. Finlny is at the Silverton hospital,
where he underwent an operation a
few days ngo. t
llilev Wrny entertained his friend, V.
tstenhrvok, of Cnnhy, on Tuesday of
last wfcR.
The Misses Isabella nnd Eva Burg
err.ii i-pent (titviiiny night and Sunday
with f rends lit Mt! Angel.
Mrs. K. Miner, vr.o has been serious
ly '11 with pneumonia is slowly recover
i'ig K. A. I.iuscott, foreman at the lath
mill, was off duty Monday on account
of sickness.
P. W. Xofsker was a Portland busi
ness caller on Thursday of this week.
A little daughter nrrtved at the home
! of Dr. and Mrs. Kleinsorgii on Friday,
i January 21.
I Mr. and Mrs. Joe I.nis are rejoicing
over a baby boy that came to brighten
their home Sunday, Janunry 23.
I A little daughter is also' reported at
, the P. K. Jones home on January 14.
J Mrs. Grace Sandem, nf Portland, is
visiting at the home of her father, 1.
I . .Miller, northwest ot town,
j I.ouis l.oos, who has been spending
the past two weeks with his brother at
Waterman, Wash., returned to Silverton
last Thursday.
Little Lois James underwent an oper
jntion at the St. Vincent hospital in
: Portland lust week ,for abscess which
j hud formed in her head. Mi was ac
icompauied to Portland Tuesday by her
mother, Mrs. Howard M.James,
j Mrs. J. P, Smith is spending a few
weeks at the homo or her daughter,
Mrs. Kmma Platter, at Portland.
; F. K. Wrny and wife were in Portland
! the first of the week.
I Miss M. A. Cavanngh, known to nil
, her friends as Auntie Cavanagh, passed
! away at the home of her niece, Airs. V.
i V. Keeue, on Friday niirht. at the mre
of tl4 years. Miss Cavanngh was ono of
the pioneers of the state, coming here
from Iowa in lSii;t, when hut a child of
12 yenrs. she was n sister of the late
Fielding MeCluiue. The firnernl services
were held at the Keeue home on Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'emck, Rev. Albvn
Kssen officiating. Interment in the
Silverton cemetery.
UOHKRT.S I u the city, January 30,
Wirt, Thomas I.. Roberts, in his 30th
The body will be forwarded this even
ing by Webb Jl Otough to Klamath Falls
for burial.
National Jubilee In Honor of
Fiftieth Anniversary Be
gins Today
(By t'nited Tress.)
New York, Feb. 1. Throughout the
United States, beginning today, the
Young Women's Christian association
starts its national jubilee month cele
brating the fiftieth anniversary of the
founding of the first association, in
Boston, March 3, lSHli. Nine hundred
and sixty-six Jirtciations, incjfsidiiig
city, country and student have devel
oped and exist today as the result of
that first association, which was started ,
by a society of women to help self
supporting girls who came to the city
to seek employment.
The organization membership in Am
erica today numbers 342,948. The asso
ciation owns millions of dollars worth
of property in buildings to which hun
dreds of thousands of young women go
for education, recreation, to make
friends and to find a pluce to live. Be
ginning with a nation-wide membership
rally today, the jubilee month will be
filled with celebrations nnd events.
February b" and 7 will be pioneer
days, on which every member of the
organization, past and present, will re
port back to the local association which
was her first interest. On February 22
the historical pageant: "Girls of Yes
terday and Today" will be presented in
every association building in the coun
try. This will be a four-act play in
which the Girl of 18l!ii and the Girl of
HI Hi will interpret through the medium
of the other members of the company,
the scenes that pass before them. There
are only two speaking parts in the
'pageant. On March 3 w ill be celebrated
the fiftieth birthday of the associa
tion 's work in America.
Other pioneer associations bearing
the name of Women's Christian associa
tions were organized in Hartford, Conn.,
Providence, R. I., Pittsburg and Allegh
nny, Pa., in 18(17. Cincinnati, Cleve
land and St. Louis followed in l.SriH by
forming similar societies. Similar asso
ciations were formed in St. Joseph, Mo.,
Scranton, Pa., Kansas City, Mo., Min
neapolis, Minn., aud Toledo, Ohio. All
city associations emphasized religious
meetings and Bible instruction nnd as
early as 1872 the New York City Y. W.
C A., commenced a Bible class which
shortly developed tin average attend
ance of 000. Employment agencies
have always been an important part of
association work. In 1872 Hartford,
Conn., erected the first building for
this purpose. The first association sum
mer home was built lit Asbury Park by
the Philadelphia association in 1874. In
l.S!)l Kansas City, Mo., opened the first
self serving lunch room, now known as
the cafeteria.
In IHtiH a conventiwon was held at
Lake Geneva and the National Young
Women's Christian association, which
Inter became the American committee
with headquarters at Chicago, wns
San Francisco, Feb. 1. Up in
the mining sections of British
Columbia hundreds of workers
are bnttliug with death as the
result of the extremely cold
winter. Mines are practically
shut down.
Such wns the report brought
here today by the Norwegian
collier Thor, which came into
port with a light cargo because
there had been practically no
coal mined for many days and
the men were lying iu scores
stricken with pneumonia and
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 1. Willi K.
Dnvis, Califoinii tennis champion, has
dropped his studies nt the University
of Pennsylvania, and will snil 90011 for
Franco to join the ambulance corps,
he announced today.
No ingenuity of barbnriflm ever de
vised an agony so intense, so persistent,
bo long -enduring, so nerve -harrowing
ae that which is suffered day after
day by the woman whose distinctly
feminine orgnnism ia deranged or dis
eased. There are three trying times
in every woman's life: 1st when
girlhood blossoms into womanhood ;
'.'d when motherhood is achieved;
3d the chango.
Dr. Tierce's Favorite Proscription
was devised to make these three
periods safe and painless by restoring
to vigorous health the organs involved.
It soothes, heals, nourishes. It gives
nature just tho help it needs. It is
the only ready-prepared medicine de
vised by a regularly graduated phy
sician mid skilled specialist in the
diseases of women.
Yon know what you are ceiling with
this Prescription of "Doctor Pierce s, be
cause it's extracted from native roots
by using glycerine no alcohol or nar
cotics. The itigredienta published on
wrnpper and free to the world.
For all diseases peculiar to women,
Dr. Pierce's Favorite lrescription is a
powerful restorative. For nearly fifty
years it has banished from the lives of
tens of thousands of women the pain,
worry, misery and distress caused by
irregularities and diseases of feminine
ohanutU'r. Huy it now, in liquid or
tablot form from your druggist or send
W cents or $1.00 to Doctor Tierce's
Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for tab
Iota. Write for free book on wemaa's
If yon will pay the mailing charges,
Doctor Tierce will send yon his cloih
bound book of over 1,000 pages, newly
revised with color plate and illustra
tions. Send three dimes or stamps to
Dr. Tierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,
H. Y., and enclose this notice.
I Clear, Peachy Skin
! Awaits Anyone Who
t Drinks Hot Water
; Sayi an Inside bath, before break-
fast helps us look and feel J
clean, sweet, fresh.
Sparkling and vivacious merry,
bright, alert a good, clear skin and
a natural, rosy, healthy complexion was fatally in jured, an unidentified
are assured only by pure blood. If; bandit was. shot, but escaped, while
induced to adopt the morning insi.Io throe out of six bandits engaged, were
bath, what a gratifying change would j captured.
take place. Instead of the thousands. Tho injured policeman, G. J. Me
of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women 1 Sweeney, heroically blocked one door of
and girls, w ith pasty or muddy J a Valencia street saloon to prevent the
complexions; instead of the multi-' bandits' exit that way, though ho hud
tudes of "nerve wrecks." "run-! been shot three times and was weak
downs," "brain fags" and pessimists
we should see a virile, optimistic
throng of rosy-cheeked people every
where. An inside bath is had hv drinking
each morning, before breakfast, a act of burglarizing the saloon. After
glass of real hot water with a tea- j Patrolman Mc.Sweeney and Herman had
spoonful of limestone phosphate in it , found three lookouts outside. These
to wash from the stomach, liver, kid-: fled at once, escaping tho fire of of
neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- ficers. McSweeney hurriedly telephoned
vious day's indigestible waste, sour, the Mission street station bringing a
fermentations and poisons, t bus , squad of reserves to aid.
cleansing, sweetening and freshening! Insido the saloon were the three
the entire ailmentary canal before . burglars who had jimmied the front
puttinfg mnro food into the stomach. ! door, rifled the cash register already,
Those subject to sick headache, bil
lousness, nasty breath, rheumatism,
colds: and particularly those who have
a palid, sallow complexion nnd who
are constipated very often, aro urged
to obtain a quarter pound of limestone
phosphate at the drug store which
will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient I
to demonstrate the quick and remark
able change in both health and appear
ance, awaiting those who practice in
ternal sanitation. We must remem
ber that inside cleanliness is more im
portant than outside, because the skin
does not absorb impurities to con
taminate the blood while the pores in
the thirty feet of bowels do.
Tho c.ise of John Favas against
Frank Ch ippelle, clunio Chappelle and I
Henry Chappelle was called in depart
ment Xo. 1 of the circuit court today
and the taking of testimony begun. It
is stated by the plaintiff in his com
plaint that the Chappclles were tho
owners of 63.1M acres of land near
Woodburn which was sold to the plain
Nt? tor flUIJ.-H) ami t.ie plaintiff lat-j
er sold 45 acres to V. M. Shockey fori
$1400 out of which .fSOO was paid to
the Chappclles, It. is claimed that the
S.tw acres ot land 111 excess of 4? acres
was worth $Jl ) and that tho Ch.ippel-
tnat they refused to return tho $269.1 1
fo ,,i,he nW';i,nHf(S- TI,V''?"!,,"l,1 S"M
t? ei " VrJhZ I A ATi
not received this money, from Shockev.
George (i. Bingham represents tho de-
for,. W I' U':..l
:r r., ; ' "BW" "l"
1 ' ' represent the university in the state
. - .,. ., , oratorical contest which will be he''
rlub has bin . uf.l t"' ,?T'bl,r,Vt March 10, in which eight
Fehri, art Z ' .e,lll',sd".v colleges compete, they are: Oregon IT.,
tebruary J at 8 p. m. at tho circuit o C Willumetf.. it i....;e-. i' ai
court room of the court house. The i Vn' Vi KW ! f ' "
meeting was called bv President Soy ! ,!"" 1 ,," ""'T' Albany , co lege, Pa
mour Jones and the notifications weJelU 7"'? aild -AI'1 t,.te Nor
sent ont by Ralph D. Mooros. secretary: T"001', . . L , ,
pro tern. ! . Tho!"- wbo wl" contest for honors
j i" the local try-out Friday evening, are:
ti,. i 'ii .i . . Harold Doxsel, Herbert Blutchford, uad
Tho cost bill in the case ot tho state1 Mr Jasn-ir All three nf ti,..o..
court today i.ml show, f I, Z i ..li ! to bo ''lo!icly considered in the final
$141.li0 to secure a conviction exclusive
of attorney's fees. The cost of witness
es tor tne state at tho grand jury ses'
sum in this cast! was $10.10, for the
st.ite nt the tiinl ,w in ,..i
io. im-
th defendant nt too trial 'was I0.S0.I After the business meeting a so- j
I cinl hour was indulged in at the Girls'
The jury in the case of W. h. CornZZl?T, t"'"6 eivea
returned a verdict for the defendant F.U ''Ifrnry eiety "ill
E. Wrny late vesterdav evening in de-i, th'Mr fl!"yf"' election of officers
pai tment No. 1 of the circuit court.! 'oraorlmv night after the regular pro
The verdict finds tho defendant Wrav ; f r"m. 18 Slven- rhu Ingram is as fol
ia the owner of the piano in question t,""!-. . ,
ami assesses tho value of tho property J. ,(.)Kllnl,-, V'e Fred McMillan
o. the defendant at if I.
Fred McClnrd was taken to the Ore-
gon state penitentiary this afternoon to
beg,,, serv.ng u sentence of from three
to seven years which was imposed by
Judge Kelly this morning. .McClnrd was
convicted of burning property with in-
tent to injure the insurer and his at-
toiuey, (iuy (). rjmith, filed a motion
tor a new trial which wns overruled by
Judge Kelly this morning Smith slat-
ed that he would appeal the case to the
supreme court but in the meantime Mc-
Chird ,s to begin an apprenticeship in
the state flux plant.
. , ,
The case of Claud O Boss, a prisoner
at tne pen, who is under indictment on
a rape charge, was postponed todav un
til 0 o'clock tomorrow morning. Ross
was to be tried this morning hut his
cae wns set ahead one day on thojwim.iug of this game will practically
n,. Ii. .I.. 1ia ...... 6 .J.',- ..... .-. . . .
v..,,,,.,,,. v. n.o.i.u...
Harvey Veils, receiver of the defunct
Oregon Merchants' Fire Relief Insur
ance association, filooi a petition in de
partment Xo. 2 of tho circuit court this
afternoon to be relieved of his duties
ss receiver of this particular company.
Mr. Wells has paid off claims nt the
rate of IS cents on the dollar and if all
of the assets of the company were col
lected nhout 25 cents on the dollar could
be paid. In his petition Mr. Wells
asks that the names of the debtors of
the company he given to the creditors
in order that the creditors would be en
aided to brinir suits to collect if they
so desired. Judge Galloway has not
yet made any order in the matter.
Judge Kelly today issued an order in
his department of the circuit court
awarding F. M. Ford a judgment in the
sum of tliUi.Oll agaiust J. II. Jonsburg.
Jonsburg brought suit on an account
ing against Ford earlier in this term
of the circuit court n.t was awarded
a bidirmeiit against Ford in the sum of
$193.15 and then Ford brought the pics-
Caught In Act of Robbing
Saloon Three Are Over
powered and Jailed
San Francisco, Feb. 1. In a pitched
guu battle early today, one policeman
from loss of blood.
The bandits, who escaped, fled in a
waiting automobile, while bullets rain
ed over them.
The police surprised tho thugs in the
and were then trying to blast the safe,
Though they gave desporuto battle,
they were overpowered.
McSweency was taken to St. Luke's
hospital and physicians there held out
no hope for his recovery. The three
men arrested gave the mimes of AVil-
liam Schivo, Hugh Couroy and .Tame:
Williams. All have police records and
were on probation.
They had an elaborate set of burg
lar's tools.
Iiegistration for the second semester
is practically completed, up to the pres
ent 210 have registered for work in
ithe liberal arts department. Classes
jtiwcre resumed and the instructors met
their students to assign work for the
coming days. Several new students en-
tered. some from Salem high. "Tcko"
Grosvernor, the all around athlete of
Salem high has signed up for work at
Gu college.
This morning at chapel Manager of
lorcnsics Paul B. ffmlth. announced
that he had scheduled a debate with
Pacific university to rc held April 10.
It will bo a. double header, ono team
traveling to Pacific and the other meet
a team from P. U. here. The question
to be debated is, "Resolved, That the
United States should own and operate
all railroads within its borders." About
a dozen men signed up to try out for the
teams and Prof. Senn, of the public
sp0aking department, has offered her
services in coaching tho teams. The
nnnnf y 1
The Keves oratorical contest will be
Friday evening. February 4, in the
chapel of Waller hall. This contest will
, bo very interesting as it offers not only
a prize of 25 but abo the winner wi l
I ""'tL,'?1''
Paul Smith was present at a meetinop
of the state oratorical association at
Monmouth last w-eek, at which several
i . ...
'""cmimcnis were mncie to the const til
j rieaning Leslie Spi
Incidents of the Bench and Bar
i A Vino,')' sVorv -rtV!" Mvr
The Philodrians wil' lalso have ant
, election of officers after the f ollowing
progr-mr M
Vocal Solo IJoill JacksoiJ
Talk I emnel Fst eb
,lkes . Hsrn d v.wH
j Instrumental' 80io' ! ! ! ! " Adams!
j Talk W..M. ' .
Tliuriday'it'ne'so.'h anniver.nry o? i
I the Y. W. C. A. nnd the loci college!
j organization will hold a fitting service!
to celebrate the event I
Tho biggest game ot 'the year in inter-1
t',l"w ''ircles will be played this after-1
i noon at 4:30. when the freshmen and!
1 senior basketball teams clash on the:
W. V. gym floor. Roth tennis have a
1,000 per cent credit to their titles,
nnd both ,iro confident of winning. The
uei'l.pj tie wait tilllim si ver n,u
Thr fro-dimon defeated one of the
city league teams List night by n large
cnt action against Jonsburg which re
sulted in the ahovo judgment.
An order wns issued by Judge Bushey
today in the matter of the estate of
John Fahey, deceased. Tt was ordered
that the household goods of the de
ceased, now at 100.1 North Cottage, be
j declared exempt and that the widow br
paid SO per month for the next 10
months for the support of herself unil
her nine venr eld son.
Now at 426 State Street
Many leading gas-engine tf
perts have recently declared)
that lubricating oil made from
aphalt-base petroleum givtt
best results. i
Pacific Coart motor! jts made
the same discovery years ago.
For the majority have beea
using Zcrolene in preference
to all other oils. They agree;
with the experts.
Zcrolene is made from se
lected California petroleum
asphalt-base under the un
equalled refining facilities o
the Standard Oil Company,
Next time you empty the
crank case, refill with Zeio
Standard Oil
(Calif oraia)
Hit Standard Oilforfldor
Not Rub
Off, Lasts
4 Times as
Long at Other,
Saves Work.
J Get a Can Today
Yea Know They're
You know they're
baking as you pass
by. 1 hose palate
tickling odors are
from Merit Vanilla, and
the baking taste3 better
than it smells, A 25c
bottle is real economy.
Order of Your Grocer
score and feel thr.t they can repeat tie
perr'orui'iiice this afie.-'.oo.i
Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 1. With the
consent of the National Cash Register
company, the federal district court to
day evtered a decree finding the com
pany and its officers "violated the
anti-trust act by combining to restrain
and by attempting to monopolize in
terstate trade aud commerce in cash
registers." As a result of this decree,
tho criminal proceedings against the
company will be dropped.
The decree sets forth that the com
pany achieved its objects by forbidding
use of its products by other than the
purchaser; by buying secrets of com
petitors; by espionage; by persuading
purchasers of competitors' products to
break their contracts; and if 'necessary
to buy out competitors.
Pottsville, To., Feb. 1 Several buiM
ings were reported today to have been
demolished in an explosion of a mixi r
building of the Dupont Powder works
near Ferudale, but whether there weie
casualties is unknown.
Who take pride in their personal
appearance should try our face
treatment for lines, blackheads
and blotches.
Superfluous hair removed with
out the use of the electric needle.
Latest electrical appliances for
removing corns and treating the
feet. Manicures 5 and 35 cents.
Shampooing, mussage, hnirdress
ing. Creams, powders aud lotions
for sale, our own manufacture,
guaranteed pure.
For the convenience of our
patrons who are unable to come
during the day, we will remain
open until 8:30 on Saturday even
ings. Phone for appointment.
Imperial Beauty Parlors
Skin aud Scalp Specials
Manicurist and Hair DrcKS'ir.
301 Bank of Commerce Building,
Phons 393