Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, February 01, 1916, Image 1

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Vessel Given Up As Lost ReL.es Hampton Roads In Charge
of Prize Crew-Ship Was Armed by Captors and On
Way Across the Atlantic Captured at Least Two Other
Vessels-Fierce Fight Put Up by Appam Crew Before
- Surrendering Most Daring Feat of War
Norfolk, Va., Feb. 1. Manned by a German prize
crew, who captured her off the Canaries beyond the
West African coast, the African liner Appam poked her
nose through a light fog into Hampton Roads today.
Given up for lost, either through foundering or tor
pedoing, en route from Africa to Liverpool, the ship
brought in nearly .00 passengers and crew, in addition
to about :00 British prisoners put aboard from the Ger
man raiding merchantman which captured her.
Her capture, her flight past British patrols, and her
sudden appearance here formed a chapter in naval his
tory unparalleled since the days when freebooters and
pirates rode the Spanish Main.
Passengers told of encountering the German raider
January 15, and of a bloody fight as the prize crew
scrambled aboard, while panic stricken crew men from
the Appam vainly sought to flee; Captain Harrison
contradicted this, saying that he surrendered at once
upon realizing that his single three inch gun, unmounted,
could not cope with the-raider.
This vessel, an armed merchantman, continued its
destructive work within sight of the Appam, sinking an
Australian freighter, meat laden, after the crew was
When the British prisoners had been taken on the
Appam and the 22 prize crew
raider made on for iresh conquests, while the Appam
headed for America, where Lieutenant Berg, German
commander, said he knew his reception would be cordial.
Meanwhile, a missing lifeboat from the Appam led to
foreign reports that she must have sunk.
Officials were surprised when she rammed her way
to anchorage through the fog soon after dawn today like
a ghost out of the ocean.
They at once clambered aboard to investigate this
strange situation.
From passengers and officers then came the strange
story of how the African ship had eluded the regular
lanes of patrol vessels hostile to the Germans. Customs
Collector Hamilton heard too that the Appam had even
sunk at least two vessels en route.
Passengers told graphically of the overhauling at the
Canaries, of how the raider rattled a few shots across
the Appam's bows, how the Appam crew scrambled into
a lifeboat, hoping to escape a bloody conflict as the
prize crew boarded the captive ship. Captain Harrison
explained, though, that he had not offered resistance.
The passengers' story was that the lifeboat had
crashed to bits between the two vessels while shots rang
out overhead.
The identity of the raider remain's a mystery. Many
here think that she is the Will-'o-the-Wisp reported re
peatedly in the Gulf of Mexico after the escape of the
interned German sailors from the Prinz Eitel Friedrich
here. Lieutenant Berg's announcement that he could get J
decent treatment here led some officials to believe he had j
knowledge at first hand of the treatment accorded to the
Eitel crew. Only one day in port will be allowed to the
Appam unless she is in need
Abe Martin
("ran 'maw Pash is colorin' a meer
schaum pipe fer her nephew. Ther's
jio aoarket fer a personal grievance.
had been installed, the
of repairs.
I Xorfalk, Va., Feb. 1. The most dar
jiiig feat on the high sens during the
I present war was revealed today when
the big African liner Appam sped into
Hampton Konrts in charge of a prize
crew. Given up as having foundered
in a terrible storm in the Mediterranean
two weeks ago or as having been tor
pedoed as she was heading from Africa
for Liverpool, the big liner put into
port in the dawn today with her ((
passengers and crew of 1.14 safe.
Her sudden appearance here like a
wraith from the deep showed she had
been captured by a German merchan'
raider. This crew, probably aided
German prisoners aboard, headed her
about through the heavy seas, raced
across the Atlantic .eluding British war- j
shins patrolling off the American coast i
nnd put into port under a light fog. j
The incident is unparalleled in its i
daring and its execution.
The prize crew also ad. led to thr !
exploit the remarkable feat of cap
turing at least two vessels en route here. I
Customs Collector Hamilton found the
Germans had nrmed the Appam as a I
i.r i;.i'ht. ,inn nci-nmpilsning
tiim sensaiionni iinaie to an alreaiM
stirring adventure.
Immigration and customs of fii-inls im-.
mediatelr boarded the liner. Ouarnn-!
tine officers found some of the ros-1
senders sick, and all of them ernted l,r
the strange events through which th'' I
(Continued on Paie Tare.)
Taylor Street Edifice May Be
Locked Up Says State's
Highest Court
The first Methodist church contro
versy of Portland and the suit of, the
state superintendent against 1.. O.
Kalston were the principal cases handed
down I iv the -supreme court this morn
ing. The decision of Judge Clatons in
tho circuit court was affirmed and the
decision of Judge It. (i. Morrow in the
banking case was modified though the
main contentions were sustained. ..
The troublo in the church case arose
over the consolidation of tho Grace
Methodist church at Twelfth street and
the First Methodist church at Third and
Taylor streets in 1IU2. After half a
century of separate congregations the
two bodies joined at the Ashland con
ference four years ago and were con
solidated. Both congregations had
churches and for a while the congrega
tion held services at one church anil
then were transferred back to the oth
er. Each transfer found some of the
congregations of the original church
who refused to worship in the other
building. Finally the board of trus
tees of the church decided to hold the
main services at the church oa Twelfth
street and to close up tho church at
Third and Taylor streets. A number of
the members of the Mirst Methodist
church brought suit to enjoin the board
from closing up the Taylor street
church and in the lower court it was
decided against the plaintiffs and the
board was given the right to close up
the Taylor street church and the plain
tiffs appealed.
In an opinion Justice Harris held that
the lower court was not in error and
only modified the decisions of Judge
Catena in that neither party should re
cover costs in the supreme court.
Other Opinions Rendered.
The suit of Mary Jacobs against oJhn
Jacobs, a Buit for uivorce, appealed
from I.inn county, opinion by Justice
".-..-en, judge, rerey 1, Kelly, affirm
ed. R. X. Doolittle, respondent, against
Pacific Coast Safe ana Vault works, ap
pellant, an action for damages, appealed
from Multnomah county, opinion In
justice Bean, Judge G.'n, Davis, af
firmed. B. M. Lombard, appellant, against
M. B. Kies, receiver of Commercial
Bank of Vancouver, Wash., respondent,
action for breach of contract, appealed
from Washington county, opinion In
justice Benson, Judge J. A. F.akiti, re
versed. l'eter 0. Carlson and J. A. Kallstrnin
appellants, against M. H. O'Connor!
suit for specific performance of a con
tract to sell land, appealed from Mult
nomah county, opinion bv Justice Bean
Judge C. U. Gantenbein, affirmed.
Thomas Kay, appellant, against the
tity of Portland, respondent, suit to
recover money alleged due for services
rendered, appealed from Multnomah
county, opinion by Justice Mi-Bride
Judge W. N. Gatcns, affirmed.
Chicago, Feb. 1. Miss Jane Addams
of Hull House departed tod.iv for Han
Diego, planning to spend tw"o months
there anil at Coronado, in recuperating
from her recent illness.
T.os Angeles, Cul., Feh. 1. Declaring
he had chewed tobacco since infancy
Lilbert Ncill, aged 82, applied to the
police juvenile bureau today, asking to
be cured of the habit.
Following is the correct
Capital Journal of Salem,
Total Average daily circulation for the 26 days of publication
during the month of January, 1916
Subscribed and sworn to
This circulation statement is printed because the publishers of the Capital
T.nl Vi: l : i i i. x i-i.ii . r.
uuumai uciicvc mtxi uusiiiebsiuea nave a ngnt to Know wnai mey are paying ior
when they buy advertising space in a newspaper. We make no circulation claims
simply a statement of circulation facts, which any advertiser is at liberty to in
vestigate for himself. Our mailing lists, carrier lists and press run figures are
at his service. We have no circulation secrets because we have no cause to be
ashamed of our subscription list, and no good reason for misrepresenting it in
any respect.
The Capital Journal believes that it has by far the largest circulation of any
newspaper attempting to cover this field and it is a legitimate subscription not
padded by fake voting contests or wholesale distribution of premiums. Further
more, 95 per cent of this circulation is in Marion and Polk counties, directly tribu
tary to the City of Salem.
Squadron of Twenty Airships
Maneuvering Over Bel
gium Every Day
New Giant Fpkkers To Assist
In Raid and Fight English
Air Craft
London, 1V1). 1. A squadron of 20
-ff tl : i
., I :JZ : "I'l'ed "'"j I'imself from responsibility and to save
silent motors, nave been nianeuvcring .-.., t ,, '
over Belgium for several days, prepar '"'ir ' ? f"rh'nc; . , . . ..
ing for an unusually powerful drive The sta e bank exanuner brought the
against London, according to Amster- 'tl"n "! ''f "'t('sts ' ho depositors
dam dispatches' todav f tnP """k w,o -were defrauded of
'Kxperts here believe that the raid. J11"'!" f"n'ls who" thc hnnk "M lolaroc1
of a half dozen or more of the a,, niHolvent.
monsters against Midland, eastern and ' . 1,1 hls "P"11011 Justice McBride says
northeastern counties of England last . 111 pnr,:
night was merely an attack preliminary! "Tll( history of this bank from the
to the larger operations. I beginning is a record of deception.
The first announcement of t:ie war; fraud, nnd mismanagement. Publishing
office suggested there had been no ap-lto wrld by its articles that it bed
pieeiame damage, and no additional Ue-i
tails were available today
Appropos of the recent attacks
against England and the prospect of
new raids, the Times warned that a
joint assault by a number of Zeppelins
piobably would have serious conse
quences. At the same time, this paper a
poiuieu out luar, me ueiense or tne
city and country in general against
air attacks is .imperfect.
Travelers reaching here today report
ed that Belgians have been excluded
from the territory in which the Zep
pelin squadron is maneuvering, and
that a down u. loplancs, presumably
the new giant Fokker type arc assist
ing. These probably are intedued to
give battle against any English air
craft that might attack the dirigibles.
Races Nearly Extinct.
Tacoma, Wash., Feb. 1. Dr. Spiro
Snrgentich, a Tacoma physician, whoso
death was reported from typhus fever
last year in Serbia, where he went to
give his services to tiio Red Cross, has
returned to New York, according to ad
vices received here today.
In a letter, Dr. Sarirentich reiiorts
that the Montenegrin anil Serbian peo-l
I le have been almost wiped out by tho
rnt-ai,0B nf n-.,. mi.l rl!.....
. .. i. hoi niiu uia. tt.ic.
I'r. K irgentich was chief surgeon for
the Russian, Serbian and Montenegrin
hospital services.
Airships Attack.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, I,. T.,
Feb. I. A (le.-nian airship attacked
allied ships and supply depots at Salon
ika with excellent success, said today's
official statement.
Law Operative March 1.
London, Feb. 1. The government
conscription law, recently passed, will
become operative March 2, the Star an
nounced today.
San Francisco, Feb. L Because
feathers clung to sandwiches Joe Castro
pulled out his lunch basket, he was
arrested on a charge of killing robins.
In the basket were 49 of the dead biids.
statement of the actual circulation of the Daily
before me this 1st day of February, 1916.
Notarv Public for Oreeon.
History of Bank Is One of
Fraud and Deception From
Start Says Court
In an expose of what is characterized
as "rotten" banking the supreme court
today modified the decision of Judge
R. (!. Morrow in the case of S. 0. Sar
gent, as superintendent of banks,
against the American Bank and Trust
I company of Portland, and L. 0. Ralston.
I The modification reduced tho personal
il "ft,,!!' r;
50,0l)0 to $24,200 and interest amount
I ing to about $.15,000. The bank was
! capitalized at $150,000 and after op-
crating for some time and accepting
deposits it appears that Ralston, who
was president, sold out the bunk stock
for shares in "shoestring" corpora
tions, nnd then attempted to absolve
" capital stuck ot si.iu.dutl, an examinn
tion of the testimony shows that such
capital was represented by $85,000 of
the assets of an insolvent "tiucun"
bnnk of small value, something which
is termed "Mount Hood" stock, pre
sumably a paper railroad of less value,
little office furniture, a few other
"chips and whetstones" of like char
acter, and a very few thousand dollars
;n real money beguiled from the noi.l-et-s
of men like T.eiter nnd Connell who
were deceived into believing thnt thev
were investing in a real bnnk and were
now awnkn to the actual facts poorer in
pocket, but immensely richer in exper
ience. ,
"The decree of the court below will
be modified so thnt the plaintiff receive
of defendant Ralston the sum of $24 -200
with interest at six per cent per
nii'Mim from Mnv 2, IflOS. and the costs
and disbursements of this court nnd
the circuit court."
Portland, Ore., Feb. 1 A Jer
sey calf one month old shot a
big tomcat with a revolver.
Dr. W. T. Simmons, dentist,
reputed to be a truthful man,
swears to this story.
Dr. Simmons has a farm near
Nehalem. Ho went to the barn
carrying a loaded revolver in his
hip pocket, the barrel point
ing upward. Tho tomcat was
nsiccp on a rafter. The dentist
stooped over to pick up a halt
er. The calf kicked him on the
hip pocket. The revolver roared
anil the tomcat came tumbling
down from its perch on the raf
ter. " Deader 'n a door nail,"
swears the dentist.
That "safety first" forum of the
fha, !.,. .if Pnm.no n.,,.1 .,,,1 ,.( the'
mcil mm Hiuriy is iirpcnueiii iin.iii- up-
on talk
One of Vessels Seeking Miss
ing Craft. Sights Her
Early This Morning
Washington, Feb. 1. Tho submarine
is sate. Captain Simpson, of the
sterrett, one of the vessels hunting for
the undersea vessel sinco she disap
peared mysteriously from the flotilla
near . narloston, wirelessed tho navy
deaprtment today that he had sighted
her at 3:50 a. m. todav five miles cast
of Fowey Rock, a light houso 10 miles
i rum .Miami, Florida.
Simpson said she was heading south
ward at 10 knots an hour and needed
iiu ...minuuiri-. ai ,no rat0 81l0 was
making, she was duo to reach Key
This message cleared awnv the Inst
doubt about the ship, after authorities
nan ieareil she had gono to the bottom
uiie me j -i ,n,i at Honolulu.
How she tunnelled to nnsa ('WW
ton, where the remainder of the If hnnt
flotilla stopped, was not immediHtetv
vni,,;...,.i '
War Orders Reopen
Many Textile Mills
Huston, Feb. 1. The woolen and
worsted mills in New England aro
thriving, according to the statistical
review of the Textile World Journal.
This condition is said to be representa
tive of the entire country. Idle, mills
were started, partly owing to war
orders and it is difficult to find a mill
capable of manufacturing profitably
without extensive rebuilding, that has
not been leased or purchased and put in
operation. The American Woolen com
pany has acquired nnother mill in
Maine, besides making many im
portant improvements and increases in
its various plants. Tho United States
Worsted Company has largely ro
equipped and started v.p tho Iroquois
Mills at Snugus, Mass., after an idleness
of many years. The Digelow-Hurtford
Carpet company is bringing about
manufacturing economics by building
new mills at Thompspnville, Conn., and
at Clinton, Mass., and converting ma
chinery from Lowell, Mass. Extensive
rebuilding operations aro under way at
the Sanford Mills at San ford, Maine.
Seven Gaited Horse
for Japanese Emperor
Los Angeles, Cal., Feb. 1. Sold to
(he Japanese Association of America
for presentation to the emperor of Ja
pan, Montgomery Rex, a seven gaited
Kentucky saddle horse, "Educated" in
Los Angeles, was shipped to San Fran
cisco, there to be placed nboaid a ves
sel bound for Nippon. Montgomery's
former owner was Charles R. lladley, of
Wilshire boulevard. The consideration
was said to have been $1,500.
Pasadena, Cal., Feb. 1 E. O. Jellicoc,
London barrister and relative of Sir
John Jcllicoc, commanding admiral of
the Hritish navy, believes today that
Americans should vote against prepar
edness and keep out of foreign alliances
in order to nvoid war.
Jellieoe is visiting here for tho win-
i tcr. Ho is of the opinion tho conflict
, - - r.
",H S",0? . WSa 08
.." """' "S "I" war US
rniany, and declares he has already
said so in articles for British newspa
j At Siherton, Oregon, January 28,
I'.IHI, Willi.nn 8. Adams, aged .ri! years
and 10 months. The cause of death
was pneumonia, although ho had been
in poor health since November, when
lie sustained a serious fall. Mr. Ad
airs was a former resident of Donna,
vhete he lived for n number of yenrs,
I I.... 41 e '
iiii-n; .our ycurs ago. Jic
iimvcs a wire nnn rour rnihiren, as fol
lows: John I). Adams, of Donna; Mrs.
Florence Reed, of Los Angeles; Jtoyd
Adams, of I.nkeview, and Otis Adams,
of Snlein. The funeral was held Holi
day .mil the remins were interred in
the I. 0. (). Y. cemetery at Salem.
Chickasha, Okla, Feb. 1. Patrolmnn
J. I,ee Tuck wus in an auto chasing a
mad (Iol'. .Steering with one hand, ho
own leg.
Mrew Ins revolver, took careful .inn
1. Tho bullet penetrated his
Portland, Or.. Feb. 1 Thirty
three and a half inches of snow
fell in Portland during Jan
uary, exceeding all records for
th.it month since 1SII0 when
3.1. II inches were recorded. Tim
figures were announced by
Forecaster Deals today. Wet
snow and sleet which baffled
snow plows, demoralized street
car traffic and coated wires
with ice, held Portland in its
grip lust night and early to
day. ;
Note Thrown From Porthole
of Captive Boat Gives
Name of Raider
Appam Could Easily Have
Ran Away From Her
Ships She Bagged 1
Norfolk. Va.. Feb. 1. A mesantrA
thrown from a porthole of the liner
Appam this afternoon to a United Press
staff correspondent revealed that th
name of her German captor was tha
Moowe. The message said tho Moew
started her remarkable raiding career
from tho Kiel canal, passing through
tho British blockade.
In addition to cnnture nf ihn Annum
seven victims were bagged by the ves
sel after she crent out onto the oc.enns.
These wero named in tho message as
Crowbridgo, coal laden, January 11.
Farringford, copper ore luden. Janu
ary 11.
Drummondy, coal laden, January 13.
Author, general cargo, January 1.1.
Ariadne, wheat, laden, January 13.
Trader, sugar laden, January 13.
Clan McTavish. renernl cartr in.'lnj?.
ing much beef, January 15.
She Fooled Them.
The Moewo nnnronched the Annam
with n Hritish flug flying at her mast,
but as she drew nearer the passenger
liner, she ran un the German flaw si
multaneously, she lowered the rak
aiues, wnicn made tier anneal a a.
tramp steamer, nnd dlsntaveci a full-
armament of 10 luch lnns The rnrh.r.
of the Appam was placed at CO mites
norm or tne Madeira Islands.
During her cruise, tne Moewo abio.
used the Swedish flag, the note mid:
Of the Moewe's victim, the fi ni.t
Clan McTavish was the largest. '
The Moowe was a small navul survey
shin with a sneed of ni.lv 10
and at a distance she appears "tramp-
British Shipping Scared.
Thoufrh the Annnm could ens.lv Kv
out distanced her, passengers said slia
snppeii up alongside before her identity
was known. It is reported that a Ger
man submnrine convoyed the Appam
for moro than half of her voyage from
the Caaary Islands
British vessels lici n-tTI nn
until they are certain no submarines are
lurking off the capes.
All of the crew of the Clan McTavish
wero killed when thev shnwcl r;rnt
ccpt four injured, placed aboard' the
ppam, according to an immigration of
ficer who boarded the Appam this aft
The Official hc.lrd It.nt ),no,. .L.
nermnns were fearful of the British in
their enre, they planted bombs around
tho Appam and announced they would
meet nny mutiny aboard by exploding
in., uomos. iniy women nnd children
wero allowed fr..n,l.i. .i.v.
ino Appam carried no Americans.
Bulls and Bears Plav
Ball WitUtock Market
(Copyright l!H, by the New York Ev
ening Post.)
New York, Feb. 1. The general and
vigorous recovery on the wtock ex
change today was not in response to any
particular turns in news developments,
but it illustrated well the recent char
acter of the market. In fact, the days
news had little or no influence.
Changes at tho opening were nnim
portunt except in a few industrial is
sues which wero bid up violently for
tho apparent purpose of attracting out
sido speculative interests. Somo of theso
went higher afterward, but most of
them went lower. Railway shares, and
stocks like steel, though not changed
much at the opening ndvanceing one to)
two points and lost less of thfllr ad
vance in the closillir hour tlifln K.I IK.
speculative stocks.
Oregon: Tonight
rain south, rain
or snow nortll
portion, not so
cold; Wednesday
rain south, rain
or snow north,
portion; souther
ly winds.