"HEEZA aily Capital JournaTs Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One Cent per word for the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion SS3 CHIROPRACTIC SPINOLOOIST DK. O. I.. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain T ! on il , D.ivenport, Iowa. Jf you have tried everything and have got no relief, try Chi i-oprac-tie spinal adjustments ami get well. Office 400-7-S '. S. National Hank Building. Ijhone Main ST. Residence Main 82S-H. CLEANERS AND DYERS AP9AREL SERVICE COMPANY 1,'iS South High street. We elean, press, repair, remodel and re-line clothing and furs. Careful 'Attention given all work. We o a 11 .uid deliver, l'hono 72S. DENTISTS DR. O. A. OLSON, .DENTIST Administers Nitrous O.id and Ogvgen (las Room 214. - riionellO. Masonic Teuile. Salem, Ore. LODGE DIRECTORY A. O. V. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 in the McCornack hall, corner Court and Liberty streets, 1!. 0. Donaldson, M. W.; S.' A. MeFadden, recorder; A. L. Brown, Financier, SALEM LOi-iiE No. 4, A. V. & A. M. Stated communications first Friday in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple, ('has. M. Carter, W. M.; S. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC L01HIE No. 30, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Friday in each month .it 7:30 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Hal Y. Bolam, W. M.; Ernest II. Choate, secretary. SALEM II I'M AXE SOCIETYD. D. Keeler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. R. N. OF A. "Oregon Crape Camp," No. 13(10, meets every Thursday ev ening in McCornack building, court and Liberty streets: elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Sclmupp, 1791 Market, oracle; Bits. Melissa Persons, recorder. 129(1 North Commercial. Phone lf;0-M. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri day in each month nt 8 o'clock p. rn., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with us. Lot L. l'earce, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. CENTRAL I.OIH'.E No. It, l. of P. McCorn.iek building. Tuesday even ing of each week at 7:30. F. F. Sen ram, C C.j W. B. Cilson, K. of 11. and S. CIIADWICK CHARTER, No. 37, O. E. S. Regular meeting every first .mil third Tuesday at S p. m.'in the Ma sonic Temple. Minnie Mueller, W. M.; Ida M. Ilabcock, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet everv Friday night at S o'clock in McCornack ' block. 11. W. Miicejy C. C; L. S. (leer, clerk. 5U7 Court: street. Phone ,V.i;l. MULTNOMAH ROYAL ARCH C1IAI' TER. No. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet-1 ing second Friday in each month atl 8 p. m. in the Masonic Temple. Ray; F. Rich.mlson. Ex. High Priest; Rns-i sell M. Brooks, secretary. j MODERN WOODMEN (!' AM ERICA i Oregon Cedar Camp. No. 5211!,: meets every Thursday evening nt 8; o'clock in McCornack hall corner! Court and Lihertv streets. Elevator service. W. W. ilill, Y. ('.; Rex. A. Turner, clerk. 1'NITED ARTISAN'S Capital Assem bly, No. S4. meets every Wednesday,' at' 8 p. m. in Moose hall. O. O. Ma't-! lock, M. A.; C. Z. Randall, secret iry,i Salem Bank of Commerce. j HODSON t Ol'Ni II., No. 1. R. & S. M.i Stated assembly first Monday in j each mouth, .Masonic Temjde. N. P. j Rasmusscn, Thrice Illustrious Mas-j ter: Olenn C Niles. recorder. I MISCELLANEOUS 1 WISH TO LOAN" $19i0 On Port-1 property, A-l security. Will1 t v r. . . . Address l)-l."i, caro Jouir- JanSli CALL PS 1H22. Fixit Shop. Ask' about repair work in general. Don't! forget we do rug cleaning also. Ash-i inon-Biickner. 2iil Court street. Sa-j loin, Oregon. Febl9 ! . i CHOI) 1'M'D Fl'RNITI RE lioughtj and also taken in exchange. Full! iine new furniture, rouses, heaters! and other house furnishings. Somoi walnut pieces, l'eetz Furniture Co.,' i33 .North Commercial street. Phone I CSi. tfl BOOB." as an Entertainer OSTEOPATH DNS. B. If. WHITE and R. W. WAL-j TON Osteopathic physicians and J nerve specialists. Graduate of Amer-j ican School of Osteopathy, Kirks ville, Mo. l'ost graduate and special-1 ized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat acute and chronic dis- eases. Consultation free. Larlv nt-. tendant. Office 50,1-500 I.'. S.' Na-! tional Hank Building. I'hone 859. Residence 340 North Capital street., Phono 309. i PHYSICIAN DR. D. B. GRIFFIN Drug and drink j cure. i ir street, near .Meyers street. Phone 1037,1. TOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS For rent, verv reasonable. Phono 1095. FOR RENT 7 1-2 acres miles from Court Honse, east, crop for sale, 8 room house, chicken House, garage and barn. Idle place, for chicken ranch, fresh Jersey cow also 5-pas-senger Ford c.ir In good condition. R. ti, Box 119. Feb 8 FOR SALE OVKRLAND CAR For i. Cade, West Salem. Inquire Jan31 EOli SALE A bean duplex power sprayer, used three seasons, an ex cellent machine, cheap. II. Steven son, Route 4. Feb2 FOR SALE Cheap, household goods, including one good organ, range, chiffioneer, etc. Some canned fruit. .1. R. Baxter, South Winter and Hoyt streets. Janill FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 10 acres good, new, small buildings, closo in, lino l.ind. Will take Salem proper ty. Square Deal licaltv Co., ;i04 U. S. Ban); 111 dir. SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Clin lies Soos, proprietor. O.ubage and rel'uso of all kinds removed on monthly contracts at reasonable rates. Yard and cess pools cleaned. Office pliouo Main 2217. Residence Main 2272. UNDERTAKERS WEIlll & CLOI.'CH CO.-C, P.. Webb, A. M. Clongh morticians and funeral directors. Latest modern methods known to the profession emploved. 199 Court street. M.iin 12tl, Main'lKSS. Kill l)( . VR III 1 A RDSO.V CO. I'll n era I directors .m-.l undertakers, 252 Nort.i High street. Day and night phom? m. WANTED WANTED Position on farm for man and wife. Inquire D. Cade, West Sa lem. Jau31 WANTED To tiade good lot in re stricted district, for team, harness and farm wagon. Address J. (J, care of .Tniirn il. ,Ian31 WATER COMPANY 8ALEM WATF.R COMPANY Office corner Coasiercial and Trade streets. For water service apply at office. n'IU rmrnhle monthly in advance. MONCY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Oyer Ladd & Busli Bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACK BUILDING t t SALEM FENCE and i STOVE WORKS X. B. FLEMING, Prop. Deaot American Fence Gates, Plain and Barbed Wlr. Punt, Oils and Varnishes, looflng, Fosti, Hop Hooka. 40 Years Making Stoves ItoTM rebuilt and repaired. Stoves bought and told. 250 Court Street. Phone 124 Back of Chicago Stora. At THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, JAN. 31, 1916. Champion Woman Orange Grower Dons Overalls (By 1'nited Press.) San Bernardino, Cal., J.in. 29. Miss Susie Stocksehlueder, formerly of Rochester, N. Y., who wears overals while at work is generally regarded here as the champion woman orange grower of America. She is 22 years old. A few years ago she started ranching with five acres and nothing worth mentioning growing on it, but herself. Today that land and other acreage she admired is producing a nursery and fruit stock worth about $1.1,000 a year. She his 3.1,000 budded trees. Five thousand of them are cit rus trees, ready for this spring's mar ket. Ten thousand moie of them are growing for a later market. When nnyj of the mere men farmers are at a loss I for information they go .uid ask "Susie." If they do what she says, usually they make money by it, thcyi say. In the groves the girl wears over-1 alls and a blue shirt, and does as strcn-. nous manual labor as any the place. RURAL TELEPHONE LINES MUST ORGANIZE I At the meeting last Mondav of thcIHran -"" owners of the rural telephone lines' run- i Shorts, per ton $'28.00 ning out of (lervais, Mr. John Fersch-I weiler and S. 11. Brown were chosen to i Butter. represent them at the conference Wed-1 Butterfat ,12c, nesday held in the rooms of the Pub-1 Creamery butter, per pound 34c lie Service Commission in Portland, for Country Butter 25c the purpose of making .irrangcnientsl ' tor an interchange of toll telephone service out of (lervais. An agreement has been made, verb ally, ami things can go no further un til the rural phone owners of this place organize, and elect officers with the power to sign the contracts access; to secure the desired results. A meeting has been called for Fri d.iv. February 4 at, 2 n. in. sh.iro for tiie -purpose of organizing and every! me interested is urged to be on hand. I A representative of both the Pacific ! Telephone Co. and tho Northwestern j leiepnone i o., Mr. .Miller, punlic ser vice commissioner, and Mr. Iturscll, en gineer of the commission, will be here and explain the different ways of or ganizing and necessity of it. Don't for-1 : .i..,.. i i i... I mm- iiiiii uv iii,- in nr ('icscill promptly on lime. (lervais Star. WILL RETURN TO SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. F. Koehler and I! daughter, of Aumsville, were in the city Saturday making arrangements to return to Silverton the first of Febru ary, They tire old-time residents of this city and it will be just like return ing home. They will occupy their own home on West Hill, which was recently vacated by the Johnnie Riches family. J. Oildow, father of Mrs. Koehler, will return with them. Mrs. Koehler in forms us that the Silverton Appeal has been in the Oildow and Koehler home ever since the first copy made its ap pearance. To be without the paper would seem strange ineed. Silverton Appeal. Try Capital Journal Want Ads, L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known diS6LSG 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. 56 'fS 3C dfC 9C 36 3( fc 9C 56 9C 3C 3C STENOGRAPHERS Why Noi Use Columbia QUALITY Caxboni? Made In Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed. from Each Sheet. Columbia Carbon Paper Mfg. Co. 33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore. CHICHESTER S PILLS V y v Tin: pi a o r iiiiimi. a artM. A. fyri Ml- III M.TPRI JW. known sti fte'.t, Si(st. Krlu' lt J 7'..v I.a4lral At .r Itrnc.Ul tr A fS 4 l'l-"-lr.lllmJ7lrilA ftl ''" m ' " 1 1,1 V w i "nil iii io Kii.iHtn. TA iksaVl Til.ii p. olhr. Rn, .r rinr V I - Jf SOLD Blf DRUGGISTS tVESIYVVKCRE THE MARKETS As a general proposition, Monday markets show but little changes, drains and mill feed stuffs are holding at the price of list week. Eggs are stiffen ing in price and arc up one cent from last Saturday. The weather is respon sible. When the warm rains and high er temperature comes, dealers figure that the prices will fall back to the eVel of about two weeks ago, The price quoted todav for potatoes, $1.75, appear.) to be rather above the market. One farmer was in the city th: morning and claimed that $1.25 was the highest offer, either from a commission hoove or local dealers. Oral us. flay, timothy, per ton Oats, vetch Cheat $14.00 $12.00(3 1-2.50 $11.00 (il 1 ,t,in iim j Y heat !)0c I Oats 40c barlt'Jr Corn $40.00 I Cracked corn T,ol'l Eggs and poultry. Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash ... Eggs, case count, cash Eggs, trade 35c 33e 35c Ileus, pound 12 l-2c t , 1 r r.t 7 i o I Spring chickens, pound 12 1-Sc Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed 11c Pork, dressed 8 l-2c Pork, on foot G l-lfiO l-2c Spring lambs 7c Steers Cows Bulls l-2(7i0c ,. 4(o!k 3 l-2c 5c (ic Ewes Wethers Vegetables. i Cabbage 2.00 $1.7o((i2.00 15c Tomatoes, California ' " (," Slnni, frnrltn . . . Potatoes, cwt $1.75 Brussels sprouts Sweet potatoes Beets Carrots Turnips Celery, case Onions California head lettuce, case .. 10c .ii.oo i $i.oo! $1.00 il OO ' "5 ln'r'n T-"" Apples, Hood River . . $1 z . i r i ! i 1 . 1 1, i I o onfi ok! v- JW' "p j V," 'o'r(i'-i ' 5 14 ' tk'n'nr f. f, i 80.uu(ui..i Hi - Prults. Oranges, Navels Tangerines oranges ... Lemons, por box Bananas, pound California grape fruit Dates, dromedary, case Fard dates $1.00 1 drapes, barrels $(.00' Cranberries $12.00, Pineapples 7 1 -2c Honey $3.50! Retail Prices. Eggs, per docn, fresh ranch .... 40c Sugar, cane $(!.90 Sugar, I). O $0.70 Creamery butter 40c Flour, hard wheat $1.00 $1.90 Flour, valley $l..'i0r $1.00 PORTLAND MARKET. Portland, Or., Jan. .'IL Wheat - ('lull I imcfrt $1.11.1; Blii.'stcm $I.H.iri$l."S. Forty Fold, 9Hcj$l.ni. Red 'Russian. 97C$I0I. Oats No. I White Feed, $: Hogs, best live, $7..10. Prime steers, $7.00. Fnncv Cows. ii.2.1(f($(i..l(l. Calves. $7diS. Spring Lambs. $1..!.". Butter City Creanierv, ?,U Eggs Selected local extras, Hens, I IcCi 10c; broilers, geese, lOcfii I lc, , 4ii,-. 1 1-1 I." SON DIES SUDDENLY Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Larson received the sad intelligence Sunday morning that their oldest son, Rev. W. A. Lar son, passed iihiiv suddenly at his home in Mclfenry. North Dakota He was 45 years of age. A. L. Larson, brother, left for that place Sunday evening. Rev Larson leaves three small chil dren, his wife having itled two years ago. Silverton Appeal. TRY JOURNAL WANT ADS. Good Vaudeville Empress vaudeville went back to the (I rand yesterday for its regular week ly showing in Salem, and a well bil anced motion play thrown in for good measure. The two Freehand brothers opened the performaiK'O with an act sufficient ly strong to warrant their claim to be ing master equilibrists. A xylophone specialty act by the Tyler St. Cl.iire Trio possessed far more musical merit than the usual run of such acts. llearu and lleuter were excellent as soft shoe dancers. Frank Shields, acrobatic lariat man ipulator, did some marvelous tricks with the rope. Frank posseses a na tive wit, which he uses to advantage. Tom and Stacia Moore have a bully sketch in " My lireani Girl.'' Moore iH one of those engaging comedians who might talk ami sing till they are black in the face ind broken down in all of their joints, and still the audience will ask for more. A feature of this act was the costumes shown by the lady end of the team. The bill closed with "The Enchanted Forest," one of .Menlo Moore's fantas- itic playlets, with Mother (louse riivmes an, CiUiracters as l eausi lor action, in this act, Special scenerv was used some of which was more than ordinar ily good. OBITUARY Catherine Fuchs died at a Salem hos pital this week and her body was brought here for interment in the Keil family cemetery. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon. Funeral Director S. A. Miller went to Salem to bring back the body, Catherine Fuchs was born April 10, 1824, at ririchsteln, Germany. At the age of 10 years she came to America with her parents, settling in the state of Pennsylvania near the present site of Pittsburg, While there the family became members of the church. Later Miss Fuchs join ed the Bethel, Missouri, Colony, finally crossing the plains in 185.1 to Willapn, Wash., then to 1'ortland, and in 18.17 came to Aurora, where she lived all the intervening years. She died Jan uary 2n. ll)l(i, aged 9.1 years, 9 months and E! davs. PHILLIPS A CANDIDATE Clarence Phillips, of Scotts Mills, was here .Monday. . He is a candidate for the republican nomination for county superintendent of schools, to 1 succeed Win. Smith, the present snperin- ; i i .... , ...i... t 1...1.1 ..i-r:,., . 11 1 , mi il us ii 1 1 cull y iniiiniii',- i mi' -''"'"" enmity precincts strongly in the primaries three years ago nnd feels tl,.. lii, ., will do still better this spring. He has many friends here who will kup- port him strongly, urging his claims on "I, Cronni' "f ability, experience, and progressive ideals. Phillips has an abiding faith that he will be the next ''ount.v superintendent of schools and !' in opponents will have to "go Home" (0 m,i( Mm mif Aim,rft Observer. LOSES A VALUABLE COW : (lie Hovde, who lives on Route 'i. , lost a valuable cow a few days ago j from bloat. The cow was apparently I in good health the night before, but in the morning, when lie went out to take care of the stock, he found her dead, j He had been feeding kale, but was ! careful not to feed it to the stock while in n fiozcii condition, as this will very often cause bloat. Air Ilovdc does not j think that the kale was the cause of ' death. He is looking for it cow that will take her place and has loolu'd over 'a number of the nuliiials offered for j sale, but as yet has not found hat he ; wants. Silverton Appeal. ! HAS NATURAL TAL- i BNT FOR PAINTIN' Little Miss Cleo Smith, 14 -year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arln Ruble, has a natural instinct for drawing and painting. Ever since she was a verv i small child she has shown an aptitude for drawing pictures. During the past two years she has been working with Water colors and has produced some very nice work. 'With proper training, there is no telling but Hint she ninv develop into one of the world's leading artists. Silverton Appeal. SAVED THE TERRIER, Portland. Or., men and two hours to rescue terrier from an Inn. 28. Three police firemen, worked twoi Jnines Fuuicr's fox old 75 foot well into uliuli it had fallen. We'll (el) you, of the world. everv dnv the news By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES Salem Steam laundry, 130 South Liberty Main 21 PLUMBING, STEAM PITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 1G1 South Commercial rcet Main 19a TRANSFER AND DRAYAGE Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front Btrects Main 74 JOB PRINTING Beaver State Printers, Fatton Block 1513 YOU for that bothersomo skin trouble, the two distinct types of eczema. Poole's TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. North Bound l(i Oregon Express 5:00 a. m. 51 Sound Special 0:12 a. m. 28 Willamette Limited 9:22 a. m. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. .12 Shasta Limited 11:55 a. m. 18 Portland Passenger 1:30 p. rn. 20 Portland Passenger 5:00 p. m. 14 rortlnnil ,xpress....S:UU p. in. v.. ikio .in, Cortland last. Fr't 10:.I8 p. m. Local way Fr't 10:35 u, in. South Bound, 15 - California Express 3:32 a. m. 17 h'oseluirg Pass'n'r 11:20 u. ni. 5.1 Exposition Special 2:42 p. ni. 19 Cottage (Irovo I'lisC 4:20 p. m. 11 Shasta Limited 5:43 p. in, 27 Willamette Limited 6:10 p. m. 13 San Francisco Ex, 10:38 p, m. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 221 San Francisco Fast Freight 12:3.1 a. m. No. 225 Local way Fr't 8:10 a. m. Salem-Ocer Line. No. No, No. No. 73 Arrives at Salem 9:15 a. m. 70 Leaves Suleui 9:50 a. m. 7-1 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p. m. 71 Leave Salem 4:15 p. in. "No connection south of Gecr. Salem, Falls City and Western. No. UII Lv. Salem, motor ....7:00 a. in. No. 103 Lv. Salem, motor ...H: 1.1 a. in. No, 10.1 Lv. Salem, motor ....1:40 p. in. No. 107 Lv. Salem, motor ....4:00 p. ni. No. 100 Lv, Salem, motor ....0:15 p. in. No. 239 Way Fr't lv. Salem 5:00 u. m. No. 102 Ar. Salem 8:40 a. m. No. 101 Ar. Salem 11:25 u. m. No. (i(l Ar. Salem 3:15 p. in. No. 108 Ar. Snlcni ......11:00 p. in. No 170 Ar. Salem 7:45 p. in. No. 240 Way Fr't ar. Salem 1:35 p. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. North Bound. Train No. Ar. Portland Lv. Salem 4:3.1 a. in. 7:15 a. in. 9:45 a. in. 11:20 a. in. 1 : 15 p. m. 4:00 p. m. 5:37 p. in. 7:15 p in. . 2 Owl (i 10 Limited . 0:15 a. in. 9:25 a. m. 11:35 a. in. . 1:35 p. m. . 4:00 p. in. 12 14 10 Limited .... 29 5:50 p, in. 7:50 p. ni. 22 10:00 p. ui. South Bound. Portland tq Salem. Lv. Portland. , Ar. Salem (i:l.ln.m S:5j . (Snlem only) 8:2.1 a. m. ...." Limited 10:11 a, m. Canital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Wast M. Burger. 1 NEED Dry Zensal and 50 cents a Jar. Moist Zensal for Drug Store 10:40 a. ni. 2:05 p. m. 4:40 p.m. . 0:05 p.m. . 9:20 p.m. . 11:15 p.m. . 12:55 p, a. .. 4:25 p. ui. . ., 0:40p.m. ... 8:10p.m. . 11:25 p.m. , . 1:55 p.m. Ar. Salem. , , 5:37 p.m. Ar. Snlom. , . 0:45 a.m. . 3:55 p.m. . 7:55 p.m. . 3:10 a.m. Ar. Thigenc. . . 6:50 a.m. Ar. Eugene. . 9:30 a.m. .. 12:25 p.m. Ar. Albany. , . 1:50 p.m. at Corvulii-a. Ar. Albany. . . 5:20 p.m. Ar. Eugene. ti:45 p.m. Ar. Eugene. , . 8:50 p.m. 13 Limited , 17 Local . . .. 19 , 21 Owl .. North Bound. Lv. Corvallis 4:10 p.m. .. Lv. Eugeiio. 7:35 a.m. ,. 20 10 Limited , 10 Limited . .... 22 ... 2 Owl ... South Bound. .. 21 Owl .. 05 . 5 Limited . 1:50 p.m. 5:25 p.m. 12:05 p.m. I, v. Salem. 2:00 a.m. . Lv. Salem. 7:10 a. ni. 10:15a.m. . Lv. Salem. 12:55 p.m. . Lv. Snlem. Stops 1:20 p.m. . Lv. Salem. 0:40 p.m. 1.", Woodburn Local Daily Except Sundays. No. b4 Leaves Salem (:40 p.m. No. 03 Arrives in Salem .... 3:23p.m. CORVALLIS CONNECTION North Bound. Lv. Corvallis Ar. Salein 8:2.1 a .in 10 9: 15 a.m. 12: 12 p.m 14 1 :45 p.m. 2:32 p.m. . 10 4:00 p.m. t:lll p. in 20 5:37 p.m. 0:18 p.m 22 7:55 p.m. South Bound. Lv. Salein Ar. C'orvallis 10:1.1a. ni 5 11:33 a.m. 4:2.1 p.m 9 5:47 p.m. 12:55 p.m 7 2:20 p.m. 0:40 p. in 13 8:00 p.m. WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation Company Leave Portland for Oregon City, Butte ville, Newberg, Mission (St. Paul), Wheatland, Salem (daily except Sunday) 6:45 a.m. Leave Portland for Independence, Al bany, Corvallis, (Tuesday, Thursday und Saturday) 0:45 i.m. Returning. Leave Corvallis Albany Independence (! a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. 7 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. 9 a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. 10 a.m. Mon., Wed. Fri. Salem .. Salem .. 6 a. ni. Tues., Thurs., Pat.