Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 31, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Sport News
Exide Battery
. Give$ more .service than any Battery on
the market.
Buy a guaranteed Battery. We make re
placements on any make of Battery. Com
plete stock at all times. All kinds of Gen
eral Repairing and Overhauling. We are
installing the latest machinery that will en
able us to make quick repairs. Only first
class mechanics employed, no apprentices
in shop.
Complete line of Supplies for Hudson,
Auburn and Reo Cars. Shop open until
Full line of Auto Accessories.
Great Western Garage
C. C. SIMERAL, sole owner. Opposite Court House
i -i- f i i m 1 1 i ' i
.m I "11 I 'I I e. I
Ml "st-iTf I V V f
& i n
W&mA mi
Limit of Salaries at $4,500 : Minister Who Is Member of
Will Stay Other News in
Sporting Line
Raided Club Attacks Sheriff
From Pu!pit
- ft...
Quantity of Products Not So
Much Needed He Tells
Marion Farmers
Quality and not nunntity is what the
fanners of the Willamette valley
shoul.l strive for, aeeonliiij; to Profes
sor (r. B. Bouquet of the pnritt-ntiiy de
part ment of the O. A. ;. J n his nil-
Iress Saturday afternoon at the com
mercial club, ho told the farmers their
salvation was in producing bettor veg
etables. To illustrate what the farin
t'i8 aro bringing to the Salem markets,
just before, he began his Address, he
went to a grocery store and bought an
assortment of onions, beets and cab
bages. 'I'ho onions were small anil r.prouty,
the cabhago was uieiliuin and mushy
ami the beets vveie ol' the small variety
.tnd they were brought to the Salem
market and sold to a grocer. If these
were a sauplo of what the average
fanner was raising, i'rof. 'ISouquet
thought the said farmers were in need
of consideraide education.
"Wo need a letter potato seed in
this country," s.iid the piofessor.
"Any northern seed is all right. It
does not malic inucii difference wheth
er tliey are liurliaiilvs or (iold Coin,
just so they hive s piare emls and are
of good size.
"The dealer does not care anything
about the name of a potato as all he
w. ints is one of good size and shape."
Blarrts tlio Farmers.
Hector Aiaeiiherson, field agent for
the t). A. '., told of the troubles of
farmers' comiuc-Mon incises and tiaced
them all io t!ie la. i that fanners would
not giade (',. standardize their products
and to the tai-1. that they would not
st.ind together.
"I do not go much on farmers run
ning a eo-opeiativo store as not one in
-0 will sin-ieed," he said. The fail
ure of cooperative stores he thought
was due to the fact that farmers would
not stick together aim also the well
known fact that l'.irmers expected their
eo-opeiativo store to sell their inferior
IlliKtinl inj tl point that farmers
would cot stay wit n their co-operative
stores unless tied up with an iron clad
.contract, he referred to one of the suc
cessful cheese factories at Tillaino'ik.
Tlio farmers intere-U'il, in order to
raise addition.vl money, all went on a
joint note, which made them severally
liable lor the whole amount. When
things were going bad at first, many
Get Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
That Is the Jovful cry of thousands slne
Dr. Ivlvvarila rudutcil OUvo Tablets, the
substitute for calomel.
Ir. l-Mwanls, a pra.-tlclns physician for
17 years and calomels old-time enemy,
discovered tlio formula for Olive Tablet?
while trcntliiK patlciitM for chronic consti
pation and torpid livers.
Pr. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not con
tain calomel, but a lualinij, soothing vefe'e
iuble laxative.
No Rrl) !ni? Is the "keynote" of these Ut
ile su);ar-couted, olive-colored tablets. They
alive tlio bowels and liver to act normally.
They liuver lurce them to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth" novj
mid t'lien a bad breath a dull, tired feel
ing Ki. it iinAiliu be tornlil liver and arc
t'onptlrmteil, you'll find iillc, sure and only ,
rlciisant ifsultH from one or two little Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets ut bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every nlnlit
Just to keep right. Try Ibein. Hie. and s.m.
per liox. All dnu-'Klsts. ,
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, U
wanted to get out but were unable on
aecount of their name being on the
Finally, by forcing them to hold on
and co-operate, the factory bec.ime
successful. Prof. Muepherson told the
farmers they could not expect to have
the commercial clubs fight their bat
tles, and he did not believe the farm
ers would solve their problems by
hanging on to business men's associ
ation. If farmers want to organize a pro
duce (onipiny, they should have a
paid manager, just liko the Snlom
Poultry and Egg Circle. "The busi
ness men's interests ami the farmers'
interests are of two different kinds,"
said Mr. Macpherson. Kach should
have p, representative or malinger and.
e.ieh must stand on its own organiza
tion. L. H. McMahan Speaks.
L. If. llcMuhan told the farmers
they were the hardest men in the
world to get to do something for them
selves. He related difficulties he en
countered in organizing the Oregon
Hop drawers' association. Vor t lie
first time in the state of Oregon, the
fanners whipped the other fellow when
the Oregon Hop Growers' association
got their price for their hops."
Tiie facts brought before the farm
ers are about as follows: I'rof. llou
rmot: The fanners should raise a bet
ter grade of produce. When this is
lone, ho will have no difficulty in
finding a market. I'rof. ilaepherson:
farmers should learn to grade and
pack their produce. Co-operative stores
fail because farmers do not have a
standard of produce. Tf farmers had a
local brgnnizuion at each shipping
point with n business man .who forced
them to glade and properly pack, there
would be un difficulty in getting the
right price from the 1'ortland commis
sion men.
Xo date was set for tho next meet
ing. This was left to tho committee of
which (leorge V. Weeks is chairman.
New Books Received
at Public Library
Tin1 following new books have been
received at tiie public binary during
the past week:
lliirnliani, ('. L., The right princess.
Crawsliaw. V. D., Manual arts for
vocutionul ends.
Davis, ,1, !., Vocational -lad moral
Lincoln, .1. (.'., Thankful's inherit
ance. Marcpiand, A.. History of sculpture.
Mem-ken. II. I)., Cist of Kietzselic.
Mugge, if. A., Friodrieh Nietzsche.
Hoss, K. A., hanging America.
rNindow, K., Strength and health.
Sargent. I. A., Ijiivsical education.
Smith. I'. II., r-'clix C'Day.
Win Schaick, (,'., Swoetapple Cove.
Akin, J'., Opeia stories from Wag
ner. Dinim-k, A. W., He prepared; or, The
boy scouts in Florida.
(lilinan, M. L., Sent work and indus
trial occupations.
Iloltou, M. A., Industrial work for
public schools.
i'nrton, J., Captains of industry.
Sage, H., Occupations for little" fin
gers. Wade, M. H. (P.)., The light bring
ers. Worst, K. 1. Constructive work.
Washington, .lan. 31. Discussing in
formally and secretly international re
lations before, the house foreoign com
mittees today, Secretary of State Lans
ing asked a 1,1011,11111.1 increase in the
state department fund for confidential
work abroid, ill which no account is
San .'Francisco, dan. 31. Tt was a
disgruntled kit of songbirds that is
opera stars who found tntit becauso
of the wreck of the " fjirk " ahead of
them, they would be late for a perform
ance here last nignt.
Pan Francisco, Jan. ;il. The well
known dove of pence will have full op-j
portunity to flutter over the f pciul
meeting of the Pacific Coast league ,
here tomorrow. Henry Berry, owner of
the 8eals, will not stage a battle with
Walter or Judge McCredie here over
Walter 's charges against Henry, for the
simple reason that neither of tho Me
Credies will be here. Owner Leavitt,
of Oakland, will hold the Portland
proxy. .
Neither will there be any scrap over
the proposal to raise the -salary limit of
tho league to $5,000 a month. With
Portland, Salt Lake and Oakland
9trongly opposed to such action, Berry
declared today he was not in favor of
standing pat on the (4,500 limit.
"If three of the six clubs favor
standing on the 44,600 limit," he said,
"I do not believo in trying to force
a higher limit on them."
Borry, Owner Powers of I.os Angeles,
and Leavitt will be tho only magnates
in attendance at tomorrow's meeting.
Frank Chance, of the Angels, will be in
town with Powers.
A Hot Air Tight Only.
Portland, Ore., Jan. 31. With the
announcement that Henry Berry, owner
of the Pan Francisco Seals, has practi
cally decided to oppose the Increased
salary limit for Pacific Coast league
clubs, the (piarrel betweon Berry and
Walter MeCredia had subsided today
except for somo personal bitterness.
MeCrcdie will not attend the Ran
Francisco meeting of the magnates
Tuesdnv. he -said.
Seattle, Wa-h.. Jan. Z. "The soli
citude of Kev. Dr. Matthews for the
protection of the homes against raids
of the sheriff for liquor violations is
probably not unmixed with his mem
bership in the Rainier club which I
raided recently," said Sheriff Bob
Hodge here today in reply to criticism
made by Dr. Matthews in a sermon
last night.
"Tho breweries and liquor inter
ests," declared Dr. M. A. Matthews,
former moderator of tho Presbyterian
church of America, and pastor here of
the First I"resbyteri.)n church, "are
bucking the present campaign of Sher
iff! Hodge in rniding private residences.
It.ia done to make the prohibition law
odious rather than from ,i desire, to
enforce it.
Dr. Matthews is a member of the lia
inier club, tho most exclusive club in
tho city, which was the tirst to be
raided by Hodge, and a big quantity
of booze taken from the linen room.
Then followed Hodge's raids on the
homes of 1). E. Skinner and William
Boeing, millionaires, where ho seized
liquors valued at $K,000.
In an affidavit filed in Justice
Brinker's court, Boeing declared that
Hodgo failed to account for all the
liquors seized. Replying to this charge,
Hodge has a suit on file today against
Hoeing, asking $100,000 damages for
Will Not Come Out.
Oakland. Cal Jan. .",1. Reports that
"Jap" Barbean, inficlder recently pur
chased from Milwaukee by Manager
Elliott of the Oaks, will refuse to play
this far west reached here today in dis
patches from Milwaukee.
Girl's Parents Stand by
Minister She Accuses
Chico. Cab, Jan. 111. Branded by To
yew old (Intrude l.ani ou as her be
trayer, l!ev. Madison Slaughter, pastor
of the First Baptist church, found to
day ho has not only the support of the
girl's parents, but likewise, of tho ma
jority of his parishioners, in a fight to
ciear his nine.
Meantime, ho will not occupy his pul-i
pit, but intends to carry' on a cam-:
plgn in an effort to prove his conten
tions th.it ho is the victim of a "frame,
up" by liquor interests. j
Slaughter yesterday was the center
of a dramatic episode when, refusing!
to occupy his pulpit, he made an i sit- j
passioned speech from the floor of his!
church, denying the chatges ugaiust
him made to the giand jury, The Lam-!
son girl's parents sided with hi n iuj
speeches to the eongregttion.
Slaughter maintains that, the charges I
are part of a systematic campaign
liquor interests have made against him
lor several ye.trs.
Another letter has been received by
City Baseball League officials from
John 1). Turner, the Salem, Ore., attor
ney, who is visiting in (.reggs. Pa.
Mr. Turner expects to be back in
Oregon before the bust-ball season
starts. !
He is extremely eager to have his
city represented in the league and as
Salem and McMinuville both drew large
crowds last summer, it would not be
a surprise to him to see both of theie
cities taken in the circuit. Turner
wants the schedule arranged so that
there will be a team in Salem every
Sunday with them taking a. trip to Mc
Minuville and Portland occasionally.
He feels sure that the Capital City
would enjoy good attendance all sea
son. Turner advocates a rubj to prohibit
the playing in the league of ballplay
ers under contract to any league with
a rating higher than 1). ' He expects to
use the same class of players which
composed the Senators last season. Sa
lem had a team consisting of home
boys alone and were huid to meat.
Turner adds in his letter, that he will
abide by anything that the directors
of the city circuit decide to do.
The City League meeting w ill be held
tomorrow night at .'101 Fcufon building.
Portland Oregonian. ;
He Refused to Wink
for the Price Offered
Rev. Carl 11. Elliott spoke Sunday
morning to his junior congregation in
tho First Presbvterian church on the
text found in Micnh ti:. "Whnt doth
the Lord require of thee but to do
justly and to love kindness and to
walk humbly with thy (iodf lie told
the boys and girls that he wanted to
emphasize this morning especially the
part "doing justly." This means do
ing honestly, being fair .lud square al
ways. The finest examplo of honesty
that had come under his notice recent
ly the minister said was a man who
represented a big corporation and was
approached by a man representing in
other big firm. The latter said to him,
"You can bo a rich man by simply
winking your eye if your firm is go
ing to purchase a certain railroad to
morrow. You need not say a word and
.yon cm afterward say truthfully that
you never told a soul. Simplv wink
and we will give you $100,HU0.'" The
man refused to wink. His firm bought
tho railroad as he knew it intended to
do r nd the next day tho man who tried
to loibe him met him and said, " You
might have been a rich man if you had
w;iy winked." To which the other
man replied, "Yes. but I would have
sold my .unit.'' He was an honest
As r 1 oy he doubtless played fair on
the school gioiuiil, was square at reci
t -1 1 ti.ii ami iii examination and every
where respected tlio property and per
sonal lights of the other fellows.
The Smoke of the Active!
There's one fashion that never changesthe refreshing, whole
some, youthful, spirited fashion of "rolling your own" for a lively
smoke with good old "Bull" Durham.
In no other way can you get a cigarette so fresh and fragrant,
so full of vigor, energy and action. The man who "rolls his own'
with "Bull" Durham has the taste of a connoisseur.
Aik for FREE
package of " paper $"
mi th each Sc tack.
The wonderful mildness of "Bull" Durham sets it apart from all other
tobaccos, and its unique mellov;-swrt flavor gives
distinctive enjoyment to a cigarette.
"Bull" Durham is made of "bright" Virginia-North
Carolina leaf the choicest that grows. It is smooth,
rich, most satisfying and mild.
Start "rolling your own" with "Bull" Durham nn::',
and you'll put yourself on the one right road to genuine
smoking satisfaction. .
An Illn.KMrd ii. "V
Booklet, show-
u - 1 ' ait
lo "Roll Your Own" Cip,nrct!e.
nnd n package of cigarette
pnpers, will both be mailed,
free, to any address in U. 5. on
request. Addrem "Bull" Dur
ham, Dullioni, N. C.
Stl l l'.-l i 11 ! f
Ad.uiH, who ha
ol' the city limit
time, was taken
Monday hy Hr.
niulerwent a -m
0111 spinal tronlde S. A.
liceii liviiiH' just we t
of Silvet-ton for 1 -.vac
to tho Salem iios. .: i :: I
W j-i j li t n 11 where he
jical nperation. It i-
said his conilitioti is serious and phy
sicians believe that tho operation can
afford only temporary relief. His .loath
it is said, is only a matter of u short
The A. lams family have been very
unfortunate of hue. About one vein'
no tney met with the Insu of their
home by lire. Some little time after
that Mrs. Adams was .1 victim of a
runaway accident in v.hi.h she frac
tured one of her limbs. Subsequently
Mr. Admns vas taken sick and has
meen unable to woilc for several
months. Mrs. A lams is now sick in
bed and it is -aid she is in need of
comforts of life. Xeinhborn hive been
very hind to the. unfortunate people,
but there is sni, tu be need of more
assistance. Sil erton Tribune.
Kivorsido, f'ftl., Jan. 31. f, f. T.or
i 11 K. known as the "father of Minne
apolis City parks" is critically ill with
pcuumnnia at the Mission Tan and be
cause of his mlvnner.l nee, 81, his re
covery is not likelv, Mr. I.nriutr. spends
his winters in Kiverside and is re
puted to be .1 millionaire.
Dillas. Or.. .Ian. 31. Tho Tlnllns has
ketball team b. lit the five representing
the hemiiHa in, linn school Friday
nitiht by the score of 2-t to "3. It was
tho neaiet 'he locals enmo to beinu
deflated on their own floor for the
past ten venis. The guarding of .Mat li
eney, of Hallis. was tun ureatest seen
siin-e the bet .lays of Al Morton.
The Indians play the Oregon A jz r i -cultuial
college freshmen at, ( lieinawa
tonight. The lineui
Halhis (:t)
... V
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Matlieney .
I'heinawn f-.'l)
:;: :'f
! Washiujiton, ,I;iii. "I tlptiui- ::
sji ism over tint outcome of the ::
l.iodtuiia negotiations with ;:
s) llennany today replaced the
essiiiiisiii that marked the end sj:
of last week in official cinlcs. ',
:!s The more hopeful view was '
sj: based oil Saturday night's d's- :!
:! patches I'i Dir. I'liitcil I'ress :
1 ,-ta.ff 1 'orrespninleiit Ackerman 'fi
: at liciTni, sayinsj th.it the for- ',
: eii:'i office is piepurin' a .li- if
:i ret mc--s:ie to the state .ie-
piiitiniiit in the ease, and is :'f
iiiivious to r :t it a :itisl'nc toiy
1 . 1 !" i 1 1 -i o a . J; is believed here :'.
l!i;it : '-.!! . n will make, definite
1 1 -,iii .1-. :;:
; ; :'. :: i'.: :: : :i :; :'f
rVrllnnil. Ote., Jan. 31. ' ' Xew York
people have not yet discovered Anieiica,
Tliey do not know there is sic-h a place
as Ainericn."
This is the criticism of Irving Italch
eller, novelist, who is spending a few
days in I'oitland. Hatelieller wroie
"Keeping I'p With Lizzie," he sitiil
this, as u satire against " inillionjiit es
who have built up a small social aris
tocracy whose pour principles are any
thing but American."
Monmouth, Or., .Ian. 1 11 a fast
;ame place. 1 here last iii'-dil, ttie IJoso
hmg lii(fii school basketball term de
feated the hieji school team of this
citv bv a score of 3.1 to 1.1.
Dr. J. N. Sn$h to Speak
cn Feeble-Minded Problem
Dr. J. X. Smith of the State Insti
tution for the Feebleminded will speak
next Friday eveaia, February 1 1 1 1 un
the "Problem of the i'eel.iei.'iii.le.l. "
This is tlio next lecture on the piil'li.
library lecture course and will be de
livered at S o'clock in the auditorium
of the library.
The almanac ojvos seme in) eiest 1111:
statistics in reenul to the feebleminded.
It says: "The number ol' feehleniiiolcd
in institutions on January 1. 1PIU. was
211,731, 011 .liinnaiy I, .I'.iofi. the number
was 15, MIS. Tlielotal number of t'cclilc
minded In the Fiiite.l States lias been
estimated at not less than I'lii.non. Ot
the feeble-minded in institutions 17.
per cent were under Jil years of ae.
I and 7i'i. I per cent were under 30 v e;i i
1 The care of the feeble-niiiided and
inon-iiivs which may prevent fei ble
inindeilness sue subjects which deserve
jthe can fill consideration of every t:i
. payer.
I It has been shown thai feeble-minded
persons under proper supervision can be.
j in some cases, self supportine.', lull that
.as soon as supervision is removed they
! revert to their old hnliils and inherited
! tendencies. Should feeble minded per
sons be 1'eo.uired to stay in an institit
I tion with proper care and supervision,
or, should tiny be allowed a choice in
I the matter,' This is one of the ipics
1 tions Dr. Smith will discuss in his lee
1 11 r,, Friday evetiinir, Februaiv I.
I ' ritllMl'illiMIBliil
Tkodore Roberts
Monle Carlo
Hit'-- ADMISSION --100
v ri-rHi'Ui.ifiifci
I W'a.-liinnten. Jan. .".1. t'oiiv ietion of
jlbiviil l.annir. "tn.lf of Wall street"
I tor tin 1 1 isonnt in' a coii)ressiniiu nne
: Ul'held bv the .ni,reiin cittn f u 1 11-
jilenie.l today his mot i. in to dismiss tho
; indictment against l.im.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
Itching Torture Stops
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
It is un necessary for yon to suffer
with eczema, ringworm, rashes ami sim
ilar skill I roubles. A lilll" .emu, fotlell
at any drut; store for 'S; or $l.tn for
extra liirue bottle, and proioitly applied
will usually give instant relief I'rom iti h
iiiK torture. It eleauses and soothes the
skin and Icals iuhkly and effei lively
lno--t skin di-i-ases.
Zetno is n wotalei fiil disappearini; Ihpiid
and does not smart the most, ih-licare sk.in.
It is not (,'feay, is i'iijy applied utid
i-ii.lu tilt If f:,l il to,h,e mill v;.vi. fill
' further distress.
Zemo. Cleveland.
I.os Angeles, C'al., Jan. 31.
Timely warning of heavy frosts
in the fit rim districts today en
abled ranchers to smudge and
protect their groves aceoidinrj to
reiorts here today.
At 2 a. ni. the thermometer at
Monrovia dropped to iM, and
sinmlKiiiK ,Hs started in the
Iticl.ardsoii (jrove. At niidiiii;t
the Covitui mercury hit liS and
smiidiiic; was begun by online
growers. The smiidjjcn had bei'ii
Miiokinc; busily in the lemon
(,'iovi's since earlier in the uiyht.
if. e
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
The Black
lGc TODAY -1 Oc 1
) Hiih'iilililn Iti I m'iwfcii th-knii ttiMMi'u,iiJ&
i'----T Winftr liJrfirTr-'TVn wrtii' dhm
in ram i ir itiMi'iiftrmiar i ii r iufwn m-fit iiin
Walter Denton, Aline Thompson, Max
O. Buren, Hazel Erixon, Ralph Mooies,
Maxjory Marvin, James Mott, Rita
Steiner, Miller McGUchri.it, Miss Si:n
nioiis. Paul Ilendriek, Perry Reiglcman,
Rcr. P. F. Tisrhcr, Dr. W. S. Mott, C.-rl
GabrieUen, Charles Reynolds, Bunny
Mcirtng, Larr7 Hofcr, Wilr.on Howard,
E. Cooko Pr.ti.on.
ifiiii.M.i, . ,,,tL,i-.. riMli .t,,;,,,,, 4
GRANP THEATRE February 3 and 4 See Page 3 Today's Journal
Hl' OS lilii HHIM. 1'I.AV I'Kiild'i Iii) !V T1IK Stx'IAl, SKUVK'B ('HN rSil; ul
MiTiiv i i:i.i:ii;ATia comkdv. tiik fi.av that k kki tiii; i.niiKsT mow yoimc
t h: au:m commkik iai. ci.nt. hv M'i:'iai, i'kkmission df tiik ai'iiiuk. i h -
Will, !K Ir-Kl) 15 V TIIK SO' l.r. SKUVli I-: ( li.NTKit TO TAKK i'AHH id' 'lili; lo.) XKKItY KAI.KM FA Ml LI KH Will 'II IT IK II Kld'I Mi TM b' )IC 11 TIIM WINTIOI.'.
Prices, 75c, 50c, 23c No Higher. You will enJoy it more than anything you have seen this year.
Seat Sale Opens Wed.,
Feb. 2 at 9 a. ni.
'niMtjf iw'riffn