Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 31, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Shipley's Blanket and Comfortable Sale
Mrs. W. (r. Alli'ii entertained a group
of matrons .it a delightfully informal
tea Tuesday afternoon, licr guests be
ing the members of the Kensington
Te club.
The rooms were charming, suggest
ing the approach of spring with lovely
yellow tulips.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Brown re
turned Mundny from Portland where
they attended the attractive masquer
ado dance given by Dr. .md Mrs. (ius
tve K. Knicre at their home, .Satur
day night
.1. Sivage, Mrs. .John Conrad, Mrs. I!ol
lo Bradford, Mrs. llussleinan, Mis.
ilenry Savage, Mrs. Win. Simpson,
Mrs. Henry Ornlapp, Mrs. M. Henson,
Words of Encouragement to
Childless Women.
Motherhood is woman's natural desti
Mrs! Geo. Cooper, Mrs. A. F. Homeyer.jny, but many women are denied the
Mrs. Frank liicket, Mrs. Win. Kosten
border, Mrs. .lake Kuckelberg, Miss
Ada Simpson, Mrs. Jesse Savage, Mrs.
Homer Steward, Mrs. Frank (Iriehen
trog, Mrs. John Harhm, Mrs. Al Has
mussen. Miss Mabel liicket, Miss Kdnn
Kosteuborder, Mrs. Mitt Gleuson, Mrs.
Kthel Wilson.
The members of the "IJ. X. Y. A.'
Mr. and Mrs. Urown were the guests enjoyed a delightful dinner recently,
of Mr. aud Mrs. liiidolf 1'rael.
when tue captain ot ,. 1 or the mem
bersliip contest was hostess to the op
posing side.
Following dinner an interesting read
ing was given
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spaulding were
hosts i'riday night for a eharirnng din
ner in honor of their week-end guests,
Miss lllanche Miller, of Oregon City,
who is n sister of Mrs. Hpiulding's, Thursday evening at the meeting of
and Miss eorginnnii Sncdley, of Port-1 the parent-tencners association, a de
land. I lightful programiiie was given as fol
The table was prettily appointed, I lows: Jnstrament.il solo, Miss F,va
graceful white carnations and greens,) Fisher; vocal solos; Miss Marjorie
bung used. Covers were placed fori Marcus; talks, Mrs. F. S. Knglish and
Miss Snedlcv, Miss Miller, Miss Jen
nio Fry, James Young, Clarence Walls,
Walter Keyes and the hosts.
Miss Mary Hchultz, one of Salem 's
most popular young musicians, will ap
pear in Portland at the Amateur Or
chestra concert, to be given at the Mn-
eonic. Temple auditorium on February
tno tenth, with William Vialuce IJra
bam as conductor.
Miss Hciniltz will play a violin solo,
"Konzerto" by Mozart, with orchestra
Miss Lucilo l!oll was the week end
guest of friends in Portland.
The monthly meeting of tho Junior
Guild, of the Episcopal chinch will be
held on Tuesiln(v afternoon at two
thirty o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Ho
mer Smith, on 07.1 Hummer street.
Friday night a large number of the
girls and men of the Willamette, uni
versity held a "Post Exam" jubilee at
tho Phllo-Web halls.
At this affair which is nn annual
flvent, with the students following ex
aminations, games, music, furnished by
tho college orchestri and a charming
rolo by Miss Calty formed the delight
ful evening.
Later, tho guests enjoyed refresh
ments. As a farewell gathering at Ihe home
of Mrs. Jake Iluell, who is soon to
leave Snlem for Texas, the Garden
Road llusy club met recently for an
Bftoraoon with their friend wiio will be
greatly missed.
During the afternoon tho club elect
ed of fillers who were lis follows: Pres
ident, Mrs. liusselnun; vice-president,
Nrs. Al Kasuiusnen; secretary, Mrs.
Jesse Savage; assitnnt secretary, Mrs.
Krank Griopentrog; treasurer, Mrs.
Ethel Wilson; reporter, Mrs. Matt
I.nter tho hostess nssisled by several
of tho members served dainty refresh
ments. To ehib members present were: Mrs.
Jake Huell, Mrs. P. Steward, Mrs. W.
Mrs. 1,. Chapman, ex-president of the
Lincoln school parent-teachers associa
tion. ft M
Mrs. h. Al. Cooper entertained a
group of her friends recently at a wild
game supper.
Circling the t.ible were: Mr. and
Mrs. M. Peppins, Mr. and Mrs. Misner,
Misses Greta and Huelila Misner, Miss
Louise Cooper mid Miller and Uelbert
Mrs. I. Abraham, wife of a promi
nent lioseburg merchant, is in Salem,
accompanied by her daughter, Miss
Hernice, who will enter the Willamette
The fourth grade Junior Suud.iy
school class of the First Christian
church was entertained by its teacher,
Miss lfobcrtn Morton, at her home on
Chemeketil street, Saturday evening.
Music ami games were enjoyed, and
Inter refreshments were served by the
Tho members of the class present
were: Con Hell, Tlielma Itirdwcll,
Hilda Witzel, James Putnam, Clifford
Lent, and Reginald Busey.
Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days
Druggists refund money if PAZO
OINTMKNT fails to cure Itching,
Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles.
First application givos relief. 50c.
Judge Oullowny granted two divorces
in his department of the circuit court
Saturday. Vere V Casebere was legally
separated from Cordes A. Cnsoberc and
the plaintiff was awarded the euro and
custody of their two and one-half year
old son and the father required to pay
10 per month for the support of the
child with $55 attorney's fees. Rosie
Stewart was given a decree of divorce
from John Stewart on the grounds of
cruel and inhuman treatment. They
formerly lived nt Hond, Wash., before
coming to this place.
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
happiness of children simply because of
some curable derangement.
Among the many triumphs of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is
its marvelous power to overcome such
derangements, as evidenced by the fol
lowing letter:
Worcester, Mass." I suffered from
female ills, and was advised to have an
operation, but a
friend who had
taken Lydia E. Pink
ham's "Vegetable
Compound and who
has six children, told
me to try it. It has
helped mo so much
that I am now well
and have a baby boy
who is the picture
of health, and I
thank theVegetable
Compound for my restoration tohealth. "
Mrs. Bert Garvey, 20 Hacker St,
Worcester, Mass.
In many other homes, once childless,
there are now children because of the
fact thnt Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound makes women normal,
healthy and strong.
Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co., Lynn, fllnss., for
advice it will be confidential.
Sacramento Valley Growers
Would Cut Down Yards
25 Per Cent
If J M
The Call
for Rubbers
Lot of Men's
High Rubber
All sizes in the lot at
J. D. Huberts is here, from Myrtle
.Airs. C. S. Bliss went to Portland thit
Glenn Niies spent tho week end in
Dr. 31. J. Butler, of Monmouth, is in
the city.
P.. F. Swope is in tho city, from Inde
pendence. M. C. Williams, of Independence, is
in tho city.
N. F. Hamilton of Koseburg, is in the
city transacting business.
.Miss Loleta Dennis was in Falij C1
over Sunday visiting relatives.
Gilbert -McDonald is transacting busi
ness in the city today, from Seio.
Attorney Latourette of Oregon City
was here Saturday ou legal business.
Miss Kdna Purdy returned to her
home at Orenco this morning nfter an
over Sunday visit with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. A. i,.. C'lough were in
Portland Sundnv. XRrs. C'lough will
continue iior visit thero for several
d 1 vs.
P. A. Wiggins, of Topponish, Wash.,
is visiting his daughter. Miss Mi Mr"'
Wiggins, a student at the Willamette
Tia Juana Track May
Be Left On Island
X Pair u!
i v
San Diego, ( al., .Ian. 31. Tin ,'luann
track today is a mass of mud; the
grandstands has been twisted awry
some dozen feet, betting ring .ind pad
dock a sand heap, fences and judges
stands gone and INK) men depending for
supplies on what can lie packed in
through the four miles of debris.
Miles of the boulevard are gone and
miles of tiie Arizona railway and hun
dreds are men .it work trying to divert
the branch of the Till .Imiiia river that
is now flowing throuf.li the race course
and if mi new floods come the promot
ers hope to start racing in three weeks;
depending nlrgely on whether railroad
md automobile conuecions can be
One hundred miles sonaie of the Tin
M.liiiina valley are devastated and unless
: II... ,.., ,. ,' ,),., ;., , i
i k iki'K- tl.'.t i',,r.....,.i.. ;,,..,,! ,..;m
licconie ai island and the river will
find n new channel icross the hend of
Jlembcrs of the local Hop Grow
ers' association are circulating an
agreement among all growers in the
Sacramento valley asking them to
curtail their acreage from 10 to 25
per cent during the coming season,
says the Sacramento Sunday News.
If this is done by approximately nil
the growers of the valley it wi'l re
duce the production in Califo'hiu.
from HO.OOO to -40,000 bales f;.r the
set' rnn. Members of ihe nssoi i it'.on
eny such notion is mcfya-y in iider
to" gel ti better market Vr their pro
ui'ct Agreements ar-' a so bci':g cir
diluted among growers in Washing
ton and Oregon, where the producers
are strongly organized, and if the
plan is effectively carried out in all
the Pacific coast states it will be
the means of greatly reducing the
American hop yield for lOlii.
A well-known grower and member
of the association said yesterday to
a representative of The Sunday News
that a number of large producers
have already Bigned the agreement.
"We have received a telephone mes
snge from Durst Brothers, of 'Wheat
land, to the effect that they will sign,
aud Horst Brothers have also prom
ised their signatures. These are the
two biggest producers in the Sacra
mento valley,- and when their names
nro on the petition the majority of
the other growers will fall in line.
Among those who have already
signed arc Arthur Murphy, Peter Roon
ey, Al Cnsselman, Hubert Mierkeley,
Harry i rnzer ami others.
"Bandy Brothers of Yolo county,
have said that they will sign. Theo
dore Blaugth of this city has prom
ised to sign if the majority of the
growers of tho valley do so. I think
in a few weeks, after we have had
nmplo time to present the agreement
and to explain its purpose, we will
have tho signatures of 00 per cent of
the growers.
"It is of vital importance to the
success of the hop industry to curtail
production. Last year, notwithstanding
the war in Europe and the short
crop there as a consequence, we were
told by dealers that we overproduced.
Just prior to hop-picking season, as
an inducement to growers to pick
their fields clean aud nwot leave any
hops on the vines, a few sales were
made to dealers at 14 cents a pound.
Every grower then thought thnt
price at least, would prevail after the
season, and he had his vines picked
so as to .get every available hop As
soon as picking season was over we
were told that we overproduced, aud
the bottom dropped out of tho mar
ket. "It will be fir better for growers
to have a crop that is 25 per cent
short and to sell at 15 cents a pound
or better than to have a 100 per cent
yield with market conditions that have
confronted us this year.
"Growers are all beginning to real
ize that they must stand together,
must curtail their yield and must cut
out the fiddlenian rf they are to
make a profit on their hops. In the
j future, members of the association
will have their hops handled by one
of their organizations. They have al
ready selected the man for the tn.k,
but we will withhold his name for
the present, because dealers might
endeavor to hamper his work in our
"We are growing tired of the treat
ment that we have received nt the
hands of the middleman and will
eliminate him entirely from the hop
buMiiess if it is possible to do so."
"We now intend to cut the middle
man out in all our dealings. We have
appointed a man to net us our agent
but will withhold his name from the
public for the present."
$7.50 and $8 AH Wool Blankets, $4.95
White, All Wool Blankets, fine, double bed size, pink
find blue borders, big, soft, fluffy fellows, full of warmth
iind comfort for these chilly nights
$7.50 and $8.00 Grade
$6.48 to $6.75 Blankets $3.98
Cotton chain and heavy wool filled Blankets, white with
blue and pink borders and fancy check'- these blankets are
extra heavy, full double bed size, durable and a big
$6.48 to $6.75
$3.98 and $5.95 Comfortables, $2.95
Filling of Laminated cotton, Snow White covering of
silkaline and satine, full size, extra quality, the sort that
give warmth without weight; our
$3.98 and $5.95 Grade
$2.50 and $3.25 Comfortables, $1.95
Filling of soft clean cotton, covering of silkaline, good
weight, full size
Our $2.50 and $3.25 Grades
$1.25 and $1.75 Comfortables, 95c
Filling of clean white cotton, covering of chintz, silk
aline, challie, light and dark colors, full size, extra heavy
Our Regular $1.25 to $1.75, Special
Entire Line of Bedding at Greatly Reduced Prices.
See Window Display.
Agents Pictorial Review Patterns.
U. G. Shipley Company
145-147 North Liberty Street
Salem, Oregon
the circuit court against Josie L. Stew-. crick Schroeder and others to collect i room
art and Fred S. Stewart to collect $1(1,070 alleged due on a promissory I "This is Milwaukee's answer," was
$1200 nHegerl due on a promissory note note given in 1012. The note is se-j the cry from the thousands within ns
secured by a mortgage on lots 7, S, 11,! cured In- a mortgage on lots 0. 10, 11,1 the president entered the hall at 2:25.
12 and lit, in block 1 and lots I I, l.ihj 13 a,,d il in "Citv View". The j The cordiality of the RTecting plainly
and 16 in block 2, Oaks addition to ! nlaintif r's asks for a iudinient iiirniiist ; moved the president's emotions as h
Salem. In addition to a judgment 1 n tho defendant in the principal sum of
the principal sum with interest Hn $10,070 with interest, $7H.1S taxes and
plaintiff seeks attorneys fees of 100 . gfl,, attorney's fees ami a. foreclosure
tor bringing the action in the circuit ( ,le mprfcllRP. J. (!. Jleltzcl is at
court mid 2hh attorneys fees if t!io, toruov for t)1L. pTnintiff.
action is c. u ricl to the supreme court. ' ,
McNary & McNary and E.M. M'Se- are: T)l0 of w T. rol.m1t against Y.
attorneys lor the plnintitt, j Y Wray nm, San(1(,, .ont , ,
! jurv this afternoon in department No. 1
An inventory and iippraisment in the.'1)f 'tu(, ,.ir,.i( ,.(nirt. This was a con
estate of Abe Paulson wlucn was filed , trnvrl.sv nVer the nnssession of a i.iano
ourt tnd.iy shows the i ,.,,,,,,; ' ,,nnrr.1(,t lv (no yMn
it rea properly to tne Musil. Hmls0 ,u Frank y, f silver-
ininunt 1
J. 1..:
Cie peninsula, emptying into San Di
ego bay.
Hundreds of e.lu.l horses and cattle
cast on the beach are being skinned Clove Simpkins, e'..nrged with the Inr
and buried to prevent contamination, iceny of public monev. .md the matter
will be resubmitted to the grand .jury
Judge Kelly sustained the demurrer
to the indictment of Kex Turner and
in the probate
estate to conis
value of $2."m0 and cash in the
nf $'2100 or a total of tliioil.
Calvert, Ccorgo X. Heck and
Wolfer were appraisers.
started his address.
"At the outset," he aid. "I want t-
remove any apprehension. Nothing new
has happened and there is 110 crisis. I
have come out on this errand because
everywhere the atmosphere of the world
is thrilling with the passion of a dis
turbance such as the world has never
seen bifore. Hence, we. 'should set
our house in order."
Crowd Sees Him Off.
'Let nobody make you suppose
Rubbers 50c Pair
Lot of Women's Storm Rub
bers, sizes 2V2 to 4 only, at
pair 50c
Another Lot of Men's Storm
Rubbers, all sizes in the lot,
pair 50c
v 11
V A m
I ii
V n
i" w wy w p
m ihi mi Mi lii ii ku IJ
Tncnina, Wash., Jan. 31. I.ieuten.int
O. (iiiig, one of trie officers oil
! board the snbiunriiie K-", reported lost.
is a Taconia man. Mis father, .liiines S.
Oieig, is city salesman for a local pack
ing concern.
I.ieuteniut. (Ircig was married last
November and his wife is now with her
parents ut Newport, tlrcig was form
erly attached to lite ltreiuerton
for the March term ot the circuit court
Attorney John A. Carson argued tie
demurer for the defendants and con
tended that it did not contain suffi
cient fticts to constitute a crime. Judge
Kelly sustained him on the following
points: That the indictment was not
specific in that it did not set forth
particulu- facts of the alleged crime;
that it diil not allege the total amount
received by Cue di fondants; that it did
navy not state how the money came into
their possession and that it did not
show that a domai.d had been in ide for
I the return of the money from the de
fendants or that they had refused to
turn it over.
Tho inventory and appraismont in(
the matter of Ihe gu irdiauship of I
Theodjre Cciileu shows the estare to'
consist of real property valued at iftono.
with no personal property. John (iait-
ers, Kdwnrd Alexander and Kichardj
Itichardsou were appraiscis.
The inventory filed today in the pio-j
bate court in the estate of J.icob He'
Miaer estimates the real property at1
$luii."i with no personal property ac
cordin"; to I'ercv A. Cupper, V., M. Olm-!
stead and 1". W. Arensineier.
Salt Lake Citv. I'tah. Jan. Karl
Hunlap, an escaped prisoner fjoin Fol- j
sum penitential v, California, (Seorge After the state presented its side of
Thornton and (i'eorge Dale, Walla YVal-!,,H' ,'a,", "(-"'""t Junes and Klla Swo
la street nir bandits and three other I '''' HK'd with assault upon Olive
prisoners in the penitentiarv here nero i Tu "' , "' V,orn,'.v Al en, tor
confined in separate cells todav follow- !'",."'"" "' '"r oirccc.
ing their nnMiccessl'ul atte.np to tnn- ' r" " " , " K-'"t'-;ts ciar tae circiii.
, i ,. . ... , ' i. court of this eountv had no lurisiUition
nel their way to freedom last night. ,,... ,;. ,, . '' .,.,.,
thnt the cause for the action arose on
government land it Chenuiwa. Judge!
Kelly ruled that this ease dhoiild notj
be tried in the circuit court but in the;
tederal court and the charges against!
MiWaukee Gives Wilson
Ovation; 9.009 Pack House
(Continued from page one.)
fenses briefly, WiUon, as previously,
termed them efficient but Insufficient.
! He reiterated his designation of the
1 I'nited States navy as fourth among na-
' turns, and urged the necessity tor de-
Articles of incorporation wore filed , veloping it to the highest adequacy mid
at the office of the county clerk today efficiency. Concerning the army, he
for the (hand Theatre company, of Sa- said that it ought to he fashioned after
leni, by T. (!. Uligh, George H. (iuthrie Jefferson's plan "an nrmy, springing
and A. K I.nflar as incorporators. The from the people, but trained so as not
company is capitnli.ed at $.'l,5u0 which i to be mere objects cf fhof and shell
is divided into HoO shares at $10 per! "Nothing new has happened," he
share. The compuny proposes to con-. declared. "There is no crisis. I have
duct a general theatrical business and come out on this errand because every
is given the power to purchase all where the atmosphere of the world is
necessary property in connection w it Ii thrilling w ith the passion of a disturb
this business and to niter into other nnce such as the world has never seen
this is a money making agitation, he
ton. Several transfers left the posses-1 said. "I for one would be ashamed
sion of the instrument in dispute to be to be such a dupe if I had any such su?
settled bv the jurv. V. A. Hoyiugton ' pieions.
is attorney for 'the defendant and Me- "If the government itself does not
llougal & HcDotigal represent the plain-j manufacture everything the nrmy
tiff. : needs, somebody has cot to mnke mou-
1 j ey from it. ' I have been urging con
gress to make the necessary prepara
tions whereby the government can
! manufacture armor plate and aniniuni-
j tion so as to control prices. While T be
lieve you prefer that private capital
and private initiative should besti'
themselves in these matters. I assute
.yon, that the government will hnve ndi
ouate means of controlling this mutter
I thoroughly. ' '
j The president left for Chicago nt 4
i o'clock. A large crowd saw him off.
contracts for the furnishing of amuse
ment in this citv.
Washington, Jan. Ill, The senate by
a viva voce vote thit afternoon reject
ed the Met umber amendment to the tu, Swobodas were dismissed as far
I'hibppnio bill, directing the president s t,. drmit court is concerned and it
to giant independence to the islands nf-lis expected that the matter will come
ier oniaiiiiug an agreement from the ! up ,u the feder.il courts.
powers not 10 molest tue f ilipwos for
A suit for divorce was filed todav in
the circuit court of the county by Orra ,
fox against J. M. Kox. The couple were
married in IsO.'l and have two children,;
Arilla Wilson, who is married, and Hoy-1
before. We should, set our house iu or
der. !
"If danger romcs T want to turn to
you and the rest of my countrymen, and
say, 'men, are you ready?' " J
But he declared he wanted them to be
trained in military tactics. i
He reiterated the gist nf his Kiu iuc
a period of five years.
Los Angeles. Oil., Jan. .11. Glen
Martin's aircraft, worth .1,000, donat
ed to the nival militia, will be turned
over to Comninuder A. II. Woodbine, on
Wednesday, it trns announced today.
Four more planes for roast defense
purposes will bo added by the govern
inent nfter July 1.
A foreclosure suit has been filed iu
the circuit court by A. 51. Hansen
against tl. A. Larson nnd others to col
lect ITS.SO alleged due on a promis
sory note and in addition the plaintiff
seeks $7.1 attorneys fVes. The note is
seemed by a mortgage on lot 3, block
1. Church street addition to Silem.
Hlue Miles are ttomeys for the
Hieaard W. Carey has filed a suit in
nl Hohart Fox aged 10 veins. The plain- speech of the forenoon, declaring tha
tiff alleges that the defendant began he was pledged to government iiinnu
drinking intoxicating liquors in 10'" j wacture of munitions as far as possible,
and abandoned his family March 10. j .
101.1. Wentherford & We'atherford, of j Band Played "America."
Albany, are attorneys for the plain- Milwnukee, Wis, .Tun. .11. The din
tiff, " i of applause from 0,000 throats nnd
j O.OflO imirs of hands, followed bv the
John IV. Holnmn. of 344 Xorth Front j strains of "Mv Country 'Tis of Thee."
street, today secured the blanks pre- constituted Milwaukee's reply this aft
paratory to circulatini: a petition of ernoon to President Wilson's prepared
nomination for the office of constable ness demand. Kight thousand eit"
of the Salem district. He is a republi-1 dwellers in this, the "hyphen eouutrv''
can in politics.
August Aufrane and T.nui.e S. An
frnnn toduy filed a suit against Fred
home of vast numbers of German-Am-j
erieans struggled to get into the audi
i torium, but were forced to remain out-
side iu tho bitter cold for want of
Who take pride in their personal
appearance should try our face
treatment for lines, blackheads
and blotches.
Superfluous hair removed with
out the use of the electric needle.
Latest electrical appliances for
removing corns nnd treating the
feet. Manicures 25 and 35 cents.
Shampooing, mussaje, hairdress
ing. Creams, powders and lotions
for sale, our own manufacture,
guaranteed pure.
Tor the convenience of our
patrons who ate unable to come
during the day, we will remain
open until 8:30 on Saturday even
ings. Phone for appointment.
Imperial Beauty Parlors
Skin and Scalp Specials
Manicurist and Hair Dreas'ir.
301 Bank of Commerce Building,
Phone SM