Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 31, 1916, Image 1

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"j f ! ?fc
Experts Think This Only Preliminary Attack to Feel Out the
City's Defenses Preparatory to Greater Raid-Machines
- Fly High and Cannot Be Seen 26 Killed and Property
1 Loss $100,000 Italians Land Division of Infantry and
Several Batteries of Artillery at Avlona
Paris, Jan. Though Zeppelin raiders on Saturday
night reaped a toll of 26 dead and 32 injured in their drive
against Paris, they failed to do any damage in a fresh
raid at 10 o'clock last night as far as is known.. Author
ities announced today that 10 incendiary bombs had been
thrown in the second raid, that six of these fell in an open
field in a suburb, while others landed in the vicinity of a
factory but exploded harmlessly.
Air patrols attacked the raiders, but they soared out
to the northward and escaped in a heavy mist. The Ger
man airships rode so high that searchlights were unable
to pick them out in the fog, only the hum of the engines
and the flare of the fire bombs told of their presence.
The newspapers voiced the anger of the Donulace to
day at these new attacks after
such raids. Moreover, they demanded that the French
make reprisals, for the killing and wounding of more
than 50 in the Saturday attack, by raiding large German
cities. At the same time, they renewed the warning that
Zeppelins, accompanied by the new Fokker machines, may
swoop down at any time. Experts declared that the Sat
urday and Sunday night raids were to "feel out" the de
fenses of the city, preparatory to greater raids.
Though earlier reports placed the dead in Saturdav
night's raid at 24, official announcement today said that
26 were killed and 32 wounded, with a property loss of
Parisians for the most part only learned of the Sunday
attack when the story thereof appeared in the news
papers. The "lights out" warning was sounded by firemen at
9:50 p. m., while boulevards, theatres and restaurants
were crowded. At once the street lamps were extin
guished, and were not again lighted until 90 minutes later.
Several hours later the police learned of the pursuit of
the Zeppelins over the suburbs.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, I.. I..
Jan. rtj. The Italians have landed an
other division of infantry and several
butteries of heavy artillery at Avlona,
Albania, according to Vienna dispatches
Cnited Tress Staff Correspondent
Wood at Rome last week reported the
allies removing nil their forces from
Alba nin except at Avlona. where he
predicted a great battle will soon oc
cur. Washington, Jan. "1. Last night's
Zeppelin raid on Paris covered n small
but populous portion of the city, Am
bassador Sharp reported to the state
department today. He reported 10!
killed and 20 injured. No bombs fell!
near the American embassy.
Raids Were Retaliatory.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville. L. 1.
Jan. III. Zeppelin raids the past two
niyhts against 1'aris were in retaliation
for air attacks on Freiburg, the war
office claimed today.
The official statement called atten
tion to the fact that Paris is a forti
fied city, whereas Freiburg is nnfurti-
I Abe Martin-
Sin.eiltv '( ,,,.,t..i i. ii- If.
f.m t' li-tiii t" a feller who never had
lroney eno ivii t' hire a hos an' huL'ay.i
ci'U'phnii n in' tbl ut ii:n of .1 4-cytin-1.1.'
II "to. ' i
jtfO rW I
wmmJ !
Tz.xV'w'fa&X Vn !
a freedom of months from!
fied, and not in the war zone. It was
stated that the attacks were appar
ently satisfactory.
At the same time, announcement was
made, that the Germans had repeller'
French counter attacks, made in an ef
fort to recapture ground lost in Fri
day's great offensive. It was indicat
ed that the Germans are not renewing
the offensive.
Germans Driven Back.
Talis, Jan. .'II. Checking of the new
German Artois offensive by counter nt
tncks was indicated in today's war of
fice statement. This said the German
onslaughts were diminishing, and th-'
the Teutons had been driven from the
conquered, wrecked trenches.
President's Speech Hslns
Weaken Stock Market
(Copyrighted 1H1I5 by the Xew York
Evening Post.)
Xew York, Jan. 31 There is no rea
son to doubt that today's sharp break
in the stock market was primarily the
result of President Wilson's remarks
Saturday at Cleveland regarding the
dangers with which the I'nited States
would be immediately threatened by a
war. The president certainly said noth
ing but what a good many others in
ami out of Wall Street have been saying
for the past six months, but it was the
fai t that he chose this moment, and
said it with a seemingly ominous em
phasis, that, upset the market.
Prices declined at the opening from
a half point to a point on active issues,
with a subsequent further decline of a
point in the forenoon on heavy selling.
It was difficult to determine how much
of the weakness was due to bear
Claimed He Was Not
Father of Her Children
Providence, H. I.. .1 in. 31 . Thong;,
there hud previously been hints there
of, tin' fir-it direct 'charge t'.at Dr.
Franklin Mohr had denied being fath
er of Ch.irles and Virginia Mo.tr. we.s
hurled at Cue iurv today io the trial of
Mrs. Mohr an I two negroes for the
alleye.I murder of t!:o doctor. , j
iKtaviis .Mohr. of .McKweusv i!le.'
IVmisylv.'.iia. a brother of the slain
man, presented a letter from the doe-,
tor. in which the latter had written 1
"the children she c!ain;, aie not'
inine. "
Mrs. Mohr was prewiring to isif
iiitavn, toil toe doctor as!;ed that the
i.i i'lition 1 t n ithdrnwn. '
Buy Lands For Their Children
Bora In This Country, Have
Guardians For Them
Sacramento, Cal., .Tan. .'!!. That
Japanese have dug up a scheme to
circumvent the California alien land
act is shown in an opinion by Attorney
General Webb.
It appears that Japanese who are
alien subjects of the emperor of Japan
have been purchasing real estate in the
name of their citizen children and
since the law prohibits them from hav
ing any interest in real estate, are hav
ing guardians named for their children.
Of such transactions Webb says:
"If it should appear that the alien
father furnished money to purchase
real property in the name of his citizen
children and that the transaction was
not in good faith, but so effected for
the purpose of defeating and circum
venting the Alien Land act, the prop
erty so purchased would escheat to the
state and the fact that such property
is held by a guardian other than the
natural father would not alter this
"It iiiust be borne in mind, however,
that a citizen of the United States ami
of this state has the right to purchase,
enjoy and transfer real property with
in the state and this right cannot be
denied him by reason of the fact that
his parents are alien subjects of the
emperor of Japan. Jf a purchase of
real property within this state is made
by a child "of such subject who was
born within the state, his parents being
neither transients or employed by the
Japanese embassy or government at
the time of the child's birth and such
purchase is made in good faith with the
child '8 own funds and not for the pur
pose of circumventing the alien land
act, the titlo to such property rests in
the child."
Commission Will Recommend
This to Next Session of
Washington Legislature
Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 31. Two years
of compulsory military training for all
able bodied male students in the hid
schools of tho state will be recommend
ed to the next session of the state leg
islature by the commission named at
tlun ist scjiion to linvestigate the
school system of the stale.
Victor Zednick, of Seattle, the house
representative on the commission, de
clared here today that such recommen
ulntion would be made in the report
which the commission will make to th'
governor. This report will be filed May
1 next.
"Militnry training in the hied'
school'. of the state will be recommend
ed for boys in the first and second
years." said Zednick. "Of coursw th
commission cannot take any action be
vond making this recommendation. T
remains with the legislature to net. It
will take legislative action and T )
lieve that the recommendations of our
commission will be given very though'
ful consideration.
"A uniform militnry education
should in my opinion be rmrt of the
curriculum of the high schools and I
believe the training should be made
Think Submarine Is
Lost WithAH Her Crew
Washington, Jan. 31. That the sub
marine K-3 has shared tho fate of the
F-l sunk off Honolulu, with loss of
uer entire crew was tearcd at the na
vy department this afternoon.
At one o'clock no word of the miss
ing vessel had come further th.in a
message saying she had "exchanged
positions" by wireless Sunday morning
with tho remainder of the submarine
flotilla while 50 mill's from Charleston.
Afterward, when the flotilla crept up
to ( harlestoa harbor, the K-j was miss
ing. How many men were nbo.ird the div
er is unknown, but officials inclined to
believe that all of her 2S crew were not
there, but that perhaps some had gone
with other vessels of the flotilla.
To Probe Disaster.
Dan Diego, Cal., Jan. 31. That the
grand jury will probe the Otay dam dis
aster was indicated here today.
"The matter will be called to the at
tention of tho grand jurors soon," Dis
trict Attorney Marsh paid.
Other county officials indicated that
the probe will be thorough.
Only 12 bodies of victims of storms
in this vicinity hail been recovered
at noon.
Xew York, Jan. 31. Fifty funerals
wnitd at tho gates of a cemetery here
while cemetery officials settled a strike
of 300 grave diggers.
Tremendous Applause Shows
Love for the Country of
Their Adoption
No Hyphens In Patriotism of
Those Who Are Americans
From Choice
Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. .11. Though a
few weeks since, he flayed hyphenated i
Americanism, President Wilson here to
day, invading the heart of the "hyphen
country" declared his view that danger
from such Americanism is a thing of tin
At the present tune, he evidently
sought to temper the manifest note of j)US flr rPp01.tP, i ,, Chinese revoln
alarm in his Saturday preparedness a,l- h Bpw ,., .. Be.
T', 1r,dt,r,R1. '7,"Tfm i We port, have been current for weeks, in
is daily and hourly danger from wi i '. , , t.;.. :..
out. the mark of apprehension so plain dieting that the trouble, centering ...
in Saturday's speech was somewhat u""""1 province and thereabouts, has
eradicated bv his statements that 'noth-1 heen increasing gradually,
ing new las happened" and that Keccntly dispatches indicated that
"there is no crisis." the eiaperoi's forces were having dif-
Of hyphenated Americans, he dcclsir ficulty in mulling progress against the
ed that when, the time came,' he felt ; rebels.
confident they would stand first for j This reported new move is the most
America." darinc stroke vet undertaken by the
Wherever they come from, it was
-.-I....:.. I. n nil linn
the principle, of itf flection, ambition
and hope that drew men to these
shores," de declaren, "and they are
not going to forget the errand on which
they came. The America they have
made their refuge will not suffer by any
forget fulness on th'r part.
"At the outset of tho war it did look
as if there were division in the na
tion that might lead us to errors. But
I believe that danger lias passed.
'"The trouble makers have shot their
bolt. Some have been vociferous: all!
have been irresuponslblo. Talk was
cheap and they did not have to do any
thing. It is not the men who are do
ing the tanking who represent the sen
timents of tho nation. Wo can control
irresponsible talkers among us.
"But there are other dangers whid
nre not passed dangers we cannot con
trol. There is no part of the world
except South Amerim which this tre
mendous war disturbance has not in
volved. There is a daily and hourly
danger when those countries may feel
constrained to do things inconsistent
with the policies of'tho United States.'
Will Keep Out of War.
He reiterated, thereupon, the slate
ments of his Pittsburg and Cleveliini'
addresses that the people of this natic
are depending upon him to keen the
from war.
"T pledge you, God helping me, the'
I will continue to do so," he con
tinued. "But you have asked me tc
maintain this country's honor. There
may come a time, However, when I can
not do both. Therefore you must stand
ready to do what is necessary to pro-
tect the honor of the country."
Discussing the -subject of coast dc
(Continued on Paue Two.)
By Carl W. Ackerman.
( Failed Press Staff Correspondent.) I
(Copyright l!Mi; by the I'nited Press.) j
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I.,
Jan. 31. n elfective nllU'd blockade,
against Germany is impoilible. A.l-i
mira lVon Iloltzendorf f, chief of the;
German admiralty stiff, declared to-!
day in an exclusive statement to the
Fiiited Press. i
Kngland, he said, could under no cir-ciiin-dances
stop commerce in the Baltic
between Sweden, Denmark and Ger-j
nianv. At the same time, he (minted i
out that no ibiti-h submarines have
ii.nl any success in the Baltic, while;
the 1 1 m si - i i 1 1 tied is frozen in, in Uus-:
him ii harbors. i
The only effect of n declaration f!
a blockade by the allies, he stated,
would be upon neutral nations and up-i
on the women mid children of Ger-!
many. He hinted strongly that Ger
many ii prep ued for any action by
rre:it Biitain.
"When 1 av that n new blockade;
of tie. many w mid be a bluff, do not;
misunderstand me," he said. "Ger-i
in my look earnestly but fearlessly up-J
on any enemy plans which would cause !
In r women and children to suffer. Hut j
heniu e such a blockade is imiiHsible,
I say it U a bluff. j
Trwle Is Normal.
"Ask anv Swedish merchant, nsk '
the Swedes in Ii"ilin, ask anyone know-1
ing the I.a!tic sit'.'.ion. They will i
El Four of Principal Cities Cap
! tured After Short But
Fierce Struggle
San Francisco, Jan. SI. Four of the
principal cities of China have fallen
into the hands of revolutionists after
short, fierce struggles said cable ad
vices from the Shanghai correspondent
of the Chinese Republic Journal today.
He named these cities as Sui Chow Fu,
Lu Chow, Tse Liu Tsing and Cheng Tu,
the latter the principal city of the
Sze Churn province.
An entire division of Emperor Yuan
Shi Kai's troops were reported routed
at Chung King, capital of Sze Chuen
province, after the republicans had in
flicted serious losses on them.
The republican army was said to have
occupied Tai Tung in Kan Su province,
while Yuan's forces went over to the
invaders. Another republican army at
tached Shon Si province while a third
is engaged against Knlgan, 2 0 miles
from Peking,
Marching On Peking.
Petrograd, Jan. 31. Twenty thous
and Mongolian rebels are marching to
ward Peking, according to Mukden
dispatches today.
Tliiu rvni'tmnu thn most serious move
j r(,votionists, but whether it will meet
I '
with anv success depends upon the loy
alty of Yuan Shi Kai's iuonarcl.ini
troops and this point can only be con
jectured. Killed Her Father For
Beating Her Mother
Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 31. Zita
Moore, aged 17, today shot and mortal
ly wounded her f.ither, .lames Moore,
aged 40, a moulder, because he bent
her mother.
At the receiving hospital, standing
beside the operating table where her
living father lay, the girl said:
"lie has beaten mother for 2o years.
Today he was more brutal th in usual.
I couldn't stand it. I got his big re
volver and fired at him until he fell."
Moore, partially conscious, implored
the police not to arrest his daughter,
saying she was not to blame. Despite
this, she was locked up in the cijy jail.
Race Track Not Injured.
San Diego, Cal., Jan. 31. Resumption
! of the racing at the new Tijunna race
j truck nwaits repair of automobile roadi
land the rnilroifM from this city to th
track. The Snn Diego and Arizona
railroad suffered considerable damage,
but it is understood, will rush repairs.
'I he automobile bridge across the Til'
Junnn river is gone and will be re
placed as soon as wagons with material
can reach the place. The track itself
is not seriously damaged, ami can be re
i paired speedily. Workmen cut two
j ditches through it to drain off the wa-
ter from under the grandstnnd and o1'
the quarter stretch. No loss of stock
is reported.
all tell von that commerce between the
two countries it: absolutely normal.
For lour weeks, no Fuglish submarine
has mi. I any success in the Baltic and
wc intend to make it even more im
possible that she k1.ii 1 1 have.
" Knglnnil already hampers German
trade. If a block .do were to be de
clared now, it would he contrary to in
ternational law for it would not only
be a blockade of Germany, but also of
tne neutral countries about her.
"Kngiaad's purpose is to make diffi
culties for our families, thinking that
this will .iffect the men in tne trench
es and it will, for when the men learn
that their families are being made to
sutler bv the e.ieinv opositc tnem, they
will be more determined and will fight
ha rder.
" Kngland's purpose in this war, as
officials have r.'pentedlv stated, is to
cripple Germany and destroy her com
merce. After It months of w .r, she
has not been successful, and her effect
ive blockade will have absolutely no
effect upon our military deteiniination
for we long ago prepared for any em
ergency. ' '
No Effect On Plans.
"Want el'efct would a morn strict
blockade have upon Genua, ly 's mili
tary pl.ins.'" I rsked.
"Absolutely no military advantage
would be gained," he answered. "We
(Continued on Pago Seven.)
Four Big Dams Reported Out Are Safe Morena Dam Im
pounds Five Years Water Supply for San Diego Thous
ands of Snakes Swept Into Bay and Fish Killed by Fresh
Water Mexican Looters Busy and Marines Ordered to
Shoot Them On Sight Aid Being Sent Destitute
San Diego. Cal., Jan. 31.
covering today from the worst storm in its history.
As the result of breaking of the Lower Otay dam and
of the floods elsewhere in the county, about 25 are esti
mated killed, a majority of these being Italians, Japanese,
Chinese and Mexicans. Eleven bodies have been re
covered. Because of looting in the Otay and Tia Juana valleys
United States marines are on guard there. Bands of
Mexicans Sunday looted houses and stores there, result
ing in a call for soldiers.
The Morena, Sweet Water, Cuyamaca and Upper Otay
dams are safe, advices from all four points early today
showed. Water, pouring from the huge watersheds into
these dams, is being carried off by the spillways, and city
officials were confident today that the dams, of more
modern construction than the Lower Otay which went
out, will withstand the floods.
San Diego has raised a relief fund of $25,000 to date.
Hundreds of dollars worth of clothing and bedding was
sent to the devastated districts by boat.
Repair work on bridges and roads throughout the
country is to be started at once, county officials say. A
special bend issue may be voted for this purpose.
The dead recovered early today:
K. Aniauo, Japanese raachcr, Sweet
Water valley.
Carlos Bega, employe Pancri winery',
Otay valley.
John Jameson, Dube, rancher, Otay
Mrs. Margaret Dube.
Curios livnllo, Italian, employed Otay
William George Gallagher, pipe walk
er at Lower Otay dam.
A. Kato, Japanese ranches, Otay val
ley. J. Kitnzawa, rancher, Otay valley.
Joseph Mosto, Otay valley.
r.iide.itifieil bodies:
Japanese, about illi years old; man
about. 15 years old. Two Chinese known
to be drowned at Mission vballey, but
not yet recovered. One .Moxican, in Mis
siou vnllcy, not yet recovered by cor
oner, but known to be drowned. Two
Japanese, found near Sweet Water
Junction, and nnnther man found at
same place. 1'nidentlfied man found
near Murphy's canyon.
llcciuise of lack of communication and
uncertainty about conditions in the
flooded districts, wild rumors were
afloat Sunday. The city water supply
is not in danger and former reports
of loss of life were greately exaggerat
ed. Morena Dam Stands.
The great Morena dam, till miles back
in the mountains, is overflowing and
has impounded five years' supply of
water for the city and surrounding
towns. Kusign Hamilton O'Hricn took
the destroyer Hull to the head of the
bay and went nsliore with instructions
to shout all looters on siejit. Hands of
Mexicans had been reported to have
stripped the abandoned houses of ev
erything of value.
Kusign O'Hricn reported to Itcar Ad
miral Fiilhnn that the wafers in the Tia
lull mi and Otay valleys were rapidly re
ceding but that immediate help for the
marooned families was needed. Food,
medical supplies and clothing wero
rushed to that section by the chamber
of commerce rcdief committee today nnd j
preparations for the collection of more
supplies were made. The stricken dis-i
tric.ts were divided up and relief work!
organized, with the blue jackets nnd!
marines from the fleet and cavalrymen I
from the camp in the exposition
grounds aiding in every way.
Transportation commiiuication except
by steamer was still unopened today,1
Hut wire service and been restored ex
cept to certain back country districts,
where suffering was feared. The gov
ernment has established a mail boat
service between this port and San I'o
dro. Nearly 1,000 passengers arrived
here last night on the steamers Yale
and Congress.
Killed Salt Water Tinh.
The torrents from Sweet Water unil
Otay creeks carried a vast amount of
branches of trees, pieces of houses and
oranges into the bay, which were car
ried out to sen by the high tides. The
Tin Juana river, which empties into the
ocean near the Mexican line, sent down
a largn amount of debris which washed
upon the Coronado strand and now
litters the bench for miles. Snakes by
the thousands were washed into the bay.
Fish, killed by the fresh water, were
cast upon the banks.
Deputy Cnited States Marshal W. !U.
Carse proved a hero when he penetrated
the doomed district to warn the people
before the lower Ota dam went out.
lie became lust in the darkness nftel
sounding the warning and wandered
San Diego county was re
about all night. When he arrived in
Coronado after n perilous trip on foot
and horseback, he was speechless ami
had to be lifted from his mount.
C. II. I.oper was in his ranch house in
tho Otay valley when the wall of wa
ter Btruck it. lie fought the waes un
til ho became unconscious. Long aft
erwards he found himself, bruised nnd
bnttered, cast upon the side of a hill,
and crawled to safety. All tho building
on his ranch are today somewhere in
tho Pacific. The noted Danri winery
and vineyards were washed away, sev
eral persons being drowned there.
('asks of choice vintage were salvag
ed from the harbor.
Anxious To Oct Out.
Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 31. PcopT
anxious to get to Los Angeles from
San Diego arc paying double and triple
rates for passage on ships, according to
f . M. Winslow, architect of the San Di
czo exposition hero today. Those who
hold tickets sell them lit n big profit.
In San Diego bay there are many
carcasses of .iniuals and occasionally
a human body is seen, Winslow de
clares. While he was embarking it
was reported a terrible hurricane waa
coining down the coast. This scared
one passenger so he decided not to sail
but the others were willing to brave.
!ho tempest and t.Ue a chance .
Death List Shrinks.
San Diego, Jan. ,11. Kcports from
workers in the path or the flood today
showed that early reports, of 50 persons
dead, were too high.
A party of searchers from the sher
iff's office found a Jnpnnese woman
huddled in the brush on the edge of tho
valley with a dead baby in her arm.
The beautiful San Luis Key and San
I'asqual valleys, in the northern pnrt
of tho county, also are hard hit, al
though more definite information tem
pered curlier reports. Tho loss of life
there is not known, although several
bodies have been recovered. Full re
ports from the Fall Hrook, Honsall anil
I'utii districts had not been received at
noon. oN damage to tfie historic. San
Diego nnd San Luis Key missions was
Tho dam at Ksenndidn is safe.
The exact monetary loss to the coun
ty improvements and residents will not
he known for some time, nnd the exact
number of deaths cannot bo determined
until tho coroner reports. However,
earlier statements that more then
persons were drowned are undoubted!
n Wo?t qunJ
Oregon: Tonight
mi l Tuesday un
settled, probably
miow west; to
night snow,eolder
nn,l Tuesday fair,
colder, east por
tion; uud easter
ly winds.
v-'jii;-- i