age of "The Capita at i" r: i . v kvkmnc Janimv -'. ll 1 - CHARLES H. FISHER, Editor and Manager. Editorial P 1 Journal 7oULlVUKD KVF.UY KVENIXO KXCF.PT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, President CHAS. H. FlsHER, Vice-l'rvs.idont DURA C. ANDRF.SF.N, Sec. and Treas. Daily by carrier, per year Daily by mail, per year ... SUBSCRIPTION RATES $5.00 I'.-r month. 3.U0 . IVr month. .43c FULL LEADED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Vard-Lewis-Williums facial Agency Harry B. I'ishor Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. Occasionally some doctor or health faddist takes con siderable trouble to show mankind how to live to be one hundred years old. Just why anyone should want to live to that age is not explained. When the body is worn out and the mind weakened it is fit and proper that we should step down and out. It is after all not the length of life that makes it desirable, but rather good health and pleas ant lines during the years we are on earth. The birds are somewhat used to snow now, but at the same time a few crumbs left where they can get them will not be overlooked by the little helpless fellows. If you want to have a little private dinner party that you will thoroughly enjoy, set the table on the back porch or some The capital joumai carrier by8 arc, inducted to put the papers on convenient place and forget all about sending out invita ch. If the earner does ant do tin. misses you, or neglc . get ting he 'k:,.,i: .;11 t,4. b r.An tn von on time, kindlv idione the. circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carrier are following instructions. Phone Alain 81. SOMETHING NOVEL ABOUT HENRY FORD The Albany junior high school basket ball team will arrive in the city this af ternoon at 7:15 o'clock this evening will show the Washington junior high school team what they know about bas ketball playing. The game will be play ed in the gym of the senior high school. Fred Erixoa and Walter L. Smif I u went to Portland this morning to attend rcmomal session at Al Kader tcr ru-n OQiVl a-nnoo tllnv. fVla nfhn,. nr,J V, Uimmofni. I'u' ot Ancient Arable Order of OVV VCIV.11 OI LUG ClUU LilC UUlOUiClCl i,bb' i,i the -I ! Vln im. tions. The birdies will attend to that. California is determined to stay in the lime light. With Mt. Lassen growing tame and the Panama Exposi-i tion a thing of the past, she bids for notoriety by staging the CITY NEWS State Labor ComniKstoner 0. P. Hoff returned to this city today from Port land where he has been attending the annual convention of the State Federa tion of Labor. A. C. Stambrough. superintendent of city schools of Newlierg. and Raymond Kassett and Miss Hope Purdy, two sen iors in the Xcwberg high school, were visitors at the state house today. If'"? PAINLESS DENTIST 303 State Street SALEM, ORE. It nas been tne rule 01 newspapezs geiieiany 10 wirei hunti the cellai. She gwi d 0regon's rains and re. at Henry Furd, when not poking fun at him, and especial-1 fused to trade even a bit of sunshine for them ly since the failure of his peace mission. Theretore, it, i's refreshing to find a sympathetic sketch of him fromj It m be thafc thg position taken b the land t a source that cannot be suspected of having been sub-j convention was corrcct but when it is knmvn that s A sidized. The "Tatt er 'describes him as a plain man of, D Puter ig in Washington W0l.king hard to have the con the people, who looks sixty years of age, of medium size S ventions pian accepted by congress it at least awakens spare habit, color ess skin and neutral-tinted hair which !suspicion that there may be a large sized Senegambian might have been brushed with his hands, clad in a dark,, rVlQ fllol C11,,ni,r shapeless suit that sits on him as if placed there with aj pitchfork." "The public knows Mr. Ford chiefly as the inventor of an automobile, which, in the language of one satirical, has made walking a luxury, and of a futile scheme to bring peace to a war-racked continent.'' After accounting for the adoption of his peace scheme by the inexperience of Mr. Ford in world affairs the writer closes with this interesting touch and tribute: "If I read him aright, Ford will not relinquish his peace propaganda, but it will take other forms. Mean while, he will devote his attention to his business, now grown to the proportions of a little world in itself. For recreation he will expand the work on his big farm near Detroit, where his principal crop is free wild birds. It is planted with trees and shrubs specially chosen with reference to the tastes of! his feathered guests, for whom he has built houses and artificial nests on scientific lines, and before whom he daily spreads viands as carefully selected as those for his own table, while their drinking in the fuel supply. the fact that he beat her and threatened to shoot her. In her cross examination she went even further and testified that, "she loved him dead." Isn't that just what the prosecution is trying to prove? With so many of those little Balkan countries to be of them will have to be satisfied with the joker I The Parent-Teachers' association of i the Mountain View school district he! I Friday evening was one of the mostj interesting ones held this winter. The address of R. II. Reed, a retired mission-1 ary, was listened to with interest. , The automobile firm of Halverson fc Bums are well represented at the auto mobile show in Portland this week. They are distributors for the Oldsuio bile and Maxwell cars, both well repre sented in the auto show. Those of the firm ntfenilimr lire (' .feu-eft r,,n I! Mrs. Mohr testified that she loved her husband despite! l'w uaiterson & Bums. The Chemawa and Dallas basketoal, game at Dallas last night was won by Dallas by score of 21 to 2.'!. It was the fastest and closest game ever play ed at Dallas and the local team which has never been beaten had a harder game than they ever were in before. Uonie, of Cheniana, played the star upplied with kings the stock may run so low that some ? a. TitJiZ .It that, place. Attention at the Proper Time Will Save Money and Discomforts This applies to tooth troubles in a more certain degree than any others. Save yourselves pain and money by having your teeth looked after by com petent men. Charges reasonable. Lady Nurse. Work guaranteed. Sanitary Office. r. W. A. Cox 303 State Street Phone 926 mm WeSt Mason WAR STORIES Public Servi.e Commissioner Clyde H. Atchison, who is now at Washington. D. ('., where he was called in a rate case, telegraphed to the commission to day that the state may present its case by a petition of intervention in the suit luotight by the Last Side Business .Men's club against a number of rail roads to allow the same round trip re turn by way of Poitlnnd and Seattle as is allowed over the southern route. Al present the rate to return bv wav ot ij JfUUK STOMACH I CLOGGEDWITH WASTE? Daniel J. Fry Guarantees to Return tba Money If Mi-o-na Does Not i Relieve You. I'm tired of the stories of battle, that word oainters 1,0"liU"l,""l1s,'i,t!'e ' "lm,,.t ?,: ....... tt iip , n , i ... i ci man 10 return i,v wav oi tne soutli water in freezing weather is tempered by an electric ! I10.m ; oi peasants wno perish like cattle 'cm route. heater. A recent census shows that twenty-lour diuerent i ...g iu, , m mcu ui uu ctnu species of birds are enjoying his hospitality so well that a Fear Russia Denmark Hates Germany group, including song sparrows, uLuunwif. and even robins, have given up their annual flitting south- ward and face the rigors of a Canadian-border winterj for the sake of such uncommon comforts as he prepares for thoni IUU illlUUt, Ul clll UUIlgS lliat SiaUgniei' antlimght tor coasting especially on the S .1V sn tf 1 7HP n vn,.v, r,f tU fovmoi. ,,., 1 rairmomit hill, the Portland Railway --"J v... 4, M J U. II VA. L11V JLUIlliVl 111 shucks eighty bushels a day. butchered, diurnal, there's Light & Power company wil jest for the benefit of the i Norwegian roast, a port which can only "It has been rather the fashion to rail at Ford's oddi-j , ( ties; but if we take them all impartially into account andj.vv ' try to strike a just balance, putting into one scale his;Mp.;rl worst mistakes and infirmities, and into the other hisjjp V f) ..niior- !it vhoh fivo ni'oniotcd bv nure kindness and HhAmji In hsts nt the : are lioht nntViiniT T coo! ''oasters. The hill is four blocks long i " reaclie.l by a grao ot .-weoisn nun nomine i see,,.:,,. ki.. , ..." . , tenitow. si. vras' to that enchants; 1 m tired of the major and.".'1".- T r dint it may be properly recover Colonel. With h ood on their hih! nrul thpir ".".5".. i,n' " l"' l,li"',(' , , " v.-- nn tlP nilihM.i t HcL'd III urr 1A nnt jieculiar acts which are prompted by pure kindness and do no one harm, I suspect that he will take pretty high ... .i mi e i.: r. gene Finland. She is not so much pro-tiermun. but she is strongly anti Hussian. That she will yet attack l!us sia is not a bad guess. Denmark hates Wennuny for the loss linn.- ,,u 1... ,.l,f i-. tl,n 1. n.. ..:. U..liliidii'i.r. Ilnltitii. She f .,fi hi. Hie a tale Of the toiler, Who's Whacking lip flf 'ho coasters. The entire hill is injture (iennan aggression. She sympa Avnnrl lw fVio or.iv! T'.n t;.,J nnhn U.. , : fine condition and with the extra lights. , thizes with England. She would like .,v. j "i iu ui me uujs in ,i.,,, ,viu nndoubtedh- be a big crowd , to fiaht, if at a Lilt' UtllCIies, Willi SHUeS IlUl OI water and our tonignt. but she could so easily be overrun, loam- far better the plumbers, whose """'. '"r h"v:w b' .f!,",ior,-r i 1 Hit I silt1 is Jill i ii i :i ii a 1 1 it iu ii ! i ii """mil- run I'llllll UV lllilpl pants; l m tired ot the spy and the spoiler,' '"j? so!"n about two weeks ago. the r.f rlo.'iila oneo tlint litfoi. tV. o,tm,.,1. r 11 : l'ortland Kailway, Light &- Power com- II. VVL llll. OV.CtlUl, Jy tCll I1JU1V ller, who s whacking up I'm tired of the boys in shoes lull ot water and the plumbers, whose Sweden and Norway Hate and when my customers come in afterward i ana ten mo now ninen gooa it nas uon I them," said Daiiiel J. Fry, the popular i druggist to a Journal man, "and thas ; is why I like to sell and recommend, i Mi-o-na, the dyspepsia remedy. Tha I distribution of samples that I mad I created so much talk and so large a ' proportion of those who raceived a : sample have bought a box of Mi-o-ca j that my clerks have been busy selling sue medicine ever since. I nave so much faith in this article that I an going to guarantee it in the future, aal will return the money to any purchaser of Mi-o-na whom it docs cot help. That may seem rash but my customers havu said so many good words in its fav,,r that I do not expect to have many pack ages returned. "Anyone who has dyspepsia, whos food does not digest weii, and who huj to take thought as to what he can eat, and when, can leave 3d cents deposis nt my store and take home a box oi Mi-o-na and if the remedy does not regulate his digestion and" Ik-Id hi By Chas. P. Stewart. (t'nitcl Press Staff Correspondent.) , Copenhagen, .Ian. ii. (By mail) The Scandinavian business situation furn- j ishos a sidelight on the Swedish, Dan-1 ish and Norwegian attitudes toward the I war. Sweden is a neai;-bclligcrent. She ; fears liussian aggression, with a view i install two'1" acquiring a warm water port on tne nn t h.i n i.w' en n , 1.. . , ... w ..... 1 1 . S I It OS , .1 IP CHI! .Vlt I, Pfl- no ninnnv 11 llll II11U 111, . .--l..-1'vvv ..... ..v ..... I l . . . , rt via. . i ;!-;.,.. tin. miUmtviiri.c if ii in lcncnes are iixing rne pipes in mv nome. Ive read oi V rc hUmli nt sh fights at aii n must be with the aiucs uiin. no mini v"""i - f- - - iii.. . j. t i i it i i - rne ration " 1 movemenis oi legions, i ve read .01 advance and re- ' ' i treat, of ashes and ruin in reeions. whorp nnfp mw flit. 1 ... ,i n" . 1 : .!,. - ! corn and the wheat: and now I am wenrv nf rpnrlinrr thpp' W lUlt IS Uiere aOOUl Hie OUiee Dl IflMaiui uuu .n- j .'' , Mrs. Kllintt. of Shaw had a n-.rrow'dcc.:, as Sweden has, in Finland, bv at- i rt nets so nnnv'' The nav is onlv three dollars a day, and stones oi carnage and gore, of myriads wounded and fr... ,i,,i, at shw station 1,i Kussia. i,,.t has peril from k.w-;b ,1(i ti' o.ion l-ists but fortv divs so it is evi- bleeding, of hosts who will wake never more; so tell me ;''!!, m"l"i"- !" '"'" o'uk.' - (' Atlantic port is as w 11 eaee, ailtl IIIO SCSOn UISIS lllll 1UII., W ll is ui . 1 ,, .v(.vnl others sic wis wnitimr to .groat es Sweden s can be. I ent the office is not wanted for the salary. As for the! a tale of the granger who curries his mules in the morn, Ulkth Jin ' (r "e (uv,, she has more interest i- tliiiv,, ic cr.n.M.nllv ii llllU'h kiekinP 'It the lochia- Wh tllSS UP thl? eSSS fl'01U the Clanger, and Shucks eighty "" I-P"t r waiting room nt that place; aevelM.i, her merchant fleet than m, OllOr, tneiO IS gellOiallJ SO milCn KlthlUt, ai Hit U l,lSl.l 0 ' & J those waiting for trains do so in the! anything cl-e. She has small dispos.- ure that that phase of the office is not worth much, it; ,,u"u Ul -Jn. ,tlv. This momiug as the train puiicij t.. risk its destruction i,y ti What is tracts so many mile d honor tmv that that oh looks as though it must just be the unfailing desire ot; the American citizen to hold office that causes men to . SILVERT1NNIIFFICEES spend their time and generally more than the salary j " " ,.,..,,f.. . n-nt ,1,ntwl ! Sil.,.,1,,,1. Or.. .Inn. -JiL-A joint in- itlllUHIIl. H' LVi fl I Mint tin to is no doubt she will remain Has Narrow Escape ,nt:;" ay b,;st u the same as Sweden's. She has notliing to gain iu- l don "t know but what we would be willing to pay him interest.' This shows great faith in the merit of Mi-o-na. It is really a most unus ual medicine and the rapid increase oi ales since Daniel J. Fry introduced it in Salem shows that it 'does ail that i; is claimed to do relieves dyspepsia, regulates digestion and enables thos who use it to eat just what they war.: vita no tear of trouble after. HAS 65-YEAR JOB President Sproule, of the Southern Pacific says the story that his company will build a road from Coos Pay to Eureka, California, is false. With all deferanco to Mr. Snroule's supposed knowledge of the subject hi; most decidedly mistaken. His company will build that piece of road for the simple reason that it cannot afford not to do so, or to allow some other road to got a water level haul around the Siskiyous instead of over them. Yes, the Southern Pacific will build from Coos Pay to Eureka sometime. The Evening Telegram seems to bo as much out of, l",,. X"J touch with Portland folks as it is with those of the bal-jeiiue Matthew,, t ance of the state. This is pretty conclusive evidence that it is wrong in its positions on state affairs. i-tnllahon of the 1. I . U. I-', and the l.ebek ill Indues of till- , ilv nils held in the I. ii. ( F. hall Wc'liicln y ev cuiitu". The niei'tint; was open to mem bers an. I friend", and ah mi Uoii were in attendance. 1 hnilc- Ihuwnod, dis iriit doi'iitv uraud master, and Mii-s IS Winona I'aliuateer, ,li-tii, t deputy pres ident, installed the oin.cis as follow-: Tryphen.i b'cbel.a'.i lode No. :!! - Noble iiiaii.1, Katlierine Taylor; ice grand, Lot lie Srhnli; ve.-ording secretary. Marie J,uic-: financial see I rotary, K. . Allen; 1 1 camivr, Mollie ! b'iciies; n.inieii, Mrs. l-'iduk lilacker iliy; conductor. Oiace I'oyles: cli.iplain. I I. a ' i n ii.i Hiake; U. S. N. (I., Kmina 1 Adam-oil; I,. S. . (I., Sv l ia Media I uis; . s, V. !.. Chun liiuauo; I.. S. iu-ide gonrdian, le guardian, K.ith- Those installed in Silor lu.lj.,. Nn. f. o. o. I-'., were: Noble nrand, Flovd Allen; V. I There is no doubt but all claims of the credit,, is are amply secured, but the men who backed Fiunei'aii in the purchase of the paper, will probably lose heavily. Janneran, during his op erations on the (iuard put in u very expensive plant, and for a while pnb-li-hcl a paper at San .lose, California, going into bankruptcy there. lie is said to lone oone to Seattle. Several different parties have been for some months past to nenn- those wnitinir started to cross the track from the store in order to board it. Mrs. Kllioll crossed' jnt ahead of the train, but as -he steppe, I off the track slipped and fell backward strik ing on the pilot and rolling in front of "British nuvv. For this reason, though it seems natural that .Norway should ioin the Swedes in the event of a clash with Kussia, the .Norwegian viewpoint is not like Sweden's at nil. Like ltemnarli lieorgc though for different .r if1""-' was killed it. She was lui-hed nloiii! in snow for : reasons. .Nornav uiuloui'fcm win ie-' - - i ' '" it sue possnuv can. i : . ; . npe.i I.os Angeles. Cal Jan. 2.. William luber. one of the notorious Boyle J Heights bunk robbers was sentenced 'tod iv to Co years in the uenitentiarv. alleged mem- by Sun against Nelson, another til feet, the snow piling up in front of I main neutral i and covering her. Mr. Iiiidolf Schmidt : . i saw the accident and rushed to Mrs.: REGISTRATION IS SLOW Klliotfs aid expecting to find her ni All0,,t 17"" Mvion county voters. llv mangled corpse; but when she" to Im- exact, n,-n e reg.s.crc,. ; to date at the ottice ot tne county. Iclei'K. IU1S is :. j'pro.Min ti.-i one icii.ii of the voters of this countv and al readv The third bandit e-c ha, llv mangled corpse; but when sh . was pulled out of the snow and got her: I breath, it was tound she was not even seriouslv bruised. 100 AUTOS BURNED. trviu llinn-'ii,'!'1';!::::':: "h:':.::!;!?:i Governor Offers and creditor- blocked their efforts. The receivership is expected to put it in shape where it mav be disposed of. , Albany. X. Y Jan. 27. The Odd Fellows temple, three other buildings and lOu automobiles were destroyed to- one fourth of the time for regis- 11 nu- 'anse,i in- spontaneous tration has gone by. This indicates Y "u Mining m I there will be another rush during tie 1 (Uutinge. I last few davs the books are open ' Pniirofi Vnv fUt-lr the primaries, and a number of pros-, - UvlVaiU 1 Ul Viaift pei-tive voters will probably find them- M t selves waiting in line for some time to, fjC' I liinPNr Signor Gregorio Carcuita, professional sword shal lower and juggler of cannon balls, has joined the United States marines. This talk about preparedness should now cease abruptly. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1868 CAPITAI $300,000.00 Transact a General Hanking Business Safety Pepesit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Schroedcr; recording secretary, Savre; financial secretary, 1'. Ittown; treasurer, T. V. liichcs; ward- en, Alv'ut Oavis; conductor, K,l Cough-' ouovver; chaplain, Willi im lirnke; R., S. X. C, C. C, :nos; ,. S. N. (I., C. F. 1 Schultz; 11. S. V. O.. I lav Allen; I.. S. . C... W. K. Jones; K. S. S Jack Kich es; !., S. S., Arthur Hobart; t. O., Lint llsveupoit; (I, tl., O. Harvey, i EUGENE PAPER IN TROUBLE Floods In Arizona. Vuina. Ariz., ,1 in. 2!l. (iila liver waters rose daimernusly liiyh today, and lncinorics of the recent flood caus ed many families to leave their homes Henry on low ground and move to safer quart- With Your if. ers. More than .IHKI freight ears arc 1..' estimated smiled eist and west of Yii-i ',,Hr elarli, dead or alive. with outside points is via the Imperial auey ami i.os An -oles. F.ugoue, Or., Jan. 2!i. The Kugene Daily (iuard, which has been under the control of K. .1. Finnerau for the last three veins, was placed in the hands of n receiver yesterday, through an action brought by Kollenbeck and Midglev, owners of the building oc cupied by the paper, for $d-il.!;i. for rent. K. .1. Alnnis, a local attorney and president of the Harbor Sound In vestment company, was named re ceiver. The indebtedness of the con cern is alleged to be in evecs of if.'O, 1 000. No statviueut of assets was filed. DID SANTA SEND IT? Owing to the scarcity ot one Oeorge ign up it the last minute. Clark, who escaped from the Oregon I In the outside precincts where ott'i penitentiary on the night of January cial registrars have been appointed, the 1' l, liovernor v Ulivennine toOav otfercl . registration nas ueeu Heavier umu in a reward of 2H0 for the capture of the 'Salem nnd in some of the precincts as g g escaped convict. There is a standing '"any as SO per cent of. the voters have 1 I O ITI fl P M j,-., ..... . heKii registered. i IIIUVll me it -oriM uiii.i. ""-mj o. ii'" vviien the appetite lans nn, the diw Clerk- (iehllnir t the se.retirv of state' . . . '1P'"i. mgs an,t Ilic aiges show the following registrations: i """ ls 1,a'b ho,P is needed at once if ales Females Total MO 150 6S0 and this makes the reward $'J"i0 for the. l'ortlntvl. Or., Jan. L'!b Just before Christinas the four year old daughter of ilrs. '.' A. Stephenson wrote a letter to Santa t laus -kiug for a baby sister. It didn't come and she was disappointed. Last night an evcited jitney diiver hainnicred at t'ue door of the Stephenson home. In his anus was a baby girl, three hours old, which n mysterious woman in black had left on t'ue rear seat of his jitney. The tour year old girl his insisted and the Stephen sons will adopt the foundling. The pen officials are of the opinion that Clark is in the Marquam neigh borlioo,) where a strange man was re ported by John "laughter, a farmer re siding in that vieinitv. tluards were jseiit at ouee to Manpiam but so far I they have been able to locate no trace i.,i, i-i..ri- ll,.,,,i.t, i. u 1, ,.li.i ...1 tlmr l.o is still at large near that city. Jan. S Jan. 1" Jan. --'2 Jan. .... !" .. .2117 ....ur, 137fi 1 U7 12ti Ml 113 3(i4 iili 17117 1 This really suggests a. trial of MIOSTETTER'S 3 11 Stomach Bitters Always Watch This Ad Changes Often Seven Dead in Arkansas. Arkansas City. Ark.. Jan. -JD Seven I persons are known to no iiea,l in iiooos; along the ArkinSas. White and St.j Francis tiver, while hundreds are home-! less. Conditions, already alarming.! proinisv to be worse befoie nig'.it with the rivers at the highest stages even recorded. The drowned art' reported to have been n family of six who perished in' the breaking of r. levee at Watson, .ind a man, fording the Cadron river. An IS foot wall of water carircl iionses before it and left Watson under at least 17 feet of water. FOR THE WOODSMAN for "the woods" f 8ltdge Wede. Sawj an! Equipment! All ki.ds of i porrngnted Iron for both Hoofs and Buildings. 1 eosl 8 Landry Maugel, .Ughtly usci for one-foarth original f 115 AND $20 NEW 0VEHCOAT3 AT $3.00. I I pay 1 1-2 cents per pound for old rags. ? f i pay mgaest pnee lor nldei and fur. . .t -- T I H. Steinbock Jtmk'Co. f S02 North Commercial Streot. K ,n, I Wssmf n mi tt