Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 28, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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it k.
Your Money Back
Unless Perfc
When you buy tools bearing the
famous Keen Kutter trade mark
you don't have to take anybody's
word about their quality.
We are sure about the quality,
efficiency and durability of tools
bearing the Keen Kutter trade
mark; will refund your money if
they are not absolutely perfect.
It, Iree
No. kpi
Cbver Salem Girl Promises
to Add to Laurels Yon by
Dramatic Work
Ho. K
Quality Tools
are made of the finest materials and
put together by expert workmen.
The edges cut sure and easy, points
are sharp, temper is perfect and the
grainof the handles runs straightfrom
end to end. Buy a kit of Keen Kutter
tools and be ready for all emergencies
and jobs that frequently crop up. But
be sure to see the Keen Kutter trade
mark on every tool before you buy
then you know you are right.
Sold and Guaranteed by
This question is asked every day.
A cold is really a fever, not always
caused by the weather but often due to
disordered blood or lack of important
food-elements. In changing seasons
fat-foods are essential because they
distribute heat by enriching the blood
and so render the system better
able to withstand the varying elements.
This is the important reason why
Scott's Emulsion should always be
taken for colds, and it does more
1 'IT. . t. . i
m;, ,vti,, Tl,. ,,.,,,.,' cleverness n ouuus Mremjiu iu uicvem sickness.
an actress will bo remembered hy huii-1 Scott's Emulsion contains Nature's
; drcds of iSmein people who saw her as I rare strength-building fats, so skillfully
comta in Arizona, mst wmier, """ blended that the blood prohts from
her friends will be glad to know that ( jt is free lom harmui
silio is now to play the part ot Hetty i ' , , i o i i i
Graham, the lend' in "The Fortune I druKs r alcohol. Sold at drug stores
Hunter," which the Social Service C'en-! always get the genuine,
ter of the Snleni Commercial club will j 6cott& Bowue, DloomficM. N. J. 15-M
produce here for the benefit of charity !
on February 3 and 4.
Miss Thompson herself. .f course, fJ.JL C..rnlnMn
! needs no introduction to the Salem pub- VIUU lldUlS OUggCdUUlia
lie. As a mutter of met her principal ,
I introducing others to the Salem public
! through the society columns of the Cup
i ital Journal. You will be interested,
About Oregon Products
No. KU29
Prlc 7
0.00 'J
A complete list is under preparation
at the Commercial club of articles 1 but
however, in knowing what kind of a 'are obtainable in tins valley, which
part she is to play in "The Fortune ' might be used as raw material for man
Hunter." If you have seen the play, of j ufneture
course you already know. If you have The object is to suggest to local as
not seen it you won't recognize her, well ns outside capital opportunities
until several minutes after she has that are to be found in this country
made her first appearance us Betty Gia- ami especially this part of the state.
As 1. is. Kay sum atiout a rear ago
in an address at the Commercial club,
what this state needs is more niunii-
Hand Saw
No.K.88 26261n.
High School Exhibits
Overlooked by Judges
Through a misunderstanding of the
i'aaama -Pacific, exposition officials, the
exhibits sent by the high school of the
manual tiaini rijj departments of the
. uregou schools, was not
awarded prizes.
Betty is the daughter of old Sam Gra
ham, the village druggist. (Rev. K. F.
Tischer); She is IS years old, and is n j faeturing plants, and in the suggestion
regular little spit-fire. She enters up-' of the various articles' that can be mini
on her opening scene with her face j ufactured from Oregon products, it is
dirty, wearing an old and faded calico , hoped that parties with the capital and
dress, and carrying a pail of hot water experience may be induced to see the
and a scrub brush. The first thing she Quitter in the right light,
docs is to call down the two village I The Commercial iciiub invites sug
gossips (E. Cooke Patton and Wilson gestions, not only regarding what might
Howard). She then proceeds to scrub 1,0 manufactured from raw materials
the drug store and the drug store, by; produced in the state, but also ideas
the way, certainly needs it. During the , that may be of benefit to the city and
act everybody in the cast comes in for a i club.
vehement dressing down Ht the hands of j Suggestions have been offered to the
Betty. How Winchell Smith, the author, ! elub that a factory would find plenty
ever managed to write all the things'0 sheep skins for the manufacture of
'that Bettv snvs. and still steer entirely j book binding, and an abundance of lea-
I clear of profanity, is a miracle. i ther for the manufacture of shoes. Just
Finally "The fortune Hunter" j at present me nuio9 go to tiio far east,
(James Mott) appears, and Bettv. who I and returned to U9 manufactured
in the meantime has worked herself up:i" footwear, and the people as the ulti
! into a hysterical nige, jumps on him 1 m!lte consumers, pay a profit, going and
I with both feet. The scene which fob ; coming.
I lows is one of the finest ever written The utilization of the various woods
i into a comedy. Betty is not only tamed j of Oregon may eventually save the state
I down, but straightway falls in love ; money, as almost all the furniture is
! with the guod natured young scapegoat I shipped here from tho eastern mauufac-
.who has eonio to the village with the j tunes.
cmnn idea of marrying the banker's duugh- day products will eventually be man-
liaum: side tabic. Frank Prince: sid ! t Os Hazel K)rixn). 5liss Thomp-, iifactured in Oregon, and plants to util-
table, Kd Itowlund. j .'son's work in this scene goes far be- j vp 111,1 I;'"t clays found in the valley.
The manual training hovs contcm-1 5'Hlul wlmt n"J'u"c would expect in an j J''"1'" '"i'ls may come, in time to hand
plate tho forming of an industrial club, ' amateur player. In fact it is right up : ' the flax which will eventually be
to studv manufacturing methods am! ; ." I"-"-""'""! !"", ""'1 her winsome ' of Oregon s leading products,
raw materials. This club will also in i 1,ttlp sl'l'pch ut ""' 0,1,1 "f n,,t is H . ""f stl('"3 have been m.it. t() tht
elude members lroni tho t'omniercoial s!"X'f '"' in iu ,f'",t lhllt il wiil keep ;'' b that our fruits and vegetables
department the curtain puller busy for several min-i sh",ll(1 "c manufactured into jellies,
In order' to bo really practical nnd iUtV.s' . . i :iams' l,r",1u,'t for ,hc 8(h!1 f "'''.
judged or accustom themselves to business ineth-1 1 his is the end of ,l iss Tliomjison in' Ptl'- 1
Don Braford; cliair,
$6,000,000 Worth of
Salmon Taken Last Year
By Oregon Fishermen
In the report presented to the Fish :
and (iame commission by blaster Fish
Warden H. L. Kelly, 'it is brought out j
that more salmon were taken from Ore-1
gon waters in 1U15 than ever before,!
the value of the catch probably ex-j
ceeding six million dollars. .Mr. Kelly'
also called attention to the develop-;
ment of deep mii fisheries adjacent to j
the Oregon const, and the desirability!
in this connection of making surveys for j
.he better utilization of this industry j
by Oregon fishermen. i
It was also stated in the report that '
the present bounty of 4 on seuls, sea
lions and pups is of little value in ac
complishing their destruction and in
view of the fact that it is estimated
they will destroy probably 23 per cent
of the total run of fish, it is recom
mended that an investigation be made
with the view of having the bounty
raised or some special appropriation
to help exterminate the pests
The bounty is so small, and the)- are
so hard to get, even when killed, ow
ing to the fact they sink if shot while in
the water, that it does not pay one to
make a business of hunting them.
ods while working, the boys of the!
The exhibits sent from tho Suleui manual training class havo installed n fl'om. m"'tilfi school, and, wonder of ! VaHrpr Wltifoe'jfc Tnitifflll
schools have been returned, arriving in tool room, from which all the tools and
the city this week. Jhcy will become, materials used in the shop are checked,
the property ot the boys who niuuw tho Their plan is in accordance with the
different articles. best business methods followed in the
The furnituie ivas used by tho of- larger shops.
i'icinls in the Oregon nuilding in their
offices and weie also shown in the high : wrttmttv -nyittq
school exhibits. Tho boys in th high SUBLIMITY NOTES
school nrft rp-ti.rTiihinrr tliom lmfiii ...
taking them to their homes. The ex- , ' ..V1., " u.e"".1's 1m,tc son"llli- 'he remaining two nets are full of sur
hibits 14 in nnmher. are . f1WR. ' . " w"" Bl '' "CCK
wonder.-:, she has become the most benu-
uiui aim sweetest lime girl :.n the
village. Kven her father don't know;
her at first, and as fur Trrcy Tanner,!
the liveryman's son (Carl (labiielson) j
all he can do is to stare at her and I
say, "(iosh. how'd ou do it?"
at Grand Theatre
In Great Production
! Tli inked, fur n n an era irnmon t nf r.i.tt-
Wi.11 n t . 11. ..i. 1 . , .. .....V
vi it (i i hip II. jui mi in hmd Li i iv r . . n Tiirr ir i n thie ni v tt oil-,.,, w i. ; 4 ..
ivu mv, i iu nay lis (MIJV I1IUI OVtT. (11. i . .sir in iiik h u
mm twkses?
Backache: Hcdacht Lumhaco, Um Back.
RlwuiTutic Pains, Sliff 01 Swollen Joints and
Urinary Disorder Quickly Yield to
Chiffoniciv nMkr. ct.n. . "l0- Jl- Momiay tor rort-
Willium Johnson; Morris chair, Douglas . 1 ',ere llB was t'H,1,',, 011 f'"ll'r.111
AValkcr; desk table, John Bavne: chair, 3"T7.' T ...
Ed Robzinson; cnair, Mark Skiff; cliair, r"s;, "'' ." ' working for
' ' Geo. II, Bell during his absence to I'ort-
I The dance given hero last Friday
night was well attended and a jolly
j time was had by all.
The Staytoft Electric Light Co. has
just raised two electric light poles here
in town. C. E. Taylor of the above
company states "that the town will be
supplied with electric lights within the
next five weeks.
A number of men turned out Tues
day and with axes and saws cut down
a large fir tree in the grovo which was
made into wood for the church and
Simon and I. J. Boedigheimcr made
a business trip to Salem on Friday.
I A joint Installation, of officers of
tho Catholic Order of Foresters and
the Women's Catholic Order of Forest
ers was held nt the Foresters hall on
Thursday evening, Jan. 2uth. After
the installation excellent speeches were
made by Mrs. Kirk, Chief Organizer of
the W.'C. O. F., ( has. Hottinger, W. F.
Klecker and other members of tho
above named orders in rognrd to the
J order. Following the discourse games
were played and a social time enjoyed.
At midnight a bountiful lunch was
; served and shortly after all returned to
j their homes, declaring they had spent
a most enjoyable evo'ning and that they
would all look forwnrd to the next
installation. Stay ton Standard.
Solvax Joes right to the seat ot lh trouble,
aiding tlie kidneys lo pass off the Uric Acid and
poisonous waste that causes Rheumatic rwtnxts
and other painful symptoms. Soothes and heals
the bladder and quickly ends all kidney disorder!
Leading Druggists Everywhere, Including
Daniel J. Pry.
I sum aim ins spiemuu company will
be seen at the rfrnml tlmitn toniirlii
prises. See ''The lortuno Hunter" by; "The Typhoon," a play that has set
all means. The best seat in the house I new records for attenrrnnco wherever it
will only cost you six bits, and there aie ' has been disclosed, and which has been
lots of good ones for i5 and 50 cents.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
I 1 .L . . 1 .
i 'iccmieu uie most lemnrKaiile success
i the American stage has known for 211
bears. This is the day that has for
its theme the insidious inroads of the
j Japanese, not merely In this country
but throughout the world. It is a drama
Fruitland, Or., Jan. 28. The giain i 'f enthralling interest, every character
or wiuen is practically new to the stage.
Mr. Whiteside appears as Tokeramo, a
young Japanese diplomat, engaged upon
n secret mission in Berlin, who be
comes involved in an "affair" with
a Berlineso beauty who encompasses his
destruction but nt. tho sncrif;.... i.f I,.,-
berry bushes, as littlo or no damage is! own life at his hands. A complete ami
done nt a temperature above zero. At I beautif ul production is carried by .Mr.
yet the mercury has not gone lower V'liitesidp whtfe leading woman this
than II) or J2 above. j season is Miss Lillian Cnvanngh.
Somo of the neighbors have beeni 1
joy riding on improvised mud boats
crop in tho neigiiboi hood is nromisin
and though this present snow is in
somo respects unpleasant, yet in the
words of Walt Mason "it is good for
the wheat."
I do not believe the cold weather has
is yet hurt the fruit tree's nor tiio
Ed Blakely is suffering from an nt
t.tck of appendicitis, but at present it
is thought an operation will not be;
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Richards were in
town yesterday. Jack is still travel-1
ing with crutches.
Mrs. A. 1). Gardner, who has been I
seriously ill for several days, is re-!
ported considerably improved.
Uriah Whitney has been quite sick
the past week with the prevailing mil
ady, hut, is reported improving.
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Foster and Mrs.
Kate I'reston, who is living with them,
are all down with the grip. The en
tire household heing sick, outside help
was mode necessary. "
Mrs. W. W. Kldcr and Miss Grace
have both been on tho sick list, but
are improving.
Miss Prances Kirch, of Howell, hid
charge of Miss Crabtree 'h room in the
Stayton schools during her recent ill
ness. E. C. Titurs will this season have
the agency for Ford and Dodge cars in
northeastern I.inn county and Chev
rolet and Studebnker for southeastern !
Marion county.
Frank Kohwein, of Jordin Arale,v,
was a caller Saturday, lie was in in
see Ur. Korinek regarding his cattlv
lie has about 100 head and some of
them are sick.
After a visit with his parents ml
his sister, Mrs. A. Xeitling, August
Weiurich left yesterday for his home
in Canada. He wiil also visit with his'
; sisters in I'ortland. '
l C. Freros was down from Fern '
I Hidge Thursday. He said a person .
I could get some good pictures of aa Or-'
egon winter at Ins place, the snow hav-1
ing drifted ibove the fences.
Joe Korinek was a Salem visitor,
Tuesday. He was accompanied home1
by his brother, ir. ('. .1. Korinek. Theyj
report, that thev see very little change)
ill their father, who is' in the Salem
hospital. I
A young man named Tlrotlierton had
a hip disloeited last Wednesday by be-,
ing t'nrown from a bob-sled, at Lyons.!
Dr. Hcauchnnip wfis cnlb'd ami attend-J
ed the injury. The injured man wVis
taken to his hr in St,l.m un.i t
I ported doing nicely.
I he serial meeting of the Rebeknh
lodge wis held lust night and the lodge.:
was presented with a fine new altar,
which was made by (inint Murphy and
presented by him' to tho lodge." The
Hebekali's are very much pleased with
Mr. Murphy's gift. Other features of
the evening were "Still" and an ex
cellent iiinih. The Rehekah's are i
glowing onlcr mid make for n great
part of tiie social afnfirs of our city.
AH our $5.00 and $6.00 Overcoats
Are now sold out, but we have a number
that will be gobbled up in the next few days, as these
values cannot be found every day in Salem's stores.
The price of Overcoats and Clothing in general will
be much higher next season on account of scarcity
of material due to the war, and the lack of dye
stuffs.- Therefore
at once and save about 25 per cent, which is better
interest" than you can get on your money in any bank.
Trade With
Brick Bros.
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase
nted recently on the. matter of trade
interference, Englund is now consulting
her ally France before making reply.
The I'nited States language to Great
Britain was unniistnkably frank. This
government held that England had not
the right, to seize mails ns she has
done, that she gains no military ad
vantage thereby, and that censoring of
diplomatic mails is " vexatiously in
quisitorial." The state department
mnda it plain that the British seizures
were provoking much feeling in th'
country in addition to causing both in
convenience and loss to American, busi
ness men.
is again our road super-
"V 'ith its distressful itching, may
je soothed at once, healed
quickly, and all its ugly mani
festations driven away,
thanks to
the incomparable
(At All Druggists)
H.ickensnck, X. J., .Tan. 27. Himself
chibed and feverish, his wife ill with
tousilitis, bis kids with whooping
cough t, his furnace out and 300 parish
ioners down with tho grip, Pastor Von
Schilder preached on the text, "As
grippe grips all Hackcnsaek, so Ood
grips the world."
They are planning nt Washington to
make 1 irgo incomes pay the money
I cost of preparedness. Small incomes
will do the fighting, should it come, so
J the arrangement seems to be fairly
I equitable.
A distinctive cracker flavor
that you'll like
10c and 25c packages
Big Family Tin 5Cc
also in bulk at r.ll dealers
Portland, Oregon
A. II. C'. irk
Mrs. J J. Kggler is visiting friends
this week in Salem. '. ,1. is thus left
to the various Household duties mak
ing beds, sweeping out and cooking.
Possibly he may even wash the dishes
once or twice. Jt takes a man to drop
tho dish cloth, set the tea kettle on the
floor and step on the cat while play
ing cook and house maid, as I have
done all this and more.
Word received from reitives in
nr . i . ..
nuMiingion, state the snow is three
weather ami the posoffice twelve miles
In yesterday's Capital Journal a con
tributor jets after the preachers for
ignoring the "awful fact" tiiat men
and women Ale dying and going into!
Turner Public School
Organizes Industrial Club
Turner, Or., dan. L'S. The meeting
was called to older in the assembly
room of the Turner high school, it 1:00
p. m. by Professor Wilson. The busi
ness brought before the meeting was
to organize an industrial club for the
benefit of the pupils, ami surround
ing community.
The motion was mndejind seconded
mat nn industrial club bo oreanized.
were as fol-
feet deep on the level with very coldjThe election of 'officers
lows: Mb, Wallace Kiches. nrcsident-.
Mr. Enrl Hear, vice-president, uid Miss
Hazel Kdwurds, secretary. These of
ficers were elected by " a unanimous
vote of the entire student body. The
cilOfisitur rif tin ii.U'itiiit. ti'nu .!,...:. I.. I
. . .,.., mrnasiing lire.-' n i nut will l,e at next meeting of the stu
is to be hoped that the said preachers ; dent bodv.
"in ne aumonisaeu ana nt least try
to escape themselves.
And this reminds that a Salem pas
tor states through the press tint if he
could have his "way" he would-install
billiards and dancing in the
church! Well these useful aids along
tho way to heaven are among us al
ready us social and moral uplifts and
wily should the church bother. Yvt it
Course of True Love
As Usual Runs Crooked
Portland, Or., Jan. 2S. After n
series of adventures that served to
.1... .,.. i,...' . ,.i.. t ix i
Vrkrh ,rS"'' rlrd -K-a 20, i. not sure'todav wl IL r hi
lioriors of Ucthsenmnfi nn,l tin, . . ,. . ..
nn ( ni, .. .i 1 ; . w.inrs io mnrry v ere ( a oe , ngei i2.
on Canary that nunchniu nf I. ii..i , -.. . .'
i . ' ... . ' i fw nesii.'i v The conn t rm. 1.. i,i.n
Halts and flmeinL' of heads miiht
uplifting fqi-tors in his religion.
Every Piano Must Be Sold
Four sold yesterday. Thin is the
best piano buying opportunity you have
ever heard of. You can own a fine piano
now and not feel the cost. A small pay
ment each month secures one. lie one
of the foitunate ones. All are guaran
teed. See ad on page two.
Implement dealers complain that
Oregon farmers' are risking long time
credit from them and paying cash for
automobiles. The obvious cour-e for im
plement do iters is to put in a line of
automobiles if they want the ca-h.
"c Margaret's brother didn't approve of
me uinti-n. lie stopped tho lovers, beat
the youth, and took Ins sister before
the authorities where he swore that she
was insane. She spent the night in jail.
l.nst night county physicians pro
nounced her mentally sound and said
the whole affair was nothing but n
family row. Margaret threw herself
into her lover's arms. While her family
vainly nought to prevent it, the pair
started off a second time to be innr
ried. Then they learned for the first
time that their religions don't match.
Reluctantly they separated over this
'piestion. It is still unsettled.
England to Consult France
Before Making Reply
Washington, Jan. England soon
will make reply to the American pro
test against f!ritih interference with
American mails to neutral countries.
Following out the course she inangur-
Southern California has much to offer you this winter.
City or country, mountain or beach resorts all are invit
ing. The Panama-California, Kxposition nt San Diego
will remain open another year bigger and butter than
'ever. Hut Southern California offers something even
L'lenter than this. It is the ever-present and delightful
Hoses ill bloom, Oranges and Lemons ripening on the
trees, Poppies and Geraniums everywhere. This is the
real California. The expense of a trip to Southern Cali
fornia is not great.
Low Round Trip ou'l"n T mU ?
from all Pacilic uirthwe.st points.
Stopovers are allowed nt pleasure. Thrutigh car service
oir limited, trains, through dining car and observation
cars make the all-rail route the delightful way to go.
Ask your local agent or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore.
rail Cake Day
T. R. is going to the West Indies for
a f t w weeks' ret. Hut how about the
Went Indies.
Pan cakes and coffee served free. You are
invited to try the Gas Griddles Saturday,
January 29th. Only $1.00 each. Made espec
ially for gas stoves and hot plates. This price
to Gas Consumers only, and only one griddle
to each. Don't grease them no smoke.
.1 me yas L