Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 27, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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After everything is said, where can you find a better place to shop than
at "Meyers Good Goods" Store? Courteous and intelligent salespeople
and thirty-six years of standardizing merchandise for this vicinity.
No space or room for bankrupt stock or trashy merchandise.
Our aim is to please and our prices are lower for better
merchandise than you will find elsewhere.
New Spring White Goods at Special Prices
Shadow Lace Voiles 40 Inches wide Special 32c Yard
Seed Cloths 40 Inches wile Special 32c Yard
Seaside Cloth 40 Inches wide Special 34c Yard
Imperial Nainsook 36 Inches wide Special 19c Yard
India Linons 30-Inch Two grades Special . ; ; 11c and 17c Yard
Pique Fine Grades 27-Inch Three Lots Special ". ... 23c, 32c, 45c Yard
Embroidered Batiste 30 Inches wide Clearance at 23c Yard
Yama Cloth Splendid Grade 40 Inches wide Special 23c Yard
Voiles A Most Popular Fabric 40 Inches wide Special 32c Yard
Madras Waistinffs 30-Inch Extra Special 19c Yard
Advance Showing Spring Merchandise
Many new assortments for the coming season are here,
showing the very latest and approved styles.
Early Showing of New Laces and Embroideries
Early Showing of New Striped Silk Crepe de Chine
Early Showing of New Crepe de Chine Underwear
Early Showing of New Two-Tone Taffeta Silks
Early Showing of New Muslin Underwear
Early Showing of New Spring Hats for Men
Advance Showing
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
es correctly. U. 8. iliiuk, Bid;;.
' The river Is falling, and is today at
9.3 feet nbovo low water mark.
0. H. P. Cough Syrup will stop your
cough. No cure, no pay. For Bnlo it
the Opera House I'hnnnaey. tf
With the advanced prices in wheat,
Recording to Portland reports, Hour
may advance, 20 cents a barrel. But
this is just a rumor it present.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Judge Henry L. Benson will address
the Six o'clock club of the First Meth
odist church at its meeting next Tues
day evening, taking for his subject,
"Kocall and the Judiciary."
' Dr. Stone's drug store.
With a request that they bring only
flour sacks, the members of the Indies
Aid society of the First I'resbyterinn
church aro invited to the all day meet
ing Friday, January "H, to bo held in
th parlors of 'tho church.
If you are looking for a nice cool
drink, you can find Woinhnrd's non
alcoholic Golden and Amber Nectar
nnd Apleju on drnngk at. Paul Mnrn.ieh
Billiard Bailor, 1-40 N. Com. St. Jau2S
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Prices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
Phone 724. Salem, Ore.
of New Spring Footwear for Men
and Women
These new style arrivals for the spring season should appeal to
those who admire and desire well dressed feet. These latest mod
els embody splendid styles and finishes extra fine quality, insur
ing good wear and the prices are unusually moderate. Men and
young men who find difficulty in getting stylish shoes of the
right size at a moderate price are invited to inspect this new
Electric baths ana massage tinder
your physician's directions. N. N. lin
os, 218 Hubbard Uldg. I'hone 555. tf
The faculty of the senior high school
nil! entertain the graduating class fit
the high school, Suturdiy evening. The
exercises for the mid winter gradua
tion will be held next Wednesday even
ing at the high school auditorium.
The novelty studio has moved to
room 21, Breymnn building, over Stock
ton 's store. tf
"We are members of the Salem Com
mend il club, assisting in the develop
ment of the community. Aro you.' If
not, why notf" Cards with the fore
going notice have been printed by the
commercial club and will be distributed
to members for display in their places
of business.
If in need of fresh fish or nicely
dressed poultry, e ill at I.. C. Han
sen's fish and poultry market, StiO
.State street, or phone 2125. Jun2S
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Alden are in Se
attle, to attend the funeral of Kdwnrd
S. 1'age, the father of Mrs. Alden. lie
was a member of tho (r. A. K. and the
funeral will be held under the auspices
of this organization. Dr. Carl Gregg
Doney will substitute for Dean Alden
who was tu appear in the public li
brary lecture course nt Albany tonight,
Patronesses for the De Gogorza con
cert should get their lists in Friday.
Burl Kremer, an Inmate of the Feeble
Minded school, left the institution be
fore daylight and without, his break
fast this morning, but . changed his
mind at the S. 1'. depot as he found
the outside world rather chilly and
particularly brcakt'astless. He was
held at the depot until Officer Nichol
son arrived and brought the boy to
the st ition.
The De Gogorza concert mill bo giv
en at the Grind theatre, licservo your
seals there Saturday.
The Junior basketball teams are also
going about the country looking for
trouble. Tiie Albany high school junior
team will play the' Washington junior
high schol team of this city Saturday
evening at the high school gvmnasiuin.
The guiie will begin promptly at 7
o'clock. This will be the first time
thee juniors will hine taken a look at
each other.
D. M. C. and It. M.
C. Tatting and
Crochet Thread; in
white, ecru and
colors; sizes 3, 5, 10,
15, 20, 30 and 80;
Extra Special
10c a Ball
The House of
Mail orders received for the De Gog
orza concert will be filled Saturday in
order of their receipt. Address jlin
netta. Mngors.
W. B. Logus, of Oregon City, is here
on his annual visit of inspection, and
will deliver nil Address this evening nt
trie i.ik lodge, llis otticint title is dis
trict deputy grand exalted ruler. He
freshinents will be served, ami several
candidates will be initiated, following
the address.
Subscribe for the Da Gogorza concert
at the music stores now if you wish to
reservo your seat Saturday at the
I! rand theatre.
The directors of the Eickreall school
district met yesterday and decided to
make plans at once for tiie erection of
a new building to take the place of the
one tint was burned about, two weeks
ago. The building cost $t.000 and was
insured for .ft.lHiti. As soon as the in
surance is adjusted, work will begin.
At a meeting last evening of the
lnilies nml knights of the Maccabees, a
program wis given, wnieu included
several numbers by Hebel's Cherrybud
band, and readings by Florence Yalon.
tino and Mis, Curtis. Songs wero sung
by Mrs. i'urdy, Phoebe Heath and
Mrs. Mountain. Dolhort Mnoro plnvcd
a violin snlo. The evening's entertain
ment closed with games .ind refresh
The boys of the manual training de
partment of the high school are not on
ly making things, but have taken upon
themselves the protection of tho build
ing mi l the repairing of the equipment.
i no nrms on niinv or the sents and
desks have lately been repaired and rc-
tinislieil hv the liovs and thev hone bv
their influence, to prevent the defacing
or warning or tne wood work and fur
nishings of tho building.
The meeting of the Mountain View
Parents-Teachers' association Friday
evening, will be addressed by B. li,
' ten who nns neen a missionary on
tho frontier for several vears. He will
tell of his personal experiences with
tho Indians. A. Nicholson will furnish
the music for tho evening. Admission
is free. The Mountain View listriet is
at Oik tirovo, about two utiles west
or Miiein.
The Women of Woodcraft and the
Woodmen of the World will hold a so
cinl Friday evening, in which every
body takes a chance. It is inst like
this. Tho Woodmen w ill furnish the I
baskets, and the Woodcraft will pntj
the provender within the baskets. AlsOl
the n une of the lady who provided thei
eatables for that particular basket.;
'Then the baskets as filled, will be sold
tat unction, and the Woodman who pur
chases a basket, will have the pleisure
of eating the contents thereof, with the
j lady who prepared the food therein. I
San Francisco, Jan. 2". I!eg
istering 211.10, the lowest point
reached since February 22, ISSll,
the barometer here today fore
told a storm of almost un
precedented severity, according
to the weather bureau. The
barometer has dropped steadily
and rapidly since 8 o'clock last
night when it registered 20.NO.
Storm warnings are being sent
up and down the coast.
Tor the benefit of the Salem mer
chants who rather enjoy talking busi
ness during eating hours, a merchants 'J
lunch has been arranged at the lominor
cinl club and will lie served for 25
cents. The hours are from ll:.'iO o'
clock to 1:30.
The quarterly meeting of the mem
bers nnd congregation of the 1'niled
F.vnngclicul church witl be held Satur
day evening at 7:.'f0 o'clock. The pre
siding elder, Kev. S. S. Mumey will lie
in charge of the meeting. Official bus
iness of importance will come before
the meeting. The annual conference of
the church will be held in Portland the
first, week of April nnd at the meet
ing Saturday night, a delegate will be
A deed for the property on Court
street on which Wallace V. Moore
is erecting a building, was placed
ed on file this week. Frank W. Dur
bin is the grantor, and the lot is de
scribed as part of lot 5, block 22 in the
cite of Salem, and is 1-2 feet by
.'!! feet, 10 inches. The lot is deeded to
Wallace W. Moore, and the considera
tion is 1,8,000. A ipiit claim is also giv
en by Mr. Durbiu to his interest in the
wall of tho Brewer building.
Hector MacPherson, field agent of
the extension department uf the O. A.
C. writes (). H. Luck, manager of the
Commercial club that he will be on
hand Saturday to deliver an address at
the Commercial club Saturday after
noon. This is a meeting especially for
farmers. Market and cooperative niar
keting and the raising of better vege
tables will be discussed. 0. B. Bouquet,
also of the (). A. C. will deliver a short
address. Tho meeting will begin prom
ptly at 1 o'clock. George W. Weeks is
chairman of the committee in charge.
The masquerade dance given last eve
ning at the Mooso hall by "The La
Area dub" was largely attended and
brought out; nil sorts of fancy and in
teresting costumes. For the niost strik
ing costume, the first prize was award
ed to Miss Kmma Godfrey, who appear
ed as u "Colonial." The second prize,
for tho most elaborate costume, wu.i
given to Miss Grace Kmorcy, and the
third prize, for the most coniical make
up, awarded to Miss I.cona Teterson,
who appeared as a ghost. Tvnn G. Mar
tin, was also awarded a prize for a comi
cal make-up.
At the Washington junior high school
yesterday, tho following officers of the
student body were elected: President,
Paryl L'vans; vice-president, Maude
McCoy; secretary, W'nyno Allen; treas
urer, Karl Sliufcr; ctftor, Joseph Al
brich; board of directors, Helen Corey,
Dolph Craig and Dolph Domngella. The
football team of the Washington jun
ior high school was presented with
their sweaters and letters yesterday.
The election of yesterday was' to fill all
the offices of the student body for the
coming semester.
The write if tho play "The For-
tuno hunter", to be produced here next
Thursday and Friday night i bv home
talent, for charity, has written Ivan C.
McDaniel, secretary of the Salem So
cial Service. Center as folows: "Per
sonally ,1 shall be very glad to donate
the uso of tho play for the charity per
formance, but it w ill also be necessary
to obtain tho permission of the publish
ers nnd agents." Tho letter is dated
December 21, written from the home of
W'inchell Smith, Fiirmington, Connecti
cut. As the publishers and agents have
also given their usual royalties, the
play can bo produced without the usual
royalty, which in plays of the standard
of "The Fortune Hunter" generally
amount to $100.
For those who wish information on.
the Swiss military svstem of trainin
an opportunity will bo given Friday
evening, when the affirmative debating
nt ti, ..,:.. -,;i, .:n
meet in debate with the Jefferson high
school team. Those in the Salem team
arc Frank Hosebraugh, Mavnard Slw -
ver nnd James Walker. Ernest Blue
will nresido nnd the judges will be: IL
L. Wilson, principal of tho McMinn
ville school. W. J. Pe.ldicord, of tiie
Portland night Vhool. and Prof. J. T.
Matthews, of the Willamette univer
sity. Miss Ida B. Davis is in charge
of the debite and Lvlo aBrtholomew
is student malinger. The negative team
of the high school will also debate Fri
day evening, toing to Xewberg. V.
P. Murphy will accompany them. Thei
negative team is composed of Herald
Kmmcl, Trn Mercer and Thomas M
The Willamette Valley Exposition as-'
sociation organized n year agor for the -advineement
of intersts of Willamette!
valley counties nt the Fnnninn-VacifU' ;
exposition is holding its final session to-'
day at the Commercial club. The busi- j
ncss now before the association is main-1
ly that of distributing the exhibits re-1
turned from the exposition. They w ill
be sent to the various counties, and,
also to thte state fair and to the Fort-1
land Chamber of Commerce. C. II. ,
Stewart of Albany, lias acted as pros!
dent of the association nnd Fred S. Tiv
noil of this city, as secretary. Those!
present today and tikln? part in the
final business of the association are C.
H. Stewart of Albany, W. A. Taylor, of
Macleav; Fred S. Bvnon, Salem: O. V.
Frnvtag, Oieiroii Cilv; Rev. H. Charles
Dnnsiuore, Independence: T.. W. Haines
of Forest Grove: F, L. Knickerbocker,
Sheridan, and W. S. Groves of Cor
vallis. ...
Journal New Today Ads de-
liver the goods.
1 . . Zi';. II
i Wag
"- -i, ; If A
tsitjuia.-m....-iiT-i- - ' '
The launching of the Swan.
"I name this vessel the Swan," said Lady Cresswcll, wife of Hear
Admiral Cresswcll of Australia, "and may she be as graceful in motion
iind as fierce in tight as her living namesake. Good fortune to I.e.- and to
all that sail in her." Such were the wishes ns the new Australian warship
left the ways in the presence of a great assemblage of federal and state
government officials.
Judge Alden Has Sharp
Tongue and Is Consider
ably of a Scold
Dishonesty in commercial life, mt -
tenness in politics, unhappiness in do-
mestic relations, and inaiiierence to,,.. (t t- ( ,, ,
reliuio'n, evils of the present age, c.imc
under the keen intellectual scalpel of
Judge Alden, famous lecturer, humor
ist.refornier, and jurist, wiio spoke last
night at the armory as the third num-nt, (..jiiev,,; W.IS t00 t,.lsiiv gotten into,
ber in tho Salem tyceiim course, and,.ui(l t00 ,,asih. ol,t' of to st.,.
the root and cause -ot the evils laul c a,i satisfactory. Men should re-1
bare to tho public gaze. With keen ,llnl to thl, s,,l(.tity of ta0 ll0,e .lnil
bubs of humor, he opened the way top should not get nurried until they can
uie iieiins oi me iiumeucc, Uuu iiiru
.Hove home tne steel ot nis argumenr,
tho burden of which was that individ -
mils are shirking their responsibilities
to their fellow men, that petty thiev
ery is practised and graft denounced
by tiie thievers, that a growing indif
ference toward religion is at the b.ise
of all evils, social nnd political.
He defended the grafter told why
the grafter is here, and plainly said
that, the man who would cheat in the
small deals of life w.is the founda
tion upon which the greater graft was
based. He decdared that back of all
this materialism, this worship of the
golden calf, was the indifference to
ward the teachings of Christ, nid said
that history shows that every nation
in the past that turned from God to
Gold has gone down to ignominious de
feat. TalV.s About Honesty.
In the ordinary walks of life, he av
erred that to have friends, a man must
be i friend. He pointed out that men
will fall upon the neck of one who
praised him but wnlk on ".lis neck if he
criticizes or shows up petty foibles and
weaknesses. In this regard, he told
how the writing and singing in an
amateur minstrel show of fourteen
verses of biting sarcasm turned his ca
reer from a writer of poetry to that of
reformer. The sarcasm was barbed
with wit and found its mark; so, in
his lecture, he illuminated his points
with brilliant shafts of wit and clever
turns of phrase, and the audience
laughed at the jokes .uul writhed at
the bite.
Ho showed the inconsistency of the
man who sits by the stove in the corn
er grocery and wails and howls about
tho gratters in the state and nation
nn,11 lho1'. F" home .and mixes tbe
! P""1'' - ' .'ow w, n t.io nrowci oi
,l,', I'"ml. n"d still thinks he is hon-
est. He declared men should cease to
cist critical eyes on the horizon for
the sins of others but should turn the
eve inwardly, for the reformation of
the state and nation VJeglns with the
Too Many Churches.
And as it was thus in commercial
and political life, so it is in domestic
and religious life, ho averred. It was
his opinion that lack of self respect
wis the cause of tiie moral turpitude
j"1' ri,f,,,r am' 8r"f,f''- -' re in-
For Sale
1 7Va H. P. motor $130.00
1 Hobart Meat Grinder $150.00
1 30x30 Meat Block $15.00
60 feet Bail Racks, per foot
iIiard Pregg, Kettle and Benderer $60.00
, Sht Iron Meat Smoker $7.50
1100 lb. Beam Scale ,
150 North High Strict
t "-Skirt. sw '
st . . . vv i.
liffeieut to their morals when they
ceased to feel their responsibility to ;
the church and Christianity, which is j
the central fact of civilization. He ad-,
mitted it was no wonder that men left i
. 1. , , I 1 n
life cnurcn wneii pmu-iici p.vucam
soggy, doughey theology inste.nl ot the!
teachinus ot Christ. There are too-
many churches, more than the 57 va-
i-ii.tl.iu nn1 vmm, nmilif fn lie i-:lni,ed.
He' took a fling at the women and
scored their method of dress, said thei
need of the hour was a return to com-'.
nion sense in clothing. He was inclined:
to believe that soon women's dress!
will cover her head completely jnd that I
tiie skirt will reach scarcely to her
knees. However iu spite of their foibles i
nli-m.r tliiu lin In. thi-.iinlif thuv ivnnlil
' haV(r the franchise in the Cuite'd tSatesj
within fiftt, v(?ars ,md ti,.lt rive
more legalized saloons.
He advised those who were .ibout to
plunge into matrimony to bo careful, !
In Slti-.nl T.n.ilit on1 l.ict.nl f-i vt-i n ir. I
mnnev and make n home. Then.
,vhpn nomp ;H maJp
; ;, at na much
to give the
affection as
And the remedy for all these evils
he believed to be a return to a keener
appreciation of religion as t.iught bv
The program was opened by Mi
Mary Schultz who rendered Hidnn 's
"Legende" iu a thoroughly delightful
manner. She so impressed the audi
ence an encore was demanded and she
responded with. K Hosier's beautiful The plans will have 5,000 square feet ot
" Liebesleid." Miss Lucille Kuutz.i wing surface, nnd will measure 200 feet
popular Salem puniste, accompanied' f "tip to tip". Its motive power
Miss Sehultz. J will be eight 12t5 horse power engines.
(.leiin J. Mc addam, manager of the) jt is to carrv a rrQVC of s0viln
Nilem Lyceum course, introduced, Adams savs ho intends to start tho
Judge Alden , and announced the next! vovape from Sim 1V(lr0 aft,.r ,irn,.tic
number as Frederick Warde, the great j flights ,,p the coast as far as Vaneou
Shakespearian actor. The trip, according to the engin-
De Gogorza Given Warm
Welcome In San Francisco
(San Francisco Chronicle.)
A concert by Kmillo de Gogorza is a
liberal education in music, it is also a
superb vocal lesson by a master; but
most of all it is musically charming,
satisfying nnd complete.
I'erhnps it is his American nativity
an, continental genealogy that. mnk,. I
him such an emigrant in song, fori
wherever he finds himself whether in
classic. French, British fields of folic
lore, modern German or Kussian of
ftistilinn, or Mexican, it is as though
he hnd just come home. In each he is
a specialist, and to my ears is, or was
yesterday, at his serenist. and finest in
Brahms' "In Summer Fields" nnd in
D 'Duty's deeply spiritual "Lied Mari
time." Surely these are long steps in
Versatility Is Shown.
It is due to the catholicity of De
Gogorza 's gifts and the exquisite art I
he reveals that the Columbia Theater!
was filled yesterday afternoon. Thej
concert artists capable of filling that, !
or any other theater in San Francisco,!
with a song recital are not so many!
but that one may count them on the
fingers of his two hands, with a digit
or two to spare.
De Gogorza takes place among the
first. Hei leaves with our regrets and
returns with our welcome; yet he
docs not clamor. It allures, enlightens
and thrills with a persuasiveness unique
iu this singer, who combines art with
heart ami brains. Once lm sings a song
he stamps it with an individuality and
renders his interpretation "standard"
from that moment. He is a singer who
wins your enthusiasm by such legiti
mate means that you are somehow flat
tered that yon have had the discrimina
tion to apprehend even a measure of
his rounded art.
Art of Different Periods.
Cluck's air from "Iphigenie en Tau
ride" was grouped with another found
er of French musical art, Monsigny,
and contrasted its chaste ami eloquent
recitative with the more Gallic man
lier and vivacity of Monsigny 's "Air de
Peserteur. " De Gogorza began and;
ended with the French school, two cen
turies apart, in fact, but brought into
spiritual relations by the eompieheiiMoii
and the voice of the artist.
De Gogorza sings again next Sunday
afternoon at the Columbia, I am happy
to sav.
A Journal New Today will i
;e convert waste into wealth. j
tt W f dU "Jf &
p p 1 r P T
She Denies Emphatically All
Statements Made by Al
leged Accomplices
Providence, R. I., Jan. 2".-Quiotly,
learly, though often iu tears, Mrs. C.
! Franklin Mohr in her owu defence to-
; day denied the state charge that sho
; hired two negroes, co-defendants with
! her on a murder charge, to slay her
doctor h ul i:i n i. She denied, too, that
! she had intimate business relation-'
! with them, or that she financed tho
alleged plot to kill the doctor.
' Helming the events of the fateful
1 niyht when her husband was shot, Mrs.
i .Mohr continued:
I "On the night of August .'il, when
i the doctor was shot, 1 was home all
! evening, and retired at 10:20. Later
! I heard a rapping at the door and went
; dow nsiairs to answer. 1 saw a policc
. man and heard hi'U say that ho
wanted to see me.
j "He said to tne, "I'm sorry to brin;;
; you bad news, but your hii-band ha i
been shot and is iu the l'hode Island
i "Of course,!!, was a great shock t;
, , and 1 am afraid that 1 collapsed.
i Hut as soon as 1 could dress 1 ran to
1 the hn-tdtul. They wouldn't let mo
j sec liiiu beeauso he was unconscious,
! hut 1 stayed there some time and thee
went home. At, 10 o clock the next,
morning the hospital telephoned that
he was dead. 1 was about frantic foi
a time."
As she told her story,' the court
room listened tensely, hi tho audieneo
f.,sl,inmiblv (.owned women.
, , , , - " , , . if
who knew' both the doctor and his wife.
. I Once or twice, the widow faltered as
i she talked, but she 1 unshed her testi-
lll0liy in an even tone.
To Be 200 Feet Tip to Tip-
Will Have Eight 125 Horse
power Engines
,'les. Cal, Jan 2. To fly
', around
world in a huge aeioplan.i
is the intention of Porter II. A.lunirt,
Boston engineer, and Donald W. Doug
las, of New York, designer for tho
Connecticut Air Craft company, of
Bridgeport, both of whom are ben
today making nrrangemeiits.
l'lans tor their big machine have heen
: drnwen and the work of asemblinf
it will start soon either here or nt San
Francisco, according to Adams. He say:)
MOiyiOO is available for construction
I ecrs will tnke l-l days.
t e sjc :je :e sjt jt :
West Salem School House
Big time Good Musical Program
ss 'f ': :; :; s"! sje ic :js sjc sfc $
Tl A 1171 II 1
1 JlC URgOn WhOleSalC
D i "I il'J 11 IT
Ketail Hide Ml JlMR 10.
Has moved from their former location,
4I!0 Court street, to 107 South Com
mercial. (The old stand of tho Lawr
ence Grocery, -corner Ferry and Com
mercial streets) and are open for busi
ness at that place. Highest prices pah'
for hides, wool, copper, brass, iron, etc.
Before selling elsewhere, consult us for
prices. P. Samuel, proprietor,
l'houe, liO'.i; Bcs. Phone, 1737-W.
Phone 700
Cars for
any time
of day or
Good Garage in connection for
storage of cars.
Reasonable Ratee.
246 State Street.
Nice Line .of
Masonic Bldg.