u STX RNAL. SALF.M. ORKCOK. TRE PANT CAPITAL JOT1WEDNESDAY. JAN. 26. 1916. NEW TODAY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES uuuri ivtsujs m l i i rtfO1 vy-f ' s 'it N IV. i t' G Y i J ,-- v i i n i t ; ; vjJ v ( oj a,. ,... ,i. . ry ' 4 - Vh v ) demand if omiiiriil I . ' t . vt rid tint. 10c, AWioitm ' V j r4f " " V 11 F" t pjanJ ani half pound jll 1 7 3? UQTL t SlW i humidorr-and-that ( 4 c ;7 r eB, p.anrf cr.ia "fl ll (("' "vl',, .TW " X It'i cay lo change ike VVl-oX'J lflLt LS'CV i .hap. and color of.un- o6u.ce .o Vt ;l i i "V T HZ J' salable brands to imi- . JimJunJyfin,' -Vn ' ' VK late the Prince Albert - t',tV " f. ( ""i V' J tidy red tin, 6ufiVs rm- WV 'f 'i . SjfL Po.6e to imitate the 'VCV4 ). J! ' "' Klm. A&"$?b flavor of Prince Albert V?xV HVK "t St" V W tobacco! The patented : n : , - vX' Ail ; TX tw tTtwi rf rtf v-"ir" , "tntVi'V? V7.:5k TOITk gnwyi FIRST thing you do right away is to answer this fair-to-you question: Why is Prince Albert tobacco universally distributed and uni versally smoked? And if the answer bn't on the front end of your tongue; if you don't feel it just galloping right out of your think-division, get-going for the nearest store that sells tobacco. Invest 5c or 10c for a test-out 1 You'll get the answer, all right! And you'll know more about where the nationuts"jm f$moke Sdd yOU and youv toniue and throat stand on the pipe' and cigarette makin's question in a mighty short time! Sure as vou are a foot you are a high! The patented process fixes that and curs out bite and parch. Men who have never smoked a pipe or rolled a cigarette have some thing mighty fine coming. For P. A. is the first-hand-pal of every man who is willing to have it proved to his satisfaction that here is to bacco that the man with the ten derest tongue and throat can smoke his .11 with a relish ! Will you take our word for it ? j; iJM If ,Wt.S B'JBMIHS PIPE AND 1 ! ('Liiiyriuht tntB hy 1.. J. !! 'ynolJj Tuuaccu Co. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Salem, N. C. Many Favor the $5,000 Limit Portland Hockey Team Gets Grip on First Place I San IV.mcisi-o, .Ian. . 'JO. Whether the salary limit of the 'oast leajnie elulis will he raised to $."1,1)110 or more will lie the all uhsorhing tjnestiun when the mafjiutes of the league meet here Kehruary 1 for u speeial meeting called hy J J csiik'iit Ilaiiin. With tiie magnates divided over this all-iinjiortaat pit'?tion, a wrnnyje of lni'jje iroortiuns is exjiected to result. uwners Jierry, or .Nia i rancisi-u; l ow ers, of I.os Anjjeles, anil Jlaier, of Vernon, nil favor the increase, while the opposition will he stronlv led hy Walter Met'redie, of Portland.' Jt vv.is llerry who proposed at the annual meet in k of the league that the salary limit he reilm-eil to .-Js l.lnu but he has siiiee had a change of heart and has now thrown his lot Willi the side he then opposed. Has Grip in First Place. I'ortland, Or., Jan. 2(1. The Port land hoi l;ey (cant has a firmer grip on lirst place in the Pacific Coast league standings today as a result of the 7 to ") defeat of Victoria ,U the hippO'liomc last night. The game was a slam hang affair, with 'Sniokey" Harris, of the I'ncle lams carrying away Individual hon ors. Keighf minutes before the game should h.ive ended one of the time keepers ;ot so excited during a fast scrimmage that he rang the bell which slopped the play. The vast crowd rose with a whoop and filed out of the huilding. It was nearly ten minutes before play could be resumed. jLojeis Will Two Games From Oregon Bowlers The I.ojii teun won two games out of three in the contest at the Club alleys last night. II. Day, of the lio.jus, won high average'-w. th UIJ while' Siindin. of the Oivgnns, rolled for high game. The scores follow: Loju. 1 2 3 Av. Statesman 1(7 1.17 117 1.1(1 I'illiciilon 20.1 107 Lid ISO 1 "ill Ur Ifll in.", 1ii I' reeland HIS UN I 111 17: "ay ls."i 2011 1IHI Ii2 IT MAY WORRY JESS TO BEAT MORAN IN TEN-ROUND BATTLE Pi " U ILl:: ill f p. f$ Dr. Sweetland to I members of the local O. A. C. alumni, I who plaved on the Aggie football elev- Coach in the N-W. I ""' im' l,""sti"i;N:t:':ll""l'ld'- (i. Bryant Shows Himself Some Checker Player l!rv- Those defe.iting Mr I ant were K. II. .lorv and U. I,. Hutch- J ins. "raws were plaved with I. (ireen- Portland. Or.. Jan. 1M.--I)r. .T. (I. Sweetlnud. former eoaidi of the Wilhnn elte university football eleven and now I ..1 11. .!., ....li.i,,., ;,. 1:. v v ,.;n 1 cnacli in the Pacific northwest next full, j In in exhibition game of checker This inforiualion was received here in playing, given at the rooms of the Sa a telegram from Sweethind todnv. . , ... . , , , . , , , . ... ,, . lein t liess and ( hecker club last even- Sweetland is an iiiplicnnt tot' the po-; . , , . siliou at the I'niverMty of Washing-1 "' "ri'aui 'h'''1 l'B1""s' 1:1 ton and he is also considering the offer 1 of the best players in Salem, losing two troin the Oregon Agricultural oollcirc. i games, playing inree uraws ami ileleat The ex -Willamette coach is 11 wonder i '"K eight. I hose dete.iting anil would make either Institution a valuable roach. A large number of the prominent '""""i ", ' ln1,,!t 1,1,11 ('' l''vens. ; Those deleated bv Mr. "mint were D. Ml. "iiiL'er. N. It. itrown. T.' I,. Williams. Ifov Steen, Mr. Williams and U. K, I "enison. j Mr. Ilryant was recently appointed liian.iger uf the Chess and t'hecker club jnuil is conceded tn be one of the best. ! players 011 the coast. Since the chib has been organized, it has been discov ered that Salem has a number of men who have the making of high class players. As soon as Cue present try outs ire concluded, the club will accept the challenge of the commercial club players. mm 1-1 mmu MriKuizmMw. tvA M A 1 1 2 la. hUh I 11 la. hih ! ATLANTA. WHITBY. l ' ':' i that they had found the bodies of three more men. Of the 21 persons believed to have been at work when the fire broke out. six are known to be dead, eight es caped and seven are unaccounted for. It is believed that 21 men were at work, though sometimes the number has been as high as 10, according to S. l'ot'tney, and ,1. (iol.lfield. These two escaped through the fact that they were in an elevator at the third floor when they heard the cries of "fire" and were just in time to save them selves. Six others who were in the basement were also saved. The fire is' practically under control. 6 R.ROW OLLARS iwa ci. o..ii. r i (v, 1.0. k.wti "It's me," is an idiom, and there fore allowable, a Harvard professor says. Why not cnll all similar expres sions idioms, mill do nwny with gram m.ir altogether? I Exide Battery Gives more .service than any Battery on the market. Buy a guaranteed Battery. We make re placements on any make of Battery. Com plete stock at all times. All kinds of Gen eral Repairing and Overhauling. We are installing the latest machinery that will en able us to make quick repairs. Only first class mechanics employed, no apprentices in shop. Complete line of Supplies for Hudson, Auburn and Reo Cars. Shop open until midnight. Full line of Auto Accessories. Great Western Garage C. C. SIMERAL, sole owner. Opposite Court House s,3,:.u.',iliil;.im.iifl.aiimg WALTER E. KEYES For District Attorney j Hatform: If elected district .ittoru ley I will pass upon all county matters i wit H deliberation, judgment and cau tion, and will not at the expense of the tax payers crowd the docket with cases whoro convictions cannot be pro cured. 1 will represent 110 public service corporation during my tenure of of fice and will see that the l.uv falls alike upon the rich, the influential and the poor. . I will strictly enforce all statutes of the si a t .1 without prejudice or favor. If the people of Marion county .see fit to reposo in me the oonfiden'co of this office, T shall tit all times treat the publie with due niul courteous consideration. s-ill Plti Mlj Totals Team average 17;'. I otal pins 2iinl. Oregons. . ., 1 - ".Av. Annili.il Hi! ir.t) 17ii Ifiil s'iilin KU 2:12 Hi'.l Is.) Zenger , 17U 12S isii r,l Wlinrley l.Ts 7;! ", :,r, l-aflar lsc, lsii l.si; im; Totals Team average 170. Total pins 2."i.")4. ..Ut S7s .S72 TODAY - TOMORROW Eddie Foy 1 IN "A Favorite Fool" OREGON, of Course 10c . Six Meet Death in Seattle Fire; Two Are Missing (Continued tram page one.) his employes were recent refugees from Kussia. Ralilii II. llenss, of Seattle, s. cured employment for them with Win Itlcmnn. The dead: Kay Winklemiin, of the Winklentnn Ilurlap and Twine eonipiny, rortlaiid. Ireon, burned to dratn. ! V. Uuekley, time keeper, Portland, burned to dentil. ! iSinion Hroslitoii, residence unknown, burned to death. Friedman. If. Heresozky, Kussinn oniiurniit, kill iCd bv jumpiiiK' from fifth floor. I The hemp burned so furiously and I quickly that the men 0n the fiftli floor I wore trnpped before a fire alarm could bo sounded. They leaped to the pave ment before the fire department ar rived. One of the men struck a lamp post iii his full and was instantly killed. The other two died n few minutes later at the eity hospital. Firemen who had eliinbej to the fifth floor of the building shouted down to tlio crowd In the street at 10 o'clock 4m t.tW J. C. YUtN Well known Chinese doctor, lias t successfully treated all diseases in the past year, see testimon ials 011 file ..t the Oriental Herb Co., till) state Street, Salem. Out of town patients treated by symptomatic diagnoses. Send for diagnoses blank. Salem Took Roseburg Team Into Camp The Koseburg high school basketball team w-as heading right towards a championship and h id not been defeat ed this season until it came to Salem and run up against a lot of players ti:at lowered its general average. ' In fact, the Salem players, although much lighter, managed to put up a fight against the Kosohurg stalwarts that tinally gave them Cue game bv a score of ill to 111. It was a roiiglit gnne .frojn the start and it seemed at first 'that the big fellows would walk all over the home team. The score at the end of the first half was II to 11. The home team play ed with remarkable accuracy .ind speed. The line up was as follows: salem Kosohurg 15 oetor y Jt euderson Aekeriunn r' Vcklev iU C lewet't Steuslot'f (1 Ouine lindcliffe (i Dlaefc This was Steuslot'f 's last game with the team .is he will be graduated Feb ruarv 2. Vaudeville BLIGH THEATRE Thursday Friday " Saturday When writing letters to your friends in Cue east about the attractions of Oregon, do not forget to write to vour congressman often .ind tell him where to head in. A MERCILESS JUDGE One Who Shows No Favor. A merciless judge is Father Time, Before him the weak and the wanting go to the wall. Only tho truth can stand. For years tho following state ment from a Salem resident has with stood this sternest of all tests. A. J. Wood, 7:13 North Front street, Salem, says: "Kidney complaint got so bad in my ease that I knew I would have to cheek it or suffer more seriom results. Just nfter getting up in the morning, the complaint was worse. I had heard of Dona's Kidney Fills doing good work in similar cases. I began using them. In a short time I was free from kidney complaint. I have never had a sign of kidney complaint since." A Permanent Cure. More than six years later, r. Wood said: "I have never had a return symp tom of kidney complaint since Doan' Kidney Fills cured me. I willingly con firm my former endorsement of this medicine." Price 80 cents, at nil dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Dean's Kidney Pills the same' that Mr Wood has twice publicly recom mended. Foster-Milburn Co., Trops., Buffalo, N. Y. Jess Willard (top) and Frank Moran. Though Jess Willard would have nearly thirty pounds in weight to the pood over Frank Moran if the bout proposed for New York this spring comes to pass, it's no certainty that the big1 champion wouldn't have his hands full. Willard has improved tremendously in the last two years, but he isn't as fast as Moran, nor is he as clever. And Moran proved in the twe Coffey bouts that he can punch. v There's always ben a rpiestion in the experts' minds as to the Aloran morale. It isn't an established fact that he can "take one." This is one thing that is likely to make the bettors dubious of his chances against Willard, if the . l", Mini affair niatei ializes. Aside from the .lohnsmi bout Willard hasn't a much better record than Mo ran, and its no certainty that Moran wouldn't have, done as well as the Kan sas cowboy had his Taris joust with John-son gone past twenty-rounds. Cer tainly he made just as frond a fight in the twenty rounds as Willard did in tho first part of the Havana mill. Tex Hickard, yes, the same bov who put up the $101, (inn purse for the Jeffries-Johnson contest, is backing Sam McCracken. a circus man, in the present venture. Willard is guaranteed $.')n,0fln a 5,000 bonus for signing, and 51 per cent of tho moving picture receipts. Mo ran is to get .$15,000. Tf the bout is carried out as planned it will kill all prospects of a twenty round heavyweight championship match in New Orleans, where Willard tc cently signed articles to meet any hea vyweight for a reported price of s.12, 500. If he can get lii.'io.nno with a possi. bility of more for a harmless ten-rounder well, he's going to take it, that's all. Condemns Sunday Golf Motoring and Baseball San Francisco. C'ul., Jan. 20. 'Sun day golf, motoring and baseball are un dermining the home life of the nation." This declaration by Rishop W. H. Moreland of Sacramento to the House of Church Women of the Episcopal dio cese of California, today occupied the minds of the delegates to the annual Episcopal convention of California in session here. Bridge whist, "movies," and similar diversions he declared to be niding Sun day sports in overturning old domestic ideals. Bishop William Ford Nichols of the diocese of California, in his annual ad dress denounced the use of tobacco or alcoholic liquors by clergymen. The convention and the House of Church Women held a joint session to day. Tho southern California tourist is also writing letters home about rain and floods. If they had to pass j Eos Angeles censor, it is a safe bet that ninny of them would never reach their destination. BIN SIN Best Chinese Dishes Noodles 10c Chop Suey 25c Eice and Fork 10c 410 FERRY STREET Rate per word New Today: Each insertion, per word le One week (6 insertions), per word....oe One month (20 insertions), per word 17c All ads must be ordered for 1 stated length of time, no ad to count loss than 10 wors. Minimum charge, 15c. WANTED Good hnv. Phone 2146-R. Jan2ti 1IAKUV Window cleaner. Phone 164. JiuU $2,000 TO LOAN J. A. Mills, State street. " Jan27 WANTED Beef cattle and veal. Phone H25-M. Feb 20 OAK, ash, old fir, second growth, cord wood. Phone 1322J. Feb7 SPRING WHKAT (Grass wheat). A. J. Pattou, Macleay, Ore. , Jan 29 $1,000 TO LOAN On farm property. J. A. Mills, 384 State street. Jan27 SECOND GROWTH Fill WOOD $3.50 per cord. Phono 2219. tf FURNISHED APARTMENTS $5.00 to $15.00. 491 North Cottage. tf $l,50O TO LOAN On Farm property. J. A. Mills, JS4 Stato street. Jin27 FOR RENT Half of modern furnished home. Call at 3."i2 North Twelfth. Jan 31 FOR RENT 5 room house, furnished, $10; also 1 room house $1. Phonw 1147. Jan27 FOR SALE 5-passenger auto, good condition, new tires, $250. Phone 2146-R. Jan 27 ROOFS REPAIRED And guaranteed not to leak. O. L. Donaldson. Phone 644-R. Jin 26 JKKSKY COW FOR SALK Will be fresh about the first of February. Phono 23F2. Jan27 FOR SALE Fine brown rony, ago 7 years, weight 900 pounds. Price $30. Phone 70F1 1. Jan2li ABSOLUTELY P U Ii E M A P L E SYRUP From New York, $1.00 per gallon at Damon's. Feb 22 LARGE YOUNG TEAM For sale, col or, blick. Inquire C. C. Lightfoot, 1303 North lSlh street. Jan27 A FEW MORE $4.00 and $5.00 hats to close out, for $1.00 each, at Mis. Stith, .128 Hubbard BIdg. Jau27 FOR RENT Modern S room house at 10.10 Hood street. Impure of 015 N. Winter street, or Phone 013. Jan2S FOR RENT Modern seven room resi dence near Court house. John H. Scott, over Chicago Store. Jan3l FOR TRADE 10 acres fino land, cleared, for 5 or ten aero tract close; in. Call at 328 Hubbard Bldg. Jan2G TO TRADE Buggy horse, to trade for cow, or chickens, or will sell cheap. Phone 77F13. Peb3 FOR SALE By owner, new strictly modern 0 room house closo in, terms if desired. Owner, care Journal. Jan27 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms in large suites from $(i to $8 per month. Why pay more? Call at 343 1-2 North Commercial. tf MANUFACTURERS Of all kinds col ors of rag carpet. Call at O. K. Grocery, 15fl South 12th street. Louis Jakubec. Jan27 HOUSEKEEPER WANTKD To care for three small children. Give name and address. "Housekeeper," caro Journal. Jan 27 SIX DOZEN Sicilian Buttercups for sale, largely laying pullets, $9.00 pir dozen. Rhone 54F13. A. M. Wright. Route 8, Salem. Jan28 FOR RENT Store, 21x165 feet, elec tric lights and steam heat. See Watt Shipp Co., 219 North Commercial street. Phone 363. tf WANTED A 4, 5 or 6 room furn ished cottage or bungalow, In answ er please give location, improvements and rent wanted. Box 143, Salein. tf WHITE LEGHORN" COCKRELS For sale, cheap, if taken it once. D. X. Bcechler, 3-4 miles from fair grounds on Portland road. Phone 57 FIX Jan20 WANTED Information of Iva Louisa Thomas Gorden, last heard from A Salem, Oregon, general delivery. No tify J. W. Thomas, Selma, Calif, Box 393. Feb8 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 10 acres good, new, small buildings, close in, fine land. Will take Salem proper ty. Siunro Deal Realty Co., 301 U. S. Bank Bldg. ;000 CORDS OAK STL'MPAGE For sale- or trade, no reasonable offer re fused as I need the land for pasture. Address C. J. VanAvery, Independ ence, Oregon. Jan23 FOR SALE A few Rhode Island White cockerels. Eggs $1.50 and $2.00 for 15. Booking orders to ship later. "State when." Jas. Olm stcad, MeMinnville, Oregon. Jan20j SWAP Do you want to live closer in I If you have a good hnuse on Fair mnuut Hill, Oaks addition or equaJ it will be to your interest to answer. Phone 710 R, or address "Swap" care of Journal. Jan27 FOR SALE A good Jersey cow, six years old, fresh one week, 27 pounds milk per dav, test 5 1-10. Address Thos. D. Wallace, 23.1S Trade street, or Route 5, Box 125. 3 1-2 milca southeast of Salem on MeCleay road. Jan 2(1 FOR SALE CHEAP i room house and two lots, several first class fruit trees, chicken yard, also 20 acres about 8 12-acres in all kinds fruit, mostly prunes, 7-room house, good bam, chicken house and yard, wood boose, telephone, nil stock goes with place. 1 squire CO B, care Journal. Jan 27 T