Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 26, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Day's I
50c Wool Dress Goods
double fold, plain colors,
checks and plaids; spec
ial cut prices
Beautiful Waisting Silks
plain and fancy;
Remnants of Silks cut
tiful New percales at
special cut prices
75 Black Velvet,
7 l-2c flannels, II
yard 4V2C
S1.50 Wool Nap
Blankets, big ones
Ladies' $2.50
Shoe, special ..
$20.00. New Suits flQ Qrt
now only J).U
$15.00 Suits, QA
Basement p'i.U
$12.00 Wool flJO QA
Dresses, Basement pj.U
J4.00. Trimmed Hats, QQ
now only ., VOL
Girls $5.00 QO
Coats, Basement VOL
35c Wool Hoods
Jap Cups and 1ft
Saucers 2 for lvt
Visit our' Chinaware, Glassware
Departments, upstairs,
S.0 5c and 8 l-3c
Comforts .. .... 65c-?5c-98c
Ladies' Winter Aft
Union Suits VL
Ladies' Wool Hose OP.
r 01
Towels D andO 3C
18c Curtain Scrims,
Special price yd
Men's 65c Heavy
Winter Undei-wear
Boys' Wool
Pants .".
Wool Dress Goods Remnasts
20c Pillow 1 01
Cases 12
75c Big Sheets . in
now 4yc
Children's Shoes, sale prices
25c, 49c and 75c
Muslins and Sheetings at
Prices from now on cut
to the quick in all departments.
Salem Now Maintains Build'
ings for 201 Pupils From
Outside Districts
35c Rio Coffee,
3 Cans
Aster Milk
3 boxes
2 packages
A. a H. soda ..
3 cans
Choice Salmon
2 cans
Pone and Beans for
Bacon Backs,
25c.Eaking Powder,
hpecial lor
2 packages
Coin plaices for
Big Huck
7c Fancy Challies,
Nickel Safety Pins,
Best Lustre Silk,
all colors
5c, 8c
5s the average quantity in a healthy
adult, but it is the quality of the blood j
that determines our strength to resist ;
sickness. With weak blood we find j
cold hands and chilly feet; in children i
an aversion to study, and in adults j
rheumitic tendencies. !
In changing seasons get abundant
fresh air and take a spoonful of Scott's
Emulsion after meals, because Scott's i
Emulsion is a rich blood-food that will
increase hoth quantity and quality of i
Durintr the semester en.iimr this' the blood wluie it warms tne Dociy ami
I week, litll pupils have registered in the! helps Carry off the impurities.
upper grades of the Salem schools whoj when multitudes of people are to-
.are not residents of this district. Thei ... . i o ,, T7.,,lci,m n -,,..rf
upper grades include the senior high !
! school and the three junior high schools; water sickness, and are giving it to ,
Washington, Lincoln and Hunt. These their Children, It IS careless to negisxi i
are all tuition pupils, who pay the, ha benefits. Look out for substitutes.
Scott & Bowue, Dtoomuclu. N. J. lo-o ,
Eungalow Pancy or or
Aprons CDCf JJC
100 New Corsets
with supporters
Wool Neck Scarfs
House Slippers,
special price .....
sro Store
For the lust thirty years the average
yield of potatoes tin acre in Ontario
Wis have an excellent reason for the
annexation of Camilla. Then we'd have
has been nbout 42 per cent over that no more bother getting rid of a Canatl-
or tne l tiiteu Mates. , lan dime.
It might be a good thing if every
orchestra! conceit ended with a steam
calliope. That's what a circus uses to
disperse the crowds.
A government survey has resulted in ( Astoria, which will spend i2."0,000 1 Tn the Tal't philosophy, frankness is
ranking the Yukon river in fifth place i for boats and clock equipment, realizes , prominent, lie says ".ie is nut only
among the great streams of North ; that a waterway must be used it' its keeping out of the presidential race,
American. full value is realized. 'but is being kept out.
i oare cost to tne district ot the expense
of the teachers and the maintniiiancc
i of the schools, but nothing on the
amount r-alcm tins
! ....i i
,T nuui jNifjn i ms, i
! In order to give all school children i
; in the state the advantage of a highi
'school education, the legislature passed I
a law at the last session providing that!
school children in a district which (lidi
not maintain a tour year high school!
course, would lie allowed to attend .my
public school in the state with a high
school, ai!.l the county from which they
come, would pay the tuition. This tu
ition was to be estimated accordinsr to
the actual expense of running the
school. It is still a question in figur
ing the cost of tuition, whether the in
vestment of the district in school prop
erty should be cousdercd, or whether
the actual cost of teachers, janitors and
up-keep w.is the only cost of maintain
ing the schools.
With the rate as now figured, .Salem
will receive in tuition, only the actual
cost pro rata of maintaining the schools
and does not receive anything for the
investment or money paid for inter
est. Buildings Getting Crowded.
The average tax payers' interest in
the number of outside pupils, attend
ing in K.ileni arises from tiie tact, that
this attendance is gradually crowding
the schools, forcing many of the lower
grades in the .junior schools to attend
iiu the out-lying schools, and eventual
ly bringing up tho proposition of build
ling another junior liieh school. The
new state law provides that they have
a right, to attend anv district in the
jst.ite, provided tuition is paid. Thei
i present crowded condition of the
schools now is due to the unexpected1
; number of omuls from districts outside
! ftt' Sifiltnti
During the last semester, K!:! pupils
J from outside the distiiet have rcis
tered at the senior high school. nAt
i Washington junior high, the registers
i from outside districts were 117. (Iiaiit
'school accommodated 21 pupils whose
homes are not in Salem, and the l.iu
j coin junior high, 7.
Marion county districts where high
"cliools are lint maintained are sending
; I K! pupils to Salem. Polk county is
sen, ling SI .m, other counties in the
1 state -7. These numbers have been
registered during the semester. A few
.have fallen our, ,. while others have
moved to Salem, avoiding the payment.
of tuition.
: Whitii the general desire for the
'higher education, especially in the
i country distiicts, the new )'.iw wherein
the district pays the tuition, will
! eventually add to the attendance of
I the schools of a high standard. This
will especially affect Salem as in many
j districts it will be cheaper for them
,to pay the tuition of a few of its pu
j pils, rather than to maintain the high
i it grades.
invested in its DM). WINTER SPORTS
':-. '
V A, - J
i 1
x , H i 1
, ' O
This seems to be the cry of the war department
against a probable attack by foreign enemies, and
you are expected to pay the bill, through taxation.
Against Pneumonia and La Grippe?
Purchase at Once That
And keep warm, so that the cold won't reach you.
Last week we advertised our $5.00 specials. This
week we are sold up on these numbers. We have,
however, a few left at $6.00 and $7.00, etc.
We are Headquarters for
In fact for anything in Wearing Apparel for Men
and Boys.
Brick Bros.
Capture Part of Defenders
But Serbs Escape Other
War News
Paul girl dressed for
sports carnival.
This is one of tho pretty girls of
St. Paul who tire aiding in the re
vival of tho old winter snorts carni
val of the noi'tlnvebt. The carnival
will consist of a ten days' celebration
U j'inning January 2'.. All the cities
c.f the northwest have been invited.
Home, Jan. '!?. The Austriaus have
! i -1 1 l San . : io viiiuii Di Mcduu, an
A'lmiiian seaport, and arc now heading
tVr I luriizzo, another poit, according to
j Ob patches today. These said that tliL'.v
plan to make .t ,'i,i:ction with the Dill
garians in the, Kibnssan region.
I 'art of til,1 Montenegrin niul Al
banian forces defending Scutari were
said to have been captured when that
citv was occupied by the Austrian.-,
but the St-vlis escaped and headed
the Weather You Need the Goods
We Have to Offer
Don't fail to take advantage of the special bargains we
are giving in seasonable clothes for men and boys.
You can secure clothing that you will use all the year
around and will be just the thing you'll want for next Fall,
at prices especially attractive.
In the Rubberized and Gaberdines
materials. Everyone should have one
of these coats. You can use a Rain
coat ten times more in a year than
any other outer garment.
$15.00, now $12.00
20.00, now 16.00
35.00, now 20.00 v
Mackinaw Coats
This year the material will be far
.better than next Fall, on account of
the war this grade of stock is going
higher all the time. Secure a coat
$12.00 coats, now $9.00
10.00 coats, now 7.50
5.00 coats, now 4.00
Men's and Boys'
Suits have been reduced from 20
per cent to 50 per cent. You '11 be sur
prised to see what you can get. In
places where we have but one suit of
a kind special reductions made.
Yesterday one man got a $25.00
Hart, Schaffner and Marx suit for
Oregon Blankets
Don't forget that we make blankets
and can give you the best quality and
prices to be had anywhere in this
Our experience will also be of as
sistance to you in helping select the
most serviceable grades.
A few mill seconds on hand now.
Just Wright
$4.50, $5.00
Roberts $3
hats, Mallory
j Don't neglect a pain anywhere, but
jfind out what causes it lind cniupier
tho cause. A pain in the kidney re
igion may put you on your bade tomor
row. Don't blame tho weather for
swollen feet, it may be an advanced
warning of Dright's disease. A pain in
i the stomach may bo tho first symptom
jof appendicitis. A creak in 'a joint
j may be the foreiunner of rheumatism,
j Chronic headaches more than likely
warn you of serious stomach trouble.
1 lie best way is to keep in good condi
tion dnv in and dav out bv regularly
tal, ,g COM) MKDAI, jfAAHUKM
OIIj Capsules. Sold by reliable drug
gists. .Money refunded if thev do not
help you. Hewaro of siibstituies. The.
only pure imported Haarlem Oil Cap
sules are the (IDIJJ MKDAU
Norseman is Safe.
Loudon, Jan. liii. Aftjer 1, iverpn.il
advices had reported the torpedoing
and sinking of the Dominion -liner
vnrsetnant il was learned today she
had not sunk but was beached. There
were, no casualties among the crew.
Civil Service Examinations Of
fer Opportunity for Life
Kx.liniualinns. in
citizen will have a
bv the civil
which the average
hunce. will be held
serv ice department of the
government within the nest fewj
mouths. Ordinarily, civil service ex-
aniiuations are for thove with a college!
training, or a technical knowledge in
a certain line.
The young man who can ipialify ,1S
n first class stenographer will be given i
a life job, starting at $70 a month, :
advancement reasotuiblv rapid.!
Albanians Beat Bulgars.
boine, .Ian. -li. Hiiudisi dispatches
today reported that Albanians lindir
Vlss'id I'lishn, retreafiiig towjard I'Tl
I asau, encountered J'.ulgars advancing
I .mi L it i i ,la and hurled them back in
a bloody engagement.
Monitors Shelled Positions.
Amsterdam, Jan. Allied monitors
dosed in anil shelled (ieruiiin positions
at W'estenile today while -simultaneously
allied aviators bombarded posi
tion's near Kuocke anil llcyst.
The shelling of Westenile was said
to have 1 n es ially effective. Jt
resulted in officials sending numerous
wounded licrinans to lirugcs and (Ihent.
The attack is believed to have been in
retaliation for Herman raids on chan
nel towns.
After once in the government 's employ
in the civil service, the position is as-1
sured as long .is the work assigned can
I,.. I,,,,,, w.,t;ur,i,.i,,,;u. I
DAMEI.S.-T.. Mr. n,l Mrs. William L ;;''" )';""' ' !""' ;'."" 5. exam-.
H.i,,Mlii, .. ,, illations will tie held in which the liver-1
rli.v i,,.'.ri- ).! iii ii- ' i HK1' "lim w'" have a chance. (
1 ... u- ." ',10. 7 , ' mechanics (ire wanted, liu.uds for I
"tnwv'i nullum villi,:,,, r.
British Loss Appalling.
Coiistantiople, ,lau. 'Jti. "The l!ri
tish attempting to relieve the garrison
lit Kul-cl timnra (Mesopotamia) havi
censed their attacks after appalling
losses near Kclarte," said the Turkish
official statement today.
Washington, Jan. 20. A
sub-committee of the somite ju
diciary committee unanimous
ly recumiiiended today tin!
Sheppnnl resolution submitting
the question of national prohi
bition to the people.
S. penitentiary are to be examined, as
well as stenographers. I'ress feeders
fur I' Si. en vern men t scrvirp !(, nun, I.
Jjed, ami women only need apply. Stem
oeialihers 11111117 with tvuewritinir 11s
telephone operators are
Further information regard
Say Montenegrins Quit.
Vienna, by wirelesH to Sayvill", L. T.,
Jan. L'll. representatives of Montene
I'ro last nieht siL'iied articles at the
,"'n',1 j field headquarters whereby the Monte-
armv agrees in lay now 11 11s
She Will
So her doctor said. Her
friends and neighbors felt
sure of it too. They have
used rcruna themselves
and know of its merits.
That old cough that had
worried her for years and
years, for which she had
taken all sorts of cough
medicines, has disappeared.
I'eruna is doing the work.
She will recover. Indeed,
s.he has recovered.
Her nnmn Is Mrs. William
ITohmann, . 2761 Lincoln Ave.,
Chicago, Ills. She had suffered
vhh catarrli of the bronchial
tubes mid had a terrible coiiph
ever .since a child. As she got
older sho grew worse. Sho
coughed both winter and sum
mer. Hud to sit up nt nlttlit.
Could not sleep. "But all that
has left mo now. Pcruna has
cured me."
There nro others, and thero
Is a reason.
I liegl'lll
I arms, according
incut tonight.
to official announce-
7" ; well as
! wanted.
lli'cause it lightened and thundered
... .1... 11.1. ,.t l,i..n.u It, I'imI r,,fi.
, I 1,111 tilt; lllll Ul UUI,U.J ir, ,....
11111 .1 -1.1 .. I.ir ), fir,, in 41,,,
sen ill uiu ,mi,i ,1,,; mi ...v
furnace should be ullowed to run low.
f A
J The
KJT l.iiuwh. r.
Famous Broadway Beau'y
Coming to
Ye Liberty Theatre
Thursday, Triday and Saturday
Eczema Is Conquered
Grpns.v solves and ointments should not
he applied if good clear skin is wanted.
From any druggist for 2oo or $1,00 for
extra large size, get a bottle of zeino.
When applied as directed, it effectively
removes eczema, quickly stops itching,
and heals skin troubles, also sores, bums,
wounds and dialing. It penetrates,
cleanses and soothes. Zemo is dependable
and inexpensive. Try it. as we believo
nothing you have ever used is as effective
and satisfying.
Zcmo, Cleveland.
Ready-made clothes keep pretty well
up in style and pattern with the tail-or-niade;
and that's the thorn in the
side of the tailor niado man.
Journal Now Today Ads do-
liver the goods.
Backache, Swelling of Hands and Feet
ing these examinations mav be sec
of Postmaster II uckestein.
The March IT) examinations will al
so give the aveiage man a chime at
the government pay-roll. Kookkeepers,:
engineers and forest as-istants will be
examined. Land law clerks, physic i-j
ans, veterinarians and telegraph oper
ators .ire now all under the civil ser-.,
vice, and a man cannot bo fired just
because the lioss does nnt like him.
April 12 is the day when assistant! Dear I-'ditor: were in nnd out of bed half a dozen
photographers, cadet engineers, civilj appeal to those of your readers who times at night) are appreciating tho
engineers and postnl clerks may take, are bothered with backache and a eon- perfect rest, comfort and new strength
the examination. Tr.tined nurses for i stant tired, feelings to give " Annrio " they obtained from Dr. Tierce's An
fjanama service are also now iu the a trial. It is a remedy recently discov-, uric Tablets, To provo that this is .'.
civil service. ) ered by I r. Pierce of the Invalids' Ho- certain uric neid ' solvent and conquers
Those applying for departmental 1 tel, Buffalo, .V. Y. I suffered from headache, kidney nnd bladder disease
work, must have lived in the state at back iche, swelling of hands and feet, and rheumatism, if you've never used
least one year and when examinations ! too frequent excretion from the kid ! the "Annrie," cut this out and seal
are taken, tiiey must be within thelneys ami many other symptoms. Nas ten cents to Doctor Pierce for ft largo
state where the applicant resides. J-'or unabU) to work, but after taking just ' lamplo p.icknge. This will prove to
other service, 110 length of state resi-jono box of "Annrie" Recording to di- you that "Anuria" Is thirty-seve
deuce is necesiury, and thee xamina-i rcctions I am again aide to perforin times more active than lithia in elim-
X ')CiC
Why are we popular? Be
cause we tell you every day,
the news of the world.
tions 11 1 11 v be held outside the state.
Almost all examinations not in depart
mental work, are held at Seattle.
Anyhow, the examinations tin
spring so fur announced are those that
may be taken by the average man,
especially the young m.ui who is a good
stenographer and is willing to stn.-t his
civil scrviie life on $70 a month.
daily duties. , uniting uric, acul and tho most per-
(Sigucd) W. R. 71 Ft AY. j feet kidney and bladder corrector. If
1 you are a sufferer, go to your best.
Note: Folks in town ami adjoining druggi-t nnd ask for a CO-eent box of
miotics are delighted with the results ;" Annrie. " Yon run no risk for Dr.
they havo obtained bv using "AN- Pierce. 's good name st.inds behind thist
A secret is always a burden, and oth
er people 'n which they confide in you
arc no less than your own.
I'Hir," the newest discovery of Ir.
Pierce, who 18 head of the Invalids';
Hotel and Surgical Institute, in Buffa
lo, N. Y. Those -who started the day
with a backache, stiff legs, arms and
muscles, and an iching head (worn out
wonderful new discovery as it has for
for his "Golden
a general tonbi
ma le fmni root! with pure glycerino
which makes the blood pure, hiii " I'V
vorite Prescription" for weak women
the ast half century
Medical liiscovery,"
beforo tho Uny begun because they and ''Pleasant Pellets'' for liver ilk.