"HEEZA r.AH.HA) 'A S.GrtjOF TMt TimfeSlll , COW wilH ATOOCH V it V'ANO TNEM SOME MORE-Y II HAVE- A PlCTORE oFTbE-J J " 1 ( .ah.wv. a Daily Capital J RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One CHIROPRACTIC SPINOLOGIST DR. O. L. SCOTT Graduate of Chiro practic's Fountain Mend, D.ivenport, Iowa. If you have tried everything and have got no relief, try Chiroprac tic spinal adjustments ami got well. Office 40fl-7-'l I'. S. National Hank Building, tyhouo Main 87. Besideneo Mnin S2S-R. DENTISTS D R. 0. A. OLSON", I) K N'T I ST Administers Nitrons Ozid and Ugygen (las Room 214. riione440. Masonic Temple. Snlom.Oio. LODGE DIRECTORY A. 0. IT. W. Protection Lodgo No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at 8 in the McCornnck hull, corner Court and Liberty streets, It. 0. Donaldson, M. W.; S. A. McFaddeu, recorder; A. L. Brown, Financier. CKNTKAL LODGF. No. 18, K. of P. McCorn.ick building. Tuesdny even ing of each week at 7::S0. F. F. Seiirnin, C. C.j W. B. Oilsou, K. of li. and S. RAT.FU 1 .1,1,1: 1.' Xn 4 A V A A 1f Stated communications first Friday in each mouth nt 7:31) n. m. in the Mnsonie Temple, ('has. M. Carter, W. M.; S. 7. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC L01H1E No. 50, A. F. & A. M. Stated communications third Friday in ench month At 7:30 p. m. in the j Mnsonie Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. m,; r.rnest li. Innate, secretary, 8ALF.M IH.'MAN'E SOCIETY D. D. Kecler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All eases of cruelty or neglect of dumb animals should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. R. N. OF A. "Oregon Grape Camp," No. 1300, meets every Thursday ev ening in McCornnck building, court and Liberty streets; elevator. Mrs. Sylvia Schmipp, 1701 Market, oracle; Mrs. Melissa Persons, recorder. 120(1 North Commercial. Phono 1430M. DE MOLAY COMMANDERY, No. 5, K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri day iu each month at 8 o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights are courteously invited to meet with ns. Lot L. Penree, E. C, Frank Turner, recorder. CHAD WICK CHAPTER, No. 37, 0. E. S. Regular meeting every first, .ind third Tuesday nt 8 p. m. in the Ma sonic Temple. Minnie Mueller, V. M.j Ida M. llabcoi k, secretary. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet every Friday night at 8 o'clock In McCornnck block. 1). W, Miiecy, C. C; L. S. Geer. clerk. 507 Court street. Phono ."03. Ml'I.TNOMAlf ROVAL ARC It CHAP TER, No. 1, li A. M. Regular meet ing second Friday iu each month at 8 p. in. in the Mnsonie Temple. Ray F. Rich.irdson, Ex. High Priest; Rus sell M. Brooks, secretary. MODERN" WOODMEN OF AMERICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. r2IO, meets every Thursday evening nt 8 o'clock in McCornnck hall corner Court and Libertv streets. Elevator service. W. W. Hill, V. C; Rex. A. Turner, clerk. UNITED ARTISANS Capital Assem bly, No. 81. meets evry Wednesday, at 8 p. m. in Moose hall. C. O. Mat lock, M. A.; C. 7. Randall, secret .try, Salem Bank of Commerce. HODSON'.COrXciL, No. I, R. & S. M. Stnted nssenibly first Monday in ench month. Masonic Teni'do. N. P. I'nsmusscii, Thrice Illustrious Mas ter; Glenn 0. Niles. recorder. t 5SAI.F.M FF.NCF. anrl STOVE WORKS B. B. FLEMING, Prop. Depot American Fence Gates, plain uai Barbed Wli. I-imi, oils and Varnishes, looflng, Posts, Hop Hooks. 4Q Years Making Stoves toret rebuilt and repaired. 1 itores bought and sold. I 850 Court Street. Phone 124 I Back of Chicago Store. BOOB," as an Artist 1 ' - ' - sigh of Tut TirifeS': MISCELLANEOUS CALL VS 1022. Fixit Shop. Ask about repair work in general. Don't forget we do rug cleaning also. Ash-mon-Buckner, 201 Court street. Sa lem, Oregon. Febl9 GOOD ISKl) FCRNlTCRi: Bought and also taken in exchange. Full line new furniture, ranges, heaters and other house furnishings. Some walnut pieces. Peetz Furniture Co., 233 iorth Commercial street. Thono 014. tf CLEANERS AND DYERS APIARF.L SERVICE COMPANY 138 South High street. We clean, press, repair, remodel and re-line clothing and furs. Careful ittention given nil work. Wo call .ind deliver. Phono 728. OSTEOPATH DRS. R. It. WHITE and R. W. WAL TON' Osteopathic physicians and nervo specialists. Graduates of Amer ican School of Osteopathy, Kirks ville, Mo. Post graduate and special ized in nervo diseases at Los Angeles college, Treat acute and chronic dis eases. Consultation free. Lndv at tendant. Office 505-500 U. S.' Na tional Bank Building. Phone 850. Residence lijli North Capital street. Phone 3IW. PHYSICIAN DR. D. B. GRIFFIN Drug and drink cure, 1425 Fir street, near Meyers street. Phone 1037.L SCAVENGER SALEM SCAVENGER Charles Soos, proprietor. O.irbage and refuse of all kinds removed on monthly contracts nt reasonable fates. Yard and cess- . pools cleaned. Office phono Main ' 224 7. Residence Main 2272. FOR SALE GOOD TOP Bl.'OGY For sale or trado for cittle. 253 S. Liberty, Jan27 IIEIjE IS A BARGAIN 12 1-2 acres in fruit on rock road, good buildings, stock and machinery, for $2S00 if taken soon. H. G. Cox, Route 3, Box 170, Salem. Jan2G FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 2 2 Vi acres, and all stock feed nnd seed, $4,000. Nino acres, stock feed, seed and tools, $2800. Five acres, small house, $1500, nlso I'l'.j acres, house nnd barn $2500. Square Deal Realty Co., 301 V. S. B.mk Bldg. tf FOR SALE Good driving horse and new buggy. Houses furnished ind unfurnished for rent. Cheap lots. Tracts for sale or trade. Two ton nnto truck, trade for city or farm piopcrtv, Monev to loan. Square Deal Really Co., 304 I.', 8. Bank Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. THOS. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon MONEY TO LOAN 7 ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACK BTJILDTNO UNDERTAKERS WEI'.P. & CLOCGH CO. C. P. Webb, A. M. ('lough, n.orticians and funeral directors. Lfltest modern methods known to the profession employed. 4W Court street. M lin 120, Miiiu'tlKti. KICDO.V-KICIIAKDSON' CO. Funeral directors .ind undertakers, 2"2 North High street. Dav and night phone 1 13. WATER COMPANY SALEM WATER COMPANY Office eorner Ccxaarciol and Trade streets. For water service apply nt office. Rlls payable monthly in advance. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known dls6LS6 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Phone 283. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JAN. 25, 1916. our naTs Glass Cent per wovd for the first insertion. One THE MARKETS . While the mill feed market is show ing strength in Portland, the local markets holds as usual. The ups and downs of the Portland markets are not being followed very closely by Salem,' ns inauy of the marker quotations are the result of speculation. Cabbage is now nt $2.00 nnd onions -2.00. Eggs have stiffened since the bad wenthc;! is with us again, and nro up two cents, retailing at 35c mid 40c. Grains. Hay, timothy, per ton $14.00 Oats, vetch '.' $12.00(2 12.50 Cheat : 11.00 Clover hav $10.0012.00 Wheat 00c Oats .' .40c Rolled barley $32.50 Corn $40.00 Cracked corn $41.50 Bran $20.00 Shorts, per ton $28.00 Butter. Butterfat 32c Creamery butter, per pound 34c Country Butter , , 25c Eggs and Poultry. Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash 34c Eggs, case count, cosh 32c Eggs, trade 31c Hens, pound 19 Roosters, old, per pound 7(u 7 l-2c Spring chickens, pound 12 1- Pork, Veal and Mutton. Veal, dressed He Pork, dressed 8 l-2c Pork, on foot 0 l-40 l-2c Spring lambs , . . , 7c Steers 5 l-26c Cows 4(j; 5c Bulls 3 l-2c Ewes 5c Wethers 0c Vegetables, Cubbngc $2.00 Tomntocs, Cnlifomia $1.75(ff,2.00 String garlic 16c I'otatoes, cwt '' Brussels sprouts 10c Sweet potatoes $3.00 Bcots $l-00 Carrots $L0 Turnips -00 Celery, crato if.i..w Onions '0 California head lettuce, caBe .... $2.50 Apples, Hood River $1.25(21.75 Fruits. Oranges, Navels 2.253.25 Tangerines oranges $1.75 Lemons, per box $4.254.75 Bananas, pound o l-4c California grape fruit $5.000.00 Dates, dromedary, case $3.35 Fard dates $10 Grapes, barrels $4.00 Cranberries $12 00 Pineapples 1 l-2c Honey $3.50 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh ranch ....35c(S40c Sugar, cane $(1.00 Sugar, D. O $0.70 Crenmery butter 40c Flour, hard wheat $1.00 $1.00 Flour, valley $1.30(fi $1.00 PORTLAND MARKET Porllind, lie., Jan. 2.". Wheal : Club, $1.07(0- 1.12. Ttlucslem, 1.1 ."?' 1.1 K. Fortvfold, $1.1.-1. Red Russian, $1.01. Onts: No. 1 white feed, $27.7.'(ri) 2S.7.1. Barley: Feed, 2!).W(f?;.'tl.OO. Hogs: Best live, $7.4(1. Prime steers, $7.2."ff( 7.041. Fnncv cows. n.OOfw 11.23. Calves, $7.00r s.iiii. Spring lambs, S.oOfti S.2.". Butter: City crenmery, II tc. Eggs: Selected local e., "ilc, Hens, MfSvl.'ie . - Broilers, iOv I V. Cleese, liifti lie. r One of the greatest down town disap pointment is the automobile explosion that. sounds like a pistol shot nnd Isn't. FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS For rent, very reasonable. Phone 1905. FOR RENT Nicelv fuininhed iioine keeping roonn. 83:1 N. Commercial, tf Folt - RENT V modern five room house, fili-nisiied, cheap. Cull 405 H. 17th. , JnnSO FIRST FLAX IN OREGON By Charlotte Matheny Klrkwood, Pion eer of 1843. The present flax agitation brings to my mind a fact not generally known at tko present time. In 1844 my mother planted flax seed in tho Willamette valley. She had carried her seed bag across the plains, Wo called it her "treasure bug." Tho result was a nice bed pf trial flax, fairly, good . from which , she gathered enough seed to sow half an acre. This trial crop was" sown in Tualatin Pluins, north of Hillsboro, near the present town of North Plains. late in the fall of '41 we moved, my father having bought the old Mis sion farm of Dr. David Leslie, 12 miles north of Salem, on the west side of the Willamette rivet. A ferry was there, known as the "Mission" Ferry." Later it took my father's name, nnd became known to all the old settlers as "Matheney's Ferry. ' ' Hero in the rich sandy' loum of this bottom land she' sowed her seed and i harvested a crop from which she re coived quito n rich return. The crop was pulled, retted (ns they called it) swingled and hackled and twisted in to bundles. Mother had brought no wheel to spin it on, so it was laid away. Dur ing tho next immigration a littlo flax wheel found its way across the conti nent. Mother heard of it, and sent her flax to its pronl owner up on the Snntlnm. It was spun into thread, nnd many a pioneer housewife was made happy by n "hank" of Oregon thrend. Wo also utilized tho tow, hackled from the more choice lint, using it as padding for "comforts" nnd mat tresses, thus softening several hard pioneer beds. In all, there was n wagon load of fibre, nnd it made a huge lot of thrend of bluc-clny color, which was easily bleached. Mother knew how to hnn dlo flax, for she hud waven mnny, many yards of fine linen before she enmo to Oregon from flux grown by herself. The. Oregon flax was longer and -of finer quality than that grown in Kentucky, and I am ready lievo all that is said about its rinulitv I i urn i iii.ix y , nun am ii'kiiv IU lie ; being superior to that grown else, '7' 11 ;ut iins no puir - where. No greater industrv has de-1"1' .the Kvwor since his election, velnncd from the little start mad el 1 'i l"' Y' ''''.""J"' m,Kll,v. K"0:1 m"n'- from the tiny packet of seeds my mother brought with her, but our climate nnd soil nre sn well adapted to its culture thnt I believe everyone should give encouragement to those who nre endeavoring to establish flux production in our stuto on a large scale. Oregon Voter. INSURANCE MEETINGS The Hop Orowers' Fire Relief as sociation of Butteville held its ntinuul meeting Tuesday, and chose the follow ing director: Clins. Kuensting for three years and J. C. Murphy for two years. The hold over directors are JohnMur niy W. It. McKay ami A. D. Yer gen. The Farmers Fire Relief meeting held jt-niiwuiiv lliiii VIIHI1. JVUIMISllllg. WHS I nl.,Ain.l - .I:-....,.. i ? . 1 v-ii-,.i.i--ii t. uiii.-i iui lur inu .veurs, nno Henry Zorn for ono year. Those hold ing over are J. P. Feller and W. R. Me- Kav Bolh directorates will nrolinblv meet iinturuav ana organize bv c ios nar of-1 ficers for the'eurrent vr. Hml, rm,i. panics had a good year in 1015, and nre in excellent condition. The Hop Orow ers have not levied an assessment in mnny years, and the rate in the Farmers s far below that of all old linn and most of the Mutual. Tin business of bolh associations hns been conducted along most conservative nnd efficient lines In the real Interest of the policy holders. Aurora Observer. Explosion In Flooring PlantKills Many lluffnlo, N. V., Jin. 21. In nn ex plosion which wrecked the Kelker flooring plant today, many were In jured and several arc missing, accord ing to early reports. One dead body had been remnvedJ from the Kelker Blowing company at 2::i() o'clock an. I this wns followed by the form of nn unconscious girl with broken legs. A second body was found soon .ifter ward. The police estimated that 13 are missing and a score injured. Fire pre vented rescuers from going into the interior of the plant. Why are there no more romantic stor ies in the magazine of the great newt bent scored by the rub reported! Easy enough. The cub reporter hai grown up. if red Ad - Half Cent per word for Vessels Battle Storm and Come Through Safe Hoquinm, Wash., Jan. 24. B.ittered and disabled from tho heavy soutiiwest er Saturday, tho steam schooner .Cen tralia today is limping ' toward San Franc Iseo under her own' steam, with her four passengers Jnd crew of twenty men safe. But two of tho' vessels which spent till day Saturday searching for the Centralis are damaged. Wireless- re ports late last night said the steamer Admiral Schlev was disatdod and an other steamer Is' standing by her. The tanker F. H.' Buck, too, reported that e hud lost hex stccring gear off Coos bay. . ; . ' ' Tho storm which swept the : ' coast Saturday Jiad spent itself today and marine men felt litllo fear 'for the Buck and the Schley.. ' THIS EDITOR IS WRATHY (Jefferson Review.). A most contemptible piece of petty politics, tr spito work, was tho removal Al Jones as secretary of the Mate of Portland, to succeed him. So dis gusted with tho rank work were Presi dent J. H. Booth and N. K. West that they immediately resigned as members of tho board. Not a charge could be placed against Jones- and tho three members voting against him would give no reason therefor, though the aeson ! is pluin enough Wlthycombo wanted I the place for a Portland man. Jones was the best secretary the bonrd ever: hud, nnd brought the ' 1015 fail nut I severul thousand dollars to the goud.i No wonder he was fired. Such work ns that will never do. It must come out behind, irrespective on receipts, so that : tho legislature may have nn excuse to make a larger appioprlution. Then Jones should have known that pet gate peers with a "pull" are not to be rented tho sumo as common people.- He seemed to think he was expected to run things honest, on a business basis, same as he did his stock ranch, and that all alike. Such ignorance is deplorable. At a meeting of the press association held at Forest Orove last Saturday the work of Junes as secretary was uuani . . . . , . , , , '"" V . . . KR Knows iFii.-p, mi, i muni imiuciiri; wiiii i lid ut, ii- cm I public. HOW'S Tins 7 We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not ho cured by flail 'a Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Wo, tho undersigned, havo known F, J. Cheney for tho Inst 15 years, and bo Hove him perfectly honorable in all business transactions nnd financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Nutional Bank of Commorco, Toledo, O. null's Catarrh Cure is taken inlcrnnl ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfuccs of the kyslorn. Testi monials sent free. Price. 75 cents per bottlo. fluid by all druggists, Tako Hall 's Family Pills for consti pation. Attesting the populnrilv of the i "l"'U Ashland, the Medford Sun's 11 nines: --i ue niniii nnu waters nn in the central station at the park, nnd almost every hour of the day sees niea and women with their jugs and bottles taking advantage of their nearness." 4 Skin oi reamy is a Joy Forever pvR.T.fELIX GOL'RAUD S ORIENTAL U CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIHLR Inmnvi Tutt, Pimplm tali, and hhlll Ii-ipii lit nn vry bit-rni'l. nn tomitj. iti.-J ue fl ili'ir-dlon. ft m yrr, tin U lo harnil-H W Lump it tnbMliH U pr ' fty rfin-'s A("1 nocc'Hitrr (nn of thiilim mm. Hr L. A Htvri wtlrl to i la lf of thK hml I n (iMlriii' "At f"U ll'im Will U tl.-ntU )! itfiiimnriil (kin iirrimiiiihM:." i r lir alt rinittfl-ti tui Vnny Uoo-Ji lKlr IU til Ulil.wl M.HW, Jim4 an 1 Kurui fllt-N3PCHI V fir il i m f'r4 KW CATARRH of I hi, DLADDEtt itIIovi-i In 24HOUR3 nmtnn t I I 1,11111 By Mori. vertising Page each successive subsequent insertion THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business ' Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Salem Electric Co., Masonic. Temple, 127 North High Main 1200 LAUNDRIES Salem Steam Laundry, 130 South Liberty - Main 21 PLUMBINO, BTEAM FITTING AND TINNING T. M. Barr, 104 South Commercial Street Main. 192 TRANSFER AND DRAY AGE Salem Truck k Dray Co., corner Stale and Front streets . Main 74 JOB PRINTING Beaver State Printers, Patton Block . . - 1513 YOU for that bothersome skin trouble, tho two distinct types of eczema. Poole's TRAVELERS' GUIDE SOUTHERN PACIFIC. North Bound 10 Oregon Express 5:00 a. 54 Hound Special 0:12 a. 2S Willamette Limited 9:22 a. 12 Shasta Limited 11:05 a. 1H Portland Passenger 1:30 p. 20 Portland Passenger 5:00 p. 14 Portland Kxpress....8:00 n. No. No. m. in. m. m, m. m. m, m. m. m. m. m. m. m. No. No. No. No. No. No. 222 Portland fast Fr't 10:.'I8 p. No. 22( Local way Fr't 10:35 u. South Bound, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 15 California F.xpress !):.12 8. 17 Roseburg Pnss'n'r 11:20 a. 5:1 K.xposltion Special 2:42 p. 10 Cottage (Irovo Pas. 4:20 p. 11 Shasta Limited 5:43 p. 27 Willninetto Limited 0:10 p. 13 San Francisco Kx. 10:38 p. m. m. m. m m. in. in. in, No. 221 San Francisco Fast Freight 12:3" a. No. 220 Lrtcnl way Fr't 8:10 a, Salom-Ocer Line. No. 73 Arrives at Snlem 0:15 a. N'li. ' 70 Leaves Salein 0:50 a. No. 73 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:00 p. No. 74 Leave Salem 4:15 p. "No connection south of (leer. Salem, Falls City and Western, 101 Lv. Salem', motor "....7:00 a. m, 103 Lv. Salem, motor ....11:45 a. ni. 105 Lv, Hnlvru, motor ....1:40 p, m, 107 Lv, Salem, motor ....4:00 p, in, 100 Lv. Salem, motor ... 0:13 p. m, 230 Wnv Fr't lv. Salem 5:00 a, m. 102 Ar.' Salem 8:10 a. m, lill Ar. Sulem 11:25 n. m, 100 r. Salem 3:15 p. in, HIS Ar. Snlem 0:00 p. m, 170 Ar. Sulem ...7:45 p. m, 240 Way Fr't ar. Sulem 1:35 p. m. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. fio. Nn. Nn No. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO, North Bound, Train Nn, .- 2 Owl n .... 10 Limited 12 14 . Snlem 35 a. ni, 15 a, m, 43 a, in. Ar. Portland 0:5.1 a. in, ... 0:25 a. ni. ...11:35 a. ni. ... 1:35 p. m. ;20 a. iu, 13 p. Ill, :00 p. in. :37 p. m. ... 4:00 p. m. .... 1(1 Limited . 20 , on South Bound. ... n:.riO p. m ... 7:50 p. in. 3.) p iu. , , Snlem, , III a. in, . Port lam 15 ii.ni. . 25 a. in. . 10:00 p. ui, Ar. F.ugeue 03 I. 8:55 5 Limited I:.'10 a, m.l Ar. Salem ! (Salem only) 10:11 i, in,1 Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get You What You Want EVEN M. Burger. NEED Dry Zensnl and CO cents a Jar. Moist Zcnsal for Drug Store 40 a. m. 7 !) .... , 13 Limited ., 17 Local . 10 .... .. 21 Owl .. North Bound. 03 p, in. 40 p.m. . 05 p.m. . 30 p.m. . Jo p.m. . Corvullis Ar. Salem. , C:37p.m. Ar. Snlem. . 8:45 ft.ni, . aiO0p.ni. , 7:55 p.m. , 3:10 p.m. 10 p.m. ... Lugeno. 35 u.m, 10 Limited , 10 Limited , 50 p.m. . 2o p.m. , 22 !!i2 bwi .., South Bound, 05p.m, . Snlem. 10 a.m. , Sulem. 25 p.m. . Ar. Fiugene. , 0 9:30 a.m. Ar. Albanv, ( 5:20 p.m. Ar. F.ugoiie. 0:45 p.m. Lv. Snlem. Ar. Eugene. 2:00 a.m 21 Owl 0:50a.m. 10:15a.m. ... 5 Limited ... 18:25p.m. Lv. Snlem. Ar. Albany. 12:55 p. m 7 ....... 1:50p.m. btnps at Corvallis. Lv, Salem. Ar. Kugene. 0:40 p.m 13 8:50 p.m. Woodburn Local Dally Except Sundays. No, 04 Leaves Sulem 3:40 p.m. No. 03 Arrives in Sulem .... 8:25 p.m. CORVALLIS CONNECTION North Bound. Lv. Corvallis Ar. Snlem .. (1:45 a.m. .. 1:45 p.m. .. 4:00 p.m. .. 5:37 p.m. .. 7:33 p.m. 8:25(i.iii. .. 12:12 p.m. .. 2:32 p.m, .. 4:10 p.m. .. 0:18 p.m. Lv. Snlem 10: 15 a.m. - 4:25 p.m. .. 12:55 p.m. .. 0:40 p.m. .. 10 II 10 ;.. 20 22 South Bound, Ar. Corvallis 11:33 a.m. G:47 p.m. 2:20 p.m. . 8:00 p.m. , 9 . . 7 . 13 WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE Oregon City Transportation Company ' Leave Portland for Oregon City, Butte ville, Newberg, Mission (St. Taul), Wlientland, Sulem (daily except Sunday) 0:45 a.m. Leave Portland for Independence, Al bany, Corvnliis, (Tuesday, Thursday and' Siiturdnv) (1:43 j.tn. Returning. Leave Corvallis Albany Independence 0 a.m. Mon., Wed., Frl. 7a.ni. Mon., Wed., Fri. . a.m. Mon., Wed., Fri. I0a.m.--Mon.. Wed. Frl. Salem .. Sulem .. 0 a.m. Toes , Thins., Sat. i . A . A A A A A rTTTTTTTTT . 12:55 p. it. ... 4:25 p. m. ... 0:40p.m. ... 8:10 p.m. .. 11:25 p.m. . , 1:53 p.m.