FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY . THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEMTOREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS KSivD SI i' ffWL 1 Tfff f Iff BATTLES II E German Aviators Bombarded 1 Dunkirk, Others Make I': Raid On Dover SIXTEEN AEROPLANES . ON GRECIAN FRONTIER Fleet of Fokkers Carrying Cargoes of Bombs to Make Regular Raids London, Jan. 25. Following out their now campaign of neriul activity two Clorman birdmen nt 0 a. m., today bom barded Dunkirk, Franco, it was offi cially announced. Later a British air man shot down a German aviator at Nieuport. Official announcement was made last night of a Gormnn raid yesterday af ternoon against Dover, Knglund. Brit ish anti-aircraft guns however, drove off the invaders. The Dunkirk raid mnde the fourth at tack on channel ports within two days, while behind the French lines. theTeu tons were especially c;lvc. Two Sun day expeditions wero essayed against Kent county towns and nil attempted nttack was mndo on Dover yesterday afternoon. The type of machine used was not given officially, but London believes that the. new Fokkers, equipped to carry heavy cargoes of bombs, plnu syste matic, mills to terrorize civilians. .Since the removal of British head qpnrters from Dunkirk that eitv has bcon -iuacticnllr immuiio from nr'tneks. While the Teutons were lumv ivin. their fresh nerlnl endeavors, the French in force, ifttucked (Hieve-eil Seilnn tiu.... tho Grecian border, killing and wound- i"g over juu persons. Frenchmen Blrdmen Get Busy. "woman, .lan. 25. Sixteen French aeroplanes again bombarded Ghevgeli mi mo nuruu-urecinn frontier yestcr iy, Killing ami wounding over 100 persona, and doing henvy damage to j-'myni in t-umps. 1 Turks TlAfAnf nwii. ' Berlin, via Amsterdam, Jan. 25. The Turks east of Kut-elamnrn, Mesopotn- "oimorceu iy artillery and infant- y from Bngdad, have repulsed the Brit ish who were trying to relieve the Kut garrison under Gene! Tnn.i.,..j ; J V" ll..ll'llll, Constantinople reported that the gar rison had cenncl it from lack of ammunition. Tho Tieris iius pourou us r;oois into wells of that region making them unfit to provide drinking water, Bagdad advices predicted that the gnrrison will he forced i i,,-,,,!.,.. i. fore long because of exhaustion of the loon and water, supply. ' The Turks are conserving their forces by refraining from Infantry attacks against the town, while the Turks are Biivngineniug worns to the east in the direction from which General Ayliner's relief expedition attempted to approach Floods have forced the British to relin quish positions they won over a week ' Imperial Yacht Sunk. Alhens, Jan., 25. The Turkish Im perial yacht F.rlhogronl, with German Field Marshal Von Dor (lnlta aboard, was sunk by a French submarine in the Bosphorus a month ago, it was learned today, from travelers. All on board wero rescued. Von Der GoU Is reported to be bending for Bagdad to take command of the Turks around Kut-elnmnrn. Lots o' fellers are called thrifty when they're only suing up for nn nuto. After a country" egg gits uwtiy from Hi' gentle Influences o' heme it soon falls in with a bad lot. MOSTLY IN TH Bill ALL BUSY ! Abe Martin J AUSTRIAN EMPEROR ILL. London, Jan. 25. Austria gave no confirmation today of Home reports printed in Paris nnd London papers, saying that F.mperor Franz Josef of Austria is in a serious condition with acute bronchitis. The story went that apprehension was felt becuuc of his advanced age. Reports of his serious illness have been current from time to time lately, and several times he hus been reported on the vergo of death LAST GERMAN NOTE IS Does Not Provide to Warn Liners Before Making Submarine Attacks Washington, Jan. 25. That .in un satisfactory turn has been given to the Lusitnnia torpedoing negotiations by the latest note from Germany on the subject was indicated by the White House today. This came in an official statement that press announcement that the new note meets all of Amer ica's demands "is pure supposition, not justified dv Hie tacts." The new note, which in advance had been regarded as probably tiie last step in, the case, was handed by Bamstorrf to Secretary Lansing Saturday nnd presented yesterday to President Wil son. Today it was laid before the cabinet. In the hope of clearing up the case as f.ir as possible before he starts his preparedness stumping tour, the presi dent will confer at length with Lansing Tomorrow, ne osrponed ins eilncs day departure for New York to mid night, in order that he might have this session. Meanwhile it is possible thnt Lans ing will hold a conference with Berns- toiff. Forecasts nf fhli note In udii.'h ilie state department is believed to have . ill. I...., it. ( ..-..a ,1... -v... 1. - 1 ..... ... -ii iwinr iiiii. i.iTiin,in 11H1I Trained from mentioning the matter of tuturo warnings to liners, before mak ing submarine attacks, ami had modi- rie.l her refusal to concede wronzdo ing on the jiart of the diver that sank me ijusiiuuin.' ARMOR PLATE MAKERS WILL NOT GIVE PRICE Senate Committee Will Re commend Government Owned Plant Washington, Jan. 25. Armor plate manufacturers today refused to tell the senate naval committee the cost of thoir products. As a result, the hearing bv which those in favor of private plate manufacture hoped to postpone a favor- aoie report on a government armor bill, was practically ended, and the bill will bo reported favorably. When Senator I'oindexter queried tho plate men as to the cost, they replied that this was a trade secret, which it was unfair for the government to seek since the latter is contemplating enter ing the business. "Well, this ends the hearing as far as I nin concerned," retorted I'oindex ter. "These gentlemen have been given an opportunity to state their case, and have declined." The plnte men agreed nt roindcxtor's suggestion' to give the figures secretly to the committee, but Senator Clapp de clared thnt he would not receive any information as a public officer which he could not give to tho public. President Dinkey of the Midvnle com pany then said that the navy depart ment estimate of $202 a ton is nearly correct, though the real cost Is slightly higher. The committeemen said that thev wanted the nlnto men's own books I mi figures. Minority Leader Mann Puts Politics Aside Washington, Jan, S-". America is In more danger of war with England than with Germany, declared Minority Lead er Mann today in announcing he will support plans for Increasing this na tion's military preparedness. He urged creation immediately of a standing army of from 21,000 to 8110,000, amplo const fortifications, and navy "able to defend us on the sens." A crowded house heard the republi can lender's remarks and greeted them with a burst of applause. He urged nonpartisan consideration of prepared ness and support for the administration in Its efforts to Improve defense condi tions. "It Is well known thnt I have never been in favor of a large standing army," he said, "and 1 supimss I have been properly clnssed a a 'little navy' man." EOF ,State Department Will Serve Unequivocal Protest On England BRITISH CANNOT MAKE LAWS FOR WHOLE WORLD English Position May Have Grave Results Unless Re ceded From Washington, Jnn. 23. Pursuing its purposo of halting British trade inter ference, tho state department has prac tically completed the drafting of a vig orous, unequivocal protest to England, declaring in substance that the United States will not recognize as legal the British "trading with tho enemy" law if it disturbs commercial relations of American firms with German interests. This new phase of the interference subject will be forwarded soon to Am bassador Tago in tho list of presenta tions to be presented to Downing street. Tho virtual protest docs not ques tion England's right to apply the net prohibiting "trading with the enemy" to its own citizens, but it does hold .is illegal any interference with the trade of Americnn firms in which Ger man citizens or German money are in terested. Moantimo, negotiations over tiio Lusitunia case with Germany have ap parently taken an unsatisfactory turn, for it is indicated that fresh proposals turned to the government today do not ineet American demands fully. As for the Persia case, this govern ment will tako up with Turkey the matter of disavowal, reparation, pun ishment and subscription to Americnn demands in conduct of sea warfare, should Turkey admit responsibility for the torpedoing. If, however, she denies responsibility, tho incident will be closed. Austrian Charge d'Affnires Zwied inek is preparing a protest against the Ttalian liner Verona which arrived at New York armed with small guns. He contends that she is not entitled to ad mission and tho treatment accorded to an unarmed vessel. Fanners Meeting at the Commercial Club The farmers' mcetim? n !, fix. meicial club next Saturday afternoon will be addressed by Prof. A. G. Bou quet of tho extension department of tiio O. A. C. Ho will speak on, "Better Vpirelnhlptf nn.l 1I..u. A nrn.l.n. ' P' - W".M UV IV illltflJlVI' Thorn." At the same meeting, Prof. Hector MnPhnrumi n.' 11. a Cl A 1' speak on " Vegetable Gardening." in.- r i..i.i - r mo uit?Kuii r.iecinc will send a spe cial renresentntivA tn ntton.l tlin ing. The first nddrcss will be given i v uiutii onumiuy aiiernoon in t lie ailllLtOrinTf. (Of the .f'riinmnri.lnl lk Tho exorcists will be in charge of the iiiiHimiice recently appointed or which George Weeks is chairman, with the following nienihnt'ii. T. 11 Xfi.M Robert Paulus, A. C. Libby and Milton uiunu. Truxton Beale Bats Ex-Secretary of Navy Washington. .Inn. !." A ii..l. ' -" " HWAUI under the eye of former Secretary of NaW Mover an,) tin. ,.l,.n. ...... Hum,..., UA H cwr- tain amount of skin from the forehead of Truxton Beale, former San Francis- vu anu, Drouior-in-iaw of the Itussiaa ambassador, told the story today of a fiHt fiirht In which Ihn tu-t l..,l..lnn.l s - - - -" " i.iuuigi-u luo exclusive Metropolitan club. mi. i . .. ... . . mo uiiajr proiiBDiy will not find its way into court, for both men are said to be sore but satisfied as a result of their match. It is reported .that Beale invited the former enliinet ninnilin tA lf..i. w u,....,, , (u vv,, uiiv- side" after an argument in tho club rooms. Friends sny th.-y "went to it" at nncA with a i.Iixip fl.of l.ni:n.l i.t. v ...... i ...nn uviti-.j llll-ll ages of more than 50 years cuch. There is suld to have been bad blood between the two for some time past. GOVERNOR'S SON MARRIES . L'nion, Ore., Jan.' 2.. Govcr- nor and Mis. James Withy- combo in l'nion today to at- tenil tho wedding this after- noon of thoir ton, Karl Withv- combe, miperlntendent of the eastern Oregon experimental station, lie will marry Miss Mabel Ifn t. liinntm, daughter of a wealthy stockman and baul.cr of l'nion. Only intinnte friends and members ol the immediate INTERFERED BRII UR TRADE 1ST STOP families have been invited. x". SNOW AT PORTLAND . fljrtlamd. Ore, Jan. 23. A two inch blanket of snow cov- ered the ground today, just aft- er Portland people had finish . ed congratulating themselves on the complete cessation of the recent cold weathpr. The cold wave and snow were general throughout tho north- west, but, not severe. The weather man predicted that the present snow will not last long. She Loved Mulatto for Years and Furnished Money for Elopement S lit Lake City, Ftah, Jan. 21. Charging that Mrs. Viola Hood, hnnd somo wife of a San Diego hotel man inudced him to elope with her, Ray mond Bodds, negro, surrendered him self to the police here today. Soon af terward. Mrs, llool Walked into police headquarters. According to the police Mrs.. Hood thereupon verified the negro's story. and confessed that ho had not threat ened her, though she had sent her hus band massages saying the negro had declared he would kill or harm her. I)odds told the polico that he had decided to give himself up after seeing in the newspapers that Mrs. Hood's husband and the police of southorn Cal ifornia were seeking him. Ho declared that he had parted with Mrs. Hood last night after arriving here. They had registered at a cheap rooming house, but he compelled her to leave it, ho ssid, when he found it was "im moral." "We have been pretty close friends for va year," said tho negro who had been in tho employ of the Hoods as chauffeur. "She wanted mo to skip with her several times. I thought of leaving her to keep out of trouble, but every time, she woVId put her arms around mo, nnd cry, and ask me to stay. I couldn't leave. At last we decided to skip, 'o we came here, and then she decided that she wanted to return to Sna Diego. Aim To Oet Married. "Vt'e were going to get married hero and continue to Chicago. "She changed her mind, and wished to wiro lor mother tcr a return ticket to San Diego." Tho woman, who entered tho police station soon after Dodds, verified the entire story according to the polico, and said thnt the negro had not threat ened her. She declared she would re turn to Sau Diego if Dodds wore per mitted to go on to Chicago. It is likely, however, that the police will hold him on a wihte slave charge. She declared, according tothe police, that she left her husband because she was in love with Dodds. Dodds claimed he and Mrs. Tfnn.1 hnd been closo friends a little over nine months. He declared he was attracted to her, and that the attraction seemed to be mutual. Thoir relations, he added. were not suspected by Hood, and Dodd's presence near Mrs. Hood could always be explained by his employment as parier, nouseman and chauffeur. Woman Threatened Suicide. -The negro declared they had dis cussed their future many times, and he had declared it would bo an easy mat ter t0 quit his wife, if Mrs. Hood would leave her husband. Several times, he said, he had -tried to' leave Mrs. Hood, but she had threatened suicldo and ench time ho had acceded to her wishes. They finally ngrocd, he said, to elope and be married in another state under an assumed name, "We made up our minds to go to Chicago," ho said, "and she furnished the money. We went from San Diego to Los Angeles, and there we bought tickets to Salt Lake City, with money she furnished. I presume it was Hood's money, for I don't know that she has money of her own. We bad no trouble in getting the tickets, though I was mighty scared of tho conductor. We had separate berths and I spent most of the time in tho way car and tho smok ing room. Place Not "Respectable." "Arriving here, I took her to a room ing bouse while I went to another. I learned Inter that her rooming house was not respectable, so 1 took her to a hotel. I wanted to leave, her there and. we tnlked over the plan of her tele graphing her mother at Han Dingo and getting money to go home on. Then she thought of giving herself up to the police and asking them to give her a ticket home. I was willing, but when it come to a show down, she said that if t did not stay with her, she would kill herself. "I quieted her and left for the night. Then 1 ssw the newspapers and I was afraid she would kill herself In my absence, J gave myself up, fearing she would hill herself and then I would be charged with her murder. "I never did threaten to kill Mrs. Hood, and I have always been kind to her. She planned the elopement and timed the whole deal." Mrs. Hood had no comment to make when she was told that the newspapers reported her husband on bis- way to Suit Lake, lie will not be permitted to see Dodds. BANDIT EFTAIN HERDS REMNANTS IF f Gathers 2,009 of Former Fol lowers and Has 700 More In Sight PROBABLY LAST SCENE BEFORE CURTAIN DROPS He Can Accomplish Nothing Unless It Is To Continue Murdering Americans El Paso, Texas, Jan. 25,-Gcneral Francisco Villa, outlawed Mexican chieftain, is endeavoring to stage a "come back." From the tattered remnants of a onco mighty fighting force, he has horded together a nondescript army of 2,000 men, according to reports here todny. TIub army is said to bo trying to join another of "00 men under General Pcdriccna. These reports, coupled with Mexican demands for punishment of alleged American cattle thieves and the Amer ican trooper, Harrison, who shot a Car- ranza civilian last week as the latter tried to cross the Bio Grande gave authorities ground today for some mis giving. In presenting their demands, tho Juarez authorities reported a grow ing anti-American sentiment because of the execution of the two Duran broth ers, Mexicans, in payment for the loss of ono American's life. While officials fcol that Villa's at tempts to gather a new army cannot be long successful, they admit that he may be in a position to harrass. the Car ranzistas for a time, and to wreak a bloody vengeance on Americans. T Thinks Conditions May Arise After War That Cannot Be Anticipated Washington, Jan. 25 IVcsident Wil son is committed to establishment of a tariff commission to Investigate indus trial conditions with a view to submit ting to congress recommendations for schedules suited to all demands, the White House announced today. Healizing that after tho war, certain economic cliangcs will arise, which can not now bo anticipated, the president believes that a board of responsible business men, similar to the federal re serve board, should be named to inves tigate tho trndo of country. Jt is not his purpose, .lowever, to di vest congress of any of Its present powers, for congress would recommend and act on the commission report. Tho announcement presents a change from the nresident's position a year ago when he announced that ho wished to give the present tariff an oppor tunity to work itself out before changes were made. From time to time since then, he hns said that owing to unnatural commercial conditions, aris ing from tho war, the present tariff has not had an opportunity to show its strength or weakness. Moreover, In answer to republican jdvocnev of a permanent tnril't commission, he has iiiuir!i.-ii mm. iiiu niiiiuninirituon nail, In the federal 1 1 ado commission, the machinery wherewith to conduct any required tariff investigations. Market Quiet Pending Action of U. S. Steel (Copyright HMO by tlit New York Evening Post.) " New York, Jan. 21. The United States Steel Corporation directors meeting was not held until after the stock exchange closed, so the chief news of the day failed to find a direct re flection in the price movements. This is not saying thnt traders paid no attention to tho event, for in fact littlo else was discussed. So opposed wero the opinions and predictions of the outcomo that only such an irregular mnrkct with restricted trailing, as marked the day, could have been ex pected. At intervals, there were bursts of strength with buying of particular stocks active, but reactions followed the advance, so in the cad the price changes were of small Importance. Attempts' to Introduce merry-go-rounds and other amusement devices in Zunr.ibar have proved unsuccessful. The natives do not care for anything but the FORMER 1 tribal dances. ' TO OPEN ALAMEDA MINE, Portland, Or., Jan. 25. With a check for $225,000 in his pock Nat P. Ellis of Wavcrly, Iowa, in Portland today reorganizing the Alameda Consolidated Mines company. He conferred today with Cap tain T. S. Burley, reccivor of the property, which is located in tho Gnlice district. Ellis will at tempt to have Judge Cnlkins close the receivership, after which the mine will be operated full blast. TO Portland Rosarians Ask Them to Join Excursion on Great Northern in April Tho Chcrrians have received an in vitation from tho Portlund Rosarians to join them in an excursion to Hono lulu on the steamer Great Northern, which will sail from Portlund about April 12. The Hosarians have chartored tho Great Northern and will conduct an ex cursion out of Portland. The trin will consume exactly IS days. Five and a half days will be allowed for going, tive anu a naif ror tfte return, permit ting tho tourists to remain in Hawaii seven days. . While the trip is primarily for pleas ure, many of the business men who accompany the. party will tako advant age of the opportunity to combine business and pleasure and will investi gate the posibilities of futuro business with Hawaii. Governor Withyeombe. Mrs. Withv combo and thoir daughter, Miss Mabol viunycom&o, nave been invited to be come members of the party as th( guests of the Hosarians. The faro for tho round trip has boen fixed at 150 a person. This includos meuis and berth eacu way but does not include Deocmmodlitions while staying in uiu iyvy oi iionriiuiu. . Alt ac'COIUIIiWatiJlls oi. the 'vrnmel will be first class, as there will 1m nn second class passengers. One prico ap- oiii-s iu mi iinrcs or tne vessel. Tho Hosarians will go attired in their white uniforms and will make a demonstration at Honolu u. Th Kosnr- an band will also accompany the nartv and arc already practicing on several nuwaiian selections. The Great Northern will run nn tho river and dock at one of the Portland docks. Passengers will step aboard nnd may live on tho shin until it re turns them to Portland, 18 days lutcr. ON M TO FUNERAL Brother of Salem Resident and Three Children Killed In Snow Slide H. F. Bnttnrmnn of this city left last night for Corca, Washington, the sccno of the recent avulancho of snow and debris thnt hurled a passenger train from tho track into a gulch 300 feet bo low. Mr. Ilatteriiian 's brother and family aro known to have been all killed with the exception of Mrs. Kut termnn who is now in tho hospital bad ly injured. Tho unfortiiniito Jiatterman family consisted of the parents and three children anil two of tho children havo been reported dead and tho other one missing and it is thought is buried under tons of snow and dirt in the bot tom of tho gulch. Tho ll.'ittcrmans wero travoling from their home in eastern Washington to Albany where they were going to attend the funeral of Mrs. Itatterman 's mothor. Mrs, Hattcrman who is now in the hos wlth broken glass injured by being cut wit broken glass that she-has not been told that her husband and three chil dren are doad. Another brother, Mr. Hattcrman, acsides at Wlllumlna. BWEETLAND TO COME WEST. Portland, Or., Jan. 25. Dr. O. J. Hwcetlund, former coach of tho Wil lamette University football eleven, now nt llobart College, Geneva, N. Y., will conch iu the Pacific Northwest next fall. This information wns received hero In a telegram from Sweetland to day. Hwcetlund Is an applicant for tho po sition at tho University of Washington and Is also considering the offer from the Oregon Agricultural College, WHEAT PRICES JUMP lfortlnnd, Ore., Jam 25. Whent prices struck another season's record today at $1.15 a bushel, with holders unwlll- lug to sell fur less thnu 1 . t H. ' IS E Wants Artificial Blockade Made Real, Before Further Protests Are Made SWEDEN'S ACTIONS ARE DECLARED The Post Thinks England Should Not Try Hard to Conciliate America London, Jan. 25. France has urged! England to decluro an immediate block ade of Germany without waiting for further protest from neutral nations, it ie roported. This action, coming on tb evo of parliament discussion of th blockade subject, strengthened the posi tion of Lord Beresford and other advo cates of a strict actual blockade of the. Teutons to replace tho present technical blockade under tho order in council. Advocates predicted today that a. strong sentiment in the house of com mons in favor of their proposal will force tho government to act immediat ely. Tncy oocluro thut the ulockada should be put into effect simultaneous ly with conscription to prove to Ger- any that England is in deadly car- nest in her determination to overwhelm the Teutons at any cost. The cons cription bill passed tho commons finally ' Inst night with only 30 votes in oppo sition and went to the lords for. the first reading. Koports that Sweden has appointed a committee on defense, though omin ously interpreted in some quarters, lent oncouragoment to tho pro-blockade i'ne tion. They will argue in parliament tomorrow that decisive action is ne cessary to cut Off obje.ions by neilal nations. In a letter to the Morning Post, Lord Beresford today protested against hon oring passports lor American Germane. Tho Post printed another letter, saying that Englishmen are not liked in An orica, and thnt Great Britain should not try hard to conciliate that nution. Oregon's Prune Men ' '. To Be Given Help In Fighting Brown Rot Washington, Jan. 2". War on brown rot, which is said to have caused a falling off of 50 per cent in the pruns production of tho Willamette valley ia Oregon, is promised enrly in the sprin by Dr. Taylor, chief of tho bureau of plant industry of the department of ag riculture. Itcproncntative Hawley, at the re quest of the Oregon prune men, has) been conferring with I'r. Taylor, and has boen informed that preliminary work is being done in Yamhill county. Remedies used in other parts of th country aro being tried out, with a view to adjusting them to cliniatia conditions in Oregon. The federnl force will co-operate) with those engaged in similar work at the agricultural experiment sta tion at Corvallls, and it is thought that effective incisures for controll ing the ravages of the disease can b recommended. t Frovt Expert la Promised. Washington, Jan. !U. Hopresenta tive Hawley has been assured by Dr. Marvin, chief of the United State weather service, that the frost ser vice station at Medford, will be placed in efficient bauds during the coming spring. JDr. Marvin said tnat ne has picked an especially good man for assignment to this post during the frost season, when fruit growers of tho Medford district rely on thus station for prompt warnings for dan ger to the fruit buds. ' 1 PROHIBITION STOPS CABS. Seattle Wash., Jan. 2,'i. Prohibit io car service was stnrtca this week. Many "owl" ears that for years have earned home tho tipplers were withdrawn by the street railroad company. When the) state went dry traffic dropped off. TIIE WEATHER Oregon: To night and Wed nesday rain or snow; southerly winds. FRANCE URGING ENGLAND 10 MAKE ACTUAL BLOCKAD