Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 22, 1916, Image 1

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0 l m.mi fiisltftifm
Deserters Say He Is In Impregnate osition la Mountains
One Report Is That He Has Escaped and Is Fleeing
. The 18 Bandits Captured Were Not Executed But Are
' 1 Held Pending Proof of Their Connection With Ysabel
; MurdersVilla Reported Married Again
El Paso, Texas, Jan. 22. Surrounded by men who
have vowed to be faithful unto death, General Francisco
Viiln was Knrrnnnded in the Sierra Madres bv Carran-
zista troopers be.nt on having
Hpnpral Havazos. commandine three columns of pur
suers, reporting this to General Herrera, in command at
Chihuahua City, caused the premature announcement
that Villa had been made a prisoner
fJnvprnnr Ttmacio Enriauez of Chihuahua, here on of
ficial business today, thus explained stories that the
hnnrlif-. chieftain had actuallv been catttured. He said, too,
he had even heard that Villa had paused to take a third
wife; and that many of his followers have women with
The reports that 18 Villista
yesterday at Chihuahua were
explained that they are oeing neia at mnuanua uuy
ja-ciitintr fnnfirmatinn of the susDicion that they particl
pated in the recent slaying
The Mexican consulate
. ,
that the 18 had been shot said
tinn fif r.Vl'p stflVV.
Late advices claimed Villa was active in the Guerrero
district where he was reported to have raided several
PWeral of his followers who. Enriquez said,
requested amnesty, declared that a loyal band could stand
off a regiment at Villa's hiding place. Meanwhile the
Carranzistas are trying to cut on me vma iuuu suppiy
Frederico and Bernardo Durnn, Mex
icans, are reported to bo in jail as the
slayer of Bert Akers, on American,
who crossed into Mexico yesterday aft
ernoon in the senrch for cattle thieves.
It is claimed they killed Akcrs in a
quarrel over tho cattle. Akers' com
panion, Douglas Laurence of Ysleta,
Texas, is Baid to have escaped.
Arrivals today told of the dynamit
ing of a passenger train near Puebln
recently, with tho loss of 23 lives and'
the survival of only one.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Trumbo, en route j
to Los Angeles, told of shots fired at
their train which arrived hero last i
night. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Huymorcl
of Douglas, were in the Trumbo party.
Tho refugees agreed that sanitary con
ditions in many parts of Mexico are se
rious, and that a pestilential outbreak
threatens many sections.
"It Is a Lie," Says Wife.
Los Angeles, Cnl., Jnn. 22. " Es un
mviitiral "
With this remark Scnora .Tuana Villa,
wife of tho bandit lender, today calmly
dismissed tho story t lint lie had taken a
third spouse.
"Ks unmentirnl" or, in Knglish, "It
is a lie."
She displayed no further interest in
the ense. Why should she, as she hint
ed through an interpreter, get excited
about a false report t Bhe smiled, and
shook her head.
Home time ago when it was learned
another woman in El Taso said she was
J Aba Martin
Never put anything in th' laundry
'day that you kin wear t '-morrow.
Miss Tswney Apple went t' Morgan
town t'-day on th' cars without buyin'
an orange.
his life, but probably
bandits had been executed
denied oy unriquez, wno
of 18 Americans at Santa
which announced yesterday
1 l 1 I 1 J
today it naa no connrma
Villa's wife. Senora Junna became
onite agitated and heartedly denied it
But now, she insinuated, it -was getting
to be n bit of a bore.
The interpreter, speaking for her,
an d. "Senora Vi a is serene in ne
confidence in her husband. Khe know
the terriblo stories they tell of him arc
It was carefully explained that there
was reason to believe Villa had taken
nnothor wife at Bachmeva, Chihuahua.
This was painstakingly imparted to th
voting Mexican girl who.till loves th
outlawed bandit. She listened pnti
ently, then rose. '
"Ks un mentirn," she said in wear
lly. "Adois."
Another Victim of Mexicans.
Kl Pnso, TexnB. Jan. 22. The bullet
shattered corpse of Bert Akers, Am
erienn cattleman 24th victim of Mex
lean banditry in two weeks reached
here tudnv, Akcrs came to his death
at the hands of several Mexicans, armed
With Douglas Lawrence, another
rancher, from Ysleta, Texas, he enter
ed Mexico last night in his search for
tho animals the cattle thieves had rns
tied Thiirsdny. The pair reached Sa
Lorenzo, a Mexican hamlet, tho chure
spire of which is visible from here on
elenr days, in a corral back of a rude
adobe hut. Akers spotted his stole
beeves and pounded at the hovel for
ndmission. As he did so, several armed
Mexicans appeared from different di
red ions and blazed at him, droiipin
him in instunt death. Lnwrcnco mount
ed his horse and fled for the horde
while bullets sizzed ncur nun and twic
nipped his horse.
The situation 'took a possibly serious
aspect from Lawrence s report to ot
ficials here that several of the riidors
were dressed in the uniform of the Car
rnii7.a de facto government.
Jn advance of a protest against th
outrage, formally lodged by Americans,
tho CnrranaisU authorities at Juarez
obtained statements from two Mexicon
prisoners, taken after the execution
in which they claimed self defense
The Carranzistas assured the Kl Hi so
officials that if the pair are fouu
guilty they will be punished summar
Offici.il announcement was made to
day that General Francisco Villa with
400 men, is encamped 12 miles south of
Keports thnt Villa and his outlaws
are heading for Casus Orandes ciiise
fear fur the American Mormon colony
nt mat point.
Kumora of Revolution.
Washington, Jan. 22. Humors of
revolution against the Carniniistns
near Torreon were snld by the Mexican
embassy today to be probably unim
portant. Jt was claimed there are
enough constitutionalists there to cope
with the situation.
Keports that Villa is surrounded I
the Sierra Mnilres leave him loophole
for escape, it Is said. No official re
ports have been received.
V J SVC - W )( 1 ! t -
11 4 J wit lit 4 t ,r
. '. The above photograph, taken at the Cusihuiriachic mines in Mexico, 8how3 nine of seventeen Amcrictiris
dragged from a train and slain by bandits near Santa Ysabel early last week. The picture is the property
of Charles Truax, Jr., of Chicago, chief auditor of the miring company. At the extreme left is shown Charles
k. Watson, general mnnajrer of the mines, a former Chicagoan. He was defcribed by Colonel Sanborn of th
First infantry as "ten wildcats in one "
Two Cars Hurled 300 Feet
Down Mountain Side Into
Rock-Walled Gulch
Fourteen In Smoking Car
Be Twenty Dead
Leavenworth, Wash., Jan. 22. Two
Great Northorn passenger cars wore
hurled 300 feet into the bottom of a
mountainous gulch, and their human
cargo buriod under tons of rock and
snow when a gigantic l.ind and show
slide broke loose at. the entrance of
the Horseshoe tunnel at Gorea at 0:45
o'clock this morning.
Tho number of dead is estimated
variously from five to 20. The rail
road company places the casualties at
tiio lower figure. Reports from the
scene of the accident, however, indi
cate that at least 20 were killed.
The train which was known as the
Spokane Owl, No. 25, left Spokane at
8:15 n. m. Friday and wns due at Se
attle this morning at 8:15 o'clock.
The scene of the accident is six miles
west of Wellington where nuny live
were lost in a similar accident in 1010.
Searching pnrties were more than an
hour locating the smoking car which
was buried at the bottom of the gulch.
It waa known to have contained 14
persons when it was struck by the
Tho dining car was also hurled over
tho embankment, but no word had been
received up to noon as to how many
were carried over with it. The ear
lies wrecked near tho bottom of the
Cascado mountain ravine.
Rescue parties jre working desper
ately to save the lives of those who
mnv etui ne auve in tne wreexnge.
A sleeping ear was bowled off the
trncKa, oui uiii noi crasu over
brink of the gulch.
Second Slid Reported.
The train bad been standing still' for
nearly an hour near the entrance to
the f-imoui Horseshoe tunnel when tho
side of the mountain ripped loose. Just
ahead of it, workmen were rlearing
the snow, mud, ami rock that had ac
cumulated in a slide a few hours be
A special rescue train waa dispntch-i
cd from Leavenworth shortly jftcr1
noon, it carried 100 workmen who will
go to the bottom of the gulch and help
in the fight to rescue those buried in
the two cars.
Core, the scene of the accident, Is
100 miles east of Heattle and six miles
from Wellington.
Further alidos are feared. Telegraph
eonnectioni were severed ihortly af
ter the first details of the accident
reached here. The operator at Alpine,
two miles from tho accident flashed
(Continued on I'age Nine.)
' v v ; . urn
Air raiders slightly damaged
the American consulate at Dun
kirk. The Herman armored
cruiser lilnech .-r wis sunk in
tho North Hea by Vice Admiral
Sir David Heatty's squadron. A
check of tho Kussinn drive in
tho southern Carpathians was
claimed by Germany.
Germany's Answer May Not
Be Sufficient But Will
Clear the Way
Washington, Jan. 22. The Lusitanin
Ancona and I'crsia submarine situations
are on the vergo of settlement.
Following receipt of word that Aus
tria found none of her undersea bouts
engaged in the sinking of the liner
Persia, officials hinted today that pos'
sibly they will inquire further regard
ing the case, and request Austria to
present the evidence on which her
denial was based.
Unofficial forecasts of the final Ger
man note in the Lusitania case Buid the
document may prove to be an unsatis
factory and incomplete disavowal of the
torpedoing and not give assurance of
safety for non-combatants aboard
freighters, as well as liners.
Nevertheless these difficulties can
easily be surmounted.
The state department will soon pre
pare a reply to the Inst Ancona note,
and express gratification at Austria's
pledge to observe international law in
conducting her submnrine warfare.
Stock Market Weak and Dull
. and Prices Continue To Sag
(Copyright 1018 by the New York
Kvening Post.)
New York, Jnn. 22. Nothing except
the lassitude and inertia, usunlly found
after a week unsettled as this has been,
was seen in today' market. Price
changes were unimportant; war stocks
did not continue their recent recovery,
and even railway shares were irregular.
At th same time time, th Street saw
nothing in the day' new to interest
it. On a similar occasion, it would
Derhans have responded to the an-1
nouncement by Austria that she had
not sunk the liner Persia and the
further intimation that the United
Slates will soua have the Lusitania
Week end reports of business activi
ties testified to the unabated progress
of tho industrial revival. Bank clear
ances 45 per cent over th same week
in MIS and were six per cent greater
than any ever reported for the third
week in January.
The compilation of the Financial
Chronicle of Railway Karnlngs for
November pointed emphatically in the
name direction.
Ran Jose, Cal Jan, 22, String beans,
exposed to the air in an open can, were
held responsible today for the death
of Mrs. Ida M. Hcddington,
Fear Water Supplies Are Pol
luted and Warnings To
Boil Water Made
Five Lives Lost In Oklahoma
In Last Day Cyclone
Adds To Horror
Chicago, Jaa. 22. With scores of cit
ies o nil villages in northern Illinois
facing typhoid fever danger as a result
of the mo.it disastrous floods in that
region in a decade, swollen rivers
shrank today, and the worst of tbu high
water peril wns believed past. The
rain bad ceased.
Tho fever duiiger, however, had not
abated, for authorities hero and else
where declared that overflowing sew
or and rivers migln. tend to pollute
witer supplies, and thus imperil people.
Warnings to boil water were iscuon.
With tho rivers receding at Joliot
and in Houth Chicago, miles of streets
wore ipundutcd. Tho f'nlumet dropped
several Inches since midnight,
buffering waa reported from Chan
lioliuun, a town of 500 population, 10
miles from Juliet. Elsehere, too, home
less peoplo found themselves required
to subsist on public charity tempor
arily. Dynamite was used all night to blast
icn jama at several points, which were
holding up great volumes of -water.
A freeze is expected here.
Cyclones and Water Bpoutaw.
Oklahoma City, Okla., Jan. 22. Five
lives have been taken 1n floods in Ok
lahoma in the past 24 hours.
The dead:
Mrs. O. D. Cleveland and throe chil
dren at Crusher, Okla.
Tame Hhenuard, Hulphur, Okla.
Raging waters have done hundreds of
thousand of dollars worth of dam
nee bmaiiles interrupting wire com
munication and transportation and
breaking the gas supply of Eufaula.
Bmsll cyclone swept Brownwood,
Texas, and F.nnia, Texas, while a water
spout visited Oaineavflle, Texas.
Washington, Jan. 22. On the peice
ful Potomac, President Wilson oud his
wife are seeking seclusion today
aboard the presidential yacht May
flower, that the president may the bet
ter prepare his speeches for the com
ing tour in defense of his military pre
paredness program
Philadelphia, Pa., Jnn, 22. There are
things mure frightening even than war,
women members of the National Secur
ity league confessed today, after a rat
at their headquarters had driven them
to seek table topi and chair tor laro
Germany Arming Superdreadnaughts With Guns That Will
Throw One-Ton Shells 20 Miles-New German Battle
plane Destroys 16 British Biplanes In Month-Montenegrins
Reported To Have Annihilated Austrian Detach
ment Trying To Cut Off Their Retreat
, i
London, Jan. 22. England may be startled before
many months by an attack from German superdread
naughts, armed with mighty 17 inch guns, capable of
throwing a 1-ton shell more than 20 miles. The Daily
News naval critic reported today that the Germans are
aiming their new battleships . with this formidable
weapon. This is believed to be the same kind of gun with
which Dunkirk was bombarded some months ago.
The critic pointed out that such a gun outclasses any
thing in the British navy, and that hence the Teutons may
well risk a sortie and cnaiienge jngianas powenui ueeu
r 11 T Jl I. i.Lt n wsv
The newspapers, too, are nnea wiin reports huh new
German battleplane, called the Fokker, destroyed 16
British biplanes in the last few months. One sheet was
convinced that several Fokkers will accompany the next
Zeppelin raid on tne city.
T?nme. Jan. 22. Stune by newspaper
attacks upon tho Montenegrin King
Nicholas, Queen Milena did not accept
the hospitality of tho Royal palace, but
slept on a train, whilo en routo to
Lyons, tno new scat or, mo lauuicuesnii
With the Montenegrin princenm-n,
arrived at Rome Thursday night.
Queen Helena of Italy, ignored the ro
buff from her royal mother and went
to tho station Friday morning with her
three children, it was rue innv num
that the children had seen their grand
mother. A quick reconciliation followed,
imd they conversed together ntil tlu!
train left for France. 1 -
n. Arr.ntni.o(Trin are renorted to
have annihilated' an Austrian detach
ment, attempting to cut ott tne retrcai
to fccutnri.
Offers Serbia Peace.
Rrme, Jan. 22. Austria has made a
freBh offer of peace to Serbia, following
failure of tho negotiations with Mon
tenegro, according to an Athens dis
Gale Flooded Deck, Twisted
12 Inch Steel Davits and
Wrecked Life Boats
Now York, Jan. 22. Racked by un
n.nnl storms, tho American liner Now
York, two days pver due from Liver
pool, slipped iiito port early today. Pas
sengers hailed land joyfully after days
of seasickness aim uaiiKer.
i.. ,r Trnlnnd. the seas were
so rough that the ship wa unable to
drop the pilot tnoy nan . "
crpool, so ho came through to New
York. . , ,
The storm roared the worst Sunday
night and rolled the liner uangcruuBiy
to a SI degree angle. None of the 300
passengers Blept while the big vessel
careened. ' ' ,
rn.. iu. the Tiromcnade
deck, dashed off seven life boats and
twisted the IS lncn sioei uuviin
.1 i. 1L. tvntA mia thrends. Railors
lliuuKu ...... -
reported it the forst storm they had
Aboard the vessel was Hvo Togo, aged
22 years, son of Admiral Togo of Japan,
en route nonie auer Biuu.yi"n
i. vnni.,,1 llo suffered severe-
turn lu - ,
ly from seasickness. As his companion,
enme Captain ramanoucin, km
been studying the allies' aviutlon sys
Chile Is building 208 miles of rail
Oregon t. To
. nisht and Sun
day rain west,
rain or snow east
portion; . south
cast to outh
weat winds,
reaching gate
force near tho
uP youfz. J
patch todny.
Roports nt thut time when Austria
and Montenegro wore trying to arrange
peace, eaid Austria hnu otrorca ocrm
pence terms, but that these had been
rejected, and not renewed.
Torpedo Boat Sunk.
Homo, Jan. 22. An Austrian torpedo)
boat and a hydroplane were sunk in
the upper Adriatic yesterday by
British submarine, According to ad
vices today. The submarine captured
two of the orcw of the hydroplane n
they were trying to repnir the engine.
Meanwhile the torpedo boat fired, but
one torpedo from the submarine nk
hor. Tho fate of tiro crew is unknor n.
Speaks For America.
London, Jan. 22. American pulilie
opinion will sanction the proposed ac
tual llritish blockade of Germany, said
the Spectator today, advising the gov
ernment that now is the time to starve
out Germany.
Sends Word That He Knows
Nothing of Murder-Will
Punish Murderers
Kl Paso, Texas, Jnn. 22. General
Francisco Villa tuduy sent a message to
tho American people, saying he waa not
responsible for the murder of 18 Amer
icans at fcanta Ysabel. it came through.
Major Theodora Trieta, a staff officer,
who reached hero today.
Through lri"to, Villa said:
"I took no part lu the massacre, and
did not know of it until aftorwards.
It waa merely a plot of the carranxis
tas to bring mo into disfavor with the
United States, and it wns similar to.
their previous methods to defeat me.
i.t..n tlm Villi! nave him the
J iiuiu Bum . n ,
message at Kl Rucio, Chihuahua, where
he loft Villa as the latter was depart
ing with his troops for Durango state.
n7... ! i ..h( !!... am hiK nftr
rrieio wihi vwu b.- r--
i n.A..ni(itiiA tn declare the
nu i ,:,"'' . - - - .
bandit chieftain's innocence of th
bloody raid. ..... n
Villa declarod 1hnt he himself will
undertake to punish the murderer
"whether thev wcro my follower or
not," according to Prieto.
Sounds Like Canard As:
He Overlooked It, Yesterday
Douglus, Ariz., Jan. 22. Klght Amer
icaa mining men were hanged two
month ago at Carnejutla, in the state
of Oaxaca, according to Andrew B.
TruAibo, an 'American minor who ar
rived here todny with his wife.
Trumbo said he rode past the bodies,
which were swinging from trees, badly
decomposed, with buraards hovering
over them. Identification waa Impos
sible. NntivM told Trumbo, he said,
that the eight "grlngoes" had been
lynched and their corpse riddled with,
Trumbo was lu El Paso yesterday,
and waa quoted there as tolling of
destruction of 23 uboard a train, diowu
up by Mexicans some time ago. Al
thai time he was not quoted aa saymjL
anything of the fight alleged hanged.
Using "Belgium" as aa adjfltlvj
continue to bo one of tho atronitiet
of the war. f.