Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 20, 1916, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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i Supply Your
Meyers' January Clearance j
and Stock Reducing
Special Cut Prices on
Men's, Women's and
- It
- I .
Bankrupt stocks or trashy merchandise are not al
lowed to enter this store. We take great pride in
keeping a clean stock of dependable goods, for we be
lieve "the best is none too good for our customers."
The name "Meyers" (Good Goods) stands for best
quality, courteous and efficient service always. Go
to Meyers if you want the best is a common saying
among persons who have shopped here for years.
Thirty-six years of successful merchandising in Salem.
All Around Town
Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass
es correctly. U. 8. Dunk. Uldg.
Anios Mischler and family arrived in
the city this week from Cntubridgc,
Nebraska. Ho hns rented a fruit tract
in the Liberty district.
Havo you tried The Spa's, special
lunch, 11 to 21 tf
The Spauldlng Logging company mill
will start agiin tomorrow after being
closed since Wednesday noon, January
12, on account ot tno unusual weather.
The Hob Nob has received a large
shipment of Star Brand crochet thread.
Any size, 10c a ball this week. tf
The lowest temperature last night
was 34 degrees above, according to tho
government thermometer nt tho dock.
Tho river continued to fall and today
is 2.7 feet above low water mark.
0. II. P. Cough Syrup will stop your
cough. No cure, no pay. For sale it
the Upeia House I'liannacy. tf
Walker White Ide will appear in Sa
lem Friday, January 2X, with his com
piny and piny "Tho Typhoon." He
will play in Han Francisco and a week
at the ileilig, Portland.
Sr. Stone's Drug Store.
Tho Northwest Fruit Produce com
pany is getting in lino with tho Ore
gou boosting spirit nnd today is ar
ranging to mail 1100 letters to its cus
tomers and business acquaintances in
the east.
Dr. Stone's drug store.
Mrs. O. 0. Locke, who has had charge
of the millinery in the Meyers depart
ment store fur the past five years, will
move .tbout the middle of next month
to tho location on Liberty street, now
occupied by Kafoury llros.
Electric baths ana massage under
your phvslclan'a directions. N. N. 1m
us, 18 Hubbard lildg. 1,'hono S55. tf
A pastor will be called to the First
Baptist church nt a business meeting
to be held Sunday morning Immediate
ly nfter services. It is understood Hint
tho board of deneons will recommend a
mime, to be voted on, nnd it is probable
that tho party selected by them will
be chosen.
Prof. Mole, of Chicago, 111., repre
senting The Scholl Manufacturing Co.,
will give free demons) rations and ex
aminations of nil foot ailments for
men, women and children at Fullertons,
J70 North Commercial, Friday and Sat
urday of this week. Jjn22
The Eer. O. C, Scudder, of SlleU, is
In the city, returning from u visit to
his parents nt Tumor. Ho reports
general conditions good in Sllotz. The
Methodist church of which ho Is pnstor
recently organized an Kpworth League
with ,'15 members.
Lincensed Lady Em
balmer Moderate Frices
Latest Methods Are
Found Only At
Cottage Undertaking
I rhone 721. Salem, Ore.
Wet Weather Needs Now at a Saving During jjj
everything in the store even Rubber Footwear at Special Prices.
Children's Wear and Household Needs should be supplied now'at
this sale if you would practice economy.
"The Servant in the House" at the
Crund tomorrow, 8:15 p. m. .
William M. Stone, 1210 Van Buren
street, Oregon City, declared himself tt
candidate today of tho republican par
ty for tho office of district attorney
for Cluckunus county. He desires tho
words "enforce tho prohibition law
iand all other laws strictly, without ex
tra expense" printed after his name
of tho ballot.
' Everyone should see "The Servant
in the House" tomorrow night at the
j Grand,
I Here is another hard luck story for
the good housekeepers. Sonar advanced
10 cents a hundred this morning and
at the same time came the discouraging
new that flour had advanced five
! cents a sack. And right on top of all
'this, came the announcement that, on
ions aie higher and liable to climb an
other notch.
You will not be disappointed in the!
change if you sinoko Ilygrade, Salem s
best u cent cigar.
The Rev. Harry E. Marshall will re
turn to tho city this evening after
conducting i series of evangelistic
meetings extending over threo weekK
nt the F.ast Side liuptist church ill
Portland. He will remain here but n
few days as his next engagement calls
him to Baker, Ore., where ho will work
for three weeks.
Plan to ses "The Servant in tho
House" lit the Grand Friday night.
Seats itil.no, if 1.00, 7.1c mid 50c.
During the big snow, the Spauldlng
ll.nging coniimny went into tho manu
facture of all kinds or sleds, lroiu the
little hand sled to bubs, 10 feet in
length. Sleds were in such great do
mind that many parties ordering, just
waited while the sled was being con
structed. In all, over 100 were mndo
during the rush for something that
would slide on runners.
Don't fail to attend "The Servant
in the House" tomorrow night. Seats
on s.ilo Thursday nnd Friday, minus
sinu $1.!50, $1,00, 7i"ic nnd 00c'.
The body of T. J. Lewis, who com
mitted suicide Tuesday night, is held
at the uudcrtnking establishment of
Webb & ('lough, nwiting the arrival of
of his son in law, II. K. Forbes, of Seat
tle, who will arrive tomorrow noon.
The body will be taken to Portland
for cremation. Mr. Lewis nt one time
was secretary of the lodge of F.iglos at
Mursiificld and had been in tho under
Inking business.
The annual meoting ot stockholders
of the Salem Fruit Union will be bold
at the office of union, Trnde nnd High
streets, Sntnrdny, January "-, 11110, 10
o'clock n. m. All stockholders re
ipiestod to bo present. J.in'Jl
T am with tho Modern Shoe lfcpnir
company ind am prepared to do all
kinds of shoo repairing. John C. I.ul
ley. tf
The Salem chess and cheaper players
who were feeling In the champion clnss
on account of defeating the champion,
l.iebermnn, are not feeling that way
today, It seems that the mini who
el limed to be Lieberintin, the fourth
best checker player In tho world, was
not Lichormnn, but just n traveling ex
pert who resembled tho famous player.
According to V. L. Bryant, in a scries
of games with li. Sunday, tho cham
pion of Portland, the Portland player
won four out of Hi games. Ileucu the
Hiilem rlunipioiis feel that they have
been doing their best playing with nn
The meetings of the Men's Liberal
club of the Unitirlun church aro at
tracting interest from the fact that'
only subjects of live Interest aro dis
cussed. Last night, J. V. Huston sopko
on "ltural Credits." After the ad
dresses, the subject was generally dis
cussed, Gideon Stola, UVrcy ('upepr
and I hum 11. Allen nud others taking
Millinery Department space on second floor after
February 15th. Inquire at office.
part. Herentter tiie meetings will bo
held the second nnd fourth Wednes
day evenings of tho month. This will
bring the next meeting Wednesday ev
ening, January 20, when the general
discussion will bo on co-operative buy
ing and selling. At a meeting to be
held next month, grnnd master of the
state grange, Mr. Spcnce, will deliver
tho address.
A basket ball game is billed for 8:30
o'clock Saturday evening in tho gym
nasium of the Snlem high school be
tween tho Vancouver high school plny
ers nud the home team from the high
Westacott and Thielsen, grocers on
High street, have rented the store room
now occupied by tho C. M. Walker Fish
and Poultry market and will move into
their new quarters about the first of
next month. Mr. Walker states that for
tho present, tho market business will bo
Alderman J. A. MiUs is very thought
ful. For fear that ho would be over
looked in the great letter writing week,
Mr. Mills wrote a flowery letter
description of this country to Congress
man llawley in Washington, inviting
him especially to ninko several side
tours in tho valley next summer.
Perfectly fitted glasses do more than
improve vision, they conserve nervous
energy, thereby promoting physical
health and increasing efficiency in vo
cations calling for close work with, the
eyes, 1 examine your eyes met pre
scribe nnd furnish glasses, the kind
that your eyes nro in need of nt very
reasonable prices and guaranteo satis
faction in every respect. Dr. M. P.
.Mendelsohn, rooms 210-2U U. 8. bank
According to one of the Maccabees
who attended the session of the Macca
bees at Jefferson Inst night, the work
of tho drill team under Captain Boeh
ringcr and the initiation of several can
didates occupied tho evening until about
2 o'clock in the morning. After that
hour, until six o'clock this morning
when tho party returned, tho program
was eat a while, play a while, sing
a while and then ent again. Postmaster
Huckestein was tho principal speaker
of tho evening. The address of wel
come was bv Deputy Commander Smith.
Although tue party of Maccabees left
here hist night at (! o'clock and did not
return until six this morning, yet tho
welcome of the Jefferson members was
so cordial nnd tho banquet so much to
Inst how- formidable the German and
Japnnese is showu by thin ump, indicating the route, followed by .Inpniiese
liners running iroiu tno east to f.uglnud before the iusaku vns sunk and
that now adopted.
The second route, around the Capo of
er th n n the first, through the Sne Canal, will coiwume about two weeks'
mors time, thousands of tons moro coal, and also wil (subject passengers
nnd crew to' the discomforts ot the Cnpe psssnge, one of (ho stormiest nt
most seasons in (lie world,
their liking thut the twelve hours seems
scarcely longer than un ordinary ses
sion. If the city can arrange to do a cer
tain amount of street paving, a plant
will be rented this spring, to be used
by the city and county, it will be
necessary to line up about 40,000
square yards of paving before the
! renting ot a plant will lio considered.
I With a plant, and doing tho work by
I day labor, it is figured that paving
1 can be done at an expenso of So cents
j x square yard. The paving of tho
Fairgrounds road will soon como up
ngnin, and if tho peoplo on this road
will do nothing, there nro two other
routes available where it is said the
i peoplo are anxious to pavo and make
the roads thoroughf .ires. This will come
.up before the meeting of the Civics do
' pnrtment which will meet with the
i public at tho Commercial club rooms
next Tuesday evening.
At a recent meeting of the independ
ent colleges of Oregon which Dr.
Doney and Prof. Florinn Von Kschcn
attended many matters of importance
were discussed and some of the recom
mendations given were:
It was decided to have the heads of
Ihe departments ndviso students to use
simplified spelling in their written
work. The present method of sporting
proves that there are many students
who are poor spellers, diut who would
be better were thev allowed tho s'unpli-
I fied spelling method. At present there
I nro lOH .l'ffn-n nlinnno ii i,n United
States thali approve Of simplified spe
ing, and tiio.u uo iuo iiunaiiupcrs that
use tho system. Only one collego in
Oregon uses tho simplified spelling nt
the present time us does tho paper
they issue, and that is Heed Collego of
Portland. Another recommendation
decided upon wns that each of the
seven colleges should offer a scholar
ship to tho best senior Jn the various
high schools throughout the state,
based on scholarship and athletic abil
ity. Willamette had instituted this
method last year and found it to be
of great vnluo ns this ye.ir's huge
freshman class number some of the
best students among them that were
graduated from the high schools last
Howard P. Jewett, president of the
student body, hud charge of chapel
this morning for tho Y. M. C. A., this
being their regular dny for taking
old route-
new route
Austrian submarines annenr to tho
flood Hope, is about 4,000 miles long
Xote: Following is the fourth install
ment of William (I. Shepherd's intern
sored story of tho allies retreat from
Serbiu. Kditor.
By William O. Shepherd.
(United Press Stuff Correspondent.)
Salonika, Dec. 11. A French soldier
in a steel hat stopped nnd looked nt us
curiously as we walked along tho road.
'Excuse mo," ho said in broken Eng
lish, "but it's so long since I've seen
a man in clothes like yours that I
couldn't help staring."
The big British gnu was booming at
two minute intervals. French guns, set
on near-by hillsides, were sending oc
casional shots and once in a while we
talked, a Bulgarian shell broke on the
road a quarter of a mile below us and
wo saw soldiers running from the cloud
of earth. It was a battlefield, in every
sense of the word, a battlefield which
within 21 hours was to be tho scene of
an ally retreat. Incidentally, I wonder
what became of the little Frenchman.
"Civilian clothes seem extraordi
nary," he said. "Havo some choco
late f " He pulled an envelope from his
pocket, with a postage stamp and an
address on it.
"This is something I got in the mail
from Paris today.'
I took n small piece of his precious
"Have you heard that we'ie going to
move from here" ho said. "The
rumor is going around our camp. They
say we are going to fall back to the
Greek border. Haven't you heard any
thing about it back in Salonika J"
First Hint of Eetreat.
I hadn't. His question was the first
sign of the coming retreat. On tins
spot, tho very next day, dead British
and French soldiers were to lie among
the holly shrubs niid Bulgars were to
chnrge with bayonets, shouting their
cry of "no prof, no nosh."
"It's been cold here," explained the
soldier, "but I've been healthier than
I've ever been before in my life. Why,
when the war began I couldn't stand
any hardship. If I wasn't in bed by
10 o'clock evrey night I suffered nil
day for it. I had indigestion terribly.
X(iw, I haven't slept in a beil for five
months and I eat anything, anything
and enjoy it.- War beats pills, I tell
"All this artillery firing makes me
laugh today. That big Knglish gnu
isn't hitting anything and there are
three Bulgarian butteries over there
that, haven't hit anywhere nenr any
body. They ought to send word to each
other about how far they're missing.
If they don't help each other. out they'll
waste nil awful lot of ammunition."
He had to be going nt last. Would I
walk along the road with Mini
"Right around the turn here some of
the Bulgarians shells are well aimed,"
ho said. "They're paying a good deal
of attention to this turn this after
noon." The Soldier's Home.
It wns like getting ready to jump in
to a cold bath to start off with him. I
knew that after I got my feet to work
ing they would carry me along but the
hard part was not to make na excuse
and return to the ravine. My right
foot started, however, and then my left
and, fifty feet further on, we passed
the turn and faced a mile stretch of
road, cut along the face of the hill.
charge. Mr. Jewett. spoke on the
value of an ideal to the college man or
woman. His talk was very interesting,
nnd the attention accorded him showed
that the students appreciated hearing
one of their number lecture, provided
he has something to sny.
Prof. Morton K. I'eck gave nn in
teresting talk yesterday morning on
the civilization which has been nt
tuined by the ants; telling how they
were organized and had everything
systematized. It was of interest in
that very few ever consider such small
insects 'ns amounting to nnythiug.
Prof. Peck will address Ihe collego Y.
M. next Sunday afternoon.
President C. G. Doney addressed the
pnrent-tenclier association at the High
land school last night giving a leeturo
on nn educational subject. Dr. Doney
has been in great demand ns n speaker
since coming to Salem and his date
bok shows that since September 1, '15,
to December M he had delivered BU
addresses or an overage, nlmost of one,
every other day. Dr. Doney will speak
nt, Hood Hivor before the Farmers' In
stitute on January 20, and the loiiowing
t Alt. Tabor and Suniivside
chiirches in Portland.
Jupiter has a mass nerriy three times
as great ns the combined musses of all
our other planets.
Politically speaking, the rising tem
perature bulletin is already out for
next June. Washington Star. v
limm ii 1 1 r uiW.t
The Student Body of the Salem High School Present
By Chas. Rann Kennedy
The Grand Theatre
Lower Floor $1.50. $1.00; Balcony $1.00. 75c: Gallery 50c
Box Office open Today and Tomorrow
Below us was the valley of Costoriuo;
across it four miles uway word tho lulls
where tho Bulgarians were. A few sol
diers were on he road, walking singly.
"Along here you may get a shell any
time," said the Frenchman. "I have
to walk along here a doezn times a day
to get to my dug-out. from the kitchen
back there in tho ravine. Want to sVo
my dug-out?"
I did, and a quarter mile walk along,
the road brought us to a little ravine
on the side of which wns a soldier's
home, partly a hole and partly n tent.
Two other soldiers in the dug-out were
packing up their belongings.
"Just to be ready, if we go," they
explained. On n fire outside the dug
out was n tin pailp with steaming con
tents. It was not coffee; it wasn't ruuj.
It. wns half and half. I must have had
two drinks of it. It had an awful buzz
in it.
" We got two dippers full of wine
and a half a dipper full of whiskey
every day," explained a soldier. "And
we need it in the cold, too."
I figured it out u amounting to n
quart of wine and three fifteen cent
drinks of whiskey.
"Are you a tourist?" asked one of
the Frenchmen.
"Mon Dion, you silly!" exclaimed
his friend. " What would a tourist be
doing here He's a newspaperman."
I explained that six of us had been
brought, out to the battle field and that
I had lost the main party, but that we
were to gather again at the waiting
automobiles nt five o'clock.
' "Well it's time to go then," snid my
friend, looking at Ins wrist watch.
Good Luck and Good Bye. 1
"flood luck to you," they all said,
ns I went away. I wished them good
luck, too, for they needed it more than
I did.
What happeed to these French zou
aves 21 hours later when the Bulgarian
rush began, I don't know. Was nil the
now health of the little French soldier
the new health of which he wns so
proud ended by a Bulgarian bullet or
a Bulgarian bayonet thrust ?
On the hillside, ns I returned perhaps
a hundred yards from the French bat
tery which topped the hill, another
Bulgarian shell burst.
"They never shoot a shell at a single
man, it stoo expensive," my French
friend had told me, and it was a com-
J forting thought. To the Bulgarians
i across the valley the little dots of ha
jinnn beings that passed singly along
I this road weren't worth potting nt with
shells that cost about $25 each. It
was good to feel like a dot; to know
.that though a New York insurance
(company thinks your life worth some
thousands of dollars, the Bulgnrs count
ed it less than
Back at the automobiles tho party
was gathering for the departure from
tho battle ground. Every one of us
had heard from some soldier that the
French and British were going to fall
back. We all put two and two to
gether, on the way back, remembered
all the signs we had seen during the
dny the fugitives, tho trains bound
for Greece nud finally agreed on this:
"The nllies are getting ready to re
treat." Later in the evening we found out
that, we were right.
(The next installment of Shepherd's
story will append tomorrow.)
:! The two gignntie armies were
:!e deadlocked in Flanders. Hussia
claimed Austrian resistance
was breaking in Hungary ami
jt that the rtussun advance was s
jc unchecked. Allied aircraft bom- s!
bnrded the Krupp plant nt Ks-
sjc sen. Germany planned a new ie
jt invasion of Servin with 80,000 :
(a men. Germun War Minister
sjc Von Kalkeuhnyn, who succeed-
sje ed Von Moltke, resigned his !
sjt sc !e k sjc s! :k $ if
Rain Today Adds to
Danger From Floods
Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 20. Phoenix is
menaced by floods this afternoon.
Bridges are out on every railroad.
Tho Santa Fo Overland Limited is
stalled at Ash Fork. A detour nttfMipt
ed through Phoenix via tho Southern
Pacific lines failed when a bridgo over
the Gila rivor 23 miles from here col
lap'ed. More (linn 1000 men are bnttling to
save the Central avenue bridge. Tho
Suit river fell ono foot after a clear
day, but rain recommenced today, in
creasing the danger.
Phone 700
Cars for any time . of day or
Good Garage in connection for
storage of cars.
Seasonable Kates.
246 State Street.
Watch and
Also a Nice Line of
Masonic Bldg.
Get Your Letters Mailed
By 11 o'Clock Tomorrow
Letter writing week is still on. Prac
tically every business house in the city
is doing its' shore, the Northwest Fruit
Produce company announcing today
their intentions of sending out fully
Not having time or the inclination
to write is no excuse for not sending
letters. Form letters have nlrendy
been written nnd may bo found at the
Commercial club or at the office of tho
Portland Uaihvay Light & Power com
puny, State and Commercial street.-.
All' that is necessary is to select the
form of letter that phases, give the ad
dress to the stenographer, sign the num
bor needed and lenvu the sum of fivir
cents for each letter. This five cent':
will pay for tho stamp, clerical work
and a large poster stamp of the Colum
bia river highway.
Although tho snow is milking n pretty
quick getaway today, yet there may be
considerable evidence of it tomorrow
noon when the Pal ho moving pictun.
ninn takes" views at 11:30 o'clock. A
Salem is not advertising its wintoi
weather, it lias been thought advisable
that the views taken, ne shown only on
the Oregon circuit mid not throughout
the country.
But tomorrow morning nt 11:.10
o'clock the great moving picture event
will take pluee when the school children
from the high school, the Chen-inns nnd
hundreds of unibilious Snlem citizenn
will face the movie camera, when the
Oregon boosting letters are taken from
the Portland Uuilwny Light and Power
Co's office to the postol'fice.
Arizona Mining Town
Destroyed by Floods
Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 20. Winkelmaii,
a mining town 50 miles from Phoenix,
wns reported swept awy by flood thin
afternoon. Four dijud are reported,
two men and two women. They havo
hot yet been identified.
Twenty persons who huddled on top
Of a house all last night awaiting
death, were rescued tod.iy in n hur
riedly constructed punt.
Many are homeless, according to ac
counts reaching here.
Ends Dry, Hoarse or
Painful Coughs t
Quickly I
A Simple, nnmr-Mmie Itemed?,
IiH-xiH-unive but Ineaualvd
The prompt and positive results given
by this pleasant tasting, home-made
cough syrup hus caused it to be used in
more homes Hum any other remedy. It.
gives almost instant relief and will usual
ly overcome tho average, cough in 21
Ciet 2Vz ounces Pincx (o0 cents worth)
from any drug store, pour it into n pin'
bottle and till the bottle with plain granu
lated sugar syrup. This makes n full
pint a family supply of the most c'.
fcetive cough remedy at, tt cost of only fit
cents or le-s. You couldn't buv as much
rendy-mnde cough medicine for $2.."il.
Kasily prepared and never spoils. Full
directions with Pincx.
The promptness, certainty nnd ens
with which this Pincx Svrup overcoinei
a bud rough, chest or throat cold is trulv
remarkable. It quickly loosens a di,
hoarse or tinht couuh and heals nnd
soothes a painful cough in a hurry. Wit'i
n persKteut loose coiisrh it stops the foi
linitioii of phlegm in the thront and bron
chial tubes, thus ending the unnoying
Pincx is n highly concentrated com
pound of genuine Xorwuv pine cxtrnc;,
rich in guaincol and is famous the world
over for its splendid elfeet in brnurhitb.,
whooping cough, bronchial nsthinii und
winter coughs.
To avoid disappointment in nuikiii"
this, nsk your druguist for "2i ounce,
of Pincx," and don't accept nnvthim:
else. A guarantee of absolute sntisfiu
tion. or money promptly refunded, gocti
with this preparation. Xhe i'iucx Co.,
1 1. ayugi lud,