Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 20, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Men's Plaited Silk Socks
Regular 25c Value
1 Sc
Now on Sale in
Our 5-10 and 15c Basement
Tho jury in tho case of J. H. Jons
hnrg against F. to. Ford last night re
turned a verdict for tho plaintiff in
, the sum of $193.15 against Mr. Ford.
This case was an action that grew out
of a controversy regarding sorvices
Compare Values
and Prices That
You Get at This
25 lb, box large Italian
Prunes $1.00
3 cans Tomatoes . . ,25c
3 cans Standard
Corn 25c
3 cans Clams 25c
3 cans Oysters 25c
4 Krinkle Corn
Flakes 25c
4 lbs. Extra Choice
Rice 25c
3 cans Extra Choice
Salmon 25c
5 lb. box Maccaroni 30c
R. N. Morris
Thone 1167
Free Delivery
Morris Ave. and Fair
Grounds Road
rendered and rentals And Mr. Jonsbiug
brought in claims totalling $320 while
IFord alleged a counter claim of tiO.
A suit for divorce hns been filed in
the circuit court of this county by
Bulah R. Bluine ng.iinst C. M. Bluine.
Tho couple were married in Maryland
in 1HIM and nave lour children, bner
man Bin me, aged 11 years; Milo, aged
nine; Stanley, aged seven, and Clar
ence Bluine, aged two years. The pliin-
tilt asks the care and custody or the
children. Cruel and inhuman treat
ment is alleged for cause.
A marriage license was issued at the
office of the county clerk tod.iy to
.Tames I. Seism, a lariuer of North
Howell, and Ma May Bonncy, nlso of
North Howell.
L. F. Butlor today filed a suit in the
circuit court against Catherine Brock
to collect $130 alleged due on a promis
sory note. The plaint 1 1 f seeks judg
ment in tne sum of $l.)0 with $4:5 at
torney fees and costs uid the foreclos
ure of a mortgage on block No. 3 Mer
rilields addition to AuinsviMe.
The case of the State nuninst Herbert
Merithew charged with an unnatural
crimo alleged to have been committed
in the Oregon state pen while Merithew
was servinff time under the nntnn nf
.lames Curtis went to tho jury late this
afternoon. A number of convicts from
tho state pen and officials of the peni
tentiary wero introduced as witnesses
in tho case;
O. I). Bowe.r has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Lena Bauer
who died leaving renl property to the
value of $1,130 and personal property
valued at $1363.09. W. J. Needlmui,
D. 0. Drnger and Andrew A. Leo were
appointed appraisers.
TT. Pohle and V. F. Pnlile. n-lin con
duct a business establishment at 240
South Liberty street, filed n certificate
at tho office of the county clerk todav
assuming tho business name of II. I'olile
& Son,
Austria Hungary today lost two citi
zens when Emciick Shntz and Frank
Kada, both of Mill City, filed their
declaration of intention to become
Americnn citizens. Hliata arrived in
United States in Hill, and Kadn came
ono year later. Both are mill workers
nt Mill City.
Claims There Is Great
x Water Power Trust
Washington, Jan. 20. Kxisfence of a
gigantic, wnter power trust was charged
today in Secretary of Agruulturu Hous
ton's report to (lie senate.
This declared that a grave monopoliz
ing tendency had grow n up through com
mon ownershrip of stocks and throngh
the community of interests between
banking an financial circles.
Municipal plants, he said, invested
only $13H per horsepower developed,
while private plants invested 3lll.
Forty two percent of the power of the
country is in Oregon, Washington nud
Some of the presidential candidate!
now in the race won't got much fot
their run esept the exercise. Fhila
dolphin Press.
BeSeves In Preparedness
Enough To Build Sewer
To Abattoir
Peace, rather than war, is favored
by the l?alem Commercial club, and un
preparedness rather than being prepared
according to the expressed opinions at
the monthly meeting which was not
very largely attended last night.
As an officer of the State Security
League, appointed by tho governor,
State Treasurer Kay asked for an ex
pression of opinion as to whether the
club was in favor of preparedness.
While not in favor of a radical pro
gram, Mr. Kay did believe that we
should have a larger navy and better
coast defenses anil that we should so
express ourselves.
Hnl D. Pntton wanted to know what
could bo accomplished by supporting
the league. Henry Meyers favored the
support, of tho league and especially
the building of a military rond on the
coast, au offered a motion that a reso
lution be sent to congress endorsing the
preparedness policy of the president.
Joseph H. Albeit expressed himself
as being opposed to any military pro
gram whatever or any preparedness on
the part of the country and thought
such a discussion should not come be
fore the club.
F. (. Beckabach believed that this
country should prepare, not only for
outside enemies but against our inter
iors weakness and that a special meet
ing should be called to endorse the mili
tary program of the president.
Opposes Standing Army.
"I am opposed to a standing army,"
exclaimed Judge P. H. D'Arcy. "A
nation well prepared will scrap with
anyone. We do not want war, and we
do not want a standing army. Tho war
in Kurope was caused from, the fact
that the nations were prepared. It is
an outrage to raise an army of 2,000,
000 men in this country. We do not
want war nor do we want to be pre
pared." The motion of Henry Meyers that a
resolution be sent to congress favoring
the preparedness policy was laid on the
table, on motion of Benjamin Brick,
and the Commercial club then proceed
ed to get down to the business for
which the meeting wns enlled, tho ma
jority of those present being men of
President Hamilton stated that proxy
votes will not be allowed at any meet
ing, in accordance with tho opinion ex
pressed by Judge Charles L. McNary
that they could not be legnlly used ac
cording to the constitution of the club.
The extension of the sewer on Thir
teenth street to the slaughnr house dis-
rict of the city will be urged before the
meeting of the council Monday, Jan
uary 31. Twelve of the councilmen
were in favor of extending the sewer,
provided a plant costing $30,000 or
more would be erected.
Snow "Cuts Some Ice."
As the snow may bo on the ground
Friday noon, it was suggested that the
picture taken by the Puthe- company
Friday when the Oregon boosting let
ters are taken to the post office, be
shown only on the Oregon circuit. The
combination of extolling the Oregon
elimute and big snow drifts in a movie
picture wns thought to bo rnther bad
advertising for the. general world.
Hence the pictures will be shown only
in Oregon.
Tho business Men's lenguo is prepar
ing to advertise bad accounts, ac
counts, according to tho report of
Director Meyers. Delinquent will be
given two chances to pay up before
publicity is given.
The improvement of tho fair grounds
mad, municipal bnlhing beach and tho
forming of an automobile club will come
before the people next Tuesday evening
at the meeting of to Civics depntment
to be held in te Commercial club rooms.
The agricultural department reported
that a meeting will be held Saturday
afternoon January 29 at the club rooms,
when the-farmers' market will be again
discussed with members of the fcrnnge
and Prof. Bouquet and Prof. McPber
sou of the O. A. C will talk on co
operation and markets and the raising
of better vegetables.
In order that sufficient data may be
kept regarding the general conditions
of tho prune trees in the valley, the
agricultural department will have
printed blank forma distributed among
rune growers.
Arangementg are also being made by
which it is hoped that a government
expert may be sent to this valley to
study the brown rot.
J. W. Marunv; president of the Sal
em Floral association, urged that all
members of the club with homes, join
the society and become thereby more
interested in. the planting of roses.
"Members, not money, is what we
want,' ' said Mr. Mnruny.
Mr. Davis' Name Is,
Joseph Dennis In
Eugene, Says Sheriff
Tho man, who under the name of
Davis, is badly wanted in this city on
a charge of robbery, was arrested in
Eugene yesterday under the name of
Joseph Dennis by Sheriff James Park
er, according to information received
last night by Chief of Polico Welsh.
Davis is the man who is charged with
the robbery of the residences of Mrs.
Provokluit and Mrs. McCauley in
Salem and Sheriff Parker states that
a watch answering the description of
the ono taken from Mrs. Provokluit '
rooms was fouud on the man when ar
rested. It appears that Davis followed the
same tactics in Kngcne that he did in
Salem and Sheriff Parker states that
the officers found two diamond rings
upon his person when he wn arrested
both of which were stolen in Eugene.
Davis will be tried in Lane county and
will not be brought to Snlem for trial
unless he escapes conviction in Lane
county. Davis' method was to rent a
room for a week and pay a small sum
down and then to ransack the house at
tho first opportunity.
Mother Jones' Talk
Puts End to Strife
Tndianapolis, Ind. Jan. 20. "Moth
er" Jones, angel of the mine camps,
stampeded the United Mine Workers'
convention- here today. Following an
address in which her unpolished oratory
raised 1500 delegates to a fury of en
thusiasm, she forced Duncan MncDon
aid to tho platform to shake hands with
President John White, thus ending a
bitter struggle between the vo that
has threatened the miners organization
for years.
Adolph Germer, of Illinois, also "hit.
the trail" nud made peace with White,
after which Germer's resolution pro
viding a probe ;of the White regime,
wns defeated.
President Whito admitted that two
American financial agents of tho allies
are here in close touch with the miners.
U is believed that they are trying t
prevent a possible strike in the main
eoul fields which would tend to ham
per production of munitions.
Generals Disagree About
About Our Defenses
Washington, Jan. 20. While admit
ting that the gigantic, new guns nsed
in Europe could shell San Francisco
mid New York, General Weaver, chief
of the coast artillery service, denied to
the house military committee today the
clnims of tleneral Leonard Wood that
foreign troops could be landed at for
tified Americnn points.
Ho said he is asking congress for
guns with which to make San Fran
cisco and New York safe from attacks
by the big guns.
Regarding the Philippines, he said
thnt, from a military standpoint, they
are a liability rather than an asset.
.' yTi .-
ore so often subject to hendache are
languid, pale and nervous because
thcirbloodLsthinortnsufficicnt. They
are not really sick and hesitate to com
plain, but they lack that ambition and
ivacitywhich istluiirbirthriglit. They
do not need d rugs bi 1 1 do n eed t he ton ic
and nourishment in Scott's Emulsion
that makes richer blood, fills hollow
cliccks,9upprcsscsncrvousnc3S and es
tablishcsstrcnglh. Nouri.shmcntalone
makesblood and Scott's Emulsion is the
essence of concentrated nourishment,
free from wines, alcohols or opiates.
If mother or daughter is frail, pale
or nervous, give her Scott's for one
month and see the betterment. It has
a. wholesome, "mitty" flavor. Avoid
substitutes. At any drug stdre.
. Sralt t Buwim, lUuvulKid.N.;, 13-24
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Si'otoh Baritone, Three Days' Engage
ment Starting Today.
SMITH At tho Willamette Sanator
ium, Wednesday, .Innunry 11), HUH,
George W. Smith in his 73d year.
Ho is survived by a widow, seven
sons and two daughters. The surviv
ing" children .re: Silas St. Smith and
tterbert S. Smith, J'enawawa, Wash.;
(leorge T. Smith, Alinonto, Wash.;
Chauucey C. Smith, Spokane; Elmer ().
Smith, Salem; Clyde T. Smith, The
Dalles; Dorsey O. Smith, Horing; Mrs.
A. C. Smith, Endieott, Wash.; Wis. It.
i. Allen, Hood River.
The funeral will be held Friday aft
ernoon at a o clock from the Free
Methodist church, the Kev. Johnson of
ficiating. Burial will be iii Lee Mis
sion cemetery.
Mr. Smith crossed the pi .tins with his
parents in JSH, coming trout Missouri.
He settled nenr Dallas, where he lived
until he was 20 years old. He was mar
ried to Miss Nancy E. Sheldon in 18Sli
at LiK'kinmute. Later he moved to
C'oltax, Wash., living there until 190-t
when he returned to Oregon making
Ilia homo nt Hood ltiver .tnd Tho Dalles
until last July when iio moved to Sa
"Sorry Old Man
I Bought By Telephone"
The sales manager of a large western
concern sold an order of goods by tele
phone to a small town merchant just
ten minutes before the arrival of a
traveling salesman of a competitor.
Many business men have adopted this
"Long Distance" telephone sidling
campaign over our lines, reaching 1S0O
cities and towns in California, Oregon,
Washington, Jdaho and Nevada.
if ' Til
- f - i
' i I V! i
X !
Empress is
S.&C. Vaudeville
;arry stomach joy
Daniel J. Fry Has Such Faith In This
Dyspepsia Bemedy That He
Guarantees It.
One of the greatest successes in the
sale of medicine has been achieved by
Mi-o-na, tho standard dyspepsia rem
edy, and its sale is increasing so rapid
ly that Daniel J. Fry, the popular drug
gist, has bard work to keep a stock on
hand. It is very popular with bankers,
ministers, lawyers and others where
business or profession keeps them close
ly confined, . while those who havol tionnl charm and refinement. She is
)L0 ? OttrttWt sMW AlUSOH ,h" THE OTHER SlBt OTlttE DOCS
May Allison assists Harold Lockwooit
in the ingenue lend in. "The Other bide
of the Door," in which she is featured
as "Ellie," the girl who believes in
"Montgomery's" integrity after all his
other friends have given him up. MisB
Allison has grasped several remarka
ble opportunitie for emotional work.
The scene in which the girl is persua
ded by her father thut it is her duty to
God and the state to appear on the
witness stand against her sweethenrt,
is one nf the most moving incidents in
the play. A still stronger episode is
" Elbe's" discovery of the deceptive
"Cnrlotta" dead in her chair. Miss
Allison is a beautiful blond of excep-
brought on indigestion through irreg
ular eating, worry, or other causes,
have found relief in this reliable
very harmoniously associated with Har
old Lock wood in photo dramas of the
superior type.
rlns picture will bi shown nt the
Mi-o-na comes in tablet form and is Bligh theatre today Friday and Satur
sold in a metal box especially designed
for convenience in carrying the modi
cine in the pocket or purse. It is pleas
ant to take, gives quick relief and
should help any ense, no matter of how
long a standing. This remedy has been
so uniformly successful that Daniel J.
Frv will in future sell Mi-n.nn nnHnr a
positive guarantee to refund tho money j club lust night, J. W. Mnruny, prcni
Floral Society Wants
Everybody As Members
In an address before the Commercial i
Ei Admission 35c
One Day Only
Matinee and
Mr. Price rout, two contributors to Belgian fund and some of the 50,001
pain of ahota to be aent to Belgium.
Mm. Prica Post, socially prominent In Tuxedo Park and New York, ls(
iona of the mnny society women engaged in tha work of securing shoes for
jthe poor war sufferers of Uclgium. fib is men in thm pirtur with tw
lynutliful Belgiun-Americani who have coma with their little mit to help!
the unfortunates in the country from which their parent! came to tiie
'United glutei li'vuti yenrs ago. - - ... .
if it should not prove entirely satis'
factory. No other dyspepsia medicine
ever had a largo enough percentage of
cures so that it could be sold in this
manner. A guaranteo like this speaks
volumes for tho merit of tho remedy.
There is no time like tho present to
do a thing that ought to be done. If
any ono has dyspepsia, today is tho best
time to begin curing it.
Mayor Gil Orders
House Searching Stopped
Ser.ttV, Wash., .Jan. 20. Police here
will not be permitted to search private
homes for stocks of liquor unless it is
being sold. .Mayor Dill made the an
nouncement this morning, following
mid on private residences mndn by
Sheriff Hodge.
"It will defeat the dry law," he said,
"If a lot of petty persecutions are
strtrted from searching private homes."
Prosecutor Lund in advised thut all ef
fort bo- concentrated against boot
leggers. Money Spent On Roads
In Month of December
Marion county exended 45,833.23 on
its. muds' and highways during the
month of December, II IS, acitording to
the records of the county elerk. The
itemized list follows:
Hfucndamining, 157.fiH; gracing,
0H.1.07; bridges. tl.Hl.47;. fenerat re
pair and miscellaneous. 27115.2(1; new
tool and machinery, MM5; supervis
or's salary, tHSfl.lHS. Total WM.Sf.
No. of yards of (Travel hanled Sin
No. of yards of rock hauled 351 1-2-No.
of yards of rock crushed, 4rt 1-2-No.
of days of volunteer work: 22 1-2
men and 15 1-2 teams.
T. B. wants pacificists and poltroons
assigned to tho "dirty work" of the
army. What doe ho propose for mem,
hers of Ms Annnnln elubt I'erhnps o
bullet for breakfast.
dent of the Hnlcin Floral- society stilted
that tho-society was doing good work
for Salem, but thnt it needed more
members. Fully 20,000 roses have been
set out during the pn.st two years, but
with more general interest in flow ere,
he felt that eveiy yard mid even vacant
lot should l planted with roses.
Finns went being ninde by the Floiul
soc.iHy by ' liich liu;uets will be given
all truveieij passing through ISnleni
next summer. With each bouquet will
be a small pamphlet telling about Sa
lem. "We want strangers to know
that Salem is a garden spot and n city
beautiful," enid Mr. Mnriiny,
As the annual dues sro only 2!5 cents,
and us every person in the city should
boe.omn interested in roses, Mr. Mn
runy was of the opinion that every
citizen and especially thoso who have
homes, should become members of the
Floral soeioty. Tim nent monthly meet
ing will be hold at the Commercial
club rooms February 11.
California Doctors
Discover New Disease
Sacramento, Oil. .Tun. SO. Quartan
Malaria, a type new to California, has
just been discovered in the Hncamento
valley by dnntors from the state bu
roan of unrimunicnhln diiieiiHcs,
This type of malaria- is chnnuiterize 1
by a distinct chill followed by fever,
the attach occurring every third dny,
I 1
Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
111 5 Big Acts.
Thill Big ta.00 Production Will
Be Shown at
Ye Liberty Theatre
Today, Friday, Saturday
Always 10c Others Would
Chargo You More,
Uncle Sam Sues S. P.
Over Oil Land Frauds
San Francisco, ,un. 20, Tho govern
ment's oil hind fraud suit against, tho
ijoiithe.ru Pacific company is being
heard today in the Vnited Htntes dis
trict court, Judge Benjamin Jiledsoe of
Los Angeles presiding.
Tho government asks if .10,000,000
damages for oil lands the Nouthern Pa
cific secured under agricultural patents
and later sold. One hundred uud sixty
thousand acres in Kern, Tulare mid
Kings counties are involve.
Kdward Justice, special assistant at
torney general, and William rVboon
over, United States attorney for tho
Southern district, are representing the
government. Henley I)ioth nud Charles
Lewers appeared for the railroad.
It couldn't have been tho landlord
cluss that agitated the war as some
would have us think. People in Ku
rope) ara many millions of dollars be
hind in their rent.
Today and Tomorrow
OREGON of Course