C.B. EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOU RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19, 1916. Cut Price Sale of Dr. Scholl's Arch Support and Foot Appliances In connection with our January Clearance and Stock Re ducing Sales Thursday Friday Saturday For the next few days, we offer these splendid comfort-giving foot appliances at special sale prices. We introduced Dr. Scholl's Foot Eazer Arch Supports and other products to Salem people several years and they have given comfort and satisfaction to hundreds of persons. This special feature sale should appeal to all who have tired, aching feet weak or broken down arches, cramped or crooked toes, corns, bunions, callouses, etc. Fitted by a man who has had personal instruction and experience under one of Dr. Scholl's experts, you take no chances when you bring your foot troubles to us. Don't pay $2.00 for Dr. Scholl's Foot Eazers elsewhere when you can pur chase them here and receive the same correct fit and serv ice for $1.35. Let us help you to the full realization of what genuine foot comfort means. Satisfaction guaranteed. Bankrupt stocks or trashy merchandise are not al lowed to enter this store. We take great pride in keeping a clean stock of dependable goods, for we be lieve "the best is none too good for our customers." The name "Meyers" (Good Goods) stands for best quality, courteous and efficient service always. Go to Meyers if you want the best is a common saying among persons who have shopped here for years. Thirty-six years of successful merchandising in Salem. ft p liniiiin SCHOLL'S FOOT-BAIM. FOI TIRCD.t-CHINCrCCT Scholl's tt-sphinx ARCH SUPPORT FOI tvfW A.HKIB i 1M OiOMFV ARCH scholl's roe-FLet ITHAICHrCHt citugtM Toes AND OANISHKS PAINFUL. QUNtQHS SCHOLL'S liUNION ntoucm ron ounions And BNLAJicED Joints Scholl's aBmlbo paps iBMove ohh ano OiLLouims-fiteyaur Snoa Piessvie.ONm Port mvmnY.Onw SCHOLL'i F-JX9 COKM PlASTBKS licuivm Mm vioeir IN U HOVKi . .. SHEPHERD WRITES OF MEETING RETREA TBUT DID NOT RECOGNIZE IT Note Following is the third install ment of William U. Shepherd's uncen sored story of the jllieJ retreat from Serbia. The previous installment do seribed the. departure of Shepherd and other correspondents for the Anglo French front in Serbia. Editor. By William G. Shepherd. (Tutted Press Staff Correspondent.) Salonika, Dec. ll.-YVe smashed up a wagon load of refugees as wo went along. It was one of tnose pitiful ear. loads of household goods, with in old woman and a baby sitting on the pile and the younger and stronger mem bers of the family plodding along in the mud before or alongside the two oxen. As we turned down the road, the perplexed peasants turned tho ox en and he.tded for a roadside ditch. The unusual sight of an automobile seemed to frenzy them. A woman and a man stuck the oxen with sticks. The wheels went down with a crash and everybody screamed. The old woman held up the baby in her arms. Tho body of the wagon settled down into tho ditch, on its side, (iently tho old woman and tho baby slid off into tho mud. Ucsiitc the road was a camp of Diitish engineers end wo saw them flocking by "scores from their tents to the scene of the household wrack. By the time we )m J passed iifty or more of these parties of refugees, we knew tint somewhere ahead tho retreat was No Longer a Secret. When we looked out of the ambu lance we saw a narrow ravine running behind i hill. There wero tents and dugouts on its sides. This was a- se cret 1 could not have told two weeks ago. But it doesn't matter now. The Frenchmen with their steel blue cas ques have all gone front the ravine. Hill number 510, which sheltered them, belongs to the iiulgnrs now and the battlefield ol the valley of Costorino is quiet and peaceful ng.iiu; miles behind tho Bulgarian battle line. But now, it was a battlefield. A can non on the top of the hill roared. An other cannon further away roared. The British cannon behind us ro.ired. They were all ally cannon. And then came a different sound, it was a s.iriek that r.idu't grow less with the passage of seconds, but louder. Look into the sky above vnu: you can see nothing: you feet llcllilcss-. nil nrnliii.l vnn the nir is! filled with th.it growling whine; it may end in a burst near you; if that's the case, you won't hear the burst, in all likelihood, in common parlance the light will go out and you won't know what hit you. You have nn infinitely intense desire to hear the boom; you want to have the thing over with, as long .is that whine is in the sky over your head you may bo killed at any minute. Was Under Shell Fire. I am not writing this in order to boast that 1 have been under shell fire but in order to point out that being under shell firo is nn alarming thin under way. As we went along the mountain roads in the French ambu lance, we knew how comfortnblo a lml tnnt i( tnc experience doesn't stir wounded man must bo in such n car. ,, ilnvv .i.-iii within von. then vnn In addition to the, spring of the pneu-jlmlst ))0 a',lllm, llnimal that cannot un matic tires there were t.io springs of I ,Pr8taiid the things that are going on the car itself. Tho stietcherse.its on I ,,,., . u Some men k.iv thev like Which we sat were hung by a third scr- this t)n.m. tnnt the feeling is'tdcis- :es ot springs from steel bars wliii-n llllt. others say thev dun's like it and were suspended from the ceiling of the j am them. It's too much like ear by spiral springs. J ho motion 01 i,.,;,,,, ; terrific electrical storm with President Suspenders 17c per Pair Sale on Genuine President Suspenders still con tinues. Never sold at such a low price. They are going fast and only a limited number to be sold. Buy Shoes Now The Packard Shoe, regular $4.00 and $5.00 values, sale price $2.48 and $3.98. C. W. Johnson & Co. 141 North Commercial Street. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY JLiOOODlOOpD S FOR RENT Millinery Department space on Second Floor aft er February loth. Inquire at office. W3Mb roramtmma All Around Town aum:;nunmm::nmaunmmrtmttttnamammunwrtttmimt:: a:mummKmtumuumtn:mmtKmmumuattnmum!aj:n:n jii.-m. arranged for tho sending of from y "Ti trt fill li.troi'e nni'li '1 tin unutnr f.imn of tho Columbia river highway is suro I to lit tract attention wherccver the let I ter may go. Dr. O. Hartley, specialist, inflamed, bleeding gums nnd pyorrhea. 410 U. 3. Hank llldg. l'iiono LSI). If Albort Herman Flege Is somewhere in the northwest ho nay find $1500 awaiting him at Dixon, Illinois, accord ing ta a letter received by Chief of Police Welsh this morning. The letter states that the young man left his mother's homo several years ago and enmo to this country and has not been heard from since. Ilin mother died re cently and left her entire estate to her SOli, The busiest place in town now is at K. 1. Stiff & Con's. Their bedding and heater sale Is a wonder. The Sophomore basicetball team of the high school defeated the Junior team yesterday afternoon in a closely contented game to the score of 10 to ti. At tho end of tho first hnlf, the score was II to 4 in favor of the luniors. O. It. Honcll, head of the nianunl train the ambulance, except for a slight swaying, was almost imperceptible. Shell Wakes 'Em Up. .fust when we were marvelling at the comfort with which we wore traveling ind comparing our situation with that of the sad line of refugees, (hero was n terrific explosion at the rondsido and j tho shriek of a shell. A shell drills In tunnel through the air and through ! this tunnel the echoes of the whistling !of tho shell jar and clash and mix in one long whine. I he shell we heard was le.iving us. Through the cmbu lance window we saw first a cloud of smoko ami then the outline of a huge gun which stood at least eight feet above the ground on giant wheels and had a mouth thnt a man could hive put his head into. Tho great cannon stood within fifteen feet of tho rond, but it, was so cleverly sheltered and hidden by decorations of holly that we hail not seen it. "Let's get out nnd photograph it," slid one correspondent. "Xot here," said our lieutenant guide. "The Bulgnrs are across the valley and if wo stop long enough to give them our range they'll fire at us cure. The road will cut along the face of a Dr. Mendelsohn, specialist, fits glass es correctly. U. S. Bank, Bldg. Albany had nino degrees of colder weather than Hnlem last night. While Salem was shivering at the rate of HI above, Albany was enjoying a tempera turo uf seven ubovo. Have you tried The Spa's special lunch, 11 to 2 t tf H. N. Stoudemeycr and L. Mlckelson havo been elected by the locul must cians association to represent them at tho state labor cnnvcnliim to be held in Portland, January 2!. o- The Hob Nob has received a large shipment of Slur Brand crochet throid. Any size, 10c u ball this week. tf The regular monthly mooting of all members of the Commercial club will bo held this evening at 8:00 o'clock. These monthly meetings have heretofore proven quite interesting us well as on tortuhiing, O. II. P. Cough Syrup will stop your cough. No euro, no pay. For sale it tho Opera llouso Pharmacy. tf W. J. Turnldge, the mint king of the valley is In tho city. Ho says that ho cxpeist with tho conipnny recently or ganized to linvo COO acres la mint this spring. Linn county holds tho record of the valley in mint production. Dr. Stone's Drug Store. The body of Mrs. Anna McCnrty, who died In Idaho, will ai'rivo tomorrow af ternoon at 4:25 on tho Oregon F.lectrle, from Portland. The body will be taken direct to tho Odd Fellows cemetery where services will bo held bv tho liov. P. T. Porter, assisted by the local lodge of ltobckulm. RESIDENCE PARLORS Lincensed Lady Em balmer Moderate Prices Latest Methods Are Found Only At Cottage Undertaking Parlors Phone 721. Salem, Ore. Dr. W. Carlton Smith has moved his otfico to rooms 212 and 214 .Masonic Temple. JanlS Prank Powers of Orenco was in the city yesterday, returning to his home with his son Kenneth who has been ill with pneumonia since the holidays. Dr. Stone's drug store. John Scofiold, the young high school student who U charged with robbing the U. 8. mails is out on irliOO bonds. It is understood that ho will return to the city u nd continue his studies until his case is disposed of. Electric baths and massage under your phvsiclnn's directions. N. N. Im us, 218 Hubbard Uldg. Phone 555. tf The funeral of Market, the daughter Wr", .'''r w, ""J M.T of Dr. and Mrs. F. II. Th.mipson, who ( ', '"if " ! iot. ior 'l died in Porlland, will be hohlThursduy g L"' lV'I!! 7 l!! frm th"T.i i i .1..; ..... .. .. .' inorninjr at 10:00 o'clock, chapel of Higdon and Hichni'dson, the Hov. It. N. Avison officiating. Tho Men's Liberal club will meot to night at tho ITnitaiian church at 8:00 o'clock. Messrs. Huston and Pherson will bo the speakers of the evening with " rural credit" the topic for din. cussion. All men. especially members of tho Orange are Invited to theso meet ings nnd to theso discussions. E. L. Stiff & Son are soiling blank ets as low as Toe per pair. WUlamotto Vnlloy potatoes are in do ni ii ml in Arizona and Culifoinin. Man gis Brothers havo just shipped uluo cars to these slates, six of the ears com ing from this valley. During the past week this firm has shipped Kl cars of potatoes, the great part of which wero raised in the valley. They are report ed to havo arrived in fine condition. La Corona cigars uphold their repu tation as Salem's highest ipmlity cigar. President Stownrt of the Willamette Valley Imposition association has is sued a call for a meeting of the exe cutive board, to meet in Salem Thurs day, January 27. The affairs of tho played between tho two teams. Prof. Mok, of Cliicago, 111., repre senting The Hcholl .Manufacturing Co., will give free demonstrations nnd ex aminations of all foot ailments for men, women and children at Fullertons, 270 North Commercial, Friday and Sat urday of this week. J.iti22 Captain P. J. A, Boehringer and his drill team of HI, accompanied by mem bers of the Maccabees, will go to Jeff erson this evening to nut only initinte a class of ten members, but to also show the Jefferson folks one of tho finest drill teams in the mirth west. In the Inst drill contest with Portland, the homo team only lov by five points. Members of tho lodge from Albany and Corvallis will be in attendance. The Maccabees will leave on the Nonthern Pacific at tea minutes pant six o'clock. Soe Seamstor Bros, for groceries, Compare prices, (.lot Ii per cent dis count. 121 Houlh Commercial, former ly Muggins grocery. The board of directors of the Com mercial club refused to lend its endorse ment to certnin enterprises that, asked for its favor, on tho grounds that it count not consistently endorse every new firm thnt might wish to come to harder lightening than human beings ever suw in the sky, any bolt of which menus death. Hut he. the shell is, in tho sky above us. There is X terrific roar. On the hillside above us n huge cloud, bigger than a six story building, of mild, stones and smoke arises. The shell has burst. Let it be recorded that Hii hard Harding Davis, John Mc Ciitcheou of the Chicago Tribune, John Hass of the Chicago D.tily News and .lames Dare, tho War photographer were not hit.' Neither was I. Did Not Like It. I said I didn't like it. I had been; under shell fire in Hiissia, in Serbia,; on the English front; 1 had dodged both .illy and anti-ally shells and I had made up my mind mouths before, that the next time 1 was near flying shells I would try to study the working of my mind and nerves and discover, if possible, whether 1 was frightened and whether or not the shaky feeling that conies from knowing that death is somewhere in the sky nearby is really a phusant one; whether the thrill of a kiss or a drink compares with the thrill of being in danger of sudden death by bullets or shells. 1 had made the study this time and I found that I lid not; like tho thrill, in tho pros NOT GRAY HAIRS But TIRED EYES Suggest Age ,et us rest those tired looking eyes Pwith a pair of nur C A I! KFC l.l.Y FIT Tl'.I) lil.ASSKS. You'll be surprised at the result. MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109 hill, llelow us was tho valley of tlos-jcuce of the other war reporters 1 said torino ana tour nines .iway, neyonu tnc valley were other hills like ours, whore the liuluar artillery was hidden. that I .lid not like it Well," said Davis, "I'm old enough" he is almost fifty ind he's Just, a quarter mile further and wo seen a score of wars "I'm old eimmh reached the shelter of a turn in tho to admit, without being accused of road. The hug i.uglish gun behind ns I bravado, that I like it." kept spitting out its roaring challenges across the v.tlley. i!y tho watch it was possible to hear the whino of its shells for six seconds; the whine always end ed in a deep, dull roar where the shell had broken some . fivo or six miles away. Which I took to mean that all young reporters are al'raid to admit that they liko shell fire. I w.is to have more experience with shell fire before the day was over. ,(The next, installment' of Shepherd's story will appear tomorrow.) Mi's. McCauley at -M0 North Liberty I interferred with the service of tho Ore street. Sunday evening ho went to Mrs. I gun City Transportation Go's boats. MeCauloy's residence and engaged n Q room nnd w hen he lett Monday morning I ho took two purses, ono of which con-1 The Indian String Quartet from tained $3.50 and tho other two Lincoln Chomtuvii, appeared in concert at the pennies. Sho did not report the rob-j 1'',t Christian church last night, under berv to the police until last night. Tho,lie auspices of the Loyal Sons of that police have no clues to tho robber. church. The audience was not as large o as it would havo been could Salem The annual meeting of stockholders mus.ic J"y,,r" hnvo .1,",1tt n,"u' ',c l""c it... i.L it..i.. ,..:ii i, i.ni.i K00" things furnished. Mr. Turney, at the office of union, Trade and High r ul l' M""'"' ' 'o a lino com- streets. Saturday. January 22. 11)1(1. 10 ; V"m ,lml ('.''r 111 !" "I'"''t. into o'clock n. m. "AH .to.khnl.lers re.!11" music AVlticli hn classes as "Ind quested to be present Tl: of ni'Ai luctmttv, .lumniry in, j urn ih wir . 1 i i.t - . , 1 . 4 , . . 1 I 111 II I II l-1 1 1 , (1 II II I K."I VI ILL If I I'll tiH'U l annual meeting ami representutiveo . ntt,uii,, J ; from nil the lodges in Jlnrion and Polk I " o counties will be present. A committee , .... . , of throo, F. W. Scl.rnm, H. II. Snvder1 Business is picking up at Salem post- and J. A. Hadelifl'e, havo been appoint-1 ",('e" sub station No. 2 located at the cd on a committee for entertainment i ( J"wl1 Dn,K stl"''- The first day 's sale ...... .. . ... . ! nP utnmita una till niwl ntt- tl.nt t ,., ami n uinner. ceverai craiut imnro or-i-' r . ' ' '" . of JinSl 111 ,u interprets toe real tilings ol nature aim tens in nnimoni.ing, rytn pursuits, ildren of silendid enter- ,,, ji,.i. . , ... . ... I niic. cadences of the ho'pos, the pi l.o district convention of the Knights , , . , ,.), , IX .J" .""1 ,n, 11.C.,tt!t'' f'wrt. D was silendid ficers will attend. Special meeting of Multno mah Chapter No. 1, H. A. M. this evening. Work Murk Master degree. in i"" i Therefore, the present business of the Visit- sub-station is eonlined to the sulo ol business district appreciates tho con venience of the station, business has been improving and yesterday the stamp sales were a little over $20. The i money order blunks have not arrived. ing companions welcome. association will be closed at this time j Siilein to do business. This w as do- A distribution of tho exhibits brought front tho San Francisco exposition will bo made among the several counties of the valley, Hurry, Coast while you can. Good hind wood sled with steel shoes, 411.00. Phono OIL K. L. Stitf & Son, "Shoot the slide" seems to be the now slogan for letter writin week, which means, bring all jour letters to tho Portland Hallway Light and Power company's office and drop them Into the opening and watch them "shoot the slide." The letters are piling up nnd eeveral additional business firms elded at tho meeting of tho directors last evening. Endorsement was given by the directors of the play that is to bo given by the social service depart ment of the club, the proceeds of which are to go to charity. Corns, bunions, ingrowing nails treated without pain, also moles nnd w.irls. by Dr. Nelron. the expert chiro podist, 28 Hreyninn Uldg. Phone 200. It appears that Mr. Davis, who robbed Mrs. Provokluit Of 208 North Cottage, street of n nMch and chain nnd a diamond ring Sunday night also work stamps and registering letters. No par eel post packages arc taken or even weighed, ns it is forbidden bv the rules Orders have heon issued by King f th0 nstof .'ice deimrtniont. The sell- D'nig ceminnmling all the Clierrians to g f slumps, registering of letters and tppcar in full uniform nt the Commer-1 issuing of money orders constitute tho . 1 I.I. 1... f , ... . , A ..l.l .l. A . . . ciai ciun riniay at ji:ou o ciocu, ii'.ontiro business! parade in bchalt ot the great letter writing cumpnign and incidcntully to pose before the moving picture innn. As this Fiitno picture will be perhnpa shown before thousands in all parts of tho country, it behooves tho Cherrintis to put on their best, ns If is up to Sa lem to let the world know that we do not only have the finest elimato, but lomo of the best looking men in the country. Last night was the coldest night this country hus experienced since January, 1!0!I. The mercury in the thermometer of tho Oregon City Transportation Co., registered 1(1 above, while many ther mometer exposed to the wind went two better and made n low record of I I. January of IIIOO was the coldest month for mnny years In the vnllev. Jaminry Rev. Richard P. Tischer was called to tho Vnitnrinn church for another year nt the annual meeting held last evening at the church, lie has been pastor of the church for two years, coming here from Dunkirk, New York. The board of trustees elected nt the meeting .ire ns follows: Dr. H. K. Leo Stelncr, Hoy llurton, Mrs. John A. Pol lock, II. C". iFlelcher, H. A. Mahoney, J, W, Cox, Judge Daniel Webster, C. S. Hamilton and Mrs. V. K. Hamilton. Ueports from the offirers of the church showed the condition satisfactory in all departments. The work fur tho com ing venr wa outlined by the pastor, which Includes the meetings open to tho public when topics of general in terest will be discussed and addresses given by those who are especially cip- W. C. Emmel of the Barnes store has so far recovered from the grippe thai he is able to be on hand and a.stist in tho annual inventory. Sergeant Schumaii, recruiting officer for t'le L'. S. Marine corps, states that he will bo able to use a few young men who can qualify. The regular quota from this dist.ic t had been :'illed, but after January 21, ho can n$;uin take en listments. "It is up to the churches to furnish amusement nnd recreation for the young folks", said a prominent citi zen lust evening after heniiug Superin tendent Klliott's address in which he stated that the boys and girls must have amusement of somo kind and that the only renson a girl attended a jitney dance was because she had no other place to go for amusement. Judge Charles L. McNary will not come before the people this spring as a candidate for tho nomination as repre sentative for congress from this dist rict, nor will his naino bo permitted to be .voted on at the primaries. Several papers in the district were urging thut Judge .McNary should bctome a can didate but according to the latest infor mation, lie is not before the people for any offico whatever. While not in fuvur of cutting out foot ball or basket ball or any- of the sports as organized iu the high school Superintendent F.lliott in his talk lust evening before tho lien's Six o 'Clock club spoke strongly in tavor of extend ing physical education in order thutj every boy and girl will benefit. This general plan of physical education will; be probably taken up next fall through a special instructor. j The truancy offlcet for the Salem rehouls, Mrs. K. 1. Pickett, reports that; siie i:i in great need of underclothing' ! for childieu. she reports several cases where snail children are nut properly clothed for this severe weather nnd tho cull is urgent. Parties having under clothing to (;ive to these children should coinmuuicntu with the Social Service Center of the Commercial club, or through Sirie.-inteudeiit O. ii. Elliott's office. j A prize has been offered by the Com-. men ial club to the schoul sending in the greatest number of Oregon boosting let ters. The nine graded schools and juu-, ior high schools tire in this competition.; The decision will not be according to the luigest number mailed by nuy one school, but the largest number in pro poitiou to t the ntteiidanco of the school. This gives each of tho schools a fair start to win the prize. Tho English classes of tho high Bchool aro writing letters as a regular part of their work. In order that these classes may appear in the Paths niovinir nictuies to be ta ken at 11 :M Friday morning nt Com mercial and State streets, these grades will be dismissed for the period after 11:15 o'clock. n 1 AO ! : -,!: s You get a paper full of read- i ing, no contest dope. When In SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Pree and Private Baths RATES: 75c, $1.00, 51.50 PEE DAY The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. A Home Away From Home. T. G. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Pree Auto Bus. II I ill 1 1 ffCT'7WrtTOWIMrlt1TTfJllllltfllUllirF" Phone 700 TAXI SERVICE Cars for any time of da; or night. Good Garage in connection for storage of cars. Reasonable Bates. SALEM TAXI CO. Garage OPEN ALL NIGHT. 216 State Street. two above. The minimum temperature for January lOOlt was 28 above. Today the river Is three feet above low water ed the sumo game at the residence of murk, and falling. Tho weather has not tl of that year the government 's record i able of speaking on the subjects ns- wns four above, while on January 12 of signed to them. The annual session thnt month, the record w as two" above ; closed with the serving of elVesh- ents bv the Indies of the church. On nil sides the food fur powder sup' ply seems limited. Jit AdsareliKeamflAnct una Watch and ;cjewelry. Also Nice Line of Jewelry. KARL NETJGEBATJER Masonic Bldg. mm Ourwant i iS he aUradiverowroia Losiaroi want ad is wonderful Try one ifyou navelost somcuiiiA STENOGRAPHERS Why Not Use Columbia QUALITY Carbons? Made in Oregon 100 Copies Guaranteed from Each Sheet. Columbia Carbon Pacr Mfg. Co. 33rd & Broadway, Portland, Ore.