Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 19, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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-5 -ar im . . .. - - , m
Thetamp placed over
end weal the package,
which kenps out air,
thnreby preserving the
quality of the blended
tobacco. By inserting
the finffi'ra an i7us
trtted, the stampeaaity
brojikv without tearing
the tin foil, which fold a
back into its place.
Developments of Week
Impede Stock Market
New Yorli, .Tun. 15. This week two
developments I'hvo cout ributad to im
pede slock exchange activities, First,
continued liquidation in tho iuncy In
il list rials, nnd, second, the, somewhat
ominous outbreak in Mexico. The lnt
ter it must !' ndmitted contains r;ithpr
horimis possibilities owing to tlio diffi
culty which Onrrauzn may have in sup
pressing tho insurrectionary tenden
cies in Mexico. It is to bo hoped that
crfiision for American intervention will
bo avoided, nnd nt this writing there is
no occasion for serious excitement. The
fuct of trouble with Mexico may stimu
late the propjni'odneiis movement and
might provoke undesirable notation nt
Washington. But congress thus fur lias
been remarkably consorvntivcyind ther
has wisely been little or no disnosition
to embarrass tlio administration in its
fnreiirn iiolii'r. which li'ive been full of i
j.itfulls and dnngeroiiH possibilities.
1'if sident Wilson, nlily seconded liy Sec
retary Lansing, lias no far suoceeJed in
keeping the country out of trouble with
either Mexico or nny of tlio Furopenn
belligerents, llo lias lioen notably for
tunnto iu securing satisfaction from I
(lermnny and Austria for tho loss of I
Miiorieuu lives; also in socunug a modi
ATLANTA. 3 la. Uth
. WUITBY, li la. hlh
HWMcki. O.ftl, T,,M, h C. I.a. t.Un
f, -JJUIIIBUM III IlLi1.""""!
For the
Exide Battery
Buy a guaranteed Battery. We make re
placements on any make of Battery. Com
plete stock at all times. All kinds of Gen
eral Repairing and Overhauling complete
line of Supplies for Hudson, Auburn and
Reo Cars. Shop open until midnight. Work
man can be called at all times of day or
Full line of Auto Accessories.
Great Western Garage
C. C. S1MF.UAL, sole owner. Opposite Court House
goo oaaaaaDoaaaa o a do 0
llo ' ' nl
carton for the home or office
aupply or when you travel.
ficntion of submarine warfare in be
half of humanity nt large. He lias also
induced (Itfcat Britain to -modify her or-ilers-in-council
on several ocensions
when these pressed too lit'ii'd' upon AmeT
icon interests. 'All things' considered,
it is gratifying- that in Fpitc of the in
tense and critical strain imposed upon
cur foreign relations, we havo thus far
escaped serious complications, t'p to
dale the policy of congress seems to
have been one of masterly innctivit5';
discussion rather than action having
been the nrder of the day. An immense!
number -of bills havo been introduced,
but few havo passed. Tho presidential
campaign may be said to havo already
leguii, which explains tho disposition
to do nothing likely to prove detrimen
tal to party success. Preparedness tind
revenue nro the only problems which
bring out nny really earnest discussion,
and the most interesting fact in this
direction is the fear of both parties
concerning the consequences of increas
ed taxation. Taxes, federal,' state and
municipal, have already risen to bur
densome heights, and nro proving one
of the principal items in the increased
cost of living and public discontent;
since it is gradually dawning upon the
public mind that taxes inevitably scat
ter themselves until they finally reach
tho consumer, who really pays, though
unconscious of the fact. Railroads and
real estate cnu be taxed to tho utmost,
and the former usually manage to ulti
mately place place the burden upon the
shipper, while tho landlord posses it on
to his tenants, and thus the consumer
pays either in increased freight rates,
rents or higher prices for food, cloth
ing, etc.
No danger Is more real In tho TVited
StntOH nt present than that of ill-advised
expansion in business. The sud
den and extrnordinniy profits realized
by many industrials is producing a kind
of intoxication which might lend to till
sorts of llladvi.ied business ventures.
Wo have been passing through a period
CAMEL blended choice Turkish and choice Domes
tic cigarettes can't bite, can' parch, can't leave
any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste ! You'll like them
so much for their quality and smoothness you'll not
look for or expect coupons or premiums. -.
Compare Camels with any cigarette at
any price 1 You will prefer them to either
kind of tobacco smoked straight !
That clever Camel blend flavor, that blend mildness with its
just-right "body" will prove so refreshing that you'll quickly
, : realize Camel blended cigarettes are as
Cameh are aold everywhere in f ,.,
raMymM pickle,, new to your taste as they are delightful I
30 for Wc; or ten packaffea f J 0
(JOO cigarette) in a rfassne-
Winston-Salem, N. C
of inflation in security and commodity
values, and this is being followed as
usual by too rapid expansion in new
projects of various kinds. Much of this
development ns is based upon our agri
cultural prosperity and growth of popu
lation or new foreign trade opportuni
ties is legitimate and deserving of en
couragement, but that portion flhlch is
dependent upon exaggerated profits on
war orders is necessarily ephemeral audi
unstable nml should be emphatically j
discouraged. It is true that the ma-i
joriry of theso war contracts have beeu
made with such liberal margins as to j
leavo many of these concerns in good i
financial and physical condition, even I
if pence wero quickly restored and an I
end reached on munition orders. It is I
not, howeyor, the original owners of
these stocks which are likely to suffer
l:ut tho inexperienced buyers who in
feverish hnsto paid ridiculously en
hanced prices for this class of securi
ties. Tho banks hnve been discrimin
ating sharply against such collateral,
and this fact as well ns the caution in
spired by bankers mid conservative
commission houses, has probably effect
ually saved tho country from a disastr
ous speculation in these securities,
i.iiosc product nfter all is destructive
and of relatively small value when
compnred with tho industrial output of
the United States as a whole. (Some of
our industrial lenders, as well ns promi-'
ncnt bnnkors have been ciroulntini:
woribi of warning with the idea of pre
venting unwise expansion or overspec
ulation. Tho head of the great Steel
corporntion attracted much attention by
his undisguised words of caution, in
spired largely by tho independent steel
companies having recently made pie
paralion for 2,00,000 tons of new ca
pacity for steel ingots and the United
States Steel corporation for an increase
of 1,500,00 tons, or a total of 4,200,.
000 tons now capacity. Tho importance
of this increase will bo be realized
when it is rccnlled that .the total nut
put a year ago wus about 25,000,000
tons, and has now risen to nearly 40.
000,000 tons; so that preaent plans will
result in nearly doubling our output for
steel ingots since the beginning of
1015, when of course, production was
at about tho minimum owing to the de
pression induced by tho war. Our steel
manufacturers nro now ngituting for niirt and when the statuary wns undrnp
change of tho tariff to prevent for- ed there wns much craning of necks,
eign Humping, i nougli now ranking as
the first nation in steel production, we
only ranked about third as nil exporter
before the war, Whon the war is over
(Irent Hritain will undoubtedly make
great strides In this direction. So nlso
will the United States. Our fear of
Herman dumping is probably greater
than is necessnry. Costs of production
in Oermnny will remain comparatively
high beonuso of heavy taxes, inflated
war prices, general scarcity of skilled
labor, the suspension of export busi
ness nnd tho fact that Germany will
for nome time to come be seriously
crippled in her foreign trade. It is one
of the boasts of American manufactur
ers that American methods especinllv
in the steel trade, nro more efficient
thnn those of any other nation. This
alone should give us a largo element of
proiecnon nnu miiKO less necessnry tne "iiiuie lor calomel wero prepared hy
revival of tariff agitation, which will iTiii m'wi"'m ,ntu'r 17 Joar" ut B,udy
certainly inject much uncertainty lnto Tr. rawnS Olive Tablets nr. a pure
tusiness affair Heildes it is too soon y veRi'tnble compound mixed with olive
to cliungo tariff or revenue leiriHlation
until conditions are moro settled on r.
' ' UC0 I
Outside or t:ie conditions just referr-
ed to, tho outlook for the stock market .
is satisfactory Trade throughout
country la fairly active and profitable,
llie railroads are taxed to the utmo' P ; "'r siart tne bile and overcome con
with the eastward rush of trnf fic. the 'JfiLTP' million? of boxee 1
great bulk of which b on domestic and
not foreign account. Coed traffic
runs nre to ne expected tor some time;'"" "
to come, tho basis of this having been
the rich harvest and a general revival
of domestic prosperity in which the
railroad must share. Our foreign trade
nt the snmo time continues phenomen
ally active because of heavy exports of
food products and war munitions. Con
fidence hna been further restored by
sterling exchango which has shown a
2 3 3 Q D
Best Chinese
Noodles 10c
Chop Suoy 25c
Eico and Fork 10c
continued rising tendency owing to suc
cessful operation of tho new schemes
designed to fiunnco trado between the
Allies and the United iStntes. Foreign
securities nro coining to tho United
States in liberal quantities in payment
of foreign debts, and havo thus far
been absorbed with remarkablo readi
ness by American buyers. Money con
tinues easy and abundant to good buy
ers, although tho banks havo been prud
ently discriminating against highly in
t lateil collateral
Heavy foreiirn lidui-
idntion and the warning against fancy
i industrials has induced Rome reaction
in tho locnl ninrket, which might be
carried still further in case of unavoid
able developments with Mexico. Aside
from the factors just mentioned, how
ever, the general financiul situation is
sound and tliia market would undoubt
edly respond very promptly to favor
able news.
Teaching the Difference
Between Nude and Naked
Sacramento, Cnl., Jan. 10. Stntunry
on the top story of tho new Capital
National Hank building is todny nt
tired in gingham dresses and hula-hula
costumes. It is a "safety-first" mova
The statuary is of the typo thnt proved
so popular nt the Panninn-Pacific ex
position sans lingerie,
Sacramento folks arc eront lovers of
so mucn so taut somo ot tlio gazers nnr
rowly escaped being run down by jit
neys. The dresses nnd grasses will be re
moved occasionally so tho art stricken
Sacramento folk "can get used to it
Be Better Looking Take
; Olive Tablets
If your skin la yellow complexion
pallia tongue coated appetite poor
sou have n bad tame In your mouth a
liny, no-xoou. feeling- you should take
Ollvg Tnbluti,
ol'- o know them by their olive
' .. . , v.
I' you want a clear, pink skin, brlisht
Ve no pimples, u. frelLir ot buoyuney
"K cmiunooa uuys, you, jnut get at the
c"fl? p.ib.. mi. m ... i. . i . ,
dangerous attor effects.
All dwwi.uT " l" aM 860 ,er box
Take one or two Jilshtty and note tho
k Tlio Ollvt Tablet Company, Columbus- a.
Subscribe for the Capital
Journal. All news, no con-
Sport News
Wins in Brilliant Game Seat
tle Has "iVctory of Peace
Other Sport News
Vancouver, B. C, Jan. 1!). In a game
which called for every ounce of endur
ance that was in the players for tho full
sixty minutes of its progress Vancouver
registered. a brilliant victory over Tort
Iliad lust night in the hockey mated,
the score at the finish being four goals
to one. It was a clean cut exposition
of hockey and dazzling in its speed.
!"ioven penalties were Jianded out, but
all wero for minor infractions, and the
rough stuff was entirely absent.
.Portland got away likely with one
goal lead in the first period, when Cap
tain Oatmnn drovo in a sizliag shot
from forty feet out on a face-ot'f ten
minutes go.
Portland had a slight edge in he
pluy and the Vancouver seven looked
ns though the race was too stiff nt
times but it was a wonderfully revital
ized team which took the ice nt the
third period and won the contest nfter
u brilliant exhibition by both teams,
As Mild as Milk.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 19. "Out of
the cellar by morning," quoth Fa to
Muldoon as he led his puck chasers onto
tho ico at tho Arena last night to do
battle with tho Victoria Aristocrats.
The locals niruli trr(i frimmlntf
visitors fivo to three in a gnme so
peaceful that llenry Jord could have
had no plaint had he witnessed the
fracas. Not a man was sent to the
uencli tor npenulty during the encoun
ter. As n renlf rf li.n vi.fn.t. Q,.ntn..
hus un undisputed grip on third place,
hi Hie lacine Loasi league.
Not Cnnteiif ivitlt nnn ..in 11. n
n ...... mi-
island city boys, .Manager Muldoon
ii-ii iiiimt-Miureiy alter tne game for
Vancouver mid tnrlnv will nu!.- (v. n
port, from President Frank Patrick re
garding last Friday's protested L'ame
with Victoria.
Farmer Goto a Draw.
Pui'tlnnd, Or., Jun. 111. Frank Far-
...v. ...,v. 4W K-.'uiiin-i s, near ucavv
weights, fought six rounds to n draw
last night. Farmer hud a shade in overv
round but the last, when the less ex-IM-rienced
Sommers staked his ring am
bitions on a whirlwind rally and nearly
overcame Parmer's lead.
Seals Up Against It.
San Francisco, Cnl., Jan. 10. Al
though ho has ten plavers signed, Man
ager Henry Wolverton of the Seals, has
u rough road nhead of him. Ten men
havo not signed 1010 contracts and
most of them are tho regulars who are
relied on to mnko his club.
Although Wolverton declines to com
ment on it, there is a strong possibility
that long howls are due from tho ten
unsigned men. If Wolverton has been
forced to slash snlaries, the ones not iu
tho fold nro apt to do tho most vigor
ous kicking.
The White-Dundee Bout.
Denver. Cnln in,, io I,..
nn.v n ,, A 1 U . .
T . ' ' '. .... jiuiiiuu-r
Jack kanner of tho Now York Athletic
emu ot iienver today awaited word
from Charlio White as to the proposed
Wliite-Dundeo bout hero Decoration
day. Seotty Monteith, Dundee's maun-
f,., "luauj ims uecepieu tue otter,
Wrestler is Crippled.
San Francisco, Cnl., Jan, 19. Nick
Duviscourt, Canadian wrestler, todny
suffered from a fractured shoulder
blade sustained in his bout with Ad
Santel. Daviscourt agreed to throw
Mantel twice iu an hour, but failed. Ho
got tho first fall in 25 minutes nnd six
seconds. With n toe hold, Santel forc
ed Dnviscourt to the mat in 32 min
utes and 2(1 seconds,
Michigan Got Him.
Chicago, Jan. 10. Karl Krbv, nation
a 1 junior hnlf mile champion "will wear
Michigan's colors next spring, it was
learned today.
Baseball Subject Of
Chicago Talk Today
Chicago. Jan. 10. Baseball wns the
all absorbing topic in sport circles here
todny, with minor nnd major leaguo
magnates and managers congregated to
framo schedules and watch tho con
summation of the sale of the Chicago
Cubs to Charles Weeghmnn.
Although tho merger of the Cubs and
the Federnl league club lins been de
finitely settled for gome time, the
money did not change hands. A repre
sentative of Charles P. Tnft, Cub own
er, came hero to relievo Weeghmnn of
the snlo price
Among the scores of minor league
magnates who nre here todny is Mana
ger "Howdy" Klliott of tho Oakland,
Parifio Const league club. Klliott de
clined' to discuss his mission but it is
known he lias his eyes on several for
mer Federnl league players.
When it enmo ,to giving out any In
formation ns to prospective deals, all
the magnates declined to tulk. Mana
ger Jimmy Callahan of the Pittsburg
Nationals kept on the trail of Mana
eer Joe Tinker of the Cubs, as the
Pittsburg lender is anxious to secure
two or three of Tinker's surplus stock.
Washington, Jun. IS. By a vote of
35 to 23, the senate todny expressed
itself in fnvor of modified prohibition
in the Philippines.
An amendment by Senator Oronnn of
North Dakota was so altered as not to
interfero with native drinks.
Capital Business College Still
Leads Pennant Race With
Three Wins
Tho reeular basketball rames of tho
! V. M. C. A. Commercial league will be
: piayeu tonight in tlio gvmnnsium as
' scheduled. The first gnmo will begin at
'7:.T0 nn.l will tin ln.lu-een Pru 'b Flt-nflr
: store and tho Stnadard Cleaners. The
! second game at 8 will bo between the
i Capital Business college and the Capital
I'National bank. The third game nt 8:30
! will be between the Woolen Mills store
and llauser Pros. Tho fourth gamo at
v will bo between the 1'rico Shoe com
I pany and Watt Shipp company.
I The standing of the teams nt present
is as lollows;
Capital Business college
Capital National bank ...
' Fry's Drug store
' Price Shop Co
' Standard Cleaners
'Watt Shipp Co
' llauser Bros
L. W. Pet.
0 3 .1000
..I 2 .007
.. 1 2 .007
.. .1 2 .007
..2 -1 .333
..2 1 .333
..2 1 .333
..3 0 .000
A great deal of interest is centering
around tho second game of the evening
at which time tho Business College will
battlo with the Capital Nutional bank.
The Business college continues to hold
first place in the league with a percent
age of 1000 while the Capital National
bank retains second plnco with a per
centage of 067.
Arnold, Mr. A. C.
Benton, Mr. Albert.
Browne, Miss Melba,
Cameron, C J.
Cummin gs, Mr.- W. S.
Davis, Mrs. F. C.
Bawling, Mrs.'J. E.
DeliOiig, Frank.
Ducett, Mr. Peter.
Diincnn, Miss Kthcl.
E.iwnrds, II. W.
Edwards, Walter.
Firstbrook, Mr.
Fryer, Mrs. G. H. J
Gibson, Mr. Karl.
Gilliam, Mrs. B. K.
Gilliaud, Miss Sybil.
Hanson, Hev. Harvey D.
Harrington, Miss Georgia.
iloff, Mr. J. It.
Keith, Mr. Truman C.
Lawrence, Mr. Ivan.
McAfine, Mrs. Jennie.
McD.iniel, Miss Mildred.
Mc.N'amnra, Miss Thelma.
Maddick, Mrs. Pearl.
Meador, Mr. Bill.
Miller, Mrs. Lou.
Morgan, Airs. Emmn.
Morrison, C. F.
Olson, Miss Rosa.
Parr, Mrs. Nina.
Patterson, Mrs. J. N.
I'hipps, Kiss Ethel.
Roberts, Miss Bemico. s
Mockiiill, Miss Pearl.
Koth, Mr. Frank.
Rowland, Mr. David.
Kuddell, Miss Lucy.
Sines, Amu E. (2)
Smith, Miss Frances.
Stewurt, Miss Maudo.
Stolz, Mrs. C. O.
Trnnimell, Mr. Howard.
Tucker, Miss Leota S.
Wnrd, Mr. M. N.
Williams & Bean.
Wilson, Mrs. J. M.
Wilson, Mrs. M. A.
Wilson, Mr. Neal.
Young, Mrs. Harry, (2)
"Well I Should Say
"Look a'There, If You Don't Think
It's Juat Wonderful for Corns!"
"Bless my stars, look at it! Land of
tho livin'l Why, just look at itl That
corn came right off, just like peel
ing bananas. iit your finger on my
Did Yon Rver See the Llkef No
Woodrr Hinm-W In (he IllKttest
Stlliui Cora Care la tkcWorldT'
toe, right there, don't bo afraid.
that's it, feel how smooth tho skin Ssl
Well, thnt's where the corn was. Well,
that beats nlll" Thnt's -the way
"Gets-It" works on all corns, every
corn, every time. It's the new, simplo
way of curing corns, You'll say good
bye to all foolish contraptions like
bundling bandages, sticky tape, plas
ters, toc-cating Bnlves, aud grnvo-dig-Rtrs
such as knives, razors and scis
sors. "Gets-It" stops pain. Applied
in 2 seconds. Never fails. Nothing to
stick to, hurt oi press on tho corn.
"iicts.Il'' is sold everywhere, 2."o e
bottle, or sent direct bv E. Lawrence
& Co., Chic.ig ,, HI.
You can make money by
reading the Journal New Today
column. jjt
Rato per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word la
One week (6 insertions), per word 5a
One month (26 insertions), per word 17o
All ads must bo ordered for j, stated
length of time, no ad to count loss than
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for moro than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertise
ments. Read your advertisement the
first day it appears and notify us im
mediately if it contains an error.
Minimum charge, 15c.
IIAURY Window cleaner.
Phone J6S.
994. To buy beef catllo. Phone
WANT HI) To buy ten tons of hav.
Phone 99t. Jan20
OAK, ash, old fir, second growth, cord
wood. Phono 1322J. t Feb7
to $15.00. 491 North Cottage. tf
Btoam heat, $2.00. 170 Court. Poono
570W. Janli)
LOST Big white, bull dog, little tail,
weight 70 pounds. Return to Wu
Hong Noodle House, 437 Ferry St.
Reward. Janl9
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms in
large suites from $0 to 8 per month.
Why pay more Call nt 313 1-2 North
Commercial. tf
MANUFACTURERS Of all kinds col
ors of rag enrpet. Call at O. K.
Grocery, 150 South 12th street. Louis
Jukubcc. Jan27
SIX DOZEN Sicilian Buttercups for
sine, largely laying pullets, $9.00 per
dozen, flhone 54F13. A. M. Wright.
Itouto 8, Salem. Jjn2(i
'FOR RENT Store, 21x165 feet, elec
tric ngnts an.i steam neat. Bee Wats
Shipp Co.. 219 North Commercial
street. Phone 363. tf
CALENDARS FOR 1916 Large fig
ures ror practical use. Call or phone
Homer H. Smith, tho Insurance Man,
McCornack Bldg. Phono. 96. JanZO
WANTED A position by young lady,
experienced in bookkeeping, type
writing nnd nffico work,, cither
wholo or half day work. Phone
2374R. JanI9
WANTED Information of Iva Louisa
Thomas Gordon, last heard from it
Salem, Oregon, general delivery. No
tify J. W. Thomas, Se'.ma, Calif.,
Box 393. FebU
CALL US 1022. Fix it Shop. Ask
about repair work in general. Don't
forget we do rug cleaning also. Ash-mon-Bnckncr,
201 Court street. Sa
lem, Oregon. Feb 111
WANTED Second hand mowing ma-
cinne, nay riiKc, disc narrow, farm
wagon und wood rnck. Must be in
good condition nnd cheap. No junk
wanted. Address S. M. 2, care of
Journal. Jan2
FOR SALE 7 room houso and two-
lots, several first class fruit trees,
chicken yard. Also 20 acres, about
8 1-2 ncres in all kinds fruit, mostly
prunes, 7 room house, good barn,
chicken houso and yard, wood house,
telephone. Inquire 20 B, care nt
Journal. Jan2t
Don't make tunk of it. f nsa.
f ul try a Journal New Today.
Bandit Hunt to Be
Kept Up For Viffistas
(Continued from rage One.)
corpBo will bo stacked up nlongsido the
other two rebel chiertlnns, so that oil
"who run mnv rnml " Tim fnn . ihn
firing squad has apparently gripped tho
bandits, for according to some witnesses
both Rodriguez and Vulles grovelled iu
the dirt, pleading for their lives. As
tho stories went, though, the gunmen
showed no qunrter, but instead fired at
tho prostrato men, ending their pleas in
a death shriek.
Tho object of tho great bandit hunt
in the' mountain fastness of Chihuahua
and Durango is to enpturo General Villa
himself. Carrnnza leaders believe that
if thnv Can eliniltmrn liim tit.
vostigo of outlawry and guerilla wnrfa
will (.rnmliln n1innt M..nv..:nl.4
The Carrnnzistus say they will be
satisfiod only when t'aey are able t
display the rebel chief's bullot riddled
body. To this end, tho Carrannistan
havo picked a band of their most fear
less men with orders to pursno their
hunt rolentlessly night nnd day with
this solo object in view. Villa was last
roported in his old haunts in Durango,
nnd authorities are confident thnt he
ennnnt escnpo for long from their ret
ribution. Situation is discussed.
Washington, Jnn. 10. Mexico, it
intrigues and assnsslnntions, engrossed
the attention of tho White House, stato
department and congress again today.
The promised Mexican revelations from
tho state department bndo fair to stir
the senate, for its principal feature isj
list of Americans, Killed or wounded
south of the Rio Grande since Diaa was
Tho stnto department was ready fr
prosnnt tho mcssugo to President Wil
son for his approval beforo submitting
it to the senate in keening with Sena
tor Full's resolution asking for all in
formation on Mexican affairs, possessed
by tho administration. The annate
foreign committee, however, hoped to
obtain tho report for consideration be
fore it went to, the entire body. Pall
has a list of victims of the Mexican
blood lust, wherewith to check up th
department list,
A stormy secret session of the com
mittee for consideration of tho six Inter
vention resolutions before it seemed