ft V "HEEZA a i I y Capital Journal's Classified Advertising Page RATES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS: One? Cent per vvok'ctffor the first insertion. One-Half Cent per word for each successive subsequent insertion CHIROPRACTIC-SPINOLOGIST HI.'. O. I.. WOTT Graduate of Chiro- prnctic s fountain Head, l.ivonport, Iowa, It' you have r ri 1 everything1 :uiil have ;;ot no relief, try Chiioprac- j tic s( i u I adjustments mill get well.. tifi-'u-o 4in;-r-s i:, S. National Hank: Cuilding. 1 i 1 1 o Main .s". Jiesidenco Afn in v.'s-li. ! DENTISTS Dll. O. A. OLSON, DKN'TIST Administers .Nitrous O.id ami Ogygen CI as Room 514. PhonoJIO. Mnsonii- Toinide. !rvtloin,Oro. TOR EXCHANGE IMPROVKP ACRKAC.K Anil quarter section timber to exchange for good farm. Address 4.". .loiiriuil, .Inn22 ' L0PE DIRECTORY A. O. V. W. Protection Lodge No. 2. Meets every Monday evening at S in tlie McOornncli hall, eiiriier Court anil l.ilierty streets, I!. 0. Ponaldioii; M. W.i Sj. A. .Wcl'inlloii, recorder; A. 1,. Itrowu, Financier. CVNTKAL LODflH No. IS, K. of P.-.-Mi' 'orn.ick building. Tuesday even-j iug of cadi week nt 7:30. i P. Sciirnni, C. ('.; W. P. (lilson, K. of R. ! nnil S. I 1 1 8AI.KM I.Oi'liK Xo. 4. A. F. & A. M. : stated coininutiicntioas first, Friday in cueli mouth at 7:3d p. m. in tho, Mnfionir Temple..,-. Chas.. AL Carter,' W. M.; S. Z. Culver, secretary. PACIFIC LOlHiK Xo. AO, A. i& A. it! stated coniiuunicntions third Friday in ouch inunth .it 7:30 p. m. in the I Masonic Temple, llal . Tiolaui, W M.; Ernest If. Chonto, secretary. It. N. of A. "Oregon flrnpo Camp." No. l.'lliO nieets every Thursday even ing in MeCornack building Court and Liberty streets; elevator. Miss 'Syl via Sihmipp, 1701 Jlarket. oracle; Hazel Price, Iniperi.il Furnture Co., recorder. iSALKM ill'MAXK .SOU KTV I). ll. Keeler, president ; Mrs. Lou Tillson, secretary. All cases of cruelty or neglect of dumb aainials should be reported to the secretary for investi gation. DK MOLAY COM.MANDKHY, No. fl, K. T. lieKiilnr conclave fourtU Fri day in encli month nt S o'clock p. m., in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir Knights nro coiirtennsly invited to meet with us. Lot L. I'enrce, K. C, Frank Turner, recorder. ClIADWICIv ClIAPTKR, No. 37, O. K.jWAXT TO TliAUK Good top buggy ' ""c'i.ij; umi in!.,. ....... third Tuesday at 8 p. ni. in the Ma sonic Temple. Minnie Mueller, W. M.j Ida M. Haheoek, secretin' WOO DM K.N OF TIIF WOULD Meet every Friday night at S o'clock in MeCornack block. H. W. Maccv, C. C.J it. S. Gcer, clerk, 507 Court street. Phone 503. Mi r.TXOMAII liOYAL AUl ll CHAP TKK, No. 1, li. A. M. Hegular meet ing second Friday in ?ach month nt 8 p, m. in the Masonic Temple. Ray F. Ilicli irilsou, Fx. High Priest; Rus sell M. Ilrooks, secretary. MClKIf.V M'OODMFX OF AMF.1IICA Oregon Cedar Camp, No. 521(1, meets etery Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in MeCornack hall corner Court! nud Libert v stieets. Flevntor service. W. W. Hill, V. C.j Rex. A. Turner, clerk. IJXITKH ARTISAN'S Capital Assem bly, N'o. 84, meets every Wednesday, nt S p. in, in Moose hall. C. O. Mat loclt, M. A.; C. '.. Randall, secretary, Saleni Hank of Commerce. HODSOX CofXCIL, No. 1. K. i H. M. Stated assembly first Monday in each month. Masonic Temple. N. P. Ifnsinnsen, Thrice Illustrious Mas ter; Glenn ('. Niles, recorder. MISCELLANEOUS $1,000 TO LOAN." On farm land, J A. Mills, 3SI Htnte ft, JnnlP XK WORK IIOIiSK Works single ninl ibiuble, to let (ml for its feed during winte,', to the right pni'tv. Call nt 1X.0 Trade street. .Inni' (iOOl) ISK1 FlItNITllil-: Imughl and also taken in exi-hnnge. Full line new furniture, ranges, heaters nud other house furnishings. Some walnut pieces. Peetz 'Furniture Co., 233 North Commercial street. Phono nst. tf FOB BENT FIRNISHKD- APARTMKNT8 For rent, very reasonable. Phono 11W5. JFi'K I1KN T Nicelv furnished house- beeiing rooms. S.m N, ('oniuierciiil. 1 1' I BOOB," as a Drummer Qll "i " ' CLEANERS AND DYERS .VPOARKL SERVICE COM PAN Y- 13S South High street. We clean, p"re?s, repair, remodel nn.l re-line clothing and i ins. tarolnl .ittonuoij Riven all work. We trull .ind deliver. Phone OSTEOPATH PUS. 1). II. WHITE and It. V.- WAL TON" Osteopathic physicians and nerve specialists, Oradmites of Amer ican Sihoul of Osteopathy, Kirks ville, Mo. Post graduate and special ized in nerve diseases at Los Angeles college. Treat ncute nnd clironio dis eases. Consultation free. Ladv at tendant. Office .riO."-."00 1'. P.' Na tional Piuili Puildiiig. Phone 850. Residence 1110 North Capital street. Plume ,".iifi. PHYSICIAN PR. P. B. CRIFFIN Drug ami drink cure. 142." Fir street, near Meyors street. Phone ln:!T.T. SCAVENGER I SAIjKM SCAVKXlIKIi Churles Hoos, j proprietor. CI ubnge nn.l refuse of all j kinds removed on monthly contracts i at reasonable rates. Yard and cess I pools , cleaned. Office plume Main ; -217. Residence Main 2272. . FOR SALE F.1G PR.UT TRAM For sale, at 223 Center, street, John Dancer. JiinlW TWO COOI) P.F1LDJXG LOTS-Cov-ered with snow, 1'.. and and 2 blocks from the ear line near Capital street, one is !f 175 and the other $200 for e.isli. ould like to sell tlicin. ,T. A. Mills, ll.Si SrAtato St. Janll' FOR SAI.K Cood driving horse nnd new biiBuy, Houses furiiisiied uul unfurnished for rent. Cheap lots. Tracts for sale or trade. Two ton auto truck, trade for city or farm propertv. Motiev to loan. Square Peal lienlty Co., 1101 V. H. Pank lildi;. UNDERTAKERS I.KI1MAX & CLOt'CiH C. H. Webb, A. M. Clough mortieiaug ami funerul di rectors. Latest iniiilorn methods known to the profession empliived. 4!Hi Court street M.iin 120; Main OSS. Kit! I H.iXKICH A RDSOX CO. Funeral directors .nil undertukers, 2.VJ Nortn High street. l)av nnd night phone 1 Kit. FOR TRADE. nuit a good two nore wagon in good repair, for ciuvs. llll'S lission. JaulS WATER OOMPANT 6A.LEM WATEB COMPANY Of fire corner Cosctoreicl and Trade streets. For wator service ajiply nt office. UHI tmvnblo monthly in advance. If the wrier doE, not glre service notify the office. L. M. HUM Care of YICK SO TONG Chinese Medicine and Tea Company Has medicine which will cure any known disease. I 153 South High Street, Salem, Ore. Fhone 283. SALEM FENCE and I STOVEWORKS . B. rXEUINa, Prop, l Depot American Fence I Oatei, Plsla and Barbed Wire. Z'kints, Oils and VamUhes. Booflag, Posts, Hop Hooka. 40 Years Mailing Stoves toves- rebuilt and tvDalred, tovet bought and told. B30 Coart Street. Phone 124 1 Back of Chicago tore. , THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. , SALEM. OREGON. TUESDAY, JAN. 18, 191G. Jc )c sfs 'fc fc jc fc )c jc sje sjc THE MARKETS He;):;)''!'''1':: I'ola'toes are slmwinK considerable slrength today, with quotations, at l.T'i. Like onions and cabbage, the nuusiiiil weather h,is been rjcsonsible for tho advance. ' ' i , . Mill feed stuff tire still strong and holding at the new high level. Kggs are also holding up on accoiuit of tiie weather. Pork is also strong at the new ad vanced price of U'.j cents. Grains. ,Hay, timothy, per ton , Oats, vetch ('heat Clover hav Wheat Outs Rolled barley Com .' . . . . .f . . CrnclccJ corn. . Pran Shorts, per ton $14.00 l2.0U(i' 12.511 $11.0(1 .l(l.00(ii 12.0(1 .... . 85(i) !(!( 37c i)i:i2.o0 tio.no ....... tu.no 2).00l ; 2s.oo Butter. Hiilterfat- ........,.' Creainevy butter, per-pu ml . . Country butter Eggs and Poulti?. Kpc, onndlcr, No. 1, cosh . . . L'ggs, case count, cash Fggs, ratio ".'.'.. '.,.:.. .". Kggs, storage ............... Hens, pound .'. ., Roosters, old, per pound Spring chickens, pound .'....12c ... 34c 2025c 32c .... 30c 82c 24c. PI l-2c 7( 7 l-2c . 13 'l-Bc Pork, Veal aud Mutton. - A'enl, dressed Pork, dressed Pork, on foot Spring lambs Steers '. Cows Hulls '. F.tvos Wethers , ...11c 8 l-2c 0 1-J0 l-2c .'.V... 7c. ...-.-5 l-2(S6c 4(?i5c. -3 l-2c Vegetables. Cabbage, . i $1.7 Tomatoes, California. .' i String gnrlio Potatoes, cwt Brussels sprouts Stveet potatoes lleets Carrots Turnip Celery, rrnto 'Celery, dozen , . . . Onions California head lettuce, enso (77. Jfi2.25 1.75(12.00 15c ....!.'t.50 10c ... $3.00 11.00 ... L00 ;.. i.oo ... L50 . 40(T8Cic. ... ijiS.OO ... $2.50 Trults. Oranges. Navels Tangerines oranges Lemons, per boi , Bananas, pound . . California grape fruit .... Dates, dromedary, case . . Faril dates ... Grapes, barrels Cranberries Plncnpples Honey ;. $2.25(!T'3.25 $1.75 $4.25(7(H.70 .... 5 l-4o $5.00((j4!.OO $3.35 $1.00 iM.OO $12.00 ....7 l-2c $3.50 Retail Prices. Eggs, per dozen, fresh rancli ., 35(7i40c. Sugar, rnne $0.S0 Sugar, D, 0 $0.G0 Crenmery butter 40c, Flour, hard wheat . .- $1.50(J;1.S5 i Flour, vnllev .; $1.40r'1,fi0 NOTICE Notico Is hereby given that no per son except the uudersigneJ, HciiV Back, lias any authority to represent the un dersigned or tho firm of Wing Sing, Long Kco & Co., of which he is man ager nnd the said Seid pack or Wing Sing, Long Kee (t Co. will mt bo re sponsiblo for nny goods puseliiised, by or delivered to another unit's upon an order in writing signed by said Seid Puck. - SLID BACK. .Tan. 21. MONEY TO LOAN ON Good Real Estate Security. TH08, K. FORD. Orer Ladd Jt Busb Bank, Salem, Oreion MONEY TO LOAN Tfr- ON GOOD SEAL ESTATE 8ECURITT HOMER H. SMITH McCORNACK BUILDINO WANTED I n.i.Mi'.u risnn inr siornge. jiest oi care, "i'ano. ' euro t niutiu Jon.n- al. JanlP WANTKP (lirl to do gcnernl houso- work. Cnll nfternoom, It 10 Htate street. JanlD WHAT MORE - tF THE :"' ... ;..,' .- OF THli OFFICE BOY. ' . - LITTLE TALKS ON THRIFT By S. VVSTRAltS. . friiiilent American Society) hr Thrift Whenever some one .de clare 5'. t,hc American peo ple extrava gant, it is usually our habit to cxr cept the "Am erican far'mcf. In. fact,. Vc have CDtisid- creil h i-ni quite"'1 thrit'tV, yet nil far tio many Ameri can farms ilmre is much waste from neglect and failure to take proper care of '- iliinira winch cost niiiucv. Anvone who lias ever been in the country will readily recall the sight ni tol.V machinery atid' vehicle cx nosed to the elements: poor, insani .'! tarv shelter, or none at all for stock-; ' i-liirl-cns riiostiim in trees, or on Genres for lack oi nroucr coons ! fruit ; "trees untriinincd, laden with dead Si limbs and decayed spoti on the trunks; gardens neglected, houses un naintcd. doors t unhinged, shingles broken and rain- snouts and door "stens out of repair. livery one of these symptoms of -: shiftlessncss spells loss of money. , . lixtravaganec docs not always mean an outlay of money, hut may involve an outlay of unnecessary labor, through carelessness, which means a diminution of income. For instance: ' One quail will destroy 75,000 bugs . and O.IKHI.OIKMIOO weed seeds aiuiu a Iv. according to Mrs. Margaret M ' Nice of the Massachusetts State f 'nivcrsilv. "otton growers tosc 8100.000.000 a .ar because hunters slauglncrby the thousands the quail, prairie chick ens, meadow larks and other birds PORTLAND MARKET Portland, -Or., Jan. 18. Wnent Club I.07?.LI0; Pliicstom $L12(V! 1.14; Red Russian $ 1.0 1(; 1.00; Forty Fold, $1.07071.10. ' Oats No. I While Feed .$27.50(f? 2S.25. Parley, feed $27.25(fi"'29. Hogs, best, live $7.20ro'7.25. llrimo steers 0.50r)0.85. Fancy Cows $( 0.25. ... Calves $7(i S. Spring LhiiiIis $fi(S)S.25. ' Butter City C'reauiery .'He. " I'Iggs Selected Local Kx. 35c. Hens 15f Mic. Ill-oilers I5f Kle. (leese llfulllct FRUITLAND NEWS (Capital Journal Special' Service. ni. .,.i..r.. .,i n Hn.'fruit in the boxes lor shipment. A lorn made a Sunday cull at the home of j !'" '' o of hel)i will report for work Mr FgKler .Mtiiulay and the order that will en- ' A s'tKHulovenlnR was spent by sev- UY ''''ft" '"' I"1"'"' er.,1 of the young peoplo hero at the l' ,""1' '1 ready wit all pos i , , I.' L. ,i.. i:.. sible haste. The season for the Arms- IMIIIII III Ml. linn mm. niiiti-y hiiii ii.i east of Fruithind, lust Wednesday evcn - . . ' ' l.lg. Several of the young pP- W -t" tmided the literary society at Prulunil Inst Friday evening. Ilav is getting to be a scarce article! in. Mils tieighboihood, the cold weather irot'inr::,?: whirh fiH-iiiH a larco proportion of tlio duily rntimi of ihiiry cnttU1. Mil lllli'ltrilMin rAiniliirm ui..n nt tin' hMiooI liift .wvk, Tho tliormom - otor nintfivil ubont fwvonly four liiinging a few feet, from the floor, then It wns put next- to the floor which cruised it to drop about forty degrees. JXoxt r ritlny eveiMiig at auiiiiw iiht is scheduled n basket social. It is snid t but tlio baskets are to be all plain so as to fool the boyir. The first business and social meeting of the Y, I. A. will .iccnr lit the home of ilr. Val Oerig. These meetings have been a big social factor nnd it is hop-, ed- that the coming yenr will eclipse the splmidid timna of the past year. .' Mr. Anderson went to town Sunday mnrnintf to attend church services. ' 'Mr. Withim spent ntindity wilh tlie T.nttiii fnmilv. FLOOD AT REDLAND3. .Red lands, Ciil Jan. 17. Four feet lf water wns reported today nt Kast, Ilighlands stendily rising. One thoiis' and feet of tho new coiintv highway was undermined nnd bridges were re ported going out. COULD HK EXPIXT OFFICE BOY. which destroy the bull weevil. I ,t-,lhe destruction- ot bug eating., bird could be prevented, Sl,O00.(JO0,-. 000 a year woutd ' be saved o" ihii' country, says colonel u. ciuiems, president ot tlie i.eaguc ox American Sportsmen. - The Pennsylvania railroad doesn't throw away anything that has any value to man or beast. It gives us one of th very, best examples-of . th'rHt. . In- VJ14 the, scrap material sold- brought tlie company- $2,1-57,-241;24 and -this, was $1,000,CKK). less than-in 1913:.' Waste' ijapctf. ahmc ssvild for .$19,211; oil harrefls .for ?22,4.W and old rulmcr for $15,222. .Locomotives and wooden passen ger cars sold for $114,.)2(i. Other odds and cuds brought $121,997. Old wheels, metals and wrought iron yielded more than $780,000. What the corporation can do on a large scale, the business firm, the farmer or the housewife can do on a small scale. . i .Harry Lauder has. a ;fev homely maxims on thrift that have been widely circulated duriirg the war period, in the hope that his followers would profit thereby. "Mither wadna waste," says he, ''and 1 would he dis gracing her memory if 1 . wasted." Here are some of bis rules : "Behave toward your purse as you would to your best friend." "View the reckless spending ot money as criminal and slum the reckless spender," . ... , "Remember it wily takes twenty shillings to make a pound, and twelve pennies make a shilling. "You can sleep better after a bard day's work than after a hard day's ' idleness, ' , "(let good value from your trades men. They watch out. that they c;et good money from you. . "A bank book makes good reading better than some novels." PRUNE DEMAND IS. HEM The 'remaind'er of that "part of Iho" 1015 Polk county prune crop purchased I... 11... I kp Armul.tr ..niititiinv will 111. put In boxes iinmediately and shipped j to New orlc to fill an oritur troin me company's main office, .It is cuutom-' ary to hold some of the prunes until juit befoi-ii the picking of the new 'crop, and Ihis' full t!iu company packed a l.irgc number of boxes left l'rom the prveious season for shipment just be fore the new crop was unloaded at tho plant. This order of things will bo changed this year, however, and the re mainder of tho 1015 crop, consisting of itpproximiitely 3 earlnmls, will bo pack ed fur shipment, as soon as powiblo. il'or sever.il days bands have been busy nt the big plant preparing boxes to re ceive tlie pack ami bright and "early Monday morning the bteiim. will bo tur I. on. to. i-oinmene.u. putting mo - . , , u.. l' n iy kan been a good, one, and further evidence or tins . -. ... I... I. .1.- r....L IL. h ' ' ' , .'wiN l? . i...f... ,,, ,.i.,!.i ,..i,, .. :fi..;.i..,.i ii,.ii i ! I a ! . 1 u l i rvR. t. Felix mums ORIENTAL M ...A.i nri4... :rirri 1 LKUAtH Vt iUAUlWAU DUlilULK , ' . two,- Tun! ' timri i S -y Ei'. tncktiM, MiLI TttlCfixtV ii beauty, iiti ti4trt tl tr,i tt r.r W fprirtl, kill 1 no Imrinl'! m ( jiniitprlr ntiKlo, Syrt MLrl to a Mr of tti hiut. In ts pwirni'i 'At. fi Iftdltl Will 110 tlirm. I rcimmin4 llnarnnl'a lliMll' M llw I'trt liirmttli ll th kin prrauon." i t ! hr ill dmwn MM Koor UihhIi Unltrt In tb Cull. U HI.IIH, Oliwls M l Ktirai (no. T. milii. f lift. 27 Gii rl Jcnu 8 it im 1A ffTrrri CATARRH oflha BLADDER rMi'Vt In 24 HOURS Farh Cop. ul.liMr.ihalMIDVj namo ' S 6 j . m By Mort. THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Classified Business Telephone Directory A Quick, handy reference for busy people Telephone EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL 'Salom 'Eleetrio Co., Masonio Tomple, 127 North High ........... Msln IN LAUNDRIES Salem Stoam Laundry, 130 South Liberty j lUia tl ,. PLUMBING, STEAM FITTING AND TLVNINQ T M. Barr,' 101 'South Commercial Street Main lit UNDERTAKER? Bigdon-fiichsjTdeon Co., 251 North High street Day and night, Main 111 TRANSFER AND DBA7A49 Salem Truck & Dray Co., ooraer State and Front streets. ............... Usin T4 JOB PROTTmO Beaver State Printers, Fatton Block 1UI YOU for that bolhersomo skin trouble. tiie two distinct types of eczema. Poole's TRAVELERS' GUIDE 4 M SOUTHERN PACIFIC North Bound No. 10 Oregon Express ... 5:00a.m. No. 54 Hound Hpocial .... fl!l2a,i. 'No. 28 Willamotto Limited 0:22 a.m. No. 12 Shasta Limited ... 11 :55 a.m. No. IS Portland Pnssongor 1:30 p.m. No. 20 Portland l'aBsonger 0:00 p.m. No. 14 Portland Express ..8:00p.m. No. 222 Portlund fast Fr't. 10:38 p.m. No. 220 Local way Fr't ..10:30 p.m. South Bound No. 15 California Express.. 3:32 a.m. No. 17 Rosoburg Passenger 11:20 a.m. No. 53 Exposition Special. .2:42 p.m. No. 19 Cottngo Grove Pas. 4:20 p.m. No. 11 Shasta Limited ...5:43p.m. No. 27 Wlllumotte Limited 0:10 p.m. No. 13 San Francisco Ex. 10:38 p.m. No. 221 San Francisco Fast Freight , 12:35a.m. No. 225 Local way Fr't ... 8:10a.m. Salem-Geer Lino No. 73 Arrives at Salem ..0:15a.m. No. 7(1 Leaves Balcm 9:00 a.m. No, 75 Ar. Salem (mixed) 2:110 p.m. No. 74 Leave Salem 4:10 p.m. No connection south: of Gcer, Salem, Falls City and Western, No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.' No. No-. No. llll Lv. Hulem, motor ..7:00a.m. 103 I.v. Solem, motor ..0:40a.m. 105 Lv. Halem, motor ,'. .1:40 p.m. 107 Lv. Halcm, motor ....4:00 p.m. 100 Lv. Salem, motor ...0:15 p.m. 2K9 Way Fr't lv. Salom 5:00 a.ra, 1(12 Ar. Salem 104 Ar. Sulem .8:40 a.m. 11:25 a.m. 3:15 p.m. .0:00 p.m. lint Ar. Salem 10H Ar. Salom . 170 Ar. Salem 7:40 p.m. 210 Way Fr't ar. Salom 1:85 p.m. OREGON ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. I' '. North Bound : Lv. Salem Train No. Ar, Portland 4:35a.m.' ..... 2 Owl ..... 0:55 a.m. 7:15a.m. ........ 0 9:25a.m. 0:45 a.m. . .. 10 Limited ... 11:35a.m. 11:20 a.m. 12 1:35 p.m. 1:45 p.nr. 14. 4:00 p.m, 4:00 p.m. .... 10 Llmitod ... 5:50 p.m. 5:37 p.m. 2I 7:50 p.m. 7:55p.m. ...... 23 -. 10:00p.m. - South Bound -Lv, Halem, , Ar. Kngene, 7:10 am 65 .i..i. 0:30a.m. Lv. Portland. v Ar. Bftlora. 0:45 a.m...l..8:55 a.m., (Salem only). 8:2.1a.m. ... 6 Limited ... 10:11 a, m. 10:40 a.m. 7 12:55 p.m. 2:03 p.m t 4:28 p.m. i Capital Journal Want Ads Will Get Yon What You Wail. SEVEN M. Burger. NEED Dry Zensnl nnd Moist Zcnsal for CO cents a Jar. Drug Store - 4:40 p.m. 0:05 p.m. 9:20 p.m. 13 Limited . , . 17 Local . . . .... 19 .. 21 Owl ... . 0:40 p a. . 8:19p.m. . 11:25 p.m. , 1:68 a.m.- Ar, Salem. . 5:37 p.m. Ar. Salem. . 9:43 a.m. .. 4:00 p.m. . 7:A5pja.. . 3:10 p-m. 11:40 p.m. North Bound Lv, Corvallis. 4:10p.m. ... Lv. Eugene. 20 7:33 p.m. 1:50 p.m. 5:25 p.m. 12:03 p.m. 10 Limited 10 Limited . . .... 22 .... ... 2 Owl ... South Bound Lv. Salem, 4:25 p.m. . Lv. Salem, 2:00 a.m. . 10:15 a.m. . Lv. Salem. 1:00 p.m. . Lv. Salem. 0:40 p.m. , Ar, Albany. . 8:20 p.m. Ar. Engna 7:05 p.m. Ar. Eugene. .. 0:50 a.m. .. 12:28 p.m. Ar. Alhiny. .. 12:55 p.m. at Corvallis. Ar. Enpftoe. ,. 8:50 pjo. . 21 Owl . 5 Limited Stops 13 Woodburn Local Daily Except Bundaya, No. 01 Leaves Sulem '1:40 p.m. No. 03 Arrives la Salem 3:23 p-a. CORVALLIS CONNECTION North Bound, Corvallis, An Salem, . 9:40 a.m. . 1-45 .m. . 4:00p.m. . 6:37 p.m. . 7:59 p.m. 23 a.m. . 10 12 p.m. . 32 p.m. . .... 14 .... 10 .... 20 .... 22 10 p.m. , 18 p.m. i South Bound. Salem. Ar. Corvallis. 15 a.m. . 25 p.m. 8 . .... 9 7 .... 13 10:11 ajn. 8:17 p.m. , 2:20 p.m. 8:00 p.m. ft) p.m. . 40 p.m. , WILLAMETTE RIVER ROUTE. Oregon City Transportation Coidpany. Leave Portland for Oregcn City, Buttevirl, Newberg, Mission (,st. Pnnl), Wheat land, Salem (dally except Sunday) 8145 am Leave Portland for Indepen dence, Albany, Corvalllii (Tuesdny, Thursday and' Saturday) 0:4 ami Returning. Leave Corvallis ...... Bam Mon., Wnd,JVt Albany 7 am Mon,Wed.,rrL. Independence .. fl am Mori., Wd,rrli (rtalem 10am Mon., Wodt Bulem flam Tnse.,ThnrHSati