EIGHT THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JAN. 17, 1916. nm rfU XT A.1 TVT 1- . If save money on ioia wcamcrnccus ai Meyers' January Clearance XX :! Special Prices on Every fiing in fAe StorePersonal : and Household needs should li 6e supplied nowit means a Saving to you. xx and Stock Reducing Sales Bankrupt Stocks or trashy merchandise are not al lowed to enter this store. We take great pride in keeping a clean stock of dependable goods for we be lieve "the best is none too good for our customers." The name "Meyers'" (good goods) stands for best quality courteous and efficient service, always. Go to Meyers if you want the best is a common saying among persons who have shopped here for years. 36 years of successful merchandising in Salem. Tomorrow y the Last Day of I This Offer With Every Boy's Bought, We Give a Suit iji: of Equal Value With $4.50 Overcoats we give a $4.50 Suit Free With $5.00 Overcoat we give a .... .$5.00 Suit Free With $5.50 Overcoat we give a $5.50 Suit Free With $6.00 Overcoat we give a . . . . .$6.00 Suit Free With $6.50 Overcoat we give a . . . . .$6.50 Suit Free With $7.00 Overcoat we give a $7.00 Suit Free With $7.50 Overcoat we give a $7.50 Suit Free With $8.00 Overcoat we give a . ; . . .$8.00 Suit Free With $8.50 Overcoat we give a . . . . .$8.50 Suit Free With $9.00 Overcoat we give a . . . : .$9.00 Suit Free With $10.00 Overcoat we give a . . . .$10.00 Suit Free SPECIAL SALE OF BATHROBE BLANKETS CLEARANCE PRICE $2.79 A timely offering of good grade Bathrobe Blankets in many pretty designs and colorings. Beautiful Bathrobes can be made from theses waist cord neck cord and frog to match included with each blanket. Commencing Tomorrow (Second floor) f 2.79 Each Special Sale of Navy Blue Wool Middy Blouses, Extra Special at $1.95 Each Just the garment for winter wear splendid for school or general usegood quality blue flannel neatly trimmed collar a most unusual value com mencing Monday $1.95 Each 4 4 44 I THE HOUSE OF QUALITT ::j XX 44.44444 Ittttlttttttttltffittltffltl Tntttntttittnntt All Around Town 444i4t4444 ) - jtttttKnmmuimnwtttraratttttm: Dr. Mondelaohn, specialist, flta glass es correctly. U. 8. Dunk. illdg. Miss Hazel Scott was called to The Dulles hospital this morning on profes sional business. Have yon tried The Spa's apodal lunch, 11 to 2f tf The Spaulding Logging company's mill will remain closed until llio weath er moderates. The Hob Nob has roeeivod a large shipment of Star Hrund crochet tbroid. Any Bize, 10c u liull this week. tf Paul B. Marls, state leader of coun ty agricultural work, of tho O. A. C, is in the city today conferring with L. J. C'hupiu, O. It P. Cough Syrup will stop your cough. No cure, no pay. For sulo it tho Opera llouso riinriiiuey. tf The river Is apparently getting ready for tho volume of water that will como down the valley aa soon as the snow be gins to melt, ns today it la falling, with a stage aboyo low water of 3.(1 feet. l M;mni Dr. Stone's Drug Store. Ivan O. McDanlel, secretary of the Salem Mociul Service Center, is homo today, struggling with tho grip. Electric baths ana massage nnder your physician's directions. N. N. Im us, 18 Hubbard llldg. 1'hone 633. tf The Epworth League of the Jason T.oo Methodist church will meet for business Tuesday evening, ufter yliic.li those present will do a liltlo coasting. Dr. Stone's drug itoro. D, F, Wagner, of 67S North Cottage street, who has been homo for several weeks with tho grip mid other complica tions, is reported today to bo improv ing. Dr, W. Carlton Smith has moved his office to rooms 212 and -II Masonic Toiuple. JnulS A dofectlve flue was the cause of a flro at tho homo of M. N. Huiley living north of West Snlein this morning. .For tunately, everybody was homo at the timo end succeeded In putting out the tiro before, much damage wa done. Smoke Hygrade cigars and you will have something elso to talk about, be sides tho weather. The railroad crossings in all parts of tho city ore in pretty bad condition and it is risky business for nu unto to speed up while crossing a track. The snow hus crowded under the bricks and rais ing them in many places. E. Cooke Patton says a post card view of tho Columbia highway beats B page of description. Why not enclose .1 view in your letters to vour friends enstf The lft (aid J I it 11 hus 500 colored views. A car load of Willamette valley ex hibits from the l'linumn -1'aeific exposi tion arrived today via tho Southern Pa cific. Tho executive committee of the Willuinettu Valley nssociution will meet this week to make disposition of the ex hibits. Prof. Mok, of Chicago, IU.. repre senting The Scholl .Manufacturing Co., will give free demonstrations and ex-1 u tn i nu t i on of all foot ailments for men, women tind children nt l'lillertnns, 270 North Commercial, Friday nud Sat urday of this week, ' J.in22 "La Area Club," the cadet organ ization of the I'nited Artisans, will hold a biisiiies meeting this evening, to be followed by a coasting party. Tho meet ing will be held at tlie home of Miss r.eona Peterson, 3112 South High street. The club intends to give a masquerade party January 2(1 nnd some timo in Feb ruary will hold a colonial dnneo. The 300 pound negro, lately of the world's fnir exposition at Snu Francis co, is making the famouB scones at the Roth grocery, advertising a special brand of flour. Snlem is tlio only place in Oregon in which thn nnliitablo scones will bo made Sixteen sleepers claimed the hospital ity of the city jail Inst night which is a record for the cold snap. It appears that the nights aro now. a bit too chilly for open air snoozing nnd the guests file in to sign up with Night Surgeant Foln nd ns soon as dusk begins. Now that gasoline pushed up another notch about a week ago, rubber tires will doubtless get in lino and put on an additional figure, just to keep up with the procession of advancing automobile prices. Announcement was made tltis morning of a 10 per cent advance on tires of a standard nuiko. "The Servant In tho House," to he presented nt the opera house Friday j evening for the benefit of the high, school will not begin until 8:4!!, in or der that those who wish, may attend thei lecture nt the Snlem public library. The nubile librnrv leeturn will beirin nt I promptly 7:30 o'clock. The grocery store of 0. L. Sperling & Son, North Commercial street, was sold this morning to C. J. Mitchell, of Milchell, S. I). He will take ehnrge of the business nt once, Mr. Sperling has been in the business in Salem nbont five years. About the first of March ho will lenve for llnrney valley, near Hums, where ho owns nu 800-acre farm, State Treasurer Kay Returns From 5000 Mile Trip in the Snow State Treasurer Thomas B. Kay re turned to Salem Saturday eveuing after a 5,000 mile trip east during which time he says ho was never out of sight of the snow and he expected to find it warm in tho Willamette valley when he returned but the snow nrrived before he did. Mr. Kay went from Salem to Stv Paul, Minn., and while in that state vis ited tho famous Stillwater prison which ho pronounces to be the finest penal in stitution in the United States if not in the world. Not only is the structure one of the best but tho management and general conditions are far abovo the usual run of state institutions. The prisoners work in mills turnlnr j out binding twine nnd also several kinds of farm machinery i.nsr year tho plant manufactured lfl.000,000 pounds of binding twine and tho man agement of the prison turned over to the state n clear profit of 50.000 for tho year's work. This sum of t.loO.000 was 'left over after all appropriations had been paid back, and after the up keep, maintenance, snlaries and nil oth er expenses hud been deducted. About 1,000 men are doing time nt Stillwater nnd in the reformatory which is seimrate about 700 more are confined. The younger prisoners and thoso who have committed minor of fenses are nepnrnted from the older prisoners and confined in the reform atory. The prisoners are paid 25 cents to 1.25 for working in tho prison plants. C. N. McArthur today applied to Secretary of State Olcott for all blanks nnd data necessary for filing n peti tion to become a candidate for tho re publican nomination for representative to congress from the Third congression-' ul district of Oregon to succeed himself. Frank Light, who has been a resident of Snlem for tho past four years nnd engaged in the tailoring business at 542 Stuto street, will leave tomorrow morn ing for New York City. After visiting relatives in the cast, ha will mnke his permanent homo in Texan, not far from Snu Antonio. Mr. Light is the owner of a MO-octo farm netir San Antonio, which adjoins the 200-ncre farm of William Jennings Bryan. The giving of satisfactory optical service requires something more than mere "selling ability." My service embraces: Absolute nccurney in mak ing examinations. Tho making of glass es that will positively correct your de fects of vision. Courteous, consider ate treatment at all times. Fair prices .ind a guarantee of complete satisfac tion. Dr. M. 1. Mendelsohn, Rooms 21U-2U U. S. Hank Hldg. The State Public Service commission today received a request for a post ponement of a hearing to ho held at I'rincville, Jnnuary II', on account, of tho fact that most of the principal w it nesses in tho case are snowbound. The hearing is to be upon the physical con nection of tltreo telephone lines in I'rincville nnd both sides of the enso joined in tho request. Grace Keeton, 1530 Bcllevue street, was slightly injured while coasting Inst night on I.incaln hill. A sled over turned on the slide and the sley follow ing in attempting to avoid crushing into the tangled muss of humanity on the slide turned aside nnd struck Miss Klee ton. She was rendered unconscious for a short timo but recovered after being taken to her home. Fire Chief Harry Hutton and wife re turned Saturday after a 10 days' visit at the homo of Mr. Hutton 's parents at Cannon Beach. Mr. Hutton says thero was no snow at the bench but that they came through snow six feet deep com ing over the mountains to Seaside. They report a fine trip and also that Mr. Hutton 's mother who has been ill is much improved in health. It Is quite the thins to have days set apart for various purposes by which tho average citizen may have his atten tion culled to one certain thing. The latest is "Thrifty Pay," sponsored by the American Banking association. And just as a memorandum that thrift is n fine thine to have about the house, i curds announcing " Thrift Day"' have been placed in the windows of the Sa-1 lem banks. j The government's thermometer at the I O. C, T. dock records the fact thnt Thursday niuht was the coldest of the I season w ith a low record of 10 above. ', Fridny night, the coldest was 21 above, j while' for both Saturday and Sunday i nights the thermometer was as low as' 20 above. While ninny people have thermometers thnt were working over! time nnd ninde a lower record, the one; nt the O. C. T. dock is official. At the Peutacostal church of the Nnzarene. revival services will begin Friday evening, Jnnuary 21. The serv ices are in charge of the evangelist, Cmy 1.. Wilson. According to the announce meat, the cervices will be the old time gospel lis preached by John Wesley, founder of the Methodist church, TheOfficeMan Uses his eyes many hours each day. His work is made lighter with a pair of our PROP ERLY FITTED GLASSES if his eyes need them. Where glasses are not required we so advise. MISS A. McCULLOCH, Optometrist, 208-209 Hubbard Building. Phone 109 George Fox, founder of the society of Friends nnd C.euerul Booth, of the Sal vation army. The Pentneostul church of the Nnzarene is located nt Marion and Nineteenth streets. Several people seem to be of the opin ion that this kind of weather ennnot Inst always, ns the following have bought Fords since tho first of the year: Ben 8. Via, Fred S. Lamport, Ocorgo Thoruason, C, A. Houston, W. K. Compton, Salem Hurdwnre company, W. II. I.erchen, Nelson Bros., nnd A T. Hrocker, all of Sulein. From the coun try, C. A. Kabow, rural route nine, and A." W. King, rural route six w ill soon be driving Fords. Vou can now buy your stamps down town, ns tho contract station of tho postoffice was open for business this morning at tho Crown drug store. Mon ey orders nnd registers will also be sold, but the money order department will be delayed a few days as the money order blanks have not arrived. No pnr ccl post, packages of any kind will be accepted. Mrs. Mildred Robertson Brooks, county recorder, was the first customer of the new station and E. Cooke P-ntton tho second. United States Marshall Jackson re turned to Portland Saturday evening, with John Scofield, charged with rub bing the U. 8. mails. His preliminary trial will como up this afternoon, but tho chances arc that tho young man will plead guilty and get off with as light a sentence as possible. As a gen eral proposition, tampering with the II. S. mails is risky business. The parole system is not in favor with tho federal courts and federal prisoners aro pardon ed only by the president. A burglary was reported to the Sa lem police last night at the residence of Mrs. F.nima Provokluit, nt 2(18 North Cottage street. A well dressed stranger appeared nt the house to engage a room and before he selected one he nsked to be shown ull of the vacant rooms in the house. A little later Mrs. Trovokluit was obliged to leave tho house for a few minutes nnd when she returned she found thnt tho new roomer had van ished with her watch and chain, a dia mond ring and a sniull sum of money. She immediately notlried the police but no traco of the stranger could be found. When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at BLIGH HOTEL Strictly Modern Free and Private Baths RATES: 75c, $1.00, $1.50 PER DAT The only hotel in the business district. Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and Capitol Buildings. r A Home Away From Home. T. O. BLIGH, Prop. Both Phones. Free Auto Bus. ' Phone 700 TAXI SERVICE Cars for any time of day or night. Good Garage in connection for storage of cars. Seasonable Bates. SALEM TAXI CO. Garage OPEN ALL NIGHT. 246 State Street. WATCH AND "eJEWELRY. Also a Nice Line of Jewelry. KARL NETJGEBATJEB Masonic Bldg. Imagine, if vou can, the prepared ness of n man louded with u bunch ol receipted bills. NOW IS THE TIME To buy Suspenders for another year. Never such a value at the price. "The Genuine President Suspender" made by the President Co. of New York. While they last at 17 Cents Per Pair uuawy iMiues rur men h The Packard Shoe is acknowledged the world over as a high quality shoe. Buy shoes now at sale prices as quoted below We have them in black and tans, lace or button and the prices are $2.48 and $3.98, you never bought such shoes for these prices. G. W. Johnson & Co. 141 North Commercial Street. . V'. i THE ARTE! The Loyal Sons of the First Christian Church IPresent mim STRING QU ot the Chemawa Indian School in Concert at the FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH-Tomorrow Night Corner Hleh and Center Sts. fit 8:15 Prices: Tickets on Sale at Bookstores or at the Church Tomorrow Evening Lower Floor 35c Balcony 25c To the Public IT i very gratifying to mo to be able to endorse the work of the Indian String Quartet as reprenontntlve tf what (heninna stands for in in iho wny of nrt nnd culture, it is Jny belief that all who may hear thin botty of Instru mentalists will be profoundly impressed, and will realize a' never before that Cheninwn entertains ideals ns lofty tij will be found anywhere. It. E. WAnsWOHTIf, Kurd. Indian School, It V