Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 17, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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OREGON, MONDAY, JAN. 17, 1916.
No person alive is stronger than his
kidneys. Tbe minute the kidneys be
'come disarranged or clogged with
waste the warning is flashed through
out the entire system. The greater
part of all sickness today can be avoid
ed by keeping the kidneys working
Most any reliable druggist in this
vicinity can probably tell you of many
well-known people whom Solvax, the
ctandard kidney remedy, has restorod to
bealth,, often alter they have tried
many other methods of treatment with
little or no benefit.
There are hundreds of people who
were cot the least bit surprised when
they read awhile ago that Daniel J.
IVy is soiling Solvax on a guarantee
to refund the money iu case it did not
relieve. This remarkablo kidney rem
edy ia guaranteed to help tho worst
rase of lazy, sluggish, or clogged-up
kidneys, or the general headachy, kinky
backed, played out condition that af
flicts people suffering with kidney
trouble. Solvax does not simply re
lieve. It aims to cure.
The best kind of alvertising is the
praise of a pleased customer, and thorc
are hundreds today praising Solvax be
cause it baa done for them what it is
Advertised to do. Not very long ago
they were afflicted with all munner of
BieMsh, uncomfortable rains and each
tlay seemed to bring with it a new ache
in aome other part of their body. Since
using Solvax they are onco more bright
and chipper and able to enjoy life at
ita fullest with no wore fear of suf
fering. Wo doubt if any other kidney remedy
has mode such a large pereentngo of
cures as Rolvax. It is so large that its
owners are perfectly safe iu standing
ready to refund tho price to any cus
tomer whom it does not help. This is
a good time to get well and you ought
to take advantage, of this offer. Get
it from Daniel J. Fry or any well
stocked drug store.
Tennis nets were introduced
in Flanders as protection sje
against Herman hand grenades.
1'ope Honedict ordered prayers
for peace. Nino hundred Turks
were found frozen to death iu
the Caucasus.
Paul V. M.uis, tho newly appointed
State. Loader Farm Demonstration
"Work in Oregon, has arrived at the
Agricultural college and taken up the
-duties -".Ma position. He comes here
from Missouri, whero ho was agricul
tural agent for one of tho leading ag
Ticnlturul counties, ami hence is quite
familiar with the duties of tho county
a gent 8 iu Oregon, whose activities it is
ins work to supervise, lie lias the fur
ther advantage of having been born
and reared on an Oregon farm and edu
rated in Oregon institutions, being a
graduate of tiio McMinnvillo college.
Mr. Maris reached Corvallis in time
to join in tho conferences of county
ngricultural Agents from the thirteen
counties now maintaining these aids to
progressive agriculture, and also the
Kupoiintendents of several of tile seven
brunch experiment stations. In this
"way he was ablo to initiate measures
for a still closer relation between the
work Of tho stations and that of the
farm demonstrators the sources and
applications of scientific agriculture
and also to form an intimate knowledge
of the personnel of these forces.
The Russians are still struggling
with Czartorysk and Czerowitz, but
Americans gave them up long ago as
linguistic impossibilities.
We show a picture of the
package in which
come packed so that you may
recognize it easily.
Order from any dealer
Portland, Oiciob
Beginning Tuesday we will exhibit the famous
Showing in New York at $2.00 a seat now.
This unequalled Program at our
OREGON, Of Coarse
474 Court Street: Across From "Wells Fargo Express Company. Largest Shoe Repair Shop in Salem
Have you written your letters to
day! This is t'uo week when every true pa
triot in Oregon will take pen in hand,
or writo on a machine, or havo letters
from the multigraph duplicated, stat
ing the tact that Oregon and especial
ly the Willamette valley has the finest
summer climate and the greatest scenic
attractions in the country and suggest
ing to eastern friends and acquaintanc
es that next summer is the timo to
visit Oregon.
The business interests of the city arc
taking an active interest in this letter
writing campaign. They are not writ
ing just a few, but are sending them in
large numbers in the regular form, be
sides writing many personal letters.
Among those who aro busy today are
the Drager Fruit company, who will
send 30 letters; the Salem Hank of
Commerce, 25, and I'atton Hros., 20.
The I'ortland Railway, Light and Tow
er company will do their share in send
ing 125 boosting letters, and H. S. Oilo
and company, 300. Others are sending
as follows: I). A. White and Sons, 20;
Fanner Hiirdwnid company, 25; Moore
Furniture store, 25; Dwight Misner,
40; U. (. Shipley and company, 40;
Imperial Furniture company, 25; T. M.
Itarr Dumbing Co., 20; Capital Journal
Publishing company, 35; J. II. Lauter
man, 30; Hauser lire., 25; Salem Hard
ware company, 30; Steusloff Hros., 25;
Spaulding Lumber company, 50.
Tiie above are just a few of the
firms, but others aro getting in line to
day and are expected to do their share
in tho great letter writing week.
If any citizen wishes to appear in
the real movies, do not fail to be on
hand Friday morning at 11:15 o'clock
Woman's Home Missionary society
writes the following letter (if tribute
to tiio late Mrs. liushong Hooth, of this
"Aside from communion with the
Master, communion with brothers and
sisters in Christ is one of the greatest
prized privileges of tho followers of
our Lord. Men have many avenues
wherein they labor together, and fel
lowship; but until tho past thirty
years women have had little outside of
Tho missionary societies of our church
havo hail other missions yet the friend
ships which have sprung from these as
sociations have made deep und lasting
impressions upon many, aud inspired
all who have so labored to greater zeal
in his work.
"Our sister who has just departed
had tho active years of her life filled
with love and labor for the societies,
both foreign and home. Hut the some
socioty hail the greater interest for her,
for during tho 'storate of her former
husband, Dr. Bushong, in one of our
churches in Cincinnati, the Women's
Homo Missionary society had its begin
nings. Mrs. Booth, with .Mrs. Hush,
made a personal canvass throughout
the church to interest the women in
that very first meetini? from which the
organization sprung.
"Mrs. Hooth becamo tiie secretary of
tho first auxiliary, and, after several
years, when the society had grown to
have conference recognition, she be
camo conference secretary and contin
ued for many years in that office.
"When they removed to Seattle, her
interest grew, for she then got a vision
of the frontier worn which they had
not had in the east, and everywhere she
moved her interest was contagious. Her
manner was gracious, her ability was
marked, and her devotion was unques
tioned. "Twelve years ago the writer had
the privilege of acquaintance with Mrs.
Hooth. It. was a grent pleasure to be
in touch with her wide knowledge of
the work nnd hear of the early achieve
ments and the hopes and desires for
the fntiiro.
"Time and changes have rendered it
impossible for her to engage actively
in the work, but. her interest has never
waned, and she has continued as presi
dent emeritus through the years.
"As a missionary society, we desire
to express our sympathy to the hus
band and her sons And commend them
to tho Hnlv Siiirit who will guido them
uncrrinely, and to tho Comforter who
will abide hem forever."
Providence, 1;. I., ,lnn. 17 While
murder trial witnesses today told of
how Cecil V. JSrown and Henry Spell
man confessed to shooting Dr. C.
Franklin Mohr, the hitter's widow sat
silent and unmoved. The fact Hint she
is charged with instigating tho slaying
seemed not to trouble her in the least.
Slio expects to receive an uncon
tested third (if the doctor's eftntn, The
whole is valued at .$200,000.
at tho corner of Stato and Commercial
streets. The students of the high school
will be there. The t'herriaus in uniform
aud state and city officials will all
take part in the l'utue moving picture
that is to be taken, showing what Sa
lem has done when tao sacks of mail
aro carried lroru the office of the
I'ortland Hallway, Light and Power
company to the pus'.omce.
The school children will also do their
share in spreading the good news of
Oregon and its climate and the ad
vantages it has to offer the tourist for
a summer vacation. Tbe English class
es of the high school are already busy
writiu" letters und it is estimated that
the majority of tho pupils in the high
school will write at least ten letters
each. Before tho meeting this evening
of the principals of the other schools,
Superintendent Elliott brought the
matter before the teachers, by which
Washington, Lincoln und I! rant junior
high schools may join in the week's
The senior high school will be dis
missed at 11:15 o'clock Friday morn
ing for that period, in order that they
may appear in moving picture scenes
at the comer of State and Commercial
streets, and accompany tho procession
to the postoffice.
Caution. Do not mail your letters in
I the postotlno or mail boxes, in order
to make a proper showing, all these
must bo mailed at the office of the
Itortland Railway, Light and Power
company's office.' Already an opening
has been made by which letters may be
mailed from the corner, and remain in
full view the remainder of the week
until 'Friday morning. Letters are al
ready coming iu by tho hundreds.
Miss Vida Young left Sunday for
Corvallis, where she will resume iier
stu lies at O. A. C.
Mr. and Mrs. V. Dare Sloper are now
occupying their neat bungalow in the
rear of the drug store.
Kdward I'ieser was a caller Monday,
ordering the Standard sent to J. W.
I'ieser, at Fossil, Oregon.
Owing to tho leasing jf bis present
location, Thos. Rizzo, manager of the
Stayton theatre, is looking for a new
location. He is obliged to vacate his
present quarters tho 21st. Ho will
probably build.
Herman Marking received a tele
gram aSturdny from Parkston, South
Dakota, stating that his mother was
very low. As Mr. Marking was on a
visit to his parents last year, he does
not expect to go at this time.
C. J. Ruettgcrs, of Kingston, was u
Stayton visitor Saturday. Whilo in
town he ordered tho Standard sent to
his brother, .1. W'., iu Armour, S. D.
Bernard (iehlcu has been appointed
by the county court guardian of his
brother, Theodore, a minor.
0. C. Klksmau, proprietor of the
Stayton Houso Furnishing Co., is clos
ing out his stock preparatory to retir
ing from business in Stayton. Ho ex
pects to close out the entire stock, and
take up one of several other proposi
tions offered iiira elsewhero.
Mrs. N. (jeymer was a pleasant cnll
er at tho Standard office yesterday.
She informed us that Saturday will be
a big day with the Orange. There will
be several speakers aud visitors from
out of town an 1 x program. An enter
taiaing and instructive session is ex
pected. The J. Lawrence and G. W. Towell
families, who havo been residents of
this place the past couple of years, ex
pect to leave the last of the week, the
former for Vancouver, Washington and
tho lutter for LaOrande, Oregon. These
good people have made many friends
during their residence here.
.. It. L. Putnam, pastor of tho Christ
ian church, is r ported quite ill with
whooping cough at the home of his
father-in-law, II. C. VonHchren, near
J. Sheard returned this morning from
a visit to Albany und Corvallis. While
in Corvallis iie attended a meeting of
the K. P. lodge. He reports having
had an en joyable trip.
Joe fy-'cry has rented tho Toom in
thu I. (j. o. F. building now occupied
by Manager Kizzo's Stayton theatre,
a:id will put in a eompiete stock of
gent's furnishings, lie will also han
dlo made to order clothing and d.)
(loaning and pressing. Mr. Perry wis
lor a long time with the Hammond
Bishop company, understands his busi
ness thoroughly and will no doubt bo
well patronized Standard.
Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 17. Clifton min
ers today agreed to the wage scale prof
fered by tho managers and the Mnrenci
und Metcalf strikers are expected to
follow suit. Sheriff Cash has promised
protection to all men resuming work un
der the new scale. It looks as if tho
trouble were over and an early settle
ment imminent.
New York, Jan. 17. Judge Clayton
today fined Max Jaeger $1500, Edward
Weber and Paul Schmidt $750 each and
Richard Wolhlberg $100 for their part
in a conspiracy to violate customs laws
by shipping rubber to Germany in
trunks, as personal effects.
Of course nobody it required to nse
a model in writing next week ' let
ters. The important thing li that every
body write.
Sheriff William Esch left for Reno,
Nevada, last night to return Adam J.
Mishler, who is in custody in that city,
to Salem for trial. Mishler was in
dicted at the lout term of the grand
jury on a charge of converting 410.000
to his own use from funds intrusted to
his care whilo guardian of Jacob O.
Miller, an incompetent. The Miller es
tate is valued at about $125,000 and as
manager of the estate it is charged that
Mishler speculated in hops and then
gave the estate two personal notes for
5,000 each. Sheriff Esch expects to
return with his prisoner some time the
latter part of this week. It is said
that Mishler will fight extradition."
Tho jury in the case of C. G. Burton
and Genio C. Burton against Thad M.
Lukons returned a verdict for the de
fendant Saturday night. This was a case
brought by the Burtons to set aside a
note for $050 given by them in a trade
in real estate whereby they traded 40
acres near Silverton, encumbered with a
4950 mortgage for four lots in Cali
fornia. The case of the State against Eddie
Patterson, charged with obtaining mon
ey under false pretenses, was dismissed
today in tho circuit court by order of
Judge Kelly upon the motion of District
Attorney Hingo. The cases of the State
against George Yellowvich charged with
assault and the State against Frank
Von Hntten, charged with non-support
of his children, were also dismissed
upou the motion of the district attor
ney. The will of E. Clara Martin Morgan,
deceased, was admitted to probate to
day and Thomas B. Morgan, the hus
band nnd only heir of the deceased, was
named as executor. The estate consists
of real property in Douglas county
valued at $1,500. The appraisers ap
pointed were E. C. Derrick, J. Baum
goitner and Frank J. Chapman,
Tho ease of A. R. Richardson and
Mary Richardson against W. L. Diel
was called in department No. 1 of the
circuit court this morning. This is a
case brought in connection with a land
deal and the plaintiffs allege that they
traded some lots iu Piedmont, addition
to Portland for some land in Folk coun
ty. They say thoir deed called for 55
acres more or less und they found upon
surveying it that it was 11 acres less.
They brought suit for $1,'!50, the value
of 11 acres of the hind. The defendant
denies that he made any statement as
to the exact amount of the land and
that accepted the property as it
lay without stipulating the exact
number of acres. W. C. Winslow and
B. F. Swope are attorneys for the plain
tiff and McNnry & McXary and E. M.
Pago represents the defendant.
Marriage licenses have been issued by
tho county clerk to John A. Base, a con
tractor of Mehama, and Alice Mar
Wheelor, also of Mehama. Harold B.
Caldwell, a printer of Sherwood, and
Inez F. Surry, a stenographer, of Me
hama, also secured a glory ticket.
The county school superintendent and
his force of examiners are-bup.y today
looking over the recent grade examina
tion papers. About 140 pupils took the
examination tins time but a large num
ber took the examination iu only one
or two subjects. The results will be
given out during the early part of next
John Schultz, who assaulted n, man
named Brown in the northern part of
this county about a year ago and was
paroled from the bench still reports to
District Attorney Kiugo and the reports
have been sent iu from all parts of the
world. Shultz, who says ho found the
name to be unpopular dluring the war,
has assumed the name Herman Zahlct
and the report received by the district
attorney today came from Oreug, Al
giers, North Africa, He is now on the
steamship W minima, of Nanking, China,
engaged in carrying meat to the allied
armies. Sliultzfs last report was from
Naukiu, China, before he went to Af
rica. This is the only item found to-
uuy or local niierest wincft makes no
complaint about the snuw.
Deputy Sheriff O. D. Bower went to
Portland today to bring Harold T.
Booth back to Salem to stand trial on
a charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses. It is charged that
Booth gnvo the Meyers store a bad
check for u bunt $WI in December, 11)13,
and at the same time also passed had
paper on Osi-nr Johnson 's Plymouth
store for $15 and Hal Pattern i'or $15
more. Boolh was a former Salem resi
dent and was well known here, ile
had been away from Salem for some
time and then returned to pass the paper
and left for California before any of
the checks could bo cuslicd. Ho re
turned to Portland a few days ago and
was arrested by the Portland police.
The warrant for Booth's arrest was is
sued out of justice court.
A suit was filed in the circuit court
today by Flora L. Newman against
Gordon E. Tower and Bessie G. Tower
to collect on a note for $1200. It is
alleged that this sum less $233.35 is
dun with $151 alleged dun on a pasture
bill. The plaintiff asks $150 attorney's
fees. Smith 4 Shields are attorneys for
the plaintiffs.
A suit for divorce has been filed in
the circuit court by Elizabeth M.
Mullinix against Roy Mullinix. They
wore married in this county in 1910 and
the plaintiff alleges that the defendant
who was a bar tender, drank to excess
and beat her when drunk. She asks
We Have Moved
litis Is Opinion of Gosc Ob
servers of Trend of Old
World Events
By Alice Rohe.
( United Press Staff Correspondent.)
Rome, Jan. 0 (By mail.) Tho Vati
can is to take nioro active interest in
temporal diplomatic politics than it has
evinced for many years, in the opinion
of Vatican affairs' observers whose
opinions aro respected.
in the recent elevation or six new
ardinals to the royal purplo of the
sacred college, Pope Benedict has giv
en the first definite indication of
what will be the future cnaraetor and
policy of his pontificate, say these men
who assert that they base their con
clusion upon centuries of Vaticau pro-
The sacred college, consisting usu
lllv of from 60 to 70 members, has
charge of tho administration of the
Catholic affairs throughout tho world.
The collego iB under tho direction of
the Fkipe. The pontiff usually wants
this body coniKscd of cartfinnls iu
harmony with his. ideas.
The Vatican world awaits with in
terest the first consistory that a new
nontiff holds in order that it may
judge, from the character of tho first
cardinals created hy tun new popo,
what will be the general policy of his
When a cardinal is elected popo he
finds himself surrounded by a sacred
college chosen by his immediate prede
cessors. These cardinals may be out
of harmony with what he wants to ac
complish, it is seldom a prelato be
comes a cardinal before he is fifty
and as deaths in tho college member
ship are not in frequent, tho now pon
tiff gradually may change th; char
acter of the sacred collego by tho ele
vation of new members. Jn the course
of ten years a new pope ordinarily
may have, if he wished surrounded
himself with n sacred college, tho ma
jority of which is in harmony with
his ideas. It is only tnen tnat a pope
begins to give to his pontificate tiiat
character which is likely to be associ
ated with his name in history.
in the recent creution by Popo Ben
edict or his first six cardinals tho fact
that stood out most prominently was
that four of them wcro chosen from
the ranks of the Vatican diplomatic
service. These were: Cardinal Tout!,
papel nunzio to Portugal; Cardinal
Cagliero, papal nunzio to tiio Central
American republics; Cardinal Fruvirth,
Sapal nunzio to Munich, and Cardinal
capinelli, papal nunzio to Vienna.
Pope Benedict's reign therefore, ac
cording to Vatican students and tradi
tion, is expected lo mark a revival ol
the political side of tho church. This
predicted outcome would be iu har
mony with Pope Benedict's training.
Pope Benedict, when he was Monsig
nor Delia Chiesa, was trained iu the
diplomatic and political school of Pope
Leo. When Cardinal Kompolln, as sec
rotary of state to Pope Leo, labored in
harmony with tho latter to strengthen
the Vatican's diplocatie relations in all
tho leading couits of the world, Mon-
signor della Chiesa was under secretary
of state to Cardinal Itampolla. lie also
had held diplomatic posts at Paris' and
The revival of this policy, Rome bo
lieves again is presaged in the eleva
tion to tho sacred college of four vet
eran diplomats. It is confidently ex
pected that this entire pontificate will
be marked by this policy.
Would Have Uncle Sam
Help Maintain Order
Washington, Jan. IT. A resolution
by Senator (lore, of Oklahoma, today
directed President Wilson to innko uu
agreement with General Carrun.a for
icstoration of aider in Mexico. It was
referred to the loreigu commit too with
out debate.
Under it, a neutral zona would be
created along tho border for joint po
licing by both governments until or
der is restored. Then the American
troops would withdraw. Tho resolu
tion empowers tiie president to employ
the necessary military ami navul fore-
(Hoseburg Review.)
A Roscburg man went to Portland
recently on pleasure aud left Friend
Wife at home. Shortly after his re
turn ho and his wife wcro invited to
a party. The wifo laid out. her lins
bund's ovcrcont, and lest sho should
forget her gloves, sho placed them in
the overcoat pocket. On his way to
the parly Friend Husband put his
hands iu his pockets, discovered tho
gloves nnd immediately had a ner
vous chill. A few minutes later at a
dark place in the street, he threw the
iiloves away. After the party tho wife
is k cd her husband for her gloves. "I
havo not had your gloves," he replied.
. 'Yes, you have; I put them in your
pocket before wo started." Gradually
ho husband saw a great light, and the
lext day it cost him $1.75 for new
that her maiden name of Elizabeth M,
Oreen be restored. Martin & Murtiu
are attorneys for the pluintiff.
Lydia P. Smith has been granted a
divorce from Ashabel Smith by Judgo
(ialloway on the grounds of desertion.
The couple were married in Multnomah
county in 1013 and all property rights
were settled before uio ruing of the
i. ,, ;; --JL' :,;,:
We are closing out all of our Heavy Work Shoes
and High Top Boots. Come in and get our prices on
all kinds of heavy shoes before you buy.
Now go at $3.95.
Now go at $2.95
All kinds of Rubber Goods at greatly reduced prices.
We have Men's One-buckle Overshoes or Arctics at
Cut Rates on All Repair Work
Don't pay higher prices because some one lets you
think that they can give you better leather, for there
is no better leather than we use. Men's Half Soles
75c. Ladies' and Children's Soles 50c. All Leather
Heels 25c Rubber Heels 25c and 50c.
Salem's Highest Grade Shoe Store
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Linvillo
Thursday, January lllth, a 7',j pound
Mrs. T. Y. McClellan nnd little
granddaughter, Merle Martin, left for
a visit t Stony Point Sunday.
Mr. and M'rs'. Hhc(rm Swank land
(has. Hansom went to Salem Monday
Ivan Itetnam of the Waldo Hills fell
on an axe in such it manner as to cut
his knee badly letting out tho joint
Dr. Prill, of Scio, was iu town Wed
ncK-lay feeing to somo of Dr. liurscll 's
patients, tho Dr. being unablo to take
caro of them on account of being on
the sick list himself.
Mis Addio Coudit cuino Wednesday
to take up tho work at the S. P. depot
of her brother, Koss Condit, who is on
tho sick list.
Mrs. W. D. Wright and little sun,
Frederic, of Portland, caino Thursday
evening to visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. C. F. llciu.
Saturday, January 15th. A proiam
novelty unusually entertaining was
given. A short spelling match, follow
ed directly by a mock trial. Those
taking pint ranged as follows; Judge
Kail Smith; jury, Mis. (I. F.. Darby,
Mis. Kd Wallace, H. M. Fusin, C. .1.
euscd, 1". 10. Arrell; lawyers, Siierm
Swank for defendant and T. J. Arthur
for state; witnesses, Lindsey l.iistliuiii.
Harry Pruns,, Sam Kasthurn, Hugh
Wietman, Clement Crano and '.hurlle
Donham. Charge, sidling liquor to
minors. The proceedings met Willi grcai
umufcnient. und brought a largo er.iwd
for the evening, ouo und ull voting il
a success.
At. tho regular meeting of Iho Priscil
la club, which was hob! on Thursday of
last week, at tho homo of Mrs. Kobert
Colvio, the following officers were
unuiiimonxly elected: Mrs. S. S. Smink,
president; Mrs. Chas. Martin, vice
president; Mrs. A. P. Ppeer, secretary;
Mrs, II, ('. Lewis, assistant secretary,
and treasurer. Two new members were
received, Mrs. O. K. Ihirby and Mis. A.
Mrs. Chas. Colvin entertained on
Thursday of this week nt her home
west of town. While the storm pre
vented many from attending this
meeting, it did not prevent those who
did go from having a delightful af
ternoon. Kocord.
Herkeley, CM, Jan. 17. Wierd talcs
of a fashionuble gang of thieves which
out Raffled Baffles told by Irvin N.
Kclloy, now serving a sentence iu San
(Juentin prison, are doubted toduy by
the local police.
Kelley said there wcro two women
and two men in the gang besides him
self. According to his story they gain
ed admittance to fashionable circles,
then robbed their wealthy acquain
tance, Kelley declared a desire for revenge,
against his former companions prompt
ed him to confess. Fur a 'mouth, tho
police of many cities have unsuccess
fully followed "leads" furnished in
his confession.
Says We Must Make Kidneys
Clean the Blood and Pim
ples Disappear
Pi.uples, sores and boils usually result,
from taxuis, poisons nnd impurities
which are generated in tho bowels and
then absorbed into the blond through
the very ducts which should absorb only
unuri-dimoiit to sustain the body.
It is tho functions of the kidneys to
filter Impurities from tho blood and
cast them out in the form of urine, buti
in many iimtnnces the bowels create
more toxins and impurities than tho
kidneys can eliminate, then tho blood
uses (lie skin pores as the next best
means of getting rid of these impurities
which often break out all over Iho skin
in the form of pimples.
The surest way to clear Hie skin of
tiicso eruptions, says a noted authority,
is tv get from uny pharmacy iibui'it
four ounces of Jud Salts and take n
tablcxpoont'ul Iu a glass of hot water
each morning before breakfast for one
week. This will prevent the formation
of toxins in tho bowels. It also stimu
lates the kidneys to normal activity,
thus coaxing them to filter the blood of
impurities nnd clearing tho skill of
Jud Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless nn.I
is made from tho acid of grapes and
lemon juice, combined with lllhia. Here
you have a pleasant, effervescent drink
which usually mukos pimples disappear;
cleanses the blood and is excellent for
tlin liiditevs as well.