TWO THE DA H.Y rAPTTAt. 'Q' RNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JAN. 17, 1916. Social ALINB THOMPSON JINGLINO sleigh bells merrily an nounced the in-rival of a group of the married set Saturday evening at the home of Dr. nn.l Mrs. Thomas .Smith, Jr., who gathered to surp'iso Dr. Smith, on the occasion of his birthday. .Following a jolly sleigh ride the party enjoyed a hot supper at the Har ry Clays. Covers were placed for sixteen, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Thiolsen were hosts Saturday night for a jolly in formal sleighing and coasting party. A delightful hot supper rounded out the evening's gayeties. Mr. and Mrs. Thiolsen 's guests n um bered twelve. Mr. and Mrs. John Barker were hosts for a pretty dinner party Friday even ing on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary. A bugo wedding cake and vases of fragrant pink and white carnations adorned the table. Covers were placed for thirty- two. Mr. and. Mrs. Barker were born and married in King's Lynn, England, and ' have been residents in Sulcm but seven years. Mrs. W. E. Anderson was hostess Fri diy afternoon to' the Indies of the Wo man's alliance of the Unitarian, church. A business session and the election of officers was followed by enjoyable social afternoon. Those elected were: Mrs. Clarence Hamilton, president; Mrs. Richard Cartwright, vice-president; Mrs. .1. V. Cot, second vice-president; Mrs. H. F. Carlton, secretary; and Mrs. Ethel Fletcher, treasurer. . . Miss Mary Sehultz, Salem's favorite young violinist, will go to Albany Thursday where she will appear in con cert, with Miss Ursula Dietrick, of New York. A number of voung people were en tertained recently by Miss Cecelia nnd James Mielke at their home on Four teenth street Cards and music formed tlio even ing's diversion. ' Liter a dainty collation was served to the following guests: Miss Anna Hinr., Miss Edna Meyers, Miss Bertha Proff, Misses Freda and Lilly Albers, Miss Emma, Eistow, Miss Hsttie Wen dlnw, Herbert Hoffman, Hubert Hini! and Kris Krofe. I I Mrs. R. F. Tischer is in Eugene as the guest of her daughter, Miss Mary, Tischer. I Mrs. Mark Skiff and Mrs. F. V, Harlan entertained the Ladies Mission Circle of the First Baptist church at the home of the former on Friday af ternoon. A delightful progrnmme was arrang ed for the afternoon by Mrs. W. F. Foster, "India" being one of the in foresting topics. The hostesses were assisted in the serving by Mrs. Etta Knceves and Mh-s. Lowell Tweednle. The 1917 cl.iR of tho Grant high school hold a hard times social Friday evening at the home of Air. and Mrs. K. McMillan, on 1005 North Commer cial atreot. A jolly feature of tho evening's di-! version was the fortuno tolling liv Miss Ellen Owen, who was garbed as gypsy mniden. Games also formed much amusement, followed by a dainty collation. 11 r - I Our General Stock Reducing: tt Next Saturday, For more than six weeks we have demonstrated the verity of a real sale. The people of Salem and vicinity have taken advan tage of it in a most confident spirit. To the few who have not, ' we wish to say that this is a splendid opportunity to prove the in tegrity of the store as well as the class and quality of goods sold. Remember, Men's and Women's Furnishings, Dry Goods, Cloth ing, Shoes everything in this vast stock, with the single excep tion of Rubber Footwear at Reductions of 1 0 to 20$ SPECIAL BARGAINS In Nearly Every High Grade Merchandise that thrifty people are picking up 20 to 50 Personal Those present besides tiio hosts were: Miss Ellen Owen, Miss Ruth Aspinwnll, Miss Grace Davis, Miss Hadclyn Owen, Miss Helen Star, Miss Leda Young, Miss Jessie (trendy, Miss Juno Mc Millan, Miss Ethel hisbow, Miss Vclta Marty, Miss Winifred Simmons, Miss Florenco Kleemmi, Mr. Wayne, Arthur and Eldon McMillan, William MeClnr en, Mr. Herbert McMillan, Lloyd Boot, Lawrence Thrapp, Glen Pervino, El mer Lundine, Willet McMillan, Wilbur Mormon, Guy Ellison, Virgil Starr, Douglas Harris, TJml Nicholson and Edward Sproed. A jolly crowd of young pcoplo form ed a sleighing party yesterday and drove to Mr. .ind Mrs. William Blake's country place, "Willow Lake," where a hot supper was served the guests by Mrs. Blake and the Misses Lillian and Florence Blake. Those participating in the affair were: Mis Alice Blake, Miss Rtibv Wilson, Misses Agnes and Florence mine, .Mr. M.uicime, Aeitn wmto una Henry Kadcliffe. Mr. and Mrs. Doty, of 20." South Commercial street, are receiving con gratulations upon the advent of a daughter, born January the fifteenth. The members of the Highland school Parent -Teachers association will hold a meeting on Wednesday ovcuing at the school building. During tho evening a musical pro gramme will be given and the "Tri Club" composed of a group of High land maids, will ghe a fancy drill. One of the most interesting features of the evening will be n talk bv Presi dent Carl G. Doney, of Willamette university. 3 PERSONALS Eobert Ferris, of Portland, is in the city, E. IT. Anderson, of Beuna Vista, is in the city. C. H. Evans went to East Independ ence this murning. Miss Cora Gilbert spend Sunday with friends in Silverton. J. B. Hunan, of Taeoma, is in the city transacting business. Dr. M. J. Butler is in the city on business, from Monmouth. Miss Lncile Fuller, of Portland, spent tho week-end with tho fumily of J. E. Scott. Mrs. S. C. Wall, formerly of the Need lecraft store, went to San Francisco yesterday to accept a position. Lark Bilyeu, a prominent attorney, and J. I. Matlock, former mayor, are ui me cny inony irom r.ugene. Sheriff William Esch left this morn ing for Reno, Nevada, on official busi ness, going by way uf Sacramento. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hulen, of Water loo, are here today to attend the fu neral of Mrs. Mary A. Ramp, tho moth er of Mrs. Hulen. Chas. II. Fisher will go to Eugene tonight to atteud the annual meeting of the board of regents of the univer sity, in that city tomorrow. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Days Druggists refund money if l'AZO OINTMENT fuila to cure Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles. First application gives relief. 60c. ' ''''tTtttttTtttT ALE (TYLOSES V Department there are Odds and Ends of Maifne& iOadh Jfifore t t - GIRL COULD HOT WORK How She Was Relieved from Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Taunton, Mass." I had pains in both sides and when my periods came I had to stay at home from work and suf fer a long time. One day a woman came to our house and a sk e d my mother why I was suffering. Mother told her that I suf fered every month and she said, ' Why don't you buy a bottle of Lydia E. i Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? ' My mother bought it and the next month I was so well that I worked all the month without staying at home to day. lam in good health now and have told lots of girls about it" Miss Clarice Mown, 22 Russell Street, Taunton, Mass. Thousands of girls suffer in silence every month rather than consult a phy sician. If girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, dragging-down sensations, fainting spells or indigestion would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, a safe and pure remedy made from roots and herbs, much suffering might be avoided. Write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) for free advice which will prove helpful. Commercial Club To Ask Council For Sewer i - A recommendation from tho Commer cial club regarding the sewer to be ex tended on Thirteenth street will be pre sented to the city council this evening. Tho communication recommends that a sower be constructed on Thirteenth street to extend to Twenty-fifth street to what is known as the slaughter house district. The distance is about one mile and a half ami the cost of construction estimated to be about $-1,000. Should this sewer bo constructed Steusloff Bros, agree to build an abat toir at a cost of uot less than $20,000. A modern abattoir would make Salem an independent market for hogs and cattle raised in the Willamette valley. Albany has just completed an abut ter at a cost of $10,500 and several oth er cities expect to build. An abattoir of the size proposed for Salem, would employ at nil times 10 skilled men. The recommendation will probably be refer red to the committee on sewers, Alder man Hudelson, Unruh nnd Millelt, and bo disposed of at another meeting. The communication is signed by A. Iluckes1 tein, 8. B. Elliott, C. M. Eppley, W. A. Marshall and Theodore Roth. BORN sfc jc )fc )(t jfc ifc jJc sc ifc jc )c )c jc sfc Jj( sjt REIDY To Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Reidy, at. the Salem Hospital, Monday, Jan uary 17, 1910, a girl. Try Capital Journal Want Ads. I if 35V 1 January 22 nd MnttutimtHm BY KINGOF SWEDEN At Opening of Parliament To day Swedish King Attacks British Policy Stockholm, Jan. 17. In a speech from the throne at the opening nf par liament today, King Gustav delivered what many regarded as a warning to England agninBt further acts against Swedish commerce. Tho king called attention to the al leged "usurpation of power" by the belligerents. While he did not detail any of the usurpations, the remark was regarded as significant in view of re ports that England is about to blockade Germany and cut off the trade between Germany nnd Sweden. "Belligerents," he said, "have neg lected in an ever increasing decree the written international laws for the pro tection for neutrals and for limiting violence in war. Sweden more than once has been obliged t' intervene against the attempts to put her indus trial and commercial life under the usurped control of another power." His announcement was greeted with cheers. C. P. Stewart, t'nited Frefs staff cor respondent, recently declared that Sweden would join Germany if she were convinced that the allies might otherwiso win. Woodhurn Merchants Have Clearing House The Woodburn merchants have org anized an association to be known as tho Woodburn Produce Clearing House and today was the first day it was ready for business. The association is composed only of Woodburn merchants. The object is first to furnish a market in small quan tities for produce of the farm, and sec ond, to secure for Woodburn its share of tho community business. An egg clo has also been organized. At first tho association will sell hogs, veal, beef, poultry nnd eggs for the farmers, but Inter expects to so extend its operations whereby a farmer may secure a full market price for anything ha may bring to town. DIED SIEWERT At his home, 2000 Ferry street, Sunday, January It!, 1910, D. A Siewert, at the age of 67 years. Besides his invalid wire, he is sur vived by the following sons and daugh ters: Rev. S. A. Siewert, Denver, Col.; Hulda L. Siewert, Portland; Albert A. Siewert, Salem;, Mrs. L. II. Kckultz,. Portland; E. C. Meirert, Los Angeles; Dr. A. D. Siowerr, Pasadena, Cal.; F. J. Siewert, Dallas; Mrs. D. E. Cooper, Sa lem; Lena M. Siewert, Salem. Funeral services will be held at the ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL MALTED MILK Cheap substitutes Cost YOU same price. Broken Lines of at Reductions of by Doctor's Say He Is Not Insane, But Is Undoubtedly a Degenerate Sacramento, Cal., Ju. 17. To permit further investigation of tho eases of Charles Oxnum and Glenn Witt, young men who were sentenced to bo hanged next Friday, Uovemor Johnson today granted them reprieves. No date was set for tho termination of tho re prieves Oxnum and Witt were sentenced to death I'or the murder of William Alex ander, a wealthy Lou Anwles man. The prison hoard recommended clemency saying Oxnam has the mentality of a child of S and that Witt, a boy, was pulled into tho plot by Oxnum. The governor requested Dr. F. W. Hatch, superintendent of tho state lunacy commission and four other phy sicians to examine Oxnum anil follow ing their report tho reprieves were granted. In ordering the investigation the governor mado this statement: "What I am seeking is to nsccrtain whether Oxnam is in such a mental condition as renders liim responsible to the law. I do not wish to draw linn spun distinctions of intellectual inca pacity, nor theoietically to determine the difference that may exist between the normal or abnormal or subnormal; but broadly, should Oxnum suffer the penalty of his crimo, or should the hu mane rule of the law that those men tally irresponsible shall not bo exe cuted require me in this case to com mute tho sentence ."' Dr. Hatch in his report said: "While we are agreed that Oxnam was not in sane at tho time of the crime wo be lieve that he hnd not reached that period of mental development that would enable him to feci tho differ ence between right and wrong as to the act and bo guided by it. Oxnam, 's fatiier, a minister, was undoubtedly a degenerate and transmitted to his son an inferiority of mind that has crippled him in his struggle for existence." The doctors, recommend commutation of sentence. The governor made no statement to day concerning tho cases of Kito liar gas and Vng Sing, who are sentenced to be hanged r'riday at Folsoni. home Wednesday murning at ll):,'10 o'clock, with burial in the Lee Mission cemetery, in the family plot. D. A. Siewert was born in Oeruiany, May 22, 1S4!), coming to this country at the age of li. He was married at Wau kesha, Wis., in 187.'!, to Curolinn Otto. They came to this country in 1S77, lo cating four miles south, of ISalem where they lived until ubout five years ago, when the family moved to rjulem. PETERSON' At hia homo nt Hayes ville, John Peterson, .Sunday, January Id, lUltf, at the age of Hi Funeral services will be held Tues day afternoon from tho home, with bur ial in the Hayesvillo cemetery. RICHARDSON In the city, Sat unlay. January 15, 10 Hi, J. O. Richardson, at the age of 83. The body was shipped to Eugeno for burial. WU CHTNG At his homo on Ferry street, between High and Liberty, Saturday, January 15, HUti, Wu Ching. The body is at Webb & dough's, where servicer, will be held tomorrow afternoon. Burial will be in the Odd Fellows' cemetery. GERVAINEWS Miss Helen Karhu, a professional nurse from Salon;, who was called last week to the iioine of Henry Seguin, left Monday for Salem. Mrs. Leroy Armstrong is quite, ill at her homo at th'i Depot hotel. Her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Crawford, of Al bany, was sent for Monday. It is reported that voung Frank Mil ler, formerly of (lervais, is seriously ill at his homo in Independence. Mrs. John Schoen and little daugh ter Mildred, of Turner, is visiting at the home of her father, Jos. Meeker. Henry Seguin 's fumily are nil con valescing, but Mrs. Scguiu'a mother, Mrs. Dennis Manning who was helping fnke care of sick, is now down herself. Miss Helen Karhu returned from Sa lem Mondav nij-ht to nurso Mrs. Tiu mal and alter Mrs. Foumal's death went immediately to nurso Mrs. L. Armstrong, Mrs, Ray Fetarson, who has beeu vis iting nt the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Adolph Coffin for the pnst week and who has .lust returned from the Sin Francisco fair aud other points of in terest in California, left for Portland Sunday evening where she will visit relatives and friends before returning to her nonie m Spokane. Jlrs. Pear son is a cousin to Mrs. floffin. Tho Catholic Order of Foresters met Sunday January U to install their of ficer for the ensuing year with A. V. Hremllove, state chief ranger, of Port land, acting ns installing officer, the following ot fleers being installed: Chief Ranger, George Scbeedler; V. C. R., Ralph Barnes; 1. O. !., H. E. Nib ler: R. S., Fred Schindler; F. S Frank Adlemanj Treasurer, Leo. Baumnn; Saker, Frank Nibler; Trustees, J. Adleman, iFrank Prnntl and O. Neir- inek; Con., Henry Filer and Simon Barnes: Sen., Francis Nibler and Law reuo Weiss. Star. AURORANEWS Mrs. Xora Rice, nf Taeoma, is here to visit her sister, Mrs.' Fred Buciert, for i few week a Mr. ni Mrs. Louis Keil and mm Leo wem in the city Tuesday from Union Hill. Mrs. Vora Blosser and Mrs. O. L. Churchill csme up from Barlow Satur day to spend the day at the home of Mrs. Bloiwr's parents. Among tuns transacting business here Saturday were ( his. Nobblitt, of Veedr; 1. 1L Dawson, of Donald; and Jotu Winiager, of Mucksburg. J. C. Herman, of Antclop, Oregon, Shipley s . . .. m , January Sf Clearance CHOICE NEW MERCHANDISE AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW PRICES Clearance Prices on Every Item in Women's. Misses and Children's Ready to Wear Garments Dressmakers' Supplies, White Goods, Richardson's Linens, Stationery, Leather Goods, Hosiery, Under wear, Undermuslins, Sweaters, Novelty Neckwear, Ribbons, Umbrellas, Bedding, Blankets, Lace Curtains EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES ON SUITS, COATS, RAIN COATS, DRESSES, WAISTS, CHILDREN'S COATs Pictorial Review Patterns U. G. Shipley Co. 145-147 North Libert)' St was visiting his mother, Mrs. Ben Woi for, and friends, at Needy, the past week. Ho rerorts tho weather in East ern Oregon very cold. It is "reported that several ears of onions have been sol i the pust -10 days at 61.50 per hundred. Practically all of the oniou crop- is sold by thu Confed erated. Onion Growers' nssocit tion, which iias its headquarters in Portland. Henry Mills was hero Monday, haul ing gravel for concrete work nt his homo north of town. The new build ings on his place next to tho Arnold placo will soon bo completed and ready for occupancy. Mrs. O. G. Morris was pleasantly sur prised by a number of friends, who walked in upon her unawares. Tho evening was spent at cards, the honors going to Mrs. Henry L. Bents, with the consolation to Mrs. G. A. P.hlen. Re freshments wero served. Those present wero Mosdnmes Higginbothan, Cribble Bauer. 1 L. Miller, S. A. Miller, Blos- ser, Hickok, Pierce, Sadler, Ottoway, Wescott, Bents, (5. A. Ehlen, Schemer, Carpenter; and Misses Lieta and Vol ma Bents and Kdith Karr, Mr. ud Mrs. Morris, Helena Morris, J. ('. McCourry, F. G. Peter, and Dr. E. R. Starko. The affair was in honor of the tenth anni versary of tho marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Morris. The total number of mill tax to be paid by those living within the boun daries of Aurora is 22 mills, distributed as follows: State and county tax UKi mills, cit.v tax 5 mills, school tax 2',-j mills. This means that tho people of this city will pay in taxes to city, school district, county and state the sum of $4154.70. 'Of this sum the city will get $944.25, the school district $472.12, the county and state together $11733.22. This seems a big sum for a little town. But governments of many sorts cost much moneys fur more it would appear that this is justified by the benefit received. In addition to tho above sums we all pay various indi- !r,t tan :ii,'h heln til niilke ml the income of tho United Stutes. Observ er. WILLAMETTE NOTES Bishop Cooko oecupied the platform at chapel this morning ami spoke to the students n "Shams1 The first low minutes of his time he used in demon strating tho usual method of a speaker w':o attempts to speak to an audience of students, then when ho noticed that they were growing tired of that system he started but and delivered one of the most, interesting talks that has been heard from the chapel platform this year. 'Shams, said he, arc found in linos of education, tho ministry, business uiiit everv form of activity; nnd they keep the world from progressing as It mijlit. Pon't lot too many artificiali ties creep into your life. Be real, its the easiest thing in the world. A man is known by the output of his spirit, that which radiates from his actions. Some are destined to an evil life be cause of the environment produced by those proceeding them. A man cannot bo different from tho nature he is de veloping. Develop character while you are in school and becomo either n rent man or a false one, according to the na ture of the diameter you hnvo develop ed. West Point Military academy has tiiroo ideals for theid graduates. They are: Thou shalt rot lie; thou shalt not steal; thou shalt not bo afraid." Everv man makes a rulstaKe iluring his life, but if he does his best to repair that is alright, but the man who de termines to make a mistake is a fool. The universe will not stand for a sham, uor will nature tolorato a Me. The senior bsketbnll team will play the sopuomore team this afternoon at 4:30 p. m. Lust Monday the seniors should bent tho sophomores in today's game. Eucli of the college classes have a class basketball team and are trying for the championship of the tourna ment which is now on. Floyd Webb, a freshman, spent the week end at Amity, and as uo did not return until late today, a number of the Commoners erected a snow image and placed above it a fitting cpiratb, as they had supposed him lost in the snow. His appearance at the club again was caustt lor rejoicing, and the Common ern ar oneo more happy. The snow oa Fsirmonnt hill has been the delight of many if tho university students for tho rast few days and sev eral crowds hr been out wit coast ing bobs enjoying the pleasurable thrills of eoasttag. As one of the girls, who thought it was simply immense, Klid, "1 just had time catrh my Sale Salem, Oregon CITY NEWS Tlie annual meeting or the Unitarian congregation will be hold Tuesday ov ening at the church, at 7:;I0 o'clock. All members and friends of the church are invited to be present as important business will eomo before the meetiujj. Dr. George II. Bennett will deliver an address in the chapel of Kimball college Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Ho will speak ou "The Incarnation." Dr. Bennett is a forceful speaker and a keen thinker. The public is invited. "The Oregon Citator," a publication for lawyers, has been superceded by "Tho Lawyers' Oregon Citator," which 1m been enmniti'd bv a 110W editorial j force in charge of Morton R. DeLong, formerly of Salem, well known in state uouso circles. Tho Men's Liberal club wlU meet Wednesday evening at the Unitarian chur.h. Messrs. Fherson and Huston will bo tho speukers of the evening, discussing rural credits. All men anil especially those belonging to tho grange are invbitcd to the mooting. The school children of Portland have agreed to write 20,000 letters this week, according to reports coming this way from the city of the north. Salem is getting right in line, as tho students of tho senior high school are ulready writing, and tomorrow the pupils of the three junior high schools will get busy Many of the children will write ten or more lettots, either from the forms fur nished or of their own manufacture. Tho state parole boaord is meeting to il ivy to consider a number of eases of prisouers at the stute pen whose mini mum sentence has expired. All prison ers who have served their minimum sentence have their cases considered by the parole bourd automatically wheth er or not the merits of the cuse preclude a parole. Perhaps no man In the city la better qualified to speak on tho subject of the moral training for buys thnu Vupeiin- Itendent O. M. Elliott. And for this reason his talk tomorrow evening be- foro tho Six O 'cluck club at the First Methodist church will attract more then usual attention as the subject is one in which the parents of the city nre vital ly interested. Since a couple of tho Commercial club chess players defeated Champion dorniau last week, those of the club who are supposed to bo in line for champion ship honors have been looking for some real players. The Salem Chess and Checker club has a tew members who also fared pretty well in gauies with the champion. Hence, there was but ono thing to do, and that was for the cham pions of the Commercial elub to chal lenge tho best players of tho Salem Chess and Checker club for a series of games. These games will begin Mon day, January 24. breath, and thou we were tit the bot tom of tho hill." A speedometer would record some fast traveling could it be attached to one of the flying bobs. Mr. E. T. Barnes gavo a number of tho university students a fast ride one div lust. week. T'ney "hookio bobbed" behind his automobile nnd then for sev eral hours he took them nbont town, up one street aud down another. Mr. B. C. Davidson, of Koiinett, Ida ' o, was visiting in Salem for the week cud. He shipped a carload of live stock to t'orrhiud and while there decided to .(.mo down and see several of tho Wil lamette boys who are from Euimett. While here he was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John Oary. ' Mew Today Ads, one cent per word. j ' Phone 67 tor your fresh ; ; RoastcJ Coffee, Tea, Cocoa and Chocolate! :: Wm. CAHLSDORF