Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 15, 1916, Page NINE, Image 9

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Advertising Page i
NASCE O'NEIL TALKS OF screen iust .is it is possible upon t'.ie
HER PHOTOPLAY WORK speaking stage. This wonderful new
art lor it is new njie:iU to nip with
Nance O'N'oil, slip of the vital per singular power. It appeals fur this
nounlitv ami compelling iiugnetisiu, ii ri'iison: That dramatic artists now
a notable r.M n.it to the motion picture ! lm" " 1",(,,lim of expression different
, ,., , tl 1 . i mill tar bro.ulor than the so-called lo
sing.-, mill like dozens of other (-ro.it Kjtjlnn,,. BtaKi'. o intensely do I lire
a- well known ilrnnmtii- stars slip ling every monipiit that I work for 1 ho
chosen to outer the pliotodrninnlie tield m-i-pi'-ii Hint it became a saying in the
iiinler tli t- liniiner of William Pox. ; William Fox stndios that ' Xnneo O'-
The new vehii'le in wliie'.i Miss ()'- lias lost hpr voiec playing for the
Neil is seen under the Williaia l-'nx jiictii !. ' Seriously snonkiiif. though, ''
iMiiiugi-mt-nt anil which is more power-1 ,.0ntiiiiieil Miss O'.Vpil. "I think I may
fill nail thrilliiigly draiu.itic than even lay pl.iim to being thp first actress, to
other successes, Kreuter E-onntn, I'rin-, discover thnt Sincerity is tiie most im-o.-ss
Koinniioff, etc., is proiluepil bv.i oit.ant thing u)oti t'hp serpen just as
Frank Powell aint has hpen nanieil "Ait is in real life nail upon the' stage.
Woman's fast. 1 ' In discussing her The serpen, however, is -quicker to de
li rf rei-ently Miss O'Xeil said: Meet hvprocisv ami what I ninv term,
"I lielieve it is possible to make ; fur want of'a better word, 'faking,'
people feel nail suffer with you on tlioithau is the speaking stage."
. and
.'.4 iLri" f
In a 5-act Metro Wonder
At the only, house iu town
that does not raise prices.
Ye Liberty Theatre
fterman Kuenzi shlppi'd a registered
Ilolstein bull to Samuel Inthurn, Tip
moiiton, ( tali, .Inminry 4. nnd received
word buck Monday that the animal ar
rived in good shape und that Mr. Jin-
thurii was highly pleased with Ins pur
Herman' has some fine stock
and is working nil the time to bring his
herd to the highest standard of thor
oughbreds. This makes the fifth soil
of rpgistpred bulls tlmt Mr. Kuenzi hns
made during tW past three months.
Kilverton Appeal.
1 if
I f ; if'
s . . . -
The World's Peerless Empress of Stirring Emotion
Nance O'Neil
In a Screen Drama of Blazing Power
A Woman's Past
The Astor Cup Race
One Reel of Thrills and Excitement
Cox Family
High Grade Vaudeville Artists
An Entirely New Act
Grand Theatre
Continuous Performance Sunday
Admission for This Great Show
Matinee 5c-10c Evening 10c and 15c
Assisted by Senator Nelson
He Will Oppose
. Appropriations
Washington. .Inn. 11. "I'm-le Joe"
Cannon and Senator Nelson, of Minne
apolis, are leading a fight against ap
propriations necessary to the continu
ation of this year's work on the gov
ernment Alaska railroad. They intend
to right not only the regulnr l.0OU,0UO
appropriation but the- emergency ap
propriation of loss than $1,UOO,UOO as
They have affidavits alleging that
faults h.ue nlrendy -occurred nl the
work and that, too, there are mistakes
in the selected route.
Notwithstanding the opposition of
the two repnblicun wariiorses, friends
ot the enterprise said today that they
have reason to feel sure that congress
will authorize the emergency fund by
February. They declare th.it the em
ergency appropriation is necessary be
cause the work is progressing more rap
idly than had been expected.
The .",OWt,0(t() first installment out
of a total of ;iri,0U0,OU0 was intended
to cover work up to Jul v. But, because
of favorable weather, Secret.iry of the
Interior Lnuo said, this portion has nl-i-eiidv
been completed. Now the gov-
eminent desires to go ahead. Lane's
information from the house appropria
tions committee is that the liouse will
not delav mutters,
d-'riends of the project siy that its
enemies prepared the Cannon-Nelson
J aftidavits to serve selfish interests mil
me jioiuiiiK ii j t o- one years ai,roirm-
I ions miglit wreck the whole plan.
While Cumioii nml Nelson nave not
yet taken their fight into thp open, it
is known that they are in charge of the
miiteri.ilH gathered by opponents of the
ra il road,
The Woodburu l'roduep Clearing
House association was recently I orm
ed and will buy eggs, poultry, dressed
hugs and veal, and Inter expects to
purchase iinything for which there is a
I,11'" following officers were elected:
I L- M""r. president; A. K. Austin,
vice-president; (loorge A. I.andon, see-
San Francisco, Jan. 15. Covered
with snow mid lit horns late the Over
land - Limited pulled into the Oakland
mole at 11 a, in. today, with eight oth
er transcontinental trains strung out
behind it, iluo to arrive ut intervals of
4.1 minutes. '
Ono track of the double track lino
between Sparks, Nevada and Sncra
niento was clpare-l of snow today. East
of the Sierras, the rails are still blank
eted with snow and traffic, is demoral
ized. Local Southern Pacific officials
stated that all delayed passenger trains
have been released. They expect that,
the other track west of the mountains
will be cleared in. a short time. All
available snow plows with gangs of
men are working incessantly.
Four trainloails of freight, dun to
move this morning are being held up
between Sacramento and Sparks, but
will be released tonight. The freight,
trains are being held at Lovelock and
Sp.uks, Nevada and Mindon and Truck
ee, California.
All Sacramento valley rail lines arc
in good condition today, officials of
the Southern Pacific stated, except thp
Sterling branch. An engine was de
railed .it the Sterling yards, and an
other eniriho sent to relievo it, also
went off the tracks.
Cold Wave Intense.
Chicago, Jan. 15 A cold wave, more
bit tor than the below zero weather' of
several days past, is destined to strike
the iniddtewest, tomorrow, llip wpjrlhor
Transcontinental Travel
Badly Delayed by Winter
bureau said todav. Light snows werosnent Monday with father Maker, of
predicted from the
Hockics to tiio
(ire.it Lakes.
A3toria Water Famine. '
Astorin, Or., Jan. 15; Feu ring a
water famine, citv authorities todav Is
sued, nn order prohibiting water-users
from leaving the faucets open to pre
vent pipes freezing.. So ninny people
left their f. meets .open that the water
supply iu the reservoirs was seriously
Coldest In Oregon.
Bend, Or., Jan. Jtend was fie
coldest spot in Oregon today with ther
mometers registering ten degrees be
low zero.
rotary and 'treasurer; V. II. Broyles,
H. M. Austin and E. J. Kilen, board of
The association has leased thp. large
and. well-equipped building of the
Farmers' Produce company and secured
the. services of Mr. Frank Sims, former
ly with the Farmers' Produce compuny
as manager. All shipments of produce
from this city by tho merchants will
pnss through the clearing house. The
doors will be open nnd Tendy for busi
ness Monday morning, January 17.
Objects of the Association.
There has been a long felt want for
nn .institution of this chniactpr to co
operate with the producers of this sec
tion. The house .will not be conduct
cd. for profit, but ' simnlv used as s
means of helping (he producer to re
alize the highest prices' for tho produce
no mis ro sen. iiuiepenilent.
The jury in tho case of Julia I. Nnsh
against B. M. Uiniick returned a verdict
for the plaintiff last night In depart
meat No. 1 of the circuit court. Tho
jury found further that the pluintiff,
Julia I. Nnsh, is tho owner and is en
titled to the immediate possession of
tne federal auto truck in, question
which was valued by tho fury at 1.(11'
and she was given ifraiO damages, by
rensftn of the .withholding of the prop
erty from her- possession. The verdict
was Signed by N; H. Doty, H. P. Cleve
land, CI, E. Beringor, Hy Richardson, S.
C. Hickard, O. L. Mcl'eek, J. 1), Craig.
C. A. Yergen, F. Ui Decknbach and C,
V; Armstrong. ',
C. O. Bates, of Turm-r, was appointed
by thu county court today as road su
pervisor of road district No. 20. There
tire still several other vacancies to In
filled by the county court.
I A mnrriage license was Issued today
i at the office of the county clerk to Karl
W. Strickland, a Salem fitter, and Esth
er F Ferrell, a Salem clerk.
A suit hns been filed In the circuit
court by Karl Smith by W. If. Smith,
his guardian ad litem, iiguinst F. L.
Kuppiihiihii nnd Arthur llenges, ns the
Capital (larngp company. The plaintiff
alleges that ho rude from Salem to
Prntiim November 27, 1015, in nn nutii
of tho defendants engaged in the pus -
senger business. He further alleges that
the auto upset nnd tlirew Hun out hurt-
lug his Knee for wim-n lie asks damages
in ino sum ut 9o. ror oeing unaiue
to work for three weeks he isks dam-
ages in the sum of $3(1 and the sum of
; $0.50 for hospital bills. Carson ft
j Brown are attorneys for the plaintiff.
The case of ('. G. Burton and Genie
Burton against Thsd F. Lukens went to
the jury this afternoon after (lie argu
ments by the attorney. W, 0. Winslow
and John McNury wero heard. This f ase
was on in the circuit court yesterday
but was continued for argument this
imorning while. Judge Kelly held a ses
' sion to hear motions, demurrers, nnd
to transact other court business.
l Ella Hwobodii and .Tiimes Swnbodn
j were arraigned lief ure- Judge Kelly this
afternoon and entered pleas of not guil-
tv to a rhnrge of assault preferred by
Olive Sklpton, matron of the dining
i room at Clicmawn.
A mnrriuge license was Issued by the
county clerk today to John P. Hemp-
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Wooiiburn, Ore., Jan. 13. Mrs. Wm
M. gray, of Oswego, spent last week
visiting friends here.
Conrad Moore, of Portland, was tin
week-end guest of Mr.' and Mrs. Geo.
Mrs. Rider and M rs. Jerctt, of Oregon
City, visited friends here the first oi
tho week, '
Mr. nnd Mes. W. D. Hayes have re
turned. to their home at Estaenda aftel
a short visit with tha lattor's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. lionney.
John Mctficl, of Aurora, wns in tht
citv the first of the week. ., ''
Cyrillis Crosbjj of Portlamt!nis 'visit
ing ut the home of his parents, Mr. ai
Mrs. A " '"nsh-
Loti Kobbins, of The Dalles, visited
Woodburn a few days last week. He
was en route to points iu California.
F. B. Miller was a Portlund caller
Miss Sarah Boynton, of Brownsville,
has bpen at the home of her sister,
Mrs. N. Boynton, during the illness and
death of the bitter
W. Smith, of Medford .visited friends
in Woodluirn this week. '
Mrs. L. H, Mochel anil children, of
(Jervnis, visited at thp home of her pa
rents, Mr. nnd Mrs. .3. II. McKinaey,
last week.
Misses Elizabeth nnd Sophia Fikay
returned to their work at Pendleton af
ter three weeks' visit with their pa
rents here.
Mrs. Oeo. Bonney' visited friends in
Gervnis MoiuTav.'-
Mr. and Mrs, O.'Bimick, of Fort Stev
ens, are guests of the former's mother,
Mrs.-Sndio D'nuick.
Misses Beckie and Mildred Branigar
hnvo returned from a month's visit nt
Newport. , i
Miss Ida Nehl, who lias been visit
ing friends in Portland, returned home
Thursday. ' -
Krv. Joseph OTJeil, of Hillsboro,
Mr. and Afrs. T. Odekirk, of Portland,
were iruests of Jos. Puliois, .Sunday
.Mrs. O. U. welter wus a rortianu
visitor Wednesday.
J. J. Stungcl attended the meeting of
the North Pacific Loganberry Juice
Manufacturers' association in Portland
Si-tli Beebe returned to his position
at McKeunn, '"Wash., after 'spending the
holidays with his parents. .
Miss Clara Miller, who has been visit
ing at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. E.
Odekirk, returned home tho first of the
Mrs. (. B. Kidwell and daughter, Lot.-,
tie, of Clarkston, Wash., were the
wevk-end guests of Mrs. Sara Shanks.
Mr. Urban Kirk and Miss Annazeta
MeCormick were united in marriage nt
the St. Lukes church Wednesday at
i::t() o'clock. Miss Carrie MeCormick,
sister of the bride, acted as brides
maid, and Mr. Albert McKay, cousin of
the groom, acted as best man. Miss
MeCormick looked very charming in a
blue traveling suit jind sho wore a
corsage bouquet of white carnations.
After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs.
Kirk will be at home to their friends
nt St. Paul, whero a heautitul new
bungalow completely furnished, awaits
their arrival.
Mrs. Mary A. Boynton died nt her
home in this city January 11, at the
ace of 9.1 veurs. She is survived by two
sons and two daughters, K. L. Boynton
of Creswellj Ore.; C. T. Boynton, of
Vale, Ore.; Mrs. Bessie Pope,joy, of
Ridgefield, Wash., nnd Miss Lida
Boynton, of Woodburn. Interment was
at Rock Creek, where linr husband is
sey, a grocer of Portland, and Lenorn
Petit of this city.
A default judgment was taken today
in the caso of Bert limerick ngninst
Minnie Fariilmm in the sum of $50.50
with interest and $20 attorney's fees.
Lot (I block 11 J. Meyers addition to
Snlem has been attached in connection
with tho controversy.
It AMP Mrs. .Mary A. Rwnp, an Oregon
pioneer of 1H53, died at 5 o'cli,
this morning at her home, corner of
Capital and Marion streets, at the age
of S(i years. She hns been a resident
of Salem since 1K78.
Funeral services will be held from the
homo Monday morning at 10 o'clock,
the Rev. H. D. Tat man officiating. In
terment will bo in the Odd Fellows',
She is survived by ono son, B. F.
Hnmp of Brooks, nnd two daughters,
Mrs. Eminii Stnrgis of Wrens, Ore., and
Mrs. F. ,. Hulin, of Wuterloo, Ore. Shi
was tho grandmother of 21 children mid
the great grandmother of 28.
Mrs. -Mary A. Hump was ' born in
Oalesburg, Illinois, NO years ugo, nnd
was married in that city. Coining to
Oregon with her hiisbund iu 1853, they
settled on Howell's Prairie where they
lived three years, moving to Brooks
in 1850. Hero they lived until I87M
when they moved to Hnlein. Mr. Hum
jdj,.,! i 'years ago. For the past Ut
..,,,.,, rw Hamp hns been confined to
)l(,r )lf,mli ,M, i ,t teen in fniling
1(in,h llllti Bt)llt two Wt,,,,H -,lgu.
FLAKIC At his home, 570 South Sev
enteenth street, Friday, January 14,
101(1, James M, Fluke, at the age of
72 years and 1 1 months..
Funeral services will be. heM from
the parlors of Rigdon & Hichaidson
Monday ut 1:30 o'clock, with burial in
City View cemetery. lie is survived by
a ife, five sons and three daughters.
The sons are J, (1., V. A., M. C. Mini K.
B. Flake, nil of Snlem, and (h W. Flake
of Alliertu. Tho daughters nre Mrs.
Elmer Dune of Sulem, Mrs. J. 11. Whit
comb of Cuthlamet, Wash., and Mrs.
Lester Mars, of Seattle.
SOLOF To Mr. and Mrs. Mux Solof.
414 North Commercial street, January
13, 1010, a son.
. MiUing.whent is. quoted toihiy locally,
at So cents. While this is nut, quite up
to proportion to the l'ortland market,
millers say that the valley wheat is not
up to milling standard, and would not
he so accepted if shipped to Portland.
'.Farmers are buying wheat to- plunt
sad find they are obliged to pay -on
advanced price of clean milling wheat,
with no vetch.
Onions are now worth $2. Outs are
up two ceuts.
The advance nt the mills of 20 cents
a barrel for flour has brought up thej
retail price fjve cents u sack. j
V Grains.,
Hay, timothy, per ton, ........... tU.OOl
Oats, vetch ;.'...', :$ tO.OOfTt 1 1.00
Cheat.,, :.. $10.00 J
Clover hay $10.00(7; 11.00 1
Wheat i...... hoc
Oats ........... r...... 37c
Rolled barley '. . . $32.00 '
Corn V ..;....'.... $40.00
Cracked corn $41,50
Bran $25.00
Shorts, per ton $27.00
Butter. '' . '
Butterftrt :32c
Creamery butter, per pound .'. . ... . . 3-lc
Country '"butter ... .-. . v , 20(2 25c
Eggs ana Poultry.- .
EggsV'eandlcr; Ko. 3, cast ;..'.,... I S2c
f'Kgfr oase eount, .cash .' . . . 30c
Fires, trado -. .,...'.'.,... i :-. . . ,32c
El-cs. storasre . i . .,:, .;....'. ,,i.-Zte'
Hens, found i ..'.", .'.'. ; .1. .'. . . 13 42c
Boosters, old, pOrpoulid,.,'. . . : 7c
Sprfug chickens, pojind .',J3 J-2c
Pork, Veal and Mutton,
Veal, dressed . .,.,.......
I 'or H-, ufesseu . . . .,, :
Pork,', on foot ... i . .
Spring lambs . . . . ;
(i rifi0 l,-2c
.-. 'ic
...5 1-2(5. 0c
4 5c
3 l-2c
Wethers ...........
Cabbage $1.75 (fi- $2.2o
Tomatoes, Calif orniu $1.75(a2.00
String garlic 15c
Potatoes, cwt .- $1.25
Brussels spiouts 10c
Sweet potatoes $3.00
Beets $1-00
Carrots $1.00
Turnins '. '. $1.00
Celery, crate $4.50
Celery, dozen 40(fl80c
Onion's $2.00
California head lettuce, caso .... $2.50
Green beans 12 l-2c
Oranges, Navels ..; $2.25(o3.25
Tangerines oranges $1-75
Lomons, per box $4.25(u4.75
Bananas, pound S l-4e
California grape fruit $5.00(6.00
Dates, dromedary, case $3.35
Fard dates $1"0
O rapes, barrels $100
Cranberries $12.00
Pineapples 1 l-2c
Honey $3.50
Retail Prices.
Eo-e-s. nor dozen, fresh ranch 35c.
Sugnr, cane $6.80
Rugur, D. G $6.0
Creamery butter ..- 40c
Flour, hard wheat $1.50(r.K5
Flour, valley $1.40i 1.00
Portlund, Ore., Jan. 15. Wheat:
Club, $1.02 l-2(i? 1.03.
Hliiestem, $1.07(51.10.
Fortvfold, $1.0 1(7 1.07.
Russian red, 08c(iJ$l.01.
Outs: .No, 1 white feed, $2fi.2.r)(S 27.00.
Hurley: Feed, $2(1.50(0 28.25.
Hogs: Best live, $0.00.
Prime steers, $7.fi0(T; 7.00.
Fancy cows, $ll.00$7 (1.25.
Calves, $7.00(7; 8.00. '
Spring tombs, $8.00f7 A.!!!. '
Butter: City creamery, 31c,
Egg's: Selected local ex., 35c.
Hons, M(fi Kic. -
Broilers, 1 IfinOV. .
(lease, D(f' 10e. . , , .
11 Cents Reported Paid for
Hops of Extra Good Quality
Portland. Or.. Jon. j.". Siniill trad
iug continues in (lie Imp market with
sales reported from 7 to II cents a
pound. The extreme figure wns paid
fur u siHiciul in. ler culling tor some
thing extra select in quality ami was to
I ill a sale niiHle Jor u good si.eil liloi-l.
siiine tinle ago. , ,
The lieii"ou lot, comprising it clir
load, Was reported sold during tile last
21 hours nt. 8 .1-1 i-ents net to die grow
er. Several otiier small lots weni lilno
I ikeu iu Min ion county.
A report was current in Portland nni
was given goiiernl credence that cer
tain 'Salem interests were negotiating
with the Oregon Mop (1 rowers' nssod
I ntmn lor In
liir blocks of'hoi.s on consign
meilt. Thi report could not ho Con
finned and .no mention of it was made
by Ih-esi.leut ( lurk of the organization
during his visit, to the virions hop of
J'icos iu l'ortland Weiliicsilay..
Wolf Hop coiupHiiy is reiHirlc.1 nii op
erntor for some etlrii good quality and
Louis' l.irihmiilid, of Salem, wus also
given credit for some recent- deals lit
onlaliliKlicd iioot at ions.
It developed late, in the dry that the
Mclivey Hop company of this city was
the piirnmm-r oi li iienson lot ot .-l.
bales at Silverton at N 3 4 cents,
T. A. Livesley purchased the ( lesr
mice .Miller lot of 47 bales in the An
linn section at I I cents a miiiihI.
DB.,0. L. PCOTT Qrsduats of Chiro-
rractlo'l Fountain Head, Davenport,
ow. If you have tried everything
and have got no relief, try Cliiropmo
tie spinal adjustments and get 'well.
Office 400-7-8 U. 8. National Bank
Building. Phons Main 87. Residence
Main 828-R.
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1104
Salem Mteam Laundry, 130 South Liberty Msii If
T. M. Burr, 161 South Commercial Street Main 111
Bigdon-Richardson Co., 251 North High street Day and night, Main 1M
Salem Truck & Dray Co., corner State and Front streets Main 74
Beaver State Printers, Patton Block 1111
and double, to let out for its feed: proprietor. Garbage and refuse of all
during winter, to the right party.! kinds removed on monthly contracts
Call xt 'M0 Trade street. Janl8 at reasonable rates. Yards and cess-
- pools cleaned. Office phone Main
WHEN IN SALEM Stop at too Cap- 22-l7. Residence Main 2272.
ital hotel, niceiy furnished rooms,
all modern. P. W. Borneman, cornet UNDERTAKERS
State and Commercial Btrcot. Phone ....- -v
630. Salem, Oregon. JanlO LEHMAN CI.OTJGH-C. B. Webb, A.
nnon rwn Frrt-TTT'RF Hr,,,(rl,t i Ml cl"u8h morticians and funeral di
GOOD LSED FIRMTLRE-Bought rector Latest modcrn methods
and also taken th exenange. lull known t th profe88ion employed,
hue 'new furniture ranges, heaters U5 c Main 120; Main 988.
and other house fui-nishinga. Some :
wulnnf pieces. Peetz Furniture Co., RIGDON-RICHARDSON CO. Funcr
233 North Commercial street. I'hone ttl directors and undertakers, 232
681. tf North High street, Day and night
- phone 183.
. LODGE DIRECTORY . -- - - -
II. O. 0. -W. Protection Lodge- No. 2. - " wmTF Vnd R W WAT
Meets every Monduy evening at 8 D5B' En f ,f- 1
in the MeCornack hill, corne? Court T0N - -Wl 1? M,
and Liberty streets, R. O. Donaldson, ? h. ft 'V-ftfnr
. M. W.; S. A. McFaddon, recorder; lean rhool of Osteopathy, K.rksv lie,
- A T ilrnw-n vim.ncinr -" Mo. Post graduate and specialized in
A. L. Hrown, rmanc.er. ... . nerye Log coUege
CENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P.- Treat acute and chronic diseases.
MeCornack building-. Tuesday even- onultation free. Lady attendant,
log of each week at 7:30. F. F. Office S05-506 U. S. hational Ban.
Belram, C. Ci W. B. Gilson. K. o B. . .P,onf 85f9' M
lnj g ' North Capital street. Phone 3B9.
in each month at 7:30 p: m. in the ., 14p2.5 street, near M.yert
Masonic Temple. Chas. M. Carter, "treet. Phone 1037J.
W. M.; S. Z. Culver, secretary. NOTICE "
PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. ft A. M. Noti(,e ig hereby given that no per-
Stated communications third Friday son ox,.fpt 1)ie n(iersigncd, Seid Back,
In each month at 7:30 p. m. in the has any authority to represent the un-
Masonic Temple. Hal V. Bolam, W. dersisned or tho firm of Wing Sing,
M.; Ernest H. Choate, secretary. ij0ng Kee & Co., of which he is man-
. ngcr and the said Heid Back or Wiu)
. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp," Sing, Long Kee & Co. will not be- re
No. 1300, meets every Thursday even- sponsiblo for any goods purchased by
lng in MeCornack building, Court and or delivered to another unless upon an
Liberty strcots; elovntor. Miss Syl- order in writing signed by said 6cid
via Bhaupp, ' 1791 Market, oracle; Back.
Hazel Price, Imperial Furniture Co., SEID BACK.
reorder- Tnn- gl-
Keoler, president; Mrs. Lou Tillson, IVHJIlLI IVlArl!
Morctary. All cases of cruelty or ON Good Real Estate Security,
neglect of dumb animals should bo THOS. E. FORD
reported to the secretary fr invest.- Over Ladd ft Bush. Bank, Salem, Oregon
Ration. ,'.''.. 1
K. T. Regular conclave fourth Fri- ON GOOD REAL ESTATE SECURITY
day in each month at 8 o'clock p. m., II AIMED II CnfllTlI
in Masonic Temple. Sojourning Sir ilUlliLU il. Oitillll
Knights are courteously invited to MoCORNACK BUILDINO
meet with ns. Lot Li Pearce, E. C,
Frank A. Turner, recorder. BBAMaHHSjanHjl
B. Regular meeting every first and A A WAV
third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ma- Care of
sonic Temple, Minnie Moollcr, W. 7imr an rrAATr'
It. Ida M. Babcock, sccrotary. XILVl bll HNNU
-. Chinese Medicine and
WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Meet rrv Pftmninv
every Friday night at S o'clock in Aea l"ipn
aT&K-5k.wiwMtoS Ha? medicine which
treet. phone B93. will cure any known
TEE, No. 1, R. A. M. Regular meet- 153 SOUth High Street,
Ing second Friday in each month at Salpm OrP Phone 283
8 p. m.'ln the Masonic Temple. Ray OdlLm, Ure. rilOIltJ ZOO.
F. Itichardson, Ex. High Priest; Rus- aiaaaBHBaBaaswMMMBjj
sell M. Brooks, secretary.
Oregon Cedar Camp, No. B2I0, " ,.! nrirrr l
meets every Thursday evening at 8 ' A Fill FFNl F 9t!fl ".
o'clonk in MeCornack hall corner .. JftU'"i rdliVL ttt ;;
Court Bad Liberty streets. F.lcvator " "
e.".iI'''.v:c, ex' A- STOVE WORKS j
UNITED ; ARTISANS Capital Asscm- ; E. B. FLEMING, Prop. ; ;
bly; No.' 84,' meets every Wednesday,
at, 8 p. ni. in" Moose hal). O. O. Mat- - npnftl ArrtArtfn Fprtf "
lock, M. A.: C.. Z. Hunilull, socretury, ;; UCpOI fllHenCail fCnCC
Balem Bank of. Commerce. ' ' ',
' . - Gates, Plain and Barbed Wir
BODHON COUNaL, No..l, R. ft 8. M. - pamu, OIU and Varnishes.
-Stated assembly first Monday in looflng, Posts, Hop Hook ::
enen month, Masonic Temple. N. P. , ,
Rasmnssen," Thr'u-6 Illustrious Mus- in V- DITTr!M ClAn "
ter; fllPiin ('. Mies, recorder. - 4U MaK13g JlOVCS ; ;
. , - . PENTIBTH . . It0T4g Mbufle ind Mpalre4 '.
DR. O, A. OLSON, DENITST torti bought and sold,
iiministors Nitrous Oxid and Oxygen 250 Court Street. Phone 124
Boom 214. " , ' Phone 440. i Back of CMc.g0 Bto. J
Masonle Temple. ' foalem, Ore. X
SALEM WATER COMPANY Office Notice is hereby given that the un-
eorner Comaiereial and Trade streets, dersigncd by an order of the County
. For water service apply, at office. -01irt of Marion County, Oregon an
wiu navshle monthly in advance. )ff0 appointed us administrator of the
.j,-- estate of F. L, Pound, deceased. All
. - -1- l t- .'"f -... -,1-. -.1-1 - persons having ctalms against suck es-
FOR RENT Nicely furnished bouse tat are remiired to tiresent them with-
keeping rooms. 855 Nl Comereinl. tf ' ' months from the dnto of thiB ms
! j 1 lice, with tho proper vouchor, to the
FOB BALE undersigned at Khaw, Oregon.
' ' V-""-"1-"1" Dutcd this 8th day of Jiinunry, Will.
Ii'Olt SALE Good drlvthg horse und a. O. NOVEf,
new buggy. House furnished and Shaw, Orcgnn,
unfurnished for -rent. Cheap lots. l j . 3
. Tracts for sale or trade. Two ton FOUND.
auto truck, trado for city or farm -1- . lwutji
property. Money tu loan. Square FOUND Ono sheep. Owner enli at
Peal Iteulty Co,, 30 U. 8. Bank Route ll. Box 130, Salem and identify
Bldg. . ml IfilflJ and pay costs. Janlf