THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. SALEM. OREGON. SATURDAY, JAN. 15, 1916. MILLIONS OP EASTERNERS WILL BE INVITED TO VISIT OREGON SIX WHAT TO SEE AND DO IN OREGON OTQR over the Columbia river highway, America's most picturesque drive. ' ' ' Fish lor royal Chinook salmon, king of fish, at the foot of the falls at Oregon City, the world's finest fishing grounds. Fish for trout in the Deschutes, the McKenzie, the Necanicum, the Rogue and the dozens of other trout streams of Oregon. - ' Visit Crater lake, Oregon's most unique pool perched on top of a mountain surrounded by snow peaks and rugged hills. Inspect the "marble halls" of Josephine county, surpassing the mammoth caves of Kentucky in labyrinthine caverns and mineralogical formations. Climb Mount Hood, Mount Jefferson, the Three Sisters, finding sport not surpassed in the Swiss Alps; skis and snowshoes, glaciers, moraines and boiling springs provide unrivalled outdoor enjoyment. Camp in the woods on the shoulder of the Cascade mountains or of the Coast range, where 'big game" still roams and nature bubbles over in primitive ruggedness. Ride -by boat from Portland to the upper reaches of the Columbia, America's most scenic waterway. t'l-olic on the Oregon beaches, Clatsop, Cannon, Tillamook, New port Coss Bay great fVaches of bard sand lashed by he tossing surf, where in tents ocottages one may rest and by night oh. , the throngs about great snapping fires of driftwood kindled on the shore. Pitch tent on the shores of Ten-Mile or others of the : chairro in land fresh-water lakes near Coos Bay, where motor launches and. baric canoes afford easy transit among countless estuaries and bays. inspect the great salmon industry along the Columbia river tlie fish wheels, nets and canneries where millions of pounds of fish are prepared for the world's table. . , Take horse or stage along Oregon's picturesque mountain roads and trails for outings of from one day to three weeks. Visit some of the dozens of logging camps, where jrun.s of he for est are felled, snaked to stream or railroad and or luuled o he mills, where they are manufactured into the lumber whic builds the V'0rl'Vide0tniieS'range with buckaroos of the great cow country ea.-i ori Oregon where the purple-tinted rimrock at sunset blends into t- e ccr chaiiging blue of the sky and the brown-green of sage and irreasewood. Inspect the great Irrigation projects of central, eastern and south ern Oregon, where man has reclaimed thousands of acres from Hie desert and made the beginnings for new homes and new people. r ,,,,., .... ,.,u,i.ii.ii..i.ii ..,. ,. -- . i-li I. ,;a ryrl2-Sr r-v ,- ' FRUIT PACKERS j TV SJ i A ULUI V (( . FARMER BADLY CUT I I a h-rtiri.ti ufiimn ullir whh the can ft1 1 Customers A ( L s TV I a m FARMER BADLY CUT a i.h.j,,.,, ut,, ,i,n miller whh the cans" of K. L. Flint Kttin u g.ish several inches long cut in his head by u flying linok Tuesday morning of this week. ! The in hired mail was brought to Hluvton whero Dr. lleniichnmp hail to ' put in nine stitches in -Mr. i'lint's head. I Htayton Mail., WILL OBSERVED Thousands of Invitations Will Go from Salem Next Week riingenieiits have been made, by which vou can clroii yo'ir letter into the office of tin' Portland Itnilway, Light and I'owcr ( o. from Commercial street. If you want lo attract special at tention to your letter, jot one of the Columbia, Highway poster stamp and place on envelope. Kach of these post er stumps is really a work oil nit and tells more tlmn words of the finest higiiwiiy in the country. They cost hut half a cent each at the office of the Portland K.iilway, Light and Power t'o. 's office. Anyhow, every one should semi at least ten letters and the busi ness houses from .111 to 100 each. The following three letters, written by the committee of which the Rev. H. til. dill Is chairman, are samples of what might be written: ten on their own stationery miniiM j bring it to the aenograplier, along with; the list of names., ! Don 't forget tfut list of names and , after each, the nifinber stating whether' you want form letter one, two or mree. Friday, January 21, is moving pic ture ilay. H is important that all let ters be mailed at headquarters before II o'clock Friday morning. The big stuck of letters being taken to the post office will lie filmed bv the l'athe news service. Portland will have a moving picture taken, and it behooves HbI to get in line. A parade will he formed of Cher rinus, business men and school children carrying the stacks of letters to the post'ol'fice. Right here is a chance -to ho seen in a real moving picture.. The Ifovornor uf Oregon, mayor of the eity and other officials, state and eity. will assist In conveying the letters. If any ono wants in, bn on hind about ll:l" Friday morning, (let In the parade and also the moving picture. Millions will sco It next week, and perhaps friends LETTER NO. 2. All over Oregon this week, people of our Hlate aro writing to friends ami acquaintances in the East, in.tho attempt to establish a friendly feel ing for our section, ns a mighty finq pluce iu which to spend this year's summer holidays. It occurred to mo in this connection, that you might look with favor on coming out this way for your vacation, if I took the liberty of calling It to your attention. Oregon will take great pleasure in seeing you, ami I feci sure you will take great pleasure in seeing Oregon. The summer months, which ore the dog-dnys elsewhere in the universe, are the glory days with us. It la curious to my mind that the traveler, touring for pleasure, so sel dom comes to Oregon. The state hns many attractions in the way of fine scenery, and the sports of road, field and stream. Many easterners who pnsscil through on. the way from the Fair last year, expressed surprise and pleasure at w hat they found here, ami urged us to make Oregon more generally known as a Mecca for holiday seekers. Won't you romo out and look us overt Plouse ask me for additional information. . Yours truly, where the handclasp's a little stronger, . -Out where the smile dwells a littltf longer, That' where the West begins. Out where the sun's a little brighter, Where the anew that falls is a tnl'lo winter, Where the bonds of homo are a wee bit tighter, That's where the West begins. y uui lli iLiiu ((llt where 1he 8jj09 ur0 a tHflo )ilnoi.( . Out where friendship's a little truer, 'I'l, :. nr.... 1 -. ' Out where u fresher bree.e is blowing, Where there is laughter iu every streuinlet flowing, Where there's more of reaping and less of sowing, That's where the West begins. Out whero the world is in the making, Where fewer hearts with despair are aching; That's where tho West begins. Where thero is more of singing nml less of Bighing, Where there is mie of giving and less ' . of buying, And a man makes friends without h ilf trying That 's whero tho West begins. Arthur 'uiipninii. They Will Address Invitations To Many of Their Eastern Hy proclamation of the governor, next week will be known in Oregon us letter writing week, and the business men, as well as nil eitlr.ens who havo the interest nt heart, will participate. It is for all. As a result of this letter writing I wetk, the uttentiuu of the whole coun- try will be focused on Oregon, its scenic grandeur and tho advantages t hns to ulfer to tourists. I Tho invitation to visit Oregon nexi Hummer will bo extended by the eiti rens of Hulein, ns well as all other towns In tho state, to friends, ac quaintances and linsineHa associates, 'and theso Invitations will state just why Oregon Is to tie preierreu iu any other section of the country for sum mer visiting. , ... , With every citizen, and even Ihechil-I dren doing their duty, It Is hoped that tnotiKiiiulH of tourist who take an an nual vacation will havo their attention directed towards the state. As trav-l ellers out to enjoy a summer's tir.- lion, they are invited to come, lleside's the amount (if money that, will 1)0 left In the state, every tourist I that comes to Oregon will return toi his homo with words of praise, lor uo-j ... ..... V... f Where III Itlis country can ne iuiin such beautiful riimineis, nor a more beautiful country than tho Willamette valley. As tourists also will come those who xpm't to eventually to locate in some section of the west. IHiring tneir visit, l,.,r ik.iv will lenrn nf the reHoiirces ! of the st'iito nml its wonderful climate. I all of which will eventually bring us those who are financially able to as-1 fist us In developing our resource. i Plana lor Salem. First, write your letters rally In the week. Do nnt'pul off this writing tin-; til (he middle or latter pait of thi eck. Hcgla Monday, and with IMj Monday letters written, begin again Tuesday and think up a hit mure Inter esting things about Oregon and this! part of the Willamette nllcy in par-1 ticulnr. ! Caution. lo not mall your letters at , the poKtoffica or iu a letter box. Ar- LETTER NO. 1. Dear 1 Almost every year, iu obedience to the wholesome law which imperi ously demands n change for tired mind and body, you go snmewhero to re lax, 'do you notl May I take tho liberty f suggesting Ontgon, for this yearf 1 am going to ay nothing of Oregon's "unexcelled climate" or "unex ampled scenic, beauties," because I know you would rccogui.e that sort f talk as "press sgent" "stone-ago stuff." But Oregon would be really new to you, and there are many things hero of more than usual attraction. We believe wo have ono of the finest motor rides in tho uouutiy in the fa mous Columbia ltiver Highway, for Instance. And eertnlnly Crater I.ako a curious sheet of water lifted high In the Cascades, In the mouth of an extinct volcano Is one-of the world's won ders. The federal government In recognition of this has designated the snr ' rounding region as a national pnrk. And these aro but example of a long list with which I might furnish you. Plenso do not dismiss the matter hastily; but ask us for additional In formation even if you think the chance.' of your coming to Oregon this year is remote. Oregon seeks to make known it various rliarms, as we bregoninns believe that the traveler, out fur relaxation and recreation, will lenrn to love her as we do. May 1 not hope to hear from you further on the mattcrf Your truly, LETTER NO. 3. Dear 1 In easting about in your mind for a new place In which to spend the summer vacation period, I wonder if you ever thought of Oregon. Probably not, a Oregon ha never boosted herself into public notice in this regard. May I not suggest Oregon for thl yoart Almost anything iu the way of entertainment your taste suggests can be satisfied in Oregon. Mountains or seashore, motoring or boating, rod or gun, scenery or sport, climate or freedom from insect pests Oregon baa all the facilities. Then ngnin It would all be new tj you, Oregon is decidedly "differ ent." The Oolden West doe not take it name solely from tho shiny metal dug from tho carta. The West is golden in quite another manner tho gold of good fooling, and the gold of feeling good. , 1'osslbly we Oregonian nro oevr-eiithusiastie, but can you blame nsf Come and ee for yourself. I shall deem it a pleasure to be the menns of supplying you with further information, should you desire it. Let mo henr from you anyway, Yours truly, , city, and wo have the broadest streets COOS BAY LUMBER SHIP ;iiiii' the cleanest streets of any eity of i PAYS OWNERS GOOD PROFIT its le in tiio west. As all tourists tickets coming i me- llr,1fil,i1i . i... 1.-.Tn tell ! lugs-1 IS gon are son t.y wn- or ""t .'.l:n month the steam schooner Adeline For those who are too busy to write or have not the inclination, a public stenographer has been employed. Nho will be In the front office nf the Port land Hallway, Light and IMwer com panv's office, corner of Htnte and Com mercial streets, and will havo on hand ninltlgiaplied copies of the above three letters, which she will fill out with the naines nml addresses. Now, just to help the stenographer, write the names of addresses to whom vou wish to write, and the number of the above letter, llting the list to the stenographer and pay her the sum of riveeent fir each letter. Hian as manv of the innltWrnph letters as you have piid for, uiid thi re you are. Nothing else to do. Hhe will stamp the letter and place on the envelope one of those beautiful colored poster stumps of tho Cu'iiuibla hii'hway. Those wishing to hnvo letter writ- your riiem s- mint ino i . ,.-. .k.-; Hllh wM,h r)i ,ctwP1, Coos ltav w.iv, Mount Hood, Mount ;';'f and Hen Francisco for the C. A. Hmilu an, the love .est val ley he wo Id, (.(llllmliy carried 101,000,000 ai.,1 then nv to the n to stop oil a tew , , ' ,. dnv, in Union.. Vou want your friends ; " veled more than .. .,.... i hut Hnlem . -l,000 miles. 1 hi pnsse her record ' !7"! ', ! 'as well Salem folks are uroud of Ma- 'f KH,000,000 feet for IHIt. Tho prea- back east n. l-.e Pathe service 1. shown i?;,, WB,et price of lumber shipping is lt a everywhere. I mir -., ,,,mi i tav in thel thousand from here to Sun Francisco. II, H. lille and compsuy have already ,.ty and valley a week or more ami en-. Had the vessel operated the entire year, tie purtiu making your pleasure com 11. S, (iile & Co. ore getting into the letter writing week spirit and will muil :i()0 letters to personal and business friends. The letter tells of the many at tractions that Oregon has tu offer and has a personal appeal that' is sum to at least hiive the effect of interesting the pnrty to whom the letter ia ad dressed. The letter iu full is a follows: Dcnr Kir: Permit me to take the liberty at this early dnto in the New Year to write you a letter solely for the purpose of inviting you to spend your nexi sum mer's vacation in Oregon why notl Tho luxurious trains will luud you in Portland iu n few short days. The trip itself, as you know, is restful and ir you have laid asido for a short time your active business interests you will be ready to enjoy the scenic beauties of this great now west. You need not even be deprived of your morning service of Oregon prune or your dinner service of Phensunt Lo ganberry Juice while en route. You will find them served on all of these excel lent dining car systems and you will find the best train service of ull west of Chicago. We are just awakening in Oregon to the fact that aside from our wonder fully agreeable summer climate which is neither too hot nor too cold, t lint we nlsn hnve right at our doors the most wonderful scenery in nil the world. The Columbia trip from Tho Dalles to As toria where can you beat It or where can you match it f The new Columbia river highway up nnd down tho river from Portlund now finished nnd to be dedicated next summer, is declared by many travelers to be unmatched any where. Tho Juno Rose Festival at Portland Is worth in itself a trip across the continent. Oregon's snow-capped mountain peaks, great fir forests, tumb ling mountain stream nnd sea beaches, some of them unspoiled by attempted improvements, nn automobile" trip through ' the Willamette valley, the great gnrden spot of America would interest you beennso of its agricultural and dairy farms, its orchards of cher ries, prunes, loganberries, hops, eic., the entire vnlley hemmed In on eilher side by the Cascade and the Coast Itange mountains. If you desire to taste real rough west ern life, take a pack horse trip up the North I'mpipia through the virgin for est from Uosehurg to Orator l.nke. Deor, wild game, and trout abound during the entire trip or you enn take tho Crater Lake trip comfortably by nutomnbile from Omnia Pass, Medford, or Ashland in a few hours. You will nejoy taking from tho uninensured blue depths of this great natural wonder some of the myriad of fino trout which it, eon tains. Let us know early that you plan to come io urcgon lor your vacation next summer nnd permit ua to have some lit- Well Attended Meeting of Salem Grange signified their intentions of sending out MOO letters. Other business houses with eastern connections are getting In linn for from 50 lo I (HI letters. Kvery one who has the iulerest of Oregon at heart, should send at least III letters during the week, lint do lint drop them in a mall box. Iu or.lcr to make a big showing hir the moving pictures. it is hoped that all the boosting letters i joy the finest summer climate in the. at this rnte she would Have earned j nlrte while here. If you will leave whole United Stales, nud also to meet .ki.i,ouu or paid for nerseir twice. nusiness in lnew York nml spent thirtv 1 id some mighty fine people. A "TRULY HUMAN DOCUMENT" Zurich, Jan. ( ly MniH What was termed bv ISwiss officials "truly a huninn document, ' was "iiareil ny COMMEEICAL CLUB MEETS Thn Sublimity Commercial club had u good turnout Tuesday night, uml fifty davs out here we will nromis's you the most refreshing and enjoyable slimmer vncntion of your life. Yours very trulv, It. H, (II I. K ft CO. Despite the unfavorable weather, tho meeting of Salem Orange at Kyun'H I hall Friday was well attended, Worthv muster .1. A. Hellwood was iu the chair, while tlin itulli w... ,... IHlll officer wa in charge of Mrs. Henry iFletchor. mis. ioiia Klctehor was honored for iiineiecnur time liy nor eleetiou laud installation ns iceretnry of tho I lodge. Who was first fleeted secretary in January, J87 and has continuously ! held Lie office. Oflieors installed Friday by county deputy. Mr. Henry Fletcher,' .misled by Mr. A. V. Davidson, were urn l'.,l. lows: Worthy Master Mr. Uinlsull. ' Worthy Overseer Mr. Tylor. Worthy Secretary nnd treasurer Mrs. Zolla Fletcher. Slewnrt Mr. McDonald. Lady Assistant Steward Mrs. 8 Keen. Chaplain Mrs. .1. A. Sellwood. Pomona Mr. Townsend. Kate Keeper J. A. Sollwood. ' ,,!" A- v- Di'vidson was appointed publicity agent ami press correspond- Robert Pmil p...-. ii. ' or mo nnieni t ru.t l inon, wan elected a member of " ""lei" urn ii go. jmow that (Iriinue la irrnwimr l , i " PJ ""VIIUM-I 111, mi ,......,,,,, ,mvo ,, ,ullll(1 lK. adeipinte, and a eoi ittee was un pointed to secure another hall for tho regular meetings. T'l ar,.l"Bn wl" "leftt nf Turner next Wednesday, and toe woather per mitting, member from the grange, all Mi rough the county will b present. Simpson Interests Sold, Says Report Mil r!ifi i.l.i n i.... ii ',. . .Ported that Phillip and' Henry lluchner ,i L- ' ,ur vnr P'ireliase of mo Simpson Lumber eniupnnv luniierty ami are .nlsn in.oi,ii,,i;.. t... ..... i '1 owned by the Menasho Woo.lenwnm company timber said to he tho section winch alternate with Simpson timber. Ino amount involved I said (n . the neighborhood of a million dollars. I r' noieMiorger Cruising com-, jl'any has bought three tracts of timber' . m, u mini, rrom r. I), Lnu.r and another tract from llnye Ilroth crs I', h. Conway and Dennis Mc rty aro said to be negotiating a tim ber deal involving large amount. tho tnu titmtv t tilm'fiMl in,, rum oln were innile , by the member. I Professor Lewis snvs rapid growth Mayton sent a iiciegntion Wliifi!'f oreuiin' lounnberrv (oho l, hi l II... i .1.- ..i't'1.... )... !.. sei-ret iw-l ivt- ayi-mn iu "it, "i n, ... n haul lieen limi-h nnii'r ir It lis. I .1 i 1 ... ' .. p,.v '.office, and be laken to the post-, 'i' m covered with In.lel ble wrl -, ,,,1,1 or ,,0 i,,. Thoe present,,; fc , f r" h l;,'k'V"f flice Friday morning. lug-military secrets. The Swiss agents fr,mi stnyton. were: W. F. K her, .1.' "' J " "" n ,n V- "f . . . ... . . .. . ..1-.. 1.. 1 . -.......) i t ui . .. 1 u tr i .1. insiiiu't Mill rs. III the letter Writing, MO not lorgel nre hiku r-iien in nun- nm-n-ii - ii , .inivo, n. j, nniwBn 1111. 1 -. 11. iii'ii- The Columbia river bar having moved to note the fncl that Hnlem Is a city beiullfu) and that we have a eivle cen ter of which any el'v In the east would be justly proud. We are also a rose ither woman with n "broken arm." el. Stavtnn M.iil, The cast, removed, revealed a perfectly 1 good arm bandaged w ith military j Wonder whether ronirress intends to out to uui, the obvious thing imw is for document. worry or worry with the president f Columbia river commerce to follow it. JERKED BY HAYFORK Hoy Nendel, rou of Win. Nendel, of tins city, was hoisted into the air with a ha v fork honk under his kneecap int iTilny while helping unload hav at Ins tut her 's bara in this cit v. The team on the hay rope pulled the yonn;; man several fPt.f tmTlr,i the roof before they ruul.l be slonped. The laceration wn very painful and Dr. Ileaiichamp had to take several stitches before the wound could be rinsed. omig Nendel U confined to his bed. 'tnvton Muil.