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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1916)
OREGON, FRIDAY. JAN. 14, 1916. FIVE SUPPLIES SENT 10 mniiiiaiimiiHwttMtiMitf"hi'"kil4lJ -nmt 4 THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 11 li tl El El E1 tl II tl II 11 tl II 11 11 tl tl II ii ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti ti Going toasting 1 E Better try it. Its great. Makes you forget all your with "pep" for tomorrow's work. We are equipped to the line of sleds, from a little coaster for the kiddies to a crowd. Also runners for vehicles. Runners made from Prompt service and reasonable prices. " . Spaulding Log ti ti ti ti Front and Ferry EZ3SES233SE3a223ES MEXICO'S IRON MAN DIES AT ELPASO AFTER STRENNOUS CAREER Kl Paso, Tcxns, .Inn. 14. General Victoriano liuerta, oueo Mexico's "man of Itoii buiI blood" lies dead here todav, hU corpse vlrtiully the )irisoaer of the United States govern ment witii which ho nearly went to war, when, as dictator of Mexico, he refused to salute tho Stars and Stripes after tho historic Tainpico incident. Ho died last nifjlit at tho age of (il following several operations- resulting in sclerosis of tho liver. His wish to nd iiis d.iys in his nativo land was pre vented by his arrest and indictment as jdotter lo crush tho do fucto C'arraa za government of Mexico. lluert s widow plans to seek per mission for interment near Colntlan, Jalisco; Mexico, where the grim old warrior was born. Whether Carrin.a will permit this, however, is doubtful lor Carrnnzn Holds liuerta was rcspon ilile for the assassination of President Madero and Vice-President Suarcz of Mexico and may feel tint even In death, the "iron man"' ought not to rest on Mexican foil. "I am propared for tho other world were ninonir Huerta 's Inst words. " urn content to die, and I wish to for- jrive all my enemies and all who have done me wrong, i reel .11 pcai-19 wim inv (iod and with all men." 'Tho general tad tho solace of his Catholic faith in his Inst hours, through lha attendance of Cantain Francis V. .lovce, Catholic chaplain of the fourth United Sit.ites field artillery. iSurroundine bis bedside when the end came was the ueiiciiil's entire) fnm ily except his daughter. Scnorita Klena en route from New York. . Hi faJtliful wife, Honor Aguila De Huerta, who had been his nurse all through his last days, was the last per son the warrior recognized. He called her by name and as Hho ! tient over him, he kissed her repeated-1 3y, murmuring Spanish terms of en tlcarmcnt. The scene at his deathbed was im pressive. Thcro beneath flickering randies his 20 relatives knelt for hours in prayer. Alternately Chaplain Joyeo and the Spanish priest, Father Mayer, led their orisons. 1'nrticulnrlv touching was the devo- Hon of several of his former assistants, who hnd been faithful to Huerta in success nn l adversity. Just befo.n he breathed his last, they came to his bed aide. Among them wns General Ygnn rio llruvo, for d'i years in active ser vice in the Mexican army, a division general over Huert.i when the latter was a colonel of cavalry. Tho uged visitor trh d repeatedly to obtain the recognition of the dying man. Rut he was too late; nuerta was nneonKclous and life was ebbing swiftly- At tills, Bravo bnrst. into feira, and knelt, sobbing, by the deaibhed. Outside, the men of lluerta'a coun try were being attacked by Americans, nnd American troopers after serious rioting. Though Huert died without bitter tiera in his heart toward the nation that had stood athwart his path and ertishod hi ambition to bo the only power in Mexico, his aocretnry, Gener al Ruble issued a statement in which ht declared American treatment of the general bad bailened his and. - He wns bitter at Huerta. ' Imprisonment, "like at common nriininiil,'.. and declared that lie bad not boon shown the respect that Huerta on mnny occasion! had volun tarily g'von to Americans. general Victorian Huertn, who left kin flt.lmn hierndli'ftlilv linon Mexican affairs, ws born to the role of " tront nan" in the village or Colotlan, jbiih eo, Moico, Doceniber 2.1, 18S4. Indian Mood coursed In hl veins, and marked him with the fierce stolidity that Me Ico came at Inst to fear. The spirit of the soldier seemed ingrained, i'rem ufly boyhood, the love of fighting, the thrill ot arms, was npon aim. Ho it was th at ho got a military training in th tr.Uitnrv academy of Chapoltepe from which he wa grad uated in 1K76. In the biref schooling ke had previously, and throughout hie military rourse, n proven simsen thirsty for knowledge and an apt .p il . from' hi humble trt, ai an ordinary S 2 V A Jl Indian in the humble Jalisco village, Kuerta won his way by virtue of his shrewd maneuvering, untiring efforts nnd brilliant military efforts to tho post of president. The L11I ted States at laBt forc.d him out, but not until ho had hurled scorn at the ad- ministration and refused for somo time' Judge wmiam unuoway, or depart to depart. When he did go, it wns wit ment. No. 2 of the circuit court, is un tho cold, dignified pride of a man who nblo to hold court today on account of hurt tasted of newer, nnl who. even in illness. His Honor was confined to hi' leient, would not admit tnnt ue naa been crushed. 1 His early career included eight years on the Mexican military map commis sion, ten years (lNHO-lHUO) on the gen eral staff, and several years in Sonora, spent 111 suppressing the iaqms. Huerta's successes in quelling re volts brought him to the attention of President Porfirio Diaz. He mounted the military ladder rapidly, nnd was finally made general of brigade. In 1!M)2, however, Diaz became distrustful of Huerta, and for several years the Indian soldier wns passive in national affnirB. S'lOin 1S!0" to 1910, having ob tained leavo of absence from his mili tary duties, Huerta practiced his pro fession as engineer at Monterey. He was then brought back to the Mexican capital to suppress revolts and mis .mil " '' lot.,, ..n-tn.i P.nui ,in i. nio in ilin coast after tho latter ' resignation on May "ii 1911. liuerta then entered tho services of President Francisco I. Madero, who succeeded Diaz. In 1912 Huerta was sent by M.idero to quell a threatening revolt "headed bv Pascual Orozco in tho state of Chihuahua. He gained distinc- tion through his defeat of Orozco nnd for a time basked in the favor of Ma- dero. , , When internal dissension caused tho "Rfvp-lliiia revolution in Mexico City ' 11 February, 1013, Huert.i was in com- iiiiuiu ui lua iviii ihi i-iuiiii, irui inii;i joined forces with General Felix Diafc and wns the prime mover in a plan to mako Madero prisoner and force him t resign. A formal resignation was on- tamed from M idero and Vice-President Pino Suareh on February 10, 1913. With Madero out of tho way, liuerta, by reason of liis alliance, with Felix Diaz, was tho strongest man in tno Capital. Ho Beized the reins of power that had been forced from Mmlero's hands and proclaimed himself pro visional president of Mexico. He im mediately began lo rule with a rod of iron. Soon after Huerta seized the presi dency, the world was horrified to learn thnt' President. Madero and Vice-President Suarer. hnd been assassinated a they were beinp; t.iken from the ptesi- .."I.,' JTT' J.:". " . " i CI . insisted that lie was in no way respou- vit Mr. RinKo held that there was i.iblo for tho killing, lie insisted that fl"','"ln '"it that. personal nffi the two men had been shot when their "J1" neeeiwiry fur the sale of HUT I1IU 111,-11 IIUII IM-,-11 DI...I, T.II. I. UIV adherents attempted to rwuo them. About this time, 0'untavns Mjdero, brotiier of Franeineo, who had boon ihii l,,tn Ti,l.i,n in- liuerta wng uiv. on the lev dofuega (law of flight) and' ! it.. I t. ... i -I-!- k .... ilo& in mo nam aim main us no ino leaving his gourds after being told ho eouM go fee. The irovernment of the t'nited States refused to recognize Huert.i as presi dent, in April, 1IU4, after a series of parleys between Huerta and Nelson (' Hhaughnessy, American charge d' af faires at Mexico City, American ma rines landed and seized Vera Cruz. On July IS, MM, through pressure of revolutionary chieftains and their re peated successes against federal forc es, Huerta was forced to resign tho presidency, and he retired to Barclona, Spain. Tn April, 11)1.1, Huerta runic to the United States end temporarily took up his residence at New York. His njmio was repeatedly mentioned In connec tion with alleged revolutionary move ments fostered in the United Htates, nnd In July, IPM, he was charged with violating the American neutrality laws. While hovering between life and death at his home lo Kl I'aco, Huorti was formerly indicted on the neutral ity charge by the grand jury at Han Antonio. Try Capital Journal Want Ada. li II tl tl tl 11 II tl IS ti ti ti El 11 troubles and fills you get you out anything in big "bob" for the whole either fir or hardwood. ' tl 13 11 II tl 11 II 11 11 El II 11 11 tl u ging Co. Salem, Oregon 3 Ji '.a Jt XJ: 24 kLS J3 .1 -I I COURT HOUSE NEWS I Clarence T. Mason today received a sentence of from one to 10 years in the stato pen upon kis plea of guilty to a charge of larceny from a building and he was then paroled In custody of his father, Gcorgo Mason. Young Mason was arrested by the local police 011 a charge of stealing lap robes from autos and eight were recovered which he con fessed that he took. His wife, Sarah Mason, was taken in custody at tl' same time but she wns not indicted by the grand jury, nome yesteruay nut is reported uemr today. The general warrants for the mnntl of December total $7,110.19 exclusive of the bounties paid out for gophers and moles which total $2,984.00 and which indicates that 29.S94 gopher scalps have been presented for tho scalp bounty since January i at tho county clerk's office. Tho road and high way warrants for December amounted to $5,833.23 Clarence McKli'ath, the young nia.i who pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing' bicycles last Tuesday in th circuit court will be sentenced one week from tomorrow by Judge Kelly ... i. ia ... . -" r. ruin w.11 prooauiy oe paroiea ir..m 'no Gencn as xna continuanco wns Knte.l in order that a job might ' secured for him and if the job is not secured t'le state will supply tho em- piojmonr. ' 1 The case of Juli I. Nash against B. M. Dimmick finally went to the jury this afternoon after a four day session in tho circuit court. A verdict is expeet- ed before night. Tho ease of C. O. Burton and Genie C. Burton against Thad M. Lukens wns called in the circuit court department jvir. mm 11 1 u-i noun, mm is mi hcitoii alleging fraud in a real estate deal. The Hurtons traded -10 acres of land eight miles southeast of Silverton to Mr. ens for four lots in Clovordnle Torrnee, Sonoma county, California. The Bur tons allege misrepresentation and claim damages in the sum of 'SO. W. '- Wiimlow is appearing for the plaintiffs nnu AlciNary ii AleMiry represent the defendant. Pitrii-t Attorney Binjro today bund ed doirn au interpretation of the pro hibition law in which he stated that only tho thief of the drug firm need'InKton Htate College football team, secure an affidavit book. Each licensed j here.ifter will bo known us "t hief .' druggist might, take affidavits f rom i Uietx. eustnmers and the bond of tho head of topping In Portland on bin way to the firm held tho clerk secured. In the Pullman. Washington, filetz today de- onse of the man who wns too ill to cnll for his medicine personallr and liirii an , . - . . , Jt has been the ruling of tho attorney general, howover, that a regit- pn.vsiuan might give away as much alcohol ft" he ohose In the tirnetiee nf profession In cases where the pa - tinnt. Ml tnn ill n ,...!,. l.! . . jjuivnann mn uwn medicine. BOO'S BTRANOB JOTJSKET Han franeiseo, Jnn. M. "I.uigl" Isj on the lst lap of the strangest journey' probably ever taken by a dog.' ilo is: on his way to Keattleto the home of Paolo Hrenna, the Italian consul. He has come all tho way from Genoa, Italy. ! Mnr.zino I.udi, servant of tho eon-1 sul. brought the dog and 11 trunk! which have been stuck In tho Panama 1 canal for many days to this city on the steamer Han Juan. The eonsul sent the servant to Italy to bring tho belongings, and at Panama they were forced to transfer ships when caught in a canal slide, OLD T1MB RESIDENT DIES Mrs. Nora Martin, a resident of Polk county for tho past 23 years, passed awny Saturday at her home, one mile north of Monmouth. Mrs. Martin is snrived by her adopted child, Mrs. Paul Tncheon nf Monmouth. The fnnernl wn hcW in this i(y last Hundny. Dallas Observer. 'l Under New System Names To Be Checked Off and Not Written In Poll Book Secretary of Stats OWtt today completed tue forwarding of a supply of blanks to tho county clerks for mak ing up the voters' lists and poll books ior me primary election occurring ilay 19, 191. The law provides the coun ty clerks shall transmit to the election boards typewritten lists, in duplicate, of the voters in each precinct arranged in alphabetical order. To meet this re quirement forms for each letter of the alphabet, for the overflow from any loiter una rur listing voters sworn iu. as well as appropriate covers, contain ing the oaths of tiie election boards and summary of voters are provided by tne state, and it is made the duty of the secretary of state under the law to have the same printed and nn adequate supply sent to eni'h county clerk. Un der former laws the counties furnished what was called the precinct registers. These -were appropriately ruled blank books for listing alphabetically the vot ers as they registered in tne several precincts, and were delivered over to the election boards just preceding any election. Tho blanks furnished under the existing laws when filled out and appropriately arrantred also the noil books. Whenever a registered voter presents himself nt the rolls for voting at any election the clerk merely enters the number of his ballot oppo site his name ani checks him off after having voted. This dispenses with th old pon oook in winch the clerk was required to write the name of the voter as well. The county clerks will be re quired to mane up a voters' list pie ceding each election, while heretofore the precinct register being independent of tho poll book answered for a full biennial period. These supplies arc sent out nt the beginning of tiio registration period in order to enablo the county clerks to write up their precinct voters' lists is the registrations are made, if they so desire. Voters can register for the pri mary election to be held May 19th at any time prior to April 19th, as the ex isting laws pertaining to registration of voters provide that the registration hooks shall close for a periol of 3(3 duys prior to any general election. Local Checker and PlaycrsShow Up Well Kither the Salem chess and checkor players are right in line to become world champions, or Harry Licberman. wdo ranks as the fourth best checker player in the world, did not play the game to the limit at the exhibition game given at tho Commercial Club last evening. In preliminary games with I. Grcen bnum, the champion won two games, lost one to Mr. Urceiibaum, and played ono draw. Dr. W. II. Byrd and James Walton, Jr., are now in tho world champion class as chess players, both winning in a'gnme with Mr, Liobenuan. The first gume in which 11 of Salem's best players were in, resulted in draws with I, Greenbnum and J. L. I'ectz with defeats fur tho other Saleni play crs. In the second setting, the (ham pion lost to Greenbaum and played ft draw with Uryant and Poetz. In tho blindfolded exhibition play ing, the first game was lust to Bryant, hi the second blindfolded game, Mr, Lieberman was winning against Bryant, hut was unable to remember the board luter in the game, giving it to Bryant Tho Salem players are not quite decided as to whether they are now in the class of famous world champion players, or whether last night was just an off night for the champion. Among those taking a hand in the game wore Messrs. Bryunt, Greenbanm, Givens, Hyan, Hill, I'cet., Reynolds, HecVs, Huchoson nnd Plants. Dr. Kyrd and lames Walton, Jr.,. played only in chess. BECOMES REAL CHIEF Portland, Or., Jan. 14. " Inmost or" Oietz, Indian euach of the erfti k Vnh- ! tnilni' hi" l!1""" for an Indian village ami executively jmiiaii nieinin picture eoninny at liiverside, California. Jlictz will he leading in .in in theenm- pany and chief of the village, which will bo made up of Hhix, Zuni and Jfopi imiinns. lpl EMPRESS SlTLLrVAIT ft CON6IDIOT! VAUDEVILLE 3-BIO ACTS 3 MABIOTT TROTJTE Original Cycle, Vehicle and Monoplane Novelty LEONARD and WILLAAD Comedy flinging nnj Talking M ALONE and M ALONE Jfovety and Acrohatie Dancing SUNDAY ONI V MATINEE AND EVENING Bf THEATRE A Galley o Fun ! JUST A LITTLE FAVOR. "So you're goin' back to New York to morrow, eh?" said Uncle Eb Cobb to the city boarder. Tea; got to go. My playtime has coma to an end. Got to go back and go to work." "Yes, I reckon. Well, I wonder if jou'd be willln' to do me a little favor when you git to New York." 'Certainly, certainly. Glad to obllg.j you. What can I do fan; yon? "Well, I got a nephew there named Jones. His mother was my sister. Bis name is Ed Jones an' lie lives snmewbere in New York, but I ain't got his address. Had It, but don't wtm able to find It now. My wife an' me thouaht it would be nice to . end Ed an' his. wife a few things j rlKht from the farm, an' I was wonder- j in' if you would be willln' to take him ; a pair o' chickens an' a dozen ears o' corn an' a few of our fall pippins an' n dozen or two o' eggs an' a green to mater pie like he used to be so fond of when he was a boy here In tlie coun try. We'd like to send liira a bottle o' maple sirup an' another ripe goose lierry Jam an' a little jar o' sweet pic kle an' a bottle o' ketchup such as I bet he can't buy there In the city, if It'd b convenient to carry them. His full name is Edward Everett Jones. I reckon you'd find him In the city d'reclory. I'll fetch the things over to the hotel this evenln' in a carpet bag that was Ed's great-grandfather's, un' mebbe he would like to have it as well as what's In It. Much obliged to yo for the fnvor o takln' those things to Ed. I reckon he'll be some i R'r.rtapil when he pits em. Mother I thinks sh'd like to send Ed a little kitten in a box if It wouldn't be to much trouble for you to take it." A RACIAL DISTINCTION. Briggs They say these Italians come over here, save up five hundred dollars and go home and live on It the rest of their lives. Griggs That's the difference be tween an Italian and a Scotchman. A Scotchman does the same thing, but he takes away about a hundred mil Ion dollnrs. UNCERTAIN. The Count Sacr-r-r-re! The caslilef of ir.y fmncee's fut her lias defaulted! The BaronParbleu! Shall you bn uk off the enticement? 'i'ho Count Millc tonner-rres! 1 t.'in not tell until I find out how much he took! THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAMF (A la Thomas Hood.) I leiricmber, I remember. The field whence I was borne, 'i be crowded stand", the shouting mob, The mucous auto horn. The. ciilo lincH running down the field Amain from roul to goal, V. 'tre thronged with blanketed ic cniitH wtm'.i caeli play extol I i r. nu mber, I rcmernber, Tho flaga i,t varied hue, Tiio dath-lil:e Ftlllneca In the air Hefore the whistle blew; And tallow youth nnd winsome ninid- The f)ld flrnd" back apaln The favored ndnlons ot the 'Tress," The "fav'rite colon" men. I. remember, 1 remer.ibor. The toi-slng of a coin, 'i'ho oval railing In nlr, A kick nncnt the gioin; A jab, a gouge, a Jolt, a crunch, A whizzing, vhirrln roar, The plumiits n( the multitude. A bucket fill of gore. I reniemhrr, 1 rer.icnibcr, A fierce and bloody fray,- VI. e iiui'geon'a rorpH, tho anibulnnce That carried me nwny; .' broken noFo, a splliitered arm, Two eyes of darkest Jcf, Sonic fractured ribs, a miHsitig .ar,- Tlif! refit, ch, t forget I , HIS REVENGE. I tell yr, the editor of the Weekly 'laindcnler Is a vindictive rnss!" salt! lirewd o?d Parmer Hornneak, upon da return from an afternoon's stay Ir he county seat. "What mul'eB ye think to, Ezry?' iskcd his wife, ."Why, I heard, while I wsb In town, that he had hired tho village band to neretiade, night hefore last, ft grass widow who bad horsewhipped him short llnie. before." r is if 1 1 Qv&ov a Dyzu ; Smrikist M - k3 V Foot (feaer has this licious, healthful Cali fornia fruitthe finest, sweetest, juiciest or anges now on the mar ket. Serve at all meals. Save Sunkist tissue wrapper for beautiful silverware California Fruit Grower Exchange 0MprniVt NoD-pr&t Eiitn H.ndaunrtarf: US N. Clark Si Chicixa Stayton Mutual 'Phone Holds Annual Meeting The annual meeting of tho Stayton Mutual Telephone was hold Monday night. The meeting wns called to bo held in tho city hall, but owing to the small attendance only eight, a quorum, ncing present tno meeting wns held in the oil me of Lura A. Thomas. The following officers were elected, nil sucoeediug themselves except Mr. -Mayo: President, Henry flmith. Vice-President, J. M. Rlngo. Sccrotory-Trea surer, E. D. Alexander. Directors, John Thomti and J. W. Mayo. 15. M. Olmstcad is tho hold over director. As there was no annual meeting lnnt year, the report of the secretnry-trens-urer covered two years, as follows: Received H'M 1(11,144.20 Paid out $721. K.'l On hand Jan., '15. . . . M.18 Paid for work On lines, sup plies, tuxes, etc, 27ft. 1. 'I Paid lor switch fee Paid on new building and lot,, Received IfllS Paid out 1(1171.01 212.70 2.10.00 5S5.75 On hand 5.'ll).02 Paid for work on lines, sup plies, etc 274. HI Paid for switch fee y07.:i(l Duo from switchboard 47.5ri It should bo remembered that lull receipts include the i'.i assessment lev ied for building. During 1914 somo new line was built and the switchboard moved to its pres ent location. Last year about 25 new poles were set and a large number re set, Tho lines are now in better condi tion than they have boon for several yenxs. Hcrvic.o on the Stayton lines costs the phone users less than in any of the val ley towns. In many places the feo is 41.50 per month to rhotise phone on party line, with a higher rate for busi ness phones and privufo lines. Htnvtoo Htuiidard. BRIEF NEWS BY WIRE. Chicago, Jan. M. "I'm afire," -Mrs. Julian T. Fitzgerald telephoned her husband. "What, shall I iln.'" "I'nt it out," he yelled nvor his office phone. She did. Chicago, .lun. II. The old Nick himself is the father of grippe. Wil bur Voliva, overseer nf Zion City, says so. The devil has a storehouse of dead ly gase, one for ouch kind of disease, snys Voliva. ' Chicago. Jan. 14. Life is merely problem in geometry, said Hev. C," K. Wislinrt, local pastor. "Substitute ono triangle husband, wife and child for husband and two women or wifo und two men; result unhiippincss. " Clnyto, Ala., Jan. 14. Cracksmen en tered tho Bank of Clayton early today and robbed it of $20,000. Illoodhounds uro hunting the robbers. Snn Francisco, Jan. 14. Mayor James J. Rolph, Jr., of Hun Francisco, is recovering today from an operation for appendicitis performed nt midnight. A bulletin issued by the mayor's physicians curly today stated Kolph ' condition is excellent. de im Small Orange FudJing Cream one - fourth cup ef butter wilhthrrcfovrths cup of sugar and add one third cup of juice of Sun kist Orange and m little grated rind alternately with one and one-fmlf cups of flour sifted with two level teaspoons of baking pow der and a little salt. Add three well beaten rpgssnd pour into deep muffin pan. or timbale melds. Set in pan of hot water and cook in moderate oven. Serve hot with sauce. Mrs. Campbell Will Stand by Her Husband Poitlund, Or., Jan. 14. "I'll stand by him if it kills me." Thus did Mrs. Charles W. Morrison today declare, her loyalty for her hus band of two weeks, who is held in jail here charge 1 with tho forgery of checks and drafts to the amount of $11,500. Yesterday her brot'icr in Lot) An geles telegraphed her asking thut she return and offering monoy. Almost penniless in a straugo city, deprived suddculy of tho huitonnd, slia has h ut such a short time, Mrs. Morrison yet refused to leave without him. "I don't want him to employ ft law yer," sho said. "I wnnt hiux to plead guilty and take Mb medicine. Wo can begin all over again afterward." Morrison cheerfully admits his guilt, but. seems not to realize the seriousness of his situation. """ a" Oregon again is twiltcd about dis sipation of its public school fund. That cannot be helped now, but Oregon can eoiiH'rvo what has not been dissipated. AN EASY WAY TO END CATARRH FOREVER Simple Home Treatment Destroys Qorme of This Dangerous Disease. Tho reason why so many people who suffer from Catarrh never seem able to get cured is that they are continu ally seeking tho momentary rcllof ot sprays, douching, greasy creams, oint ments, etc. Such things do open up the swollen nostrils ami clear the head temporarily, besides stopping for a vihilo tho disgusting blowing, hawking, spitting and choking, but they uaver cine. To drive out Catarrh for ood ou lmo got to get down to its real cause. Catarrh is a germ disease. Tho air is always full of catarrh gorme thrown off by one person and absorbed by another and when the system does fail to throw off such germs they find permanent lodgement in tho noso, thruiit and head and multiply rapidly. tne germs or caturrh can tie best destroyed by inhaling tho pure mcdi fated air of Hyomci (pronounced High-o-nie). This splendid and powerful combination of oil of Kucnlyptus with other healing ngents has a wonderful germicidal action. You breathe its air into your nose, throat and lungs by means of a small hard rubber Inhaler which Daniel J. Fry and other lending druggists h're in Salem and vicinity supply with every treatment. This medicated air is certain death to tho germs of Cutarrh and drives them com pletely out of ynnr system and when the germs are destroyed the catarrh with all its disagroenbie symptoms will stop, Even two or three minutes use will givo refreshing relief, whilo, if you will uso it tow or thdee times a day for a few wocks it will completely banish catarrh and evory symptom of catarrh. As Hyomci is pleasant to breath and ia always sold by drug gists everywhere with a positive guar antee of successful results or money back, surely so catarrh sufferer should go lung boforo trying this simple home remedy. The Tempting Odor that somes from our roast beef, fresh" troia th oven, will ho matched by the toothsome flavor of the meat when yon tat it. Try a roasl for 3u'iday din rcr. Though It win nut cos', you a ly moic than you u-nn.iy pay, you wi'f f td our iiis'.t fin fiucr thuu any voir evor alo. Independent Market 137 Si Commercial St, Phone 72