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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1916)
Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" FKIDAY KVEXlXd, .lllUlllllV 11. 1DH1. C'HARIiKS H. FISHER, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED T.VKIiY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. B. BARNES, President CHAS. H. FISHER, Viio-l'rt'sidont DORA C. ANDRESEN, Hoc. and Trons. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Daily by carrier, per year $3.00 TiT month. Daily by nmil, per year 3.00 l'er month. .45c .35c FULL LEASED. WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Ward-Lewii-Williams Special Agency Harry R. I'isher Co, Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys nro instructed to put the papers on the porch. It' the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to-you on time, kindly phono the circulation manager, as this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers are following iustructions. Phone Main SI. REGARDING NEWSPAPERS The people of Albany seem to be demanding better newspapers, which is a good and wholesome sign of that community's life and spirit. Good newspapers make good towns because they have large subscription lists and in turn interest their subscribers in the town and its busi ness interests, and afford a medium for carrying their business talks to the people of the surrounding country. The Capital Journal has frequently called attention to this fact and it cannot be too strongly impressed upon a community, because the people cannot expect to have good newspapers unless they patronize "them. The Capital Journal has 4200 subscribers, or 21,000 regular readers daily, showing that the people of the Salem territory want a newspaper and are eager to do their share to make it stronger and better, but not all the businessmen appreciate the value of such an excellent vehicle for advertising their business before its big family of readers. And this is a condition that obtains in many communities and the mail order houses and city depart ment stores are taking advantage of it to their great profit. But here is how the Albany Herald replies to the de mand for a better newspaper and it tells some facts which it is well that every community should know. It requires money and a great deal to run a newspaper that really gives the news, and some- persons who com plain loudest about their home papers pay least toward supporting them. The Herald says, after showing that it would require revenues of at least $n0,000 a year to print a newspaper in that city which would meet the ex pressed requirements of the people: "No one will deny that the people as renders should ho bolter off if they spool iHB.lMHI for n good newspaper nnnunlly. It takes only 4,2t5 subscribers ut :i.5() each year to make the 15,0(10. To secure that number of subscribers ut that rate it is only necessary to make a right good paper. People in this coininunitv are now paying at leant $15,0(10 annually to outside papers because the local 'papers do not' satisfy them. The payrolls used in manufacturing the outside papers bought in this community are not helping the community very much . It would be better to have the payrolls required to print papers for the community here in Albany. The greater pnrt of the expense of publishing a newspaper is the item of labor. Where money is paid tor labor it soon reaches the other businesses of the community. " At least 500,000 is being sent from this community annually for mer chandise Hint should be handled in Albany stores. If by properly using n good newspaper three-fifths of this nmount were brought to Albany the entire com munity should be greatly benefited. To bring ;:00,000 more business to our flores is only a matter of the employment of vigorous, intelligent business methods. Aibnny is now doing n business of more than 700,000 annually, mid to ncbl :U0,000 would bring it to more than a million. The Advertisers could spend two per cent of the total business with one newspaper, giving the paper !!O.OOn, und benefit themselves greatly and benefit the community in general. The payroll of the pnper would benefit the. community. At least 25 per cent of the :i00,000 would stny inthe community, Thn additional business would make it possible for the business man to reduce tho cost of each dol lar 'h worth of business done by at least 10 per cent. In the case of the mer chant he could sell goods to the people lit least 10 per cent cheaper. The buyers would ne 10 per cent nm! after the advertising hill has been paid the mer chant would have a profit on almost 50 per cent more sales. No one litis felt (lie weight of Intelligent udvertising. Then we must conclude that the news paper is n barometer to the Intelligence of the business men of (he community. As Hie business men develop In modem methods of doing hiiMiics Albany can have n -heller newspaper." THE PROBLEM OF HIGH TAXES St. Paul, Minn., .Ian. 15. Although Mike liihhons, claim ant of tho world's middle-, weight championship, likes to hunt, he is such a inisprnble hunter that his brother Tom my won't let him do it. "The last hunt they were on Mike mistook Tommy's dog Spot for a rabbit ami gave him both barrels of his shotgun. He missed. FRUITLAND NEWS The rapid increase in the tax rate in Oregon is one of the really live issues before the people. Too many of ficials for the enforcement of experimental laws, too many fads enacted into law, and a general disregard for economy in public txpenditures are the causes which have no doubt brought about this condition, but the remedy, if there be any, is not apparent, because we are only con stantly going from bad to worse with each attempt of the biennial legislative session to give relief. Still not all the blame rests with the state government since many county officials throughout the state are lax in guarding expenditures, and the public schools are demanding and receiving more each year for their maintainance. As a matter of fact there may be no available remedy for high taxes but it is worth discussing and thinking about, anyway. Benton county affords a fair example of the increase of taxation, if we may take the following from the Ben ton County Courier as a statement of fact and no doubt I it is the editor also in a general way only suggesting a x , remedy; that is he seems to emphasize the fact that the way to economize is to economize: "In 190:5 Benton county taxes aggregated $4:1,000. "In 1914 they had jumped to $:501,000, an increase of seven hundred per cent. "This condition can't continue and Benton continue , to be a Blue Ribbon county. "It will soon bring about a condition where every body is a seller and nobody a buyer a condition that will cut values in half and demoralize real estate. "Nearly every county in Oregon is facing this condi tion. There are few that will show Benton's enormous increase, but all show far too great increases. "There is one safe thing to do, reduce these taxes to the size of Benton county, get back to the wheelbarrow pace until we get to automobile size. "Mon wrYtn hnira onnnrl knoJnacn liJmint, V,5b the reader ill a recent Capital Journal aTXll tT IIU UClVC OOU11U UUOlXlOO UUL1UU11 ICail&C lllid, l,,,.l Knltn.. l,,i,,f ,,, tl.n .,..,. nl .. 1 and if those men will get in and help taxation can be cut!L it is entitled "a soui satisfying iiM-uvL-r.y. iny euiior ineieill dis plays a fine sense of both humor and sarcasm. It seems some of our scient ists h.ivo discovered a prehistoric horse having a certain number of toes on its feet. It might be well to state that said horse was dead as most fos sils arc, though there aro some live ones in the "modern period" with moss on their backs. It seems the thing that so satisfied the soul was that this Eohippus h.ul the exact right number of toes, not too few and not to0 mony. This is what these horse doctors had been looking for for a long time, but not until! lately could they say "Eu reka.'.. Now should it be discovered that these horses, small ns a "yellow dog under the wagon " hail rider's with iioofs on the ends tif their legs it would i he a most amazing discovery as thisj would he reversing nntiire in its pres-: ent nspeef. The "missing link" would be u tamo affair beside this should it bo discovered. 1). M, rruitland. Jan. l.'l. fi 4 fl PECULIAR FACTS ABOUT WELL KNOWN PEOPLE Ilarrisburg, Pa., Jan. 15. Thomas J. Stewart, of Norris town, former commander-in-chief of the National (i. A. li. and head of the . National Guard association, today be gan his '.'I'nd consecutive year ns adjutant General of ' tho Pennsylvania National Guard. General Stewart is 07 and has been in public office since LStio. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition, San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition, San Diego, 1915 ' Baker's Breakfast Cocoa The Food Drink Without a Fault Made of high-grade cocoa beans, skilfully blended and manufactured by a perfect mechanical process, without the use of chemicals; it is absolutely pure and wholesome, and its flavor is delicious, the natural flavor of the cocoa bean. The genuine bears this ttaic-mar, and is made only ly Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 DORCHESTER, MASS.' reo u.s. pa r. orr. (Capital Journal Special Service.) Fin i tin nd, Or., Jan. 14. Mrs. II. C. Itressler and Jlrs. Sinu llressler have returned from Portland to which city they have been summoned as witness's in the case of Stain vs. Wood. It is learned the jury failed to ngreo. There have been of l.tto h few cases, of la grippe here. Tho afflicted onesj have .ill about recovered. Win. (). Art, has sold his 25 acre; place .just west ot . II. Willinms to Jlr. D. E. Mitrtiu, a recent comer from Wisconsin. Mr. Art?, has gone to the state of Washington. ' The K. I), cariicr, Fisher, who was indisposed for .1 time, is buck on his route again. Herman I)e Vries, of near I'ratum, delivered some hay here Wednesday. Airs. Emma Bowers is caring for an nged invalid lady at .Salem. Tnosc who may h.ive failed to read I STATE NEWS Sic Mrs. I'. Habbermaa returned to Munkers Saturday after a visit here. Hurry Shank und wife spent Sun day at the Ed Smith home. Chun. Caldwell of ensteru Oregon, in visiting at the Lee Downing home. (J. II. Ray Ii ns been on tho sick list the past week. .Frank Senz is employed at the V. Shelton home. Mrs. II. Shank culled ut J. II, Hub er's Friday. Louie Goisler visited with home folks Thursday. Mrs. Ora Slielton and children and Mrs. Linn Lambert spent Thursday at Cold Springs farm. W. E. Brenner called at P. H. Lam bert 's Wednesday. Lewis Ray eniled at the D. Townca Marshfield Record: The Kruse & Hanks shipyard will lay the keel of the new Bixby & Cluck steam schooner within the next few days since the em ployes who have been working about the yard for some time have the block ing about ready to start the vossol. The lumber for the ship will lie ob tained from the Simpsou Lumber company and it, will require about 800.000 feet . to construct the same. CM.;.. : .. .1 . ..i . .1 i ,inj, uiuui-i- ih specially son-cieil lino i much of it is difficult to obtain, since' there are requirements for a great j home Sunday. denl of long, clear sticks. Fir will; The Misses Lulu and Gladys Downing enter largely into the construction of were Sunday visitors at W. R, Ray 's. the new vessel, since white cedar in ' Stayton Standard, the correct form is becoming harder ' ' 1 in half in Oregon and none will ever miss the government cut off. "With the initiative and referendum the people of Oregon can have any size taxes and any kind of govern ment they want. "Now let us see what kind they do want." The state department of education has instituted a plan to allow eighth grade pupils to use their books in history and civil government during the coming examina tions and the grades will be determined on the language, writing, spelling and punctuation of the papers turned in. This is a long step toward the application of practical education where it is most needed. All newspaper offices note that the worst "copy" encountered is often from pupils and teachers in the public schools. The pupil or teacher who is careful about the placing of his commas when in English class thinks it no crime to leave them out altogether when writing a letter home or to the news- ; paper. 11 superintendent Churchill's plan succeeds in i bringing to the attention of the pupils of the public schools . the fact that they are in nowise educated unless they ap I ply their knowledge all of the time; that correct spelling ' is as essential in a letter of friendship as in spelling class 'and that clear, concise English is the best indication of culture, he will have affected a real "reform." to secure. When the keel is finished and the vessel gets to the point where a full force can work the ynrd will be employing nbnut 40 men on the job. The company has a very favorable ennnce it is said, ot securing a sec onu snip to build tor Nelson company, and summer breaks Krusc & Banks will WEST STAYTON NEWS After having Mr. Price before them on Friday and Henry Condi t on Satur day the grand jury returned "no bill" in the matter of the State vs. Giggy, GEEVAI3 PIONEER DEAD A woman in San Francisco ran away from tho home of her foster parents in Faulkton, South Dakota, 12 years ago, and lost their address. They were located in Los Angelos by a resident of Salem. A few days ago the Capital Journal noted the fact that Marion county had a champion gopher slayer and inquiries have been received from as far east as the Dakotas asking him about his methods. This goes to show that newspaper publicity has a wider range than is generally credited. Also It rays to Advertise. The merchant or anyone else who has anything to sell will find that the columns of the daily press are closely scanned by readers during these long winter evenings while handbills, sandwich boards and painted windows are passed by without notice. ' The Texans have appealed to Colonel Roosevelt to come down and stop the revolution in Mexico. As the champion big game hunter Teddy will no doubt accept invitation and proceed to secure the head of Villa and a few other chiefs for exhibition at the Smithsonian institute. Gervais, Ore., Jan. 13. Mrs. Joseph Foumal, who died at her home one and a half miles west of Gervais Tuesday, January tl, 11)1(1, of pneumonia, was born in Belgium in 1 SIC), enme to America in 1851 and settled in Wis consin. She was married in 1S5H, moved to North Dakota in 1SSS and came to Oregon in Her husbnnd died five years ago. She is survived by 11 children, Charley, Marie and Jen nie of Gervais, Joe, Moses and Mrs. H. K. Bennett of Oregon City, Mrs. W. R. Kingsland of Elko, Nov.: Mrs. J. X. Jones and John of Antwyne, Wash,; C. H. .lamlesH of Canbv, Uus of and 1 , 1 1 , i" uiviii I.I It 11,1111 I l I 1 ,11. 1 111- llllllllll I me ecutor is unnamperea ana it requires even a small' win be held Fridny ut 10 nviock at the stretch of the imagination to picture the scenes in the war; in'theu cc'me." w,,h I zone where both sides win eveiy battle, and down in : : ' I Mnvinn xvViuvrt ooiiimtkimy fLof lnnl-n 1JL Aw,,.!nn : 1 George W. Perkins, talking for the ! , v xijuuuK iiiak luuao urn; cm auicn(,aii io Progressives t Chicago, is rather eon- -.- 1 11.. .1 :1 1. 1 ll.j. . mi 1 it t . . . " ' 1 1 KHiieci wnn ouneis. inese rjeintr tne cniei sources oixu iug tiu.t me mini party not Inmmnh,, nnu.n il,- C ..: 1 ! "iM, mill mi. n-iv-fci u'iuv. ucvio, niwia necessity ui wunyiiiti uc-: j.u : .1 o I the Charles i.... before the i'...,i, m: ' 1, ' c n. ..::. .,.1 ... . illlliv i-iilli n, ui vii tifliin, EVlll i 41. . 1 . - f II.. -,..! i!:.. .1. -,,vv, , .t - t . i,'i me iiiMiic oi iiir. una -Mrs, on u mo probably have tho yard running at full i!lst of the wcpki rnra'lt-v- j Mrs. T. Y. McClellnn is visiting nt T. , . the homo of her son, Glenn, at Victor ( nprecedented solicitude for foodless! Point, for a few days, birds is reflected in the state press,! The voung folks gathered nt the the following, from THe Hoscbiirg Re- j Duvis home Saturdav evening and spent view, being only a spcciment item: "Asian enjoyable evening duneing. a result of the unusual cold weather Mr.s. Mnrv Eastman gave a dancing that has prevailed in this section of pnrtv at her home Friday evening in Oregon during the rnst few weeks, ,nor of Miss Thelnia Kofi1. The young many people took upon thcmseles the people spent n pleasant evening with burden of providing wheat for the dancing and cards and about midnight lords. This was especially true of the were refreshed by a fine supper nnd ciii drou, who in some instances placed j after a little more danciug took their sacks f wheat where it could be found . various ways home, voting Mrs. East by the birds. man a princess of entertainers. tn ,, '. 1 ff. "ml Mis. F. L. Weigund, Mr. Aibnny Heiuld: A car loaded with -10 land Mrs. G. C. Griffin and T. Y. Me tons of flour was shipped from the Red , Clellan spent Saturday evening nt tho crown mill of this city direct to NewiBriggs home. 5(10 nnil n splendid sup- oik yesterday. A. W. Bowersox, man-: per were greallv enjoved by the guests, ager of the niiU, says that this is the Mrs. K. 0. Eoff is taking care of Just time in 1 yen! that he has been the sick nenr her home ot Genr She ia the business in this city that such is expected home in nliout two weeks ii shipment has been made to New York. Another party of Hollanders aro ex lie says lug shipments have been made to various" other parts of the world, ! the W. V.T. Lnnd cnnipunv with a view however. Ashlund Tidings: According to re port, John O. Owens company is to open up a new tract of timber over near of purchasing and Slnyton Standard. locnting horn The storm has cut off the telegraphic report of the Coos Bay papers for a week past. Such a situation has i .r. advantages, however, in the fact that the imagination of :?yn7 CALLS SPADE A SPADE Porllanr. Or.. ,7nn. 14 The sorotnm- . .,iu vuy, nun nan a man in the;"' le treasury says a spnilo is a spada valley hist week organizing a crew to i m,t shovel. , (To into the logging camps. Two hundred I Therefore a Portland firm today men wero to be put on. All up und : I"1''1 twenty per cent .id valorem dutr down the const the lumber industry isinn " shipment of shovels from Canada, picking up. ' When the shipment arrived Collest- . or of Customs Burke was puzzled. Polk County Obsei-ver: A movement!'1"1"''0 is " h'"v-v 'lntv !"vols nnd is on foot for the farmers of the conn-l . . """.I"""'1'- "e nppealed to Web- try surrounding Monmouth to orgnnie'- ""J " ""W1, "'"""nee a co-operative creamery. It is .n'gued ' , Z" leMo ' a creamery of this sort, under t . . , , ., . . . ........ ....v., .,,, (1 M,i. ii ii nij. that niors ,-r r ' ;v"ipr: w i wi. . . I " - - Ul.M ,7 , ,,, their cream than by tern. the present sys- cause the wires are down? 1 RiralmgRI mmos wait Mason CONVALESCENT i KIDNEY DISORDERS QUICKLY RELIEVED Leading druggists everywhere are establishing new records in toe sale of j medicine, Believiui; that no medicine j ought to be paid for unless it does the I user some good they have adopted the pain ot selling Solvnx, the Ktamlard kidney remedy, under a positive gnar-j iintee of quick relief from all kidney or bladder misery, or money back without ; a question, This speaks eloquently fori tho virtues of the remedy and iilrendvi has created a wide spread demand for Lon't Look Old! Try Grand mother's Recipe to Dark en and Beautify Faded, Lifeless Hair That benutifiil, even shade of darli, gloisy hair can only be had by brewing a mixture of Sage Tea un.i Sulphur, lour hair is your charm, It makes or mars me face. When it fades, tiirim The kaiser is fatally ill almost as frequently nowadays as Emperor Francis Joseph. ' LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SC.S CAriTAL $300,000.00 Transact a General Banking: Business Sufcty Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT When one's recovered frrvm trip m-in anA fit- fn u-nlL- o,., Lrt lnI 1 r ' V J l" Ihto in Salem. Hundreds of people around again, he likes to take a little trip downtown 'in every walk 0f life have i.eon re t among his fellow men. He wants to tell his cronies there 1 J "'" Uf",,"i08 mM"1ll"lt , .""i i. ai. i. i l i i vi,4V- , v v i weak, dimi-runged or clogged-up kid-1 abOUt the tOrtUl'CS he has knOWn, Of hOW "eys mid bladder bv this remarknblel the anguish grayed his hair, and harrowed ;n;;-:1l'S;:i;!,ir:r tnew, and twisted bone. He meets a friend J"11 t' lmmrneked body into and says, "Oddsfish, be patient while ten ,,,17 poS ZZ idiuuis mud unit t i 'K 'n rn nw mr i wisn "i"-' ii. or mont-i-iiv uv Bh-r to tell about my case of grip. That learned chirurgeon, Dr. Daw, who saved me from a box of pine, hath told me that he never saw a case one-half so bad as mine. Mv lungs refused their proper graft, my wind pipe, like defective flue, was all clogged up, kidneys. A chiinue for the better will bo seen niter the first few dosen of Solvax nnd its continued use should tone up the entire system of Improp erly working organs and give (lie de sire to live and enjov life to its full est. Sulvnx Is considered bv tunny the best kidney remedy on tko market to day because it aims to cure by striking Xincleeii-sixteen forecasts in Dallas Observer: "The traveling men are just about unanimous in "th,. opinion thnt ll'lfi is to be a banner vear for business. And the successful sales man, while n natural born optimist, is likewise a pretty good judge of con ditions, ' ' With the object of giving financial nssisiauce to a public bathing beach project to be established nori summer me lorvallis Commercial club is COh- "mnKCl1 ""d looks drv, wispy and sidering the advisability of giving n : !"i-riifiKly. just an application or two of iiome laieut pmv or minstrel in the " 1 uipnur euiiauces its appear near future. hundredfold. - j I'on't bother to prepnre the tonic; "The outlook for modern equipped VfMl l!('t frn,n '"'(f "I"" 0 o0 shickynrds for Sntheiliu ut ha eni lv "V1" l"',,lt' of " Wv,, ' nnd Pub dute." says the Sun, "begins to look1'1""' !' I'"!""1, ' ren'lv ,0 nw- Tll' good to the ciii.ena of this valley, nnd l'"" .nI,y".v 1,0 depended upon to bring in nil probability construction work will ' '!", ' S "n,l"1 thickness nmt begin ns so.,., as weather conditions ." J? , Vo"r ,llnT . f","1 '"""V" ''" will permit." hair V lU'ill"B ,,ml fh"in The elect, ic "lbJhiTng company nt LidoiiT'r1''' ",0" 'TV'1' "' ' S"("'"a Condon is planaiiur to meter all un " r'Te H (,nrlCI"' flnturally metered rl.s'i'ib'nce's a"dU b ic s ' A .""'C' ' " holism and wil, also reduce the mini- " "oV oftb j ,hi through the hair, taking one small MT PLEASANT ITPMS nt,a ,i"lr! 'v n1""'"'!? the Rray mi. i IjLABAJiT ITEMS hair has di.-appenroil. and ufter another W. It. ltv i,,n,l i,.i,... ... i . . . ,l ' vlu,m's oeiiuriiuiiy uarK " T, , ,. '",""' appears glossy, lustrous and nbiin- there was no draft, it whistled everv breath !!)'.,wt.v ''" ti, trouble. I drew." "Come off, come off, and soak your head," ex-CK wrii'Uoev: "Zt be t: . r..: 1 .. i i. i ji- . t . . .. ... i. ... ttaniis uic inenu, so urasn ana mp; i just nave risen from my bed, where I had forty kinds of crio. And anv , of the forty brands was worse than your denatured case, ' so push yourself with both your hands, and spring your ; yarn some other place." That's all the sympathy one gets, when he's allowed to run at large, by all , the doctors, I nui-ses, vets, who've had him for six weeks in charge. I 1 1 1 ct" hflVP ristn permanently cured unless the cause is - . removed. Solvax is sold under a positive guar antee to refund the money If it does not cure, This is the strongest proof that can be offered as to the merit of the medicine. Yon nro chenting your self out of your slice of life If you do not ghe Solvax a chance, dot it today from Daniel .1. Pry or any leading druggist in this uinity. Always Watch This Ad Changes Often i inc. wuuDiiVlAIN t for Hi" kim,, f AM' 81edB"' W"1'l0,, StW, tai "'P"0"' U klJ'dA J ?art"elt& Tron for both Roofo ml BulldlnM. coil 8 Lundry Mingol, lightly uioj for one-fourth orlglnil . 115 AND 120 KXW OVERCOATS AT 15.00. I Py 1 18 ctntt per pound for old rtga. I pay nighut prlc for Md and fur. II. Steinbock Junk Co. nOB North Comit,ercial 8trt. num. im