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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1916)
THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ; OREGON. FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1916. THREE How Soldiers Ip Stromj Preparedness asrainst sickness is the M Dig, important , ining to ngnung soiaiers. sick soiaier cannot work with vigor any more than you can work . with energy when you are weak, tired, almost sick. One efficient warring government is giving each soldier a vial of cod liver oil every day because far-reaching experi ments show how wonderfully it increases the calories of human energy and gives them strength to prevent winter sickness. Is this not convincing proof that you need it at this season to enliven your blood to prevent sickness? Cod liver oil is scarce and high-priced this season and many inferior grades maybe offered. But remember that SCOTT'SistheoneEMULSION which guarantees pure cod liver oil free from alcohol and drugs. If you are subject to colds, throat or lung troubles; if you are easily tired, run-down or have thin blood, you should take Scott's Emulsion at once. If your children are back ward in growth, frail or anaemic, nothing will do them so much good as Scott's Emulsion, and for girls and women in home or business it is nature's great strength-builder. Scott's is not a "secret" medicine. It is a rich blood food and a pure tonic; it contains nothing harmful and is pleasant to take. It is prescribed by physicians and liberally used in hospitals and private schools. One bottle may prevent a sickness. At any drug store Start it to-day. Imitations are sometimes offered but this Trade -Mark has stood for supreme quality for the past forty years. ALWAYS INSIST ON SCOTT'S. . POLITICAL BEES Guy 0. Smith Announces Can didacy for County Prose cuting Attorney Guy- 0. Smith, of this city, has form ally announced his candidacy for the republican nomination for the offico of prosecuting- attorney for Marion county. Walter Keys and lilaine Mc Cord, of Woodburn, .ire also reported to consider entering the lists for tins oftice. K. R. Ringo, the present incumbent, is unable to stato whether or not he will run for the nomination for this office. Mr. Ringo was formerly an at torney practicing in Portland when he became a special agent for Governor west anil wns appointed by West to the office of dh-trict attorney in this count v.- -Vlr. Kingo has been consider ing going to I'ortl.ind to resume his practice, though he has been urged by lus triends to enter llie race. County School Superintendent W. M. Smith will also. bo. a candidate for the nomination for county school superin tendent on the republican ticket. Air, Smith has made an excellent record in this office and since it is not apolitical office he has strong support in the various districts of this county. Eliza beth Cornelius,; who was rural school supervisor last year, will be a candi date against Air. Smith and . Clarence Phillips, of. Scotts Mills, and W. C. Oaunt, of Stayton, have also declared their intention to seek the republican nomination for county school superin tendent. ' y $ '$ TO HAVE PERFECT SKIM THROUGHOUT THE WINTEE These days the face and hands need special care and attention. Strong winds, quiek changes of temperature from indoors to outdoors, are severo on the skin. Their despoiling effects are best overcome by tho application of pure mercoliaed wax. This keeps skin and pores in a cleanly condition, the complexion beautifully white and spot less. Chapped, reddened, blotchy and roughened cuticle are actually ab sorbed by it. One ounce of mereolized wax, obtninabje at any drug store, is stfficienit to completely- renovate a weathorbeaten complexion. It is used like cold cream, allowed to remain on over night and washed off in the morn ing. As the skin tends to expand in a warm atmosphere, cheeks and Win to sng and wrinkles to form, a good as tringent lotion should he used by the woman who keeps pretty much indoors these days. Dissolve one ounce powder ed saxolitc in one half pint witch hazel. Bathe the face in this mornings or be fore going out for theater or social af fair. It is a remarkable skin tightener and wrinkle eraser. m ifii MK3 so. Scott &. Bowne, Bloomfield, N. J. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS MADE IN SUNLIT LABORATORIES. MONMOUTH NEWS ITEMS (Capital Journal Speciul Service.) ' Monmouth, Ore., Jan. 14. Mr. Allan Johnson, who has been prominent in Monmouth business circles for several years as local manager of tho Willam ette Valley Lumber company hore, died at his home in .Monmouth Monday even ing of Bright 's disease, after an illness of several months' duration. He leaves a wire nnu two young uuugincrs vu illB mm-.Hino. power separator, silos, mourn Ins deuth. All business houses ; 8tcm ho-.rr for wasl,i and sterilizinir will close tho schools to stop the spread of tho disense if necessary. It is reported that recont snowfalls in the logging camps in the western part of tho county has forced them to quit logging until some of tho snow melts. It is reported thnt the snow lies about two to three feet deep on the level. Mr. Ed Rogers is the owner of n lnrgo modern dairy farm near here. All the latest modern conveniences are in stalled in tho barn, consisting of milk' closed us a mark of respect for tho deceased, during the funeral services which took place at the residence at 2 o'clock p. m. Tho Woodmen of the World took charge of the funoral serv ices at the residence and the Odd Fel lows the burial services at the grave. , Monmouth now has several cases of dyphtheria and most of the townspeo ple are fighting shy of it. Mrs. Dr. J. 0. Matthes is tho latest victim of the contagion. She is said to be in quite a critical condition. City Houlth Officer Dr. L. C. Trice has every case under quarantine and WOMAN WEAK, DIZZY, NERVOUS Health Restored by Lydia E. Pinkham't Vegetable Compound. Jamaica, N. Y.-"I suffered greatly with my head and with backache, was milk utensils and the "London" litter carriers. Mr. Rogers keeps and milks 24 head of pure bred Jersey cows. One thing that is particularly noticeable when one makes a tour of inspection is the pres ence of mony labor saving devices in the form of gasoline engines, power pumps and many other things of use to him. Mr. Joseph Tetherow has recently been reappointed ns road supervisor of this rood district. The roads in his territory show a marked improvement this year over years past and automo biles travel them the year round. One thing that is particularly notice able when one makes a tour of inspec tion of this part of the valley is tho great increase in the number of silos erected during the past year. Most all the dairymen in this vicinity doubled their ensilage storing capacity ns most of them are beginuing to realize the fact that ensilnge is one of the cheapest and best cow-feeds that can be produced in this country. Mr. Miller McAlib Is still at work trnpping gophers on the farm of Wm. Riddel nnd sons, near here. Mr. Mc- Aleb has caught in the neighborhood! of 4,N00 of these pests on this one lurm alone' during the past year for which he has received the sum ot za cents eacn as bounty for the crop-destroyers. The weak, dizzy, ner- farmers in this vicinity are planning an VOUS, with hot organized raid on these pests nnd most flashes and felt very everyone will admit that it is high time that something of the sort was done. irremilar'for two T1, Monmouth high school chorus is irregular lor iwo . . :-: . tnnn,t .Mn the years, one day, when I was feeling ......... II.. I..,! ,ul uiiuBuoi.jr m l" J sister-in-law came in and said, 'I wish you would try Lydia E. Flnkham's Compound. began taking it and I am now in good health and am cured. 1 wok trie com pound three times a day after meals, and on retiring at night I always keep bottle in the house." Mrs. L. N. BURNHAM, 35Globe Ave., Jamaica, N. Y. Women who recover their health nat urally tell others what helped them. Some write and allow their names and photographs to be published with testi monials. Many more tell their friends. ' If you need a medicine for Wo men's Ailments, try Lydia E. I'lnkham's Vegetable Com pound. Write Lydia E. Pinkuam Medi cine Co. (confidential) for any- tf&Zto! BRIGHTER CHILDREII Children are probably brighter to-day than a feneration ago but are they So I ' stronger ? That's a grave question. So many pinched laces, auneu eyes and languid feelings make us wonder if they will ever grow into robust, healthy men and women. If your children catch colds easily, are tired when rising, lack healthy color, or find studies difficult, give them Scott's Emulsion for one month to enrich their blood and restore tne body-forces to healthy action. Scott's Emulsion is used in private schools. It is not a "patent medicine", simply highly concentrated oil-food, Icohol or harmful drugs. It cannot harm; it Improves blood; it bene. r . - . - -,! ..Irpfifrthna the system. thing you need t kH0W a'X'Ut, your dniguist has It refuse substitutes, these troubles. I guaoww.iifii.M. proceeds of which will go as a payment on the piano purchased lust year. The chorus is under the able leadership of Miss Baker and will no doubt surprise the Monmouthites when they appear in concert. Tho mercury took a sudden notion to drop Yesterday morning. About 0:30 a. HAYESYILLE NEWS (Capital Journal Special Service.) llayesville, Or., Jan. 14. The liter ary society was held on Friday niuht. i The roll call wns answered by each memoer naming his native state its nickname, and one of its famous men alter a short business session the fol lowing program was rendered, the num bers being announced by Hilda tlruen-felder: Song, My Old Kentucky Home, by tne society, leu uy Alisa Jottie Ale Afee. . Recitation, The Height of the Ridi culous, Fred Stettler. Query Uox, for this Mr. Fitts, Mr. Ward and Mr. Willis were chosen ns the Tnree Wise Men ami were given seats in the front of the room, eich member then wrote a. question which the wise men proceeded to answer wit great ability. , Recitation, Mark Ritchey. Harp S-olo, Arthur Jones. llayesville News,-written by Tlieo dosia Tcel, rend by Joseph Tccl. Song, Chicago Quartet, John Denny,' Aiueit stealer, Hiiiiolph Hansen, Paul Oronke. F.xploits of Daniel lioone, Ruby Kot yin. Recitation, Oscar Noven. Debate, Resolved, Thnt single, life is preferable to married life. Mr. Wat kins, Mr. McAfee and Albert Wulfmey er were 1'or tho affirmntice, nnd Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Watkins nnd Clark Ritchey were for the negative. Mr. Changes In Postoffice Building at Salem If the committee on Public Buildings and Grounds is willing, certain chang es and additions will be mule to the liostoffice building of Salem. A bill was introduced by Senator George Chamberlain in the senate of the Uni ted States January. 5, lit 1(5, which was, according to custom, read twice nnd referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and GroundB. Tho bill is numbered S. 304'J, and reads as fol lows: "A bill to provide for certain chang es and additions to tho public building at Salem, Oregon. "Bo it enacted by tho Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assem bled, thnt the secretary of tho treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to mako certain changes and additions to the public building at Sa lem, in the stato of Oregon, for tho use and accommodation of the United States postofl'ice, in accordance with the report of Superintendent Adams, under date of February second, nine teen hundred And fourteen, the cost of snmo not to exceed $00,000." Keep Warm and Keep Healthy Warm Clothes Will Do It Better Than Paying Doctor Bills Come to BRICK BROS. for Clothing, Shoes and Hats We are the only store that advertise that we guaran tee every purchase Our Lines are always complete Brick Brothers The House That Guarantees Every Purchase WILLAMETTE NOTES All the better class of dealers uncon sciously recommend Snowflake Sodas because for so long they have been the standard ot cracKer goodness. 10c and 25c packages -also in bulk l.JLL.W..,a,IJ III TPKT PACIFIC COAST BISCLIT COMPANY Portland Oregon y morning, aijuul v.ti n. i nvn- ,ui 111-111 ii. m. the wind changed trom tne soutn- um-,, u. mini nnu Mrs, i itts were cast to n strong northwest and in 30 chosen -is judges. They decided in fa- minutes the mercury dropped from 35 ,0T or tne negative degrees to 22 degrees above zero, which was the coldest day ot tne season in Monmouth. About four incus of snow fell during tho day. Two reels of motion pictures have been secured from the federal depart ment of agriculture by L. .1. Allen,, pig club workers of the O. A. C. exten sion department, explaining the organ ization and work of the pig and poul try clubs among the school children of the natioy. These pictures are being exhibited throughout the county this week nnd children enrolled in the pig and poultry club projects will be ad mitted free of charge to the perform ances. Mr. Frank Longhary, one of Polk county's most prominent Jersey breed ers now has 11 cows on test. Several are nearly finished and most all are making good records. Mr. I.nnghary will put a few in the annual spring sale of the Tolk County Jersey Breed ers' association, of which he is presi dent. The recent floods on the I.uckinmute river did considerable damage to the Prather steel bridge over the I.uckin mute river. Knginccrs have been busy all week raising the south end which through the neglect of the construction engineers was opened for public use without the pier being finished on the south end and consequently the high water undermined it and it sunk below the road level rendering the bridge dan gerous and practically useless. AGED WOMAN PASSES AWAY Mrs. Florence I.aundree, perhaps the oldest woman in this county, died at tho homo of her son, A. Oberson, of Independence, on Friday. Hhe was born in Hwit.erlnnd about 63 years ngo, coming to New York while very young. Hhe married three times. There are a great many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Hhe was burled from the Catholic church Sunday ut 2 o'clock. Hhe came to Oregon Id years ngo and had excellent health until this whiter. Dallas Observer. .. Mr. Zimmerman was nrmnintivl I'liti.. for the evening and gave some good advice as to placef position in stand ing and manner of speech. Mrs. Hull, mother of Fillmoro Tyrell, pnssed away at the homo of her diugh- ter, Airs. .Matilda Hull, in Snlcm Inst Thursday evening, and the funeral wns held from the First Baptist church, of I7.UUIU1.. .u u p. in conducted by Kev. T. 8. Lawrence. Mrs. Hull came to Oregon from Iowa S years ngo and has spent most of her time at the homo of her. son at llayesville. Hhe was laid to rest in City View cenieterv. i an neirers were: A. E. Zimmerman . t;. .McAfee. H. w i. r. t ., win'?, .mi. iwt.ujiu i ami v. i. i i'ii i The Ladies Missionary mr.;,.ii. .,.t with Miss Ma Donnv nfternoon and an interesting program wns given, after which refreshments were served. The neit ninni:., ,.;n be held the scond Wednesday in Jau- imi, nun :wrs. ii. it. ii i htii-t Dr. A. M. l'ettv. of Pnrtln ml Btidrn. tary of the northwestern division of mission work on the Pncifin inni .. .ii speak at the Hnyrsvillo church on Hun- iny at 2:30 p. m. A number of neotde here with the triune, umnmr Minn, I,,,;.,.,. Mr. and Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Voder, Aud rey and Gladys White, Mrs. Drown, and Glenn Nav.ige. Allie llndnel and Minnio Kiihu wero married lust week and the boys gnvo them a shivnree party on Wednesday evening. Mr. Hill and fnniilv hnvn tnm-nil In. to the Armstrong property. Lawrence' will occunv t.m mil. pit hero next .Sunday both morning and $ - sfc QUICK, PAINLESS WAY ' TO EEMOVE HAIBY GROWTHS (Helps to Beauty) Here is a simple, unfailing way to rid the skin of objectionable hairs: With some powdered delatinn and water make enough paste to cover the hairy surface, apply and in about i minutes rub off, wash the skin and every trace of hair has vanished. This is quite harmless, hut to avoid disappointment be sure to get the delatone in tin origin al package. Prof. Wallace McMurrny gave a lec ture Tuesday evening in Kuton hull on "Maeterlinck," aiid discussed several of his essays, Karl C. Flegcl, captain of the 1013 football team, was unanimously elected by the squud recently for the captaincy of next year's team. Flegcl had the distinction of having played in everv game the full time throughout the sen son, and his playing wns of the best at all times He is an ull-rouud nthlcte, having won thus fur seven official W.'s in football, basketball, baseball and tennis; and so with the sumo squad back for football next year ('apt. Flegel and Coach Mathews should be able to produce a team that would give some of the conference teams a close rub. Tho junior class have decided upon the play which they will stage for the annual junior production. It is Alfred Noyes' "Sherwood, or Robin Hood and tho Threo Kings." It is u. five act drama nnd is well spnkeu of in literary circles. Professor Wallace McMurrny, head of the department of Knglish drama, will direct the piny, and has al ready chosen his cast "and got the first act ready. The play will be staged May 1 at tho (Irand. ' The professor plans to have the pluy all ready by April 1 so that tho month of April can bo used in perfecting minor details. The setting of the play is in Micrwood, land, and deals with the daring deeds of the bold Hobin Hood, an outlaw who dwelt in the forest with his band of followers, Intertwined with the plot is a deep love theme that runs through out the play. The cast in part as it, has beea chosen consists of Kobin Hood, Karl Flegel; Prince John, Wallace Ad ams; Oboron, Alpheus (iillelte; Titnniu, Esther Kmmel: the sheriff of Notting ham, Karl f'hnplar; Fitzwalter, Carl Recta; Wiadow-ofaI.eaf, I.abnn Mccves; CJueen Klinor, Rosamond Gil bert; Little John, Willis Hartlett; Ma rion, Violet Maclean. In tuldition to these thero will be about W other char acters needed, hence a number of out siders will be used in the cast. hum ill R. King is managing the play and this fact alone is sufficient to as sure the success of the play as lie has carried several ventures through suc cessfully. Tho local tryout lor the state orator ical contest has been combined with the Walter Keyes oratorical contest. This puts the prizes of 15 and if 10 within the rench of a number of contestants and provides greater competition. The orations for the contest will be sub mitted to the judges for luiU'liu' on composition January 25. Prof. Helen animations For Promotion Last Night NEWS ITEMS IN BRIEF. 10, ni-....:.. Tt. U.. 1 ... n. ... ' . . nuoi.Hy scnooi expects to .Miller Henn will coach the contestants u eoniest on Sunday, January: nnd t seems, that. Willnninttn .,... ...I should make n good showing this year in intercollegiate oratorical ork. Thus far thero are 10 contestants who will strive for honors. Heavy Snow at Quinaby (Capital Journal Bpecinl Service.) Quinaby, 'Or., Jan. 14. This section is enjoying a six-inch fall of snow, and every available sled is being brought into requisition to convey the children to school, most of whom have long dis tances to travel, . feeding the birds thnt are flocking to the door-yards. Hhelter has been provided by most of the farm-ej- for cows and horses, but sheep are finding poor picking. . Mr. Lang is in California, where ho went on business connected with the shipment of three1 carlonds of apples recently. ' Mr. I'ng sent a carload to Nome, Alaska, last year and w well phased with the returns. . Mrs. A. M. Anderson who had antici pated a visit from her sister living in Knnsus has received news of her sister's illness so that hnr corning will bo de ferred for a time. Miss Alviua llulin, ot Portland, lias Chico, Cal., Jan. 14. Jack Liclilcr, aged 20, wns sentenced- today to onu year in San Quentin penitentiary for F.xnm'nutions for lironmtlnns nf non-1 holding up and robbing n hnuniiu nm:i commissioned officers were held nt the 'll the main section of the town n ninioiy lust evening. Tho examination centy. wns taken by sergeants, corporals and privates, and was conducted by Cup- Maiysville, Cul., Jim. 14. A ship. Duua tain (iehlhiir uid Lieutenants II. Allen and Hoy E. Ner. Kxaniinations were taken by tlio fol lowing: Quarter Master Sergeant Han ta, Sergeant. Mitchell, Sergeant Wy glint and Corporals Alford, Plunk, spaiildiug, Kennon .ind .Norton, nient of clothing for the relief of Hel gium will be sent from here tonio -row. A ifl,0u0 fund will also be raUed. following privates also stood for ex aininatinii: ilrndison, Anderson, Grill lapp and Mclntuiff. At present there are three vacancies for sergeint, five for corporal and these will be filled from those who stand highest in the CMimiiutiuus. Recruiting is progressing favorably with the enlistment of Uavey, Vincent and Monro this week. There is an op portunity at. present for desirable re cruits, ns tho terms of several mem bers of the company have expired. Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. I I. -Dr. Buni on Kyle todnv removed adenoids mi l Thelie tonsils' of .Miss Margaret Wilson, the president 's daughter. ing well. She Is rest- Mrs. Mary Boynton Was Nearly Hundred Woo.lburii, Or,, Jan. 14. Mrs. Mary A. lioynton, widow of the late C. O. Ho.vnton, mid an Oregon pioneer of 1W0, died nt her home in this city Wednesday in the ninety-thin year of her ngo. She. was a n.itive of San dusky, Ohio, moving from thero with her parents to Illinois in 1834 nnd came to Oregon with her husband in IH.'iO in a train of ox teams, accomplishing the journey within six months. They lo cated a donation Kind claim where' the town of Needy now is. In 1SH1 thev sold their farm and moved to Wood Auburn, Cnl., Jan. 14. Attorney Ar thur R. Gieen's stomach is turning l leather. He left toitny for Snu Fran cisco to have it cut out. Specialists say it will be possible for dim to livi without a stomach, the other orgui s doing the work. is the best bridge ot the many county bridges over the I.uckiamute- and its undermining was a source of great In convenience to the many travelers who use the structure em-li day. Dallas Observer. A CLEAR COMPLEXION Ruddy Cheeks Sparkling Eyts Most Women Can Have Cy Dr. Edwards, a Weil-Known Ohio Physician Dr. P. M. Edwards for 17 years treat, a scores of women for liver and bowel ail ments. During these years ho gavo to bin putlcnls a prescription maue i a xw wen- hiiin. Tun ehildien surviving her are vcgctnblo Ingredients nilxcd with- !'). L. ltoyntim, of CressweU, Oregon; ollvo oil, namlni; tbcm Dr. Kdwanls' Olhu T. Tlnvnton, Vale, Oregon; Mrs, lies- Tablets, you will know lliem by llitlr oil' sie Pope.ioy, Ki.k'ef ield. Washington: and Miss Lidu Ho.vnton, of Wooilburn. Interment was in Hock Creek burying ground. LUCKIAMUTE BRIDGE RAISED Bridge engineers lire busy this week in raising the south end of the Prath er bridge over the I.uckiamute river. Tho engineers who built this bridge inmA titiiA nifn ti ;!,. I r. ... n ..!.. .... der tho south end and with the re cn Just to keep In the pink of condition. . . . "0UMl. en" . aml Vm ro De Edwards' Olive Tublets. the succcfi- ceni nign waters the south end wus!fu, mute. for calomel 1M and undermined and settled so that the ; ,)t,r t)0X. All driw;lst. bridge was practically useless, This The CMv Tubkt Company, Colunilua, Ov i-olne. These tablets ore wonder-workers on tho liver and bowels, which cause a nuimul action, carrying oft the wasto and rulo ous matter that one's system collects. If you have a pale fnco, sullow look, dull eyes, pimples, coated tongue, headaches, a listless, no-good feeling, all out of sons, In active bowel you take one of Dr. Kdward'a Olive Tablets nightly for a time and noia the pleasing results. w Thousands ot women. OS Well as me i, take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets now una Why Suffer With Backache. Kidneys or Rheumatism Now? valuable to eat. returned to her home here where she will remain some months. Miss Augusta llahn Is recovering from a severe attack of lvgrlppo, Mr. llargriifner, one of the Quinaby blacksmiths, Is erecting a new shop at the station which will be large enough to install modern machinery for doing his work. The daughter nf Mr. and Mrs. James O'N'ell nro ill from grippe. Practically all of tho young people of Clear Lake have been ill owing to rehearsing for tho Christmas festivities during the cold weather in unhealed church and school houses. Parents are agreed that there are entirely too many evening en tertainments connected with country school work. I Dear Headers: 1 1'jercc can help you if you suffer from' I., !Z Vr(T '"I .l"rT 'm1' '!',,"'fl'!'lK',lrT,1,:l''t",;i"1!''"'v complaints, pairs in ( hninp (lark s state it is iiioinllv such a terrib le buckochi' that, I eon d ... . 1 ' 1 asserted thnt the Missouri mule is too: hardly do my housework, but after tak-1 ,v,lU'h " ofu'n all"ot ing one box I could do my work with '"'"I womankind. You nnd !'. comfort. I take pleasure In recom-' IMcrce can get together, by null, with mending both "Anurln" and "Favor-! out anybody knowing it, nnd he will lte Prescription," ns they have donei give vou his careful, simple, expert ad- wonders for mo. I would advise others vice as a phVhlciMi, without feu, to try them because I know they willj To prove tint "Anuria" is n ceitnl i find great relief, Vou ull have tin-1 uric add solvent ,nid conquers headache, doubtedly henrd of the famous Dr. I backache, kidney and bladder disease, Pierce and his well-known medicines, and rheumatism, send lO-eenls to lb. His Into discovery, "Anurie," Is one! Pierce for a large trial pfi'knn? of that has been successfully used by the I AN l'Ht', and send for FIfKB nudlciil physicians and Specialists lit Pf. j treatise on any chronic diseus.i which Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical . you may name! Scientists affirm Institute, in lluffao, N. Y., for back-j this remedy Is thirty-seven times nieru ache anil kidney complaint. It Is good potent than lit Ii in. If you flie r. tufci for diseases arising from disorders ofjer, go to vour druggist uuu nk t,r n kidneys and bladder, such lis backache, I non box of "A.niiu." ' weak back, rheumatism, inflammation j . ot bladder, scalding urine and urinary Get good tienl'h through the- U "f troubles. Mrs. H. M. Simons. Dr. Piercs's Oo!der Medical Dli'.ovmy. Note: Xi) mutter where you live, Dr. Hold la either tablet or Uo,ull fu'i.i.