Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 14, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social Personal
' Mrs. Thomas 0. Hailoy, formerly of
, Falcni, who was one of the hostesses of
tbfl Oregon building At tho Itonama-Pa-rific
International exposition in ban
Francisco last year, has been made a
member of the board of governors of
the women's section of tho Navy
Lenffuc, which is one of the prominent
defense ami preparedness organizations
of the United Slates. Jlrs. lljiley wai
elected at a recent meeting of the wo
men..! section at Washington, I). C.
Mrs. Hniley will return to Oregon
late in January and interest other wo
men in the work of the league.
Friends of Mr. ami Mrs. J. W. Bick
for.1 (Louise Huolott) of I'ortland, will
' be interested to know that the liiek
' fords are now domiciled in their nt
iractive new homo on Park Hide
Mr. and Mrs. John Gary were hosts
for an enjoyable evening last night at
tneir noroe on . . Commercial street
their guests included the Leslie Loyal
(James formed the evening's enter
tainmcnt, followed by a dainty colla
Mrs. Fred Hteusloff entertained the
Northwest Section of ' the Women's
Union of tne First Congregational
church this Afternoon nt her home on
North Commercial street.
Miss Margret Ifodgers, who has been
'ill in Portland, returned home to ro
main with her parents, Jlr. and Mrs.
George Kodgers for several davs.
. '
Mrs. F. K. Mull entertained a nuin
ler of friends Wednesday afternoon
at her home in Moiningside.
A sewing was followed by dainty re
freshments. During tho afternoon the guests
formed i "Round Dozen Club" for
whica Mrs. L. W. Potter was appoint
ed temporary chairman. The follow
ing officers werL elected: Mrs. L. W.
Potter, president; Mrs, K. E. Mull, vice-
yresident; Mrs. 1. I. JJavidHon, secre
tary; Mrs. P. Sf. Kuperr, treasurer, und
Miss Laura Yates, reporter.
The Daughters of Isabella were very
elatcil over tho success of their par
eel post entertainment, given for tho
needy in St. Joseph's hall last even
ing and from the generous offerings
and contrihutions, many unrortunuto
families will be mado happy.
During the evening a delightful pro
gramme was given, a feature of which
wus a splendid two act dr.ima. Later
the guests enjoyed a musicale.
The members of tho Birthday club
met this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Michael on Center street.
A business session was followed by
dainty refreshments.
Mrs. Edwin L. Baker returned the
first of the week front a delightful
visit in Portland, where she was the
guest of Mrs. Knlpli Watson and Airs.
Thomas Wjlson.
Last evening Mrs. II. St. Helens on
tertoined the officers and cadets of the
Artisans lodge.
The early part of the evening was
devoted to tin arranging of plans, and
a programme for the winter.
Liter the guests eu.joyed a social
time followed by refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King entertain
ed informally at dinner Thursday ev
ening, in celebration of their twenty
second wedding anniversary. Their
guests included Mr. and Mrs'. Guy Ir
win, Mr. and Mrs. John Gicsv and Miss
Aijiucmie luesv.
Statement Issued From Lon
don Denied by Seattle
German Consul
Escaped From Kronprinz Wil
helm But Taken by Fed
eral Officials-
w : i
Wilmington, Del., Jan. U. Four sail
ors, who escaped recently from tho in
terued German raiders, Kronprinz Wil
Lclra and Prims Kited Fricdrich at Nor
folk, were arrested here today. Two
were workingf on a government dredge
at Fort Dupont and the others at the
Bancroft cloth mills near the Hngley
yard of the Duxnt Powder company
whero there have boeu several explos
ions rooontly.
The four were taken to Gloucester, N.
J., for a hearing before a Ijiited States
commissioner on charges that they are
alieua who have violated their paroles.
According to officials, a majority of
the dredgn crow answered descriptions
of the Kailors, missing from the in
terned ships, while another sailor from
the Kroi.pnns was reported working
In Ibc mills, and a munlier of others,
at Cnuoy's Point. The authorities are
iJanim.g to investigato these reports.
, J
Tb Baiem high basketball team play
Eugene high at Kugene tonight, mid a
close and interesting nontest is expect
ed. The Richmond Parent-Teachers' aaso
elation will meet this evening at 7:.'Hl
o'clock. A new president will be elect
ed and other subjects of interest to tin
association will be taken up.
Tonight the men of the Congrega
tional churches cf the city will meet
t tho First Congregational ehun.li for
the purpose of discussing Invmnn'a mis
nonary work. The Kev. Hau'cr, a return
ed missionary will address the meeting.
Orange yellow ts the color on which
Official Advices That Illness
Is Not As Serious As
Was Reported .
New York, Jan. 14. Kniser Wilhelm
of Germany, is not near death, as va
rious newspaper reports have churned.
Jle receives guests daily, and soon will
resumo his usual activities. This word
came today from Chancellor Von Beth-mnnn-Hollwcg
to thn United Press iu
response to a request for authoritative
information as to tho emperor's condi
tion. Coming as it does, directly after
an official denial through I'uited
Press Correspondent Ackennnn that the
kaiser's illness Is serious, if. was tak
en here as indicating there is no founda
tion for recent alarming reports.
Tho messuge from Tlollweg follows:
(Copyright liM, by the United Press.)
"The Cuiled Press;
"Berlin, by wireless to Snyville, L. I.,
Jan. 14. His Majesty receives guests
every evening, lie received in nudiciiee
his ministers of stute and officers of
high rank for daily conferences. The
kaiser wnlks in the palace gardens when
weather permits. He had never been
confined to his bed nud will very short
ly resume his customary activities,
(Signed) "Von BethiuannUolhveg."
nil pre paid way bills nud records per
taining to tho delivery ami forwarding
of shipments by express companies must
be printed. This is in accordance with
the ruling of the Inter state Commerce
commission, But right here is where
the war in Kurope changes a few
things. The beautiful deep orange color
is made from German dyes, ond ns ev
eryono knows, Germuu' dyes are not
coming to this country just at present.
Hence, the express bills within the next
week or two will be those dyed from
dyes made in this country nnd thev are
more or a light lemon color,
To get the genuine, call for full nnme,
for signature of K, W. drove. Cures a
Cold in Quo Dny. 2fe,
London, Jan. 14 Documents taken
from tho recalled German attache Von
Papen of the Washington embassy
recently at Falmouth showed that he
paid $1HOO to the German consulate at
Seattle for Werner Horn, who attempt
ed to dynamite the Vnnceboro, Maine,
international bridge last spring accord
ing to the foreign offico today. This
payment was made a fortnight before
Horn made his attempt.
The fureign office said this was the
last installment sent to Horn, while
other portions of the documents show
that. German Ambassador Von Bern
storff gave Von Papen several checks.
One of these was for $2,000 on tho
Ripgs Bank of Washington, the day be
fore Horn was paid a $700 installment.
The documents have been set to Wash
ington to aid the state department in
investigation of anti-ally conspiracies
in America.
Horn was a former German army
officer. He is under indictment on a
charge of illegally transporting ex
plosives. Officials took him into custody on
American soil after the attempt' was
made last Ferbuary to blast the Vance
boro bridge over which gieat trains
pass daily between Canada and the
United States.
The records showed that the Born
stoff payments wero charged against
tho war intelligence office. To pay
ment to Von Papen totalled $04110,
and tne latter paid out $.i000.
Exhibition Has Proven Very hrade Is Planned For Friday
Successful and
Consul Knows Nothing.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. It. German
Consul Zeopffel, of Seattle, declared
today, when his attention was called
to the London statement that Attache
Von Papen had paid the German eon
sulato at Seattle $1800 for Werner
Horn, the alleged nttemptcd inamitor
that he had never had any personal
correspondence with Von Tapeu.
"I know nothing of any such bus!
ness," he said, "and have never heard
anything mentioned regarding it since
I took office here last June.
"I consider it incredible absolutely
Poslam Works Wonders
On Any Affected SIdn
Quickly Healed.
Cleared Overnight.'
, Blemishes Banished.
By taking
ny taxing a small part of the skin
Beeter! with PlmpUs. R.,h, Bloch,
Etc.. or which il Unduly Inflamed, Itch.
r biwiMi, aim
.r "man quantity o Po.lam, an Ira
medium demonstration may be had of
if remarkable healing power and
notiffh PHhsi for the purpoae may
b obtained r. by the UJV of the
coupon tier War
Poslaia puti atop to Itching at
once, and ita readiness in healing small
surfaces Is evidence of Its rapid action
in thaeradlcntlon of All Enemas, Acjm,
TeHer.Salt Rheam, Barbers' Itch, Snip
Soalesi In short, every surlac akin af
lection. So exhaustively hat the merit
I PoUm been proven and so uniform
a IM work of lieallnr under all eondl-
lions, that o one suffering any Skin Trouble can aflord to ignore In benefit
i OSiaRi Snail m;"ce,, PJm. Is an aid to health ol Slln and
U,iaiJ WWP Hulr. Superior Jr dally use; Toilet, Bath, Shampooing.
THIS COUPON nu .wJ la Km.ni.iil!
Moarstnrli, M W.IMn 81., New York,
Stmt rV Summit r SWsw M
Addresi .
Colonel Roosevelt Is
In Favor of Force
Washington, Jan. 14. Colonel Roose
velt's advocacy of sending General
Leonard Wood with troops into Mexico
met with conflicting comment today
from members of congress. Here are
some of tic views:
Senator Jones of Washington: "In
the name of hnmnnitr, we must take
the step Kooscvelt advocates."
Representative McKellnr of Tennes
see: "it i fortunate that Hoosevelt
is not in authority."
Representative ilensley of Missouri:
"If Hoosevelt wants to go to Mexico,
l m in ravor of giving him his pass
ports. '
Representative Anthony of Kansas:
It 's the right thing to do, and I wish
President Wilson would choose Roose
velt to lead the expedition."
Senator (lallinger of New Hampshire:
It's iust what I would do if I ware
president. At least, Roosevelt proposes
something. "
"There in much more justification
for intervention in Mexico than there
was in Cuba," said Roosevelt. "Wo
should send in tho regular army, and
(ieneral Wood is the man to do the
At the same time, the colonel took a
fling at the president 't foreign policy
in general,
Sharp Advance In
Wall Street Today
(Copyright 1HHI by the New York Ev
ening Post.)
Now York, Jan. I I It was inevitable
after the severe decline in the stock
market p to Wednesday that by stop
ping short contracts on the part of trad
ers satisrieu witn tneir profits, that
there would be a sharp rise unless some
event justified a renewal of the decline,
(inly some development of first import
ance in the financial world could have
stimulated the market into fresh activ
ity n id a new break in prices. No such
development occurred, und the Mexican
ncs wero not regarded ns of largo fin
ancial importance, so the market has
become a thing governed by the cover
ing of a largo speculative short ac
There were a numocr of sharp ad
vances today, principally among stocks
vliich had gained a reputation from
their proncnesH to wild fluctuations.
Hiit this did not reflect tho large In-
The eighth annual exhibit of the Ma
rion county poultry show will close
this evening, not iu a blaze of glory,
like an exposition, but in a general
feeling of satisfaction nmong poultry
men and a feeling that awards were
justly made.
For those exhibiting their prize
birds, this exhibit his been more than
satisfactory, as orders iiavo been gen
erous, and there has been no disposition
to hold back orders until prizes have
been awarded. In fact, among those in
the poultry business, business has been
The Dryden hen, or what may here
after be called the Oregon breed, at
tracted a largo share of the attention
of poultry dealers and fanciers. The
Dryden hen has made a record as an
egg producer and is tiie result of breed
ing, by 1'rofessor Dryden, of the O, A.
('. W. Wilcox, who is in charge of the
poultry farm of the Oregon state hos
pital has given daily demonstrations
in canonizing, adding much to the gen
eral interest of the show. Tho colony
house which is used at the state hos
pital poultry farm, was loaned through
the interest of Dr. H. K. Iee Stciner,
and those in charge feel indebted not
only to Dr. Steiuer, but to the city
authorities for permission to place the
colony Louse on the side walk.
The officers of tho Marion county
poultry show are under obligations to
the owners of the building and tot laud
Johnson for tho free use of his office.
Also to the Ladd and Knsii bank and
the Canital National bank for the sil
ver cup awards. The management feel
indepteil to the commercial club for its
aid, by which it was enabled to give
the show withuut charging an admis
sion. Others helping and doing their share
towards making the exhibit ft success
are too I'ortland Kulway, Light and
Power company,' for lights; D. A. White
and Sons, and Fletcher and Byrd for
resistance in various' ways, an-1 to
Judgo Keeney, of Kugehe,'for his im
partial manner of judging and for the
timo ho has devoted to the work here.
Yesterday's Awards.
Following are the awards made yes
terday: Sicilian Buttercups ,T. D. Drake,
Silverton: 1, 2, 3, 4 pullet. 1 cock, 1
cockerel, 2 hen, 1 pen. W. 0. Asseln,
Halcni: 1 hen, 2 cok.
Silver Pinciled Hamburg? A. A.
Winter: 2 hen.
Silver Spangled Haniburgs M. A.
Wandenburg, Salem: 1 .cock, 1, 2, 3, 4
hen, 1 cockerel.
Favcrollca iiigeno Tjregcott, Salem:
1, 3 cockerel, 1 cock, 1, 3 pullet, 2, 3
hen,, S. S. Mumtlicy, Salem: 1. 4 hen.
2 cock, 2, 4 cockerel, 2, 4 pullet.
Silver Penciled Wy.indottes Ilonr
W. Domes McCoy: All awards.
Silver Laced Wyandotte Honrv W.
Domes McCoy: All awards.
of Letter-Writing Week
In Salem
A Pathc moving picture will be made
of the Cherrians and school children
and tho business firms of the city
when they mail their letters to their
eastern friends, telling of Oregon
wonders. This moving picture will be
made at 11:30 next Friday morning in
front of the office of tho Portland
Railway, Light & Tower company- of
fico, corner of Commercial and iStnte
streets. Arrangements will bo made
made for receiving the letters.
President Hamilton received a wire
this morning from the Pathe companv
in Portland, announcing they wouh' I
be on hand with their camera to record
the great letter mailing event, weather
With the rathe company showing
views in Salem, millions of people
within a week or two will view the
scene, and Salem at least will be on
the map.
Next Monday a stenographer will
have her office in the show windows
of tho Portland Railway, Light &
Power company and begin writing for
the citizens of Salem, the hundreds of
letters that are to bo forwarded east.
This was done to especially accommo
date those who have not the time or
inclination to write. Tho charge is
For those who would like to seal
their letters with beautiful scenic views
of Oregon, the Columbia Highway pos
ter stamps may bo secured of the
stenographer at a cost of one-half cent
each. The poster stamps are of large
size, in colors, and toll moro of the
highway thau can be described in a
page of writing.
Clearance Sale
Clearance Prices on Every Item in Women's. Misses
and Children's Ready to Wear Garments
Dressmakers' Supplies, White Goods, Richardson's
Linens, Stationery, Leather Goods, Hosiery, Under
wear, Undermuslins, Sweaters, Novelty Neckwear,
Ribbons, Umbrellas, Bedding, Blankets, Lace
Pictorial Review Patterns
U. G. Shipley Co.
145-147 North Liberty St. Salem, Oregon
DirricuLTy in solving
Limited. Funeral arrangements arc in
chargo of the Masons.
Richard P. McHatton, whose parents
live here, will be buried in El Paso
tomorrow. His father left for Texas to
day. Hie heart broken wife of Loren
zo Coy was unable to go to Kl Paso
for the funeral of her husband, which
will be conducted by the Elks. He was
a member of the Bisbec lodge.
1 lilWUll
R. A. Hamilton, of Amity, was in Sa
lem Thursday.
,T. B. Bowne was in tho city yesterday
from Turner.
Attorney Dana H. Allen is in Port
land today on legal business.
J. C. Jones, district manager of the
Woodmen of tho World, is in tho city.
Walter T. Jenks, of tho firm of II.
S. (iile & Co., went to Portland this
A. C. Conroy, an attorney of Port
land, was a business visitor here yester
day. F. M. Evensnn, of Silverton, was in
tho city yesterday, registered at the
Capital hotel. ,
Dr. Hobson, recently of Salem, was in
Eugeno during the past week visiting
an old school mate, Dr. C. N. Graves, a
local dentist. Eugene Register.
Victoria, B. C, Jan. It. Great dif
ficulty is being experienced today. by
the salvors in getting to work ou the
stranded Japanese freighter Kenkon
Maru No. 3, ashore ou Belle Chain roof,
owing to the heavy sea running iu the
gulf of Georgia. Only u brief radio
gram from the steamship Salvor reach
ed hero last night to the effect that
the sea was sweeping tho strait to such
an extent that it was impossible to get
alongside tho stranded ship until the
wind abated.
The Kenkon Maru is lying exposed to
the gale and may suffer still further in
jury iy th battering she is being sub
jected to.
Tie captain and pome of his officers
are standing by on the ship, but the
rest of the crew havo been transferred
to Lhore. It is likely that another ut
tempt will be made by the Salvor to
get aloi.gside the vessel.
Cheap substitutes cost YO0 lame price.
Heals Skin Diseases
It fs unnecessary for yon to suffer
with eczema, ringworm, rashes and sim
ilar skin troubles. A little aemo, gotten
nt uny drug store for lo, or $l.UO for
extra larpe bottle, and promptly applied
will usually give instant relief from itch
ing torture. It cleanses and sooibes the
skin and heals quickly und effectively
most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful disappearing liquid
and does not smart the most delicate bkin.
It is not greasy, is easily applied and
costs little, lict it today and nave all
further distress.
Zcmo, Cleveland,
Similar Cases Being Published In Each
. Issue.
The following case is but one of
many occurring daily in Salem. It in
ini easy matter to verify. Vou cannot
ask for bettor proof.
F. A. Sutton, tcut and awning dealer,
Salem, says: "L had kidney trouble
for ten years and sometimes I was laid
up. Doctors did not help mo. Sharp
pains extended through my back and
wero most, severe in my kidneys. Often
when working I had to givo up. I lost
weight nnd was in very poor health. I
had headaches, rested but little at
uight und didn't know what to do. On
a friend's advice, I tried Doan's Kid
ney Pills! and to my surpriso they
brought great improvement in a few
days. I continued to get better steadi
ly. I got moro sleep, my appetite im
proved, and tho pains gradually, but
surely, left mo. After I had used three
boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills, I was in
better health than I had been for ten
years and not a sign of kidney com
plaint remained." .(Statement given
Jan. 31, 1900.)
Over Six Years later, Mr. Sutton
added: "1 confirm my former endorse
ment of Doan's Kidney Pills. They
effected a permanent euro in my case."
1'rice 50c, at all dealers. Don 't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
Doan's Kidney Pills tho same that
Mr. Sutton has twico publicly reeom
monded. Foster-Milburn Co., Props.,
Buffalo, N. Y.
This being leap year, the most lady
like nation of Kuropo is free to mulio
peace) proposals..
Mrs, Mary Bushonc Booth, 77, who
died at her home here yesterday of la
grippe, was a native of Ohio, and an
Oregon pioneer. After graduating
from Ohio Weslev.in university she was
married te Rev. .1. W, Bushong. Thev
went to Portland at an early day,!
wlicro l(cv jfiusuong was a -Methodist
miuister until death about IS
years ago. Later she married Rev.
Robert Booth a pioneer Methodist min
ister of Oregon, who survives her.
Children surviving her are: W. A. T.
Husliong and J. W. Bushong. of Port-1
Mud, and H. F. Bushong, of Sherwood,
Oregon. ,
The fuueral was held here today!
with burial at Kiverview cemetery, in
Rev. Mr. Booth ia 04 years old, -ind '
is now suffering from la grippe. (e
crossed the plains to Oregon first in
IS.iO and again in Dins, settling in
Yamhill county. Iu 1864 he removed j
to Sheridan aud three years later to;
Douglas county. For the lust few years
with his wife, he has lived in Salem.!
It. A. Booth and W. A. Booth, of Ka-l
cue, j nd J. 11. Booth, of Kosebure. are '
sons. ..
Washington, Jan. 14. Chilean Am
bassador Suarez has resigned, the em
bassy announced today, assigning "per
sonal reasons," as the cause. Knarez
tuok a prominent part in the A, B. C.
negotiations at Xiagara Falls in 11)14,
when efforts were made to settle Mex
ican troubles through mediatiou.
fluencos at work in shani,, the conn- .'.? "J" W?'S
...'- ..i)..L. 1 li . , . , HHUm" UIILUI III I'UIIUIUT uuit-in
ft t,';fi tfk WAin2r!clrew tM voi ,,oor
part of the bear. Kuglaml is planning an economic
war on Germany after the present con
flict ends, and experience proves that
the Britons have a large job noeid.
Washington, .Inn. 14. Charge d' Af
faires Zwiedinck of the Austrian em
bassy today wired to Vienna "for In
structions" regarding his procedure on
this government 'a course In allowing
the Itnlian liner Verdi to leave New
York party lug two ! inch guns. It is
expected Austrian rcpreeHtation will
be made against this action, which is
the only unsettled portion of the An-tro-Amertean
submarine warfare negotiations.
l.os Angeles, Cal.. .lun. 14. The body
of the Into V. I). Pierce, Los Angeles
victim of the Santa Ysubel massacre,
nil! arrive hero tonight ou the Sunset
Astonish Then
R.V. a c.k. with
and you'll have Ihem
all Weir'nf (or the
ncipa, It a tha Bavor
that insures succus
in every baking.
Include 25c Botl3
in Today's Grocery
We Have Made It Possible
To Give Your ChOdren '
A Musical Education?
in still another way.
By putting one of the test Pianos ever sold into your
home Can you reason. Did you ever hear of The Lugwig
Piano? The name Lugwig is all a person wants to know if
he is familiar with high grade Pianos. We have one Up
right Lugwig Piano in our store, the original price was
$390.00. But to assist you in the matter of giving your
children a musical education we will sell this fine instru
ment at
This is talk No. 2 Watch for further announcements.
Wiley B. Allen Co.
521 Court Street
R. F. Peters, Mgr.