Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 14, 1916, Image 1

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. .
Administration Will No. urder Troops Across Mexican line
At This Time-Senator Stone, of Foreign Relations
Committee of Opinion
tunity to Clear Country
Martial Law While Mexican
Washington, Jan. 14. No American troops will be
sent across the Mexican border at this time, it was clearly
indicated today following a half hour conference this
lorenoon between President
of the senate foreign committee.
The senator called at the White house to get President
Wilson's advice as to the foreign committee's course to
ward Mexican resolutions. He did not indicate what the
chief executive desired with regard to the Senator Lewis
resolution, but he asserted strongly that there will be no
invasion of Mexico now.
Obviously the administration wants to give General
Carranza an opportunity to gather tip the loose ends of
the disorder still existing in portions of Mexico, before
the United States shall hamper him.
"Carranza cannot be expected to do this in a day,"
commented Stone.
Carranza Says He's Busy.
Washington, Jan. 14. General Carranza today sent a
message to Mexican Ambassador Arredondo that the
murderers of the American party in Chihuahua are be
ing pursued, and that they will "meet condign punish
ment.'' From this message, the administration saw substantia
tion of its view that Carranza is doing all he can to meet
American demands and. to-guard against recurrences of
the Santa Ysabel massacre. In these circumstances, the
government is inclined to await developments. And as
indicated by Senator Stone today, the administration has
no intention of now hampering Carranza's efforts by en
gaging in intervention.
Great Britain Wants to Know.
Washington, Jan. 14. The British embassy is prepar
ing to ask the state department for information as to the
administration's intended action in Mexico, it was learned
British Ambassador Holder at Mexico City reported
to the embassy that a British subject was killed recently
in Chihuahua and that strikers elsewhere have been
damaging British property.
The situation from a British standpoint is made more
difficult because there is practically no government in
Mexico City to which Holder can appeal. On the other
hand, having recognized Carranza, Great Britain hesi
tated to appeal to the United States in the situation.
Holder reported that the Mexican foreign secretary
had joined Carranza, leaving Mexico City without a
responsible chief official.
T'.l Ilaso, Texan, Jan. 14. While tho
INiilcd States regulars, with biyonets
fixed, pntrolled the Mexican district
under mnrtinl law orders, the city
enrly today was quiet following lust
night 's rioting. But the hospitals wore
lined witli wounded Mexican, ami
there was fear of .i fresh outburst at
in enrly moment.
,Y The city's rage is expected to over
Tim nil nounus: omciais felt tuat even
Jiiuitutl law hud not curbed it nnd that
it would again boil over in fresh out-
l.uwts as . result of tho bloodv Mon
day massacre of Americans nt Santa
Abe Martin
A mouse made th' fur fly at a
meetin' o' th' Art Kmbroidery club
t'day. Many a husband has gone
lirgko bein' for peace at any price.
Carranza Should Have Oppor
of Bandits-El Paso Is Under
Residents Seek Cover
Wilson and Chairman Stone
Ysnliel. In order to quell it ns far as
possible, officials ddpnrted Mexicans
by wholesale or jailed them on techni
cal elurgos to escnpo the angry Ameri
can cowboys, cattlemen and miners.
Only the appearance' of the soldiers
reni'lv for action, cleared the streets
early today. Their orders called for
keeping every one on the move; nnd
nrroxts wero in order if commands were
not obeyed.
Mexicans In Hiding.
Twentv thousand Moxkwns cowered
Indoors today in their quarter of the
city, whilo khnki clad youths with
loaded, bnvonetted guns stood guard.
' Meanwhile, stories continued to cir
culate that cowboyst miners and cattle
men would tnko affairs in their owa
hands, jnd dispatch a volunteer regi
ment into Mexico to avenge the Hanta
Vsubel massacre, unless tho Washing
ton government and Oeneral Carranza
immediately get vengeance, lailumnii
tory cards wero circulated.
"Remember the Alimo,V was the
favorite watchword. Then again, a pe
tition was circulated asking Colonel
Koosevelt to use his Influence with con
gress t wipe out forever the "watch
ful. Wilting ' policy oi ttie administra
tion and to substitute therefore a rule
of iron in Mexico,
Iteiiorts of a fresh massacre at Ma-
dern, following so closely upon the ar
rival of the Hantn Vsultel victims'
bodies funned the American popultion
into a frenzy.
With only x sr ark needed to galvan
ize this freuzv into action,the impetus
came last night when four soldier
"cleaned out..' a saloon full of Mexi
cans who wero wioldlng knives. At this
signal, mixed mobs of soldier) and ci
vilians surged through tno streets, at
tacking every Mexican they met. The
rioting began to threaten serious blood-
sheed. Ambulances kept busy yicking
up wounded.
roue at roweriem.
Cries of ' ' aveuge the murder! Am-
(Continued oa Pagt Six.)
Defense Society Asks 48 Dreadnoughts and Other Ships
at Once, Army of 245,000, With 2,000,000 Citizen Army
FifM.s It 1. , S va-; -Jill k Jf-'.SS-
j I jLV' in T!a fKA IMS: A
fa UjMWi-
New officers American Defense So
ciety. Left to right, top: Cleve
land Moffelt, Dr. Lee De Forest,
David Jajue Hill (president), Paul
Thompson, Henry lleuterdahl.
Bottom row: C. S. Thompson, "W.
K. Starrett, Capt. Lawrence An
Kelt. U. S. A., retired Cushing
Stetson, Leslie J. Tompkins, R. J.
Now Tork, Jnn. 14. (SnecluU
Here is tho preparedness program of the
American Del ease Society, as ju.-it given
The United States must have
a strong navy, fully manned, of
forty-eight dreadiiaughts, and
battle cruisers in proportion. The
necessary number of scouts,
destroyers, and sea-going sub
marines should balance the capi
tal fleet; also auxiliaries, colliers,
repair ships, tenders and other
necessary crafe. Ships should bo
laid down immediately,
The United States must have a
standing army of 200,000 men and.
45,000 officers, backed by a na
tional force of citizens trained in
' arms under a universal and obliga
tory system. This body should be
of no less strength than 2,000,000
men, fully equipped and with a
large reserve Bupply of artillery
and ammunition.
This shall be America's insur
ance against war, against inva
sion, against foreign flag over '
Washington a force of defense
which makes the Monroe Doc
trine a living fact. And this
shall be the tine meaning of pre
paredness. Half-measures are
useless and a waste of money.
Bills Introduced In Congress
For Improvement of Lead
ing Naval Yards
Washington, Jan. M The house ni
val committeo favorably reported to
d.iy n bill appropriating $MD,WD and
$100,000 respectively, for extending the
building slips ami ways at the Mare
Island and Brooklyn navy yards to ex
pedite exocution of contracts already
given these ynrds.
Hecretary of tho Navy Daniels sent
a letter saying x duulilo shift Is pro
posed at Brooklyn and that it is ex
pected tho California will bo off the
ways by early summer. Ho desires to
huvo tho Mare Inland yard equipped
no uuit jl iiiuy Miirv lis new UJlwcsuip
by September,
Increase In Artillery.
Washington, .Ian. 14. An enormous
increase in artilU rv, at a cost between
ifUOO.OUO.OOO and :i(IO,000,000, was rec
ommended today by tho war committee.
board in a new, confidenti.il report to
Secretary of Wnr Garrison. The report
said that experience in tho Kuropoan
war has shown that artillery is tho
principal land weapon and tlut Ameri
ca is woefully deficient in this branch.
Indian Girl Prefers
To Live With Her Tribe
Ban Francisco, Jan. 14. Brought up
in a white man's home, hig'.ily educated
and trained to think and bo in sym
pathy with tho white man, in Indian
girl of llonpa Valley reservation to
day faced a return ti the Indian
haunts of her parents.
Tho district attorney's of Pico hem
has before it a request for a decision
as to whether Cornelius Thompson of
Urick, who raised tho Indian maid, can
aaopi ner.
The girl's parents object strenuous
ly, declaring tho Thompsons have turn
ed her into a white girl and have
taught her to think her Indian home
is not good enough for her.
Emmet, Julian Street. Right
center: John F. Hubbard and Jo
seph H. Coit,
This program was formulated at a
meeting of tho society here, which was
dominated by Theodoro Roosovclt.
J '.No volunteer soldier is worth any
thing until he ia properly trained,"
said tho colonel. "I was three years in
tho national guard and I was no bet
ter soldier than anybody else, and if I
bad been in a fight I would not have
made any better fight than any of the
members of the national guurd "who
fought at Santiago.
' ' We cannot have a national guard
oxcopt it lyi 'under federal control.
A national guard must (be what the
name implies n national force and
rot a state force. T1' proposod conti
nental army ifn fallacy, a makeshift
and a useless rival of;tho national
Tho colonel' paid his respocts to
the order of Secretary Dajiicls forbid
ding naval officers to mnKe speeches on
"This society," said Col. Roose
velt, "must emphasize tho service
opinion on preparedness. It is a
pity to put a gag on the experts of
the army and navy who have re
ceived -lifetime training ' and educa
tion and arc qualified to givo tho pub
lic advice on this subject."
Dr. David Juyno Kill, formerly am-
! bassador to Germany and assistant sec
By Cliarles P. Stewart.
(1,'nited 1'ress staff correspondent.)
Tho Hague, .Tun. 14. A wild scene
iu which several leaders of tho Ford
jx-aco expedition exchanged blows at
Oliristiania took place before Henry
Ford sped by outo to catch n train for
Kergen in order to make his bout for
America. Information from a trust-
worthy sourco today revealed tho "in-'
sido story" of events aboard tho Oscar
11 at Cliristiuma. It was learned that
Ford first investigated Mmo. Hchwim
mcr's claims that she had documents
from belligerent nnd neutral rulers, en
couraging the Ford peace move, after
there had been a quarrel aboard over
President Wilson's preparedness pro
gram. Ford found that the documents
were politely phrased declarations of
nothing, and that they were entirely
fiadly disnppoiuted at this turn of
affairs, 'Ford retired to his cabin, in
mortification, under tho pretense thnt
ho was ill. Ho remained practically
incommunicado for tho remainder of the
trip, Ho still hoped that an entliusins
tio reception from Hcnndinavin would
give him somo chance for success of
the expedition. But when the Norweg
ians received his enterprise with ridi
cule and contempt, Ford determined to
return to tin Initod States and had
Oregon: Tonight
nnd Saturday un
settled, probably
snow; northester
ly winds.
retary of state, on noralnntlon by Col.
Roosevelt, was elected president of tho
advisory board.
"Do not refer to our action as in
dorsing compulsory military serv
ice," Dr. Hill said. "fc!ny 'obliga
tory' military service. The word
'compulsory' is harsh, and if all the
people have a .hand in making tho
law, it is obligatory rather than com
pulsory." Following aro new members of the
advisory board in addition to Dr. Hill:
Clevelnnd Moffet, Dr.. Loo Do Forest,
Paul Thompson, Henry Heuterdahl, C. 8.
Thompson, W. K. Btarrott, Capt. Law
rence Angcll, U. 8. A., retired, Gushing
Btetson, Loslio J. Tompkins, ,K. J. Km--met,
Julian Htreet, John F. Hubbard
ana Joseph II. Coit.
The titanic struggle called the
Battle of SoiHsons rnged un
decided. A Belgian town in
Courtrai was fined $2,500,000
because citizens obeyed rules
made by ono Qerman governor
which. his successor did not like
Dean Marquis, a (l.ai.ffcur and two oth
er men arrange his flight.
Madame ftchwimmer, Hecretary Loch
ner and oil er intimates wero ignorant
of his places, but they happened to see
the quintet smuggling Ford into an
nutoinobilc. Believing that ho was be
ing kidnaped, several members of the
Hc.hwiinmcr faction threw themjelves at
tho automobilo crying:
"Murderers! Kidnapers!"
The chauffeur wns no pacifist. And.
besides, ho had his orders so ho circled
his fists vigorously, nnd the Hchwitn
merites retreated, while Ford escnped.
lliero is a general belief that Mrae
Bchwlmmcr'a connection with tho voy
ngo is in behalf of German propagan
Press dispntchis over night reported
that Itov. C. F. Aked of Hun Francisco,
has announced ho would quit his pastor
ato to become a member of the perm
anent Ford penco tribunal. Itcceutly
similar reports were deidcd,
Fifty Passengers Snowbound
On Railway to Tillamook
Hillsboro, Or., Jan. 14. Stalled for
three days near tho summit of the coast
range, fifty passengers on train
bound for Tillumook were hopeful to
day that a hugo snow slide which
blocks their path would be cleared in
a few hours. ,
A orload of provisions was forward
ed from Hillsboro today for the little
station of Mayo, where the tram is
hold up, had not (nought food left to
lust through the day.
The avalanch which blocks tho way
took snow, rocks and even huge tret's
down tho mouutulnside, tearing the
railroad track iway as though it wero
a toy. Though communication with
M-syo ia entirely cut off, two fot of
snow are reorted to have fallen there
since thev train tins born interned, and
it is believed the passengers and crew
of the train mut nave suffered from
the txtrcmo cold. -i ..... .
Capital of Little Kingdom In
Hands of Victorious
Bands of Soldiers May Con
tinue Their Warfare
From Mountains
5 sjc jje )( 5c 55 9( jC 5c i( 3C 9fC iE
Vienna, Jan. 14 Tho Austrl-
nns have occupied Cettinja,
Montenegrin capital, 'according
to an official announcement today
' 'Austro - Hungarian troops,
pursuing tno defeated enemy,
entered Cettinjo which is un
harmed. The populace is calm'..
said the announcement.
The above official statement
carried no confirmation of
Homo reports that the Monte
negrin king and the Austrians
had reached an armistice.
Borne, Jan. 14. Montenegro's vali
ant fight against adds is at an end.
Austrian artillery was trained on
Cettinjo, tho undent capital of the lit
tle kingdom, with gunners waiting only
signal to lay tne city in ruins, wnun
King HichoUs greed to an armistice
which virtually t liminutcd Montenegro
trom ttie war.
Tho sovereign wept as ho agreed to a
truce that probably means coniploto sur
render, ilo called together his com-
mnndcrs and expressed a willingnofs
to take to tho mountains to fight the
invaders to the very cud, but they per
suaded hiui th.it cuntimiunce of tho
struggle, unaided, meant eventually
more misery than Hurbia or Belgium
suffered at tho hands of Teuton foo
men. Formal negotiations for surrender of
tho half starved and poorly equipped
little army are expected to begin imme
diately. Whilo no definite period has
been set for continuance of tho armis
tice, it is believed thnt a tcntutive
peace will bo arranged bofora tho end
of the month.
Italian military officials boliovo
that thousands of Montenegrins will
reject such an outcome, and insteui
retiro to their mountain fastnesses,
there to wage a guerilla warfare.
Though tho Montenegrin legation to
day hud no confirmation of tno report
thut Oeneral Koevess and King Nicho
las had signed n truce, they inclined to
believe the report. Tho foreign of
fice hero, too, was without confirma
tion. Thcro was no criticism of Nicholas'
course, instead, on every hand, t'noro
was commcnd.itiou of his brave clan
against superior forces.
Mount Ijowecn commanding Cettinje,
nnd regarded fur centuries us uncon
querable apparently succumbed to mod
ern artillery. And, with Cettinjo in
theit hun is, tho Austriuus hud whut
long they hud coveted, a iositioii giv
ing them X strangle hold upon the Ad
riatic, nnd removing a lueuuco to their
naval operations out of Culture.
Union Threatens Striko.
London. Jan. 14. Tho Nutionul
Kailwuy Mens1 union, uno of the
strongest of Great Britain's labor or
ganizations, today defied tho govern
ment to enact its couscription bill,
. After introducing one of tho most
severe resolutions yut fostered by any
union, tho executive committee hinted
at an immediato general striko on the
transportation lines if tho moasuro
" Unless tho government Is prepared
to confiscate tho wealth of tho privi
leged classes," said the resolution,
"lor a moro successful prosecution of
the war, rullroud workers will resist to
the uttermost tho confiscation of men
whoso only weulth is their labor pow
er, This move, coupled with the unli
conscriptlon resolutions adopted - yes
terday by representatives of 800,000
minors, gave the government consider
able concern. .
i'remler Aaqtiitu conferred informal
ly with cabinet members, and it was
nimorod that, in view of tho possibility
of serious action from tho railway and
mine men, he was trying to amend tho
bill so as to olimlnuto these groups
from its operation.
i . .
Submarine Sunk.
London, Jan. 14, Destruction of an
enemy subinarlno and two enemy com
morce ships in tho Black son is claim
ed in the latest Potrogred official
statement. This told, too, of repulse
of Teuton attacks made under cover of
a snowstorm on the Htrypa front.
Ought not tho price of gasoline bo
considered a uilllsgtlng circumstance
In the rasa of nn automobile owner ar
rested for not securing hit MHO li
cense t
Recent Events In Mexico Mill
Not Change President's
' Course
Opposition Breaks Out h
Congress Today, Led By '
Senator Works
Washington, Jnn, 14. The Wilson ad
ministration will "stand pat" oa its
watchful waiting policy in Mexico.
The White House made this known.
officially this afternoon following a,
session between President Wilson and
his ;uilue.L dn) nhhch ithe .Mexiena
problem was discussed in the light vi
tho massacre of 18 Americans at Santa
Ysabel. The announcement enmo in the face
of England's intimation of her inter
ests in recent outrages by reason of the
slaying of a British subject in Chihua
hua and damage to British iniermta
elsewhere; and despite further criticism
congress aimed at watchful wait-
Tho British embassy arranged for a.
conference with, the state department
over the Mexican situation. Himut-
taneously, Oeneral Carransu wired Lis
ambassador here in effect that h j i nn
and will handle the situation m his
domain. .
Henntor Works, of California, intro
duced a resolution to take the whole
Moxican situation out of president
Wilson 'a hands and instead to have
congress intorvone forcibly. The presi-
aom, nowever, is determined to give)
Carranza a chance to prove himself and.
his ability to cope with the murderers
and to guard against a ropotition of tut
Boforo the White House announced
its "stand pat" attitude, l'resuicnt
Wilson had already indicated to Chair
man Mono of tho senate foreign ccm.
mittea that he intends to sond no Amer
ican troopers into Mexico at this time,
but instoud wants to allow Carranza.
an opportunity to show his powjr with
out American interference.
Official advices told of Uio safety
of all Americans at Madera, where a
second massacre had been reported un
officially. In England 'a Intimation of interest
in tho situation, certain officials saw
the possibility of somo complications,
though perhaps not Bcrious. England
has bud a watchful eye on Mexico ever
since tho first of tho revolution whoa
William Benton, Englishman, lost his
life and without rodreBS.
British embassy dispatches pictured a
situation at Mexico City, none too re
assuring for Agent Holder there Mil
tho foreign minister had joined Car
ranza in leaving tho cupital without
any roBponsiblo official at its head.
On tho other hand, Carranza ' aa-
suranco of "r.oidign punishment" tor
tho Hanta Ysabel ussiissmations B"
the situation ft tingo of optlmisi,
many in congress have been far iron,
fen ill IT in tho past few days.
Tho opposition of congress burst
forth further today when Senatot
Works' resolution was introduced. Thia
proposed having congress act, foreiby
ly and directly. In hii attitude th
California senator hud the support of
bonators Lodge i.nd Ualllngor, wheel
horses of tho republican minority.
"Congress," suid Works, "sh.. "
cease criticising tho president and.
recognize its own responsibilities. I
have been exceedingly reluctant to us
forco, but I must confess I now Bee
othor hope ahead."
Henntor Fall, of New Mexico, charged
that if tho statu department ceased
suppression of tho reports of the Bra-
xiliun minister to tho stuto department,
. - ,.i i .I.....-. i
no eonaior wouiu iungvr ut-ivnu i
"Tho president's courso Is rospona- ,
iblo for tho death of the 18 Ameri
cans in Chlhuuhua. Their blood is oa
his hands."
Honator Lewis of Illinois, answered
these statumnnts with the declaration:
"The republicans are making a partisan
issuo of this horrible murder. Thtj
propose armed intervention the lit.
of 18,000 for tho murdor of 18."
Senate Adjourn.
Four of further cmbnrraasmeat fnr
tho administration in the discussion of
the Mexican affairs resulted in ad
journment of the sennte this aflaraoeit
to noon Monday. Among the speakers)
wero Works, Fall, Lewis, Lodge and
. rortlund, Ore., Jan. 14 Floor
will be 0 cents a barrel higher
tomorrow night, l'ortland aad
I'lignt Hound millers announced
today. Th new price is tS.40