Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 13, 1916, Page THREE, Image 3

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Order a Trial Case
of this Delicious
New Beverage
Caruso Eats Prunes
Nothing Like Prunes For
The Voice, Says He
T. . . ,11 hi n for. Ordinary niemcines Hint net merc
Tl, Wlv .1 ri.-l nruno I1H8 come into. It is not expected, however, tlmt nil' . , ..... iu
its own with a vengeance nnd on long- j
or will the regular boarders groan wnen j
the waitress announces the well 2"7'n!
formula, "We'll have dried prunes for,
desert' . x',.;,.n r
Listen, Cnruso eats them. " , " I
ruso, tho singer, whoso salary is so ,
largo that he can count only his income,
',x' W ITnTnVvW'rSl.
i.aruso is u ai 1 H. " ' - - .
dent Wilson, Henry Ford and the
statue of liberty.
A clipping from nn pastern paper was
received by Manager Robert Pnulus of
the Salem Fruit union which stated that
Caruso entered the hotel Waldorf-Astoria
with his secretary and two
friends. As he made his wny to the
rose room he was recognized instantly i
by the head waiter who hurried to serve
the noted tenor. '"'" "'c ",'r I
disii which inuvio i.iv : . ,
a minuie unu ihiuiuhuh...-. -
prune. , . ,
"It is for the voice", he explained,
in answer to the waiter's stare of
"Wait, bring me two portions, there
is nothing like prunes for the voice.
Next Monday I sing in recital and I
must prepare."
Others at luncheon overheard the con
versation and the Waldorf sold more
prunes than ever in Ito history.
Of course Cnruso hns nn advantage
over many other habitual enters in that
he has a better voice to begin with
than many will attain even though they
remain full of pruned most,.of the timo
but prunes as an element of voice cul
ture opens a new market. Every one
l,n wnnl.l cultivate his voice nnd tame ;
,.it down so thnt it might be introduced , at night with a clean tooth brush, draw
s into polite society with Impunity must j ing the latter, through the hair from
apply Himself taitntuny to nis icssons i
even though the Fifteenth Episode of
"The Adventures of Jack Dulton" be
flickering on the Bcreen at the precise
moment when he is endeavoring to sing
"A" natural without inciting a riot
Now with prunes as a eulturnnt nil
of the agony of a lesson is eliminated.
Your singing lesson may be taken with
your meals. Time nnd money saved by
prune culture would amount to millions.
A refreshing traveling companion-
Tooth Peiwder
Prepared by a Doctor of Dental Surgery
Send 2c stamp far generous sample of either
Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder or Dental Cream.
L W. Ijen A Sen, Idc 5 1 W. 27th St., New York City
0f those who have enton prunes in tlie
(1(lst. m1J, reU(j (,lis nn(1 ,ncn j,ecomo
expert sil,gers. To get tho best results
vmH in voil,eh culture they must
o eaten with a purpose, as Cnruso did.
However good prunes are for voice cub
b eX(.eeut
f. an stomach and Ore-
l'"ll do not really appreciate the
worth of the fruit becnuse it is so com
mon in this vicinity. That dried prunes
are a luxury inother countries as in
dicated by the prices that are secured
for tho fancy packed product and the
Oregon prune is gaining a world wide
reputation. Since the improvements in
methods of handling the dried product
,!,, ,. f. ,f ti.
ou, t of t),e packc nin.
tain tho enviablo reputation already
If you have not yet tried the new
way, the silmerino way, by all means
do so. You'll never again use the
ruiiyniB heated iron. The eurliness will
appear so perfectly natural nnd the
hair will be so beautifully lustrous, in
stead of dried and parched. Thus
liquid silmerino serves also as ft beno
fidnl dressing for the hair. It is
neither sticky nor greasy, but quito
pleasant to use. It should bo applied
root i up,
The hair will have tho loveliest curls
and waves iinnginablo in tho morning,
and it will be easy to manago, no mat
tor how you do it up. A few ounces of
the liquid from your druggist will last
a long time.
A string of small boys' sleds towed
by an automobile on Portland ', streets;, ,, a D tl o ,h ,h,?
was further evidence that wo do things
different theso days.
fYC v
15 finest life -sustaining, strength -giving
incrediants. as all Weinhard's products. It's
AV the greatest health drink ever put on the market
' a drink that tastes good,
Weinhard't Golden and Amber Nectar it told by the Bottle,
Cate or on tap at the bett Store; Soda Fountain!,
Rettaurantt and Hotelt in the Northwett.
Portland, Oregon
"Acid" stomachs are dangerous be-!
muse acid irritates and inflames the I
delicate lining of the stomach, thus j
hindering and preventing the proper
nrtion of tho stomach, and leading to I ;
probably nine tenths of tho eases of I -stomnch
i trouble from which people suf
fer. Ordinary medicines thnt net mere-
k, mll.h caijt.Si f()r they u,nve t)le Sour,.e
of tho trouble, the acid in the stomach,
as dangerous as ever. Tho acid must
ho neutralized, and its accumulation
prevented, and the best thing for this
purpose is a teaspoonfiil of Hisurated
Magnesin, a simple antacid, taken in a
little worm or cold water lifter eating,
which not only neutralizes the acid, but
also prevents tho fermentation. Foods
which ordinarily enuso distress may be
eaten with impunity if the meal is fol
lowed with a little Bisiiratcd Magnesia
which can be obtained from any drug-
gist, and should' always be kept handy,
" '. i - -
Priest Walked In
Face of Death Through
"Nojan's Land"
By Wilbur S. Forrest.
(Tinted Press staff correspondent.)
London, Jan. 0. (By mail.) How a
Roman Cntholic priest braved death in
No Man's Land to learn the fate of
somo of his colnrades in the British
trenches, is a story .iust received from
northern France. Jt w.is in no ot
tho first lino trenches, on ono of the
darkest, foggiest nights recently thnt
leieht British liombers of n famous regi
ment crawled over the parapet ml dis
appeared in townrd the enemy trench
es. Dawn broke nnd they had not ip
pen red. As tho dny advanced, it wns
decided ns definitely certin that the
bombers were either prisoners or lying
dead in the muddy expnnso.that sep
arated tho oyposing strongholds. En
emy snipers were busy and it wns il
moBt certain death to expose one's self
in order to have a look.
Tat'ner , attached to the regl
ment, enme sauntering along the firing' mmnced that she will have a progress
lino. He henrd the story and volunteer- j ivp Hiattt ticket, while Pacific const
cd to try and find the soldiers. He ;
left tho trench nnd returned garbed in
his surplice, crucifix in luftd. with
out hesitation he climbed out vt the
trench and walked fearlessly but slow-
i.. i il. ' i: .. r..
periscopes, expecting to nee him snot
down nt every step. Not a shot came
from the enemy side. Ab ho reached the
enemy wire entanglements, tho priost
wns seen to stop nnd kneel in prayer.
Ho remained thus for some minutes,
then arose and walked until he was
lost to view from the llritish side. Lat
er he was rediscovered walking slowly
back toward tiio llritish trench. He
arrived safely and exhibited four iden
tity discs, explaining, also, that the
(iermnns had held up four khaki caps
on their bayonets. The mystery was
solved, four of tho bombers were pris
oners, the others de.id. .
The kaiser saw his troops
drive the French from the
heights of Vregny. The French
admitted the loss, The Turks
continued to flee before the
Hussions in the Caucasus.
' Try Capital Journal Want Ads.
new it's good it's healthful!
The finest temperance drink
you have ever tasted the new
drink of 1 9 1 6 made from
Oregon Hops and Barley.
Golden and AmBer Nectar
is full of cheer snap and spar
kle. It hat a delicious amber and
golden color and pours out with a
heavy foam on top a delightful,
healthful beverage for the whole
family drink as much as
like, it cannot
is more than a
At thirst-satisfying
beverage. It is the
ri 111 TV o. m . vn van i-
food tonic drink. Golden and
Amber Nectar is made from the
makes good and is good.
If Dflnl,k lpon Vnvln Nnmin.
ates Roosevelt Harm
ony Is Assured..
Ohicogo, ,lnii. 13. rencc between the
republicans and bull monsers rests upon!
the CI. Q. 1'., Cleorge W. rerkino frankly 1
stnted today following yesterday's bull
moose vote to hold a convention Juno
7, at the snme time that the republicans
do, and if posm le to unite
sumo standard bearer und tin
on tno
sumoi standard nearer unu tno same
principles. "
Only a little eonxing, lenders de
clared, is necessary to bring tho bull
moose into the fold for a double har
ness race with the O O. P., elephant
against the democratic donkey.
Perkins and others are hopeful thnt I
Colonel Roosevelt will be the cyiosen
standard bearer of the two parties, but
they are not certain of this result. Who
is desired for second choice has not been
indicated. Justice Hughes of thoUnited
Stntes supreme court is strong with
progressives in the cast and west, butn
nino out of ten of the progreiisivo coni'
mitteemen whose session adjourned yes
terday, believed Roosevelt will bo the
republican, and hence, tho progressive
nominee. '
Medill McOorniick, who recently an
nounced his transfer of allegiance from
the bull moose to the republican party,
will be one of the principal intermodin
ries in the proposed compromiso be
tween the two parties.
But despite the virtual ngreement of
the committeemen to combine on na
tional issues, there will be several hot
state fights beforo local amalgama
tion! occur. Missouri has already an-
reriresentative.i are hoiieful of continu-
. . . .
ing the progressive party as n sepnruio
entiety, regardless of nutional events.
Further evidence of tho lineup in
next summer's campaign came lust
night with announcement of the pro-
gressives declaration of principles. In
this, they took a sharp whack at Presi
dent Wilson's foreign policy, nnd de
clared for a national preparedness In
both a military and Industrial sense.
"Because of tho failure of the Wil
son ndmiuistrotion to deul adequately
with national honor nnd Industrial wel
fare," said the declaration, "this
country fuccs problem! of a greater and
more far reaching consequence than any
since the civil war."
Then, again, the stnteinent declnred:
"Tio Wilson administration hns re
pudiated the fuith of our forefathers,
which mnde the American flag the suf
ficient protection of an American citi
zen around the world. It has suffered
American men, women and children to
be slaughtered In Mexico and on the
high seas, American property to be
destroyed and American liberty to trav
el and trndc subject to tho arbitrary
and lawless coercion of foreignbeliger
ants. . It, first among Ameri
can administrations hns shown tho su
rlno spirit, whose sure ennsequenea is
the contempt of the world."
A few cent jnty recover that lost
article and hvi dolUrs In a Journal
New Today.
ti v.vi'
y Weinhard Plant
There is one sure wny thnt never fails
to remove dandruff completely and thut
is to dissolve if. This destroys it en
tirely. To do this, just get about four
ounces of plain, ordinary liquid nrvon;
I apply it nt night when retiiing; use
cihiu;ii to jiiniHicii me si-nip and run u
in gently with the finger tips.
Hy morning, most if not nil, of your
dandruff will be gone, nnd three or four
more applications will completely dis
solve and entirely destroy every single
sign and trace of it, nn matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find, too, that all itching
ligging of the sculp will Btop 111
s'n""- ' ' your nu.r win ..e iiu.iy,
and feci a hundred times better,
You can get liquid arvou at any drug
store. Jt is inexpensive, nnd four
ounces is all you will need. This sim
ple remedy has never been known to
Will Test Quality
of Salem Gas Plant
V, A. Hnscii, ex.uniner for the Pub
lic Service commission of Oregon, is
in the city to test tho quality of the
gas of the Salem (inn company. The
test made this morning shows OO.H liri
fivli ftieriiml li ii 1 1 m Thin is reirnrileil lis
KM 0f superior quality, as the Por
1 ii ii 1 test only shows 070 British therm
al units.
lie is .ilso proving the accuracy of
the apparatus by which gas meters nre
tested. His outfit consists of a trav
elling caso containing a one-tenth cubic,
foot container, which hns been proven
by the Federal Huienii of Standards,
Washington, I). ('., nnd is the basis for
all uhh meter calculations. It, contains
llwo themometers which record to one
one-hundredth of a degree of heat.
These are used in the testing of tiie
qualities of tho gas.
Mr. ltasch also makes tests for the
purity, as the commission has set, n
st.indiird by which nil gas companies
in the state must complv. I Ins ileitis
with pressure, methods of meter test
ing, qualities of gns and the keeping
or records,
The main reason for Mr. Rnsch com
Ing to Snlem this time was the com
plaint of a citizen, who desired an of
ficinl referee test of his gns meter and
wis willing to pay the expenses of the
According to the test, In comparison
with Portl.ind, Salem, gns is quite su
perior in heating qualities.
Tho Public Service commission has
experts In all departments who inspect
the service of gns companies, telo
iibono, water .ind street car complin
Manchester. Defending wnr
nth the Manchester Cathedral,
the Archbishop of York, said:
"It is on the anvil of trinl by
tiie blows of sacrifice and of
sorrow that the lifn of man is
shaped to Its noblest form."
London. It is 'Announced
there is a dearth of artificial
limbs In England for the first
time In history.
(lot your paper, pen and ink hnndy
for those letters next week I
Keep Warm
Keep Healthy
Warm Clothes Will Do It
. Better Than Paying
Doctor Bills
Come to
Clothing, Shoes and Hats
We are the only store that
advertise that we guaran
tee every purchase Our
Lines are always complete
Brick Brothers
The House That Guarantees Every Purchase
saent feiS?. t,.
r luuuu nam iuuuji
(Continued from Fag One.)
went only a short ways farther when
he threw up his arms and fell forward.
His bodv rolled into the river.
"Of tho two others running for the
river, one fell midwny there. 1 learned1
that this was .ftomero. Four bullets
went through him. The other man was
iiit twice and lulled.
"A young fellow, later identified nt
McU.ttton, got 40 yunls from the train
j when he was shot and fell.
I " While this was going on, other Vil-1 Oakland, Oil,, Jan. 12. The con
! listns crowded into the Americans' j struction of a fleet of thirty sealing
I op eh. I couldn..t see what happened schooners in this port, which, when
;:i there, as a frightful panic broke out ; completed, will ply between Alaskan.
in our car. Uiter I lenrneu that tlioj waters and the new $1,000,000 munici
Ameiicnns were unarmed. pal quay wall, was practically assured
"i'e.irce was shot as he sat in the! today when H. Lobes and Edward II.
coach. I saw Wallace's body on thell.add, two well known California cini-
ground nt the car step. They shot him , italiHta and furriers, together with re
through the back and another body ! preseutatlves of tho Alnska Commeicinl
was lying over his.
Lined Up and Shot.
"The other Americans wore round
ed up nt the side of the conch and
lined up. Then Colonel Lopez selected
two of his soldiers ns executioners and
this ne.irly caused a fight among the
bandits over who should have the priv
ilege of shooting the Americans.
"Several Americans in tho line had
been wounded when tho Villistas shot
into tiio conch.
"Tho two executioners used Mauser
rifles. One would shoot his victim and
then the other soldier would take the
icxt in line. Within a few moments
the executioners hnd gone conipletoly
down teh line. The Americans luy on
the ground, some of them gasping and
wriggling in tho s.iim and cinders.
The suffering' of the Americans
seemed to ilnvo tne bnnilits into a
tieuzy, and as their blood Bpurted out,
the Mexicans ciied out, 'viva Villa'
nnd 'denth to the griugoes.'
"(ienerul Lopez ordered the 'tiro do
ttnrsin' (mercy shot) given to those
still alive, so the soldiers placed the
muzzles of their rifles at loo victims'
head ml fired, putting the wounded out
of their misery.
"All the bodies were completely
stripped of clothing .tint shoes. Four
teen bodies wero piled together in a
heap about a yard from the track. It
was horrible to see them with the blod
smeared over their white skins.
"After all the killing, our train re
turned to Chihiinhiia City nnd reported
the affair to the authorities there,"
Indignation Unbounded.
Indignation over the massacre was
slated today to find expression in a
big mass meeting wilere the lenders
planned to frame n protest against tho
admiiiistrnliouj's "watchful waiting"
policy and to ilemanit that imiucduiti) .
intervention be arranged.
Thousands plnuned to attend the fu
nerals of the massacre victims.
Electric Light Company
Has Installed Lights
i For Coasters' Benefit
As a contribution to tho "Safety
Pi rut. " movement nnd to the enjoyment
of the coasters on the Lincoln street
hill, the Portland Rnilwav. Liu lit &
Power company have Installed nt their
own expense, two Additional nre, lamps Henry Ford's profit it i(100 per ear),
on Lincoln street, ono nt Fir street, 4,4.i0.
and the otiier at Saginaw street. Hail.v output of the Ford Motor Car
This will make an ure light at each company of Detroit, 1,H00 enra.
of the four cross-streets from tho top Number of days' woik required by
of the hill to the bottom nnd with tho U'ord factories to finance pence cxpedl
snow nu the ground, the street will bo lion, 2 days, .'I hours, 40 minutes, 10
brightly lighted. I seconds. 1
It is the hope of the in inniement ' 1
of tho company that by donating this
hunting service to the coasters, thnt
tho clanger of loss of life or limb mayj
bo reduced to the minimum, nnd thut
the pleasure of the coasters moy be In
creased during the short period that
coasting m.vy be enjoyed before the
snow is gone.
Tho tnungement of the company is
deserving of the thanks of the com
munity, for providing this meuiis of
guarding ugulnst accidents.
You can make money by
reading the Journal New Today
Jul ' ' Si
Will Ply Between San Fran
cisco and Alaska Seal
ing Waters
. .
eompnuy called for bids for the 1(00.-
000 job from Oakland ship builders.
. The ships which will havo to be com
pleted" within the next yenr and a half,
will average, between ninety and ;i
hundred tons mid will be fust suitors.
In .11118 the 20 year seal protevtion
law placed by the government, will g
out of operation and the sealing in
dustry will bo reopened to general en
terprise. The nolo right to carry oil
seal fishing is now held by North Am
erican Commcrcinl company, which
P '""l t through open bidding. 1 heir
nn.) nun urru luiniu oil ill ill, I
1'ribilof inlands in the Uehring sen. It
is in preparation for extensive seu
trading beginning 1018 thnt Lebes,
i.auu a no: tne AiasKa commercial rum-
i'""y rr Bating their big ship
onler under way.
Of the old sailing fleet of thirty
schooners but three nro available, tton
others hnving been absorbed into other
lines of industry nnd scattered to the
most remote part of the sens.
Ench of the thirty ships will carry a
crew of 25 men, fivo men to each scal
ing cutter carried aboard, The trips,
in the past, have lusted six months.
I'nder the present senling restric
tions the Japanese nail English have
been enjoying unlimited fishing, outside
the three mile limit, inside of which
they may not carry on their industry.
Ford PUnt in Three Days
Can Pay for Peace Junket
The search for peace so far lus cot
Ifenry Ford:
Kxpenses of enlire expedition
up to nriivnl in Xorwny( es
timated by (Iiiston l'lantiff,
Ford's general malinger) iH'J-'.lll)')
Wireless bill during voyage .... Hl.ni)
Tips to crew of Oscar if... 1"0
Contribution to Norwegian
Students'., issoclntion 10,001)
Kxpenes of the party at
Christinnia '. !,o00
Left behind to finnnco re
mainder of expedition (re
ported) 270,00')
(nven to OswiibJ damson il
lard to fight preparedness.... 20,000
Total .cstininted 1 14,l..0
Number of Ford cars which must bo
sold to realize this sum (estiiniitniir
(P.y I'uited Press.)
O.itmnn, Arih., Jan. 1.1 How
wool, you like to wnlk 40 miles
every time you took a bnthf
That's what the citizens of this
place hsve to do. F.ither that,
or pay 20 cents a gallon for
The .mining boom Is making
tho town grow at the rate of
about 1,000 persons a d.vy. The
local water sujqdy has to be
teamed from Needles, Cal., 40
miles away. One enterprising
citizen hns a tent that brings
him -'iO a month. He hns
Instulled eight cots which ho
rents at 41 each A night.