Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 13, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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Social nd
C0A8TIN0 is in full swing, and
both the yoimgstern and the older
folk, clad themselves in warm
toga and were merged into the thrilling
out door sport, again lust night.
The flying bobs and the youth and
enthusiasm of the coasters, gave the
. country aide on the Lincoln hills a pic
ture to rememlier.
, t
The Sancdi Kensington flu was
charmingly entertained Saturday by
Mrs. Henry Fawlk, at her home on Nob
An enjoyable evening was followed
by a delicious lunch.
The table was centered with a mass
of vivid red geraniums, and greens
with Artistic hand painted placo cards
in t ho same color-motif., marking tne
ten covers.
Mrs. Earl Anderson was hostess Fri
day aftorn-onn for a delightful inform
al sowing, her guests being tiie mem-
bers of the "Brode..' club.
Mrs. Anderson was assisted in the
serving by her sister, Sliss Annette
The club members present were:
Mrs. Fred Erixon, Mrs. A. Kline, Sirs.
Robert Savage, Mrs. Frank Chapman,
Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Paul Htege, Mrs.
Lewis McCoy, Mrs. James Wilson, Mrs.
r-sm Adolf, Mrs. f. K. Fullerton, Mrs.
Boy Riee, Mrs. William (Skinner, Mrs.
C. E. lioinhart, and Mrs. Edward
Wood. Mrs. A. A. tlraber was the only
additional guest.
Mrs. R. E. Leo Btciner and daughter,
Miss Rita Btciner, returned yesterday
; f rom a brief trip to Portland, where
they were tho guests of Mrs. Stciu-
er's siater, Mrs. W. !. Korron.
Mrs. Joseph Reinlmrt will be tho
charming hostess for the ha Condor
club tomorrow afternoon,
Tho members of tho Commercial club
will have with them tonight Harry
l.iborman, of Kansas City, tho clever
chess and checker artist.
Mr. Iiilerinnn, who is considered one
of the most famous and skilful players
War Sjffer With Backache,
l Kidneys oh Rheumatism Ksw?
LrtUr TdU cf ImoJcolwdrfor Prfcrtptum.
Dour ffmlers If I can do any good In
Ihe world for others, 1 wish to do It, and
1 feol that it la my duty to write about
the wonderful result 1 received from tho
use ol Anuric." 1 was suffering from
kidney ami bladder troubles, scalding
urine, backache and rheumutism, and feob
and ankles swelled so that at times I
could not walk 'without assistance.
Had takon sevoral dlfforont kinds of
kidney remedies but ail failed. I sent
(or a box ot Dr. Pleroe's newest dlw
tovery, "Anuric," which 1 received by
nail In tablet form. I soon got better
and am convinced that this popular
new medicine is good. I wish to rec
orcmend it to my neighbor and every
body suffering from such troubles.
Mils. M. J. SaikwhT.
Ntk: You've all undoubtedly beard
of UiA famous Dr. lMn nnd htn wnlU
known medicines. Well, this proserin-1
won ,8 one I nut, nas Doon succoasiuiiy
tiod for many years by the physicians
and specialists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids'
Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo,
2J. Y., for kidney complaints, and dis
eases arisiiur from disorders of the kid
neys and bladder, such as backache,
weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, conges
tion of the kidneys, liillammutlun of the
bladder, scalding uriiiu, And urinary
Up to this time, Anuric " lifts not
Deen on sale to tho public, but by tho
yeranaslon of many patients and the
Increased demand for this wonderful
ken! In Tablet, Doctor Ploroe has linaily
1ecided to put It Into the drug stores of
this country within Immodiato reach ot
tJt sufferers.
Rlmply ask for Doctor Pierce's Anuric
Tablet. There can be no Imitation.
Every package of "Anuric'' is sure to be
l)r. Florae's. Yon will iind the signature
rn the iiaakami Just as you do on Dr.
Ptoroe's Favorite Prescription, the ever
famous friend to ailing women, and
Di. Pierce's Ooldnn Medical Discovery,
proven by years to be ihe greatest gen
eral tonlo and reeonstructor for any
one. besides bulng the bust bloud-niakor
All Mnckluaws nud
Vol Flannel Hhirts
I8S 10
Heavy Wool loggers
LESS 120
of the g.ime, will give a blind fold ex
hibition, as well as fourteen checker
and two chess games, cleverly playing
them at tne same time.
Miss Vera Wilhnm entertained in-
lormallv the first of the week in honor
of her house guest, Miss Jessie Kel
loirr. of Wnlla Wnlln.
tiuests invited to meet Miss Kellogg
were: Miss Florence Page, Miss Ruth
Stiinxi- Viuu Pniirl C,.r,r Ml., tlnil
George, Miss Carrie T'ooksey, Miss
nessie inn ana ine Misses iiauie and
Mildred (urrott.
The members of the Yeoman lodge,
have issued invitations for a mas
queradc dance, to he given in the
Moose lull on .February the eleventh
Mrs. Ralph White is chnirnian of
tho committee arranging for the party
wincn promises to he a gala amir.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Allen, who have
been the house guests of Mr. mid Mrs.
Dana Allen, returned to their home in
St. Paul, WednesJny.
Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock there
will be a mothers' meeting in the do
mestic science room of the Lincoln
All mothers and children of both the
Lincoln . nnd McKinley schools ire
urged to be present, as, questions re
lating to both schools will be brought
up for discussion.
The Lovnl Wnimin'a etnaa nC 1ho
First Christian church, held a session
today in the church parlors, with the
following ladies an hnqtdxeie Mt-u
Stephen Wolfe, Mrs. B. Walker. Mrs.
ieeion, mxh. uwyer ana -Mrs. Wallinm
After a brief business session. tli
remainder of tho afternoon w.is de
voted to an enjoyable social chat and
Tuesday evening the Loyal Sons of
the First Christian church will present
the Indian string quartetet in concert
at the church.
Considerable interest is being mani
fested in their nppe.irnnce as this is
the only quartet in the United States.
and will no doubt be a concert of real
Tickets are on sale at the book !
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Chnce went to
Albany this morning.
Oeorge Taylor, a real estate dealer of
Sweet home, is here today on business.
Frank J. Miller of the Public Service
commission, went to Albany this morn
ing. Dr. M. E. Pomoroy was a passenger
this morning on the Oregon Electric for
Oeorge E. Hatch, the veteran mail
carrier, is at his home liSfl North Front
street, with an attack of the grippe.
Lee Vnruh of the Commercial Print
ing company, is among those who are
staying home on aceount of the grip.
Mrs. Frank Powers, who has been
here during the past week on account
of the illness of her son, returned yes
terday to her home in Orenco.
Mr. and Mrs. Frnnk 8. Ward returned
lust evening from Portland, where Mr.
Ward was attending the session of the
Oregon Htute Bonn! of Pharmacy.
Henry Turner, who suffered aii acci
dent last Friday evening in a collision
with a motorcycle, is reported today to
be making a satisfactory recovery.
Mrs, Snrnh Knbiiwon," of Portland,
well known in this city, who lias been
suffering from an attack of pneumonia,
is reported today to be out of (lunger
and on a fuiT rond to recovery,
Journal New Today Ads da-
liver the goods.
JkT HAT need a man care for icy blasts
and winter's snow when buttoned up
snugly in a warm
When did you ever feel the need of a warm
coat more than right now, and when could
you ever buy a GOOD one for less than we of
fer them now? For instance, your choice of
the best
Less 20
One lot of good Overcoats, formerly priced
up to $12.65 your choice $7.00
Another lot formerly priced op to $17.65,
your choice $10.00
Don't Merely "Stop" a
Stop tbe Thing that Cum
and h Cougrk will
Stoa Itaeli
A cough is really one of our best
friends. It warns us that tlicre is in
flammation or obstruction in a danger
ous place. Therefore, when you get a
bud cough don't proceed to dose yourself
with a lot of drugs that merely "stop"
Hie cough temporarily by deadening the
throat nerves. Treat the cause heal the
inllumed membranes. Here is a home
made remedy that gets right at the cause
and will make an obstinate rough vanish
more quickly than you ever thought pos
sible. Tut iVa ounces of Pmex (50 cents
worth! in a pint bottle and till the bottle
with plain granulated sugar svrup. This
gives vou a full pint of the most pleasant
and effective cough remedy you ever used,
at a cost of onlv B4 cents. No bother to
prepare, lull directions with Pinex.
Tt hculs the inflamed membranes so
fienfly and promptly that you wonder
low it does it. Also loosens a dry, hoarse
or tignt coucn and slops tne formation of
phlegm in the throat and bronchial tubes,
thus ending the persistent loose cough.
Pinex is a highly concentrated com
pound of Norway pine extract, rich in
guaiacol, and is fnmous the world oyer
for its healing effect on the membranes.
To avoid disappointment, ask your
druggist for "2 ounces of Pinex,"'and
don't accept nnythinr elfle. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction, or money prompt
ly refunded, goes with this preparation.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wavne, Ind.
Mrs. Grace Dormer Was
Raised by Uncle and Aunt
of . B. Millard of Salem
The Capital Journal carried a story
from San Francisco Tuesday about a
Mrs. (trace Dormer who was. seeking
to establish her identity as she thought
1 fortune awaited her from her pa
rents. She raid that her earliest recol
lection was living with Mr. and Mrs.
Piiylander Allen, foster parents, at
Faiilkton, South Dakota, but sho ran
away from the Allen home and hail not
been able to loe.vtc them for a number
of veins.
E. U. Millard, a bookkeeper, at. the
Ladd k Hush bank, who resides at 2011
1) street in this city, taid today that
the Aliens were his uncle and aunt an!
that Miss Abbic Allen was now resid
ing in Los Angeles with her son, Bert
Allen. Phylander Allen died .tbout two
weeks ago. Mr. Millard knew Mrs
Dormer personally and was for a time
employed in his uncle's store at Faulk-
ton, 8. D.
Mr. Millard was unable to shed any
light -upon the nncestory of tho young
woman but states th.it she was a fond
ling which his uncle, nnd aunt brought
back from the Chicago i'air in 1HH2. It
appears that the real parents of the
girl were separated and did not want
to keep tier and tne Aliens took Her
into their own homo .is they hud just
lost a daughter of about the samo age.
The girl was never legally adopted by
the Aliens and they simply provided
oer witii a good home as long as sac
wanted it.
She was of a lively disposition, how
ever, according to Mr. Millard, iul
ran away from Ihe Allen iiome when
she was about 14 years of age and the
Aliens lost track of her. 'Mr. and Mrs.
Allen sold out their interests in Faiilk
ton, 8. D., several years ago and c.une
to Los Angeles to spend their declin
ing years.
Subscribe for the Capital
Journal. All news, no con-
Warm Cloves and
Mittens, LESS 10
K a i t Hoods, C a pa,
Hats for wnnteu and
children, LESS 10.
Sosm raducad Ona-Hatf
J. M. GAiloUN IS
Began 40 Years Ago Import
ing and Improving Ore
gon Chickens
Now that the royal members of the
boards here in Salem and attracting
universal attention, here is a little
story appropriate to the occasion as it
pertains to tho oldest of poultry fan
ciers of the northwest, J. M. Garrison.
Au admirer of the greatest of all Am
erican birds always, he began culti
vating tneir acquaintance ami studying
their traits and habits in 1877. at For
est Grove.
Long before the advent of poultry
llinWU he Wnfi an ovli il.itnr a, tl,a btf.f.i
fails, and was really the man who put
me - Try - in poultry nerc in uregon.
Prior in mnviurr n finl.m nlimtt Vii-
yeors ago, Mr. Garrison was located at
Tin:it ....!.. I... .1 ..a
latmu university, oeing one ox 113 ln
atrncrnra lni 3? .-nnrn 1,1. n :.1A i:nA
of poultry always handy, simply be-
t-num' nnn hot- nappy wiieu lie couiu
mil linai a l;.l.i;..n .n..LU l.n
lordly cocks Bound their morning de-
i icb iu me wonu.
At the earlier shows, he naturally
awards, but of lute years he is well
saiiHiieo to get uis tuir snare, tor com
petition has become keen. anA enmnctlt-
ors numerous. He was first to intro-
ouce wyandottes to the state, this in
1884. and it haa nrr.vod in be nne nf tfie
most, valuable breeds.
In 1888, on account of hard times and
a teniimrnrv wnnitu, Ititnrut Trtv.
land fanciers concluded to let their an-
nuui show go by default. Mr, Garri
son felt ihifi U'U. a mlulolo nn.l in L
up the interest in fancy poultry he
assumed tho expense and the responsi-
uimy mi- me snow ami put in On Him
self. TtA IpflKOfl n vnnn. t.t Tl...nM t-
Hall at First and Yamhill streets, and
inviting the fanciers most of whom
were nersnnnllv Itnnn-ii tn hm V,m.,..i.,
together some six hundred birds, making
n 1'ieuy nme snow nii'i one tnat drew
much nftnntfnn Hj n.la nA nkn.n.
entnes, but the gate money nnd sale of
stuck mer an expenses and left a nice
little marpiii. or r n i.nnlt,,.
would say, "n nice little nest egg".
Having demonstrated that a one ninn
DOllltrV show eOlllfl ItA murlA a
along about 181)0 he thought Astoria
siuiuiu get inro tne cmckeii game, so
he shipped a boat load of blooded fowls
to tho city by the sen and gave its
citizens their first poultry exhibit.. It
was a great success and ever since As
toria has been pivinir nrmltrv hKaw. urt
delivered a series of lectures at Van
couver, bugeue, Albany, Dallas, Mc
Jlinnville nnd The n,,lin, n. .!,:., .
keen interest in the business and get-
nig inose cities started in the fancy
poultry business,
In 1900 he organized the fanciers of
Lewistou and larkston in au associa
tion, since which time they have each
year held successful exhibitions, and
have become a )nwcr for good in the
promotion of bettor poultry.
Mr. Garrison in ennairn.l in l,..:n..H.
here shipping yearly from two to three
hundred fowls and rrom six to eight
hundred sittings of eggs yearly. It is
perhaps wrong to sav he is in 'business
... :.l. i it . . .
ii mm nun ir s R moor ot love that
hus irrnwn nnd incpn.A,! ,ti....,.i,
than forty years devoted largely to the
nvuiij ui HIP U1IMS,
Knowing Aft flnrrlcAii fn44H,u,..l..
more than forty years, a friend offers
tins little testimony only as a tribute,
tO llis loVnltV mill fli'-ntninn fn n'a
industry, und as a recognition of his
yaiuaoie work lor the state in perfeet-
inCT tho rcnl Anierirnn hirA nl f.nnilnm
the one who helps pay the mortgage on
ine rarm, noi ine screaming eagle nut
the cackling hen, tho bird that frosts
nnC cnl(H. fiimiuliaa 4Ka Kwt nf all
breukfnst foods, and adds to the gaiety
of the nation tothe tune of nearly halt a
a billion, dollnrs yearly.
The Quinina That Does ot Affect
Recause of its tonic and laxative cf
fect Laxative Hrinno Quinine can be
tnaen by auyone without causing nerv
ousness nor ringing in the bead. There
is oulv one " Hromo yiiinme. ' fc. w
GROVE'S signature is ou box. 25c
Frank S. Ward Elected
Secretary of Board
Frank S. Ward was elected secretary
of tho Oregon Hoard of Pharmacy at
the meeting held by tne board a tew
days ago in Portland. He will take
charge of the books of the Board on
April 12.
The officers for the coming year
elected Tuesday are: President, Boss
A. Farr, Astoria! secretary, Frank 8.
Ward, Knlem; treasurer, Hons M. Mum
mer, Portland.
AH the correspondence and business
of the Oregon Koard of Pharmacy will
hereafter be conducted through its -secretary,
Mr. Ward. As many inquiries
are received every month from drug
gists from the east a to conditions in
Oregon, Sir. Ward hopes to arrange
with the Commercial Club to secure a
Hue of advertising that may be in-,
eluded In all his replica to his eastern
Twenty-five young men with amhi
tiemi to become druggists were exam
ined by the board thi week. Tir
suspense will continue about two weeks
as it requires this length of time for
the Board to make a careful vaamina-'
lions of the papers. 1
Peattle. Wash.. Jan. IS. Word has
been reeeivt-d in Seattle fross Madison.
Wrsi'onsin. that the .choice of football
eoarh at the lTniversitT of Wrsconsla
has narrowed flown to Macklin and Do-!
le, the latter formerly eoneh f the'
Fniversity of Washington tvara. The'
announcement of the selection ia ex
pected tomorrow. I
A Galley cf Fun !
First Fhilcsopher (of Todunk).
Mo use tlkin', what la tew be will
Second Ditto. Humph! There wu
io be an "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Ihow
here tew night, but it busied down in
FVostville. Now, Where's yer argy
'You and your husband are no long
tr one?"
"No," sighed the wife. "Two can
Jve so much more cheaply than one,
Son't you know!"
Which is but to say that Love flies
;ut at the window when Pov?ity
mocks at tbe door.
"But the marriage which is nol
eiade in heaven, where Is It made?"
"I don't know, except that wheii
such a marriage is contracted there'!
Ihe devil to pay."
The baby came upon the first.
His dad, as jokers will,
uit off this joke about his worst:
He named the baby Bill.
Mr. Commuter (lunching nt tlv.
Ratlukcller with Billy Uplowne).
l'es, Bir, Billy, I tell you tho eubeii):.
ia Ihe place to live. You know I'm
out twonly miles, and It's an actual
lact that I can get Into my place of
Iuitiiies8 just as quick as when I liv
id upon the One Hundred and Tv.cn
I j -fif tti Street. Stet.ni cars, you know,
rnd express trains, and you are al
ways furr of a feat. I get out a cigHr
nnd rend the paper nil tho way in,
don't you know? Then when you get
cut home in tho evening you are away
from all the dust nnd dirt and Tacket
of the city, and guy, I wiah that yon
etuild see my garden! II'b a dnndy!
Wc had lettuce from It yesterday,
t:uch as you never buy In market, and
nice crisp radishes! Had a nice mcs-.
for dinner last night. And running a
lawn-mower onee In a while is mlgli'y
good exercise for a fellow. Then It's
nice of an evening to sit out on your
own little piazza nnd amoke your cig
ar, or run over to some of the neigh
hor,nd chat. Lots bettor (ban be
ing tucked up In some littlo fifteen
rfory flat! Belter get you a place mil
our way nnd settle down In It. Yo;i
might come Into the city for three 01
four months In Uic winler, but onco
you f,( t a taste of suburban life you'll
never want to live In tho city r.gain.
It's great out In the suburbs old boy!
Mrs. Commuter (lunching In Low
lyvale with Mrs. Billy ITptownc)
My lesr, you are a perfect godsend,
and it's Just lovely of you to come
away out here lo see me! We iiro
apart from our friends out here as
much as If we lived In Kulamogoo,
Michigan! It seems to me Of course
yeu had an awful time getting hero!
We have only one express a day eacli
way, and all the other trains stop at
everybody's front gate! And Tt takes
twelve good minutes to get lo the
station and twelve or fifteen more to
get anywhere near the shopping die
trict once you arc In the city, and
That? I suppose it was mosquito.
There are millions of them here as
soon as tho sun goes down, and Do
we have garden? I'll show you the
garden before you go. We have ahou;
tliree square feet of lettuce bed, an I
we have bad six gnarly little radishes
fo far this year. We have six hills
ct corn and throe tomato plants. Wn
paid a man four dollars and a hull
to get the garden ready, and Ol
course that was rooster you heard!
The people la the bouse back ot us
have chkkens. You'd think It was a
rooster It you were here somo morn
ing at about three o'clock when 11 nnd
aome forty or fifty hens begin to caek
le and keep it up until daylight! Y011
ie the first riving tout excepting
mamma and some ot my husband's
slater and bis mother who have been
out tare from the city la the three
month we have lived here! I liaren'l
said anything to Harry about it yer,
It's my last summer out here! Wc
inke a flat in the city In tbe fall,
That la nettled as tar as I am concern
ed. Pon't jrou mr let Hilly Uptown
coax you Into coming Into the sub
ui he to live. A woman might Just nt
well gtt Into a convent, and one mlgUl
aa well die at be out f everythlur
good old Broadway for jut." mi
..... ,m
Everything in Our Store at greatly re
duced prices. When we move into our
new location we. will have an entirely new
stock. Buy now at great savings.
ECafoury Bros.
1 15 N. Liberty The Store for the People
G. H. Tracy, who was indicted by
the griir.d jury ut its recent session or. I from Mexico, enraged at American Con
ii chargo of selling a commodity at n ' sul Edwards' part in obtaining the en-
greater measure tnan its true measure,
was arraigned 111 the circuit court to
day and entered a plea of not guilty.
It is ciiargcd that he sold firewood to
Thomas I41 Duke and gave short meas
ure. This is the first time that anyone
has ever been indicted in .Minion coun
ty under this statute
The case of Julia I. Nash against Win
miik which has been on in the cir
cuit court for the last three days will
,r.n,.h iho inrv a,;. oi.nni..,r it i. av.
actlv three' months today since tho jury !
disagreed in tlf) first- trial in this ae-1
tion during the October term of the1
circuit court.
A notice of appear to tho supremo'
court was filed today in the circuit pletcly dominated by Hcncral Carrunni.
court in the case of Lellu Knighton American mining companies are con
Hgninst Joseph Weller (.hambcrliii and sideriiiK sending a regiment, of Amer
others. This action was tried in the', ;,.an volunteers to exterminate Villa and
circuit court of the this county and re- bnndits infesting the mining reg
' suited in 1 verdict iu tuvor of the ; if rumui.a will give permission
plaintiff against. L. O. 1 en-old, oi.tuit for Bftioll.
the delendants. The judgment iipiinstl t
-nr. jierroiii was in me sum or isd.ui.l'.
with interest and costs of 23.50 and
In order to register all of the IS.iHUl
voters in Marion county before tiie
books close for the primaries April IS
it will lie necessary for the voters to
report at the rate of l!ii0 per d.iv. In
tho city of Salem they have been re:
wt.,,-if,.V , ti... ,.v in .. 1
it. will be necessary to incerasc this to:
the rate of SO per day from now on.
Tho following registrars of voters were
appointed today by the county court
for ihe outside precincts of this coun-j
ty: (ieorgo W, Humphreys, Jeffer
son; J. U. drier, Stuytou; (. A. Spen
cer, Uates; John 8. Hicliie, Scolts
Mills; Xorris Ames, Hilvcitou; H. C.
Wyg.mt, Hulcm lloijihts; Mattnew
tiilison, Silvcrlon; J. ( . Jlcl'nrlane, Sa
lem; j . y. tlayes, Woodbuin; V. e,
kl., 1 :,,,,.. 11 i.' m, ...... n .11
Sanyer, l.iberty ; II. i,. Maily, Ilonald
AiJL.HrLS '..'' -
T 1 da, linn-, ,11 11.....I, . 1.-.. . I f. TI I
mn 'vi kJ. m,. ' i Ii . Jt ' reported that the bnndils riKpoa
rriiigle R ' y 01""1," sible lor his death we.e led by Oenen.1
I Hoiirigiich.
An answer was filed in tho circuit-r e itt n. I
court today in the case of John Mosnr
outgrowth of the case of Biadshaw
lirus. against H. II. Kobinson. It Bi
pears that. liobinsou conducted a pool
and billiard hull in Silveiton and
Hrndshnw Bros, sued uiul secured i
judgment, against Kobinson in the sum
nf mJ.i IH u-itb tmbta nt' 4llK-.ll Wl.n..l
iff Esch was culled upon to attach the tcr.lay.lnryiiiR of war stocks still prob
imol hnll which ho did nnd unxii ,-.l,.r ! ably bear covering continued in the
of the court sold the contents unon a
foreclosure sale to Bradshaw Urns, for
-"it. John .Moser later claimed th it
the contents of the mini hall belonoed
to him and brought suit against the their dosing was weak. As a whole the
sheriff to recover the property which i market wus less aetivo und more It
had been sold at the sheriff 's sale. Tho regular than yesterday, and the move
answer alleges that Mosor had ample ! nicnt of prices was for tho most part
uiiir iv iinrrii ui? ennui nciore me
sheriff's sale w.is mudo but did not
take his cluim until after tho proerty
had been sold and removed lioiu the
Huerta Is
DPaSO AdviceS Report
-.,. -
El Taso, Texas, Jan. 13, While nf
t'airs in his fatherland verged on the
troublous- times he lived through
grim old General Victorinno Hucitn,
ouce dictator of Mexico. s destiny, lay
today on a bed of pain making probably
his last fight against death.
Following a siuking spell Inst night
when the last rites of the Catholic
church were administered, the "iron
inn" lapsed into coma again today,
following a brief rally,
Though physicians said his fighting
Goods Selling at Cost
We make tip Klmonas, 'Wrappers, House Dresses and Underwear.
0aU' and Ladict' runttshlug Goods, Mattings, Blanket, Comforters,
291 N. Commercial
American Consul
Mobbed by Infuriated
Citizens In 1 Paso Today
El Pnso, Texas, dun. 13. Miners
trance of the Sailfn Ysubel victims in
to Mexico, today forcibly ejected him
from the lobby of the Sheldon hotel
)leT0 rau ' , street nnd csc.iiped
them for the time being. At first they
followed him, loudly denouncing tho
administration and' blaming it for tho
massare. Edwards trie4 to argue, and
several threw him into tho street.
As responsibility for tho Americans
entrance into . Mexico is nt issue, ,(!
I wards (consul nt Juuiezi (leciarco. mai.
General" tiuviritt, Juarez coininandniit,
bad personally assured him that it was
safe for them to return to Mexico and
resume mining operations.
Moreover, ho claimed that tho dis-
trict they would trnverso would be corn-
m m
tarraHZlSta ITOODS
Start In Pursuit of
Murderous Villa Bands
Chihuahua City, Mexico, Jan. 13.
l-'ivo hundred Carrauzista trooper
1 navo iiccu scui o,y vuui-iui jivnu w
pursue tho marauders who on Mondiy
shot and limed a Jinny 01 Americans
lot' tho "Cusi" Mining company. Tho
! vino ordered his men to show no mercy
j if they located tho bandits.
I The pursuit trntu felt yesterday
I morning well stocked with provisions,
I while a second train followed with cav
alry horses.
treviuo ordered his men to continue
the chase until every one of the band
its is endured and shot.
1 HI1N0 icuis ivurv leu iiiimj mi
; j 0jjirr ,,,, of , 1mMy of Bert
'iKrainer. American, known to have
Continues Less Briskly
(Copyright 11)1(1 by the New York
Evening l'ost.)
Sew York, Jan. .13. In u more desul
tory and more deliberate way than yes-
',lrl,V hmira on tiie stock exchange to
duy; but in the closing hour when It
was evident that the buying had lost its
: vigor, tho-v yielded again sharply and
Tni-oiiM, exidiiituie wns mft. orentlv
changed. Sterling showed signs of re-l
laxing from yesterday's impetus up
ward, but the Herman exchange was
firmer than recently, it is n puzzle as
lo what level roichmarkt.
I spirit might prolong his life,
jjoso Hollies, his privnte score
tury, un-
' nounced that hU condition became so
j serious shortly after seven o clock: this
forenoon that death is a mutter of a.
fen hours.
The chieftain had bidden his wife
and relatives goodbye, and father lg
nacio Mayer had administered Ex
treme I' net inn.
(Speaker Clark, who says republican
regard democratic prosperity as a per
sonal grievance, qualifies as something
of a phrase maker himself.
St, Salem, Oregon