Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 10, 1916, Page FIVE, Image 5

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Grand Theatre
Tonight will be your last chanc
to sea
A wonderful player in a wonder
ful 8 part play Ask those who
have seen it
South American Travel
Special Added Attraction
The Cox Family Sextette is
"The Italian Music Master,"
introducing Fancy Dancing and
Refined Harmony Singing.
Prices Matinee 5o 10c
Evening . -10c 15c
No show Wednesday evening ow
ing to the engagement of the
New York Metropolitan Grand
Opera Company.
in m Saw hotel?
don"! jump at hasty dn
clusions s
Lamar Tooze Writes ofTrJp
On Peace Ship Frederick VIII
By Lamar Tooze.
(Student representative, University of
Oregon, on Ford Peace .Mission.)
Aboard Frederick VIII, near Kirk
walk, Scotland, Dec. Hi. (Special to
the Capital Journal.) Tho good ship
Frederick VIII with 24 members of
Henry Ford's second pence party have before ilr. Ford is not a radical
aboard is now well within tho war zone, I idealist, in tho first place. Any man
Since leaving New York a week ago j who can redeem a business from an ab
we have, with the exception of our solute failure and convert it into a gi
wireless communication, been isolated ! gantic enterprise doing a business of
from the world! We saw our first ship i over 15O.00o.0OO a rear surely in not
I Cisco, a passenger on the Oscar, "you
can t rnb the brains of several hundred
people together without producing some
good somewhere, sometime."
Leisure time on the boat has given
me an opportunity to investigate Mr.
Ford's career more oloBcly than I ever
today a British cruiser, the Viririnian
The Virginian is oue of many mer
chantmen that have been converted by
the British" into patrol vessels. This
entire coast line clear to Icelnnd is
guarded against possible invasions
an idealist. He is anvthing but an ideal
ist. He represents more forcibly, pos
sibly, than any other American, the
practical mindeduess of the American
people. He sees things as they arc. He
sees this great war as it is. He realizes
from hostilo fleets. The Virginian sent I something must be done to stop the
two officers and crew aboard the Fred-; slauirhter of 20.000 men daily on the
erick. Passports were examined and
English sailors left on our boat to ac
company us to Kirkwalk where the
ship's cargo will be inspected.
battlefields of Europe to say nothing
of the terrible destruction of the in
dustry of centuries. He feels that the
neutral powers under the leadership of
Everything favorable the Frederick ; our own should take the initiative in
will arrive in Christiania, Norway, by I bringing about yeace.
Sunday. We expect to join the first I am not informed as to Mr. Ford's
Ford party there and continuo with 1 opinion concerning tho administration's
them to The Hague. position on official intervention. Con-
Tho Pacific, coast is well represented versing with several members of our
in this party. Duo to the long trip I party, I find that there is no fault
across the continent and the difficulty
in securing passports, only two of the
coast representatives made the Oscar,
Mrs. Graff, of Portlnnd, and tho stu
dent representative of the University of
California. On this boat besides myself
are Kmil Hurja, representing the Uni
versity of Washington; A. J. Hettinger,
of Stanford, and P. Monroe Smock, of
New Plymouth, Idaho, representing
Governor Moses Alexandor, of Idaho.
Mr. Hmock is national committeeman of
the progressive party,
When I left Eugene some two weeks
ago, I had slight ideas only concerning
(tho methods by which Mr. Ford is at
tempting o oring auout peace m war
torn Europe I still am uncertain. I
find that the other members of this
party are uncertain also. I don't re
lieve Mr. Ford himself knows exactly
how the thing is to be done. But we
are hopeful for two reasons: First.
because of Mr. Ford's demonstrated
ability in the past to perform that
which he set out to do, and second, as
expressed by Dr. Aked, of Son Fran-
Tuesday - Wednesday
Price 10c Always
to find with Mr. Wilson's policy. They
feel that the president did all in his
power when he jiffered the good offices
of our country at the outbreak of the
conflict, I firmly believe that Mr.
Ford is prompted by the loftieBt of mo
tives in this matter.- In my opinion,
he has no idea of embarrassing Amer
ican diplomacy.
There are about 30 student represen
tatives in the peace mission, represent
ing the principal colleges and univer
sities of the United States. I think that
it is the general feeling among the stu
dents that the part we are to play con
sists mainly in listeuing and observing.
All those to whom I have talked are
open-minded and have no prejudices on
one side or the other. Personally, I -am
going to form no opinions until I have
seen things as they are.
Get Dr. Edwards'
Olive Tablets
(This letter from Mr. Tooze was evi
dently delayed, since the Capital Jour
nal published another from him, written
later at Christiania, several days ago.
Wants Callous Conscience
So Quits University Work
Correspondence Student Desires No
Prickings When He "Tramples
Upon the Faces of the Poor."
The big Henry W. Savage 5
Beei Film production with the
original Broadway cast,
Better than Time's Punctured
vim B.wwqrt
.i '
3 W
I i- L
'V "A v:
"Barbara Frietchie," a thrilling
jihotodrama in five gripping acts, in
which little Mary Miles M inter, the
"sweetest flower of the screen" np
pears in the stellar role, will be shown
at the Ye Liberty theatre today only.
Id addition to Miss Minter there ire
ialf a score of notable stage and screen
artists in tue supporting cast, incluu
ing Mrs. Thomas W. Whiffcn, Guy
Coombs, Anne Q. Nilsson, Fraunie
Fi-aunholtz and Wallace Scott. Miss
Minter mado an instantaneous success
in her List Metro feature, "Emmy of
Btory's Nest," ind is well remember
ed by theatre goers throughout the
eountry for her marvelous performance
in "The Littlest Kebel," in which ploy
he was starred for three years. "IJar
liara Frietchie " was produced by the
Popular Plays and Players foT exclus
ive relasa on the Metro Program.
University of Oregon, Eugene, Jan.
10. Because he fears a university edu
cation will give him a good conscience,
one student in the
department has qu
ho writes, is "a callous Conscience and j
a slumbering pity."
Corresponuence-stuuy letters are con
fidential and so the name and home
town of this student are withheld, but
here are his sentiments:
"I realize that with a college educa
tion my eonsoioiico might interfere with
my life's embitions. These ambitions
are to get riches, no mntter by what
method; to secure famej even at the
cost of a million souls; to trample upon
the faces of the poor and make the rich
bow beforo me. In the realization of
these ambitions, I need a callous con-
for those who suffer from
Stomach Bitters
is Nature's best aid is
suck ill.
season. Tiiey have played i few games
for practice and to pick out the best
players, but in all outside games have
been defeated. The athletic manager,
Mr. Ellis Fisher, has picked the fol
lowing team: Fisher and Bell, for
wards; Strong, center; Harvey and
Winegir, guards. Tho scouts are now
practicing every day and hope to turn
out a winning team in the near future.
The county road near tho Luekia-
mute river is in bad condition duo to
correspondence-study the re,,eilt o0' caused by the molt
.it. What he wants,l!n snow- In several places bridges
,.n... .,ui ,iihave been wasned out and when the
water receded left largo piles of logs
and dnrt in the road which blocked
the traffic until removed.
The Valley and Silctz Railroad com
pany have resumed operations on thoir
rniliond into the Siletz. Basin country.
Two hundred men have been sent to
Hoskins during the past week to start
work on the west end of the line. It
is rumored that as soon as tho we.itior
will permit, the company will start,
work on a line from Simpson's Station,
which is ns far east as the road is now
built, to Independence. It is also
rumored that a saw mill will be erect
ed at Independence instead of at IIos
kins as was previously intended.
The Christian Science Wednesday
evening, January 12, will be held at
Mrs. A. F.H libel's residence on East
Msin street at 8:00 p. m.
D. C. Walker and sons have Installed
new snnit.iry cups in their confection
ery store on Main Btreet, which they
will use in serving soft, drinks. They
nave also installed the latest sauitary
ice cream dishes.
The Monmouth Crcamerv company
was represented at the Butter and
Cheese Makers' convention held at Cor
vallis recently.
; Farmers and stock r.iisers in this sec
tion last quite a few sheep and goats
luring the recent snowstorm. Very
few estimate their loss under one hun
dred dollars and some much higher.
Constable- John H. Mornn, who has
been confined to his bed for some time
due to an attack of cancer, is reported
much better.
Mrs. Martin, mother of Mrs. Paul
Ticheron, of near this city, passed
away at her home north of Monmouth
on Saturday morning, January 8. Mrs.
Martin is an oM resident of the Wil
lamette valley having live! near Mon
mouth for the past 35 years. Mrs.
Martin is survived by her daughter,
Mrs. Ticheron, who wns her only child.
The Monmouth Grange hold its an
nual installation of officers Saturday,
January 8th. State Orange Master C.
h. Spence, of Oregon City, headed the
installation of officers and gave x very
interesting talk on "Rural Credits,''
after which he answered many ques
tions, from the local grangers on vari
ous subjects of general interest.
Monmouth had its third snow of the
season on Satnrda.iy night and Sunday
morning. The snow all melted as fast
as it fell except in the hills west of the
city where the snow lies about six inch
es deep,
Job H. lewis Joins With
Board la Seeking to Settle
The State Highway commission has
asked the supreme court for a further
interpretation of the recent opinion of
Justice Bean on the state highway en
gineering tangle and McXary & Mc
Nary have filed a petition to this ef
fect with the clerk of the supreme
court. The petition asks for a rehear
ing in the case but actually desires on
ly a further interpretation in the mat
ter and additional argument by attor
neys may not be necessary.
State Highway Engineer John H.
Lewis stated today that he would join
with the board in petitioning for a re
hearing as he desired that the matter
be entirely cleared up on all points in
the interests of efficiency and harmony J
in tne department.
Th petition filed asks for a rehear
ing on three points as follows:
First Admitting the repugnancy
of the latter part of section 3, chap
ter 387, laws of 1915, to section 20,
article 4, of the state constitution, yet,
does the former portion of the statute
remain a complete and constitutional
enactment ? The commission and its at
torneys hold that the court's opinion
infers the constitutionality of the form
er portion of the law. This is the por
tion that gives the commission power
to construct the state highways and the
governor, as its chairman, power to ap
point a highway engineer who shnll be
scientifically educated in road building.
Second Considering both chapter
337 of the laws of 1915 and chapter
339 of the laws of 1913, is the duty
of the actual road construction im
posed upon the state engineer ? The
commission holds that it is not.
Third Is the deputy state engi
neer responsible to and under the di
rection of the state engineer, or is he
the creature and answerable to the
state highway commission) The com
mission holds that the later is the
meaning of the law.
That Is the Jovfnl cry of thousands since
T)r. Kriwnrda produced Olive Tablets, the
substitute for calomel
Dr. Edwards, a practicing physician for
IT years and calumet's old-time enemy,
discovered the formula for Olive Tablets
while treating patients (or chronic consti
pation, and torpid livers.
Br. Edwards' Olive Tablets do not con
tain calomel, but a healing, soothing Vege
table laxative.
No griping Is the "keynote" of thase lit.
tie sugar-coated, olive-colored tablets. They
enure the bowels and liver to act normally.
They never force tliera to unnatural action.
If you have a "dark brown mouth" now
and tiien a bad breath a dull, tired fuel
ing stele headache torpid liver and an
constipated, you'll find quick, sure and only
pleasant results from one or two little Dr.
Edwards' Olive Tablets at bedtime.
Thousands take one or two every night
just to keep right. Try tliein. 10c and iic
per boa. All druggists. . .
The Olive Tablet Company, Columbus, a
Niagara Falls N. Y., Jm. 10. Clubs
and stones broke many windows in the
"nnner nlaut" of the Aluminum com
pany of America's three plants when
pot workers today went on strike for
more pay. Police reserves called to the
scene fired over the strikers' heads, af
ter which the men retired for a mass
meeting. It wns estimated that fully
1.000 workers engaged in the rioting.
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Portland, Ore., Jan. 7 On the Alaska
coast the salmon packers, towns, and
settlers use 40,000,000 feet of timber a
year from, the Cuugach and longass Na
tional forests.
It is estimated that 100,000,000
pounds of beef and mutton are sold
each year from herds and flocks occu
pying the National forest range.
Timber trespass on the National for
ests is no longer important in amount or
character. The incentive has been large
ly removed by the availability of Na
tional forest stumpage under free use
or reasonable terms of sale. !New tres
pass cases are usually tho result of un
intentional error in regard to title or
the location of boundaries.
A million and a half railroad ties are
now cut from the National forests yearly-
The number of animals now sustained
on the National forests in proportion to
the area, is 50 per cnt greater than it
was 10 years ago.
The forest service is co-operating in
game protection under definitely agreed
plans with the states of Arizona, New
Mexico, California. Oregon, Idaho,
P.tah, Wyomirfg, Colorado, Montana and
South Dakota.
San Francisco, i Jan. 10. Theft of
$26,000 .worth of jewels from a sealed
trunk expressed from Overbrook, Pa.,
camo to light tod.iy when special de
tee.tives and seeret service agents con
leased themselves baffled at tiie mys
terious robbery. The seal of the trunk,
which was owned by Lieutenant Com
mander William P. Cronan, II. 8. N.,
gave no evidence of being tampered
The theft was committed a month
ago, presumably in Sin Francisco.
, No. 9021.
Report of the Condition of the , r
United States National Bank
At Salem, in the State of Oregon, at tho close of business on December 31, 1915.
Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) ..... .$472,173.10
Total loans , $472,175.10
Overdrafts, secured, none; unsecured, (174.02 474.92
U. S. bonds deposited to secure circulation (pur value) 31,000.00
Total U. S. bonds 31,000.00
Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure postal
savings deposits 18,250.00
Bonds and Securities pledged as collateral for state, or
other deposits or bills payable (postal excluded).... 171,722.35
Securities other than V. S. bonds (not including stocks)
owned unpledged 202,941.23
Total bonds, securities, etc 302,013.58
Subscription to stock of Federal Reserve bank $12,000
Less amount unpaid 6,000 6,u00.00 6,000.00
Value of banking house (if unencumbered) 140,000.00 140,000.00
Furniture and fixtures 12,000.00
Real estate owned other than banking house 1,800.00
Net amount due from Federal Reserve bank 28,575.00
Net amount duo from approved reserve agents in Now
York, Chicago, and St. Louis 106,576.06
Net amount due from approved reservo agents in oth
er roservc citie '. 113,047.96 219,624.02
Net amount duo from bnnks and bankers (other than
included in 10 or li) 71.79
Other checks on banks in the same city or town as re
porting bank 2,822.71
Outside chocks and other cash items 309.50-
Fractional currency, nickels, and cents 1,382.02 1,491.52
Notes of other national bunks 325.00
Coin and certificates 102,009.50
Legal-tender notes 30.00
Redemption fund witn U. S, treasurer and duo from U.
S. treasurer .' . 1,550.00
. , .
Total $1,412,863.14
Capital stock paid in $100,000.00
Surplus fund $100,000.00
Undivided proits $1,945.13 1,943.13
Less current expenses, interest and tuxes paid 1.945.13
Circulating notes outstanding 17,300.00
Due to banks and hankers (others than included in 28
or 29) 4,010.69
Dividends unpaid 5,000.00
Demand deposits:
Individual deposits subject to check 412,934.0.1
Certificates of deposit duo in less than 30 days 29,222.96
Certified checks 405.05
Cashier's checks outstanding 057.89
Postal savings deposits t. 11,136.01
State; county, or other municipal deposits secured by
item 4c of " Resources " 137,904.89
Total demand deposits, items 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37,
38, and 39 592,320.83
Timo deposits (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30
days or more notice) :
Certificate of deposit 101,533.60
Other timo deposits 490,752.89
Total of time deposits, items 40, 41, and 42 592,286.49
. 1 1 . ,w .
Total $1,412,863.14
State if Oregon, County of Marion, ss:
I, E. W. Hazard, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that
the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
E. W. HAZARD, Cashier.
Correct Attest:
Subscribed and sworn to beforo me this Sth dav of January, 1916.
JENNIE ttHST, Notary Public.
My commission expires July 7, 1916.
science and a slumbering pity."
The student then remarks that he
understands the main purjiose of higher
education to be the instilling of culture,
the development of "character, and cul
tivation of social usefulness in young
men and women.
"By so doing it is claimed the univer
sity benefits society as a whole, which
claim seems founded upon substantial
fact," he writes. "College men and
women have a broader and deeper view
of life, so that social service appeals to
"But it appeals to me," he protests.
"A higher education might cause
some virtue to bo inculcated in me that
might perhaps cause a guilty conscience
to prick me. Therefore, I say, I must
avoid such a deterrent."
He thereupon withdraws from further
(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Monmouth, Or., Jan. 10. The city
council met in the council chanmbers
nt 8:00 p. in. Momlny evening, in an
nual session, for the purpose of in
stalling officers .elected at the last
city eloction, hearing annual reports
of the recorder and treasurer ro.nl and
transacting business carried over from
the last meeting. There worn present:
Mayor P. H. Johnson, Councilmen H.
C. Ostein, James Goodman, W. J. Mil
ler, Recorder D. E. Stitt, and Treasurer
W. E. Smith. Several sidewalks were
ordered in at once.
The normal was represented at the
stito teachers association in Medford
last week by President J. H. Acker
man, Miss Rosa B. Pairot, and Mr. M.
H. Pittman. Two members of the facul
ty wero honored by election as onicersl
iu me impairments or ine nuue uhmh-i-ation.
Miss Parrot-as secretary of the
Council of English, and Air. L. P. Gil
more as chairman of the deparatment
of Science.
Just when the normal students were
leaving for this vacation, those stay
ing at tho C. O. Griffa residence gath
ered aaround Mr. and Mrs. Graffa ask
ing them to hold a box, the contents
of which they were not allowed to see
until liter the girls had given the
normal yell. To their surprise and
great delight the box was found to eon
tain a very nice set of silverware.
The meetings at the Christian church
are growing in interest tinder the lead
ership of the minister, Oeorgo C. Hitch
ey, and assistant evanngelist) A. W.
Shaffer. Kev. Ritchoy is preMbing
sermons this week more direct to tho
members of the church than to those
of tho world. The choir under the di
rection of Mr. Shaffer Is growing in
numbers and power in singing gospel) til you are entirely down-and-out, but
songs. On Friday evening the " Smile j take them today. Your druggist will
Chorus" led tne singing. Many or tne
bova and mrls of the city responded to
the invitation this week and joined the
The Boy Scouts of Monmouth are
getting up a basketball team for the
The "Comeback" man was really
never uowD-ana-our. ins weakened
cnmlitintl f,Aintiaa tit m-m.a-I. 1..L
of exercise, improper eating and living,
demands stimulation to satisfy the cry
for a hoalth giving appetite and the
refreshing sleep essential to strength.
GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules,
the National Remedy of Holland, will
do the work. They are wonderful!
Three of these capsules each day will
put a man on his ieet before he knows
it; whether his trouble comes from trie
acid poisoning, the kiJnoya, gravel or
tone in the bladder, stomach derange
ment or other ailmonts that befall t.ie
over-zealous American. Don't wait un
gladly refund your money if they do
not onip you. Koe, oue and ll.W per
box. Accept no substitutes. Look tor
the name GOLD MEDAL on every box.
They are the pure, original, iniorted
Haarlem Oil Capsules,
The Capital Journal's Great Clubbing
Offer With Premier Farm Paper f
Each and every reader of any per
iodical or newspaper has chosen in
bis or her own mind a periodical or
paper that was considered better
thnn all the rest. If you pick up that
article you know exactly where to
look for the news you want. Upon a
daily sheet the front page is reserved
for the ripe news of the world. Fur
ther on you find that, gleaned from the
separate localities surrounding the
news office. Other space is reserved
for the advertising, maritime, society,
editorial and other news. Just so
runs the paper of your choice. You
consider the writers uf that paper just
a little better tliun those of the other
papers nr you wouldn't have the pa
per. You consider tho make up and
general character of that special sheet
also of a better grade.
Now wo, The Duily Capital Journal,
have been in the position of a subscrib
er in regnrd to agricultural papers.
We have tried to select that
periodical which to uur notion, stands
at the zenith in the nature of a farm
pnper. Wo have held a clubbing arrange
ment with tlio Western Farmer for
some time past. Since we accepted
the clubbing offer the Western Farmer
has so far exceeded our expectations,
and continued to gri,r better, that we
are proud to still continue to offer it to
our subscribers.
Remember, a copy of the Daily
Capital Journal and the semi-monthly
Western Farmer for the price of the
single subscription to the Daily Cap
ital Journal. This offer applies to old
and new subscribers alike.
The price of the Daily Capital Jour
nal is $3.00 per year by mail. That of
tho Western Farmer is $1.00 per year.
The two papers may be had for the
single price of $3.00.
Remember also, this is not where we
are going to give you something foT
nothing. No man or firm on earth could
do that and stay with it any length of
time, But, wohave set aside a certain
sum from the subscription price that
sum goes to the clubbing arrange
ment. We believe that the readers of the
Dally Capital Journal are interested In
farm matters, also that If they pick un
a farm paper they want to Icurn some
thing. The staff upon the Western
Farmer are considered experts la their
line. These are the kind of men from
whom we care to leara.
If you want to get out of the old rot
and loam other experienced men'
views on fruit, dairying, farming,
gardening, poultry and berrv raising
besides other items of general interest
In agriculture, then Jon want a paper
like the Western Farmer in your
In the Daily Capital Journal the tub
scriber will receive a daily newspaper
that is without a peer. The Capital
Journal covers all the news of Marion
and Polk counties, having the largest
number and best collection of country
correspondents of any newspaper in this
section. The correspondents send in tho
items from your own neighborhood. Tho
news of the city and of tho county
court house is gathered and carofully
and accurately compiled, so that the
subscriber receives each day, in addi
tion to tho telegraphic country news, a
complete resume of tho county scat hap
penings. Editor E. E. Favillc of the Western
Farmer is secretury of tho Washington
Pure Bred Livestock Association, and
also secretary of Washington, Oregon,
Idaho and Montana Hwin Breeders' As
sociation. With a complete daily paper und a
farm periodical in your homo the home
is complete. Consider the matter. Send
in your subscription.
i UEsr
Iany Dollars Worth of
Knowledge for You in Every Issoe of
For the past sixteen years the Western Farmer has been fighting the
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Western Farmer is Read in More Than
60,000 of the Best Farm Homes
Tin's 60,000 circulation is more than double that of any other farm paper
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Join the ranks of the progressive farmers in this territory. Become a
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Farmer's special staff of writers pertaining to every branch of farming.
You can get Western Farmer for a whole year, two issues each month, by
taking advantage of our special clubbing offer with the
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Call at the office of the Daily
Capital Journal and learn how to secure both of these splendid pa
persThe Daily Capital Journal which is Salem and Marion Coun
ty's foremost newspaper and the WESTERN FARMER the
best edited and most practical far m papers of the Pacific North
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