The Capital Journal" MONDAY K VEX IXC, .fa iiiiii ry 10. I'.'ld. ona CHARLES H. FISHER, Editor ami Manager. Ejciif I rage or PUBLISHED EVERV EVENING EXCEPT SCXDAT, SAI.KM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal L. 8. BARNES, CHAS. H. FISHER, President Vice-President SUBSCRIPTION BATES Daily by farrier, per year $5.00 Per month. D-iily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month. FILL LEASED WIRE EASTERN BEPBESENTATIVES New York Chicago Ward-Lewis-Williania Special Agency Harry K. Fisher Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys nre instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the turner dues nut do this. misses you, or neglect getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only way we can determine whether or not the carriers arc following instructions. Phone Main 81. CONCERNING The New York Journal of Commerce, an untra-con-servative publication, gives warning to congress and to the radical protectionists who want to inject the tariff question into politics once more, that it is no time to re sume tinkering with schedules. It says editerially: "The tnrriff question cannot suceesifullv he reopened and redisposed of to day. There is as yet no certainty regarding the level to be assumed by n i (iouai outlay for defense, and hence n i certainty as to the revenue require ments. This matter may be temporarily disposed of during the current win ter, hut n much lunger lime will be required iu the working out of n consist ent policy of defense. Neither is it possible to readjust protective duties nt tnis time. The highest protection ever enacted would -probably have in creased the year's revenues little, if lit all. and could not, alone, hava yielded to domestic in lustry, the monopoly accorded to it by circumstances, l-'ree trade would have had is littlo result either iu stimulating imports or modifying domestic prices. The premature adoption of n tariff policy or the determination to adopt n certain kind ol' duties nt the close of the present war would today be nothing short id' alisurd. This is view taken by businessmen and is the sensible way to look at it. The tariff question ought to be rele gated to the rear for all time as a political question, any way; as General Hancock was once ridiculed for saying, it is a local question more than anything else. In other words eveiy section of the country wants protection on the things that it specializes in, products and manufactures, and free trade in the things other sections produce and make. That causes the trouble when congress comes to making up the schedules, and as a rule most tariff laws are a result of a long session of placating and compromis ing, in the effort to satisfy the conflicting demands of different sections and interests.. The present tariff law has proven that high tariff does not make high prices for many of the products affected, as may be noted in the case of wool and sugar. Neither does it mean high wages for workingmen, since the form er highly protected industries, steel and iron and woolen goods, are under the present reduced tariff rates paying the highest wages in the history of the country. What this nation needs today is a sensible view upon the part of statesmen, a view taken from the standpoint of American citizenship of the patriotic kind, rather than a view from the standpoint of partisans and privilege seekers. THE TELEPHONE GIRL It is the uniformity, the entire lack of exception to the rule, which makes the story of the telephone girl in times of stress so noteworthy. With a long record of heroism back of her there is nothing surprising in the story that came from Belgium at the beginning of the war of the telephone girl at Dahlen, or the one told of the Russian girl at Novorassysk. The Belgian girl observed the battle going on around her, undisturbed by the danger she was in, telephoned the officers of the forts that they were not properly plac ing their shells. Guided by her instructions over the telephone, they found the right range, and "regulated their fire effectively." She continued to direct the Belgian fire until a German shell destroyed the office she was in and killed her. The Russian girl stayed at her post when everybody pise had fled and did her work with shelU falling around her. The decoration "for valor under fire" was never more worthily granted to any soldier. The telephone girl at Dahlen and the one at Novor assyk keep up the traditions established at many a fire and flood. a How shall we account for this record without excep tion ? Let us not try to account for it, but simply take off our hats to her. Mr. Ford has been disillusioned, says the St. Louis Globe Democrat. Although he did not come in touch with any of the nations at war, he got near enough to learn that the people themselves are responsible for the fight ing. If he had gone a little closer he would have found that they are fighting because they believe it is right to fight; he would have found that, without a single racial exception, they are in general in full accord with the pur pose of their respective governments, and are sacrificing LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SGS CAPITAL Transact a General Banking: Business Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Ptg. Co., Inc. IXJBA C. ANDRESEN, Sec. and Treas. .45c .35c TELEGRAPH REPORT THE TARIFF ...... $500,000.00 their lives in the conviction that their immolation is neces sary to their country's preservation. Whatever may have been the original causes of the war, however mistaken or pernicious the influences behind it, he could have found no support for the American notion that is was due to the desire of certain individuals to find a market for guns. Evidently he did not find support for it, even at the edge of the Continent, and now that he has returned with a new and a wiser view, he may learn the truth that even in the United States it is the people themselves who are back of the demand for preparedness, and, if necessary, for the maintenance of their honor and their rights, for war. Ex-President Taft declares that a "real" Republican must be the standard bearer for the Republican party in 1916. While we do not profess to know much about G. O. P. politics, we are inclined to think that this remark is in tended to be a slap at Colonel Teddy and his progressive followers. The English seem to have retired from the Dardan elles for "strategic reasons," although the presence of a horde of ill-humored Turks in the neighborhood might have had something to do with it. Germany is soon to float another war loan, this one for $2,500,000,000. Her chemists must have learned how to make synthetic money as well as synthetic food, says the New York Evening Sun. According to the Federal v Trade Commission over 100,000 corporations in this country have no income what ever. These are probably the good corporations that we sometimes hear about. RipplingRhijmos Walt ' SWEARING OFF On New Year's Day the world-worn jay, who's tired of beer and bitters, frames up an oath to cut our both, and join the Pumpville critters. In gilded halls he's boueht highballs, and brandv bv the nonv. r ' 1 m i ' and blown his kale for foaming ale, and found the whole thing phony. He's worn old rags while placing jags his saturated hide in, for lads who booze can't have good shoes and clothes they take a pride in. He had a place, but in disgrace, was fired by his employer; for boys who drink the old red ink find it the job destroyer. He's looped the loops with noisy troops of youths who raise the dickens; he's bumped the bumps, and, in the dumps, repentance throbs and quickens. Swear off, young man, while yet you can, and leave the booze behind you; the suds you buy, the rot-and-rye, will poison you and blind you. Swear off, tired heart, the water cart is waiting at the portal, to bear you far from gilded bar, to where men sing and chortle. To Hydrantgrad it goes, my lad; climb on, ere it's a goner! There you'll win back the things you lack, your self respect, your honor. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS H. C, 1'ettit to Eriuingarde Carey part II. Leslie claim, !, 7, !l W; part. X. V. Colnell claim, 7, 3 W. ITowell mil fling to (iuy X. llowell,' part. Jus. Iiaviilson claim, 4S? 7, 3 YV. Amy llowell et nl to Katie Howell I'hiig, pu''t .1. Davidson claim, 4N, 7, 3, YV. ! llowell and Cling to Orace Howell, d. Davidson claim, -I. 7, ,'! W. I llowell ami I'lnig to Amy X. llowell,1 part ,1. Davidson claim, Is, 7, 3 VV. i (hirlcs YV. Ilibbanl et ox to (ieo. D. ' llihharil, part lot 33, North Silvertoa;! part King llibbnrd claim, III, 7, I VI; part ( lias, Nciirilier claim, 17, 7, I V. Miuie and K. ('. Ilullhcrg to ('has.1 I '. . ilex, lot 2 and ", block 3, liichaioiid ; Add., Niilcm. II. (1. Iloedigheimer et ux to T. H. Kav. lot N, block Willamette Add.' Silem. j .lames S, Henderson to Myrtle lten- derson, YV 'j of lots I ami i, block 11,1 Momiiigsidc Add., Siilem, mid lot Do; Smith Fruit Farm Xo. 2. j Hoover Lumber Co., to ,T. T. Horn ing, X ' X V I',, 111, Id, tl K; stnte, to I,, ii i. in, i", i., Veronica Noll to Esther (I reminds, undivided west of lots H nail (I In block 7, Palmers 2nd Add. Mt. Angel. Anion I'o I so n to .t ii,-l nnd Minnie Denjd, part D. 1., C, of l.ennder S. Davis, 4(1. tl. 1 V. Laura tuT Ezra Xendel to Melnnie mid Trunk Chappelle, lots 1 and 3, block 4, ( liappelle'it Add. YVoodbnrn, A. M. llidieil et ox to 1'nited Htntes National llnnk, undivided 1-fi intercs in mid to the .1. V. Holten (deceased) fnriu which is n portiou of tile Thomas Mois.m claim, IW. 0, V. C, W. Moore et ux to K. C, Wiesner, lots A and 0, block (1, Kichniond Add. Salem, Hubert H, Tloiiney et tix to J. M. W. Ilomiev, part II. 8. llouuov elaim, 47, i, 1 V. Hans Tuffli et. ux to YV, ,T. and Maud Pruitt, lot S, block I, Capital street Add., Palem. John .1. Turner ft nx to A. O. T.und berg, part Ceo. fchurts claim, a.1, II, i C. H. Hieber et nl to John J. nnd Povev J. Tinner Id. Ceo. Shirts el., 35-9-SW. John J. Turner et ux to C. If. nnd F. C. Hieber pt. Geo. Sl.irtu rl.. flSRVVV. B. .1. J, and F. Miller to City of 8a lem, deed for sllrv, lilk. S Minto ' add u..l...., r..1 ..ll ..I ' Rd ? n .-in, -in, vvmvu vi, v1' I .' , Mafon Iluuscr Nowsom ami Minto to City of Unloni, deed for alley, blk. 2 Minto ' add Hnlcni, Colwell el'., 5H-7-.1W. W. (1. McDonald et u.x to A. 8. West and A. C. Miller, lot 2 blk, 3, Jeffer-, sun. j Oinnville ,T. Trice et ux to A. 11. Bur ger, west 1211 feet of lots 1-2-3-4-5 and (I blk. 5, Kddv's add, Hulem. M. A. Nicely et ux to L. D. and M. K.; Hair lots 1 and 2 blk. 7 Town of Turner. A. H. Herger et ux to Joseph H. Abj bert, lots 4 5 (1 blk 1 Riverside, add Sn-' lem. I Ail Hope of Sentiment I Is Now Abandoned Youngstown, Ohio, Jan, 8. All hope of iuimedinto settlement of the big strike of steel workers nt East Youngs-j town went glimmering early tleS pven-l ing when the strikers turned down com- puny offers of 22 cent on hour, niul stood out for their original demnnds of 2."i cents. With this decision, fears grow that rioting might break out anew tonight. 8. O. RUE LOSES BARN Fire of an unknown origin stnrter In the 8. (). Rue barn in Kvatu Vnllev Monday morning about eight o'clock nnd soon destroyed the building. The family did not arise nt their usual hour that, morning, due to sickness among tho children. Mr. Rue being the first one up, happened to look toward the burn and was to see a small flame shoot upward from the lost. H ran to tit barn at the miiii time call ing to the family, and was successful in getting the stock out. One of the boys reached the loft with ft pail of water and nearly smothered the fire, but whllo he was after more water the flames gained such headway that the barn could not be ssved. The neighbors were prompt hi going to Mr, Rue's aid, otherwise the sur rounding buildings would surely have burned. The ginnnry and machine shed, which were only twelve feet from the burning barn, wero saved. The barn wan praeticallv 1 new on, was !flx:i(l, with a SO foot poet. Thir teen tons of cheat hay were destroyer,, with few articles s'nch as hav fork, etc. '.'(HI insurance was carried OB tho barn. Bilverton Appeal. A Galley o Fan ! BEHIND SOCIETY'S CURTAIN (By Hezekiah Snodgrass.) (A thrilling realistic novel of high life. Published by the Wadsworth Mealy Company.) Pvii'ishei's Note. Mr. Snodgrass, believing that no author should write nt mat'ers wherein he la not fully In formed, and being, moreover, a firm believer in the literary value of "local olor", spent two days In New York City last winter. He visited the pur lieus of wealth, and even looked In the windows of some of the houses in Fifth Avenue. The results of this indefatigable research he has embod ied In this novel, which, while posses sing all the charm of a romance, Is. Loverthcless, a ruthless exposition of the terrible state of affairs existing Dehlnd Society's Curtain." Chapter I. It was evening. The beautiful par lor in the palatial residence of the Kversleys was brilliantly illuminated with three large lamps. Before the flickering firelight of the grate sat Seraphita Eversley, Reginald Evers ley's lawful wedded wife. Her white hands were folded Idly In her lap. She was the child of luxury and those ex quisite white hands had never been condemned to the drudgery of hard work. She kept two hired girls, so that she did not even have to make the beds or sweep off the front stoop. A ring was suddenly heard at the front door bell. A moment later the hired girl appeared at the door and said: "It's him, Miss' Eversley." "Tell him to walk right In," com manded the lady, Imperiously. A moment later a man entered the room with the grace and figure of an Adonis. "Take a chair," said Mrs. Eversley, milling sweetly at him, but trembling r little, though she did not know why. "Don't care If I do," he replied, air ily; and, laying his hat and coat on the piano, he drew a chair to her sldo in front of the fire and lighted a tra gi ant Havana cigar. "Where's Reginald?" he asked, icrowling fiercely Into the flames. "Oh! He's at the club, as usual," vhe replied, wearily. "He seeins to do nothing else in the evening except go lo that dreadful club and play cards ind dominos for money, and drink nhiskey nnd beer. It's horrible shs fxclalnied. t "Yes," agreed the man, whose aris tocratic sounding, name was Francis Plesslngham; "yes he ought to be learned belter but It's all the better lor me." "W'ny, what are you thinking of"" she asked, raising her eyebrows, gent ly. "I'm thinking that you are just too Bweet for anything," he compliment ed gracefully, speaking the French with an almost perfect accent. "How lovely you speak French!" she observed, toying with the charms on his watch chain. "You speak al most like a French person." "Yes," he replied; "people often tell me so. It may be because the room ! was born in was furnished with Louis Quince's furniture." Tlrere was a long silence, while ho puffed away on his cigar and watch ed tho firelight playing among her beautiful tresses, wherrMt looked like little red grasshoppers jumping n round. At last he threw the butt of his rig nr Into the fire and burst out: "My nngel! My dear one! I love you! Lot's murder your husband nnd run nwny together!" She raised her blushing face to his, and he knew that Reginald Eversley's fate was sealed. And thus It was that the snake of vll squirmed Into tho home of Regl raid Eversley, bearing upon Its back ft terrible burden of woe, shame and expense. Jones I ae by the paper that a flea can Jump two thousand times Its own length. ' Brown I'hat'a probably why w never bear of. a deft setting run jDvct by an autoniobllt. f. DIDN'T AMOUNT TO MUCH. Willis And who It that fellow Hen peckT Does h amount to anything? Wallace Oh I He isn't anybody. He's nothing but bit wife' . leconi busbftudL rjMlfe'' t 'TisSatd I Our nation is composed of a luxury-loving people, careless of cost and reckless of ex- f penditure, with the lack of realization what I wise economy means. If that be so, let us endeavor to mold our habits and desires as wisdom dictates, and prepare for future emergencies and oppor- t tunities and open an account NOW. IN THE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT OF United States National Bank I Salem i i Member Reserve Bank I STATE NEWS Cedarville Hecora. A couple oi chunks, weighing hundred or so: pounds each, of ore from the Valley Grand mi Stevens, Ellis Stevens and View syndicate copper mine were family, and Willurd Stevens and ehil brouglit down list Monday and placed idren. on exhibition at W. L. Turner's office. Tiie ore will probably assay from 4U to 50 per cnt copper, and wits taken out of the bottom of the shaft at a depth of 60 feet. The ledge they are sinking on is six feet wide, nnd growing' wider with depth, anil has every indication of a Urge and permanent body of ore. Polk County Observer: Snow cover these duys, when the rabbits come out. leaving their tiny tracks evervwhero in the white mantle. From Dnllasi since the first snow fell a great many nimroilrt huve gone in searach of rab I,, i:,miii,ii,. i,i..i i... .m i, verv L'oo.1. but some aood mniksinen' have brought down a good supply. Hup- and Dr. Hickman has been on the jump pily Polk county is not infested with for fiie pnst tw0 ,vockii A maotiXv 0f these pests, but there should be enough 1 4t, Ll. ' to maLe the hunt interesting. the cnaes ar ovcr Mrs. Hen- . ry Seguin-and two children horn had n The Tidings decries ordinary booster morc severe attack than nnly. The old tactics, so lilr is Ashland is concerned.) daughter and Mrs. Seguin's cases It saays: "Our great asset is health ; having developed into pneumonia. On and recrc ition. Let us exploit Ashland as a health resort and playground. Let us not get the cart before the horse and make the great mistake of start ing our development with a real es tate boom. It will be harder for Ash to keep down a boom during the next three years, than lo create one Let tne solid heads prevail and ex ploit our resort without developing u mushroom boom."' The Courier lists what's cominir to;,,.. ;,. tow; n. f..n. ...... iiuv.i. -ii , ini.-i us luiivns. ii nil the prospects or a Inrge sawmill. two " "r Ine enrfw cold slinae . niaiits. with the eiilnue-l 1 nient of the Gardiner .Mill company's' piani. a puip mm, tne railroad coin- pleted, the harbor improved, dairying! and funning on a larger scale, gool j wagon roads being built, finest of jjt pleasure resorts being improved, htin- j jc uriun in ieupie coming into tne fomi-, j. tr looiiing tor Homes, wuut more can;sk the people ask for?" people Xew Yeirs .lav crop and weather rc- rmri i,, I ,,,,. ' t L, i"t 1 l.i, past has been cold nnd drv with dr tJ 'l'' ,v ll,",l!,0' rhonmul ,sni, dol ing snow. Cam., and sheep nr. whiter- Th, p,V 5 l,I,7'n,,or 11,0 pvps or ing well and the wheat l' are froz- 'J '''t'l ""tf' , 'f'vousness, en up tiulit. thero is u At the present writiim I there is u villainous vii.J blowing that could cut. you iu two,' Tliiu i. t:. I'..,ll..i P..-. n doubtful if another town iu the north - west has rosier outlook than has iini ; or day and run the risk of serious coin It seems to the Tillamook Herald 'll?',!?"8; "iT, " '"'i!',"" f t "that a fitting and progressive num ' . mnv lll,l"oy riem"''-v for the bezi lining of the vear mi ! wl,.",.h. ,a '"expensive yet acts would be to resurrect tho commercial club luil put it on a business basis." LOOK FOR STUDENT'S BODY Reno, Xev ,lun. lo. A partv of col lege men on skis set out ut dnvbreak today in an effort to reach the bodv of Haraold (iri,t.d. Vniversitv vad.i freshman, who died Sundav morn ing nt Allen creek while on a" skiiiiir trip. Two eoliiiiaiiions of Urinsteud r, with tne nody. Wmle on the last mile'.. !i. . ..... . :-. creek, and two of the , retur ed ivw,0' ,cf 0r re ,,n ha,. mo? to summon Aid. 1 rc,"rl,eil the kj.lney remelv we believe ev- A rescue party set out last night but was forced to return by a blinding snowstorm, The new Columbia Gorge park on the Columbia highway furnishes another in- teringtoiue for letter writing week, j Always Watch Thi Ad Changes Often 1 CO TOr U7AnneI7iT mtWf: . " forTh. woodI kiUd, f U k 'i1l.0f?pru,lm 'd lT0 eort ' m ,Unlrr M",e1' 115 AND $20 NEW OVERCOATS AT $5.00. 1 I pay 1 1-2 cents per pound for old tags. X I pay Ugliest price for hide and for. H. Steinbock Junk Co. I .n. r Th'. Uow ot Hu Million Bargaina. t J0J North Commercial Street. . Pfc. ... t NORTH HOWELL . : Wm. Oddie and son, Gilbert, and Ma- i rinus tsenapp and i rank Kuss were 8a- lem visitors Monday. Mrs. Carl Russ left last Friday for a visit with her daughter in Portland. I lie following took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bump on Sutulav: Mr. Isaac Stevens is tnking a short course in the mechanical department nt Corvallis. Mr. nnd Mrs, Omar Hnstie and son of Monitor, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hugill. and children, Alec Hugill of Vancwou ver, B. C, and John Hugill and wife of took New Year's dinner with their pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. ,ios. Hugill. 8hormau Richard left Sunday for Sa lem to serve as juryman for the Jan uury term of court. Star. GRIPPE AT GERVAI8 I,n Grippe is still raging in Gervais account of Mrs. Seguin not having got ten up from her recent confinement, it has made it doubly hard to care for. them. A trained nurse is in chargo and they are gradually gaining in strength. Star. NOTED ACTRESS DEAD. New York. Jan. S. Ada Rohan, noted actress, died today in Roosevelt hos pital following an operation. tier most noted portrayal was in the . . - ... , Kidney Trouble Leads To Terrible Tortures 44440, 11 ""'V0'1" "f. ?" f f f'T0','', fr'" PuiVs i1'1' back and sides, tilmlilor and urinary ur "". ,Vr " '.' v deling, 1 " .'. rc""Z1' ."' "? part of all su'kness today can bo avoid ed by keening the kidnevs working ll"" properly. If you suffer from any of XZJ' r" V1??'!"" . J.'f ' , ' ?li c'"'"?,'" ,n should not neglect yourself anot h- (Illicitly and surely on the seiit of toe iiuiiuie. i on ii ue surprises now en tirely different you'll feel in a very short time. It. doesn't matter how long you have suffered, how old you nre, or what you have used. The very principle of hal- , T " '"".! 19 Pr''t"'ly T110 W teni without some beneficial results. fcolvax is pleasant to take, gives (Illicit relief and has been so uuiforiulv suceessiul that Daniel J. Fry nnd oth- ivniune dealers in tats vicimtv w " iTZS' i cures so thnt it could be sold in' this manner. A guarantee like this speaks volumes for the merit of Holvax. There is no time like the present to do a thing thnt ought to be done. If anyone has kidney trouble today is the n,V to bei It WJLftJlVinil Weage,' 8,W1 ,Bd Equipment ot b0,h B0'" ""J Buildings, "i8htl Wi iot 'rU orlglBal