THE DAILY CAPITAL -TQT RNAL, SALEM, ORECON. MONDAY, JAN. 10. 1916. THREE ft CATARRH LEADS TO CONSUMPTION Catarrh is as much a blood disease as scrofula or rheumatism. It may be re lieved, but it camot be removes by simply local treatment. It causes headache and dizziness, impairs the tuste, smell ami hearing, affects the voice, deranges the digestion, and breaks down the general health. It, wenkons the dclicato lung tissues and leads to consumption. I Hood's Sarsapurilla goes to the scatl of the trouble, purifies, the blood, and is so successful tlint it is Known as tiie,or best remedy for catarrh fnr o.-tnrrh Hood's Bnrs:'.pjrilla strengthens and to ies the wholo Bystem. It builds up. Ask your drupgist for Hood's and in sist on having it. There is no real substitute. WOODBURN NEWS' (Capital Journal Special Service.) Woodburn, Or., Jan. 10. An 8,4 pound boy arrived at the home of Mr. pleted in such standard college or uni and Mrs. Bent Killen Sunday, Jamury versity 15 semester hours in Education, tecond. i ne co'lc8es making the request are: it j it .- i ii. t, 1 University of Oregon, Oregon Agricnl Mr. and Mrs. ( ns. Bennett, of Port- tura, Eced College, Albany Col land, ore visiting friends in Woodburu pgPt McMinnville College, Willamette this week.. I University and Pacific University. The Mr. C. Kent transacted business in departments of education in these col Pn'tlnnd Wednesday leges, as well as the other standard N. VV. Mahoney, of Oervais was a Woodburn caller Wednesday. , If. r. (iittens, of Eugene, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mishler last week. 1 I . Conductor Wm. Wrenn has returned to duty after a layoff for the holiday, Colonel and Mrs. J. M. Poorman. vis- ited friends at Portland Tuesdny. I Miss Helen Kent visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. G. WKnight Inst weJk, I J. P. Feller, of Donald, was a busi- ness acller in Woodburn Thursday. Mr. and Mrs Fred Dose are visiting ff, WeC, , tb day, January 3rd Miss Dona Gray, of S.vlem, and Miss Maude Warner, of Lebanon wero week- end guests of Mrs. Rav Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proctor, of West Woodburn, and children, were t'.ie week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells, of West oouDurn, nave returned home from a two months visit at Bristol, Missouri, and other eastern points. ii. a. arrived home Mon day aftaer spending three wooks with relatives in Portland. s o? Mrs. L. Lawrence New Years eve. ( ards were played until midnight when' the old year was passing and the newj inU tho dining room: where a bountiful " Tuesday evening about 5(1 workmen supper was spread before the delight- arrived over the Oregon Electric from ed guests. i the north and remained in the city over Harry Castle visited Portland Tuos- night, K'ng the next morning to Hos lnv. kins where they had been ordered to re Mrs. J. F. Planks is visiting at the Prt for work on the Valley and Siletz home of her daughter, Mrs. B. K. Utter, railroad. These men ore to complete an at. Corvallis. unfinished part of the work on the Mr. E. E. Stan.lrd and W. T. Jenkins south end then later bo transferred to were in Silverton on business Thurs- the north end to construct the railroad vlav. into this city. This makes two crews Miss Lois Beebo spent the week end of workmen that have been dispatched with relataives in Hubbard. to the other end of the rond this week Miss Mary Hcollurd returned home and from present indications the work after a week spent in Portland with will be rushed from now on. Indepen- friends. Swamped When a man's efficiency is on the decline when after a long day of effort the mass of work still stares him in the face it's time to find out what's wrong. Frequently a lack of certain necessary nutritive elements, in the daily diet, lessen mental and physical activity. A prime factor in efficiency is right feed ing. No food supplies, in such splendid proportion, all the rich nurishment of the field grains, for keeping the mental and physical forces upbuilt and in trim, as GrapeNiLste. Made of whole wheat and malted barley this famous pure food supplies the vital mineral salts, often lacking in the ordinary daily diet, but imperative in building sturdy mental, physical and nervous energy. Then, too, there's a wonderful return of power for the small effort required in the digestion of Grape-Nuts, which, with cream or good milk, supplies com plete nourishment. "There's a No More Examinations For Teachers Who Have 15 Hours In Education The certificate laws of 1911 provides I that in order to teach in a high school of this State, an applicant must hold a i; f portifienfo Weil ,,imn on vnm. ... . . , . , , 1 luatl0n' r must have been graduated; from a standard university or college; and must have completed 15 Bomcster hours in Education. 1 At Hie time this law wont into ef-i fect June 1911 ; vcrv fe ulliversities 0ii orB " r, , ,,.. iha 15 semester hours in Education, and no " - ' r---" B" , plicants were, therefore, permitted by this department to make up this work by private study and correspondence courses, and to take an examination in the proper subjects. Since that time, the universities and colleges have been organizing depart ments of education and are now so well prepared to offer courses in this work that the Superintendent of Public In struction lias been requested by the following institutions to dijspontinue the examinations in Education and not to grant a high school certificate to any m adnata of a standard college of uni versity unless said graduate has com institutions throughout the United olaes are ,now 80 rganiwa as 10 give '"'c"" " " (, scl,o1 teachers, special preparation for tlia work. To grant the same certifi- cate to those who have not taken this work, would be unfuir to those stu- dents who have spent a good proportion of their college course preparing to teach, and it is for this reason that the colleges are making the request. This department has granted the re- quest which means that after June, m6 n0 certificate to teach in the M h' 8cllO0,9 of thU 8tate wil, be gnwted to the graduates of a standard or university unless the nppli- cant ha" 'OT18 15 semester hours inEdfat,io- , , . . . "School boards, employing teachers from other states," says Superintendent Churchill, "should, therefore, be sure first that the applicant is a graduate of a standara university or college, and that he has complotcd 15 semester hours in Education. If an aplicant is em ployed who cannot qualify under the laws of Oregon, it causes embarrass ment to the applicant and school board n .....11 t-n 1. i a .lrtnaman T nm an. Aminf( a lilit of ,he stnndard colleges , ... tt..:..i o. ti.,o .i,i,i l, Col"ge of t,le State of Washington. WORK ON SILETZ EOAD denco Monitor. IfeMfeJ 0h. ill Reason" for Grape Nut Sold by Grocers everywhere. THEY REFUSEWEAT ' At periods in most childrens' Kves they fail to relish their meals and refuse to eat even the delicacies prepared to tempt their appetites. They lack am bition, and growth seems impeded, which causes anxiety and worry. To compel them to eat is a grave mistake, because nutrition is impaired. Healthful exercise in fresh air and sun shine is important, but equally import ant is a spoonful of Scott's Emulsion three times a day to feed the tissues and furnish food-energy to improve their blood, aid nutrition and sharpen their appetites. The highly concentrated medicinal food in Scott's Emulsion supplies the very elements children need to build up their strength. They relish Scott's it is free from alcohol Scott &Bowne.Bloomfleld.N.i; U-M Farmers Union and Grange Members to Combine Interests Corvallis, Ore., Jan. 10. An agree ment on federation has been reached by representatives of the Oregon State grange and Farmers' union in their conference at the Oregon Agricultural college. The newly organized federation is to work for a scientific system of mar keting, a practical system of rural cred its, amendments to make effectivo Ore gon land registration laws and to adopt and put into effect any program that promises to promote the welfare of the agricultural interests of the state. Neither of the federating organiza tions is to interfere with the other in its particular field, each will do its own work as in the past. A marketing program will be at tempted through a system of local farmers' exchanges, constructing or purchasing elevators where justified, if supported by one or more of the local unions or granges. Annual congresses will be held, pref erably at the Agricultural college on farmers' week. A league council will bo organized in each county, composed of a local delegate from each grange or union. The league is to meet month ly nnd direct the federated work in the county, and elect delegates to the an nual congress. The bnsis of representation in the congress has not been definitely fixed. i i Ford Peace Delegates At Vegetable Sanatorium Because Hotels Are Full By Charles P. Stewart. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) The Hague, Jan. 10. Correspondents in the Ford party today wero com pelled by reason of shortage of hotel accommodations, to put up at a vege tarian sanatorium. ' There they were smokeless, liquorless, aird meatless. But they had plenty of mils, cereals, and vegetables. Kev. Jenkin Lloyd-Jones predicted today that the permanent peace tribun al will be established at Stockholm in stead of here on account of the more friendly feeling toward the project manifested in the Scandinavian city. Somebody' asks whether Europe is proving or disproving Admiral Mohan's proposition that world power rests upon naval supremacy. Don't know, do yout .tJf.iQ'-i-jn J3r S Grand Jury Jointly Charges Young Men. With Larceny of Public Money Hex Turner, an attorney of this city, and Clove Simpkins, now a student of the University of Oregon, were jointly indicted by the grand jury at its recent session on a charge of larceny of public moneys. The indictment grew out of the charges that were made at the close of the last state fair when it was charged that Turner and Simpkins had been reselling tickets to their own ad vantage. Turner was a ticket seller and Sinikius collected tho tickets at tne gate. At that time Simpkins was arrested and it is alleged made a confession imfllicating Turner and one or two others but only Simpkins nnd Turner were indicted by the grnnd jury in a secret indictment returned Saturday afternoon. Neither have been taken in to custody. Simpkins' parents reside at Hopewell and Rex Turner is the Bon of F. A. Turner, the supreme court re porter and a well known attorney of this city. He is a practicing attorney in this city and a graduate of the Uni versity of Oregon.' Simpkins is a graduate of the Salem High school and is a Senior at' the University of Oregon. The penalty attached to. the crime of larceny of public money is from one year to 15 years in the pen and a fine of twice the amount taken. The crime of larceny of public moneys is a sep arate issue from petit larceny and the amount of movy taken does not set the measure of the crime. Simpkins and Turner were arrested by Sheriff Esch today and both men put up bonds of $500 each which sum wns fixed by the bench warrant. OPEN FORUM COUNTY AGRICULTURIST To Capital' Journal: Commenting on the article written by "Americus" of January 5th, will tuko issue, to some parts of his arguments. As to Judge linshey, will say he was placed in a very trying place as lie wouiii uo muni ed if he did and be blamed if h did not. As to theorganized attempt to secure a juicy plum, will say I should havo been thero but for sickness, as 1 felt it was my Interest as well as the interest of our county to have the of fice of agriculturist returned. Next ho quotes Judge liushey us be ing fn favor of Marion county not pro ducing at full capacity which 1 don't believe the judge will stand for. Why .vie certain influential city dwellers so much interested in encour aging linger crops on farms? Perhaps because t'ney recognizo thnt what is to our interest is to tlieirs also. Why were the returns to producers un certain and usually unprofitable al though crops were bountiful "Americus'' gives tho reason as too much profit for the merchant and com mission man. Now did it ever strike you tint the kind and quality of oiir produce had a great deal to do with i prices! J or example, J exnumeu ai the corn nnd potato show, ami I sold jail of one variety of potatoes 1 had at i $1.0(1 per Inisncl, and could navo soi.i ! one hundred bushels more if 1 hud hnd i them. And they wero tho old stand ard Karly Hose. Now arc wo raising too mncli or too little in this case. I did not raise enough of those potatoes and lost by not doing so. And for in stance should a buyer eomo here to buy a car of fancy potatoes, could he get them? I think not. There are too many varieties and too bully mixed. We should raise three or four vari eties and havo them pure, and who could encourage and bring this about better than tiie county agriculturist? Ami suppose we should raise corn fed hogs bv the thousands here. Would there be a market for them? Thero most assuredly would be, .mil there would bo no need of shipping in meat from the east and quoting prices like this: Oregon bacon, Hie; lCustcrn bacon, 21c. Of course I have onlv been here in this state two years, but 1 did not! come from .Missouri. ; ! In regnrd to market conditions here, ("Americus" has that down pat and thev certainly need fixing and us farm - ers uro the ones to heln fix them. AN OHEGON CTSH. Doings at Liberty. (Capital Journal Specinl Service.) Germans as they appronched with milk Liberty, Or., Jan. 8. During the.! nails. Hnvinir fulfilled his mission the recent snow a band of Liberty hunters, composed of Claud Carson, Walter I Dorman, Carl Gibson, Charles Hicka ibaugh, Lymnn McDonnld, Kay Gilner, I Harry Shaw Mr. Coursey of Salem I spent three days hunting coon. They ; succeeded in getting ten of the little : furry animals and enptured a couple j alive at the conclusion of the third , day 's hunt a big emm roast was held I at the residence 0f Mr. Fred Hoffman, j after which Mr. Coursey rendered a few selections on his mandolin, al though being somewhat sore, stiff and chewed up they reported a fine time. I The masquerade dance given by Charles Hamp at tho Ramp hall New Year's night, was a delightful success. About forty-five being - masked and after a hard decision by the judges the prizes were given to Mr. Harry Hoff man as the best dreised man. Miss Laura Wagnqr us best dressed lady, Mr. Carl Gibson best comic character, I Mr. Oris Hoffman winning the boobio. ' The dnnces conducted by Rnmp are making ft bit with both young and old i and a big crowd and a good time are always assured on January 29, when a big leap year danco will be given. 1 BE GREAT SUCCESS Finest Exhibition Ever Seen In This City Opened This Morning With the show room crowded to over flowing with some of the finest speci men of poultry in the northwest, the Marion County Poultry association will open its doors to the public tomorrow morning, two doors south of The Cap ital, Journal office, in the room form erly occupied by the Maples. The admission is free, thanks to the generosity of the commercial club, this being the first time since the associa tion was formed, that no admission charge has been made. Those responsible for the develop ment of the exhibit this year are: Geo E. Shaw, president; Mjiyor Harley O. White, . vice-president; Walter H. Smith, secretarvtreasurcr: G. M. Vor- I his, assistant secretary. The executive rujiimuiee, sume 01 waum win De in charge of the exhibit nt all times, is composed of II. S. Carter, W. E. l'ark, G. K Shaw. Kiiueno T. rrescotr, ami John Cornt'orth. H. F. Keener, of Eugene, the iudce. will be here early tomorrow morning I and by evening all awards are expected to be made. I The general standard of the poultry! on exhibition is much superior to that i of the seven other exhibits, according' to George E. Shaw, tho president of tile I association. Seven I'anum.vl'acific ex-1 position exhibitors have entered End I many blue ribbon birds of other shows are here for the finul try-out Among them are several beautiful penciled ond laced Wyandottes exhib ited by Henry Domes of McCoy. E. J., of incubation fame, is al so here with his Barred Rocks. A fine string of White Wynndottes is being exhibited by Walter Downing, of Sa lem, who has taken many blues with his birdB, Mrs. M. O. Ashellm has a fine exhibit of Buttercups which havo taken their share of blues at former shows. The young exhibitor is Miss Gertrude M. Sorensou, who shows a fine exhibit of Black Cochin B.intnms. Several fine specimen of Wiiite Leghorns are shown by H. S. Carter, which have won elso- waero this season. George Speight, of j Hubbard, is showing his Black Minor-: ens which won at the San Francisco ex I position. The honor of contributing the greet-' est number of birds is due to Henrv Domes. The total exhibit of all kind's! will number about 400. ; Dr. fi. E. Hteiner, superintendent! of-the st.Uo hospital, has furnished ani up-to-date colony house, 8 by 12 feetj with an open front, the style best adapted to this country. This house! has been placed in front of the show1 room. The city administration, wish-j ing to co-operate with the poultry show! has permitted the use of tiie street for this .purpose Mj' Wilcox, superintend ent of the poultry lit the state hospital, has been secured to give oaponiziug demonstrations e.uh day. He is nn ex pert in this line and mnnv will doubt less be interested in the details of this work. These demonstrations will be given each day by Mr. Wilcox. The Oregon state hospital has on dis play some fine specimen of the Oregon breed developed bv l'rofessor Drvden of the O. A. C. Much hns been h'enril of this new breed and much Interest will center on this exhibit. While no charge will be made for ad mission, yet the membership fee is only 1 nnd Secretary Smith would not ob ject should those who bit interested in Poultry and poultr- snows show their substantial interest by handing him this amount. Old Horse of Troy StoryIs Re-enacted Paris, Jan. 1. The nearest thing in this war to the famous Jlnrso of Troy is told of in n French soldier's letter from a base hospital at the front. It was a wooden cow in this ense and thereby hangs the story of how tho soldier happened to be In hospital. Tho French trenches nt this soldier's particular part of the front were fifty yards from the German trenches. A harmless old cow relieved trench monotony ench day by grilling the lines. Tho French and German soldiers finally came to an understanding that the op posing lines should alternately have the opportunity of milking the cow and be immune from attack during tho opcr- atiorC This went ou for some time until a French officer suspected that '!' rmans were using their milking nn.o jur ivmg puipiing mm urocreu the next German milking party to be fired on. . The rench soldiers thereupon built a woonen cow, as near as possible a counter-pnrt of the real one, nnd put a machine gun inside to await the Ger man milkmen. Tho soldier who relutes the Btory took his station inside the cow nnd was successful in slnvniir tlirpA soldier prepared to slide his wooden cow back to the trench when he wns interrupted by a terrific shock. The cow wns smashed to pieces: The soldier succeeded in escaping, though wounded. That is how he happened to be in tlm hospital. MAIL CLERKS MAY STRIKE. Kankakee, III., Jan. 10. Interna tional officers of the Brotherhood of Kailway Clerks threatened today to call a sympathetic strike with the New York Central branch unless two local clerks woro reinstated by 8 o'clock tonight. Ho girls get busy. The Liberty progressive club meotB and will install new officers on Jan. 8. This club started about s year ago with twenty members; they have now eighty members. The club meets every two weeks anil always report suc cessful meeting, Charles Ramp Is in Portland today on business, The blacksmith shop at Liberty will reopen March 1st by parties of Bub-llmity. Keep Warm and Keep Healthy Warm Clothes Will Do It Better Thart Paying Doctor Bills Come to BRICK BROS. for Clothing, Shoes and Hats We are the only store that advertise that WE GUARANTEE EVERY PURCHASE Our Lines Are Always Complete Brick Brothers The House That Guarantees Every Purchase J COURT HOUSE NEWS t J. K. Cauthorn, one of the jurors in the Stool damage cuse against the Southern Pacific was unable to report on account of illness this morning when court was convened at 10 o'clock and the case was continued until Wednes day morning. The arguments of the at torneys in tho case will be made at this time. William Porter, who was indicted on a churge of larceny from a building, was nrraigued in the circuit court this afternoon and entered a plea of not guilty. His trial date has not yet been set. Jesse Austin, who wns indicted on a charge of converting to her own use property held in trust by her for the benefit of another, was also arraign-1 ed before Judge Kelly and entered a plea of not guilty. Mrs. Austin lives in Arizona nnd Sheriff Esch made' a trip to that state in connection with this case. The controversy arose over the settlement of an estate and it is charged in the indictment that Mrs. Austin appropriated to her own use $200 that wns held in trust for Kale Conper. Mrs. Austin's bond was fixed nt $500 and her trial set for February 21. The case of Sherm Swank against Mart T. Moisan nnd J. M. Mnisnn was i called in tho circuit court today before I Judge Kelly and the selection of a jury i began. Mr. Hwank brought Buit to re-1 cover $750 alleged due on a promissory I note nnd in addition asked $75 as at-1 tomey's fees. The Moisans in. their) answer nllege that they gave the note I in an nuto trade. In their answer they state that they owned a Maxwell run-. about, worth $200 which they traded to Swank for a five-passenger Maxwell I and gnvo the note for $750 as the dif ference. They say thnt they depended upon the statement of Mr. Swank that his ear was a 1012 ear nnd worth $!I0II but they allege that it was worn nut in several places and not worth more thnn $.'150, nnd In addition was not a 11(12 ear but a 11)11 model. They allege that for being out of order tho car do percintcd $200, for being a 1911 car wns worth still $200 less than by loss of time they were damaged in tho sum of $150 and their car was worth $2i't which totaled $750, the amount of the note, nnd they nsk that the Buit be dis missed. W. C. AV'inslow is attorney for the plaintiff and William P. Lord for tho defemluiit. An inventory and appraisement in the estato of Mathins Cuolcy was filed in the probata court today. The real prop erty of the estate is valued at $l,.'l(i(i and the persnul property at $11,5!I0..'10, making in all $12,K!)0..'I0. The nppraisers were J. P. Warnock, P. Cnllister and Louis Wolfurd. Marion County Principals Hold Meeting Saturday The Marion County Principals' as sociation and tho Marion County Ath letic nssociktoion weie formally consol idated nt the meeting held Saturday. Plans were also mudo fur the forma tion of an oratorical, debuting and de- Significant you never find a drug gist, anywhere, who is out of Orlyoife PERFECT Tonth'Powrier PrtpartJ by a Doctor of Dtntal Surgtry Snd 2c stamp todsy fur a gmtrous trltl ptcksg of thher Dr. Lyon's Purled Tooth Powder tr Deuisl Crgsin. 1. W. Lyon A Sons, Inc, CM W. 27lti St., N. Y. City BCigHUsMWl y OF Says We Must Keep Feet Dry; Avoid Exposure and Eat Less Meat Stay off the damp ground, avoid ex posure, keep feet dry, ent less meat, drink lots of wntcr and abovo all tuko a spoonful of salts occasionally to keep down uric acid. Rheumatism is caused by poisonous toxin, called urio acid, which is gene rated in the bowels and absorbed into tli o lilood. It is tho function of the kidneys to filter this acid from tho blood nnd cast it out in the urine. Ths pores of the skin are also a means of freeing the blood of this impurity, la dnmp nQ chilly, cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing the kid neys to do doublo work, they become weak nnd sluggish and fail to eliminnto this uric acid which koeps accumulating and circulating through the system, eventually settling in the joints and muscles causing Btiffnoss, soreness nnd pain called rheumatism. ' ' At the first twinge of rheumatism get from any pharmacy Bbout four ounces of Jad Salts; put a tnblespoonful in a glass of water and drink before breakfast each morning for a week. This is said to eliminate uric acid by stimulating the kidneys to normal ac tion, thus ridding the blood of these im purities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, hnrnilcwt and is made from tho acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithin and is used with excellent results by thous and of folks who are subject to rheu matism. Here yon have a pleasant ef fervescent lithia water drink which overcomes uric acid and is bcncficiul to your kidneys as well. clnnia taory associa'ion of the schools of the county. T) bring this move ment properly before the county- teach ers, the following committee was ap pointed: C. H. Kagy, of Silverton; Kl bert Powell, of Brooks, and Mabel Al bce, of Shaw. Before going into regulnr session, the members of the principals' associ ation attended the lecture of Dr. II. I). Sheltoii, of the I'niversity of Ore gon, who spoke on "Perception and Apperception." Tae next lecture will be given Slitunluv, Feburiry 5, an I tho next meeting of the Marion County I'riiu'ipals' association will be held the 15th of February. For tho athletic association, the fol lowing committees were appointed: By laws, H. M. Jmnes, of Silverton; ar rangements for meet, F. 8, Giinuet', principal of tho Wa:jhington Jiiuoi high school, of Salem; prizes, .1." V. Pike, of Hubbard; baseball, W. C. (luuntt, of Stayton; track, H. L. Pfal'f, of Woodburn; auditing, T. P.. Wilson, of Turner. Portland is told it must have Sunday baseball or nono at all. Whatever hap pens, Portland cannot be much worse off than it was lust summer. 5i r