iQ CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY . S :; . FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES . THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1916 PRICE TWO CENTS btand8 fivb om7 hw 41 rOT :1fiv A' kclrrfir GREAT TURK VICTORY ACCORDING 10 BERLIN : : 1 Three Days of Fierce Fighting Results Complete Success For Moslems, Is German Version Oi Vdanelles Affair -Powerful Turk Army Is Release for Operations ElsewhereEngland Glad to Knowv at Dangerous Position Has Finally Been Abandoned . Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I., Jan. 10. Three days of fierce righting preceded the allied withdrawal from the Gallipoli peninsula, the Constantinople war office announced today in reporting the greatest Turk victory of the war. Artillery sank an allied transport filled with soldiers, and enormous booty was taken by the Ottomans, which has not yet been counted. Constantinople today made festival over the with drawal, which marks the ends of British dreams of right ing the city of the Faithful. Schools held no session, and the city was flag draped. Everywhere there was joy at this culmination of the campaign. Berlin newspapers pointed out that by the abandon inert of this camDaien. the British lost heavily in prestige as well as enormously in men. the same time, they pointed Asquith's declaration after Turkey joined tne central unwers that therebv she was committing suicide. They hailed with delight the fact that the Dardanelles abandonment releases a powerful Turk force for service elsewhere. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I., .Ian. 10. fen thousand British troops lave, been surromulett by the Turks at Kut-elnmnrn, Mesopotamia, according to Constantinople advices today. The-Turku arc attacking the , mninj defenses at kutol-nniara. The 10,000 surrounded British con Htituted a detntehmeut left behind to cover the main body of General Town-, shend's English forees. By an cnvel- . oping movement, the Turks out off tho retreat of this detachment. " Whether Kutel-amnra had been re lieved was not stated. General John Nixon, conimniider-in-eiiief of the Mesopotamia expedition, lias retired on "account of ill health," it was officially claimed. General Percy Lako succeeded Nixon. Big Turk Army Leloased. London, dan. 10. With the Dardan elles region completely cleared of Brit ish forces, it was estimated toduy thnt 200,000 Turks n'1.1 soveral thousand aims which have oeen holding the al; lies in check on Gallipoli peninsula are now free for service clscwncre. An noiincement of tho entire abandonment of tlio Dardanelles campaign came last jiight, following a statement a few d.i.vs since of clearance of most of the Onllipoll region. The Turks thus freed constitute many prize corps which, it is believed, will immediately engage in tho pro posed campaign against Kgypt or will Bttenipt to drive the British out of Mesopotamia. Fewer than 10,000 Turks nre needed to gnrrison tho Dar danelles forts. I The disposition of tho withdrawn li lies is withheld by the censor but prob nbly they hnve been sent either to the 'Balkans or to Kgypt. At the same time, Ike fleet aiding. the land forces is Hvuiluble for service elsewhere. Though Constantinople claimed that tlio withdrawn! was Attended by heavy losses, tho public hero generally dis credits these stories and believes Gen eral Monro's report that onlv one mnn phiise of the situation, the t n ' 1 v- Mail today declared tliat this made the with drawal tho "most glorious failure in Abe Martin ji vi) This is th' flge o' specialists an' no buddy pretends t' know it all like thev used to. An optimist is a feller who believes tint whnt is goin' t' bo l postponed. ships and money. And, at with ridicule to Premier iUZVrF WUK&9 BUtLUtiV Amsterdam, Jnii. 10 Fire to day destroyed the Krupp wheel' works nt Kssen, p.rt of Ger iiiany's ufunntic munitions sys tem, and damaged other build- 1I1RS. history." Other papers: joined in ex pressing similar satisfaction that the abandonment had been accomplished without slaughter. Knglnnd greeted tho announcement with sadness, however, for tlio nation had hoped that tho Dard inellea expedi tion would mean that tho Knglish would force their way into Constan tinople and thus have a tremendous ef fect upon tho outcome of tho war. The evacuation, however, was hold to be inevitable, After it became known thnt the majority of tho British had withdrawn recently. After that, the Turks transferred their Suvla Bay forces to Sedd-nl-bahr, preparing to ov erwlielm tho handful of British remain ine on the tin of Gallipoli peninsula. MilitAiy critise declares that the Brit ish must Inevitably have perished had they remained to lace this lorcc, French Trenches Captured. Berlin bv wireless to Sayville, L. I., Jan. 10. Capture of several hundred yards of French trenches, northwest of MnssiL'iies, was officially churned to day. In this engagement, the Germans took 423 prisoners including seven of ficers. Subsequent rrencn counter nt t ink a failed. Tho French air raid on Funics was reported. Tho Berlin war office last night himed to hnvo completed vo-ocenpn- tion of positions around llartmnnn sweilorkopf, where heavy bnttling has priceeded tor months, i no fans wnr office admitted tiio Germans had made somo gains there. German Crew Dead. Havana, Jan. 10. Tho crew of (i German sulimnrino was found asphyxi ated in their stranded vessel, 20 miles southeast of Cadiz, According to the crew of tho Spanish steamer Valbonern today, They reported that tho subma rine apparently was engaged in supply ing other, similjr vessels in tho Med iterranean. Germans Begin Offensive. Paris, Jan. 10. German forces be gan a violent offensive in the C'hnni pngno yesterdnv, following a bombard ment witii nsphyxi.iting gns shells, the war office announced todny, They were, however, repulsed except for oc cupying portions of advanced trench es nt two points, in four sepurale attacks nlong a five mile front South of Tali nre to Mount Tetu, tiic French riddled the Germans and hnlted their offensive before day break. British Warship Sunk. London, Jim. 10. The 10,2"ll ton battleship King Edward VII. lies a wteck todhy, the victim of a mine, but her crew is s.ife, according to officinl announcement. The locntinn of tho dis aster was withheld. It was thouvht, though, that It oc curred in tin- Knylirli channel or the North sea. A trninlond of survivors arrived todny nt Chnthim, Sofia Bombarded. Salonika, Jan. 10 Considerable dum ago was wrought when French airmen bomb irded Sot in, capital ol lliilgnrin according to advices here, ' PROMINENT MEN OF FINANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL WORLD SEE nnnnnnmmv ik.T Illtnf fPirC riCTT ITXITTI.T OTATFC I'M 1014 New York, Jan. 10. (Special.) Frank A. Vandcrlip, Otto H. Kahn, Stuyvesant Fish, Theodore N. Vail, E. II. Gary, and a score of other pronii nent Wall street men, including Daniel Willnrd, A. II. Smith, K. B. Thomas, and several other railway presidents, have expressed tho belief since the beginning of the new year that the general busi ness outlook for A'.Ul) is exceedingly bright. hen asked why ho wus bo confident that 1010 would be a good year for the railroads a well known railroad presi dent replied: 'Well, in tho first place, during 113 all of the cripples wero taken to the hospital. Tho list of 1015 receiverships was a long one. It included Missouri Pacific, Bock Island, Westein Pacific, Missouri, Kansas and Texas, and Texas and Pacific. During tho year some of the cripples wero dismissed cured It s only a question of a short time now until the rest will ngnin bo able to stand on their own feet. "Thoro were a number of railroads that were skating on thin ice at this time last year because f maturing loans. All of the railroads that pass ed into tho hands of receivers during 1915 did so bocnuse of their inability to pay off a floating debt that had been accumulated in the strained money markets of tho lust fivo years. "With tho ability of tho railroads being taxed by the volume of business now offered all over tho country at higher freight rates thero will be no forced rocoivcrship during 11)10 and no passing or reducing of dividends." What is truo of tho reorganizations and dividend- reductions for the rnil roads during 1915 is also truo regarding the industrial companies. And the same also applies to tho express companies. At tlio beginning of 1015 the express companies wero flat on their backs. E Her Attorney Demanded Sep arate Trial But Is Over ruled by Court Providence, H. I., Jan. 10. Sensation promised to follow sensnlion wheu Mrs. l Franklin Mohr, prominent socially and two ncgrno co-defendants, Victor Brown and Henry Spellmnn, went on trinl hero today charged with murder ing Franklin Mohr lust August as he rode with a pretty girl whom he form erly employed. The negro chauffeur of the death car, George llenlis, who pleaded nolo contendere to a man slaughter chnrge, seemed likely to be a slnr witness, for ho has turned states evidence. The two negroes were taken, shackled together, to the court house at 9 o'clock. Surrounded by deputies, they were rushed through a crowd of 300 persons, who had been waiting nt the court house since dawn, In the crowd were fully 100 negroes, who jostled white women, some of them the elite of tho city. The negro attorneys representing Brown Spellman asked permission to withdraw, but Judge Stearns overruled (Continued on Fags Sii.) r Here is the wholo story of a nation's prosperity told . in a few figures: ' United States trade balance cloven months ended o- vember, 1915 .' 1,576,073,291 United fctntcs trado balance cloven months ended No vember, 19U 193,372,036 United 8tutes trado balance eveven months ended No- vember, 1915 , ?$'o Increase of trade balance in 1915 over 1H 1,382,701,-55 Increase of trado balance in 1914 over 1913 250 per cent United States loans to foreign countries in 1915 1,055,600,000 Thus, mnking the United Mates a credit nation, taking the place formorly occupied by England. Value of farm crops in United States for 1915 10,500,0C.,000 Value of farm crops in United States for 1914 9,873,000,000 Value of farm crops in United States for 1913 9,789,936,000 Thus in 1915 the Unitod States had tho greatest crop values in its history. Men like Kahn and Vanderlip end Fish and Gary took all of tho foregoing factors into consideration in reaching the conclusion that 1916 would bo a good year, For instance, there is hard ly a big man in Wall street who has not, during tho last few days, recallod tho fact that early last year, chrough the working of the new federal roservc banking system, this country was ablo to retire all of tho 1I5,000,000 emerg ency currency which was issued on August 1, 1914, immediately after Ger many declnred war on Russia, Instead of making ns worry how we arc to pay our debts abroad, tho new WAR NEWS Or ONE YEAR AGO TODAY Fourteen armored German monoplanes bombarded Bun kirk, killing 6 civilians, Two of the aircraft wero captured. An Austriin U-Bont torpedoed nml sank the French dread naught Coiiihet, Jtomo report Oil that the allies were rapidly forcing n passage through the Dardanelles, Coffin Trimmer Would Enlist In U. S. Navy Decatur, 111., Jan. 10. Out of work and thinking to find employment At his trade whilu serving in tho Unitod Stnte.i Marine I orps. John JIuley, aged 22 years, today applied for enlistment with l.'nclo Snni sea soldiers, "I nm a coffin trimmer by occupaa tion," he told Sergeant Frank K. Eng lish, in eh irgn of tho local recruiting office of the Maralno corps, "I would enlist if I thought 1 could work at my trade in the service. Marines nre al ways fighting somewhere and they have need of skilled services of nn ar tist lilt 0 me. Do you think I would bet ter tn);'lf by enlisting! Hnvo you anything to offer i skilled coffin trim mer! ('aino on, show me something." Tho sergeant rhowed him the door. 4,300 RABBITS FOR FOOD, lone, Or., Jan. 10. In a freight enr en route to Portland today are d300 rabbits consigned to the Salvation Army, Three hundred persons partici pated in tho big rabbit drive at Ewlng Hiding yesterday when the animals were slaughtered. Left to right, top: Frank A. Vander Un. tiresident National City hank, New York; A, H. Brnith, president New York Central linos; Daniel Willard, president Baltimore ft Ohio road. Bottom: B. H. Gary, head of the steel trust: T. N. Vail, president Boll Telephone Co.; Stuy vesant Fish, New York financier. year will make England sit up nights figuring on plnns to pay off its debts, which aro rapidly mounting in this country. Loans to foreign nntions aggregated M,000,0n0,nn0 in 1915. Other subjects of eonerul discussion in making predic tions for 191(1 were the $400,000,000 irold imported luRt year: the 1,000,000, 000 worth of our bonds and stocks which have been purchnsed from for eign holders who wero forced to sen; tho crop for 1915, which had a total val ue of $10,000,000,000, by far the largest figure on record for ono year s harvest. T TO SETTLE STRIKE AT YOUNGSTOW! Attempt Is Made to Resume Operations With Five Hun dred Employes Today Youngstown, Ohio, Jan. 10. While officials of tho Youngstown Sheet and Tube company today made an effurt to roopen with only oou men wo com pany's plant in r.asi rouogsiown, closed sinco tlio disastrous and fatal rioting of Inst inday night, the state board of mediation sought to settle the grent strike of steel workers. Theso wero tho other developments of Hie flay: Nationul guardsmen hurried to tho sceno when rioting was at its height, wero brought to Youngstown, except for two companies which remnlned to guard tho tube company and Republic Iron and Steel company pluntn. The grand jury started investigation of tho rioting. Three hundred negro strikebreakers wero scheduled to arrive from Chicago. The Republic plant did not attempt to resume work. President Campbell of tho tube com pany snid ho would npernto his plant within thren days, although Over 7,000 men nro out on strike. (Continued on Pag i'woj ROOSEVELT MAY AnEMPT STAMPEDE OF CONVENTION Geo. W. Perkins Refuses to Confirm or Deny Current Report Today Chicago, Jan. 10. Wiiother Colonel Roosevelt plans to stampedo the repub lican national convention, Georgo W. Perkins, bull moose leador, rofused to say upon his arrival here with Roose velt s secretary, u. w. Aicurain. mi, Added Perkins, "ho will likely stam pedo the progressive convention." Perkins admitted that "somothing will be sprung" at tonight's banquet of National committeemen, preliminary to tomorow's session, but he decline d to intimate what this would be. Roose velt, himself, will licit be on hand for tiio committee gathering. Western committeemen already on hand favor holding the bull mooso na tional convention at the s.ime time as the republican session; another faction, however, fnvors plunging into the fight in May; while Perkins intimated that the most powerful faction favors June 24 after the old lino partios havo con cluded their meetings. - Practically all the nation a1 commit teemen are expected for tomorrow's love feast. Committeeman Rowell, of California, is reported bringing witn him a boom for Governor Johnson of California for the presidency, Matthew Hale, of Massachusetts, will be on hand, and it is reported he has made reserva tions for the week of tho republican convention ' Only Roosevelt can beat President Wilson, declared Cecil Lyons, Texas committeeman, Perkins admitted that (ho bull moosera had reserved the Flor entine room at tho Congress hotel dur ing the time of the republican conven tion as a precaution in event of simul taneous conventions. IEI Commander Who Succeeded Hamilton Has Shown Sterling Qualities By J. W. T. Mason, (Written for tho United Press.) New York, Jan. 10 British abandon ment of tho Dardanelles campaign brings into prominence a now leader who Great Britain will inovitnbly build her future hopes, This mnn is General Monro, since retirement or ucncrai Inn Hamilton, has been in chargo of the Ill-starred expedition. Ko has shown largo qualities of decision, independ ence, and efficiency sinco he was aP- Sointcd to tho Gallipoli campaign in ictober. He immediately recommended evacu ation of tho peninsula, but his report wns not taken as tho final word in tho situntion until Karl Kitchener confirm ed his view through a personal inspec tion of that region. ' Msnro wns thereupon given the task of accomplishing tho withdrawal. This was one of tho most difficult duties of tho whole war, but Monro fulfilled it with practically no losses, And, it is hard to f h nis fent in tho annals of successful retreats. Monro now goes to Franco to suc ceed Kir Douglas lluig, as chief of staff. Upon Monroe will devolve tho direction of the expected offensive !n the spiing, a move that may be fraught with mi port nnce for the allies arms. I he lailure or tho Turks to punish the retiring British confirms criticisms of the ability nf the Turks when it comes to staging nn effective offon sive. This view has tho effect In Eng land of strengthening tho general Idou that Egypt is secure from any offen sive by the sultan's followers, Decline In War Stocks Emphasized Again Today (Copyright 1915 by the Now York Ev ening Post.) New York, Jim, 10. Tho renowed de cline of war slocks toduy merely om- plmsizcil tho nlrciHly evident fact that they hnvo moved sinco the month be gun, on tho basis of genernl principles rather than on specific news. Perhaps tho moHt reasonable supposition is thnt tho pcoplo engaged on a largo scnlo in speculative exploitation of theso stocks hud to buy heavily to check their burd en during the "January reinvestments days," und that thonarkct would not take the realizing sales excopt at sharp concessions. No result is mora fnmilinr under similar conditions. A similar nttempt to Jack up unstable speculation in tho Inst weeks of IP and to sell tho rcsulUnt extra holdings afti r Uio new year led to the most vio lent break in prices of this period since liniii and ituo, As usual, tho break in wnr stocks to day affected tho rest of the mnrkot Hot the other declines wore unimport ant. Tho closing was uncertain but J there wus no positive recovery. Invest- DIPLOKIiS HI I This Government Will Now , Turn Its Attention to Great Britain NOTE TO ENGLAND WILL SOON BE DISPATCHED President Wilson Will Talks Personal Command of Pre paredness Campaign Washington, Jan. 10. The centraL powers having evacuated diplomatic po sitions threatening the United States ia submarine matters, this government ia now planning a diplomatic drive against the allies. Full adjustment of the Luit.uiia anil Persia destruction eases is expected this week. Meantime, the state depart ment is preparing a new complaint to England against her seizures of Ameri can merchandise, and 1 vigorous pro test against the contraband lists of the allies. Tho note to England will be dis patched as soon as the Austro-fterman submarine controversies are settled. It will deal especially with cotton, and will declare that in placing this com modity upon tne contrabana list, Eng land has reversed precedents in which she Insisted that this is never contra band. The department plans to make imb- lio soon its protest, already forwarded vu Kiixiumi in wo muiier oi urnuia. seizures of American mail. Settlement Ia Near. Within tho woek, the country ran expect a formal announcement that the Lusitunia controversy with Oernumy has been settled. Germany, it Is known, has conceded tho main contentions of principle observance of international law and tho rules of humanity in sub marine warfare on which America, besed her original protests. After a 15 minute "confidential" conforonco botween Secretary of Stat Lansing and Gorman Ambassador Voa Bernstorff, held at the former's ra qucBt, Bernstorff frankly hinted that ho believed the United States would bo pleased nt the outcome of tho Lusi tania situation. Tho president rojectod certain terms of the Lusitunia agreement whirl Lansing and Bernstorff practically roached last week. It is understood that these related to the question of disavowal tho president being unwill ing to concede ns much as Lansing to prevent Germany from being embar rassed. Bernstorff thereupon forward ed the amended agreement to Berlin, and it ia expected that formal approv al will reach hero soon. President In Command. Washington, Jan. 10 President WiW son, taking clinrgo of tho battle for his mllitnry preparedness program, will tako his case squarely to the people, and ask that they givo him moral sup port. His first appenl will prohnbly be on Janunrv 27, cither nt tho banquet of the Merchants ami Manufacturers as sociation at Baltimore, or at tho Rail road Businessmen 's association in New York. In either case, preparedness will bo his subject. Tho White House stated today that tho president expects tho international situation to clear rapidly, and that when this is out of the way, he will "concentrnto his efforts on national defense. " That his personal direction of th situation is necessary is evident front tho embarrassing problem the admin istration fnecs in congress In view of thn fact that reports say tho rank and filo of tiio parly in tho central states nro opposeil to tho program, while tia democratic, floor lenders are not activa ly supporting thn plan. EMPEROR'S HEALTH GOOD. Washington, Jim. 10. Emperor Yuan Shi Kill is in good health, said Pnhia cables to tho ( hinesn legation toduy. Tokin reports Saturday rumored that he was critically ill. ment buying wns strongly evidenced la bonds. Allied bonds nearly reanhed t syndicate price of 1)0 1-3. THE WEATHER I Oregon: Tonight fair west, snow and rolder east portion; Tuesday, fair, coldor east portion: northern ly winds. IH CONTEST VITI CENTRAL POWER m good k Hf ritU 0