Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 08, 1916, Image 1

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Russians Report Capture of CzfVsk and Assault Upon
Heights of Kovel-One MillioVi Are Also In Death
Grapple In Vicinity of CzernovT 3Vienna War Office
Is Being Held
Still Contends That Slav Offff;
In Check
Interstate Commerce Com
mission Holds That Act
Is Legal
Lnion. Jan- 8- A formidable battle rages alone a
nine j.i uiii wi me iuver acyr. rne Kussians are attack
ing 50 miles east of Kovel. their ohiertfvA in. Vnivr.?n
After capturing Czartorysk according to Petrograd re-
jijuxio, uj Muscovites assanea tne nights barring their
advance to Kovel.
m The terrific fighting there has temporarily detracted
interest in the combat for Czernowitz, Bukowina and
aiong tne larnopol-lrembowla line where nearly 1,000
000 men with several thousand euns are eno-no-pri
The Vienna war office admitted that the Russians had
approacned Lzartorysk, but claimed they had been driven
Slav losses on the Strypa river and along the Bessar
abian frontier in the New Year's fighting were placed by
Vienna at KO Oflft i
. w ""J"""-
Berlin, via Amsterdam, Jan. 8 Max
imilian Harden, one of Germany's most
famous1 writers, lias been prohibited
from public speaking or writing for the
remainder of the war. His weekly, the
Zukunft, has been suppressed for at
tacking the government.
between Germany and England was in-
cvuuoie umoss tnere was a complete
"right-nbout-fneo" in German policies.
He said at that time:
"The kaiser has two idem that in
n war with J n land, the Mohammedan
would rally to Germany's support and,
HP llnnl.HI StlTnrncuinn !a inl 1.A nit. t r r
... , mm v. t.ii- uuiiiimiiv. i im n nrnnnnn nnnnn.n.
most drastic acts of censorship since and Italy's occupataion of Tripoli ins
tho war started and the cause is un- wers the first Tl nnn,i i k.
known outside of Germany. Harden mini tn r h.... i 1, !....,
1 ine idea mat
11.1.1 uecu 111 uiiieuuy witn tho censor
recently, however, for criticising food
regulations and other government acts.
He litis been one of' the most feared
German publicists and also ono of the
best known Germans. He was an inti
mntae of the Iron chancellor, Hismarck.
Ho gained his chief fame several
years ago by a series of articles charg
ing unspeakable immorality to the
Inisor's entourage. Ho was" acquitted,
however, of a libel charge, and the
l.aiser dismissed by wholesale counts
and princes of the "round table."
The Zukunft circulation was im
mense. On December 1. 3011, Harden gave
tlie United 1'rcss an exclusive inter-
t England would helu Jud
an 111 a war with America."
a his interview created a profound
nriismiuii in jvurope.
French Take Greek Island.
Berlin, by wireless to Sayville t. I.,
nugio-p rencn rorees have oe
cupied the. Orcok island of Milos, said
:i ennuis uispnrcu today. This re
ported the pcoplo indignant over this
fliiios, or Melos, lies southeast of tho
vrncinn peninsula proper, it has a
guo.i niiroor.
fit, ihia Uln...l if
view in which he predicted that a war famous stetuo of Venus dcMilo.
Tourist and Publicity Depart
1 ment of Commercial
i Club Acts
and pub-Coinniercinl
The tourist, conventions
Jicity department of the
-iun met today and decided to call a
npecinl meeting of nil member of this
department ns well as all other mom
Juirs of the club to discuss letter writ
ing week in Oregon. By proclamation
of the governor, this letter writing
week wni je from jummlv j; to
Efforts are being made bv all the Com
mercial bodies of the state to indole
their members and friends to write
their friends back oast of the tilings
to be seen in Oregon.
Not only is it hoped that all boost-
SI Abe Elartin
. . .' :
am m
or citizens will write of the scenic
beauties of Oregon, but also call atten
tion: to tho fact that Oregon is a fine
stnto in which to live.
In line with letter writing -.nir
publicity department expects at the
meeting next Wednesday evening to
bring this before the public in order
that tho letter writing will not be con
fined to members of the club, but th.it
every one interested in Oregon will
manage to writo several letters.
' The movement originated with the
Chamber of Commerce in 1'ortland, but
has been extended to every city and
town in tho stnto. Th
with tho concerted action of the mem
bers of every commercial club in the
state, tho writing of thousands of letters
to tneiids in the east will be of untold
value to Oregon in creating an interest
in the state and of bringing many tour
ists hero next summer.
Washington, Jan. 8. Tha interstate
commereo commission today held that
uih ureat iionnern racuic Btcamsnin
company may operate steamers of tho
Great Northern and Northern Pacific
lines between Flavel and San Francis
co. Tho Seattle, Portland and Spokane
railway, a subsidiary of the Great
ISorthern and Northern Pacific owns
the steamship company, the commis
sion found, but said that operation of
the boats will not reduce competition
between water and rail routes along
me a -acme coast.
Caused No Surprise.
Portland, Or., Jan. 8. Tho decision
of tho interstate commerce commission
permitting the operation of tne steam
ers ureat .Northern and Northern Pa
eific between I'lavcl and San Fran
Cisco caused no surprise in the S. P
and 8. officoB here today. It had been
anticipated, and, in fact, tncticly un
derstood that this would be tho dcei
"The decision is on a purely techni
cal point," an official of the company
uui. - a no operation or tnese steam
ships really increases rather than de
creaBea competition. The shins cut in
to a class of express and froight which
wie rauroaiis neretofore nave had ex
Head of Reed College Is Very
Much Opposed to War
After nil, look in' f.i' part Is
main thing. Nolinddy is ns full o'
vise ns a failure.
Ford Peace Expedition
Arrivesat Amsterdam
Amsterdam, Jan. 8. The Ford peace
i-Ajfinuun arrived nere today nfter re
ceiving very considernto treatment in
their passage ncrosB Germany.
Several members of tho party said
mat tne friendliness of the Oermans
emphasized Germany's desire for peace.
Stock Market Recovers
From Recent Decline
(Copyright 1015 by the New York Ev
ening Post.)
New York, Jan. 8. Tho tendency of
the stock murket to recover continue tn.
any. tins was offset, however, by re
newed selling. This may have been he-
cause the Austrian attitude on the Per
sia ease will still be in doubt over Sun
dny. It is more urobable. though that
tho hostility shown by numerous high
practical authorities towards specula
tions in wnr stocks left a sense of un-
'ertainty on Wall street. These stocks
"bowed a hesitant or .reactionary ten
lency most distinctly. Kti.i.l knni
nowever, did likewise, and although
railway slmres wcro strong, even they
moved with no grent decision.
Sterling exchange recovered sharply
from yesterday's decline. Berlin ex-'
chnngo recovered too, probably by reas
on of a nnturnl speculative reaction fol
lowing the extraordinary three cent
break this week.
The amount of monoy expended on a
drendnnught could be much better ex
pended by the government on a national
university in which the principles of na
tionnl and world wide arbitration
should be taught, was tho view taken on
preparedness last evening by President
William T. Foster of Eeod college, in
his address at the Salem public library.
Dr. FoBter takes the view held bv
many educators that tho world's trou
bles should bo subject to arbitration,
and that tho nation with tho biggest
army is pretty sure to be the first one
to become engaged in war.
ji. largo army is not necessarily a
guarantee of pcaco, nor will a treaty
Keep a country rrom oecoming engaged
in wur, ciuuncu jir. roBter. 'lucre is
only one way to avoid war. and that is
tnrougu an international law or agree
ment of nations.
As to his opinion of Roosevelt, mid
President Wilson, Mr. Foster believes
that if Roosevelt had boon presidont,
we would have been at war with sev
eral Kuropean powers as well as Mexico,
and for this reason, President Wilson
was the man of tho hour for his efforts
in favor of peaco and also in keeping
mis country out or trouliie. He felt
that this country should havo nothing
to fear from tho Kuropean powers as
they will havo been weakened and
drained by tho present wnr.
" Where thero aro no guns, there is
no fighting," snid President Foster.
The hivh cost of pnsolino seems to be
worrying simo people these days more
than the high cost of living.
Report Spies Buying
and Destroying Food
To Starve Out Germans
By Carl W. Ackerman.
Berlin, Jan. 8. Reports that Bpies
nro purchasing and destroying food
in Germany, as Part of a plan to Rflirvn
mo nation into submission, wero cir
emoted hero today. In view of these
stories, the mngistrato at Witincrsdorf,
nm juubuhuuii over part of tlie .lis
tribution of food in Berlin, restricted
the purchasing power to a single mem
ber of each family. Such purchaser
must display his credentials at the
storos. It was reported other mngls
trntes would take similar action.
Plot Discovered and Frus
trated to Blow Up Republic
Labor Organizer Advises Ac
ceptance of Company's
Wage OiFer
Unidentified steel workor, :
aged S3, shot and killed. ' ;
Thirty -seven wounded, thrco :
of thorn fatally.
Drunken, rioting mobs fired :
the business district, leveling :
3U business houses.
Thirty houses and 10 tene- :
ments destroyed.
Burned ami looted area cov- :
cred stretch ono mile long, :
three quarters of a mile wide.
Damage estimated at Jtl.OOOV :
000. ' ' .
Fifty 'strikers wrested. :
Six thousand five hundred :
men, largely Austrians, out in :
mills of V'oungstown Sheet and 1
Tube company, Republic Steel J
and Iron company; Youngs- 1
town Iron and Steel company, :
and Brier Hill Steel company, :
demanding 25 cents an hour :
pay. ,
May Eei (settled, s
Youngstown, Ohio, Jan. 8. 1
The strike of fl,500 Btcel work- ,
ers here may be settled before
night through tho men's ac-
eeptance of an offer of 22 cents
per hour aagiust previous wage
of 19c. The organizer of the
Lodge Succeeds In Getting
Resolution Through Upper
House Today
Washington, Jan. 8. The senate to
day unanimously instructed Socretary
of the Navy Daniols to make public
Admiral rietcner's August lyia repo"
which declared that a foreign fleet
could land on American shores. Tho
action came on a resolution by Senato
ioflgo, or Massacnusctts. reauestin
such publication.
Daniels has opposed publication on
tuo ground mat lie did not wish for
eign nations to know its contents. The
resolution was passed without debate.
First BUI to Pass.
Washington, Jan. 8. The first bill
to pass the senate in this session was
Senator Smoot s today, providinir
commission to modify and codify min
ing laws. Twenty-five thousand dol
lars was appropriated for hearintrs in
urn mining siuius ana AiasKa.
Rivera and Harbors Bill.
Washington, Jan. 8. With framing
01 me nvors and narbors bill started,
the house committee in charge decided
today that tiie appropriations sought
thoreunder will call for about 40.000.-
000 for continuing present projects and
$4,000,000 for . maintaining completed
Government Protests,
wasningron, Jan. . TUis govern
ment nas rormaiiy protestod British
seizures of mail from steamers touch
ing at Great Britain. The protest will
oe made puouc within a few days.
Much American mail has been held
up rocently. Ono suggestion was that
Great Britain has been Becking to get
uuiius mm oiner uerman aocuments
being forwarded to America after hav
ing been seized in France and Belgium
The seizures have caused loss ana dc
lay to American business houses and
have called forth considerable co
BoBton, Mass., Jan. 8. Tho Boston
National league team was sold today
to 1'crcy Haughton. Harvard conch, and
Arthur Wise, banker. Haughton will
be president. It is understood that Wise
represented now moneyed owners.
Onffney retains control of the
Braves' 1,000,000 park, however. The
selling prico of the club was estimated
at .r,00,000.
Owner Gaffney sold beennso his con
tracting firm requires his personal at
tention and ho did not fnel (lint 1.,.
could swing both propositions
Washington, Jan. 8. Tho Fnrrl
water power conservation bill passed
the house late this afternoon on a viva
voco vote.
lounestown. Ohm. .Tnn s a nif
to blow up tho li'cpublic Steel plant, in
the wake of a night of rioting, was
intstratel here today when disguised
militiamen overheard 'the plotters and
reported to their superiors. Tho firf
01 tne national guurdsmen wero immo
diately detrained to euanl tlm
Twenty high salaried tube company
mm annum pay ranging Irom
T,000 upward, stoked furnaces ti.lnv
If the fires were permitted in n,,f
the furnaces would be ruined.
Ouiet prevailed during tho morning,
following cessation of tho lust nf II...
noting about 3 a. m.
lliere will bo a strikn nf unnnn
steel workers, in the Mahoning Valley
wituin a week unless this trmitiin
settled soon," John Granry, local or
ganizer, snid lodav.
The strike was called when tho con
cerns, an " independents" refused to
grant the workers' demands for 2.1
cms per Hour: t lev nffnrn.l
promise plan of raising rntes from liKi
penis to cents an hour.
After this plot liinl I. cm, 1, ,!,
Brigadier General Speaks disnutched
wo of his comnniiics tn tlm Mirn,n.
nun iu miles distant, ns strikers tlm.nr
to destroy it. Destruction nf dm
iiincturc, ,1) leet uiuh mid Hon font
"ii(, wouni menu demolition of tlio
own or mrutliers.
v 1
.w uuu.i! were seni into tno business
district, lest their presence incite the
stiickeis to new rioting. Most of the
lorces were maintained in tho tubo
plant, thrco miles from the ruined dis
trict. Citizens heard with joy this after
noon reports that tlho n(triko might
come to an end with acceptunco of
company tenirs; but, tiiey feurcd if tno
struggle is prolonged tho city will see
a bloody clash with troops after nightfall.
No Investigation.
Washington, Jun. H. The depart
ment of justice found nothing In tho
Youngstown strike situation to warrant
an Investigation, said Chief Bioluski of
tho investigating bureau today.
Stock Takes Slump,
Cleveland. Ohio. Jan. 8. Ynnnrr.tnu,.
Sheet mid Tube company stock dropped
10 a share on the exchange today. Tho
price wus -50 bid, win no sulos.
Wages Advanced.
Knst Chicago, Ind.. Jim. 8. Tlm Hn.
public Irorf and Steel compnny whose
luuiigsrown pinni is on Btrikc, posted
notice today of a voluntary wngo in
crease, effective MondtiV. of two cents
over the present 20 cent rnto.
Washington, Jan. 8. The l'ittmmnn
bill for development of Nevada public'
Innds passed the senato today. It pro
poses giving any man prospecting rights
for subterranean water on 2,500 acres.
If his work proves a success, he would
get a section with the wntcr riizhts. and
the rest would be sold for the benefit
1 ' .I.- .-..I .;. .. .
vi iiu- rci-iiiinuiiuu service.
Jewish Relief Dav.
Washington, Jan. 8. President Wil
son toduy named January 27 aa Jewish
relief day. Hd will proclaim;tho needs
oi me jews us a result of the war.
Suffrage Makes Frosress.
Washington, Jan. 8. Tho senato suf
frage committee favorably reported to
day tno oiisnn a. Anthony federal suf
frage amendment proposal.
' 1
WJrand Jury Returns
Seven Indictments
atPresent Session
The Marion county grand jury re
ported seven truo bills this afternoon in
the cases that have been up for in
vestigation. Four cases wero reported
"not truo bills" and a number of so
cret indictmonts were returned for per
sons not yet in tho custody of officers
or out under bonds.
Hurry Walling was indicted on a
chnrgo of non-support, William Porter
was indicted on a chnrgo of lurccny
from a building. Clarence Mason was
indicted on a chnrgo of tho larceny of a
horse but Sarah Mason, his wife, wns
not indicted on any charge though she
was arrested at tho timo her husband
wns and is now out under $?fl bonds.
iiureneo jMoletto wns indicted on a
chnrgo of forgery, Clarence MoEIrath
was also indicted on a charge of petit
mrceny nuu juines Swobodn and Klla
Swoboila wero indicted on a charge of
nssauit. J. 1.. Minim was indicted on a
Btntutory chnrge.
Not true bills wero found in Hie cases
of Hum Gee, charged with malicious de
struction of property, M. K. Nicewood,
charged with the larceny of a check;
(hire Brook, charged with nssnult;
and Sarah Mason, charged with larceny.
Submarine Controversies Are Brought To Close By Pledge
of Germany to Respect In Full Regulations Insisted
Upon By United States-Disavowal of Unlawful Acts of
Commanders and Full Indemnity For Losses Is Guaran
teed By Central Powers
Washington, Jan. 8. Complete and final settlement of
all submarine coitroversies with the central powers, in
cluding the Persia and Lusitania cases seem near today,
following overtures from Germany yesterday. Pessimism
has been dissipated.
From Austria and Germany, the government has
formal binding pledges concerning future conduct of
submarine warfare in accordance with international law.
These were contained in Austria's Ancona note and ia
Germany's submarine message yesterday. .
Now the administration is concerned only over repar
ation in the Persia and Lusitania cases.
Germany's promised disavowal of the Persia incident
if it should prove one of her submarines was responsible.
is believed to be the fore-runner of , similar action on
Austria's part.
Having promised reparation in the Lusitania case, the
only thing now necessary to a settlement is a disavowal.
She pledges herself to obey
international law witii regard
to both passenger ships und
merchant vessels.
She will give time for those
aboard to reach places of Bufo-
She will grant indemnity and
punish the commnud'sr if it
proves a German submarine
torpedoed the liner Persia.
Sho agrees with America that
safety for passengers is not
afforded by small boats unless
the sea is calm and land nenr.
Henceforth she will seo they
are not set adrift in rough
weather in small boats.
Sho promises reparation for
the American Lusitunia victims.
Further evidence of a settlement of
controversies came today in the Ger
man note of November 30 in the Wil
liam P. Fryo sinking caso, made pub
lie by Socretury Lansing. In thin was
revealed a complete agreement witlt
the American position, Germany pe
cificly agreeing that passengers shall
not be put to sea in small boats unless
the sea is calm and land near.
Thoro was no nutiiority today for tlm
statement that the administration will
not, Insist upau an unequivocal disa
vowal of the Lusitania torpedoing.
Germany's promise of reparation may
bo considered sufficient, howover, tu
meet American demands in tha rase.
The failure of Austria and Germany
to receive any report of tho Porsit.
sinking led to the bolicf that the
cause may never bo known.
Consul Gaulin of Marseilles report
ed that Rev. Homer Salisbury of tha
District of Columbia, reported missing
in tho Persia caso, was traveling un
der a London permit.
Millionaire Defendants
Still On Anxious Seat
New York, Jim. 8. Millionaire de
fendants in the government's conspir
acy chnrgo caso against New York,
New Hnven nnd Hnrlford directors,
whose time is enormously valuable, lost
much time today pacing the corridors
of the federal building today awaiting
the verdict. William Rockefeller-) who
is ill, was absent. Humors snid the
jury stood 1 1 to 1 for acquittal. Dur
ing tho forenoon, tho jurors asked for
a transcript of certain testimony.
Washington, Jan. H. Though bo held
America is now extremely prosperous,
Secretary of (.'oininorce Kedfleld In a
review published today held that the
"vision mid energy" of tho nation will
determine whether it shall rcmnin in
tho foro rnnk after the end of the war
has closed the unusual channels of
prosperity now ope.
"Tho war order", ho snid, "must be
repluccd by the pence order."
Cettinjc, Montenegro, Jun. 8. Of
ficial confirmation of reports that nt
least 200 Montenegrins from America
coming homo to enlist, perished when
nu Italian steamer wns mined nenr
Sciitnrl, was given hero today. They
wero en route from hrlndlsl, Italy. Two
hundred and twenty-fivo othen aboard
wcro rescuod.
Attorney Job Harriman's
Scheme Legalized by
State of California
Sacramento. Cal., Jan. 8.--Whllo per-
mittinir Llano Del llio compnny, tho
socialist colony oignnizution started by
.lob llHrriman, to proceed with tho Bale
of Its Khares under certain restrictions,
Htuto Cornorution Commissioner tarn
nhnii, In a pemit signed today, ciiIIb
t ho attention of prospective subscribers
to a report on tho project ty deputy
II. W. ISowmnn, severely criticising tho
present course of management.
Tho report indicates that tho enter
prise, established ns a self supporting,
co-operntivo colony, in winch every
stockholding member should have abso
lutely equal rights, has developed into
1111 Autocracy ruled by Job llurrimnn;
that the rit'lit of protest is practically
denied to the colonists under peniilty
of dismissnl and that tho penalty 1b
particularly severe in view of tho fact
that most of the colonists 1invc invest
ed their all In the company 'b stock and
have no way ot recovering their in
vestment except by help of the com
pany whoso displeasure they have in
Tho company, capitalized at 2,()00,-
000, was formed for the purpose or
holding tho colony property, situation
in the Mojnvo district on Dig Hock
crook in Los Angeles county. About II.1O,
men, women and cliiiarcu now 101 111 1110
"In the company's liternture." says
tho report, "there is n studied effort
to induco the belief that the influence
of each stockholding colonist in tho
control of tiie company's nffnirs is
equal to that of any other. Tho fact Is
that the colony is ulmoHt autocratically
dominated anil controlled by one mun
.lob Harrimnn. Ho hns not hesitated
to use his Influence with the board of
directors in the most harsh and drastic
manner to enforce subjection to Ins
Tho employment contract which culls
for a wngo of iM per day is declared
by Deputy Ilowuiun to be a misrepre
sentation. "In practice," says How
man, "tho nverngo daily wnge of the
average stockholder maintaining him
self and two others at tho colony is
1.40 or less."
No criticism is made of tho diame
ter of tho project but it Is held that
the success of the colony depends up
on a high degreo of intelligence, abil
ity and industry and superior manage
ment. "As tho company is now being;
oporated," Bays tho report, "it's plaa
is unfair, unjust ami inequitable to s,
substantial proportion of its stock
holders, and unless further colonists'
are obtuined to pay off indebtedness
and carry it along with cash payments
tho project must fail entirely and a ma
jority of too colonists who havo put
everything they hpd Into the com
pany's stock will be wholly pauperized
and left destitute"
In his permit, Commissioner Carna
hnn cuts the commission to be allowed
on sales of shares to 10 per cent of the
amount actually paid In cash to tha
company. Ho nUo provides that col
onists may withdraw from tho project
nnd tho company must assist tiiem to
recover 00 per cent nf their cash or
property investment through ro-sulo of
their shares.
Battle to Unseat Gary
As Head of Steel Trust
Now York, Jan. 8. A battle to un
seat K. H. Gary as chairman of th
stool corporation executive committee ia
imminent, uccordiug to rumors in Wull
Btroot todny. Henry C, Frick was re
ported to be tho opposition candidate.
ItcusotiH for tho Impending atrnggle
wero assigned as Gary's championing
of Colonel Roosevelt and his pessimistio
recent warning against dangers of In
flation after tho wnr Frick is reported
to havo cnused Issuanco of the steel
compnny 's increased wngo plnn Immedi
ately after Gary Issued his warning.
French war experts predict Orr-
mnnr's dcront this year, but, an tnn
psalmist says, "There Is no more any
prophet; neither is there among ua any
that knoweth how long."
J (Ml
.(MS VHU Off
Oregon: To
night and Hun
day rain or
snow; southeast
erly winds.