Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 06, 1916, Page SIX, Image 6

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1 :
The "Clubby" Smoke "Bull" Durham
You start something lively when you produce "Bull" Durham in
a crowd of live-wires and start "rolling your own". That fresh,
mellow-sweet fragrance of "Bull" makes everyone reach for "the
makings". A hand-rolled "Bull" Durham cigarette brims over with
zest and snap and the sparkle of sprightly spirits. ,
oi nun
Made of rich, ripe Virginia-North Carolina leaf, "Buir
;1 Sffl
Ml , .
Administrator's or Executor's Notice
of Hearing of Final Account.
Notice in lieri'liy given that tho final
account of l E. Lyons as administrator
of the estate of Walter Hoehodny, de
eeaed, has been filed In tho county
court of Marion comity, stntc of Ore
gon, and that the 17th day of January,
1910 at tho hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,
has boen duly nppointcd by such court
for the hearing of objections to such
final nccount mil tlie settlements
thereof, at which time any person in
terested in such estate may appear and
file objections thereto in writing and
contest the same.
Administrator of the Estate.
On Foreclosure.
Notice is hereby Riven, That by
virtue of an execution duly issued
out of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oreson. for the County of Marion
and to me directed on the lHtli day of
December, 1015, upon a judgment and
decree duly rendered, entered of rec
ord and docketed In and by said Court
on the 11th day of December, 1915,
in a certain suit then In said Court
pending, wherein Homer If. Smith was
plaintiff and Mertnn H. Del.ong and
Mao T. IVr.ong, his wife, George F.
Vick, 11. P. Kuck and the City of Sa
lem, a municipal corporation were de
fendants in favor of plaintiff and
against said defendants by which ex
ecution I nm commanded to sell the
property in snld execution and herein
after described to pay the sum due
tho plaintiff of Six Hundred Sixty
three and 00-100 (mtt.00) Dollars with
Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum from the 11th day of
December, 1015, until paid and the
further sum of Seventy-five (73.00)
Dollars, attorney's fees together with
tho costs and disbursements of said
suit taxed at Twenty-seven nnd 73100
($27.75) Dollars and costs nnd ex
penses of snld execution. I w ill on Sat
urday the 22nd day of January, 1110,
nt the hour of 2 o'clock 1 M. of said
tiny nt the West door of tho County
Court House In Marlon County, Oregon,
sell nt public auction to tho highest
bidder for cash in hand on tho day of
snlc, all tho right, title, interest and
estate which said defendants and nil
persons claiming under them subse
quent to the date of the mortgage here
in foreclosed, May .1rd, 1DU, in, of
nnd to suid premises hereinbefore men
tioned are described la snld execution
as follows, to-witt Lot. No. Light (8)
in Illock No. Fifteen (15) In Riverside
Addition to Salem, Oregon.
Snld sale being made subject to
redemption in the manner provided by
Dated this I2nd day of December,
wm. racrt,
Sheriff of M'nrlnn County, Oregon.
Dec. fi.1-30 Jar, 0 13 2
most enjoyable tobacco in the world. Its unique
aroma and pleasing flavor give you wholesome,
lasting satisfaction. No other cigarette can be so
full of life and youthful vigor as a fresh -rolled
cigarette of "Bull". Durham. . "Roll your own" with
"Bull" and you'll discover
a new joy in smoking. " :
- ... - .
jr-iri An Illustrated
1 I",. I. Booklet, allowing
correct wav to
"Roll Your Own" Cigarettes, and
package of cigarette papers,
will both be mailed, fret, to an
address in U. S. on request. Ad
dress "Bull" Durham, Durham,
N. C.
Chinese Raise Million
To Help Revolutionists
San Francisco, Jan. 5. Arrange
ments for transferring to China tho
huge revolutionary war fund, close to
one million dollars collected in tho
Lulled States, will probably be made
at a meeting of prominent Chineso
hero next Sunday, It was said today
that favorable reports as to contribu
tions have been pouring in from agents
of the Chineso republic association
who have been operating throughout
the country and explaining the situa
tion In China.
Washington, Jan. 5. The coast
guard cutter Seneca at New York was
ordered today to proceed to the dis-
In the matter of the Guardianship of
the estates it rid persons of llerniione
Miches and Cromwell Riches, minors.
Guardian's notice of sale.
Notice Is hereby given thut the un
dersigned, Edna Riches, will, as guard
ian of ileruiiono Itichcs and Cromwell
itiches, in conformity with an order of
tho County Court of Multnomah Coun
ty, heretofore made and entered on tho
LSth day of December, 1015, proceed
to sell all of said minors' interests, be
ing nil undivided 14-24111 of tho follow
ing described real property, to-wit:
Beginning nt the quarter section, the
corner between sections 7 and 20 in
Ti. 8 South of linage 2 West of Wil
lumette Meridian, running thence North
80 degrees 20 minutes West 11.80 chains
nloug tho legal subdivision line running
West through section 20 to the South
east corner of a one nere tract, thence
North 4.84 chains to tho Northenst
corner of said one-acre tract, thence
North 80 degrees 20 minutes West 2.005
chains to the division lino established
through tho Charles Riches claim,
thence North 13.01 chains along tho
division lino to an Iron pipe, thence
South 80 degrees 20 minutes Last L'1.80
chains to an Iron pipe ou tho line be
tween sections 28 ami 20, thence South
IS. 7.1 chains to the place of beginning,
and containing 23 acres of land,
And that she will receive bids for the
Interests of snld minors on or after the
31st day of January, 1010; that said
sale Is nt private sale, for cash, nnd all
persons desiring to bid upon said min
ors' Intercuts are hereby requested to
submit their bids for snld interests,
either at the office of tho Capital
Journal in the City of Salem, Oregon,
or nt the office of Setnn & Strnhan, at
torneys at law, 410 Plait Bldg., Fort
lund, Oregon, and that nil of inch bids,
as well as said sale, will bo subject to
tho approval and. confirmation of the
County Court,
Dated this 21th day of December,
Attorneys for Guardian.
Plait Pdilg., Portland, Ore.
Durham is the mildest,
Ash for FREE
package of ' paper m
With oaeh 5c sack.
abled Grook liner Thessalonikn and
either tow in her hull or dynamite her.
Mystorious wireless calls last night
indicated tho vossel had been abandon
ed and was tier hup sinking. Her pas
soiigors woro taken off 'several davs
ago by the Greek steamer 1'atris.
it is doubted if tho waterlogged ship
can bo brought into port. As she is
in tho path of main steamship lines, It
is nocosBary to remove nor.
Superintendent of Banks
Will NotMake Sixth Call
Although it has been the custom in
the past for Stuto Hunk Superintend
ent Sargont to issue calls for rcnorts
at the samo time tho national calls
were issued, no call will be sent to
state banks for a report at the close
of business December 31. Usually
only five calls are issued each year by
Comptroller of tho Currency John Sliei
ton Williams, but an. extra one has
been issued this venr.
Owing to tho rush of business during
tho month of January, Mr. Sargent
considers it unnecessary to issue the
sixiii can lor into.
Federal Officials May Ask
Parole of Van Koolbergen
Snn Francisco, Jan. 5 Federal of
ficinls horo indicated thev ninv seek
to have "Count" Von Koolbergen pa-
roii-u irom imprisonment at Calgary,
Alberta. Tho "county" now seeking
pnrole, has expressed a willingness to
aid authorities horo in connection with
tho nllegod bomb plots of V. C. Crowley
and Haron Von ltrincken of the Ger
man consulnto nnd authorities believe
that ho could givo vnlunble evidence as
ho claims to buvo been closely allied
with tho pair.
Medford. Ore. Jnn. B. Tho t
clectrio ears over the line nf the
Southern Oregon Traction company,
botwoen this city and tho historio oid
county seat, Jacksonville, raa on reg
ular schedule vestcrdnv nml tha
service is now in full force. The line
wns completed into Jeffersonville Sutur
day evening nnd only Sunday interven
ed betwoen iti completion and the run
ning of regular trnms.
New York, Jnn. 0. Berlin ex
change dropped today to 73 1-2,
nenriy a point lower than yes
terday, and the lowest it has
ever been. Sterling exchange,
on the other haud, was nt
4.70 1-4, an advance. Vienna
kronen followed the Berlin ex
change to their lowest mark,
It was rather tough on the small bov
to have school start when the snow
balling was to fine.
Manager McCredie Expresses
No Fear,Law Will Be
Enforced In State
Portland, Or., Jan. 6. Baseball fans
are not worrying; much about the Sun
day closing law today. They have
heard from District Attorney Evans.
"It will take a lot of evidence to con
vince mo that anybody has a case
against the national game," the prose
cutor said. .
Petitions are now in circulation to
put the old law to a vote nt the Novem
ber election, and within two days near
ly enough signatures have been obtain
ed. Prosecutors in several counties
have said they will ignore the law until
the voters have passed on it.
Judge W. W. McCredie, president .of
the Heavers, telegraphed to President
Buiini yesterday tnnt he has no fear
that the law will be enforced against
Sunday baseball.
Aggies Are Practicing.
Corvallis. Or.. Jan.. fi. Tho Orccon
Ae-uiea' bliskpthnll tArn is Tirnctielnp
daily for the' first game of the season
against tho University of ' California
quiniet .innuary u. . oacn Aiay nas
not vet announced hin choicn for center
and forward positions.
Swimming Records Sot
Portland, Or., Jnn. 6. Just to see
how good ho was before going to San
Francisco to join the Olympic club
swimming tenm, Norman Ross set a
tew near records last night, ilia timer
announced the following figures: 20
yards, 8 2-5 seconds; 40 yards, 10 sec
onds; ou yards, z 2-3 seconds; JUU
yards, 55 1-5 seconds.
Frank Chance; Will Sign.
Los Angeles, Cnl., Jan. 0. Frank
Chance came into Los Angeles from his
Glendora ranch todav to siga as man
ager and part owner of tho Los Angeles
baseball club. Details of the arrange
ment were discussed by the Peerless
Leader nt: a conference with John Pow
ers, owner of the club, last night
Chance takes over most of T. J. Dnr-
mody's stock, so thnt he has more than
a quarter interest in tho seraphs. Ac
cording to Powers, Chance intends to
get right down to hard work getting
the Angels in shape for the lOJb pen
unut fisht.
Colleges Will 'Play.
Snn Frnncisco, Jaan. 0. General ap
proval by college men today greeted
the reports of the Stanford alumni as
sociation urging a return to competi
tion between Stunford and Californin.
Tho opinion prevails that the substance
of the report, which provides for the
abolition of freshmnn competition, will
be adopted by the cnrdinnl student body
and that it will bo forwarded to Cali
fornia. Fulton Will Fight.
Chicago, Jan. fl. Fred Fulton heavy
weight, who will battle Porky Flynn
in a 20 round bout nt New Orlenns Jan
uary 28, is en route today for tho
southern city, Ho is accompanied by
iiis manager, Mike Collins.
Administration Fears Senate
Discussion May Cause
Washington, Jnn. 0. Congressional
legislation to prohibit Americans from
traveling; on belligerent vessels appear
ed today to be. a possibility ns the re
sult of the liner Persia torpedoing. At
the same- time, congress evidenced a
growing sentiment for an embargo on
America's munition traffic.
Administration lenders admitted thnt
the senate's intervention in tho interna
tional situation, ns shown in yester
day's acrimonious debate, is causing
uneasiness. They confessed, however,
that this discussion serves the salutary
purpose of indicating American feel
ing regarding submarine warfare
slaughter nnd to this extent is a helpful
The sennto and liouso foreign com
mittees will meet tomorrow to consider
submarine and other international is
sues pending before them.
President Wilson 's desire to minimize
congressional debate is aimed to pre
vent Introduction nnd consideration of
inflammatory resolutions, for he fears
these might hamper diplomatic negotia
tions through crenting bitterness
Iu the rersin case, tho administra
tion still waited for information ns to
whether a torpedo or mine snnk the
liner, and if it wns a submarino nttaek,
what nation was responsible.
Until this lnformniton is nt hand, the
government plans no steps In tho situa
Snn Diego, Cnl., Jan. fl. A new ex
position Is In the making hero today.
Scores of new exhibits are being in
stalled at tho Pnnnma-California Inter
national exposition, some of them the
finest shown at the recent Snn Fran
cisco fair, Among these are the Can
adian, French and United States gov
ernment exhibits. The local exposition
has not closed Its gates, however, dur
ing the reconstruction period, and hun-
ilied of visitors nre seeing the sights
'there daily.
Commercial Basketball
League Players Show
Improvement In Form
The second night's series of games in
the Commercial Basketball league
showed an improvement both in speed
and basket shooting nt the Y. M. O. A.
gym last night. The indications tire
that after the next series the teams
will be going ahead under full -pressure
and some lightning fast games aro ex
pected. The boys-ill general nio not as
experienced ns Inst year, that is, the
increased number of teams has brought
out some newer and younger material
that will be seasoned later and the
coming season promises to duplicate
the success of tho league of Inst year.
Last night the Bishops took the first
game from tho Price Shoe company by
a score of 12 to 11 nnd tho Capital
Business college cleaned tho Standard
Cleaners by a 15 to 10 score The Fry
druggists won from the Captial Nation
al bankers 12 to 7 and the Hauser Bros,
team dropped a game to tho Watt
Shipps 10 to 12.
The line-ups and points won by the
individual players follows:
First Game 7:30.
Price Shoe Co. Bishop Woolen Mills.
Snafer F Ackcrman
Brill... F Rntcliff
Moffett O Seamster
Utter G , Sweeney
Leiscy G. Buren
Points scored: Shafer, 4; Brill, 5;
Moffett, 2; Ackerman, 6; Hatcliff, 6.
Final score: Bishops, 12; Price Shoe
company, 11.
Second Game 8:00.
Capital Business. Standard Cleaners.
Turner.. F Curtiss
Cox F Hart,
Ben Minton and
Cooper. ...... .C Gardner
Mclntyrc.. G Alford
Kavanaugh G Niederkrome
Points scored: Turner, 5; Minton, 2;
Mclntyre, 8; Curtiss, 6; Hart, 4.
Finnl score: Capital Business co,
lege, 15; Standard Clenners, 10.
Third Game 8:30.
Capital National. Fry's Drug Store.
Carver F Brooks
Price F Dutton and
Baker C McKinney
Zozel O Minton, Joe
Williams ..O Hill
Points scored: Carver, 2; Baker, 5;
McKinnoy, 8; Hill, 2; Chirk, 2.
Final score: Frys Drug store, 12;
Capital Nationnl bank, 7.
l ourth Game 9:00,
Hauser Bros.
Watt Shipp Co.
. ... Goodnough
Manning F.
Wei borne F.
Miller C.
DeLtinp G.
, C.nhlsdorf
G Mourmnn
Points scored
Goodnough, 7;
Manning, 3; Fry, 7;
Gnklsdorf, 4; Row
land, i.
Final score: Wutt Shipp
Hauser Bros., 10.
Co., 12
Officials: Referees, R. L. Matthews
nud Sam Butler; timers, H. S. Rntcliff
and J. H. i'arrar; scorer, Oscar B, Ging
Prominent Los Angeles
Men In Bad Tangle
Sun Francisco, Jan. 0. Three men,
two of them prominent iu Los Angeles,
nre in the federal toils today on charges
of having plotted to sell $100,000 worth
of counterteitA Mexican money for SJ,-
500. They are: Robert J. Widney,
son of Judge R. M. Widney, of Los
Ani'eles; Philip Thorn, mining broker
of Goldfield, Nov., and Walter S. Sul
livan ,broker of Los Angeles and Long
The alleged plotters were caught in a
trap set for them by J. M. Arriola, a
Carranza secret service ngent, with the
assistance of locul federal officials.
Widney wns arrested in a room at a lo
cal hotel just ns he wns about to com
pleto tho deal for the bogus money
with Arriola, who represented himself
to be J. M. Rodriguez. Tho othter men
were nrrestcd in a broker's office.
Widney sained considerable publicity
several years ago when Mrs. Vivian
Lyons shot and seriously wounded him
after they had fled from Los Angeles
Highway Commission
Asks For Information
On State Engineer
The stato highway commission at a
meeting yesterday afternoon adopted a
resolutioa to petition tho supremo court
to interpret certnin portions of the
ruling of Justice Bean on the highway
engineering tnnglo which were not in
terpreted in the opinion except by in
ference. Tho board did not ask for a
rehearing on tho mandamus action of
Peterson & Johnson to compel Stnto En
gineer Lewis to make estlmatcsh in
place of Chief Deputy Confine. .
Tho resolution adopted by .the board
yesterday asks that the supremo court
l further ndjudicato the case to the end
that further uncertainty of tire law be
avoided and the rights and duties of all
concerned may be settled without fur
ther dispute.
Dullns, Ore., Jan. 0. En route to Se
attle the basketball team of the Uni
versity of California will stop off here
Friday to play tho Dallas team, which
formerly held the state championship.
The Dallas team consists of Shaw and
Matheney, guards; Jack Hayes, center;
Bnllantyne and Boydston, forwards. It
was formerly announced that the game
here would be played January 13. The
correct date is January 7.
Tbat useless; article may mesa
money to yoa through the New
Today column.
First of Six Big Days Opens
With Especially Good
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lis, Jas. fi. The first of the six big
days of farmers' Week at tho Oregon
Agricultural College opened earlv Mon
day morning with a large number of
special students, delegates to conven
tions, special speakers and other inter
ested persons in attendance. Arrange
ments have been made by the manage
ment to have all trains reaching Cor-
vallis met by committees who provide
necessary information on matters of
registration, living nceomodatinons,
and other things essential to getting
quickly nnd properly located for work.
A large number of attendants arc
back for tho second term of Farmers'
Week and were already familiar with
the purposes of qualifying for admis-
lon to tho exerciBes in wlucn tnoy
were especially interested.
The first day s work consisted large
ly for a conference of eood roads men
called by Professor G. V. Skelton, who
is in charge of this department of
College Kxtension work. A number of
road officers from counties especially
noted for their excellent work in
building and maintaining roads, were
in attendance and contributed many
valuable points. The questions consid
ered dealt with methods of construct
in and mnintaining roads, with con
siderable emphasis laid on the question
of road patrols. It was pointed out
that a great deal of damage is done
roads through neglect to repair slight
damages before they reach disnsterous
proportions, and it was shown that the
onlv successful way in which tnis could
be done is to have the road patrolled
bv someone who has some knowledge
of mending roads and will either re
pair damage himself or report it to
the road supervisor in charge.
Another feature of Monday's exer
cises wns tho woman's congress which
convened for tho first session of a six
day meet. Two of the most noted nome
economic experts of North America,
Miss Alice Ravenhill, of Vancouver
Island, B. .C, and Miss Anna Barrows,
of Boston. These experts eonsidor tho
question not merely from the stand
point of food preparation, clothing and
shelter but also from the more compre
hensive view of the educational and
social reations of the rural commun
ities. This congress is attended by a
number of delegates representing dif
ferent organizations, state and local,
that have been formed to deal with
problems related to rural betterment.
Instruction offered included not only
lectures, conferences and discussions,
but likewiso a number of demonstra
tions at least one of which will be
given each day during the entire week.
John Cornforlh et nx to II. II. Von
devoit, nil of lots 0 and nprts of lots
r, u, 7 and 10, Cornloitlis l-iiut anil
Dairy Farms.
Northwestern Trust Co. to W. E. and
M. K. Thompson, part Jas. Jory, Jr.
claim 33, 8, 3 W.
Alvira Northcntt to Pearl Lodge No.
fiG, A. F. and A. M., lots 1 and 2,
block 25, Yew Park Annex Aid., Sa
lem, Sarah A. Cone to Orvillc O. nnd Al
to J, Cone, part O. A. Cone, Sr., clnim
33, 3, 1 W; part Luther Cary clnim, 74,
4, 1 W.
John II. Scott ct ux to Capital City
Nursery Co., lot 11, block 2, Willam
ette Add., Saloin.
Lydia M. Probst to Louis Probst, lot
10, block 14, Englewood Add., Salem.
Ross E. Moorcs et nl to Wylie A.
Moores, north 47 feet of lot 3, block
50, Salem.
Ross E. Moores ct al to Carroll L.
Moores, south of lot 3, block 50 and
north 14 feet of lot 4. block 59, Salem.
Wylie A. and C. L. Moores to Ross 14.
and Mary 8. Moores, south 08 feet of
lot 4, block 59, Salem.
Allena M. MeDonnlA et vir to only
heirs of E. A. Mellon, to Louis Arthur
part block 4, Roberts Add. Salem.
A. Haldeman to Christian Mver, lots
7, 8, 9, fo, exsept a strip CO by 100 feet
off enst cnl of lots 7 nnd S, ail in block
4, Fairmount Park Add. Snlem.
Arthur G. Fry et ux to Pluvio Best
son, lot 28, Aliens Add, Silverton.
O. D. Needhain to Clara Needham,
undivided 1-2 interest in 36.83 neres,
rmrt of Geo. W. Elgin claim, 33, 8, 3
F. H. Reeves ct ux to E. K. Spyker,
lot 1, block 11, Riverview Park Add.,
Eloped With Chauffer
Killed Him and Herself
: New York, Jan. 8. Tho grim tragedy
of a love triangle came to light here
today when tho bodies of Chauffeur
William Beggs and Mrs. Catherine
Walsh, aged 27, wifo of a wealthy At
lantic City man were found side by side
in the dining room of their home.
Mrs. Walsh eloped with Beggs a few
months ago, then his love turned cold
so she shot and killed him and then
The woman left a letter for her hus
band but no word for her two children.
London, Jan. S Lord Derby's re
cruiting figures for tho period between
October 23 and December 13 Bhow thnt
1,150,000 unmarried men nnd 1,679,263
married men presented themselves for
Of the grand total of 2,829,263 mar
ried and single men, 103,000 unmarried
and 112,431 married men enlisted im
mediately. Eight hundred and forty
thousand single men and 1,344,979 mar
ried men were attested for future ser
Of the sinelo men 207.000 were re
jected, while 221,853 married men were
not accepted by the recruiting officers.
Dun's says, "in many respects Am
erican businoss activities aro. without
parallel," and from the looks of
thincs the unparalleled activities of
today will not be a parallel to what Is
Rate per word Now Today:
Each insertion, por word le
One week (6 insertions), per word 5o
One month (20 insertions), per word 17e
All ads must be ordered for a stated
length of time, no ad to count less than
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one insertion
for errors in Classified Advertise
ments. Read your advertisement the
first day it appears and notify us im
mediately if it contains an error.
Minimum charge, 15c.
HARRY Window
Jan. 31
iver. Phone 04F3. Janlz
FOB SALK Choice whito oat straw,
baled. Phono 7F23. Jun4
$3.50 per cord. Phone 2249. it
EXPERIENCED LADY wants general
housework. 1SJI llinos. Jans
FOB SALE Surrey, almost new,
cheap. Phone UurZ. - Jans
GOOD TOP BUGGY For sale or trade
for cattle. Call 254 S. Liberty. JanS
WANTED Position as housekeeper by
middleaged lady. Phone 61ZM. JanS
WANTED Second girl at Willametto
Sanatorium. Apply 7o4 .ferry. Jana
WANTED Milk cow, for care, if suit
able, will buy. JU. t., care journal.
WANTED 3 unfurnished rooms, with
bath. Call C. U. Goldstierry, 4bl.
BOOK WANTED "Christian Scienc
healing," by Frances Lord. Phona
FOB SALE Buff Orpington chickens
and eggs for hatching purpose.
Phone evenings, 69F2. Jan.9
rent. Call morning 1259 Chcineketa
stroct JanS
STOP! LOOKI Two lots on car line,
350, terms. D. C. Corey, 1363 N.
17th. Jan8
LOST Automobilo crank. Please re
turn to J. E. Scott, 124 South Lib
erty, tf
FOB SAL Wh! Rock roosters, full
blood. Jos. Barber. 1093 S. Liberty,
Phone 1722. JanS
FOB SALE CHEAP Flanders touring
ear, good condition. R. M. llnfcr.
Phone S5Z. Jan7
FOB RENT Modern 8 room house.
Inquiro Mrs. II. D. St. Helen, 23fi
Court. Phone 1005. JanS
WE WILL PAY the highest cash price
for veal and chickens, looplo
Market, Phone 994. JanS
WANTED Ono or two horses at Halls
Forry, not over 12 years old, 1100
pounds or better. J. Muthie. JanS
WILL TRADE Incomo property, close
in, for bix or seven room modern
house. Address 15, care Journal.
WILL EXCHANGE Good lots or
acreage for team, harness and wagon.
Phono 1547W. 198 N. 21st strcer.
- Jania
For Bale, slightly used. "A No. I"
shape. A bargain. 287 S. Winter
street. Janl3
Start the year right. Systems In
stalled. Books opened. Phone
Cooper, 175. JanS
FOB SALE 4 year old Jersey cow,
fresh, rich milker, very gentle, fine
condition. I will sell her for $45. 760
North 21st street. Jan7
CALENDARS FOB 1910 Large fig
ures lor practical use. Call or phone
Homer H. Smith, the Insurance Man,
McCornack Bldg. Phone 06. Jan20
WANTED Information of Iva Louisa
Thomas Gorden, last heard from at
Salem, Oregon, general -delivery. No
tify J. W. Thomas, Solum, Calif.,
Box 393. Kebtt-
LOST Between tho Garfield school
and Calcf Bros. Btorc, ono automo
bile chain for rear wheel. Finder
please return to Calcf Bros, and get
paid for his trouble. tC
FOB SALE Household goods includ
ing now crescent range witti gas at
tachment, new perambulator, one
dog, thoroughbred Plymouth Rock
pullets, portnblo chicken yard and
shed. 345 South 18th street. tt
Sealed bids will be received bv the
county court of Marion county for the
improvement of certain roads in roatl
districts Nos. 41 and 52, by chanirins;
grade and bridge across Pudding river
or the same now on file in this office,
pears by the plans and specification
of the same now on file in thi office.
All bids must be accompanied bv a.
certified check of five per cent of the
amonnt of the bid and must be Tiled
in this office on or before Friday, Jan
uary 21, 1910, at one o'clock, p. m.
County Clerk.
Jan. 7.
OurwantVb areljlw apinet
want ad bwonderf ul
Try one ifyou navelost somctbiiA