THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY. JAN. 6, 1916. FIVE 1 Notel Violinist Is Coming Axel Skovgaard to Be in Salem on Jan. 12. Owns ram out Btradivaslus Violin Coating Professor 13,000. An entertainment of rare excellence ii billed for the Grand Opera House on Wednesday, January 12, in tlio ap pearance of Axel Skovgaard with his company of Grang Opera singers. This young man has Rained a wide reputa tion as a violinist, owning an original Stradivarius instrument for which he paid a small fortune of (13,000. Axel Skovgaard, the noted violinist, is a sterling player, an artist of the highest rank, having masterly control over his instrument and a techsique IS 1 Washington Brewers Seek to Secure Injunction In Federal Court CONSCRIPTION BILL NOT DUnO FAILURE Nearly Six Million Englishmen Have Volunteered For Service --t-- . , , 1 i i v ; -.1 ' I Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 6. The United States district court, Judges Cushman, Gilbert and Rudkin, sitting en banc, this afternoon denied the restraining order asked v- the Seattle Brewing and Malting company to prevent At torney General Tanner from destroy ing beer valued at $50,000, which the company claims it is unable to ship out of the state within the time pro vided by the prohibition law. It is predicted that an appeal will be tBken to the United States supreme court. which wins the admiration of tie most (killed musicians. In the past Skov gaard accompanied Walter Damrosch and his famous New York Symphony Urchestra as solo violinist appearing in the larger cities of the United States and Canada in Wagncs's great est work. "Parsifal." Music was born in Skovgaard. As a child of tour he fashioned his first "violin" out of a cigar box and at the age of seven he was a child prod iev astonishing all by his musical in stinct and hiB "rapid development as a musician. His teachers found in him the readiest pupil imaginable for it was only necessary to exemplify a uirti cult passage once for the lad to re peat it with an accuracy which many others acquire only through years of practice. When nine years old a lead ing impressario took this wonderful lioy on a concert tour including the largest cities in Kurope. As a mature artist Skovgaard has revisited the scenes of his boyish tri umphs, appearing in London, Paris and Berlin, where he received flattering recognition. His violin is a famous Stradivarius and between himself and the instrument there seems to bo an al most living sympathy. As a performer, Mr. Skovgaard is graceful and easy in manner, his remarkable skill enab ling him to perforin the most difficult movements with such surprising case that the uninitiated do not always ap preciate his great talent. A SIMPLE WAY TO EEMOVE DANDRUFF There is one sure way that has never failed to remove dandruff at ouce, and -that is to dissolve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, common liquid ar von from any drug store (this is all you will need). bddIv it at night when retir ing; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gently with tho finger tins. By morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dis solve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all itching and digging ot the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous, gos tiy, silky andsoft, and look and feel a Lund red times better. Arguments Presented. Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 6. The ques tion of the constitutionality of the state prohibition law, which was at tacked in United States district court here today by attorneys representing the Seattle Brewing and Halting com pany, will be decided this afternoon by the three federal judges who are sitting in the case. Arguments were con eluded at noon and adjournment was taken until 2 o'clock at which time the court, consisting of Judges Cushman, Gilbert and Rudkin, sitting en banc, will announce a decision. The action is in the nature of an application for an injunction to pre vent the Btate from stopping the manu facture of beer by the Seattle Brewing concern or forcing that company to move or destroy its product valued at $50,000, before January 11. The brewing company was represent ed by J. B. Howe, of Seattle. Attorney General Tanner personally appeared in court and opposed the petition for an injunction. Attorney Howe said that as Attorney General Tanner had moved to have the case dismissed it should be clear that the state realized that serious ones Hons of law are involved. The Seattle Brewing company, he said, had erected a brewery at Seattle valued at more than a million dollars. There are now on hand 40.000 barrels of beer. This oronertv. he declared, cannot be re moved from the ststa within the ten days allowed by the law Judire Kudkin interrupted tue attor ney to inquire whether the breweries did not receive 13 months notice that the law would go into effect on Jan uarv 1. Howe admitted this point, but main tained, that if it were lawful to sell liquor until January 1, it was also law ful to manufacturo it ami tnat me beer so manufactured and sold up to that time should not be destroyed, as the state proposes to do, unless it be shipped away bclore January ii. Howe said the supreme court of the state had rendered an opinion on tho prohibition law, but not a decision. The opinion, ho claimed, was merely advisory and public policy undoubtedly entered into the courts findings. fiON NOT SURPRISED. Berkeley, Cal., Jan. C Hearing of Yuan Shi Kai's large reward offer for his father, Dr. Bun, Fo Sun, University of California student, commented to day: "I am not surprised at tho size of this reward, for Yuan Shi Kni would like the death of my father and one or two other leaders, for he knows he can accomplish nothing permanent in sup pressing revolution in his empire until they are out of the way." By J. W. T. Mason. New York, Jan. 6. England's con scription bill cannot be regarded as a result of the failure of the volunteer system, and it is a serious mistake to interpret it as a criticism of the re luctance of a democracy to offer itself freely for service on the battlefield. Nearly 6.000,000 English subjects have volunteered since the beginning of the war, while the other belligerents have used conscription from the outset; moreover, Britain's response compares fully with the conscript armies. The ABquith forced service bill will add comparatively few to the Tanks, and the maximum estimate of 500,000 obtainable thus, may dwindle to 225,000. Tho main purpose of the measure is not to increase the armies decisively, but to enable Premier Asquith to keep his pledge to married men that if they would come forward voluntarily they would not be drafted into actual serv ice until all the single men had been exhausted. Conscription in reality has not prov en essential as a military measure in Great Britan and whatever danger of defeat there is for tho bill lies in that very fact. Peace Delegates Allow Pet Squirrel To Die By Berton Braley. With Ford Peace Party, Christiania, Norway, Dec. 19. (By mail.) So busy were the delegntes, with weighty work of peace; so plunged'in various mental states by words that did not cease; so well engrossed in hosts of things of im port extra high; so deep in wirelessing to kincs. thev let the squirrel die. They let the little squirrel within his cage of wire, although with mutely pleading eye he showed his dumb de sire for just a nut or two for food to spur his flagging breath and so amid this noble brood, the squirrel starved to death. They brought this little pet along up on this merry trip, yet no one in the highbrow throng that filled the peaceful ship had time to feed the ebbing strength that faded day by day, and so they let him starve at length the squirrel passed away. Although the squirrel was a joke, a jest of low degree, what shall we think of peace Bhip folk who brought him oversea, and then while talking hand nn henrt of love with every breath, al lowed his spirit to depart and let him starve to death. FOROOT ABOUT WOODROW Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 6. Democrats around the stnte house awoke today with a start, held a hurried consulta tion. and then telegraphed to Wash ington, for it had dawned on them that the time for filing a petition to place President Wilson's name on the presi dential primary ticket expires tomor row and that nothing had been done thus far. WILL CONSULT FORD Washington, Jan. 6. Henry Ford of Detroit, will como here next week to discuss anti-preparedness wan a nuin bcr of congressmen. ! COURT HOUSE NEWS Kate Fancy was today appointed ad-1 ministratrix of the estate of John Fa- j hey, deceased. Tho estate consists of , personal property to the value of 14,-! 000 and the heirs are Kate Fahey, the widow; Mary Maud Carlson, a daugh ter of Acklcy, Iowa; Meinrada Fabry, a daughter; Ellen Marguerite Fahey a daughter, and Joseph Alphonsus Fahey nd William Ferdinand Fahey, two sons residing in Marion county. The apprais ers named were Albert O'Brien, V. Nadstanck and John H. Carson. Vera V. Casebcre haH filed a suit for divorce in tho circuit court of this county against Cordos A. Casebcre, her husband. They were married in Port land in 1910 and have one ion, Thos. Casebcre, aged two and a half years. She alleges cruel and inhuman treat ment and aski $10 per month alimony. Alex Daue today filed a suit in the, ircnit court against Harvey E. Evans, nd other to collect $500 alleged due; on a certain promissory note secured tiy mortgage on lots 7 ind 8 block 2 ; Kirer View addition to Salem. In ad- dition to the principal sura the plaintiff eeas a judgment lor I1U.JU interest and taxes, 15.65 interest and $75 at torney's fees. The last witness for the plaintiff In lha 440,000 damage suit brought by Dorothea Stool against the a. P. com-! Cy, finished hit testimony this morn-J ., and the examination of the wit nesses for tho defense began. The cast is expected to go to the jury tomorrow afternoon soma time and it is not like ly that another cast will be called this week as the grand jury will reMrt Sat urday morning and Judge Kolly usual ly reserves Saturday if possible for hearing motions, demurrers, setting rases, ad other legal business of the term. A marriage license was Issued todav to James Lot is Moorman, a Salem clerk, and Mildred Athertou, a Salem Jaondres. TODAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MISS AUDREY MUNSON Th Famous New York Model, Tha Modern Venus In .the Most Daring of all Photoplays 1 "INSPIRATION" Although Miss Munson appears in the nude, no offense can be taken on account of the extreme artistic and educational value of this plcturo; passed by the CKNBOUM1UP BOARD of PORT LAND, approved by MAYOR AUiEE. 10c We Do Not Balsa on tha Big Features OTHERS WOULD CHARGE YOU MORE til iliiijUs hdLi Ff OWN GO THE PRICES A WHIRLWIND OF BARGAINS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BY SATURDAY NIGHTS CL0SIN(5 TIME ALL GOODS IN THE REAR ONE-HALF OF OUR STORE MUST BE SOLD, AS, ON MONDAY, THE PLASTERERS AND CARPENTERS BEGIN THEIR WORK TEARING OUT AND RE-BUILDING. SEE WHAT YOU CAN USE AMONG THE FOLLOWING GREAT BARGAINS: Any Suit in the. Store (excepting blue serges and evening full dress) $9.75 Formerly up to $25, slightly smoke dam aged only. Any $25 to $28 Blue Serge Suit in our store 12.75 Slightly smoke damaged only These suits are of the famous Stern-Mayer Chesterfield make and were protected by glass cabinets 50c B. Y. D. Shirts and Drawers, damaged by water 19c $3.00 Soft Hats, smoke damage only 98c $3.00 Flannel Overshirts, smoke damage only $1-95 90c White Painters' Overalls and Coats, soiled on edges 50c $2.00 Auto Dusters, somewhat mussed 75c $3.00 Men's Panis, slight smoke damage $1.75 $5.00 Men's Pants, slight smoke damage $3.85 Lot good Coat Hangers, take them away at 5c 25c Hose, smoke damage only 16c $1.50-$2 Dress Shirts, all sizes except 15 69c $li0-$2 Wool Undershirts and Drawers 85c $2.50 Wool Union Suits ; . . . . . : $1.65 50c Wash Four-in-Hands : 19c 50c to $1.75 Four-in-Hands, including all silk-knit 35c Evening Clothes One $30 Tuxedo Suit, size 40. $19.50 One size 37 full dress suit $12.50 One size 40 white vest $1.00 One size 39 black vest $1.00 Lot black silk Mufflers 75c Florsheim Shoes Lot of about 40 Pairs of $5. $6 and $7.00 Florcheim Shoes $3.50 EXTRA HELP IN ATTENDANCE. EVERY DAMAGED ARTICLE MUST BE SOLD AT SOME PRICE HAMMOND-BISHOP COMPANY THE TOGGERY 167 COMMERCIAL STREET 10c BETIIELNEWS (Capital Journal Bpecial Service.) Bethel, Or., Jan. 6. The debate ot the literary last Friday evening was on tho question "Resolved that it is better to trade at me noma towns in preference to elsewhere." The sneak ers for the affirmative were Harlan Hoffman. Madison Nichols, and John Zak. Negative, John Clark, Ed. Bchulg and Paul liaker. The affirmative pre sented quotations to show that they could buy to better advantage in the home town. The negative had another set of quotations to prove the contrary. They also claimed that they conld sell to better advantage in other markets. Mnnv other arguments were presented on eoch side. The judges of the debate were: Mr. Swales, Mr. Albert Fuest man, Mrs. Alice Crabtree, Mrs. Hwales and Mrs. Remoh Behulz. The decision was throe for ths atiirmatlva and two for the nocativs. Tha following pro gram was given! Bong. ula Hula," br a mixed chorus. Heading, " Dotting Into the Wrong Room," bv Jonn ,sk. 8on. "Wie Kan leh Pica Lassen, bv Kd. Sehtilfi nnd W. R. linker. ' Reading. "Befriending a Horse," by Frank Kunciter. Bong, "the Old Year and the New," by Mr. and Mrs. Hoth, Mrs. Mattcn, Mr. Kuestman and Mrs. Uautenbiirg. Reading, "Betting the Old lilue Hen," by Oustave Huhnsen. Mandolin duet, "Hilvor Boll," by Paul Maker and Walter linker. Hesitation, by Herman Doney. Bongs, "Blue Hell," and "Dublin Ray," by Frnnlt Kunciter, K.i Rehulr., Koy Marebnnd and Marion HoiTmnn. Heading, "Personal Recollections," by U. 1j. Johnson. ""diiTg, i- H. B. Hoffman. Autoharp snln, by Mr. Koth. Heading, "The Old Maid and (lie Burglar," by John (.'lark. Rending, "A Midnight Murder," by Clifford Johnston. Recitation, "The Beacon and the Choir," by Harlan Hoffman. Rong, "Where ths River Sliannon Flows," by a mixed chorus. After recess a spelling contest was held. Mrs. Huth Arnold was champion speller and Christenie Huhnsen took second honors. There were sevral other good spellers but the results of tbo con test prove the need for morn sucb coo tents. The question chosen for debate next Friday is " Resolved, That the steam engine is morn practical than ths internal combustion engine," The meeting adionmed a few minutes be fore midnight. Among the former present at the literary last Friday evening nin.v bo mentiniiej Mrs. Alice Crabtree of Btayton, Mrs. Kuth Arnold of ticin, and Miss Bessie Hchrunk, of Salem. Last Saturday eveniug a rtanco was given by Chris Battalion. Thero were a large number present and they trip ped the light fantastic till nn early hour. The music was furnished by Mr. Flicgel and Bert Hresslcr. Tho school board is using a floor dressing on the floor of the school house this term. Tho dressing is giv ing good satisfaction as a dust extorm atos and it wears well. Tbo first coat was applied in Heptemher and the sec ond coat was applied just last week. Many Bethol young people have been taking advantuge of the unusual oppor tunity to go coasting. Teknnburg's hill is a popular plaoe for the sport and many happy hours have been spent toil ing up the steep slope for tho pleasure of ths wild ride to the bottom, with the possibility of a mil in tbo wet snow at tns end of tha rldu. Km 11 Bundliorg has lust had a siege of the grippe. Mr. Bnndhnrg Is able to e about nut the rest or the family are indisposed. William Hcnmnn, who has been work ing for Mr. Nichuls, Is laid up with the grippe, (Jeorgo Matten is another victim anj thero uro several others who are complaining of bad colds. Thero are a few gopher scalpers in Betnrl. OiiHlnve Huhnsen sold 118 scalps to the county clerk lat Monday. Kd Bchulx hud fill, tlcnrge Hahiisen 41), hris Battiiliun 4d, Mudiaon Mehols 'ii and Harlan Hoffman HI. A deer passed throujih this neigh borhood recently. Km 11 Sundborg saw the fresh tracks Monday whore tho deer had jumped some wirs fence near II. B. Hoffman 's house. Others have seen the tracks and agree that It must have been a largo deer. It is be lieved thllt tWlt .tllllttAra ..1 ... following the fleeing animal. Air. Arthur Page, recently from Can ada, is visiting at the boms of his brother, Mr. Claud Page. Mrs. Ruth Arnold, of Scla, has ro turned to her horns after a snort visit at ths horns of her sister Mrs. Remoh SihulA Mrs. Arnold is teaching a dis trict school near her home. Tho ansual meeting of tho Big Four Telephone rompan has been postponed for another week. The date is now set for January loth. W. H. liaker, tho company lineman, Is trying to arrnngo for a tolcphono demonstration tg l given at tho meeting. Further an nounccnient will lie made next week, If the carrier does not girt enrics notify tn oflca.