Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 06, 1916, Page TWO, Image 2

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MB. and Mrs. Ted Ludlam, who
have mado a host of friends in
Halom daring their sojourn here,
left Wednesday, Mr. Ludlam going di
rect to La Grande, where they will
mako their iionje, and Mrs. Ludlam
Stopping off in Portland for a fort
night's visit with her parenti.
Mr. iAidlara, who was manager of
the Snlem Fruit company' office in
this city, will take charge of a branch
commission house in that city.
Mr. and llr. Frank Spencer have
returned from Tillamook beach, where
they spent the holidays.
Mr. Kohe, who has been in Salem vis
iting his family during the holidays,
returned to Alaska the first of the
week, He was accompanied as far as
Seattle by Mrs. Bohe and daughter
Mr .and Mrs. Louis Josse, who are
the guests of Mrs, Josse 's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Barker, in Hoseburg, are en
joying a number of delightful affairs,
the most recent of wmch was tno Him
day breakfast presided over by Mr.
and Mrs. H. A. Sanford, in Edenbower.
lioHidcs the Josses, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanford's guests included Mrs. Josse 's
sinter, Miss Velio Burker and Joseph
Mrs. Russell Catlin returned from
; Portland the early part of tho week,
where she was the guest of friends
for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. James Murray liavo
gone to Ontario, Canada, where they
attended the wedding of Mr. Murray's
While in Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Mur
ray will be the guests of Mrs. Murray's
parents and otiier resatives.
Mr. Murray is exporting to leave
soon for abroad. Mrs. Murray will not
accompany her husband, but will re
main in Ontario during his absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Aufrance were,
hosts recently for a delightful dinner
anil dance honoring Miss 'Nell Sykos,
who has been the guest of her brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Hor
ace Bykes.
For dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Aufrance 's
guests included Miss Nell sykos, Mr,
m, ir..n ni,. ...I j.i,t.
Jannette, Miss Georgia Booth and
Ralph Muson. Later thirty-five guests
augmented the dinner party for a gay
evening oi dancing.
Mrs. Viola Holland, who has been
the house guest of her daughter, Mrs.
Ralph Glover, has returned to her homo
in Portland.
The North Salem Woman 's club has
arranged for a sale of cooked foods, to
-take place in Huron & Hamilton's fur
nture store on Janauary the fifteenth.
This aale, which will specialize iu
cakes, and all home-madrs of the choic
est recipes and materials will also in
clude a candy booth, which will be in
charge of the camp fire girls, who are
sponsored by the North Salem Wom
an's club.
Ms. Frank L. Turvino is chairman
of the committee.
Tho home of Mr. ami Mrs. J. F.
Tyler was the scene of a happy sur
prise party Tuesday evening, when a
number of friends -othcred to ecle
brato Mr. Tyler's uirtiidny.
Five hundred was enjoyed during the
evening, the following guests circling
the tables: Mr. and Mrs. B. Feelham,
Mr. and Mrs. Johu P. Murphy, Mrs.
liOiiisa Fostner, Miss Cora Barbor,
Miss Birdie Wiley and the Misses Geor
genia and Freta Feclhnm.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. F. llornsehueh and
daughters, Vclina uiiad Myrtle, who
have been visiting with Mrs. Horn
achucii ' parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Ferdin
and Kurz, on High street, left for
their home in Seattle Ins eveuing.
Before returning thev will stop in
Portland for a brief visit with Mr.
Hornschuch a brother.
Mian Macyle Hunter, small daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Roma Hunter, who has
been ill for several weeks, is convales
cing and will soon be out with her little
On Wednesday afternoon Miss Marni
Torb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam
Korb, and Louis Weiss, were married
at the pasonnge, the Reverend II. II.
Dorks, of the United Brethren church,
Mr. and Mrs. Weiss will mnke their
liome on a rauck two miles west of Lin
coln. ii
Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Epley have gone
1o Portland where they "will remain
lor several weeks.
Washington, Jan. tl. Spontaneous
combustion rather than Incendiarism
was assigned by authorities today as
the cause of the blaze which did small
damage Inst night in the hmeuicnt of
the state war and navy building.
Albany, N. Y., Jan. ft. Governor
Whitman today requested the immedi
ate resignation of Superintendent of
Prisons Riley for embarrassing the ad
ministration of the new Warden Kirch
way at Jing Sing prison,
Iu order to demonstrate to
the public tha latest methods
and electrical appliances for
treating the face and scalp, we
will give one face or scalp treat
ment free of charge to anyone
bringing this ad on or berore
January sth. Call and let iu
conylac you,
foraerial Beauty Parlors
BUM. Phone 303.
G. P. Opsund, of Bilverton, was a Sa
lem visitor yesterday.
J. 8. Murphy, of Brooks, was register
ed yesterday at the iJlign.
M. A. McCorkle, of Portland, is in the
city transacting business.
J. B. dinger returned last evening
from a tusmess trip to rortiana,
B. H. Kirby was registered at the
Multnomah hotel, Portland, yesterday.
W. 8. Gotton, of Polk county, was in
Portland yesterday transacting busi
ness. Miss Emma Muths is again at the
Barnes' store after an absence of s
Bobert Paulus, manager of the Ra-
lem Fruit union, went to Corvallis this
Mrs. L. A. Davis left yesterday for a
visit of several weeks with her daugk
ter in Corvallis,
Willium H. Egan returned today from
Corvallis, where he hus been attending
the farmers' institute.
F. W. flnston. of Tacoma, superintend
dent of agencies of the Scottish Union
and National Insurance companies, is
here today.
United Artisans Installed
New Officers Last Night
The following officers were installed
last evening by the I nitcd Artisans;
Mrs. Mary Cook, past master Artisan
U. U. Matlock, master Artisan.
Superintendent, Mrs. Rachel Rceder.
C. Z. Randall, secretary.
A. A. Gueffroy, treasurer.
Miss Florence Smith, master of cere
monies. Mrs. Irene St. Helons, instructor.
Mrs. Sarah Oliver, inspector.
Mrs. Mury Buley, warder.
Ernest Burker, senior conductor.
Harry Holt, junior conductor.
Mrs. Norma Leffingwell, fiold com
mander. Dr. L. O. Altman, field commander.
' ionow:
The following musicians were elect-
lur 'x": ,lnr,es r",a
Ho.vlr; M"rt'"1 yaTt Bnaari Richie,
The liquid nir demonstration, which
was to have been given this afternoon
in the high bchool auditorium, was
held in the chapel of Waller hall last
night. The liquid ajr arrived yester
day and it was necessary to use it the
same day. Professors Von Kschen and
Clark, assisted by Fred McMillia, dem
onstrated the uses of the liquid air. A
number Of hign school and university
students were present, and appreciated
the work which the professors did in
explaining this chemical element.
The ioung Women s Christian As
sociation will have t'no privilege of
hearing Miss Alice Fields speak on the
subject, "Tho Jov of Horn"," at their
meeting tais niter noon. Miss Grace
Thompson will sing a solo.
Tho I'hilodosinn Literary society
will present the following program in
their nulls tomorrow afternoon:
Instrumental solo, Nellv Beaver.
('coil Rhodes Scholarship, Gladvs
Voonl solo, Glenna Testers.
Rhodes Scholarship and the War,
Olive Mark.
This will be the first meeting since
the holidays.
The Adelante literary society will
hold a debate for their literary pro
grain in which the Misses Emma Mill
ion, Mary Eyre, Theresa Fowle and
Averil Harris will strive for honors
as co-ed debaters. The roll call will
consist of each member enumerating
a New Years resolution. A piano duet
will be given hv tho Misses Caroline
Sterling and Vesta Mulligan. The
First M. E. Kpwortii league will hold
a social at tho church parlors tomor
row evening, after tho basketball
game is over.
The Leslie Epworth league will also
hold a snciul nt the home of Miss
Gladys Carson.
Coach Mathews' "Bear Cats" are
in fine trim for tho gHme tomorrow
evening nt which time they will meet
the "old time stars" who formerly
shone out the Willamette ln.kcllmll
courts. The game which will be the
first of the schedule will be fast
from start to finish as most of those
who will piny on the alumni team have
been practicing for some time on one
or another of the commercial teams.
Coach Mnthewk, however, expects his
boys to wallop the "old boys" by a
good score just to convince them of
the fnot that Willamette has a first
class conference team this year.
Next Mouduy evening Prof. Robert
Slnueffer will deliver a lecture on
" liobindranath Tmore, Hebrew poet
and mystic, " at the c impel in Waller
hall. This is the fourth of the faculty
lectures and the public is Invited to
Mr. i'ou"las, secretary of the college
ing, Thursdnv mornings are given
over to the Y, M. C. A. His lecture
was of interest to all.
Standpatters holding out Induce
ments to Progressives remind one of
the man with a halter behind his back
offering a measure of oats to a colt.
Sample Sale Nu Bone Corsets
1 Nu Bone, aiae 22, regular price
17.50, now 3.50
1 Nu Bone, site 28, regular price,
$5.50. now 3.7B
1 Nu Bone, size 25, regular price, j
4.50, now - 13.00;
1 Nu Bone, sirs 32, regular price, I
$8.50, now 15.50
1 Nu Bone, gbte 21, regular price,
$1.60, now $2.70;
1 Nu Bone, sire 25, regular price, I
$7.50, now $173
Ladies' Outfitting Shop I
105 North Liberty Phone 224
stubborn Couahs $ 1
Makes Stubborn Coughs
Vanish in a Hurry
f nrpriatnair Good Cong-h Srm
Eaailr u Cheaply
Hade at Borne
If some one in vonr familv has an ob
stinate cough or a bad throat or chest
cold that has been hanging on and refuses
to yield to treatment, get from any drug
store Z'ai ounces 01 rmex auu mane ifc
into a pint of cough syrup, and watch
that cough vanish.
Pour the 2 ounces of Finer (50
cents worth) into a pint bottle and All
the bottle with plain granulated sugar
syrup. The total cost is about 54 cents,
ana gives you a ran pini a iumuy
supply of a most effective remedy, at a
saving of $2. A day's use will usually
overcome a hard cough. Easily prepared
in o minutes iuu uirecuuna wii.ii i mei.
KceDs Dcrfectlv and has a pleasant taste.
Children like it.
It's really remarkable how promptly
and easily it loosens the dry, hoarse or
ticht coucrh and heals the lnnamsd mem'
branes in a painful cough. It also stops
the formation of Dhleflrm in the throat
SnTKTcSugt' A spTS remedy'!0 "ZTZ' tft
for bronchitis, w-inter coughs, bronchial . flourish that the antique law will doubt
asthma and whooping cough. i less be relegated to the boneyard with
Pinex is a special and highly eoncen
trated compound of genuine Norway pine
extract, rich in guaiacol, which is so
healing to the membranes.
Avoid disappointment by asking your
druggist for ounces of Pinex," and
do not accept anything else. A guarantee
of absolute satisfaction goes with this
preparation or money promptly refunded.
The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, lad.
J. L Smith Bound Over
to Grand JuryMrs.
Blume Is Released
,T. L. Smith, who was arrested last
night, by the Salem police on a charge
of disorderly conduct with one Mrs. C.
Blume, was bound over to the grand
,iury this morning by city tiecorocr
Elgin, acting justice of the peace. The
police charge that Smith and the wo
man have been living together nt 1717
North Liberty street since last Novem
ber and when the officers went to ar
rest Smith they found them both in
one room partially disrobed.
released by order of District Attorney
Ringo in consideration of the fact that
i, i,.i .,nii i,;i,i,n ti.o
fomilv toAiild miffni. nin,A thon tha urn.
mnn if hft -wem Tint tn nil flnrl tier
oirciim.tnncps wmilil tint tiermit her n
pay a fine, so the police say. Portland ministers are favorable to
According to the story she tola the ?unday baseball and that the strict re
police court today her husband and 'ormcrg are an a small majority.- This
Smith had been partners in a land 8maU maJt.T hoover, has the power
deal and she developed a greater liking cr,eat,e considerable discord but Judge
for Smith than she had for her husband Ga"'en''e'n tt?,twice "led n ,favor ,,f
so her husband left and was in Kansas f,unday baseball and will doubtless hold
when she last heard from him.
Quinine That Does Not Affect
Because of its tonic and lnxative ef
fect Laxative Broino Quinine can be
taken by anyono without causing nerv
ousness nor ringing in the head. There
is only one "Broino Quinine." E. W.
GROVE'S signature is on box. 25c.
Monthly Report of
City Health Officer
According to the report of Dr. C. E.
Cnshatt for the month of December, 10
females and 15 males were bora in the
city. The denths numbered 0 females
and 13 males. Iu this registration dis
trict, which extends several miles ench
direction from Salem, the deathB in De
cember were 44, whilo tho births wore
40. Three eases of scarlet fever were
l reportd for the month and one case of
For last year, 2.14 births were re
ported to Dr. Casual t for the city of
Salem, and Iftii denths. May and' De
cember showed the largest number of
births, 25 each. April and December
reported for the month and one case of
2 each.
Only 87 cases of contagious diseases
were reported for the year, the largest
number being in Juno, when 20 were
reported. No contageous diseases were
reported fur the month of November.
Wr.XC.KK To Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph
Wenger, at. the Willamette Snta
torium, Thursday, January 6, 1910, a
daui'hter. The young lady has been
named Edith.
Santa Rosa, Cnl., Jnn. 6. Private
Everet lluskey of Company F, engin
eering corps, was takes back ' to Al
cstrnz Island by military authorities
todav after he had made his second de
sertion in order to be with bis bride,
San Francisco, Jnn. fl. Mrs. Wong
Sun Yue, sister of Mrs, Howard Gould,
saiicn toilay tor I tiina to enguiro
Montessnri wnrk there. M. Hnntil
will join her after a time.
25 People 25 6 Acts 6
7-Piece Orchestra Street Parade
Watch for the Band
The Biggut Show on the Circuit. Owing to the fact that this
how cannot be divided, the entire show will play it the
1 U U IllIll I L
Jimmy Richardson Believes
Fair Med People Can
Be Depended Upon
The fair minded people of Oregon
and the lovers of clean athletics will
not allow Sunday baseball to be knoei-l
ed out under the Sunday Blue Law ae-;
cording to the opinion of Jimmy Rich
ardson, a scout for the Portland Coast
league club, who is in Salem today in
the interests of a sporting goods house.
Jimmy says the Sunday baseball can
be killed under the law but there are
other "has beens. "
"The growth of tho athletic goods
'business in Oregon in the last three
years indicates that three times as
many people are taking active port in
athletics and thousands more-are go
ing as mere spectators," says the fa
mous ivory hunter and umpire, "and
the sentiment of the red blooded, fair
minded men and women is strongly in
favor of Sunday afternoon games
which permit the working man to enjoy
his favorite amusement."
"A board of censors is not even
necessary for a baseball game as the
people know they will always sec a
clean game and although there may bo
off years in the sport it will always be
America's great national game."
Jimmy umpired one of the games be
tween the Salem Senators and the Mc-
Minnville Yelobans in this city last
summer and is well known to the Sa
lem sport fans. He is of the opinion
that when the national game readjusts
itself from the shock of the Federal
league that prosperity will ooce more
return to organized baseball and the
gamo will receive a powerful impetus.
Baseball players were prone to lag if
tney knew there was an outlaw league
where they might locate if they were
"tales inat tne mo
me some mind should the issue ever
come before him again.
Southern Pacific Buys
Counterfeit Mexican Money
Son Francisco, Jan. 6. J. M. Arrio
ln, Carranza secret service operative,
testifying at the preliminary hearinc
of Robest J. Widney and Phillip Thorn
before Federal Commissioner Krull to
day that tho Southern Pacific company
nau unwittingly purchased lfti00,000
worth of counterfeit Mexican money
in the past four months from Thorn.
Widney and Thorn are charged with
attempting to sell $100,000 worth of
bogus coinage to Arriola.
Arriola deolnml he met Widney
through letters of introduction from O.
E. Parish ,of Las Angeles, who, Arri
ola said, told him Widney had a lot of
Carranza money to sell.
The Mexican detective then testi
fied that he had trailed Widney to the
Wells Jrnrgo Nevada National bank
wnere tne counterfeit money wbb
lodged in a safe deposit box. Arriola
suid Widney and Thorn rented the de
posit box. They were to meet him iu
a room at the Palace hotel later, he
testified, and there turn over the mon
ey to him.
President Is Asked -;
For Full Information
Washingtou, Jnn. fl, The senate this
afternoon unanimously adopted the reso
lution of Senator Fall of New Mexico,
asking President Wilson for informa
tion concerning the state of the Mexi
can problem.
Fall charged that the administration
nets toward Mexico had not squared
with its "fair words and strong
phrases," and he asked sarcastically
what had become of the promised ' 'piti
less publicity" which the administra
tion announced would be its policy.
"For the first time in history," said
Full, "the president has dared to
ignore the senate in such a matter."
Chairman Stone of the foreign com
mittee moved adoption of Fall's mo
tion, saying that he objected only to
Fall's remarks.
Washington, Jan. 6. The comptroll
er of the currency today called for a
statement of the condition f national
banks at the close of business Decern-
' ber ni.
(''tirintinnin NnrwnV Del! 22 (Sl)6- orillg BOOM Iiermiinvm pruic uuu niw,
ilson recalled the fact that the! . V"stiama'A0,ay'T":., C' A )L not consider any military advantages
magnates have never allowed ' , .,:..i..i.i i.: i . i,,,,ii existinir at the time of the proposal.
day morning games in Portland and i ? . ?- a 1 v til v..i ti, rmni, nvnncrd in fnvnr of i
16 JiDernl Of the , ' . .(,. w. 4V: .ni.;K;n1, ffrnnnnsod ns it is oft
Lamar Tooze Writes Letter
To Journal From Christiana
i " i - 1 I
- . . . ' - - '. . ' .
- ' 'M -
' . ' . ' V
. ' . -
J 7
' :; v. ' .-if' i.;:.- :
: . ; - i
1 fRtmleiit TPTiresentative. University of
Urcgon on tne xora 1'eace Jiiissiuu.j
Ford himself, in my opinion kuew how
the peace program was to be carried
out. I firmly believe that Mr. Ford and
those immediately in charge of tins
movement withheld their plans and
ideas until they could view the situa-
tion at a closer view.
Then too, I am of the opinion that
Mr. Ford would not have divulged the
plan so early had there not been a
compelling necessity tor so doing here
in Norway. The Norwegians had to,
have some .concise proposition before
they would lend their support active
(lltjr, UU VIIC HI IUV .vm ..... iuid v,..M..".uu.w..,
ana moral j,o mis movement. party arc very mucn encouragea dj- mc
Through Dr. Charles F. Aked, of San outlook. The Norwegians, as represent
Francisco, Mr. Ford announced his plan ed by the students, seemed cry strong
of procedure last evening when Dr. y in favor of the program.
Aked spoke before the student assoeia-j Olthough I have been with the main
tion of Christiania. Tho plan is brief- party but a little over a day, I find
ly this: The party will proceed from them to be very optimistic on the pence
Norway to Sweden, Denmark and final- movement. Tho rumor that was circu
ly to Holland where delegates from latcd regarding a split in the pnrty was
ouch of these nations will be added to unfounded. Everyone regards tho mis-
the American pnrty. Efforts are being sion seriously not as a joy-ride or
made to secure delegations from Spain sight-seeing trip. If Henry Ford doesn 't
and Switzerland, the other neutrals of succeed in bringing about immediate
Europe. ' peace, he will at lenst have the satisfac-
At The Hague, Holland, a number of tion of knowing that lie did his best,
general conferences will be held. From He is leaving nothing undone to enlist
he delegations represented a commis- the sympathy of tho neutral countries
sum composed of from three to five of Euroc.
n presenlatives from each country will We leave Christiania tomorrow mom
bo selected and will sit continuously nt ing for Stockholm. Sivcden, where at
Tlm Hague. The commission will inves- tempts will be made to secure Swedish
tigato tho whole situation and draw up support.
Monterey, Cnl., Jan. 6. The
"Scnorita of the Sherman rose
cottage" is dead.
She died at the nge of Sil,
firm iu the belief that the ro
mantic soldier who caino into
her life for a brief time many
years ago and promised to re
turn, is still alive,
During the Mexican war Gen
eral William T. Sherman, then
a captain, visited this section,
and met Senoritn Marin Vynac--ia
Bonefacia. He planted in
her garden a rose tree, since
grown to huge proportions, and
V"omiseJ to return to wed her,
it is said,
Mare Island Adapted
For Warship Building
Washington. Jan. ).-"The Hare Is-
land navy yard is admirably situated
for battleship building," Rear Admiral
Stanford told the house navy commit
tee todny in hearings on the naval
He pointed out, though, that there is
need for dredging the channel there, de
spite the fact that battleships of maxi
mum draught can now use the yard by
taking advantage of the tide, even if
they ecrajie the bottom. The bottom
there is soft, he said, and the ships
would not be injured, but he considered
it advisable to mnke it entirely certain
that the ships would not have to wait
for high tide.
He held it necessary, too, to have new
slips at tho Mare Island and New York
yards in order to rush to completion the
two new battleships awarded to them.
The cost of equipping Mare Island
for battleship construction, he said,
would be $150,000 of which $85,000
would be required for strengthening
the ways, $35,000 for a railroad and
other improvements, and $.10,000 for(
new crane. The best place on San
Fraacisco bay for a navy yard, he de
clared, would be Verba Buena island.
Journal New Today Ada de-
liver the goods,
some plan of peace that will bo agree-
able to all belligerents. The commis-
sum win cthmiiit um.r iTmiio ium
unofficial representatives of the ueutrul
nations arc briefly these: First that
such a commission would be unhimler-
ed in its action-ny govcrnmeinui jtu
tape. Second, that it would act with-
out passion and prejudice; and, third,
that it would excite public opinion so
that ultimately the governments would
have to act. The commission would
retire as soon as tho governments be-
gnn to treat for peace,
j)r. Aked's address was favorably
oommonted upon by the Norwegiun
)rps!, today and tho leaders of the
Eighteen Persons Are Miss
. ing But Captain Believes
All Saved
Kidneys ana bladder, such as backache,
l'arkcrsburg, W. Vu., Jan. 6. Kigh- weak back, rhenmntiism, dropsy, eon
teen persons were misBing today follow- geBtion of the kidneys, inflammation
ing tho sinking of tho steamer Kunii- of the bladder, scalding orine .and
wha in the Ohio river below this city urinary troublos. The physicians ami
after sho had struck a pier. Captain specialist at Dr. Pierce's great Inetitn
Bcrry, however, believes that everyone tion, at Buffalo, N, Y, have thoroughly
of tho 36 passengers and 15 crew are! tested this prescription and have been
safe probably on the Ohio side of the with one accord successful In emdicat-
mer. : ,e)akiln8 lncee troubles, and in most cases
The steamer crashed into a dam pier
during u heavy storm after tho wind
.",a "unguisneu mo iignmousc iiiiiiern.
The last of tho passengers were up to
their knees in water when taken off.
Hurvivors told pf seeing passengers in
life boats jumping from the vessel, nnd
others clinging to wreckage.
Captain Berry floated with the cop
sized vessel ,nnd pulled out by tho hair
a woman drifting to tho hull. A man
on a raft made of wreckage floated
five miles down stream.
The roar of a high storm prevented
the cries of passengers from reaching
the shore.
Herbert Wolf, the purser, is believed
to have drowned in trying to snve an-
Goods Selling at Cost
We make up Klmonaa. 'Wrappers, House Dresses and Underwear.
Gents' and Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Mailings, Blankets, Comf otters,
291 N. Commercial
Grocery Sale
Sjimon, sale prices, 3
Tomatoes, sale prices, 6 cans
for -45o
Sest Valley Flonr, sale price
.. .?1.10 sack
No. 1 English Walnuts, sale
price, pound -180
25c Bacon, sale price -20c lb.
Bacon Chunks, Bale price ..11c lb.
3 pounds Strained
sale price
Phcne 68 or call and leave your
Damon &SonI
855 North Commercial,
fve reel Equitable Feature
other person, and the steward is miss
ing. As the register was lost, thero is,
however, no means of checking the
"Everybody was brave," said one of
the survivors. "A few of them prayed,
but it all happened so quickly that
there was no time to get excited."
Hermiston, Or., Jan. U. Miss Maude
Phelps, aged 21, is today iroiaring to
qualify fur the office of city treasurer,
January 11, Shu was elected to the
office only a lew days lifter her 21st
Had -Terrible Pains
in Kidneys and Back.
Ikar Mr. Editor 1 want to write yon
about "Amnio." I was very sick, could
hardly be up ; I was in bed most of the
time. Had terrible pains in my kidneys
and back, so much to that I bad to
scream Bomotimee when I was sitting
down and wanted to get np, the pain
wag bo great. I had tried a well-known
kidney medicine but it didn't help me.
I heard of Dr. Tierce's Anurio Tablet
bo I thought I would try them. I took
only ono box of tho Tablets, and my
back is now free from pain and I can
work and take care of my family. I
feel I cannot say enough for this medi
cine. Sincerely, Mks. Wm. Keller.
NoTKt This "Anurio" Is adapted
especially for kidney complaints and
diseases arising from disonlers of tbe
aoeoiuieiy curing tne diseasea Kidneys.
Patients having once used "Anuric
at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, have re-
peatedly sent back lor more. Bitch a
demand has been crated that Dr. Fierce
has decided to put " Anurio" in the drag
stores of this country, in a rendv-to-use
form. If not obtainable send one dime
by mail to Dr. Pierce for trial package
or 50 cent for full treatment.
Dr. Pleroe's Golden Medical Discovery
Is blood cleanser and alterative that
starts the liver and stomach into vigorous
action. It thus assists the body to make
rich, red blood, which feeds the heart,
nerves, brain and organs of the body.
You feel clean, strong and strenuous.
St, Salem, Oregon
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