Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, January 05, 1916, Image 1

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Says Teuton Allies Could Make Peace Next Week Bt e
Allies Do Not Desire It "It Will Be a Long, Long '
Russians Are Crowding Austrians Back and May & 3
Occupy Czernavitz, If Tliis Has Not Already Happen
Russian Bombardment of Place Is Terrific
By Carl W; Ackerman,
(United Pi-ess Staff Correspondent.)
Budapest, Jan. 1. (Delayed) A great offensive by
the allies on all fronts in the spring is expected by the
Teutons. Hungarian officials, however, are certain that
the move will meet with defeat.
"The allies fail to take into account our military posi
tion, however," said Count Andrassy today to the United
Press. "We are situated so that we can help each other.
JVe can send men and resources to any front at any time.
We can concentrate something that the enemy cannot.
This makes our victory certain, because it overbalances
our opponents' resources."
Contrary to Berlin opinion, the Hungarians believe that
there will be no early peace.
"It thinks it will be a long, long war," continued the
count. There is no chance of peace in sight at present.
We could jnake peace next week but the allies do not de
sire it; they are not yet convinced of our superiority.
"But the world is becoming hysterical. Even neutral
nations are impatient. It is a shame for humanity that
we can't make peace now."
The count expressed admiration for the manner in
which King Cpnstantine has handled the Greek situation.
"He will keep his nation neutral and save her from the
disaster that wrecked Belgium and Serbia,'' said the
count. "Greece will increase her territory without
sacrificing men and money, and without risking her
future. No one can say that King Constantine is traitor
ous." , He predicted success for Teuton arms in Mesopotamia.
"I see that the English were forced to withdraw from
Bagdad," he commented. "And when the Turks bring up
reinforcements, the British will lose what they now hold
of Mesopotamia, and presently the Suez canal will be in
Russians at Czeniowitz.
London, Jan. 5. Under heavy bom
Imrdinent tho Austrians havo retired
across the Truth, north of Czernowitz,
Bukoninn, nceording to a Bucharest
message today which, however, did not
(infirm Petrogtad reports of Russian
occupation of the city.
In their retirement the Austrians
were (tn id tu have blown up two of the
Truth bridges. Meanwhile tho Russians
roio reported to be shelling tho south
hide bridgeheads in on attempt to ford
the river.
Inasmuch ns the Bucharest messnge
v.ns not dated, it is regarded as posi
tive that it was filed before reports of
tlio Czernowitz evacuation reached
there. The Hague reports Bnid civilians
had been ordered to reave portions of
Czcriunvitz and claimed that the Aus-
' '.'inns arc reinforcing their lines in
' that region.
The Russian war office said merely
that Slav forces had occupied n line of
trenches northeast of Czernowitz and
It id repulsed enemy counter attacks.
Italians to the Balkans.
Athens, Jan. 5. The Italians mnv be
Abe Martin
Another highly commendable thing
About a movie ectnr is that he never
murder his lines. Bedford, Imlinnny,
'II continue t' git nlong without sta
tionary saloons, th1 divs bavin' won
fighting in the Balkans within a few
days, according to advices today. Forty
thousand Bulgars are moving westward
and are within 28 miles of the Adriatic
east of Durazzo. It is reported that
the Italians hold Durazzo, and that tho
two forces may clash shortly.
Tight Over Conscription.
London. Jnn. B. The battle over con
scription which may mean a new crisis
in Great Britnin's domestic affairs
opened in parliament today. Premier
Asquith was prepared to introduce the
government's conscription bill, and It
was expected lie would expose the fail
ure of the voluntary enlistment plan
and anticipate tho arguments of the
conscription opponents. Kitchener was
expected to do likewise in the house of
Sir John Simon's explanation of his
resignation from the cabinet it was an
ticipated would be the signal for at
tacks on tho government measure, for
ho is generally supposed to have quit
because of tho compulsory service
It was understood that the bill ex
empts lrelund from conscription.
To Make America Arbiter.
London, Jnn. D. America becomes
nrbitcr in question) rnlsed by naval
warfare. This possibility wns seen to
day from tho offer of Sir Edward Grey
tu submit to an "impartial tribunal,
say of officers of trie United States
navy," disputed cases; including the
Bnrelnng incident. In the Bnralong
case Germany protested through Amer
ica to F.ngliind that the latter had
transgressed wnrfare rules in the Barn
long's sinking of a German submarine
and destruction of her crew.
British Loss 60,000.
London, Jnn. G. British casualties In
the September drive on the west front
in the buttle of Loos alone wero 60,000,
I'nder Secretary Teunnnt announced to
day. These figures include 2,378 of
ficers. Tho battle about Loos was one of
the most ferocious engagements of the
brief offensive. That it took a heavy
toll had been supposed, but tho actual
figures proved startling. ,
Kaiser Rewards Bopp,
Sim Francisco, Jan. C Kaiser Wil
helm hus sent Gorman Consul ,Bopp
Ine the Red Kogln of tho Third class.
Chicago, Jan. 5. Zero weatiicr is en
route todny to tho central states, and
the coldest weather of tho season Is
duo by night.N It was 33 below rcro to
dny in Pnskntchwan.
New York, Jan. 5. Colonel
Roosevelt by asking the Michi-
gan state secretary not to cn-
ter his name in the presidential
primary as either a bull mooser
or republican, indirectly said
that Justice Hughes is the most
likely republican choice, Sena-
tor Gore, of Oklahoma, hold to-
"Whoever defeats Hoosevelt
will get the presidential nomin-
ation," said Gore. "Hughes is
the most likoly, and I think he
will accopt."
Expert Points Out Possibility
of United States Facing
Both Soon
By J. W. T. Mason.
New York, Jan. 5. A warning to
America to prepare for a probable con
flict with Japan is given by Lord
Northcliffe today in his copyright arti
cle written for tho United Press when
he points outthat America's wealth and
defenselosBness will inevitably per
suade some ono to come anil take what
they want.
Outwardly he veils his warning by
suggesting the ''Laplanders" will be
the invaders, but he reveals his inner
meaning by the suggestion that "you
can change tho words as you choose"
aud by describing an invasion of the
Pacific coast,
Tho seriousness of his warning is em
phasized by the possibility of a Teuton
Japanese understanding after the war.
Such a situation-may be forecasted by
the fact that German prisoners are be
ing favored in Japan, while it is re
ported from Tokio that tho Nipponese
will not block the kaiser's efforts
after the war to regain Germany's
lost prestige in China.
Don't Like the Alliance.
Moreover, there is a growing dis
satisfaction in Great Britain over the
British allance with Japan. Canada,
Australia and New Zoaland are hos
tile to Oriental intimacies of John Bull,
and these portions of the British, em
pire are destined to have a wider in
fluence in international politics than
they havo had heretofore. They op
pose future pledges of British support
to Japan In caso sno is invoivcu in
This colonial disapproval is probably
the reason why Great Britain does not
sanction having the Japanese fight
with tho othor allies in fcnrope.
The colonics doubtless will favor an
understanding with America over
Japan, and Lord Northcliffo has prob-
ablv sensed me lociing oi ureal uim
on this point.
His warninor mnv well bo cryptic
prophecy that Japan and Gormany will
be found together in a new alliance in
the future, with tho United States as
their common enemy. Then America
mitrhl hnvo to rclv on Great Britain
for support. Indeed, it would be in
evitably necessary u sucn n i-unumiu-tion
mndo simultaneous attacks against
the Altantic and Tariffo coasts and
caught America unprepared.
London. Jan. C 111 Introducing the
government's conscription bill in the
house of commons today, Premier As
quith declared England does not plan
to draft all men of military age at
"liesults of Lord Derby's enlistment
campaign show that tho cuso lor pen
eral compulsion is not yet proven," hi!
Ireland, Asquith announced, Is ex
cluded from tho provisions of the con
scription bill. This step was taken to
avoid the opposition of Irish leaders.
Tho bill drafts' ull singlo men be
tween tho ages of IS and 41, eligible to
military service; and also widowers
of tho samo age,, without any persons
dependent upon them.
It exempts, however, 'bachelors nnd
widowers engaged in 'Mndhij'cnsablc
and special occupations," like making
munitions or working on railways; it
also eliminates those who are supiju4
ing relatives; and thoso with ien-V
tious scruples agulnst war, such as the
Very Active Market
Was Feature of the Day
(Copyright 1015 by the Now York Ev
ening Post.)
New York, Jnn. 0. In a very active
market today, it was not easy to de
tect that the governing influence ot
the international situation was enough
to unsettle the mind of any financial
market. The break in prices was re
peated irregularly this morning anil ef
fected highly apcculutive issues but not
standard investment shares.
Professional attacks were indicated
by the "report" of tho kaiser's death.
This was hardly a credit to tho in
ventive powers ot tho market rumor
President's Plan Doomed to
Defeat and All Others May
Share Its Fate
Lawmakers Are Very Tender
About the Feelings of
Their Constituents
Washington, Jan. si-Unlcss it is ma
terially modified, President Wilson's
military preparedness program will be
beaten, the administration itself be
lieves, it was authoritatively learned
Senate Leader Kern's dofection from
the ranks of supporters furnished final
proof of this to the White House. He
has balked at the program because be
held that his Indiana constituents are
opposed to it.
This leaves the program unsupported
by the leadors of both houses. Majority
Leader Kitchin of the house held off
from tho first and announced ho could
not give his aid to tho program, but
Kern was expected to lead tno adminis
tration fight in the Benate.
The preparedness sentiment which
swept the country several weeks ago
has reached its cresti some leadors
think. Moreover, President Wilson is
receiving discouraging reports of the
"Folks Don't Like It."
The opposition to the program ccn
tors in Secretary Garrtson'B army plan,
which includes military training tor a
vast citizen armv. Th people ,"back
home" do not liKO it," mnny congress'
men report.
"I will stand by my statoment that
generally I will support the prepared
ness prnrnm, which of several proposed
plans i Till npproe I cannot say,
commented Kern todny.
The political and porsonal relation
ship between former Secretary of State
Bi-vnn and Kern lias always been close,
and Kern's defection is traced to the
ex-premier, who spent two days with
Representative Kitchin making plans
against the administration program.
Bryan Takes a Hand.
Leaders with whom Brvnn tnlked
said that ho is viciously bitter against
(Continued on Tago Five.)
Washington, Jan. 5. President Wil
son called Secretary of Stnto Lansing
into conference regarding the interna
tional situation nrising from tho Per
sia case, shortly before 1 o'clock to
day. At the conclusion of nearly nn hour's
session, I.aniiing suid that tho country
is still "waiting for tho facts" in the
Persia case.
The secretary hoped that Ambassador
Penfield at Vienna would bo nblo to
enlighten the administration within a
day on the details of tho caso.
Indications were that a certain tlmo
will be given for informal inquiries at
Vienna, and if theso develop nothing,
specific requests will bo mado on Aus
tria to aid tho administration in deter
mining the nationality of the submarine
which attacked tho Persia. That it waa
Austrian, however, was tho general im
pression, inasmuch as only Austrinn
submarines are reported to have been
operating In the Mediterranean where
tho Persia met its fate.
As far as other negotiations between
Austria ami America are concerned, all
evidence indicated that the situation is
Lansing said that probably no further
note will be sent to Austria In tho An
cona case. This indicates that the loose
ends iu that situation will bo settled in
conferences with Charge d' Affuircs
If it is finally found that an Austrian
diver wink the' Persia there in a strong
indication that the fact that tho liner
carried a gun will be tho main bono
of contention. Lnnslng said in this con
nection that naval authorities will prob
ably be asked to determine the
efficacy of the Persia's 4.7 inch gun.
with a view to showing whether its
presence wns sufficient excuse for an
unwarranted attack.
The secretary denied that tho gov
ernment is considering a note to Austria.-
With regard to a report thnt the
administration would warn not to travel
on armed niercliBntment, ho declared
that it had not '"'cn discussed.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 5.
An order of dismissal has been
filed in the case of a cigar
manufacturer of Jersey City, N.
J., who through his attorney,
Joseph P. Tumulty, sued the
William G. McAdoo Tunnel com-
pany for damages before Vice
Chancellor Garrison. After Mc-
Adoo became secretary of the
treasury, Garrison secretary of
war and Tumulty secretary to
. the president the caso was set- -
Madame Schwimmer Denies
Story-Expedition Will Cost
Half Milon
By Charles P. Stewart.
(United Press staff correspondent.)
Copenhagen, Jan. 5. Expenses of the
Ford peace expedition to date have been
$300,000, BuBiness Manager Plantiff.
said today, aud they will reach at least
$500,000 exclusive of the cost of the
permanent peace tribunal to be estab
lished after tho party returns to Amer
ica. Madame Schwimmer, Hungarian
peace advocate, will not roturn to the
United States, but instead will remain
with tho tribunal in an advisory capac
ity, drawing a salary from Ford.
The expedition is preparing to go to
Tho Hague Friday, but tho Gorman min
ister here admitted that it is possible
that the Borlin foreign office might
still refuse permission to the dolcgntcs
to cross Germany.
Cabled Now York reports that Ford
had changed his views as to the cause
of the war, and that he now believes
tho peoplo of the belligerent nations
favored the struggle and that it was
not pushed by munitions interests,
caused consternation among tho dele
gates, Madame,. Schwimmer dc'!lar'','
the reports are untrue.
Weather Shams See
No Signs of Change
Portland, -r., Jan. 5. With tho up
per Columbia river jammed with ice,
a steady cold east wind blowing ami
the tiiormomotor slaying well below
the freezing mark, weather prognostic
ators iu the northwest todny saw little
hope for an immediate cessation of the
cold wavo. However, the government
forecaster fell down on his prdeiction
today. Ho said there would not be
any 'snow. An inch of now snow fell
early today.
Gathering Information,
Washington, Jan, 5 Slowly, but sure
Iv. tho Btnto department todny mobil
ized information from a dozen sources
uiion which to bnso the vigorous action
in tho torpedoing of tho liner Persia
promised by President Wilson,
lluw soon tho administration will net,
however, cannot bo predicted. Difficul
ties in securing vitul information as to
incidents surrounding tho sinking of
tho vessel with American Consul Mc
Neely aboard are growing. But before
tho week-end, it is believed this gov
ment will havo sufficient busis for ac
Tho tension which marked tlio Una-
tion yesterday in official circles was
somewhat relaxed today. In fact, a
sliuht optimism was manifest, Hone
I for a satisfactory outcome was based
on Austria s possiblo action. Homo au
thorities held that bIio will take the
initiative in disavowing tho incident
nnd in punishing the attacking subma
rine commander, should it develop Unit
an Austrian undersea bunt wus re
Officinls do not believe that Austria
had repudiated her promise in the last
Ancona noto which agreed that Austria
desires to maintain friendly rolntions
with the Unitod States and to observe
international and Immune rules as iu
sisted upon by this government.
Delay in any action from Austria was
ascribed to the inubilily of tho com
mander of the submarine which is be
lieved to havo sunk the Persia to reach
his base and report. Officials felt
however, that as noon as this report Is
avnilablo and if it shows he exceeded
the proprieties, Austria will take prop
er action without waiting fur Amer
ica's ultimatum.
Cabled summaries of survivors af
fldavits arc expected soon by the state
department which has ordered its of
ficials abroad to get information as rap
iillv as possible,
Unofficial reports thnt the Persia's
boilers blew up promised to figure in
tho situation, but officials do not bo
licve thitf the reported boiler explosion
was the initial cnuse of tlio disaster.
OF 1 2,000,000 IN SPRING
Has 5,000,000 Fresh Armed
Is Arming Another 2,000,000 at Rate of 500,05H) a
Month-Gathering Great Stores of Munitions From
Abroad and Has Plants For Their Making In All Hsr
Cities-This Is Russia's Answer to Germany's Peace
Terms as Offered .
(By IT. P. Staff Correspondent.)
Petrograd, Jan. 5. Watchful wait
ing, that woll known Amorican policy
regarding Mexico some months ago,
sums up the war situation in Russia to
day, but watchful waiting in liussia
has a meaning nil its own.
Whereas Undo Sam, after experi
encing a few pin-pricks in his patienco,
remained passive( the great Russian
bear after sustaining a healthy, life
sized wallop on liia tender snout let out
a roar that shook the earth continents
away. Reduced to plain English the
roar was:
"Give mo munitions; I've got
enough men."
That was several months ago. Rus
sia's greatest arsenal, near Potrograd,
had been blown to smithereenB; the
armies of Grand Duke Nic'aolns, yield
ing to the Austro-Gcrman steam roller,
had been driven from the Carpathians
back into Russia and had lost Warsaw
and the whole of Polnnd; there was
political dissension In Russia; alarming
semi-revolutionary outbreak were oc
curring here and there; the ever ad
vancing enemy was threatening even
Moscow, and the greatest seaport In
the Bnltic, Riga, appeared to be about
to fall.
Bear Not Hibernating.
In winter benrs usually hibornntn,
but all these tilings nnd more which
happened to tho Russian bear in tho
summer and full of 11115 precluded any
idea of his going Into winter quarters
this year. Russia is today the most
active winter bear extant.
Russia has now mobilized her indus
tries and shells and other munitions in
great quantities have begun to flow
I'rom the factories and shops in every
important Russian city; tho Russian
cnbinet has boon reformed with partic
ular reference to a more active conduct
of tho war; tho peasants who used to
drink vodka have bocomo used to a
vodknless Russia ami are putting their
prof ita from vodkalosa harvests-honc.o
bigger harvests into the provincial
banks; Grnnd Duke Nicholas lias been
suporscded by tho Czar as coiumandor-in-chief
and hns taken hold of the im
portant campaign in the Caucasus.
Stirred to renewed vigor under its rul
er, tho army has used tho shells born
of the industrial mobilization and re
pulsed the enemy in the vicinity ot
Itign, besides putting him on tho de
fensive elsewhere.
Munitions Pouring In.
These and many moro things have
happened in Russia since tho double
en Hie wlincKca too near on tno snout.
Tho roar for munitions which tho bear
let out soon reached Japan, Enulnnd
aud America, and l'ur tho last throo
mouths rifles, shells and cannon have
been pouring into tho Pacific and Arc
tic ports. Canadian Ice-breakers will
keep Archangel open nil winter for mu
nition luden ships from America, Heav
ily loaded (ruins nro crawling across
tho Siberian plains in almost endless
procession, slopping here anil there iu
deposit rifles nnd cartridges for men
who havo been training with sticks and
Has Twice Held Law Uncon
stitutional and Is Likely
To Do It Again
Portland, Or., Jan. 5. There's stil
bono for Sundnv baseball in Portland
oven though three federal judges have
injecicii HIV 1IIIU It U1UU JUVV Ul HIV til'
tuira of INHI.
llusebnll fans realized this today
when Circuit .Mm ire (iiititeubeln an
nounced that tho final hearing for a
permanent in. unction restraining Mult
nomah county officials from enforcing
tho law will lio Held tomorrow.
Twice, in tho faro of contrary su
preme court decisions, Judgn Ganton-
lieiii has declared the hoary old statute
unconstitutional. For this reuson it is
not believed that tho federal court do
clsion will detur him. Neit.mr the.
stnto supremo court nor the fodernl
court passed directly upon tho point
which Judge tiniitenbeln doclnron
should lie relegnted to tho scrap heap
tho old law which menaces baseball.
Judgn (lauteiibelii's two decision
declared tlio law iiiicnnstitutlonal but
It refers to Sunday as "Lord's day."
This constitutes religious legislation,
tho judgn said, and is contrary to the
constitution of the United States,
Jiulun tlantenbcin's decision will np
ply only to tills county, and will not
prevent tno oniorceiuent or mo oios
lug law In tho rest ot tho state.
Troops at Beginning of Year-
only lacked the arms wherewith to Join
the armies now preparing for Russia'
future campaign.
With the beginning of the new year
various estimates placed the number of
fresh-armed Russian troops at five mil
lion. At least two million more are be
ing armed at the rate of over half a.
million a month. An additional million
of twenty-year-old youths were culled
upon December 4. There will take their
places in the ranks early In the year.
Twelve Million Soldiers.
Russia's veterans already holding
the battle-line from Riga to the Black
Boa and operating in the Caucasus ara
estimated to total at least 4,WM),tWt),
all hardy fighters, making the total of.
Russian military strength in sight ap
proximately twelve million men.
- Like England, France and Ituly, Rus
sia is preparing to fight in the Bal
kans. This campaign, which ia already
under way, is under tho leadership ot
General Diniitrieff, ex-commander of
tho Ninth Bulgarian army, who re
nounced Czar Ferdinand and Bulgaria,
and sent back the military deeorationa
tendored him by his former sovereign.
Dimitrieff ' first objective ia Bulgar
ia, anticipation of which early in De
cember sent Austro-Gorman and Bul
garian regiments hastily to RustrhuU,
the nearest Bulgarian city to the Rus
sian border. i
it was Russia that delivered Bulgar
ia from the Turkish yoke. When faced
bv the Russians as a foe, led by a fornt
er popular general of the Bulgarian
army, wholesale desertions from the
Bulgar forces are considered a potent
possibility. . .. .
Has Million FrlKOiwra.
Russian forces too, have been sut
in ample numbers to the Caucasus in
ordor, if necessary, to lend aid to the
Uritinh in the event the Sue Canal
should be seriously threatened by the
reinforced tlcrman-lea Turns.
Though Russia has lost an estimated
million and a half prisoners to tier-
many nnd Austria, neanv a million .
men of tho double enemy have been
captured and sent to Hiberia where
they are in no danger of liberation, a
are the Russian prisoners in uormauy
and Austria. Tho Austro-German loss
es during tho Inst three montis, on
the Russian front, have been enormous.
Russia s own losses havo not sieen
slight, but they are. undoubtedly far
under those of the enemy, most of
whose fighting has been offensive. The
activities of (Jenoral Ivanoff in East
ern Gnlicia during September, October
nnd November nro credited with put
ting 200,0011 of the enemy out of U
Plans General Offensive.
Optimism hns now taken the place of
tho possimisni that prevailed in Rus
sia during tho dark days of the sum
mer. Tim man on tho htroet iu Petro
grad knows as woll as tho highest of
ficial that Russia plans an offensive
against Ocrmnny ami Austria in the
spring of HMU tho liko of wiiich the
world has never experienced. Perhaps
it will come sooner, Whether the ex
penditure of vnst quantities of ammuni
tion on the front, starting in Novem
ber and continuing through Doromber,
is preparation for an advance curlier
than March, or just a mensure to keen
tho Germans from digging in ami pro
tecting themselves ngnirjst tho intense
cold of a Russian winter is not quite
Russia generally Is watchful waiting,
but it takes no clairvoyant to forecast
that tho animal that confronts tho Ger
mans before many weeks will not be
tho sumo sore-nosed henst of the sum
mer and ant it in ti of 11)1.1.
Redmond Bench, Cat., Jan. S. Palo
Verdim hills ranchers went eagle, hunt
ing todny. The huge birds are consid
ered a menace. Following their attacks
on livestock, a huge eagle attempted to
anise tho baby of Mrs. George Carson
from Its basket in front of a ranch
house. Mrs. Cnrsnn fought tho bird
with a rake, finally routing It. tthe
sustained scrntched hands and face.
Oil', you WOULD
Oregon: To- '
night and Thurs
day generally
fair cast, occa
sional snow or
ruin west por
tion; slowly ris
ing temperature.
Bout heasteily