Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" Tl'KSDAY KVKXINlj Janmirv 4, mo. CHARLES H. F1SBEB. Editor and Manager rUBUSHKD EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, ORKGOX, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, CHAS. H. FISHER, DORA C. ANDRESEN, l'ri'sidi'nt Vice -President Sec. and Treas. SUBSCRIPTION HATES ' Daily by carrier, per year $3.00 IYr month. Duily by mail, per year 3.00 IV r month. FULL LEASKD WIRE EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago WardLewis-Williams Special Agency Harry R. I'ishor Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys nrp instructed to put the papers on the porch. If the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglect getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation manager, us this is the only way we, can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main SI. RUSSIA'S DREAM Many things have been changed by the European war, and many more will be before ifAends. Germany's being shut in and her trade with the balance of the world cut off, has been responsible for much of this. The things other countries formerly relied on Germany for, they have had to seek elsewhere. For instance France instead of Germany furnished a ' larger portion of the dolls and toys used at Christmas, and which before the war were supplied mostly by Ger many. America also went into the toy business. Shortage of dyestuffs caused the chemists to get busy and it is claimed America can now make the dyes it used to depend on Germany for. Hundreds of other things of this kind have been brought about by the necessities of trade. When the war is over, this trade will be estab lished and it will be a long time before Germany again controls it, if ever. The United States is profiting by trade with South America and other countries that used to trade with Germany, and trade lines once established are hard to ' turn into different channels. These are but a few samples of what the war has done toward changing the-world's trade relations. There are hundreds of others, many of them of more importance than the things mentioned. The greatest change though will be caused by the lesson taught the nations about be ing self-supplying in many things they have heretofore depended on other countries for. This feature will be felt most when peace again finds the world, and it settles back into the old business of making money instead of throw ing it away. One of the greatest changes the war has brought about is its stirring Russia up to finding an all-the-year-round seaport. For centuries this has been her dream. It was for this that her eyes ever turned longingly on Constanti nople, and an outlet through the Mediterranean. This was denied her largely through the efforts of one of her present allies, but her necessities have forced her to accomplish what she had before thought possible only through the Dardanelles. She consulted American railroad engineers as to the possibility of building a railroad from Ekaterina harbor on the shores of the Arctic ocean to Petrograd. The dis tance was about 1,000 miles, and the country mostly a morass; but since the war started a double track railroad has been completed the entire distance, more than 100 miles a month being completed. All that is now required is rolling stock, and Russia is forever free from the iron bars that have shut her in. This alone is worth to her all the great sacrifices she has made. America will perhaps supply the rolling stock, and furnish the brains to. operate the road. When once in operation the question of munitions will be largely settled as she will have the world to draw on for them. It was only dire necessity that caused the build ing of this road, and strange as it may be, it was Germany that forced her enemy whom she had supposed forever safely bottled up, to thus attain her freedom. England, too has always felt safer with Russia in a jug at least half the year and she controlling the cork, and it will be a source of annoyance and regret to her that Russia has found an outlet, when the war is over. The new port is some distance north of Archangel, Russia's former port on the Arctic, but it is further to the west and is kept open by the Gudf stream that loses itself near that point, but which keeps the seas open the year round. Russia's dream of a seaport open all the year has at last been attained, and it is due to the war that this dream has come true. The Serbians according to a recent dispatch are sore at the allies and justly so. They say that when they were prepared and wanted to attack Bulgaria the allies would not permit it, but made them wait until the Bulgarians had fully prepared themselves, and the Teuton allies were ready to aid them. Then after obeying the allies; when the test came they were left alone to face ten times their LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1SG8 CAPITAL Transact a General Hanking Husiness Safety Deposit Boxes SAVINGS DEPARTMENT .45c .35c TEI.EORArH RETORT COMES TRUE $500,000.00 numbers and were given no assistance. They feel that they have been as badly treated by their supposed friends as the Belgians were by their enemies. They say they can see no difference between overrunning a country and devastating it and deliberately going back on sacred promises and allowing someone else to overrun and destroy a country. One they say is positive, the other negative, but both result in the same thing, only the negative way is the more cowardly. In fact they put up a pretty strong indictment of their friends, the allies. And as the lawyers say there is at least "sufficient evidence to justify their being placed on trial." Henry Ford, who arrived in New York yester day, says his views as to the cause of the war have changed since he started on his peace mission. He thinks now it is the people who are doing the fighting who are to blame, whereas when he started he thought it was the bankers and the munition makers who were at the bot tom of the trouble. He says it is the masses, and that they keep it up "because they do not think." He does not say what caused this sudden change of ideas, but as he saw nothing of Europe, met none of those engaged in the war, and was not even inside the territory of any of the warring nations, he must have gotten his new views while on board the Oscar II, and from Aked, Jones or others of the party. If he expects now to bring about peace by making the people of Europe think, he has a job that will take him a lifetime and break him besides, and then he will not have made a start at it. The sinking of the British steamer Glengyle Sunday by a submarine has still further muddled a situation al ready sufficiently complicated. It caused the president to bring his honeymoon to a sudden termination and start for Washington. So far it is not known what nationality the submarine belonged to, or on whom to place the blame. With Austria's frank acceptance of the American position as being correct, it is hardly fair to lay the blame on her, or to think she did not mean just what she said in her note to the United States. It may be, too, that an Aus trian submarine might have attacked the Glengyle, not having yet' received orders to refrain from so doing. At any rate it is not necessary to lose our heads over the matter until it is fully understood. Californians can keep busy for a few weeks preparing literature to overcome the slam the weather clerk assisted bv the newspapers have given their state's most valuable asset, the climate. With six inches of snow at Stockton, and three more of the fleecy at San Bernardino; snow balling in Los Angeles and smudge pots burning all night to keep Jack Frost out of the orange groves, and all on New Year's day the job is a fairly big one. On top of this Sunday night a roaring gale swept over San Francisco, and many other climate blessed towns,, doing consider able damage, and Oroville four inches of rain in 24 hours flooded the country around, drowned the railroads out and played all kinds of pranks. It is stated that Yuan Shi Kai, recently selected em peror of China has sat upon the throne and been hailed as emperor, although he has not yet been acclaimed. He probably just wanted to see if the throne would fit. lie will perhaps find it rather roomy and as for his being hailed as emperor, he may find his occupancy of the throne will consist of considerable more hail than reign. "The kaiser has graciously consented to permit the Ford peace party to pass through Germany in order to reach The Hague, but he makes the proviso that none of the party shall leave the train while it is on German soil. Now what do you suppose he meant by putting that string on his consent? Maybe he was afraid Mr. Aked would get off and try to run things. RipplingRhijrnGS , A v Walt THE PLUTE'S LIBRARY Oh, stately books, in handsome cases, all standing in their proper places, selected, with an artist's feeling, to match the furniture and ceiling1 Pope's, Milton's, Scott's and Shakespeare's crrindinir. done up in it V that Shakespeare dub and kindred blighters and said to him, 'Now, off you caper, and buy me books to match this paper; the libra'ys here, so go and trim it with Standard Works, and crowd the limit'." In my cheap shack the books are scattered around the floor, all stained and battered; they have no dcckeledged ambition they're mostly fifty cent editions; but every hour and day I need them, and all the neighbors come and read them. Mafon sV.vf WM 1 . JM costly leather binding, and all so dismal and forbidding, that you would cry, "Aw, quit your kidding," if some one said, "Sit down and read 'em, to browse around you have full freedom." They stand in rows, all un molested, unread, unfingered, undigested, save when a housemaid comes to clean them, and from the dust and cobwebs wean them. The white exhibits them to callers, and says, "They cost ten thousand dollars; I hired a man who knows good writers A Galley o Fun! THE ETERNAL FEMININE Another Allegorical Slander on the 8ex In a vision 1 saw the end of all Miings Mundane, and the cessation nt lime. And before an angel stood a youth, a man and a woman. The flushed face of the youth glowed ii-ith expectation: the eyes of the man were lit with Joy, as one who has : oiled for the great reward. The wo man, too, looked pleased and expect nt; out then a shade crossed her face and she bit her Hp with vexation, lor aha thought of herself: "Lo! there "it no other women here to behold me siilied above them!" , And the angel beckoned .to the Hill rnd gave him a robe, saying: '.:ore is the garment of perfect hap iiesa. It hath little difference from i ? vestment of youth that now appar you: but this will last forever!" Viiil the youth cried joyously: "It Is sir more beautiful than the one I ..-ear!" And he passed on, singing blithely. The man received his robe, and his f.icc was as a face illuminated, and he spake, saying: "Lo! The way has been long and the burdens I have borne were heavy, but now I am clothed in sweetness and light!" And he went his way rejoicing. Thsn the woman drow near, and In her bosom her heart sang as a bird. For was she not to have a new habili ment? But, the robe being placed upon her, she glanced down at It and said: "Are you sure It becomes me?" And the angel answered: "The garment of perfect happiness Is be coming to all who are becoming to J it." But the woman heard him not, for her eye had detected a flaw In the weaving. Now, this flaw was of her own doubt; but she saw only the flaw and iuestloned not Its cause. "I can fix It over," she thought; Mid she sat down and picked at the flaw. Then, as her fingers seized up on a filmy strand of hope (for hope la the woof of happiness, and content ment is the warp), the threads ran, and in a moment the garment of per fect happiness was revelled Into i hopeless tangle of dull colored threads tit lisr feet. Then the woman cried aloud: "Oh! 'Die flimsy thing! Let me try on something else please!" But the distributer of the garments of perfect happiness was gone. And the woman burst Into tears ray ing it was just too mean for anything, but that that was the way she was nlways treated! Application Ain't you mean to say such things! lf'1 awZ THE HUMAN DRtADNAUGHT. Sir Giles And mark ye, Sir Perce vol, the time will, come when no man In light marching order will carry more than 200 pounds. WRONG MEANS, BUT DESIRED RE SULT. Sunday-School Teacher Now, blnee Johnny has told us that It was Joshua who commanded the sun to stnr.d s 111, fan anyone tell us why ho commanded It to do so? Willy ricase, Ma'am, I s'po'O it was because Joshua didn't know any thing about the earth, turnin' ou lie nxls. A PROSPECT OF ENLIGHTENMENT First Cannibal. The missionary Kays Ills people do not make war on Ihelr enemies In order to eat them. Second Cannibal. They do not? Then, I suppose he can give us a whole lot of new reasons for Uillinp people, i i. . UNDER THE LOCAL OPTION PLAN First Citizen Did you vote to allow the saloons In this ward to keep open on Sunday? Second CltUen No, sir! If a man In this ward wants a drink on Sunday let him go to iom other ward. That's w hat I dot ' 'AFTER TWS TIGHT." "This diagram shows just whore sUugger was hit." "YesT It might simplify mullets to make a diagram showing where be v ft -m; ii 1 ,v 0 Mi IVlT - wasn't hit." . , .. . Hopes Women Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Glass of hot water each morn ing helps us look and feel clean, sweet, fresh, llappv, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear skin; a nat ural, rosy complexion and freedom from illness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman ami likewise every mau could realize the wonders of the morning inside bath what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complexions; in .stead of the multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, optimitic throng of rosy-cheeked peo ple everywhere. An inside hath is had by drinking, each morning before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and ten yards of bowels the previous day 's indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweaten ing and freshening the entire alimen tary canal before putting more food in to ie stomnch. Those subject 'to sick headache, bit liousuess, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds; and particularly thoe who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipnted very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but a trifle but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick ami eiunrkable change in both health ami appearance awaiting those who practice internal sanitation, We must remember that inside cleanliness is more important than outside, because the skin does not absorb impolitic to contnmiunte the blood, while the pores of the thirty feet of bowels do. To Extend Influenece of Commercial Clubs of State To keep in touch with the formation of a State chamber of Commerce to re place the old Oregon Development League, W. 51. Hamilton, president of the Commercial Club and (). H. Luck, business mnnager, attended a meeting in Portland December 31. Present at this meeting were prominent business men from ail parts of the state, and also officers from tho more active commercial clubs. It developed at this meeting that the Oregon Development league was inade quate for the coming development ot the state ami that its functions would not extend beyond that of advertising the state, inducing settlers to locate. As the League was not organized and financed to promote the agricultural, industrial and commercial development of the state, it as proposed that a strong (State Chamber of Commerce be formed. Through this central state chamber of commerce, it is proposed to develop the state through legislation as well as education. This new body will be composed out only of commercial clubs but granges ami all other organizations and through its actum, it is hoped that the granges will work with the town chilis and com mercial organizations for tho benefit of the state. A eoiniuitt.ee of nine was appointed to propose definite plans of orgaization, with instructions to report within 60 days. Mr. Hamilton uns selected as one of the members of this important com mittee. There Is more Catarrh In this section the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few yean was supposed to be Incurable. For a f;reat many years doctors pronounced It a ocal diseusc and prescribed local reme dies, and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incur able. Science lins proven Cuturrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore re quires constitutional treatment. Hall'i Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the onl Constitutional cure on the market. It U taken Internally. It acts directly, on th blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It falls to cure. Send for clrculari and testimonials. Addreu: F, J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Prussian. 75c. Tuk Hall'i Family rills for constipation NETTIE CKONK PASSES AWAY Nettie Crook was bom at riaiuwcll, Michigan. August 23, S(!7, and died at Cottage Grove, Oregon, December 31, .1111.). nt the ago of 4S years, 4 months nnd .H days. In ISO!), with her parents, she moved to Allegnn, Michigan, where s!ie pessed her girlhood days, moving with them to Portland, Oregon, in 1S!K. Two years Inter she went to Snuta Barbara, California, wheie she was united in marriage to Milson A. Hoss, Two daughters were tho result of this union. Minnie Loruiue, of Cottage tirove, and Theluia, who fussed sway at .Salem. Oregon, at the age of six years. Mr. boss clime to Cottage drove in 1903 and two years and a half later married Albeit II. Cm son of tout place. Mrs. Cruson was a past noble grand Always Watch This te FOR THE Wa have all kinds of Axes, Sledges, Wedges, Saws and Equipments for the woods. All kinds of Corrugated Iron for both Boofs and Buildings. A good 1800.00 Laundry Mangol, slightly used for one-fourth original' cost $1B AND $20 NEW OVERCOATS AT 16.00. I pay 1 1-8 cents per pound tot old rags. I pay highest price tot hides and fur. H. Steinbock Junk Co. The House of Ball a Million Bargains. SOS North Commercial Street. Phene 80S. Poultry and Egg Circle Elects Officers Saturday The first anuual meeting of the of ficers and members of the Salem, Poul try nnd Egg Circle will be held next Saturday at the commercial club. Aa election' will be held of officers for the coming year, and a general discussion of the business of the Circle will take place. The Circle was organized last June through the assistance of Prof. Lamb of Corvallis. At first the farmers were rather slow to realize the advantages to be gainer by pooling their shipments, candling and classifying all shipments, and establishing a reputation. But with in the last two or three months, the price received by the Circle has con vinced many poultry raisers that the Circle has been conducted for their benefit and that it has been able to sell strictly first class at an advanco of several cents a dozen over the local markets. Circles have been organized at Dal las, Lebanon, Corvallis and Stayton, all shipping to Salem for shipment to the highest, markets by the manager Sher rill Feinting. Stayton organized last u-pplt with ft charter membershin of 2.1. The Circle as now organized dequircs only an initial fee of $1 for each mem-hci-' ChJi !h on id on the delivery of pmu mil nt. the end of each month, a DP-, ' - ' distribution of the profits is made, above wliat was paid at time or un livery. With the addition of the many new members coming in since the stato fair, the business of the Circle is now on a permanent basis , with estaDlisiiea markets, Billy Sunday Convert Kills Mother to Save Her Syracuse, N. Y., .Tail. H. Because he waiits his mother to "go to heaven where she wouldn't have to work so hard," Ed Buckeiiati, aged 2S, a Billy Sunday convert, in a religious frenzy today battered out her brains as she stood working over her wushtub. Though she struggled fiercely, upset the tub and scattered the contents of a lamp, the sou killed her within a short time. Buchenau was so ardent a Sunday fol lower that he had the house plastered with pictures of the baseball evangelist. DOCTOR SAVES A BLACKSMITH Some time ago I was taken with kidiyy t rouble which caused me to give up my work as blacksmith. I lost my appetite and could not sleep from the dreadful pains that would come over me, from my kidneys. I was treated by a physician for ubout three months. He could not help me so finally ha prescribed Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot. L started taking same and bofore f had finished taking the first bottle I began to eat and sleep better than 1 hnd in a long time. 1 continued' to take sama until I was entirely cured and took on considerable weight. I am now back working at my trade again ami never felt better in my life. 1 appreciate what Swamp-Root has done for me and will recommend it to any one who suffers with their kidneys. When physicians fail to give relief and then prescribe Swamp-Root, they sure know of its merits. I nm, Very truly vours, S. A. HALE, Henrietta, X. V. State of Xew York ) )ss. County of Monroe ) S. A. Halo, of Henrietta, X. Y., being duly sworn deposes and says that he is the person who wrote the foregoing tes timonial letter t Dr. Kilmer & Co., and knows the fncts stated therein to bo true. Subscribed and sworn to before ine this 20th day of duly, ltKlil. Morris T. Uriffin, Notary Public. Letter to ' Dr. Kilmer Jt Co Biughamton, N. Y. Prove What Swamp-Hoot Will Do Tor You. Send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Biughamton, X'. Y., for a sample size bottle. It will convinco anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, telling about the kidneys and bladder, When writing, be sure and mention the Salem Daily Capital Journal. Regular fifty-cent and ono-dol-Inr size bottles for sale nt all drug stores. md a highly esteemed member of Cot tage Crove. Rebekah Lodge Xo, 24. The remains were sent to Salem, and the funernl was held from the undertaking parlors of Rig.lon & Richardson, the Rev. V. T. Porter, officiating. The ser vices were in charge of Salem Rebek alt lodge Xo, 1. Besides the husband, slie is survived by a daughter, Loraine Ross, her parents, Mr. ami Mr. B, It. Cronk, of Snlem, and a sister, Mrs. Ar chie L. Itiniitel. of Portland, If the carrier does not glre service notify the office. Ad Changes Often WOODSMAN '4