Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 29, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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it j
riiri? Send lOc and
HKr r your tobacco
dealer's name,
and we will send a full-size
cut of "PIPER" and a hand
aome leather pouch FREE,
anywhere in IF. S. Also a
folder about "PIPER." The
tobacco, pouch and mailing
will cost us 20c, which we
will tladly spend because
a trial will make you a
ateady user of PIPER."
United Press Correspondent
Visits An Internment Camp
By Wilbur S. Forrest.
(Uuitt'd Press Stuff Correspondent.)
London, Dm. 2. (By mail) When
a Ciermau torpedo destroyed the Lusi
duiia May 7 causing riots and tho sub
sequent wholesale interninent of enemy
aliens, England kept its solution of the
difficult interment problem strictly
necrot. After Bevon months tho United
Press in able today, through the courtesy
of tho Wur Office, to tell the story for
tho first time.
British leniency and German thor
oughness hnvo co-ordinated to uiuke
I'iuglnnd's enemy interment business a
positive success. Five London Hobbies
nnd n ten foot fence of American barb
ed wire guard 7-"0 of the kaiser's mili
tary eligihlcs at Islington, North Lon-I
don. Inside a great central building
and auxiliary structures which in ante
bellum days composed a municipal re
fugo for the poor, is today a model
nystem of self government where 750
''citizens" have worked out-their own
restricted salvation for the duration of
(ho wnr.
Take note of the Oermnns you would
meet on the streets of Milwuukoe, St.
Louis or Cincinnati and you would
know tho appearance of the persounel
lit Islington. Almost all these were
liuslness heads, clerks, bankers, butchers,
barbers, cabinet-milkers, bookbinders
or tradesmen in Londou before the
' O. A. C.
January 3 to 8, 1916
Llv lufxmition, Pt nrtlnl Help for tht Home
the Harm, the Community.
Conventions uf Oregon'- OmlMt fndunlrifn
Coiil erruccRuu Oregon' Muni Vital Problem!
Two HioiuitHJicoplc at tended taut year, (t fi a
great plucr 10 nutke friend with live
Uiliikrm nod live thought., good
wuikei, and good wuik.
January 10 to Pebrunry 4, 1916
APrsclical Agricultural Course In Nul Shell
Applied Hi-lciu-e 111 Ai'tiutl Work of
tlif l-mmsnd iluiiHrliold.
IN(1, HKW'lNi;. IKirSltlKil.il ARTS, HI.
I'll 1)1 Ml! HARM KNillNI-KKlNli.MJKA
Corrcunomtvitre Ceumrs Wlthnut Tuition
fciprrt liiAtrin'Kun in Mimic.
H'UlKYil rmlMiiiil uiti-n
For prnirmm write to The- Co li-ge chingr, 0
Agricultural Collegi. Co" n il U'
That are real bargains, can only
plvo their price until January 1st
Cory 4 room house, only $50 down,
luitnnPA a I CI tier mnnth nrl.in tr.ftft
r , V.'.'V.
llcautlful 8 acre tract well improved,
Only GS0 down; price flQ50; worth
looking up.
Choice CO-acro tract all under the
jdow; price $75 per acre,
Stock farm 100 acres, Tillamook
county, price l!500j terms.
80 acre stock fnrm, all stock, price
fllWSOOi fine farm, 1.18 acres, Rood build
ings, 10 cows, 4 horses, harness, wagon,
all farm implements, everything on tho
ranch goes at $03 per aere. Near Selo,
347 Stat St
phone 452
"PlPERV Convenient
"Cracks and Duffers, every
time you go golfing tuck a plug
of rich, juicy, tasty'PIPER'
into the old jib-pocket. Just
reach back and take a hefty
chew before you start drive or .
putt. You'll get a full, hearty
tobacco satisfaction and a
mighty keen tobacco joy from
ChewingTobacco Champagne Flavor
The great distinction
about "PIPER" to a man
who likes a smacking
good relish to his chew
is the famous "Uiam
pagne Flavor." The
winey taste mingles
on his tongue with the natu
mellow sweetness of the richest,
carefully selected tobacco leaf.
"PIPER" is the highest type'
chewing tobacco in the
world and lasts longer
because the fllue i3
hard pressed, f
Til ftii c 3 -
Sold fcjr dlm Trr. pm,
wbar. ill 6c mod 10c cuts , jff:
unitary foil-wrapped, to TlLi.
prn the "PIPER" ""gL
The Tobtceo Company of ' '
Fraociaco, CL
Lusitnnin riots. In May hundreds of
I hem were bundled up and sent to
Islington away from bnrin and mischief.
The 750 were placed in charge of
.Major llallailay, who has seen service
in India, lie divided the internees in
to units of between :tO and 40 and in
structed each group (0 elect its captain.
The eupluiiis met and elected a Captain
of C'nplains, a wealthy Prussian busi
ness man of London before the war.
Presided over by this dignitary, a
council of captains is held daily to ad
judicate disputes, consider eltiiins and
administer business. If judgment of
tins body is uusutisinctory the case may
be passed to Major Hiilltiday.
The latest internee at Islington is a
(lennnii merchant, enjoying an income
of $125,000 a year, ire was unable to
secure one of the few private rooms
reserved at $.'!.(0 per week because
other internees had taken them. He up
penled to the council of captains. The
democratic spirit of this unique tribunal
asserted itself and the applicant was
politely informed that his $;i.li0 was no
better than anyone 'a in Islington's
"dermany." lie appealed to Mjor
ITnllnday. Tho Major replied thnt he
felt compellod to abide by the decision
of tno lower court.
The wealthy citizen was forced to
occupy regulation quarters. These
quarters, in tho main building, are um
ple. They consist of high walled, well
ventilated rooms where from eight to
1 it teen sumtury couches are ranged
along the walls. On each Is a mattress,
blankets nnd pillow. These together
with general lavatories, washrooms and
bath-rooms on every floor, make this
Interment camp more like a well plan
ned Hotel. Large day rooms where
visitors may be entertained, a com
modioli yard with a rain shelter, work
shops, a tenuis court, dining rooms and
ten roirtns, make it unnecessary for the
men to occupy their sleeping quarters
during (laviignt.
Afternoon tea is a dailv event. TIero
is the routine: Arise nt olght; break
fust at 8:.'t0; work, study or diversion
until noon (working is optional but
hundreds are busy at various tasks 11 n
der supervision of tho council of cap
tains);; dmuer at 1"; work, or enter
tain wives and children until five; ten
with trimmings, 6 to 5:.I0; supper at 7;
to bed nt nine,
Other unique features are: ITnre
strieted smoking, except In wood work-
ing shop, bi-monthly theatricals; a
weekly paper prliited In Euglund;
privilege of writing two letters each
week 111 Uerman, to (lermanv or else
where; opportunity of leaving the
premises, under guard, for medical
treatment, teetotahsm.
All citizens of tho Islington camp aro
married, hundreds of them to British
wives, Knob man is allowed to see his
fnmily once in 8 days for 30 minutes,
When the United Press man arrived
forty families were strolling about the
enclosure) Mnnv families live now near
the camp of their husbands or brothel's.
Kvery wife, if in want, receive a
grnnt of $2.70 per week with an addi
tional 30 cents for every child.
When an enemy alien reaches Isling
ton ho dcuoslta his cash with the com
mandant and koeps $T or $10. This
pocket chaugo circulates rapidly. A
laundry, manned by internees furnishes
olenn linen at twelve cents a week.
There is a four-chair barbershop where
haves cost four cents in the morning
and two cents in the afternoon, on the
systematic German rerslon that it Is
worth moro to be shaved up all day
than half a day. A former delicatessen
shop owner of Houndslow, aellt genuine
Gentian llverwurst, and othor Teuton
palate tlckleraj there are wnodshops
where experts, are. making Christmas
toys for tholr children. These child do
llgbti aro not stamped Made in Oer
many, but they bear the itamp of jer-
1A TA!
Thomas L. Shevlin Said by
Expert to Have Been
Greatest of Players
Minneapolis. Jliun., Dec. 29. Thom
as L, Shevlin. aged' .It, one of the
greatest footltnll players in American
history, died here nt 7 a. m. toJay.
I'lieumonin' developed Thursday from a
cold he took at Vnle nnd which he later
tried vainly in California to snake off.
Dr. It. W. Hiniiv, a specialist, made
a sensational dnsh from Chicago to t.
Paul is a Kiieiiiil train to reuch the
bedside of the sick man.
in tho opinion of many football ex-
peits, Shelvin was the greatest end
who ever wore moleskins, lie played
011 the Eli eleven four years, an.l was
picked as AU-American end every
ItHK) team, the greatest team in the
university's history. Many credit the
success of that year's eleven largely
to Khevlin.
Whenever Yale was in a bad way,
for football Biieeess, Shevlin was called
to the rescue, and it was rare when he
failed. . During tho Inst season, one. of
the most disastrous in Yale's history,
Shevlin was called back to whip - the
team into shape, and how well he suc
ceeded was evidenced when Yale de
feated Princeton.'
It was Shevlin who took the "Min
nesota shift" to New Haven for the
first time -it was ever used outside
Minnesota. Shevlin also starred at
track and in the crew, winning his
" Y" in both.
He was a millionaire lumberman and
devoted his time to football simply be
enuse of his fondness for the game. He
carried insurance totaling ,ooo,ooo.
His company, composed of bis widow
and relntives, is the chief beneficiary.
Shevlin 'a father left him $1,500,000,
which was only a part of the coach's
fortune. Ho was born 34 years ago at
Muskegon. Five years ago he married
Kliznbeth Sherlev, member of a prom
inent Virginia family. They have on'
ehilil. .
Company M Plans Its
Annual "Hiih Jinks"
At Armory N$w Years
The members of Compnny M are
planning to pull off their annual "high
jinks" ut tho armory New Year's day
and the program will extend into the
evening. Tho morning will be taken
up with boxing matches, wrestling,
shooting, bowling and other indoor
sports. H. B. Kellogg, one of the mem
bers of tho company has started a box
ing and fencing cluss in the club rooms
of the uriuory and the sport is proving
poulur among tho members of the com
pany and others and the class will con
tinue to grow under the instruction of
Mr. Kellogg,
The afternoon will be taken up with
the various military games similar to
last year's program from the reveille
race in which each man starts as he
does when tho reveille sounds uud the
first one to don his uniform wins the
prize. Other races have been planned
and wall scaling contests, n clip fire
nice, nnd numerous other stunts will be
pulled off by the citizen soldiers.
A banquet will be nerved at 0 0 'clock
in the mess room of tho compnny Haul
the festivities will be resumed at 8
o'clock when the knngeron court is con
vened to allow some of the embryo law
yers of the compnny to try out their
oratory and wit upon the audience.
Pacific Coast Milk
. Condcnseries Will Work
On Great War Contracts
roitlund, Or., Dec. 20 The entire
output of Pacific Const milk condcn
series for the next two months has
been contracted for by the British and
French governments, lanners here as
serted today in explanation of the sud
den bullishness of the milk market. He
Hides buying the output for two months
Kngland and (Vance have snapped up
nil the supply bold in storage, lor im
mediate shipment to their armies.
The snlo is said to aggregate more
than $1,000,000. Tho exact sum was
not known, because the order is gnag
ed only by the capacity of the conden
serios. Greek
Reported In Distress
New York, Dec. 20. The Greek
steamer Thessalonikn, in trouble sev
eral hundred miles ol'f Norfolk, a few
days ago, is again in distress today off
Nantucket lightship on the Massachus
etts coast. In response to n wireless
call tho coast guard cutter Seneca has
gone to tho assistance of the vessel and
her 300 passengers.
It Is believed that renewed storms
again flooded her engines.
feet workmanship. Another shop turns
out funcy toilet requlsttles Jfor the
wife'a Christmas which she may sell,
Another is making wood-inlay work. A
large bakery daily turns out 1800
pounds of bread. lu all these occupa
tiona the government furnishes the
material and equipment,
"The plan of eo-oporatlon allows the
government to feed the men nt an aver
age cost of 1.08 a week," said the
commandant. "The food is wholesome
and good. Our kitchen Is manued by
Germans who know how to cook and
economise. Scores of our men are
learning- Spanish, flerman far sighted
ness tells them that England will not be
the place for a German' business for
some time aner peace is aeciarea.
Many have told me they are going to
South America. Not one man hat at
temoted to escape."
The only essential that Islington's
model community lacks Is a dentist and
he will be Interned within a few days,
drill, forceps, ehair and ail.
Phosphate of lime hat been dis
covered in Canadian Rock let.
Fight Fans Consider Victor
Welterweight Champion .
of World
' New York, Dec. 2tl. Fight fans to
day gave serious consideration to the
claim of Ted (Kid) Lewis to the welter
weight championship of the world, fol
lowing his decisive defeat of former
Lightweight Champion Wiilie -Ritchie
in a 10 round bout here, last night.
As tho title lias had no claimant for
years, and Ritchie, until last night, was
regarded as the most likely candidate
for the welter crown, it appear as
though there will be little opposition
to Lewis claiming the honors.
. I'istiauia. was enthusiastic today over
the splendid showing of the Briton.
His footwork was excellent, and most
of the time Ritchie was unable to land.
With the exception of three rounds, two
of which were even, Lewis had the
coast boy on tho go every session.
Ritchie fought gamely, however, and
never once faltered under the rain of
blows udministored, by the Briton.
Ritchie started rallies in the ninth and
tenth rounds, but they came too late..
Old Veteran Is Ready.
Portland, Ore., Dec. 29. In spite of
his 45 years, Mysterious Billy Smith,
former welterweight champion, today
declares, he is physically fit for his six
round bout tonight with Jack Root, a
local heavyweight. Smith has been
training faithfully for several weeks.
Although his form isn 't exactly sylph
like, he declares he is in better shape
today than he was some of the times in
the paxt when ho faced "Giant Killer"
Joe Wnlcott.
The Smith-Root fuss is the headliner
of a card of six bouts.
Federals Dissatisfied.
Chicago, Dec. 29. Reports reached
here today that owners of the Baltimore
Federal league club are disgruntled over
the baseball pence pact, and prepared
to start legal machinery which may em
barrass the Amcricnn and National lea
gues, and the former Federal leaguers.
It is understood thnt attorneys for
the Baltimore club are en route today
to Chicago, with tho intention of de
manding concessions for the Baltimore
owners. A stiff price is wanted for
their franchise and it is reported that
unless their terms arc met, an effort
will be made to prevent deniissul of the
Federal league's suit against organized
Portland Heads List.
Portland, Ore., Dee. 2!) The Portland
ice hockey team is i-r the top of the
league standing tndav as u result of
the defeat of the Victoria puck chas
ers by a scorpo of 3 to 2 last uiiilit.
Before a crowd of 500 raving hockey
fans, Harris, the Portland left wing,
slid tM winning tally into the net aft
er 11 minutes of overtime play.
Players Coming In,
Oakland, Cal Dee. 20. -Extinction, of
the Federal league will do much tnwiird
bringing balky baseball plnyers into the
foil. This became apparent today, when
it was announce thnt Outfielder Mid
dleton of the Onks lins requested that
his contract may be mailed him. M"l
dleton had refused to stand for a cut
In his salary, and threatened to jump to
the Federals.
Manager Rowdy Elliott snvs he ex
nects other Oaks who had tendencies to
be refiaetionnry will hop into the fold
as readily as Middloton.
Coach for Berkeley.
Berkeley, Cul., Dec. 20. Immediate
action in the selection of a football and
a baseball coach for the University of
California is expected when (irnduatc
Manager John Htroud arrives here to
morrow from a holiday trip into Neva
da. Although there is nothing to in
dicate that Stroud hns in mind, reports
still are persistent that a Pacific coast
man will coach the Bear eleven next
spring. (
Brlttou la Outpointed,
Akrou, Ohio, Dee. 20. .Tack Britton
of Chicago was outpointed hero in a 12-
round bout by Johnny Griffiths of
Akron, last night.
Sporting Briefs.
Atlanta, (la., Dee. 20. Light weight
Champion Freddy Welsh and Frank'
Whituey will stage their championship
10-rounii bout here New rear s night in
a huge circus tent. They were refused
the ugc of the auditorium.
Cleveland, Ohio, Dee, 20. Reports
were current here today that Colonel
Jacob Rupert, of the New York Amer
irnns, may buy an interest in the local
American league club. It Is expected
that the club either will be sold out
right or financial aid will be given
Owner homers either today or tomor
row. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 29.- Purchase of
the fit. Louis American league club by
the teueral league club here cost the
outlaws 425,000 It gcrnmc known to
(lay. Phil Ball, owner of the Federals
paid i30.000 as the first paymeut, and
mis until February 1 to pay the bal
ance. Seattle Outp'aied.
Pcattle, Wash., Tee. 29. Outplayel
and outruslied, the Seattle hockey team,
r-'puled one of tho fastest teams in the
P. C. It A., went down to inglorious
defeat before tho fierce rushes of the
roNvenated Vancouver soven Inst uljh',
The score was 0 to 4.
Vancouver took the lend In the first
few 'minutes- of piny hud were never
headed. Frank Patrick signalled his
return to the game by scoring In the
second period.
Albany, Ore:, Pee. 29. Jesse F.
Holmes, who was terribly mangled by
the explosion of 95 dynamite caps Mon
day, died at 5 o'clock this morning, He
leaves a widow and four children.
1 m 1 -
Australia hns apparently nnexhauitl
tie marble quarries.
Mrs. Mabel Meyers Is Be
lieved to Have Been Victim
; of E. B. Kemp
Portland, Or., 'Dec. 29. Mrs. Mable
Myers, aged 10, a bride of a month,
is in a dying condition fit the Good
Samaritan hospital today ami officers
are looking for E. B. Kemp, a farm
hand, in whose cabin she was found
late yesterday. She was shot through
the breast, brutally maltreated, and
left lying in a semi conscious . condi
tion. A rambling letter, believed to be
from Kemp, was delivered to Sheriff
Ilurlburt nt 6:30 p. m. yesterday. This
was the first intimation anybody had
of the assault. The letter said a youn
woman had been assaulted by a tramp,
and left in Kemp's cabin. It implored
the sheriff to hurry to the scene to
save the woman 'b life. "I am going to
Canada," the writer said. "I don t
want the blame. I will kill myself
before I would take the blame."
Hurrying to tho place described in
the letter, the sheriff and his deputies
found Mrs. Myers painfully dragging
herself along the frozen country road,
scantily clad and weak from loss ot
The letter was unsismed but the en
velope bore Kemp's return address and
a special delivery stamp. Kemp is 21
years old. He was recently discharged
rrom tne navy at Bremerton.
Rev. and Mrs. L. O. Yarnes and ch"
dren are spending the holidays with
relatives in Newberg.
Tho J. K. Eaton family spent Christ
mas with, the Mark Siddal family, East
or wuiem.
"Grandma" Williamson is spending
the holiday week with her daughter end
husband, the J. A. Carters, of Wells,
Miss Opal Rhodes went to Canby
Christmas morning and will visit among
trieuils tor several dnvs.
Mrs. W. W. Bales is convalescing
after a serious illness.
Mrs. Jane Wilson, of Portland, is the
house guest of her daughter, Mtb. Fred
Smith. Mrs. Smith's children have all
been ill with whooping cough but are
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eaton have as
house guests Mr. find Mrs. J. S. Har
per and three sons, from Iowa. They
expect to remuin in Oregon for some
time nnd may eventually locate Here,
Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Eaton uro sis
The J. R. Bedfords entertained Mrs
Bedford's father and mother for Christ
inns dinner.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ed Becker and family
spent Christmas with their friends, the
Willinms, 111 North ftnicm.
The D. K. Biannon homo was the
scene of a happy gathering 011 Christ
mas day when children, grandchildren
and other relatives 10 tho number of
.'15 gathered around the well laden
dinner tables. Among those present
from a distance were the Warren
Kurchs, of liickrenll; Wm. Squires, of
Zenu; Joe McLeans, of Kingwood; New
ton Smith and wife, of Salem.
Mrs. Geo. Nicols aud Mrs. Ed Brock
were hosteshes at a nicely appointed
Christmas dinner. Covers were laid for
Air. and Mrs. Andrew Nicols, of Day
ton, were Christmas day nnd night
guests at tno ivicois-BrocK nome.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moore went to
Bueim Vista to spend Christmas with
Mrs. Moore s parents, tho Hustons.
Mr. Lawrence Imlnh and sister, Miss
Mildred Iniluh, are spending the holi
days with Iriends in Astoria.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wallace and
baby, Violet, of Portland, are guests at
tho E. Rhodes home. Mr. Wallace is a
son of Mrs. Rhodes.
Mr. Ernest Moore hns returned from
a two weeks' visit with Henry Mooro,
of iMaxburg, Ore.
Mrs. Sim Whito is visiting at her
daughter Ruth's, in Sidney.
Miss Orpha Bell, tho very successful
teacher of the primary department, of
West Salem school, hns been grouted a
leave of absence to finish the school
yoar's work at the Monmouth normnl
She will grnduuto in June and feels
thnt she will be much bettor prepared
for hor chosen worn.
Mr. and Mrs. East and family, of
eastern Waswhington, are guests at tn
De Masters homo. Mr. East and Mrs
De Mnsters nre brother and sister.
Principal Burkhend, of tho West Sn
lem school, spent Christmas with his
mother and brother in Pt. Helens, re
turning Tuesday and going to Mon
mouth for the remainder of the holi
days. Mr. Ed Kcllar, who is employed at
Senppoose In a dairy wns at home for
Christmas, He returned to bis work
l DIED. , I
v. .
SWF.IZER Tn the city, December 2
1915, Phillip Sweiier, at the age of
70 yean.
The body was shipped yesterday by
Rigdon It Richardson to relatives at
Corvallis for burial.
tl 1 I- .11.. l. M...4.
rtuenievn a vv.y miii'i"-en tnu iiiub
become citir.ens or lose 'their jobs have
not mucn to compiain bdoui.
Many happy days, Mr. and Mrs.
Woodrow Wilson.
The hop growers' meeting here Sat
urday was for members of the asso
ciation only. It was called to order
by Fran. Kraxberger, one of the
Aurora dirtcors of the atate asso
ciation. It wat explained to the
members, thnt the association desired
Take a Glass of Salts to Flush
Kidneys If Bladder Bothers
Drink Lots of Water
Eating meat regularly eventually
produces kidney trouble in some form
or other, says a well-known authority,
because the uric acid in meat excites
the kidneys, they become overworked;
get sluggish: clog up and cnu0 nl!
sorts of distress, particularly backache
and misery in tho kidney reginfe; rheu
matic twinges, severe headaches, acid
stomach, constipation, torpid liver,
sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irri
tation. '
The moment your back hurts or kid
neys aren't acting right, or if bladder
bothers you, get about four ounces of
Jad Salts from any (jood pharmacy;
take a teaspoouful in a glass of water
before breakfast for a few days nnd
your kidneys will then net fine. This
famous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined with
litlun, and has been, used tor genera
tions to flush clogged kidneys and
stimulate them to normal activity; also
to neutralizethe acids in the urine so it
no lrniger irritates, thus ending blad
der disorders.
Jad Suits cannct injure anyone;
mnkos a delightful effervescent lithin
wnter drink which millions of men and
women take now and then to keep the
kidneys, and urinary organs clean, thus
avoiding serious kidney disease.
ot extend all contracts with its mem
bers, to May 1, 1910, in order to got
the greatest benefits, practically all
present agreed to this, and signed up
to that effect. Two or three growers
stated they could n)t fnit that .lo.ig,
and the rssocintiou will.t.ikc in their
hops under tho terms' of the original
cofetract. . In fact, it stated that
the association . staads rea-ly to take
in tho bopo of any of its membore
who may "inr. themselves financially
unable !: hold until May 1. It is
expected lh"t sa or HO per cent of the
members vi'l sign new contract etui;.'
ing the time.
Saturday's meeting was supposed
to bo a' closed session,- but the pro
ceedings leaked out, and it is known
thnt similar meetings are being held
in all the hop growing districts, and
attitude of the growers here indicates
that the growers all over the volley
win oe practically a unit in a deter
mination to hold well into 1010, for
nigner prices. It is known thnt the
association officials are pleased with
tne result of the local meeting.
Vice-President Clark of tho Hop
Growers' n'ssoeiution, states a number
ot growers who did not come into the
association beforo picking now want
to become members, and that the
association's holdings will thus be in
creased several hundred bales. The
organization is n good "holder" and
is not disposed to sell for Icbs than
li ents. It is claimed that growers
will receive n round million dollnrs for
their hops if they hold firmly till Mny
x, ai-xo.
' There is still over 3,000 bales left
in the Aurora section in growers
hands outside the association. Sat
day ti revised list of the quantity
on hand in this district wns made
and tho total amounted to 3,3fl:t bales.
Since that time nbout 100 bales have
been sold. If the samo ratio holds
good in other lion crowini? districts.
the imsold hops in growers' hands is
considerably lnrger than recent esti
mates indicate.
Hop business has been bIow the
pasi ween, tno market Having been
almost at a standstill, Among the
few transactions rennrtoil la ilm anin
of the John Murry crop of 92 bales
111 nuuevine at 11 cents, Cliarles Si.
Wernor. Another lnf C hulnaN of
Mulloy also went to Werner nt the
same iigure.
Charles Sweeney, a free lnnco hop
man, known to all hop dealers and
brokers on the coast, as one of the
best posted mon in the country on
hops, has just returned from a trip
to the east, where he says the out-
iook is rattner dark for the hop busi
ness. Sweeney has a desk nnd a
swivel chair in the Portland offices
or the Wolf Hon comnnnv. from
which vnntngo ground ho dopes out
the market to the youngsters in the
gamo, ana protty often hits a bulls
eye. Observer.
Hundreds of peonle have been relinv.
ed of tho agonies caused by weak, dis
eased or clogged-up kidneys by using
Solvax, the uow remedy that quickly
reni-nes ine sourco 01 an Ktdney com
If you suffer with pains In your bnek
and sides or have any signs of kidney
or bladder trouble such as rheumatic
pains, puffy swellings under the eyes
or in the feet and ankles, if you are
nervous, tireu and run-down, or bother
ed with urinary disorders, Solvax will
quickly and surely relieve you of your
Solvax is probably the most potent
remedy yet devised for ridding the sys
tem of urio acid and driving out all
the polsonnua impurities which cause
auch troubles. It neutralizes, dissolves
and makes the kidneys sift out all the
urio acid and poisons left by the blood,
and renders the kidneys and urinary
organs clean, vigorous and healthy.
Many of the best druggists say that
no medicine ought to be raid for un
less it does the user some good. Solvai
therefore tell nnder a positive guar
antee to quickly relievo the worst cases
or kidney trouble or your money re
funded. Try Solvax today and if you
cannot see and feel a decided change
for tho better just go to the druggist
from whom you bought it and tell him
you want your money back and he will
roturn it without question. This is the
strongest argnment thnt can be offered
In behalf of any medicine. Solvax Is
sold in Salem and vicinity by Daniel J,
t ry and othor leading dealers.
Rate per word New Today:
fl!nh itiHfrtinn. ner word 1st
One week (6 insertions), per word 5
One month (20 insertions), per word 17
All ads must'ue ordered for a stated
length of time, no ad to count less taaa
10 words.
Minimum charge. 15c.
GOOD WHEAT HAY ior ealo. Phone
68F12. Dec.'il
FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf. 493
Turner street. Dec29
$3.50 per cord. Phone 22-19. tf
(4.00 cord. Phone 937. tf
young lady, i'hone 3J. Iec31
FOR RENT Two house keeping room
at 330 North High. Phone "4." tf
WANTED General housowork, tot
middle aged lady. Phono 43V. Dcc29
LOST Orange Persian eat. Phone
1100, or call til J Union. Reward.
ROOFS REPAIRED And guaranteed-
not to leak. O. L. Davidson, phone
644R. Jan3
WANTED A small cash register,
cheap tor casn. cull zz'Jd, alter
noons. tf
furnace man wants job. Address F,
euro Journal. Deo2i
A NUMBER of nico ladies' hats left
yet at $1.00 each; wore $3.50 and $4.
328 Hubbard Bldg. Dec2l
WANTED TO LOAN $750 on good
real estate security. ' Address Owner,
care Journal. Dec29
FOUND At Whito Swan: Two um
brellas, one breast pin, one grave.
Describe and pay for ad. Dec31
MONEY TO LOAN On good farina,
$z,uuu, $;i,uu, or isn.uuu, at 1 per
cent. L. Bechtol & Co. Janl
banks Morse gasoline engine. Phone
1712M, Salem. F. A. Erixon. Docii9
TRADE 5 passenger autO) good con
dition, tor team, wagon and Harness.
844 Mill street. Phone 2146R. Dec31
TO TRADE 20 cords of wood, fresh,
cow and some heiters, for ford
Roadster. Phono 994. Dec29
AGENTS WANTED Good selling
proposition, recommendation re
quired, 204 Bank of Cominerco.Dec3t
FOR SALE Buff Orpington ehickena
and eggs lor hatching purposes.
Phone evenings, G0F2. Jani
FOR RENT Strictly modern Ihouse,
3 blocks from state house. Two oth
or houses, cheap. Phone 2054J. Dec30
STOPI LOOKI Two lots on car line.
$350, terms. D. V. Corey, 1363 N.
17th. Janfl
CORSETS ALTERED and repaired at
Ladies' Outfitting Shop, loo IS. liiu
crty street. Phono 224. Dec29
FOR SALE Fresh heifer with heifor
calf. Price $35. Mr. It. Hliven, Sa
lem, Oregon. R. F. D. No. 8, Box 87.
FOR SALE CHEAP Team, harness
and wugon, team weighs 1-kiO His. .
S. Lamport, 205 North Commercial
St. tf
NEBRASKA LAND To trade for Or
egon property. Write details of
what vou have to B. D., care of
Journal. Dec3t
of best old lino company, one that
pays in case of a loss. L. Bechtol &
Co. Janl
PIGS FOR SALE At a bargain All
sizes, Irom u pounds to am pounds.
See Oeo. 1 Doust, at Capital City
Creamery. Doc29
WANTED Prune orchard of not less
than 10 acres bearing fruit, within
school diBtanco of Salem. W. A.
Liston. Janl
CORN FED ..OGS Weighing from
1W to 175 lbs., dressed, delivered for
8e a pound. Call MP25 noons and
evenings. Dec3l)
FOR TRADE Stiidebnkcr Six, bought
new in lulu, for Sttlom real estate,
centrally located. Address B, care
of Journal. Dec30
Ppkin and Fawn nnd White Indian
Runners. C. M. Wilcox, State Hos
pital, Salem, Dec30
LADIES Make Bhiclds nt home. $10
for 100, work sont prepaid, no can
vassing. Send stamp, lvannoe Mfg.
Co., Bt Louis, Mo Jan3-
WANTED A good homo for a French
poodle. Is fond of children. Phona
62F13, or call Frank Frlckey, care
Udd & Bush. Dec29
CALENDARS FOR 1916 Large fig
ure for practical use. Call or phone
Homer II. Smith, the Insurance Man,
McCornack Bldg. Phone P6. Jan29
eity property with income of sixty
dollars per month for good improved
fann. Address 1), care of Journal.
WANTED 50 or 75 Barred Rock bene
or pullets. Will take some White
Leghorns. Will pav a eent above
market pries for good stock. Ad
dress B. R., care Journal. - Dec 3 1
TO EXCHANGE For farms ia Marion
eonnty, productive, fully equipped
dairy ranches in Lincoln county 1 17T
acres, 85 bottom Innd, prefer vicin
ity Salem; 40 acres. 100 bottom
land; 137 acres, well improved: 109
teres, mile and half from railroad,
well improved. Other exchanges.
Write for full particulars. Give
thorough description of what yon
have to exchange, valuation, etc., In
first letter. Write W. M. Hill, To
ledo, Oregon, ' Dc&9