THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, DEC. 29, 1915. THREE O.S.P. NO BRIDGE PLANS it f mmamBmrnammmamsmm Dale - Means a Complete Clean-up a Complete Clearing of the shelves and counters. We are determined not to carry over stocks from one season to another. GIVE ENTERTAINMENT Owing to Early Habits Cur tain Goes Up at 6:30 Public Is Invited Our Window Display Will give you an idea of determination that is behind Our Annual January Clearance Sale. No reserve every thing must go. All we ask is to come and look through this big store. You'll surely find something in Wear ables, Groceries or Housekeeping Goods. This is the month when profits cut no figures. The prices on every article in the Big Store will be sliced down to the lowest rock bottom to make a complete January Clean-Up. THE GREATER lea Salem's Only Complete Dept. Store. Ch Store Phone 179 Owing to the fact that the perform ers are accustomed to retiring early, the O. S. P. minstrels to be given Thursday evening at the' penitentiary j by the inmates, will bsgin shortly af ter d:ju o i mock The entertainment will begin with the singing by the entire east of the song, "Listen to That Dixie Band," to lie followed by the best vocal talent to be secured under the circumstances. "Terrible Towser," the farce com edy will be presented in part two of the evening's entertainment. In elud ed in this part of the bIiow is a, juggling act, popular magician stunts, tho "Haunted llouso'.' and other vaudo ville features. Including the costntner and electri cian and tne orchestra of ten, the com pany putting on the show numbers 36. kvervtlunir has been arrnnecd in mini liar minstrel show style, and as the in i mates of the pen saw the show last wecR, tne seating capacity of the audi torium will be reserved entirely for the public. And to place the entertain ment fund in a little better condition, tho public attending will be asked to contribute -j cents each. Suggestive of tho slogan, "Try Sa lem first," the program states that all costumes used in the production were made in the prison tailor shop by inmate tailors. Tho program is as follows: OLIO 1. Farce Comedy "Terrible Towser" "Doddy," young man about town .... ; -. Martin "Jerry," colored Stewart on vaca tion LnRoso "Willie," School boy Olivor 2. "The Premier Four," Graham, Woodward, Moriarty, Stanley. 13. Juggling Extraordinary Johnson, Uordon 4. "Her and Him".... Donville, Fostor Featuring the great song hits: "I Found Yon Among the Roses." "Some Beautiful Morning." "Dancing the Jelly Rojl." .j. ine ropuiar Magician L. 0. McDonnld 6. "Tne Haunted House." A Mid night Episode in Salem's Colored Quarter. .Clarence White Astorbilt, from somewhere Graham Jeremiah Worthless Washington Leo, from nowhere Moriarty "IT", the old boy himself llealey .intermission. Selection Orchestra Grand I'inale'omedv Burlesque Hevue First Part. Opening Chorus Entire Cast "listen to That Dixie Band." 0UT"13C0NS!DERED Board of Viewers finds Dif ficult Task of Making final Selection The board of viewers are looking over the details of the plans for a new Dnage across the river at this place today and it is likely that it will be several days before they make a final decision in the matter. Today each en giner who submitted plans is given a short time to fully explain his draw ings and the particularly good points of his design. The final estimates of the cost of the bridge has not yet been compiled by the viewers and the state highway engineers and before the award is made all of the estimates will be figured up on the same basis. In all 13 full sets of plans were considered by tho viewer and this board stated today that the report. that only five plans would be finally con sidered is wholly untrue and made out Of whole cloth. None of the plans will be thrown out as intimated in this morning's paper but. only 13 sets of plans were found to comply with all of the requirements of the highway de partment. Thus one of the 1.3 plnns will finally be selected but all 13 will bo considered. The viowers state that the number of plans shown indicates that fw.j of the best engineers in the northwest are in terested in the Salem bridge and that a first class structure is to be erected and also that the requirements of this bridge have been given earful consider ation by the engineers and gome excel lent designs in both concrete and steel have been submitted. it v Mrs. Meyers Tells Story of Assault By Kemp Good, Warm, Kosy and Comfy Overcoats for these cold days Our entire line of Overcoats greatly reduced Priced at $5 $10 $15 Our Store is the Men and Boys' Store You can buy for less and every purchase is Guaranteed to be satisfactory. ItUtt-tflllllll Brick Bros. Corner State and Liberty Salem. Oregon Commission Merchant js Out Leaving Bad Checks Behind A large number of shippers are par ticularly anxious today to know the exact whereabouts of one W. H. Kilbeo of the firm of W. H. Kilbeo & Co., of Hiilem,, who recently had offices at 247 State street. It appears that Kilbce represented himself to be a commission company and bought all kinds of farm produce through tho valley. Ho operat ed mostly outside of Salem and as far south as Eugene. Ho had farm pro duce shipped to him in this city and then re-shipped it to Portland commis sion bouses whore it was cashed by Kil in ensh. That was the last heard of Kilbce and several peoplo in this vicinity would liko to meet him for a few minutes' conversation. The Weather a Year Ago Today. Clear. Temperature, High 60, Low 40 remember Laxative Bromo Quinino cures n cold in one day. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." Look for sig nature E. W. GROVE. 2uc. Job Harriman Argues In Defense of Schmidt Los Angeles, Cal Dec. 29. Araninz for tho defense in the M. A. Schmidt murder trial today, Attorney Job liar- .;...nn lnanl.. boc, meanwhile he paid the producers itll6 aeged dynamitors face to see for for it n checks. In all it is reported l themselves, he said, that its left side by the Bhcriff that $57tf worth of bad!waB not B(.arrcd like tiie contenance cnecKs nave ueen uiainuuiea. of the man who bought explosives at Today five dressed hogs were shipped (Giant, California, just before the Times iruui uuu county 10 oiuum cuiisigncu 10 . building Was blown up. iv. a. ivuueo a vo., out as me linn l?ong ' You'd Never Know Home Town of Mine. LaKose That Old no longer exists the hogs were shipped back to the owner. When Kilbce camo to Halnin ho deposited $800 in cash in the Salem Bank of Commerce and checked against tliis amount for somo time. On December 24 he drew out all of his cash balance and departed. A farmer living at Brownsville in Linn county had sold some eggs to a Port land commission firm. Kilbce offered the farmer a higher price which was accepted. In due timo tho Portland firrr called up tho Brownsville man inquiring about the eggs and woro told that the eggs had been sold to a new firm When asked if he had received his money for them the Brownsville man answored that he bad not and was ad vised to hasten to do so. He hurrieH to Portland and on December 24 ar rived there at tho commission house in time to meet Kilbee there. He demand ed bis money and got it from Kilbee Long Trouble Yielded lo This Medicine If you are suffering; with serious lung trouble. It will pay to fully In vestigate Eckman'i Alterative, a remedy which has caused many rn- aovarles. On. follows: ' 6X13 (Jlrara At, Phil.., Pa. Ontli la the winter at 1R03 I kat an attack of Grippe, fol lowed r I'aeamoala and later by l.nnc Troable la the winter at I MM I had a eouah, nlakt aweata, fever aad railed quantities at awfnl-leoklna- atnir, aad later I had bub? aemorrnnaea, at oae time three la, three aneeeaalva dnra Three phvat etaae treated ate. I waa ordered 1m the awaatalae, hat did not no. HVk. eaaa's Alterative waa reeoataieaded BT a friend. After takla a aaiall anaatlty I had the Href nolet nlahr-a Bleep far weeka M f Improvement wna marked from the flrat. I anlne4 atrenath aad weight aad appetite, I never had aaothrr kamarrhaae aad any eouak aradaally leaaeaed aatll entirely aeae. 1 am perfectly well." (Abbreviated.) (Aadartt) ANNIR F. I.OVOHRA1V. Eckman'i Alterative Is most lllca, eloue In bronchial eatarrh and se ver throat and Inna; affections and UP-bulliJIng the system. Contain no harmful or habit-forming- drucca. Anrant no auhatltuta. Hmall alia il! raKUlax Ilia, 11. Bold by lending wnu ; Harriman pointed out many alleged flaws in tho stnto's case, and accused prosecution representatives of gross un fairness, District Attorney Woolwine grinned broadly during these attacks. A crowd fought for admittance to the courtroom, filled the hall of records corridors and tho street outside the en trance. Attorney Harriman is the socialist who made- such a close run for mayor of Los Angoles Bevoral year ago. A powerful orator, ho strode up and down beforo th jury box, his long, black hair disheveled, shouting his belief in Schmidt's innocence. Ho claimed the defense had established an absolute ali bi, and attempted to tear tho prosecu tion's mass of circumstantial evidence to shreds. No Conscription Until .America Is Licked Washington, Dec. 2& "There will be no conscription in America until we are licked by a first class power, as we will be some day," declared Chairman Chamberlain of the sonato military committee today. "To prevent eon scription by university military edu cation is our immediate, principal need. "I favor such preparedness as will enable the country to defend itself in time of need, particularly in the time I fc"n England has swept our commerce from the seas, when Germany is : troyine the lives of our citizens, and ---ri '"""n is ready at any time to re. lent Americans' assumption that the i Jnnnnee are not our equals." Chamberlain is father of a bill pro I vidlne for the universal military train j ing which he suggests thia nation needs. his method, however, is vastly differ ent from conscription, though it in volves an idea of compulsion. Storm Warnings Sent From Maine to Mexico;1 New York,. Dec. 20 While storm warnings flushed out today from the Gulf of Mexico to Muinc, storm tossed vessels crept into port, while those al ready in, hesitated to depart . Alarm for the Greek liner Thessalonika, in troublo off Nantucket lightship, in creased, for it is believed that she must penetrate tho worst of the gnle to reach port. Western Pennsylvania and western New York were storm bound and a dozen towns were isolated. Sleet and Snow. Cleveland, Ohio, Dec. 29. Heavy sleet, turning to biiow, isolated fowns in Ohio today and cut off tolephone and telegraph lines. A crowded street car jumped tho slip pery rnils at a bridge here but stopped nt a curbing on the edge of a' 75 foot drop. ng Toster JSorwny." Gordon Hherman Said Sea. Song .... If War Is Wlint It Mas." ong "O'er the Billowy Moriarty "When Old Bill Bailey riuvs the Ukulele." Sng Oinlmtn "When 1 Leave tho World Bo hind." Finale Knlire Cast "I Think We've Oot Another Washington.''. Tableau Intermission. Overture Orchestra "Remick's Hits" which Willamette has lined up for this senson. Tho '15 class basketball team nro all Portland, Or., Dec. 29. Mrs. Myers, in town now and it is possible that they aged 19, toilny identified a photograph; will play the varsity in a tiny or so. The of Evan B. Kemp, a farm hand, as that '15 'era had a fast teum last year and of tho man who assaulted and shot her they will be able to hold the regulurs yesterday afternoon. Deputy sheriffs to u closo score in a practice came as are watching every train and ship which all are coaching high school teams this leaves, i ortiami and police are search- ;ar ana consequently understand the ing the city for Kemp. new rulings. Mrs. Myers was married Thanksglv- Dr. Dbuey has started a new idea at ing day to O. H. Myers, a young farmer Willamette, of putting out a illiim of Oreshani. Tho young woman had sufficiently recovered from her rough treatment to ette calendar. It has a largo cut of baton hall and a 1910 calendar of ' months. Ob tho back is printed a con-! Makes Your Stuffed, Germ-laden, Catarrhal Head Clear as a Bell Cripple Communication. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 29. Sleet and crippled communications east of here.!1' 'Le ".vomei Pocket inhaler clnhgcd prostrated wires layed trains. When yon wake in tho morning plagued with the tortures of head colds and catarrh, head, noso and throat stopped up, air passages clogged with obnoxious catarrhal diseharucH that have collected during tho nicht and you can hardly breathe just put a day to tell her stor-. She was wulkiug vineing articlo entitled, "College grnd to the home of a friend a few blocks nation as a Prerequisite to tho Profes- j distance when she met Kemp, she said, sionnl Course." These cnlentlnrs will be j He seized her nnd tried to carry her Kiven out to "'6 students nnd friends of away. Sho fought desperately. Finally ,ha university. Over 3,000 have been Kemp thrust her head into a deep pud- lrlntca so there will be an' ample sup die to quiet her. . Still fight iirp, he car- VV tot all. ried her to his cabin, a block away.1 I),r- Dony 1B "t Medford, Ore., thin' Mrs. Myers does not remember when weck attending a stato teachers' con- she was shot. The last she remembers "'"'f ? V'1 l! Da"l '" ,irst l,nrt she was still struggling. It was dark wlien the regained con sciousness. She was naked and weak from loss of blood. She pulled a blank et arouixl herself and crawled from the cabin. The road was frozen and tho ground covered with a thin film of snow. On her hands and knees she dragged hersolf nearly 100 yards, screaming for help. Then she lost con sciousness again. She lav naked in th of the weck for tho opening of school, which is luestlay, January 4. Paalus To Manaffe Salem Fruit Union (Continued trom rage One.) loganberries in packages to over 2,000 retail stores in the mist, venr nnd thu (mow long i9 exclusive of tho hnndreds of retnil enough for Kemp's special delivery hit- morchiints that have been supplied by ter to reach Sheriff Hurlbnrt, and long wholesale jobbers and tho union was enough for the sheriff to eover the nine instrumental in inducing the northwest miles between portlunu and urcsnam in i r nut i" an automobile. Saloon Becomes a Nuisance After 12 o'Clock P. M. Dec. 31 roducts coinnanv to enter the loganoerry juice industry which prom ises to absorb a large part of the green crop and opon a new market for tho berries. The record of l.lin Vninn nnil flm ro. mnrkablo growth of tho association plT' shows that it has done more toward Lj '' S5 TEMPTATIONS of an Actress or THE LABYRINTH Featuring CAIL KANE The life of an Actress is not all roses. Many good girls have failed who could have gained both fame and fortune. In Five Heels PATHE WEEKLY YE LIBERTY Thur.. Fri. and Sat. Always 10c, never more tin.' II lallllnlaMllil first mnnnger of the union nnd held this position for two years when Joseph N. Smith took up tho work for a year, H. (, Crawford held tho man agement from January 11)13 to Sep tember 1911, when Mr. Olinger was pluccd in charge. and poles, and de- Stock Market Dull After Late Activity (Copyright 1915 by the New York Evening Post.) New York, Dec. 29. The stock mar ket today was less active than at any time since tho middle of last week. The markot was left to professional oper ators wno soiu ireeiy to one another for a timo, and then brought back about as much as they sold. This gave mo irntnng an irregular, ragged ap pearance from which nothing could be determined concerning the market at titude toward political and financial alfairB in which the country is inter csted. ABOUT 300,000 BABIES DIE BEFORE ONc YEAR druKKlatf, covtrlea. Erki for booklet of ra- aa Lakanlary, rkUadrlpkla, AUSTRIAN SHIPS PREPARE NW 0.lnna. I,,., rVc, 29. Austrian .vi-. Vninir provisioned and are tak ing' on full erows, so that, it is under stood, they may immediately withdraw to "ovlcnn and Cuban port If thero is a rilnlnmntie break between Austria and America. with tho pleasant healing oil of Hyo mei between your lips. Hold it thero while dressing nnd breathe the medi cated, antiseptic, germ killing air deep inn j'uur nose, mroaranu lungs with urr il rem 11 you tlraw. Ti.. il. a: . me unit' you aro tiresscil your l..l :n .., ... ... mm win i,e near as a Bell, you will breathe with ease and comfort, eat your breakfast with a relish and go about your dny'a work with a clear brain and steady eye. This clean smelling, germ destroying mi ui jijuim-i penetrates tiucp flown into every fold and crovico of the nicmoranous linings of your nose. iniuin unit mugs wncro no liqiutl sprnv could possibly get ond absolutely kill's and drives out of your system every Komi it. nuns mere, nnuis tne inflnmeil swollen tissues and aftor the very first trial you notice a wonderful Improve ment. A few weeks' use and overy ca tarrhal germ is killed and driven out or your system. Druggists everywhere think bo well of Hyoinoi that they agree to give you a guaranteo with every complete in haler Bet you purchase that if it docs not satisfy they will gladly return ev ery cent you paid for it, but if using for the first time be sum in auk ft.r the complete Hyomci Pocket Inhaler outfit as the Bmallor packace does not contain the inhaler, baniol J. Frv or most any other re iablo d rufrrriHt. will gladly supply you on request. The Census Bureau estimates tbat 300,000 babies died in this country last year before the age of one year, and it is siaiea mar. one-nan 01 tnese aeatns were needless if all mothers were strong and infants were breast-fed. Expectant mothers should strive to in crease their strength with the strength building fats in Scott's Emulsion which improves the blood, suppresses ner vousness, aids the quality of milk, and feeds the very life cells. Physicians prescribe Scott's Emul aio i; it is doubly important during nursing. No alcohol. Every druggist King Constantino eepg his country baa it. Insist ou Scott's the white- neutral without writing any notes at food medicine. No advanced prides. all. Bvou A Bowue. Bloomncia. f. is-si Coal U more than 30 a ton In Home. SITUATION NOT SERIOTJS Washington, Dec. 29. The American minister at Peking today cabled the state department that the political sit uation is not considered serious, that the revolution against the now mon archy is confined to Yunnan province and that danger to foreigners and their property is not anticipated. building up the fruit industry in Wil lnnietto valley than any other concern in the same territory. District Attorney Dingo today re- Tho union has aided in making a ceived an inquiry from tho mayor of 1 market for cherries that aro unsalable Hubbard asking if the state law por- to canners such ns black Hepublicans, mits tho drinking of liquor in saloons Lambert, and Bin by pitting and nfte rmidnight December 31, provided drying them. On account of the unu the liquor is purchased before mid- stially largo percentage of fruit af night. Mr. .Hingo replied tiiat under fected uy brown rot this season the tho state law, aav nlaco where liquor is Lumberts and Hings shipped out this Bold after midnight, December 31, is year did not carry well in transit and classed as a public, nuisance and bb tho returns will be correspondingly such may be abated. low. Large amounts of these cherries Accordingly if liquor is being drunk jWero sold in advanco but on account in a saloon nfter midnight it makes tho , of Hiioilin" in shipping heavy losses place a nuisnnce and the officers of woro encountered which brought down any town may order the place closed too net average, urowers nro prepar and locked up. WILLAMETTE NOTES Coach Mathews had two teams out yesterday afternoon practicing basket ball. Not all of the regular first teum were out, but a number of the second string men wcro on hand and a fusl snappy game was played. Coach Mat thews is grounding his men in team work and when ho has had the regulars together for a counio of weeks they nectcd will bo ready for the heavy schedule be encountered. ing to stirav next season to movent such occurrences in tho future. Tho U. 8. department of agriculture has had a couple of men in cherry or chards near Salem during tho past seas on making experiments and spraying to prevent brown rot and whilo their ex periments have been bringing rosults they will not be nblo to furnish any ac curate directions for spraying until an other season's experiments nave been watched. The union begins next year's work with excellent prospectB and it Is ex tant a prosperous season will O. U Ihe.k was tho Thur., Fri. and Sat. DOROTHY GISH IN BRED in the BONE 4-Reel Master Picture A vivid expose of Theatrical life. CHARLIE CHAPLIN MUTUAL WEEKLY ' VAUDEVILLE A Big Comedy Act BLIGHTHEATRE EH IQcg OREGON TODAY fl 10c Vaudeville O O H Holiday Special Del Gado Sisters 3 Pretty Girls 3 Singing, Dancing, Talking and Piano Featuring MISS MARIE DEL GADO, the only Barefoot Dancer that ever appeared in Salem. IOcI aW-L-.kuu,. 'MMttati-- ttl'MliralMW l ll Saints and Sinners A Special Vitagraph Feature 4iuf?-:t-t'- y n 10c 211