Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 27, 1915, Page SEVEN, Image 7

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Go Home
New Year's
The liol'ulnys will soou be
here. The time of happiness
mid cheer. Your friends willj
be expecting you to come
home. to will mother, father,
itister or brother.
Low Holiday Fares
Are available for the holidays.
On sale between nil Southern
I'neific stations in Oregon,
Dec. 17, IS, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31
and .Tan. 1. Return limit Jan.
4. From Oregon to California
points on sale Dec. 23, 24,
25, 30. 31, Jan. 1st. Beturu
limit Ju u. 3rd.
the local agent for fares, train service
and otter information, or write
Southern Pacific
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon
Mrs. X.T.. Behymer and Mrs. R. A.
Doddridge spent Wednesday in .Wood-
Mrs. A. . VUito mid her two little,, ot Hue to eentinuo his went plustcr
boys went to Portland' Wednesday for jK nt the m.i100i i10nse ulltii Tuesday'
nn nfdefimte stuy. afternoon.'
. S. Hurst shipped a cur of large I Miss Merl Dimick came home Sutur
omons tcom his warehouse nt (lervnis ' Jny morning from .Monmouth to rcmaiu
to Texas points Inst Tuesday. . I during Christmas.
Rev. T. Achesoji besan revival meet-! Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Beck went to
jugs at. White school house Monday i Woodburn Sundav afternoon for osteo-
evening to continue two weel?s.
Mrs. H. H. Tlppendahl returned Wed
nesday evening from several days spent
with Woodburn friends.
Oscar Blakeley and Mr. Eastman,, of
Pilverton,' nme Thursday morning to
work on the furnace of the school build
ing. Mrs, ft ITale, of Vancouver, is here to
upend the holidays with her daughter,
Mrs. Rodney Melvin.
Miss Estella Ilnys spent the week-end
with her sister, Mrs. R. W. Gable, while
en route from Ashland to Portland.
Postmaster K. B. Grim, received of
ficial notice Wednesday of his confir
mation by the V. S. seniite. as the post
master for Ilublmrd, for the next four
Earl Crow came to Hubbard Monday
from Portland to spend the week with
bis father, N. E. Crow, nt their home
r-onth of to.wn. He said he Wanted to
hoar the patter of the win on the shing
les and he nrrived, in the midst, of the
Benson for the putter. '". ' - y
Octave Voget and 0. H. Mijler.went
to Independence Inst week to look at
pome high grade Guernsey stock. They
visited the stock farm of Case Bros,
und purchased a fine heifer which will
bo ihipped to Hubbard somo time this
When in SALEM, OREGON, stop at
'' Strictly Modern
Free and Private Baths
BATES: 75c, $1.00, 51.50 PER DAT
The only hotel in the business district.
Nearest to all Depots, Theatres and
.Capitol Buildings.
A Rome Away From Home,
T. O. BLIGH, Prop.
Both Phones. Free Auto Bus.
Why Not Use
Columbia QUALITY Carbons?
Made In Oregon
100 Copies .Guaranteed from
Each Sheet.
Columbia Carbon Pa?er Mfg. Co.
33rd i- Broadway, Portland, Ore.
!IA(HONI im M 111.1 A Ir,rl5
years known fit Hfst, fi.nest, Alwyt kelhMt
Good-bye sore feet, burning feet, swol-
Ion feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired
Cood-bye corns, callouses, bunions and
moTe sC'tight"
ness, no more
limping with
pain or drawing
up your face in
agony, -iu it
magical, acts
right otr. "TIZ"
draws out all the
poisonous exudft'
tions which null
111. ilia fanf I an
"JIZ" and for-
iret your foot mlserv.
AH I now coin-,
fortable your feet feel. Get a 25 cent
hot of "TIZ" now at any druggist or
department store. Don't suffer. Have
Kood feet, glad feet, feet that never
well, never hurt, novcr pet tired.' A
year's foot comfort guaranteed or
money refunded.
-73L.X )'D(lf-ttt Ahk your 1 rites lt fr fj
i (VaA 'lil-Hii..priiltimtn(rTirmnjA
frSL'J:; IMIUin Uvd oml iiolU mr-tiillAV
Vv -i-!J '. scaled nh I:ino HiMhHi. V
I week.
A number of business men about
I town i uve not been able to nttena fn
i tidiness this week on account of ln
' crinpe. Homer Beck did not (,'ot to his
i ot f leu at' the lumber yard until Wed,
i r.i.tiliiv mnrniiKT ntiH .Tfttm.a VVtilince w-fi :
pathie treatment for Mr. Beck.
Mrs. R. H. Hale and baby, of Port
land, came up Saturday for a week's
visit with her father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. F. C. Butler.
Mr. T. L. Thueraler came home Mon
day evening from thJ southern part of
the state to visit with his family
through the Christmas season.
Barometer readings Wednesday morn
ing gave the impression that this sec
tion ivns due for ' change of weather
with a little less moisture for a lew
Mrs. Dave Sclioll, an aged lady of Au
rora, fell Tuesday .and broke1 her hip..
Dr. Weaver and Dr. Giesy' were called !
to reduce the fracture. Mrs. Sch'jll is
80 years old. '
.T. Zeek stepped into the Enterprise
office Thursday morning and nmide a
suggestion for raising the required
amount to purchase the piano for the
new school building, He suggested the
building be .dcdicnte,d with a rousing
entertainment . ami charge admission
and the proceeds be applied on the pur
chase price of the instrument, which
added to, the amount already raised by
popular subscription should not leave
much more to be raised. This plan
ought to be popular.
Contractor Eastman of Pilverton, was
in Hubbard Tuesday conferring ith
the school board regarding the insinua
tion of the hot air fuTnase for which
he has the contract. There has been a
delay in this work that the board did
not appreciate and some explaining was
in order. Tho work of finishing is go
ing on rapidly. The lathing will be fin
ished this week, the eonerete base is in
for the furnace and the plnstercrs nre
making good time. Enterprise.
Fast Being Realized by Salem People,
A little backache at first.
Daily increasing 'till the back is
lame aud weak.
I'riiinry disorders may quickly fol
low; Dropsy and often Bright's disease.
This frequently is the downward
course of kidney ills.
Don't take this course. Follow the
i..i.. -a . o.i .
advice of a Salem citizen.
W. It. Bradley, farmer, 014 S. 21st
St., Salem, says: ' About two years
ago kidney trouble came on me, Tirst,
my oacic began to acne, then cam
seemed to spread all over my body, like!
rheumatism. Tho kidney secretions;
were unnatural and I knew that myl
kidneys were disordered. I rend an en-
dorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills given
by one of my neighbors," and I got
some. Before I started the second box1
of this medicine I was almost entirely
free from iniu and my kidneys acted
regularly, l hnve used Doan's Kidney
Pills since with good results.'
Price 50c, at all dealers. Don 't sim
ply ask for a kidney remedy get
l'oan's Kidney pills the same' that
Mr. Bradley had. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Propj., Buffalo, N. Y.
Must Answer Charge of
Looting Insuranc Fund
Portland, Ore.. Dec. 27. Frank W.
Stone, alleged leader in the looting of
,,lp Washington state industrial iiisuf-
auce tuucj, was taken to Olvmpia toduv
by Detective Campbell of 'the Olvmniii
1';lk'.t0 ,B" 0 harZ ot ern,"l Greeny,
ili'med his guilt, but admitted that
lie had been hiding in Portland under
fiu. mm(, of i;jwarj9
Stone was recognized on the street
by City Detectives Swennes and Mil
loney, who had known him 17 years ago
when he was known as "tbe'l'ortluml
Kid" in the local prize rlnir. He de-
rinsed he had spent two weeks in Snn
t rililciwcn sunn ii1.rA,t nil l.lu
- u II 1 1 hid iiiiiur.,1
and reached Portland before he learned
Hint lie was wanted iu Olmpia. ' 1
...... c ... " , ". t 't
,th Seattle and Spokane to be hnrd
from, Portland's death rate of 9.1 pYr
1,000 sfnnds as the country's record
for cities of 100,000 or more. It's a
record to be proud of, whether or not
either of the Washington cities beat it.
I Riverside, ( nl., Dec 27. The
I wind storm which prevailed all
day Sunday and continues to
I day in the most severe in sev
' eml seasons. The norther reach-
ed the proportions of a tornado
I ia the Wiueville district last
night and numerous autoists
were stalled on the state high
I way. Mayor Ford, was ap
, pealed to bv telephone by some
I of the stalled motorists, who
said they would be suffocated
by the amid if uid was not sent
! at once. Several cars 'collided
in the storm, and were wrecked
, by the inipaut ami tops wero
i blown from, others.
Murdered His Uncle In '
Christmas Night Quarrel
! Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 27. Charles
A. Meyers, 2( years old today is facing
the charge of murdering his uncle, John
Kramer, aged OS, as. the result of a
Christmas niht quarrel. Edward lira
1 iner, son of Joseph Kramer, is iu a hos
pital with a broken leg and an injured
head. Meyers is said to have resented
; insinuations of the chlsir Kramer about
the conduct of himself and Mrs. Lil
lian Abbott, a divorcee, at a Christmas
party. He seized a shotgun and fired
at his uncle. Edward Kramer intor
i fered ami received a charge of, buck
; shot in the leg. Meyers, it is de
clared, then broke the butt of the gun
over Edward Kramer's head.
Miss Golda Goulet, of Portland, was
nn over Sunday visitor at the home of
Mi'.. and Mrs. !. Cutsforth.
Mrs. Hugh Range, of Silvcrton, is
visiting with her- brother, Orvillo
Smith and familr this week. ..
Many Clervais people .at all ' ages
iiave occii wresinng wun ia grippe cur
ing the past ten days, t ' .
Miss .V'enia Keppinger-' canie homo
from.O. A. (' Wednesday, to spend the
(.'liristiuas holidays with homo folks.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Vogel are again
at the home of their mother, Mrs. ytra
vens after an extended trip in the
east and California. . .
Mrs. John (loet.jeu, Mrs. G. J. Moi
san,' Miss Greta Bingham and Mrs. Or-
ville Smith .and.- baby, Yvonne, wero
nonnourn visitors Wednesday.
The Misses y Vesta .' Marshall sud
Grace Shields came home from Mon
mouth Saturdiiy.'-ro spend, the Christ
mas vacati'on" with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert, Mickle, of Sa
lem, but reeentlv of Albany, visited
friends in (.lervnis, Sunday. They are
well satistied With their hew location.
Rex John, little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Idyde Uitsfprtli, was christened Sun
day nt the Catholic church.. Miss Gold
ie Goulet and Ahtone lie Jardin act
nig as sponsors.
. C. A. iloover shipped five ntorc'Dur
oc Jersey hogs to California Monday
and Tuesday he shipped five to Hono
lulu, via iM'iurie oy toat. nicy wero
all sold for fancy prices. Star. 1
At the turkey shoot 'held here last
Thursday n number of good Scores were
made by-local and outside trap shoot
ers. P. .1. Ilolohau of Portland led tho
field by. n score of (", ami was follow
ed by Mark Hiddat, of Salem, with 2
and O. .Wilson, of Siilcm. was third,
with 90. Charles Lieth led the locals
with a score of , 'while other scores
were as follows: Charles Feller 85, H.
K. Everding E. . G. Hawman, P..
Whitney aud E. H. . Keller, with 80
each, A. W. Strowger 7S, B.. Austin and'
II. Pittinger 70 each, juid Walter
Schooler w ith n score of ,50. ., , ,
it is expected that a largo rod and
gun club will be formed here and-there
are a number of first class shots among
tho young men of the town who only
need practice to place them, among the
best in the country. Independent. , . '
Mrs. Geo. Vinton was tho guest of
Mrs. B. Ashwell on Sunday,
Jos, and Andrew liuss wero. Wood
burn visitors, Monday,
Mr. 'and. Mrs. August Woelke, Anna
Halt nnd Joe Woelke. made a trip to
Portland Sntuuiday returning Sunday
L,nT Wn "n' B" "'"i
M. Lewis Sawyer came Tuesday to
spend the reniniuder of the week with
relatives in this section..
Willard Stevens and family and Vir
gil, Elsie and Alice Morgan' visited the
..m.tini .nitf vm,ii.
Grandpa Wrlghtsnn is visiting rela-
tives in Woodburn.
Mr, nnd Mrs. John' Hugill were the
herd of Silvertoit, last Saturday. tier-
vnis Star. '
1 1
New York, Dec. 27. Several
persons nre dead to Iny, duo in
directly' to a rnin, hail, snow
nnd lightning storm lashed by
a 90 mile gale which invaded
here yesterday. Wires, ship
pi in and railroad traffic suf-.
fered heavily, ' '
The tail of the storm whip
ped the New England states.
Is the average quantity in a healthy
.adult, but it is the quality of thu blood
that determines our strength. to resist'
6ickness. With weak blood we' find
cold hands andchilly feet; in childreft.
an aversion to study, and in adults'
rheumific tendencies, , ,
In changing seasons get abundant
fresh air and take a spoonful of Scott!)
Emulsion after meals, because Scott's
Emulsion is a rich blood-food that will
increase both quantity and quality of
... i . .ti l
, ttie Dlooa Willie It warms mc DOay ana
helps Carry Oil the impurities. .-
When multitudcif of pnople are to
Ja i,. crnt,. Fm,Lnn to avert
winter sickness, and are giving it ,to
their children, it is careless .to neplect
Its benefits. 'Look out for substitutes. '
tteoU Jl Bowut, Muomuclil, N.J. U-24
Rheumatism depends en an acid which
flows in tho blood, affecting the mus
cles and joints, producing iuflamation,
stiffness and pain. This acid gets into
the blood tlu-oug'.i some defect iu the
digestive processes, and remains there
because the liver,- kidneys and skin are
too torpid to carry it off.'
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the old-time
blood tonic, is very successful iu the
treatment of rheumatism. It acts di
rectly, with purifying effect, on the
blood, and through the blood on the
liver, kidneys and skiu, which it stim-.
unites, and at the same time it improves
the digestion. . !
Get Hood's Sarsaparilla today. Sold!
by all druggists. ., , I
SMALL general stock of merchandise
for sale. Inquire 1190 North Cap
itol, street, .if
SPLIT BODY OAK Gurb oak, ash,
second growth fir, old fir. J. B.
Eaton. Phone 1954. ' tf
FOR SALE Antique blacc walnut bed,
dresser, commode. Otaer black wal
nut furniture. Good organ in black
walnut case. , 233 North Commercial
street. " '
Portland, Ore., Dec- 27. The
price of 'wheat struck' a new
high mark for the season today
when interior sales- of bluestem
and Turkey red weVe reported
at if 1.05 on the "basis 'of tide
water delivery. Buying was con
fined almost exclusively to east-
cm business, the higher price
Being torced by Chicago.
'(Capital Journal Special Service.)
Turner, ;0re.H Doc. 27. Tho Turner
school closed Friday afternoon for the
Christmas vacation. A splendid program
was given before a 'good pudienpo J)y
the Literary society of 'the high school.
The . program eonsisted'of songs, some
of which were originu'tcd for the occa
sion. The German Class gave two sougs
followed by recitatioa, school impels
etc. , .''"
The crowning feature of. tlie after
noon was the debate, "Resolved, That
the t'nited States Should Adopt the Es
sentials of the Swiss System of Military
Training." Affirmative, Glen Smith,
Wallace Richos and Hazel Bear. Nega
tive, Richard Gray, Vcrda Jcuns aud
Arthur Salisbury.' The judges decided
for the affiimative. Much good natured
rivalry existed between the classes over
their peunants, yells, etc.. The senior
class, numbering 11, made a fine np
pearance with thoir new class emblem,
colors cardinal and, wfiitc, prescntinhr;
each teacher, Prof. Wilson and Miss
Mickey with a senior pennant. The
program closed with a'. few encouraging
remarks by the school board and an in
spiring speech by .the principal.
Tho room was beautifully decorated
with holiday colors' and the" high school
colors, scarlet and gray.
ii i 1 , i ,
Millionaire's Divorce
Gives Text for Sermon
Otkland, Cul., Dec. ,87. " I am. satis-"
ficd I am doing tho right thing," do
cuafed John H. pringr millionaire Ber
keley real estate man, today in answer
to strong criticism of him Sunday,' by
Rev.' F. J. Vunllorn, lif a sermon, for
forsaking his wife , because he loves
Mrs. Genevieve Etker..
Declaring the foundation of true hap
piness is tho sanctity of the home, Rev.
Mr. Vanllorn said:' "In the 'case of
this rich Berkeley man, who has blat
antly announced tho loss of his love
for his wife and his infntniitioit with
another woman, wo have an example of
a deep thrust at the purity of the home.'
"This is to be deplored. This Berke
ley man should bo publicly .damned. He
is striking at the- very foundation of
public happiness and welfare because
ho bus deliberately stained the purity
of a homo."
Salem Boy One Among
Marines Sent to Mexico
. i
With the expeditionary force of t'ni-t
ted States Murines hurried to the west
coast of Mexico to prevent a possible
massacre of Americans and other fore
igners by hostile Ynquis n the Vicinity
of Topolobiimpo, is Edward A. Iluwtlrd,
of this city. '
Edward, who is a son of 'Mrs.' Sarah"
Howard, 151KI South Thirteenth street;
Salem, enlisted in the United States
Murines corps lit Portland on .lure 21,
1015, and,, until the order rime to. em-'
bark on the San Dicgo,'wu stationed
with the battalion of marines at the
Siin Diego exposition. The marine's
life is kept filled with excitement and
adventure; he goes to all parts rif the
world In the performance of duty, -nnd
young Howard alreudy has had ninny
interesting experiences while serving
with tho soldiers of the sea. ' '
Sugar Cargo Damaged ,
By Fire On British I Ship
New York, Dee. 27. Fire hi the hold
of the British liner Inch moor nt her
dock yesterday damaged lief sngai
cargo to the extent of upwards of
Captain Tyc scouled the theory of
spontaneous combustion. '
"They snv sugnr burns spontaneous1
ly," ho remarked, "yet before the war
we never heard of sugnr bursting into
flames. I think that German agents
started the fire on the Inchmoor by
mixing in a white chemical with the
sugari "
Traces of chlornto of potash, one of
tne components of mnrcii hcntls, were
found near other suspicious ship fires.
Another Incendiary fire today threat
ened to dusroy a munitions warehouse.
Classified Advertising Page
. .
Tie egg market is showing more
signs of weakness, speciully in Port-
hind, where it has dropped five cents
within tho last few days. Portland
seems to be overstocked, and this con-'
dit'ion bears the market here, as deul
crs, cannot shop to Portland at the pric-.
cs paid in Salem. Trices Vary today,
as a few of the houses are paying 30
cents cash nnd 32 cents trade, while
others are'gltfd to get fresh eggs oa a
basis of ;t- cents cash and ill cents
trade. ., , ,i
Japanese oranges, are now' out' of the
market, this orange now being supplied
by the tangerines, grqwn in California.
' Grains.
Hay, timothy, per ton .1 .- $14.00
Oats, vetch (10.00
Cheat 9.00 10.00
Wheat 8082c
Oatg .- 35c.
Rollod barley .'. . (32.00
Corn '. (40.00
Cracked corn (41.50
Bran (25.00
Shorts, per ton ., (27.00
. . i '
Butterfat ;. .' 31c
Creamery butter, per pound.... 32 l-2c
Country butter 25c
. Eggs and Poultry. .
Eggs, candled, No. 1, cash .... 3.1(??.'i4c
Eggs, ease count, cash 31(ff32c
Eggs, trade , 3,134c
Eggs, storage . .., , 28c
Hens, pound ...'... .vl0llc'
Roosters, old, per pound 7c
Spring chickens, pound .... '. I0llc'
Turkeys, live l!c
Turkeys, dressed 2122c
Ducks, dressed luc
, , Pork,' Veal and Mutton.
Veal, dressed ... .v. ...... 9c
Pork, dressed . .' 7 l'-2c
Pork, on foot ................ 5 l-4o
Spring lambs . . . . . . .' . . 0 I-27c
Steers B5 l-2c
Cows 34c
Bulls 3c
Ewes 3c
Wether' I .(.;.;.. .... .'. . . ..; ,' 44; I-2c
........ Vegetable.
Cabbage 40c
Tomatoes. California . . ... .' $1.25(S1.50
String garlic , ' 15c
Potatoos, cwt! 75c
Brussels sprouts. 10c
Sweet potatoes (2.7
Beets 40c
Carrots .. 40c
Turnips 40c
Colory 40fi?)70o
Onions $1-
California head lettuce, case $2.753.00
Green beans 12 l-2c.
i .' .
' Fruits.
Oranges,, Navels' ,-. ..... ... .(2.503.50
Tangerines oranges (1.73
Lemons, per box (4.25(3)4.75
Bnnanas, pound 5 l-4c
California grnpo fruit .... (5.000,00
Dates, dromedary, case (3.35
Fard dates (1.00
Grapes, barrels .. . . (5.00
Cranberries ...(12.00
Pineapples 7 l-2c
Honey (3.50
. Retail Prices.
Eirps. Tier dozen, frosh ranch '. .35(11 40c
Sugar, cane .- V7.15
Sugar, D. G (0.95
Creamery buttor 37 l-2e
Flour, hard wheat .-. l.50(ff 2.30
Flour, valley (1.201.00
Portland. .Ore., Doc- 27. Wheat:
Club, 9Scfi (1.01.
i Hnictem,'(1.00(f?(l.n3.
' Red liussinn, OlifffiltOc.
Fortvfobl. (l.OOffil.0,1.
i Oats': No. 1 whito feed, (24.25
Barley: Feed, (2fl..r0(7?'27.50.
Hogs-. Best live, (O.IOfi (i.25.
Primo steers, (7.00(Tij7.50.
Fancy cows, (5.00(fi 3.75.
Calves, 7.00(?i;7.5O.
Spring lambs, (7.85. '
' Butter: City creamery, 2flc.
.Eggs: Selected local cx.MSr.
Hens, 13 1-2(JM lo.
Broilers, 13(i'13 l-2c.
Geese, l()c.
corner Commercial and Trade streets.
. For water sorvioo apply at office.
Bills payable monthly in ailvnnce.
FOR RENT Modern six room fur
nished bungalow. (17.50 per" month
Phono 1321. ' Dec27
WANTED TO RENT 40 acres or
more pasturo and. hay- land, soma.
farm land, t to 8 years. Address J
h. Foster, Uouto 5, liox 180,- Bulom,
Oregon. Phone lfliKl.f. t!
OB. O. L. SCOTT Grnduato of Chirc
nractlc'ii Fountain llcnil. DavonnorL
Iowa. If you' have tried everything
knd have got no relief, try cuiroprac
tie stiiunl adjustments and got well.
Office 400-7-8 U. H. National Bank
Building.' Phone Muin 87. Residence
Main 828-R. '
CONSULT DB. MAT, experienced and
Successful Chiropractor,. or acute and
ehrnnle disorders. Has praoticed six
rear in uregoq. f ree consuuniiou.
Hou.s. 0 to 12, 1 to 6. 305 6-7 Hub
bard illdg. Lady attondnnt. I'hone,
office 872; residence, B82-R. ,
Administers Nitrous Oxld and Oxygen
- Uas
Boon 214. Phone 440,
Masonic Temple. Sulci ru, Ore,
prescribe Dry Zenzal and Moist Zenzal for the two
distinct type of Eczema, because they get results
quickly and surely. They know that a cure-all will
not help you, hence these clean, odorless ointments
are used daily in their practice. Come in and let us
tell you about it.
Only 50 cents the jar
Poole's Drug Store
Classified Business
Telephone Directory
A Quick, handy reference for busy people
Salem Electric Co., Masonic Temple, 127 North High Main 1104
bulom.Stosm Laundry, 130 South Liberty Maia II
T. M. Barr, 164 South Commercial Street Vtkln 111
Rigdon-RichaidBon .Co., 254 North High street Day and night, Main 111
Salem Truck & Dray Co.,- corner State and Front streets Main T4
Beaver State Printers, Patton Block - loll 1
FOR EXCHANGE 4(1 acres well im
proved, large barn, fair farm, house,
store nouses, granary and other out
buildings,,. 2, acres . in Cultivation,
balance timber , and pasture, spring
wator, piped to house and barn, run
ning stream, rocK road, close to R.
R. town. Exchange "for city prop
erty or tract near . Salem. Square
Deal Realty Co., 301 U. , S. Bank
Bl'lg. '
WHEN IN .SALEM Stop at toe Cap
ital hotel,, nicely lurnislicd rooms,
all modern. P. W. Borneman, corner
State and Commercial street. Phone
630. Salem,- Oregon. JanlO
also taken in exchange for new. Pull
line of now f urnituro,.' ranges, heat
ers, and other house' furnishings.
Peets Furniture Co., 233 North Com
mercial stroet.
. 0. U. WProtoction Lodge No. 2.
oieers every juonuuy evening ai o
.' ia the McCornack' hall, Corner Court
.and Liberty streets. A. la. Aufrance,
11 W.; 8. A. McPaddon, recorder;
A. L. Brown, F.
GENTRAL LODGE No. 18, K. of P.
McCornack building. Tuesday even
ing of each week at 7:30. F. F.
Bchram, C. W. B. Gilson. K. of R.
and a
3ALEM LODGE No. 4, A. F. & A. M.
tated communications first Friday
In each month at 7:30 p. m. in the
'Masonic- Temple. J. C. Welch, W. M.;
8. Z. Culver, secretary.
PACIFIC LODGE No. 50, A. F. & A. M.
otatod communications tuira irmny
in each month at 7:30 p. m. in the
Masonic Templo. Glenn C. Niles, W.
M.j Ernost H. Choato, secretary.
B. N. of A. "Oregon Grape Camp,"
No. 1300, meets every Thursday oven
lng in MoCornnck building, Court and
Liberty Btreots; elevator. Miss Syl
via Bhaupp, 1791 Markot, oracle;
Hazel Price, Imporiul Furniture Co.,
: Keelor, president: Mrs. Lou Tillson,
sneretary. All cases of oruelty or
neglect of dumb animals should be
reportod to the socrotary for investi
K. T. Regular conclavo fourth Frl
' day in each month at 8 o'clock p. ra.,
in Masonio Tomple. Sojourning. Sir
ttnighlB aro courteously invited to
' meet with us. Geo. H. Burnett, E. C,
Frank A. Tumor, recorder.
S. Regular mooting evory first and
.. third Tuesday at 8 p. m. in the Ma
sonio Temple. Elizabeth Rend, W.
,M.; Ida M. Babcock, socrotary.
every Friday night at o'clock in
McCornack block. Oscar Donaldson,
' 0. C; L. 8. Goer, clerk. 607 Court
' street.. Phone 303.
TER, No. 1, R. A, M. Regular moot
ing second. Friday in each month at
8 p. m. in the Musonio Templo. Al-
- tred F. Marcus, E. High Priest; Rus-
. sell M. Brooks, seerotary.
Oregon Cedar Camp, No. f 240,
meets evory Thursday evening at 8
o'clock in McCornack hall corner
' Oonrt and Liberty Btrnets. Elovator
. service, W. W. Hill, V. C.j Box. A.
. nnm. eirk.
vbly. No. 84, meets every Wednesday,
. at 8 p. m. in Monso half. Mrs. F. W.
Cook, M. A.) C. Z. Randall, seorotary,
Salem Bank of Commerce.
HODSON COUNCIL, No..l, R. ft 8. M.
Stated assembly first Monday In
each month, Masonic Temple. James
Plnnt, Thrice illustrious Master; Qlon
O. Nlles, reconler.
Phone 81 for better carrier
DRS. B. H. WHITE and B. W. WAL
TON Osteopathia physicians and
nerve specialists. Graduates of Amer
ican School of Osteopathy, Kirksville,
Mo. Post graduate and specialized in
nerve diseases at Los Angeles college.
Treat acute . and chronic diseases. -Consultation
free. Lady attendant.
Office 605-508 TJ. S. National Ban'
Building. Phone 859. Residence 346
North Capital street. Phone 309.
DR. D. B. GRIFFIN Drug and drink
cure. 1425 Fir street, near Meyers
street. Phone 1037J.
M. Clough morticians and funeral di
rectors. Latest modern methods
known to the profession employed. -445
Court street. Main 120; Main 988.
al directors and undertakers, 253
North High street. Day and night
phone 183!
proprietor. Garbngo and refuse of all
kinds Temovcd on monthly contracts
at reasonable rates. Yards and cess
pools cleaned. Office phone Main
2247. Residonce Main 2272.
Reasonable Charges
A. L. Godfrey
Phnne 1617-J Day or Night
ON Good Real Estate Security.
Over Ladd ft Bush Bank, Salem, Oregon
Care of
Chinese Medicine and
Tea Company
Has medicine which
will cure any known
153 South High Street,
Salem, Ore. Phone 283.
t t tt4---
E. B. FLEMING, Flop.
Depot American Fence
Gates, Plain and Barbed Wirt.
Paints, Oils and Varnishes.
Roofing, Posts, Hop Hooks.
f 40 Years Making Stoves J
Stoves rebuilt and repaired,
Stoves bought anil sold.
850 Court Street Phone 124 I
Back of Chicago Store.