Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 27, 1915, Page SIX, Image 6

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lAuutt mttml 4
t - 4
This is the time to make a selection
of a nice Overcoat, Raincoat or Mao
naw. You'll find a big assortment
here in each line-one that willjsuit
you in style, fit, quality and price
OVERCOATS in the stylish Balmacaan, dress three
quarter length and the full length coats. -
RAINCOATS in the Gaberdine and rubberized coats,
cut in the full length box coat, raglan sleeves.
MACKINAW COATS in the plain and loud styles, rain
proof and wind-proof
All our coats will be sold at special reduced prices, so
come tomorrow and get the best selection.
Just Wright
$4.50, $5.00
Roberts $3
New York Stenegrapher
Brands Story of Confes
sion As Fabrication
Los Angeles, Cal.. Dec. 27. Hay L.
Fitzgerald, a New York stenographer,
testified in tlie M. A. Schmidt murder
trial today, giving the lie to Donald
V'oao Meserve, Burns detective, who
said Scb iiii.lt admitted to him having
participated iu. tlio Times dynamit
ing. Miss Fitzgerald asserted she was
with .Schmidt at the house of Emma
Goldman, anarchist, in New York, when
he had the conversation with the de
tective, aud declared he did not say
the things attributed to him.
Detoctive T. L. Ryan, of Snn Fran
cisco, told of visiting the dynamite
cache on Nineteenth avenue there, but
his testimony was considered unimportant.
New York, Dec. 27. The re
called German embassy attache
Boy-ed, Colonel House, Presi
dent Wilson's envoy to Europe,
and American Minister Brand
Wliitlock, of Belgium, will be
shipmates aboard the Holland
American litter Rotterdnm sail
ing from here today. ,
LPfenty of Prophesying
About bponmg tyents
Ran Francisco, Dec. 27 Prospects for
Harry Wolter managing the Eos Ange
les club next spring seemed brighter
with the statement of Owner John Pow
ers that he will have a playing mnn-
' ager. If Puwers is stious in his stnte-
ment, this will eliminate Frank Chnnce
and "Kid" Oleason, Coast league fans
4 said today.
Whoever pilots the Angels will nnvo
plenty of players to pick a team from,
according to statements made by Tow
ers. Pittsburg has promised to turn
over throe pitchers and one iufieldor.
The St. Louis Nationnls will let go of R
pitcher to close the Hi .Tnsper deal and
Powers will have first 'choice of the
Chicago American pitchers who are re
leased next spring.
Bate per word New Today:
Each insertion, per word la
One week (6 insertions), per word 5
One month (26 insertions), per word 17e
All ads must be ordered lor a stated
length of time, no ad to count less tat.
10 words.
The Capital Journal will not be re
sponsible for more than one iniertiom
tar errors in ciassmea Auvertise-
ments. Read your advertisement the
first day it appears and notify us im
mediately it is contains an error.
Minimum charge, lac.
Husband Deserts Wife
After Twenty-seven Years
, to Wed Trained Nurse
San Francisco, Doc. 27. Mrs. .Tobn
H. Spring verged on collapse today up
on hearing on her arrival here from
Honolulu that Lor husband, wealthy
Berkeley real estate man, has announe
e,l ho will cast her aside after 27 years
of wedded lite to marry Mrs. Oene-
vlevo Ecker, a nurse.
She had heard wireless rumors of her
husband's decision, but full realization
of the truth of the story stunned her,
for she had not previously believed it.
She planned to go nt once to her
son's home for a family council at
which Spring may be asked to make
his choice bctwoon the wife of youth,
ft . A
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and the younger woman, who entered
bis lite while she nursed Mrs. spring
back to health a year ago.
"I have alwavB been a loyal wife,
she said, controlling her emotions with
difficulty. "1 can't realize what he
menns to do."
As for Spring s charge that she left
her daughter at Honolulu facing a
ciinrge of running down a woman in
her automobile, Mrs. (spring said tne
case was not as serious as reported.
'!She is with her sister, who is per
fectly capable or taking care of her
interests,'' said Mrs. Spring.
The wireless which Mis. Spring re
ceived aboard ship suid:
"Your husband announces he '.fill
marry flenovieve Ecker if you will get
It came while a gay Christmas party
wns being held aboard the steamer
Teayo Maru; Mrs. Spring seemed un
moved but suddenly sue excused her
self and had to be helped to her state
room. Then the message puzzled her
and it was not until silo reached the
dock and was greeted by some of her
Jaunty nnd newspapermen that the
strange love triangle story dawned
fully upon her. .
Charles IT. Tickett, the husband of
Airs. i;va Pickett, the local truant of
ficer, who was arrested Christmas day
on a complaint charging Insanity was
released Saturday nnd went to Turn
to visit relatives. Mr. Pickett is
commercial traveler nnd has been ab
sent Irom this city for some time.
Cupid nnd his agents have been busy
diir'uie the holiday season and in addi
tion to the three Christmas marriages
reported tnree more nnve Deen slated
to take pbuo today. The county clerk
records show Hint licenses have been
issued to John L. Gnry, a student of
Willamette nniversitv. residinir at 6H5
ijsoutn roinmeriMnl street, and Marie
Tnonmson, of this city: Htnuislaus Jan
owski, a Siiloin attendant nnd Alma
I'roiil, also a Salem attendant: also
John olpc, nn electrician of Ashland
nnd Eunice h. Eeituou, n telephone op
erutor of this fit v.
Schmidt on Stand.
I.os Angeles, Cal., Dec. 27-M. A.
Schmidt, alleged Times dynamiter, went
on the witness stand in his own defense
this afternoon. He denied categorically
all the charges against him, denied hav
ing used aliases around Snn Francisco.
denied hiring the "dynamite launch"
and denied making statements concern
ing the dynamiting to Burns detectives.
The high light of Schmidt's testi
mony was an assertion that he tele
graphed his landlady. Mrs. Belle I.avin
in San Francisco, from San Mateo on
the afternoon of the day before the
Times was blown up, saying he would
be home in time to take her to the
theatre. Schmidt said he and Mrs. Lav
in attended the Savoy theatre that ev
ening, reaching home at midnight, so
the defense 'claims, it was physical!'
impossible fortiim to be in Los Angeles
when the newspaper plant was blasted
When ' Schmidt concluded, Special
Frosecutor; Joseph W, Noel began his
address to the jury.
Steel Stocks Boom
On Wall Street Today
(Copyright 1915 by the New York Ev
emng i-ost.) .
New York, Dec. 27. Although this'is
considered the holiday season on the
stock exchange, activity was greater to
day than on any day since mid-Novem
ber. Prices advanced in response to
aggressive buying.
steel common led, and reached its
highest point since litlO, and the high
est in its history except at one period
lopper snares went upward in . sym
pathy; so did mercantile marine and a
number of war shares.
Helping the firmness and breadth of
the market was the buying of railroad
issues. This advanced nil standard rail
roads and New York Central was the
Highest since 1912.
.steel common went to 89 1-4 today,
The market closed strong.
Will Not Permit Bodies
of Victims To Be Removed
Queenstown, Doc. 27. American
friends and relatives of Lusitania vie
tlms have fought a losing fight to have
bodies of Americans exhumed here and
sent to America for burial.
The council composed of shop
keepers,' saloonmeii aud a cab drivor
has declined their request thnt the rude
coffins buried in one of the dreariest
cemeteries of Ireland, a mile outside of
the city, be disinterred. The council
suid such exhumation would imperil
public health and moreover thoy op
posed taking the bodies from conse
crated ground.
Loading physicians said, however,
that exhumation would not be harmful,
but even this view, coupled with ap
peals to the American consul aud Lord
Wimborne nroved fruitless.
Ocean- Park, Cal., Dec. 27. Damage
estimated at $100,000 was done to tne
million dollar t ruzier pier early today
Engines rushed irom Los
Angeles trii.
oroug.it tne names under control do- i. s.ln,iv.s free for ii evets in which
No Records on New Track.
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. .27. Ascot
Fark's new speedway has yet to make a
reputation as a world beating fast
Famous drivers who competed
FOB SALE Fresh cow and calf. 495
Turner street. Dec23
$3.50 per cord. Phone 2249. tf
foro they sperad to the buildings along
the waterfront.
The big Beu Hur roller coaster, one
of the largest on the coast, was partial
ly destroyed. Hear portions of the Rose
mary theatre were BCorcheJ, and a doz
en small amusement concessions
It 'is said the blaze originated in the
checkroom of the Ocean Park dance
hall. Roaring over the area which was
destroyed by the disastrous fire of
several years ago, the flames swept
toward the Breakers cafe and the Rose
mary theatre.
For a while it seemed if the entire
pier and even a part of the .town of
Ocean Park itself was doomed. Appar
atus from Venice and Santa Monica
could do little more than hold the fire
It was reported that several persons
were misBing -drowning on the end
wharf. Squads of police explored the
burning structuro to the very end, but
could find nobody.
rliii too arrival of engines from Los
Angeles, after a fifteen mile dash
along Washington boulevard the fhunes
were checked. Los Angeles police aid
ed in controlling a crowd of Beveral
thousand which flocked to the beach
from' nearby towns. All roads leading
to Ocean Park were blocked with sight
seeing automobiles.
Fear Bark Is Lost
Off Vancouver Island
With Crew of Fifteen
Seattle, Wash., Dec. 27. Fear that
the Peruvian bark Callao and a crew of
15 men are lost off the coast of Van
couver island is felt here today.
ino word has been received irom the
vessel since Saturday when she was re
ported drifting in distress off Cape
The coast guard cutter Snohomish,
which left Port Angeles Saturday ev
ening to go to the assistance of the Cal
lao, is still searching for her.
The Callao was bound out in ballast
under charter to W. B. Grace & Co. .
She was spokon to Saturday by the
crew of the Bamfield life saving sta
tion and reported to be stripped of all
except her topsail.
Captain Muller and 15 members of
the crew are believed to have gon to
the crew are believed to have gone to
Waterlogged, the vessel, which was
first renorted in distress off Cape
Beal Tuesday night was trying to
make shore 12 miles away.
On the waterfront here, it is believed
that the Callao is undoubtedly lost."
"She has either been blown out to
sea or onto the rocks," is the opinion
expressed at the offices of Grace &
Co. here.
According to Port Warden Payseo,
the Callao has never been in Seattle
harbor. She was to take on a cargo of
lumher at Hcllingham for Callao.
The Callao wns owned by Giovanni
bntta isola of Callao, Pern.
it was honed records for a one mile cir
cular dirt course would be shattered,
failed to grab any championships.
Eddie Pullen's red Mercer shot out
ahead in the 50 mile free for all and
stayed there, while Oldfield, Tetzleff,
Dave' Lewis and other notables fell by
the wayside. Pullen's winning time
for the 50 miles was 58 minutes, 32 2-5
seconds. Joe Parsons, in a Stutz, wns
second and Cliff Duraut, in a Durant
special, third.
To Play New Years Day.
Pasadena, Cal., Dec. 27. Twenty
eight men, representing Brown univer
sity, reached Pasadena early today to
represent the east in a great football
struggle against the west next Satur
day. Tne game will be played here as
a part of the Tournament of Roses coi
ebration new lears Day. The Brown
players will have their" first practice
this afternoon. Washington. State Col
lege nlayers arrived yesterday and lim
bered up on Tournament Park field to
Wtllard to Meet Fulton.
Chicago. Dec. 27. Jess Willnrd will
fight Fred Fulton at New Orleans on
March 4, or he won't fight in the south
ern city, he declared today. Bids from
other promoters will be in order if the
New Orleans backers do not accept Ful
ton, he said.
(4.00 cord. Phone 937. tf
FOB tENT Two houso keeping rooini
at 330 Nortn Uign. Phone "1." tl
WANTED General housework, for
middle aged lady. Phone 2139. Dec29
WANTED A small . cash register.
cheap for cash. Call 2295, after
noons, tf
WANTED 1 Vi acres land grubbed.
mostly brush. T. L, Davidson, South
12th street. Dec28
funiaco man wants job. Address F,
care Journal. Dec29
WANTED TO LOAN $750 on good
real estate security. Address Owner,
care Journal. Dec29
FOB SALE Two young fresh Jersey
cows, with heifer calls. 771 ftorta
Commercial street. " - Dec2S
banks Morse gasoline engine. Phone
1712M, Salem. F. A. Erixon. . Dec29
The finnl account in the matter of
the estate of Josephine Lawrence has
been filed and approved bv the county
court nnd nn order was Issued today
discharging Harold R. Jones from his
trust ns ndministrntor of the estate.
Says 15,000 Albanians '
Have Starved to Death
By Henry Wood.
fL'uited Press staff correspondent.)
Rome, Dec. 27. At least 15,000 Al
banians starved to death in the past
year and a similar fate awaits nn equal
number noxt year, W. VI. Howard, own
er of the American steamer Albania
said today upon his arrival here. He
distributed 200 tons of flour among the
sultering inhabitants.
"Crops have been a failure for two
years," he said. "Moreover, to a norm
al population of 1,000.000 there has been
added 200,000 Serbian refugees with
out food, aud 20,000 Austrian prisoners."
Jmlce William Gnllowsy today Is
sued nn order granting a' change of
venue in the case of t'uthorlne Schnei
der against tiio Supreme' Lodue.
Knights of Pythias and Herman Gus-
tav ncnnelder. . The caso will bo heard
l in Multnomuh county. ..
Stay of Execution
In Land Grant Case
Portland, Ore., Dec. 27. Federal
Judge Wolverton this morning granted
a stay of execution of the decree in the
Oregon and California land grant case
until February 7. Tho Southern Pacific
railroad, whom the decree gives an
equity of $2.50 an acre in more than
two million acres of land in Oregon,
asked for a delay of 00 days. United
Stntos Attorney Reames objected, de
claring the immediate execution of the
decree is necessary so that congress may
have a basis on which to proceed with
legislation for the disposal of tho grant
lands. The railroad company probnb
ly will take the case to the circuit court
of appeals ut San Francisco.
&Zisg Blanche Pantzor on the Empress
show held over at tne Blight tonight
indictment Probable
Against Robert Capelle
Snn Francisco. Dec. 27. On indict
ment against Robert Capelle, local
agcut for the North Germnn-LlDyd
Steamship company, in connection with
neutrality violations, seemed possible
today, when it became known Capelle
will not be called before the federal
grand jury. ...
Capelle, missing since a subponae was
issued agaiust him, returned to his Mill
Vnlly homo last week, and was served
with a summons to appear before the
grand jury.
It was said in government circles Ca
nelln should shed some light on the al
leged furnishing of supplies to German
raiders in tne racuic vj mr
rsmento. . .
No Flag Station at
Crosby Crossing on 0. E.
the Public Service commission has
issued an order denying the petition
of Lewis J. Glass for a flag station and
station house at Crosby Crossing on the
Oregon Electric one mile north of West
Woodburn. The order states that there
is a station at Loganvillo which. Is but
one-fourth mile from Crosby Crossing ,
and that the number of people to be
accommodated would not warrant tho '
German-Trained Chinese
Ready to Fight Japanese
San Francisco, Dec. 27. Two million
German trained Chinese are ready to
quell any revolution against Emperor
Yuan Shi Kni, Captain E. C, Rice, retir- j
ed United States army officer, doc-lnr-:
ed hero today upon his arrival from the ;
Far East. The kaiser had them train-:
ed, he said, as an answer to Japan's:
joining the allies. - ' I
Nevertheless, Japan ','U laying low
to grab off another big sllice of Man
churia." the enptniu said. The German-trained
.Chinese troops, however,,
he believed, wil'. check any Japanese:
Fresno, Cal., Deo. 27. Citrus fruit
growers today prepared for another
bnttle ngninst the cold and frost to
night, the weather man predicted frost
Last night wns tne corneal ui m
(or in the citrus belt. The thcrmomctei
reached 24 degrees above at Porterville
and 20 at Liodsay and rresno.
Nn damaee to the fruit has been re
ported, as the bulk of the orango crop
nas Deen picaeu. m-uwu R.wv.a .w
vented damage to their crops by burn
ing smudges.
South Tyrol hn one electric railway,
establishment of a station at the cross
ing when there was a waiting room and
a side track for freight cars as near
ns Loganvillo and the complalut of
the plaintiff wns dismissed.
O. M. Elliott, superintendent of the
city schools, left this morning for Mod
ford to attend the stnto teachers' asso-
., .... 111 V. - t
pj I rinrion wnicn win uu iu Bt'ivn mt
ulil J first of the week.
Detroit. Mich.. Dec. 27.
Neither Mrs, Ford nor officials
of the Ford automobile works
had any Information today con
cerning a rumor thnt Henry
Ford ts dead, en route to the
United States. The last direct
message filed shortly after Ford
quit his peace party and em
barked, stated that his physical
condition was good.
The Empress S. & C. Vaudeville
Billy Link & Blossom Robinson Co. in
HYLAND& DALE a clever pair of girls
PANTZOR DUO Novel and Amusing
Feats of Contortion
TODAY DLIGO Children 10c
ONLY -D Imuran ADULTS 25c
OB SALE Pointer pups, males $9.0O,
females 4.()U. Phone 36F11. Dec27
NUMBER Of nice ladies hats left
yet at $1.00 each, were $3.50 and $4.
328 Hubbard Bldg.- Dec27
FOB SALE Good Jersey cow, will
freshen in about 10 days. T. ii. Wal
lace, Boute 5, Box 125. Dec2S
FOB SALE Buff Orpington ahicken
and eggs for hatching purpose.
Phone evenings, 69F2. ; . . Jantt
STOP! LOOK I Two lota on ear line.
$350, terms. D. C. Corey, 1363 N.
17th. ,. JanS
PIGS FOB BALE At a bargain All
sizes, from .0 pounds to 20U pound
See Geo. t Doust, at Capital City
Creamery.- " Dec29
LADIES Make shields at home. $10
for 100, work sent prepaid, no can
vassing. Send stump. Ivanboe Mfg.
Co., St Louis, Mo Jan3
CALENDARS FOB 1K16 Large fig
ures for practical use. Call or phonat
Homer II. Smith, the Insurance Man,
McCornnck Bldg. Phone 1)6. Jan2tf
LOST lietween U. S. Bank and Hub
bard Bldg., a Ladd & Bush pursa
containing gold, silver and stamps.
Finder please leave at Journal of
fice. Dec27
WOOD FOB SALE Second growth
fir, $3.25 per cord, 4 foot length;
$3.75 per cord, snwed to order. Deliv
ered in South Salem. Phone 11F3.
L. G. Bulgitf. Dec27
TO EXCHANGE For farms in Marion
county, productive, fully equipped
dairy ranches in Lincoln county: 171
acres, 85 bottom land, prefer vicin
ity Salem; 210 acres, 100 bottom
land; 137 acres, well improved; 160)
acres, mile and half from railroad,
well improved. Other exchanges'.
Write for full particulars. Give)
thorough description of what yotr
have to exchange, valuation, etc., in.
first letter. Write W. M. Hill, To
ledo, Oregon. Dec2?
Indian Troops Transferred
To Other Battle Fields
London, Dec. 27. Indian troops in.
France will be transferred to anoth
er front, it was officially announced
This announcement was made simul
taneously with a message from Kim;
George of England to the Indians, say-
op "I now require your service in an
other field of action. Before yon leave
Franco, I am sending tho Prince of
Wales to thank you for your services)
and to express my satisfaction."
It is believed that the Indians are
destined for the Balkans, Mesopotamia!
or Egypt.
Russians Come to Buy
Munitions in America
San Francisco, Dec. 27 Thirty-five) ,
Russian nrmy chiefs arrived in Hast
Francisco today aboard the liner Tcnyo)
Mara to purchase millions of dollars)
worth of guns and ammunition in the
United States for the Russian govern
ment. They will also make a complete
study of the great American munition,
plants where the cartridges now being
used by the allies are being turned out.
Leading the party is Colonel M. Jout
off, a noted munitions expert. The of
ficer admitted that- Russia is in thai
market for millions of dollars worth of
American made war supplies.
New York, Dec. 27. Madame Barak
Bernhardt, beloved of theatre goers of
two continents, is sinking very rapidly,
bnt her relatives assert her condition i
not hopeless,, although she is very weak,
according to a message from Paris to
day to the Universal Film company.
Her physicians were said to hr
agreed she will never return to Amer
ica; one said she will never leT
France. Nevertheless the patient is op
timistic and believes she will soon b
able to go to London.