Editorial Page of "The Capital Journal" MONDAY KVEXIXd, December Si', l!Mi5. CHARLES H. FI3HEE, Editor and Manager PUBLISHED EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY, SALEM, OREGON, BY Capital Journal Ptg. Co., Inc. L. S. BARNES, CHAS. H. FISHER, DORA C. ANDRESEN, Presidont Vice-President Bee. and Treag. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Bally by carrier, per year $5.00 Per month. Daily by mail, per year 3.00 Per month. .45c .35c FULL LEASED WIRE TELEGRAPH REPORT EASTERN REPRESENTATIVES New York Chicago Ward-LewiB-Williams Special Agency Harry R. Fisher Co. Tribune Building 30 N. Dearborn St. The Capital Journal carrier boys are instructed to put the papers on the poreh. l the carrier does not do this, misses you, or neglects getting the paper to you on time, kindly phone the circulation munagcr, as this is the only tray we can determine whether or not the carriers are following instructions. Phone Main 81. CENSUS FIGURES AND OLD AGE The Capital Journal has had two or more editorials on such subjects as the weight of a billion dollars; a billion bushels of wheat; and the weight of rainfall. It is rather bewildering to study into such everyday things, but al though requested to do so it refuses to try to make any estimate as to the number of times the statement was made the day before Christmas and on that day, to the effect that: "It is not for its intrinsic value." You know the rest. Portland is' to have apostoffice building that will cost $1,000,000, work on it to begin next March. One of the most pleasing things about it is that there will be no "pork" in it, not at least until the postmaster takes posses sion. Probably General Villa believes that a more northern climate will benefit his health just now. "Figures will not lie." That is where "figures" have nearly every thing else mundane backed off the map, and have the held to themselves. The United States bureau of Census has just issued a report of the death rate in the cities with a population of 100,000 or over according to the 1910 census. According to this the death rate of Port land in 1914 was 9.1 per thousand. This was a decrease from that of previous years, the rate being 9.5 in 1913 and lO.o in 1910. This is taken from the list in the Ore gonian, which fails to give Seattle or Spokane for 1914, but the rate in the former was given in 191:3 as 8.4 and the latter as 8.9. A foot note in the Oregonian list says the rate for 1914 was not available, but Seattle says the rate for 1914 was "8.1, the lowest in the United States." This difference of opinion and statement was not the reason for the assertion that "figures" were lonesome in their truthfulness. The reason for it is that it puts a condition up to us for belief that is hard to assent to. If only 9.1 out of a thousand die in a year the average of life would have to be about 110 years: As many die in infancy, and many more at an early age,' it follows that some would have to live well above 200 years to make this death rate possible. Of course Portland people may be older than they look, but while there are supposed by some to be plenty of moss backs in that village, it is hardly possible that they could " conceal such a crop of moss as would naturally gather in our somewhat moist climate in a couple of centuries'. "Figures will not lie," but we are compelled to believe that figures will, and do, even though they hold government jobs. Caretaker Hackett, of Seward Park, Seattle, is a great stickler for the law. A cougar has taken up its quarters in the park and Mr. Hackett says he "could have shot it 'several times, but it is against the law to shoot in the park." If a burglar should enter his house and he had a gun, and the drop on the other fellow he could not shoot until he had called up the authorities and got their per mission. The burglar under these conditions would prob ably have refused to wait. If that cougar should attack him he would have to depend on his legs for safety, or furnish the animal one Hackett for dinner. Wo RappSinRhqrassS CRITICISM No odds what kind of work you're doing, your friends, with scorn your efforts viewing, will say your wires are crossed; they'll stand "around you criticis ing, and reprimanding and advising, and maKeyournie a irost. iou paint your pump, and all your neighbors will come to i 1 t 1 i n i contemplate your moors, and snow you where you're wrong; they'll say your paint is punk in color it should be gaudier or duller and kick the whole day long. If you are wise you let them chatter the words of boneheads little matter, they're wortn a cent a ton' and while those words the air are tainting, you keep on paintine, painting, painting, until the pump is done. The man who listens to the spieling of critics always hits the ceiling up on some bitter day; be sure you're right 'twas Davy said it than go ahead and gain the jcredit, nor care what neighbors say. A Galley o' Fun I HAD IT HAPPENED IN 1911. As the sculptor left the studio and locked the door after him, the newly finished Venus de Milo gave a critical glance at her reflection in a mirror on the opposite wall. She seemed great ly disturbed. At last she spoke: "What frightful hips! And they are too, too solid to reduce! Oil, thai wretch of a sculptor! What shall 1 do?" 6 Frantically, and In wild despair, she massaged her hips until her weary arms fell off. There was no improve ment. Once more there came a cold, stony look, as of marble, upon her lovely face, and Bhe spake no more. I A IN THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY. "And thou hast been to the alchenv i&t?" said tho lady of the scornful mien. "Is It true that he hath discov ered the elixir of youth?" "Nay," said her acquaintance; "but lie hath discovered a marvelous com plexion wash. I warrant if tliou wilt use it thou wilt not look a day ove-Uurty-four." A SUITCAfcE SHORTAGE Ciiehnlis, Wash., Dec. i!7. A suitcase famine exists in Che linlis, nii'rrlinnts report. People i-iuiii nn into tho city from sur rounding dry territory to stock up with "wet "OoiIn" before state-wide prohibitum becomes essective January first have bought most of them. bought most of them. Oregon Corn Growers Highly Complimented (Capital Journal Special Service.) St. Paul, lec. 27 If the boy coin growers of Oregon continue the pro gress iney nave miiile m the last vear THE STAIE HOSPITAL STAFF HOLDS LIVELY Thirty-One Salem Residents Capture Two Coons In Mission Bottoms An old-fashioned Christians 'coon hunt wiib staked yesterday by Dr. John (.'. Evans, of the Oregon State hospital this stale soon will lie in front ranks ! s,lltf 111 Mission Bottom, wlneu was nu .1 I., , iii .,f :.. , .,, .u...-1 "en ioved " bv ;il Salem residents, n Senator Chamberlain has a plan for getting at thefts, according to iw. k. k. .Moore, of:1""" liounds ami four coons, ai- ' 0 . - . ', 1-. .:......:... II-: ... nnmt evm-V mm ,-emnm l.i,i-u tlm ,1,1..;,.,, f Via wmiltl hntra o mi- iiniiu,, til , iM-uiiftiil, who hi- ---J ,..v nc VVUU1U Hctvc a ,1.,.. fini-hcil in,i,.in.r flu. i,nv nv.icoon hunt which called for an eurlv hihits at the First .National Corn Show 1 morning stir with u light blanket of held in the Mammoth Mill railway snow 011 the ground on an oveuing hunt building, this city. Tropin- cup award's with the blazing fire at the base of the valued at ir.'.tHui were given by the coon tree when the champion coon dogs : ctual conditions of trench fiehting. division of the army assembled near Washington, there to dig trenches in order to see how it is done, and what tnnla nn -nnAnA orwl nlon t-n Vinvo rtipco trpnrVifa eVipllprl VVl'lO 141V A 1 V. 1 V- v., Ullll - . w .v v - - - -.i: I I I i .1 v- .i.'.tf .1.. II , , . . , ' , j. li ce 1 j 1 J i. 1- . i. . "anil ami me .oriu- wio iicigiimniiouu were turned loose SO aS tO get the eileCtS Ot Dig gUnS and tO leam JUSt Wnat western Trust company. An exception-! upon tho haptens reccoon who was stir- 5J nPPrlpH in thir lino Tf tho tl'PncheS Wd'e filled With ","v fi" 'l""1''.' of com was raised by .red from his slumbers with a willow nt-t-C,Ca in mat lint. U lit WtJIlUltb weie liueu Willi ,lu, l(Vs, of M,mt.ula vVnshingtou,! ,,,,,. Then the fur flew. Afteratur- SCnatOl'S and Congressmen be tore the Shelling began it Oregon, Idaho, the Unkotas ami .Mimic-i moil of advice to'the dogs and the velp- might not be an entire waste of ammunition, or a wholly r, n XTZZ Ttfe bad idea. llr' 'l'llr putting the orth-,wlio had the honor of being the slayer western states oa the map as a new and the kill was nlwnvs pronounced the . . .. wnaderlnl eon. belt. "Why, the biggest ono that had been killed that The I'ortianci Kose ueieuration committee is wrestling , " ?. U,1fc y". with the job of selecting a slogan for next year's festival, 'lmiiity that i i. live I'Mimuicd in the Lnst vear Mr. Conner of Inc cneni ence turn shed the sen- V" ,", ' ; ' V-lj ..' n" J ;.. u s uu U.'l r."'. " .. I Ar:,l the n..tom..bile. Itlllt'Ut UUll WUlrifU Uiiy Willi IIIC" pilC VVUU Hie isiuguil. ' .K'eui. repuinuon ! iZ0( i,v lr It always icon, j,K,.. this s.ateme, hv hi , ,i r ay. S" t'"' ' !" Bottom re- the highest tribute that eoiil.l! J". "A'i , ,.J T . 1,,1 nun in (Tuyn ui nuuiius. several trees were felled and one proved to be "The whole world knows the Portland Rose." sopmpil to' us that if the slotran was true there was no use1!"'11 ,lu' ."mhest tribute that could , j ,v ,T lie paid to boyhood effort ia this conn in uiivet use iiiu iuu iui hut The 1111(1 coon hunt lacks the lone I tramp and the muzzle loading squirrel I rifle and ia supplanted by the repeater onioiiiie. 'i lie party mobil Kvnns left Salem in nutos try T, . , ., , . , ,, , , . I show, the compel it ion of the Inn- com It seems to be the general idea that the next presi-i growers (,r tin- seven states being con- mien io i ne nnys in Me districts or their state. Following nre the prize winners: In Oregon. District No. I. ring nations of Europe should learn that "the foreigner 'd'Tjl i'; Til!;';, ,"ivT- pays the tarid'" they are liable to fix their tariff rates so; "-ar.i iiateh. Parma. District x0. the United States will have to nay all those big war debts S ?2J""t rL M M. I hurley, llrownslioro. Fourth, ,lelin A. Iliitler, Kale Point. There wore no sweepstakes in tlio i . b?"do' r of threo oooim. The coons dential campaign is to be fought largely on the tariff question. It is unfortunate that this is so, for if the war they are now piling up. Mme. Jeanne Jomelli sang for the prisoners in the Multnomah county jail Christinas. Her audience was pretty tough but they were all polite and stayed until the program was completed. Here is a hunch for beginners in the musical line. LADD & BUSH, Bankers Established 1863 CAPITAL - . - - - - $500,000.00 Transact a General Banking: Business Safety Pcpesit Boxes -SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Sawmill Worker Is Killed at Springfield Struck on the head by a heavy tim ber at the liooth-Kolly sawmill at Springfield yesterday forenoon, Kl ward llrinlley, a laborer, aged -10 years, died lit the Kugenc hospital about MilUI o'clock yesterday afternoon from his injuries, never regaining consciousness, Uradley was struck on the head by a squnre and several feet long, the tim ber falling from a temporary conveyor at tiie mill, lie fell unconscious to the ground and n physician was called. It was Keen that the Injury was nerious anil he was rushed to the Kiigeno ho pilnl. The surgeons found that the innn'a skull had been fractured. llrndley leaves a wife and two child ren, l.yilin and l.ymnn. The family lived in Kugeue for some time previou to going to MpruiKtieiil and resided at ail Fifth avenue west. They have been at Springfield for two months past. Tne remains will be sent to the skirmished around among tho guests and the dogs and two wero enotnreil alive. Mr. Lewis made a daring capture of a coon after swimming 200 yards down an old lagoon nod finally drown ing the little nniinnl by clasping it to his breast and diving. The coori vi dently considered that It had one of Davy Crocket's descendants after it nnd also one who lind his aueient an cestor's flint lock faded by up-to-date submarine tactics. Among tlioso who made up the pnrtv were Dr. John C. Kvnas, Lute Savage, Cliff Kvnns, Ben Olcott, Curtis Cross, .Tames Young, Frank Spears, Don Bvrd, Dr. l'rinee Byrd, Walter Thompson, Arniund Steiner, Dr. Boss and Dr. Bates of the hospital staff, Ray Richardson, Sam Parks, Karl Simmons, Andy Cam eron, S. S. Kast, Dwight Misn'er and wife and Walter Thompson. An enjoyable time was had by all those present. old home In Michigan for burial. The remains nre at the (lonlon and Venteh undertaking chapel, where they will be kept until the time of sending them to Michigan is determined upon. There will be no inquest. Kugene Reg ister. (A sister-in-law of tho deceased. Mrs. .lessie Bradley, resides in Kalcm.) One explanation of the statement of the mayor of Detroit made In New York that though there are 40,000 auto mobiles in Detroit nobody is run over, ia that everybody rides in automobiles and there is nobody left to run over. The World Has Confidence in Thrifty People The men and women who cultivate the saving habit not only lift themselves into prosperity evantually, but they command the confi dence of their employers, of business men and of friends, Employers encourage the banking habit among their employees, business men recognize it among their patrons and friends admlre.it among their associates, A bank account is tho best evidence of thrift. The UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK particularly wel comes the accounts of the waga-and-salary-earner. Our advice on any business or investment matter is theirs always for the asking. Th terms in our Savings Department are most liberal and the protection here is ample. Close, careful attention of the Officers and a careful and able Directorate together with TJ. S. Government Supervision and vast resources furnish you a Bulwark of Safety for your Money. Start your account now with $1. INTEREST PAID ON ALL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS United States National Bank MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Prune- - Loganberry AN AMIABLE MAN. Josh You don't find many men as good-natured as Silas. Hiram No, Indeed! I never heard him say a hard word about anybody rot even about Congress or Legisla lur WHITE AND YELLOW. Two stalwart men of different race Brniled at each other, face to face. One said: "I'll do thee, friend, nc barm," And marked the sinews of his arm. "Your servant, sir," the dark on'e said And studied long the other's head. Said One: "Our ways together lie," And noted hla companion's eye. He answered "We will walk In peace," And saw the other's pace Increase. "l'ou run?" said One, with smiling face, And watched the dark one's easy i grace. "A friendly race!" Iho second cried, And noted how their strength was tried. "Lets rest awhile," the white ono said, S.elng the other was ahead. ' "With Joy," the dark one did reply, And slipped into a wood nearby. The fair one drew his gun and said: "There may be enemies ahead." "Within these woods Is danger rife," Said Number Two, and drew his knife. Said One: "The best of friends wc are," And laid his gun across his knee. "True," prompt reply the other made, And sharpened his long, keen blade. Then raised bis arm without a word, This story's end I have not heard. AN OPINION. "These roof gardens are delightful." "Yes, indeed 1 Without them the city would be as dull as some of the Summer resort"".' '- CRITICISM. . .. Tlrst Messenger Boy (wonderlngly) Say, Mugsy Is purty light on his feet, alut be? '-, Secoid Messenger Soy (contemp tuouily) lit muBt be purty light In his head to be iprlntlu' like dat In il biuaeflil Combination Boz for a CllHISTMAS mrT Or a paper wrapped sealed 10 lb. box of our fancy PHEASANT PERFECTION PRUNES You can't beat it for an appropriate seasonable gift to your eastern friends. While me box lasts it will speak to them every day about Salom, Oregon. See display in Roth Grocery Co.'s win dow, or at our office... Thousands of them are going, order yours today. Willamette Valley mm nww, . Prune Association Always Watch This Ad Changes Often ' ' ' ' wMmM v VV JUUaiVlAIN for The wZis ' 8Ied8e8' WedgM SttWS and EqPb A1Lkn!J1,i"aonfnn0?TrUBIttea.,Iron 'or both Eoofs a" Buildings, cost 6 7 Mttngo1' ,UgUtly used for one-fourth original $15 AND J20 NEW OVERCOATS AT 5.00. I pay 1 1-2 cents per pound for old rags. I pay highest price for hides and fur. H. Steinbock Junk Co. an, w..v n 6,.Ho"8e .f HaU Million Bargain.. ' 1 tii ii mi it lit iii i i Pn0Iie 808. i '"""'iiiiMHimMnitti )ve,r he is clllll ,, hP has ma(le hr CT1TH limirn home in this, the most healthful cli- t STATE NEWS $ mate iu t,,e M ? j, j, u. j. j . . . .Advertising naker's contribution to !(,)( sc!)(!!( si, Chnatnins specialties the Democrat MciU'nril Sun: During the winter Hill .Stewart lias been riiling a horse he borrowed from Dr. A. .1. Helms, and the other day while he was riding by the rifle range of l'oniianv 7, there came a volley and the horse 'fell to the giouinl. Stewart thought the equine hail been hit l,v n imv I,,, II... .,.i while lie was removing t lie saddle, the nurse Hrosp. . in r mi other volley was fired nu,l the horse says: " Cither towns may go in bath ing, wear straw hats anil do other stunts on Christmas, but Iiaaker will depart a little from the usual and have a baiiil corn-en on Main street at 3:U0 o clock iu the afternoon of Christmas day. This will show to the outside world taut Halter has a salubrious cli mate at all times of the year. A brass band of 1(1 members has been organized at Echo, with Percy Hipper again dropped. After a couple of ' luesnlent; Karl Ksseistvn, secrettirv- nose anil i 'eusiirer, and C. I', Adams leader. kicks ailll A SlUIlt till Imrun n,-.u.. - ' " uiwr unit trotted Oil Its WIIV. Dr. llelnm fnnmt ! to tell Stewart liuit th. iml,,,n,,i "This." nv tho l nn.i., m... tornierly in the moving picture busi-j or; ls the kind of a Christmas that ness, and iiud been trained to die when he heard a 'shot. He was purchased from a band of gypsies last slimmer who secured it from a moving picture outfit. Hill (irnmlv. .Inn Cm,. .l,wU,.h !..!. .. ....... jr1 . uiinci ami a lew more old timers sav was a very expected incident in the' (Irnude Hondo valley life of years ago." The Fossil council has decided to re turn the new iiose cart bought from a lortland firm sometime ago for $14 nnd get a bigger enrr" lit $115. This, the Journal says, "will give the town be HERE FROM EUGENE ireilfonl Mail: A lad of fourteen re lated his ComiillninnK. tlm ntlwir ,ln,f with a narrataive of his experience in Killing snakes on the farm during the " ,l,u""" says, "win give the t summer and autumn months. He lind,, ?00'' 1,01,0 ('l,rt8' which are to destroyed many. The boy did not know, 111 'I'fferent places," UOSsilllv. that lie wnu liillni.r '.,H,.' ' " - er's friends in thn tint,! i,,l,. ,,,..,. oiis snakes should be destroyed, and there are veiv tew of them iu this valley. Snakes live on field insects nnd field mice. Insects and field mice livo on father's crops. The bullsiiake, kiu i i-r snaive niiirncer aim otlier rep tiles of the kin, I nri mif tiniu,w,a ought not to be killed. They do the uiuivr u irieuiiiy service. Albanv Delnocmt- Sevai-nl firi,,rtHU have been Tuittiuir inl nir i.,,n-., systems, one that delivers the water di rect from the well under a ronstnnt pressure. Among them are Everett Ar chibald, of l'lainview, and H. T. Bid ders, whose lllllfit ia in M.itit.tn .,...... Otlier improvements being ninde are iiceivieue iignmig systems. ('. Koos, of Plninview, has just instnlled one. A O. Kunney is dning the installing. The Astoria lln,lint nhil., n.i,;n: that the storm which, has swept along tho coast during the past few (lavs has been nil exceptionally severe one and that the rnintnll in,n tlm fit.., n vA. veniber has been heiv stiil asserts that ()re?omans hnvp nmeh tn thankful for. "The weather has been mild," says the Budget, "the winds coming direct from the sea have brought the paret of air. ami when one reads of the terrific blizzards witii freezing cold in the east and middle A. I. O'Reilly, county school superin tendent, has gone to Hnlem to spend Christmas with bis family. Judge L. T. Harris, of tho supremo court, arrived lnst evening to join his wife. They will spend Christmas on their ranch nenr the Coburg bridge. Chet Huggiiu, varsity track man, left last night ou .the Oregon Electric for Salem, where he will spend Christmas with his parents. T)r. S. M. Kerron, of this city, with offices iu the I. O. (V, F. temple, left, yesterday afternoon for .Salem, where he will spend Christmas with relatives. Mrs. Kerron went down earlier in the week. Eugene Register.