THE DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DEC. 27, 1915, Social and ALINE THOMPSON WHAT a joyous Christmas it was especially for the little tots who awoke to find their stock InifB cramed" full of nil the gifts- they lave yearned' for during, the year, and what am unhappy day to the littlo irarts who were awakened to another Chrintmaa of sorrow and longing. Philanthropic workers however, made a merry day for niany little souls, and lessened' considerable the city's num ber of sad hearts. Last week society gave itself up al most entirely to the members of the family and the glittering Christmas trees. The calendar for this week promises to be rather full of gay little affairs and a number of ranees. Dancing seems to completely envelop the next few days. Tonight is the premier subscrip tion dance in the Moose hall. Tuesday evening Miss Hita Steiner and Dr. Prince Byrd will entertain their danc 'ine club,, and on Wednesday night the Orange, club will give their brilliant party in tlie armory. - . Mr. and Mrs.. Melvin Plimpton have r.a-t as tr.eir Bouse guest, Dr. T. L. Perkins, of Portland. Philip Patterson, who has been vis iting sinew Friday with, his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lee Patterson, re turned to Portland Sunday evening. Miss Elizabeth Hnily, of Portland, is guest at the Henry B. Thiclsen resi dent e. Before returning home, Miss Hnily will also visit Miss Margaret Hoi Igor s. The Chinik C'hinig Campfire Girls ipent a jolly evening with thoir guardian, Mrs. U. M. Uingncii, Thurs- ay. A (Jittering Christinas tree formed much merriment during the evening, followed, by a dainty collation. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Staploton, of ! Boseburg,, who, have been the guests . of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baumgartner, returned Sunday. - ' Mr. and Mrs. David Yantis . and ! daughter, Constance, of Portland, were i the week end guests of Mr. Yautis' mother, Mrs, S. E. Yantis. James Crawford of Portland wag the Christmas holidnv miest of friends. Mrs. Si L. Hayden and son Miller, left Saturday for Portland whore thoy are the house guests of ' Mrs. nay den's sistor, Mrs. James W. Cook. Mr. J. W. Woodruff was hostess on Thursday for a charming one o'clock luncheon honoring Mrs. S. Piorco,. of Livingston, Montana. The rooms were beautifully adorned ' gay poinsettas, while the 'hoard' was feuterod with a miniature Christinas tree. ' Five hundred was enjoyed after luncheon. .- Mrs. Woodruff's guests included the lembora of the country club, and gov J ral additional guests. A group of friends gathered Friday evening for a jolly little surprise party Riven in honor of Ralph Mercer, who , las reoantly joined the- navy, and is ' kome spending the holidays.' with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. L. Mercer. , Those enjoying the evening were: Allan Carson, Whitney 0 i 11, Wctor Keid, Kenneth' liandall, Charles Low, Dnrvl Proctor. Allnn flviin,. i;;i,.i Avlson, Eulph Mercer and Donald Ran dall. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ifoth, of The J'alles, have been visiting in Salem for several days with friends and. rein tivex. udEWELRr Also a Nice Line of Jewelry. KARL NETJOEBAUEB Maaoolc Bldg. Announcement! OUR ANNUAL c leairaice BEGINNING MONDAY, DEC. 27 CONTINUING UNTIL JANUARY 31 EXTRAORDINARY CLEARANCE U. G. Shipley Go. 145-47 Ikrih liberty Street, Salem, Oregon Personal Mr. and Mrs. Chester Coff, who were the Christmas gueBts of the T. C. Smiths, Jr., returned to Portland Sun day evening. Mrs. Claude P. Slade and small son William, of Milverton, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Roberts, left last evening for Grants Pass,, where they will visit Mrs. Slade 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gillct. The University of Oregon students have been issued an invitation to at tend the Orange club dance in the arm ory Wednesday evening. The invitation has been sent to Dr. Carlton Smith, who is president of t"je Oregon Alumni association in Salum. j ! The Artisans Drill team are keenly anticipating their second dance, which is to be given in the Moose Hall Wed nesday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer had as their Christmas guest, Mrs. Hot'er's father, Mr. E. W. Dent, of Portlcnd. A complete surprise to their many friends was' tho announcement of the marriage of Miss Murie Thomason, daughter of Mr. anil Mrs. George Thomason, of this city, and John Gary, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gary, of Ida ho. The weddintf which was very simple, with only a few friends and relatives present, took place Christmas evening at tho home of Rev. J. C. Spencer, who officiated. The young couple attended Willam ette university and were very popular in collego circles. Thoy are at homo to their host of friends at Otto Commercial street. Miss E.lna Ficks, of Seattle, is visit ing in Salem with Mrs. A. I. Palmer and daughter, Miss Emily. Miss Picks taught German in the Salem high school lor a number of years, and has a large number of friends who will be glad to have her with tiiem ngain. A delightful family Christmas din ner was that given at the home of Mrs. W. H. Ringo on Broadway street. The rooms were prettily decorated in holly and evergreen. Circling the table which was aglow with bright Christmas candles were: Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Rlngo, of Stay ton; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Ringo, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Graber, Mrs. '. Bush nell, Miss Gertrude Savage, Miss Er; mine Bushmill and Malcomb Graber. At the conclusion of dinner the guest were made happy by the receipts of their Christmas gifts. Later the littlo party was enjoyably entertained at the Grand theatre. Some Lives Lost i With French Steamer Paris, Dec. 27. Some persons are be lieved to have perished when the French steamer Ville De La Ciotnt was sunk by a submarine in the Mediterran ean Friday. No details of the disaster, which became known today, were re ceived. CYC.pnf thnr. the veKsol una iiv.- podoed without, warning, and a major ity ut nor euinpieinenr. were Tcseueu. Sho was a 7,000 ton vessel, engaged in trading in the Orient. Eighty Perished. London, Vice. 27 Eighty persons per ished in the sinking by a submarine of tho French liner Ville De La Cintat, it was reported here today. Sho sank within a few minutes alter tho torpedo was fired nt her without warning. Next to the Anemia and Yasnka Mnru sho was the largest. liner sunk in the Mediterranean. Those whu died are believed to have been chiefly crew members. The Ciotnt was the fifth vessel today reported sunk. The others were the Bri tish steamers Dudley, Yeddo, Cutting ham and tho Belgian, Minister Bccr nnort No man is ever nominated for presi dent in the town ho lives in; so Big Bill Thompson's last hope must be gone. JANUARY All Around Town Dr. Mendleeohn will be at hla office January 1, 1016. tf The Stockton stor is engaged this week in the annual, inventory, o Dr. Stone 't druy store. The river is falling rapidly, aa the stage today is 8.8 feet above zero. No rainfall was recorded over Sunday. o Before placing your printing order, Phone 2170. Fuller Printing Concern. tf The Orpheus Male Chorus club will entertain its members and friends this evening at the club rooms in the Hub bard building. Dr. E. T. Mclntlre, psystclan and lurgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Owens arrived in the city today from Portland. Mr. Owena is an expert hatter and tailor and intends to locate in Salem. Dr. Stone's Drag store. 1 o J. P. Ward, the elevator operator at the supreme court building spent the Christmas holidays at the home of his friends Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Morris, of Turner. o Electric baths and massage under yonr physician's directions. N. N. Im us, 218 Hubbard Bldg. Phone 555. tf Mr. and Mis, G. W. Logan, of Port land, returned home today after spend ing the Christmas holidays at the home of their daughter, Mrs. E. R. Ringo, of this city. o All kinds of dry wood, sawed of 4 ft, lowest prices. Prompt delivery. Star Wood v.o., Phone 426, 18th and Oak. JanlS o L H. Van Winkle, assistant attorney general, went to Portland today to pre sent the state's side of the case of Balston against tho American Bunk & Trust Co. Try a Hygrade for pleases,- a smoke that The Willamette university male quartet will begin its season by sing ing at Ballston, Oregon, Friday even ing, January 7 and at Amity,. Saturday evening, January 8. The Kays rooming house; over the Salem Woolen Mills store, which has been vacant for several months, has been rented by Mrs. Johnson, of the Owl rooming house. o Something of interest to young people will bo found, in the advertise ment of the Capital Business College in this issue. Janl The Salem fire department was call ed out nt li o'clock last night in re sponse to an alarm turned in for a chimney fire at the John Albeit flat at 2!)2 North Cottage street. Holiday dancing party given by the Moose Tuesday evening, December 2H. Peerless orchestra. Refreshments. All Aloose and their friends invited. Chief Deputy State Engineer E. I. Canline, left this city today for Jack son county where he has been culled for a conference by the county court relative to some paving matters. Holiday dancing party given by the Moose Tuesday evening, December 28. Peerless orchestra. Refreshments. AH Moose and their friends invited. Work on the South Salem over-flow sewer started tins morning, on Owens street, between Kairmotint and Fir streets. This work is being done un der the supervision of the sewer coiu niitttce of the city council. The public market will be held on Friday in plo.-o of Saturday, and if the weather should he bad it will be in tlie corner building, corner Ferry and Liberty. . Dec27 B. D. Gray & company, of Turner, to- jdny filed supplementary articles of in l corporation ar tiie office of Corpora tion Commissioner Schuldcrmnn, chang ing the niuno of their establishment at j Turner to the Oregon Grain company. Stated meeting of Salem lodge No. 4 and Pacific lodge No. 3D, A. F. & A. M. this evening. Joint installation of officers. Visiting brethren velcome. Requisition papers for Glenn E. Bangs were honored today by Govern or Witkycomhe. Bangs is wnnted in Illinois on a charge of embezzling $10, U00 from the McCluro Company and is now in iail at Koseburg. h). A. Burke was the name of the officer sent out to return the prisoner for trial. Phone 700 TAXI SERVICE Cars for any time night - of day or Good Garage In connection for storage of cars. Reasonable Bates. SALEM TAXI CO. Garage OPEN ALL NIGHT. 248 Bute Street hmmm Dr. U. L. Scott is again at his office, room 408 of the U. S. National bank building. Tonight a joint installation of of fir cere will take place at the Masonic Temple of the officers for the coming year of Salem lodge Wo. 4, A. r . and A. M. and Salem lodge No. 50,. A. F. and A. M. Tho work of installation' will begin promptly at 8 o'clockv Those who do, and those who do not believe in mind reading were highly entortained last evening at the Ore gon, theatre. For the benefit. o both believers and unbelievers, the mind reader will appear again this evening at the Oregon. If you- lose it, advertise in the New Today column of the Capital Journal. The high school girl who lost her purse advertised in the New Today column and now she is happy as the purse was found by R. P. Bradford, of Route 7, who returned it to this office. Dr. T. A. Nelson, the well known chiropodist of Portland, has decided to locate in Salem and make this city his home, de has secured rooms 7 and 28 in the Breyman building an is-now ready for business. Dr, Nelson has had ten years experience in- Portland and intends to build tip a business' here by doing first class work. The Bebelriths will hold their Christ mas tree exercises- this evening,, in which there will be a real Christinas tree and presents given to the child ren. The program of the evening will be given by the children, to bo fol lowed by games nnd other entertain ing features. The entertainment to night is only for the members of the Kebekah lodge and their children. O. H. Luck, manager of the commer cial club is in receipt of a telegram from O. B. Lantham. who will be in the city Tuesday evening in the interests or ioyne jsrost or cnieago. who are large buyers of onions. Growers hav ing onions to sell1 'should communicate with the commercial club, as this com mission firm is in the valley to buy SO car loads. Salem folks to- the number of 4066 received Christmas i greetings in the way of postal cards tho two days be fore Christinas, according to the. rec ords of the postoffice. From Monday to Friday evening of last week, 21,480, LnriBrmas earns were received at the postoffice, and' this number does not include those mailed for Salem. For Salem and vicinity, ?7,6SO cards were re ceived last Thursday. Tho Inmates of the Oregon state pen itentiary will give their Christmas show, "Terrible Towser," next Thurs- day evening to- which the publia is M f,,M. ama. Pe"'ff A 0ttuu 8P01" vited. .The auditorium will be turned P"" "V ,c U? :vlth h P" over to the public and no inmates nf the pen will attend the show except muse participating.' xna admittance fee of 25 cents which will be charged) is for the benefit of the entertainment fund. A. McDonald, salesman for the Spaulding Logging company, reports business good for the- Indiana silo in the YaKinia valley of Washineton. where he has been working for the pasi iew weens. Aireauy one car load' of these silo9 have been sold for early spring shipment, nnd Mr. McDonald writes the prospects are good for the shippiu? of several cars into the Yaki ma valley within the next few months. The Spaulding Lodging company has rue exclusive sale and manufacture of the Indiana silo for the Pacific coast. There is no law against giving the mail man a slight token: or reinenv brance- about this season of the year for tho caro he has taken, in delivering one's mail.. And) at the samo tinio, there are no rules to-prevent one from iremembcring the boy who delivers thel daily paper, and who takes care to- see. that the naper is properly placed. This also applies to messenger boys- for the telegraph companion, A- slight remembrance- to those who da their best to please is often a good investment, not so much on account of the value of the present, as the fact that it is nico to be remembered and appreciated. Here is a chance to make easy money. Write two letters) one to a friend back east and one to a busi ness firm, telling of the wonderful state of Oregon and PortlanJ in par ticular. Semi them to the commercial club by next Friday evening. These will be forwarded to the Portland Chamber of Commerce, which is otter ing o0 in prizes for the best letters. If one is pretty handy in saying nice i tilings about Oregon, and the letter im-1 presses the judges of the "Portland' Lmiinuer or i ommerce, ttiere is a chance of getting part of the $50 of fered. ! In his farewell sermon yesterday, the Rev. Hurry E. Marnshall complimented the members- of his church for the friendly feeling they had displayed to wards him during the three years he hnd been pastor of the church ami stated that, he left the church only be cause he felt lug work was in- other fields. Since he announced some time ngo hig intentioa nf going into evan gelistic work, Mr. Marshall, has receiv ed calls from all parts of Oregon- and, Washington, ami alreudy has his time engaged for the greater parti of the coming year. His evangelistic work will begin next Friday in. Portland- at the East Side Baptist' church. The-of- I ficers and members of the church- will tender - reception to Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Wednesday evening, in- the parlors of the First Baptist church. no itcv. v. ii. taron, pastor or tne Baptist church nt Uoseburg, will oc cupy the pulpit next Sunday,, morning and eveniiicF. ASK FOR and GET HORLICK'S THE ORIGINAL. MALTED MILK Cheap inbrtltutes cost Y0O mum pries. S - PERSONALS : .A F. S. Bynon is in. Fortland on busir ness. William Esch went to Portland this morning. Edmund May spent Christmas with friends in Portland. Frank Plinsky, of Astoria, is visiting in Salem for the holidays. Chester Long, of Independence is a business visitor in the city. Carey F. Martin and family returned this afternoon from Newport. Judge Slater, of Portland, was a Christmas visitor in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Richardson are spending the holidays- in Portland. George Claxton, a fruit man from Shaw, is here today transacting busi ness. Thomas Fenncli; a prominent hop' man living near Independence, is in the city. d Piaseki and wife, of Dallas, were Christmas visitors with friends in the city. Chester' G. Huggins, University of Oregon student, is home for the holi days. John T. Albert and family spent Christmas and Sunday with T. G. Al bert W. C. Emmel and family spent Christ mas and Sunday with relatives at Hills boro. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Axlcy.and son, Rollo Axley, motored to Portland yes terday. Homer Egan is home for the holiday vacation, from the Oregon Agricultural college. ; Mark Savage, former chief of the Salem tir- department, and family, are in the city visiting relatives and friends. Miss Rosa Williams returned this ev ening from a Christmas vacation spent at Newport. Miss Vera Rosenquest, who has been teaching at Hull, Oregon, is homo for the holidays. Henry J. Holter, of Spokane, spent Christmas in the city with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. LaGrange. John Grant, of Dallas, former sheriff of Polk county, is in tho city to lay transacting business. Mr. and' Mrs. Don Pegg nre in the city for a few days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Pomeroy. Mrs. S. R. Rodgers, of Turner, spent Christmas in the city with hor daugh ter, Mrs. if. A, Afclntire. Miss Alma Watt, of Portland, spent Christmas and Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Kate Watt, in Salem. F. W. Powers and family, of Orenco, are visiting the Bnrncs and Baker fam ilies for tho holiday season. Arthur Baglcy returned today to his home at Canby after spending several days with friends in tho city. Otho Reagan, of Grants Pass, return ed Inst evening to his home after a few days spent here with relatives. Mrs. Sarah Robinson, of 131 East Nineteenth street, Portland, is visiting relatives this week in tho city. Miss Ruth Sperling of Portland, spent irjiiB, uuii jurN. Vy, ij. nucillllg. Artie Bcrkhead, principal , of .the West Salem schools, is visiting rola- tives in Monmouth for tho holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Gen E. Uuruh spent tho week-end with Mr. Unruh's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Hoffman, at Kaiser. E. H. Anderson, formerly of this eify, but now of Newberg, spent. Christmas in the city with his son, Earl Ander son. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Dellnn, of The Dalles, arc here for the holidays, visiting at the home of L. H. Hug gins. A. M. Crawford, former attorney gen eral, and wife, of Portland, wero hero Figure It Out For Yourself And yoit will see just why you see more well dressed men now than for months. Thig Xmas everybody was looking for practical presents and when we showed them how, by adding a few dollars to what they intended to spend, they buy a new winter suit or overcoat, the idea pleased them, and there you are. Then as we said once before "men will talk." Did you ever stop to power of suggestion? our Clothing Sales have this manner. It s easy if you have the goods and the prices to please, and in this instance we have both. This talk on the scarcity of money has become chronic with only a few. There's plenty of money if it can only be put into- cir culation. Of course one must offer some inducement .to cash buyers and this we are doing. Here are a few of them : Men's Suits $10 ones at $6.48, $12.50 ones at $8.68, $15 ones at $9.88, .$16.50 ones at $10.48, $18 ones at $11.98, $20.00 ones at $13.48, $22.50 ones at $14.98, $25 ones at $16.78. Men's Shoes in black or tan, lace or button, the PACKARD make, all las,ts, including the popular English, at $2.48 and $3.98. - . ODD COATS AND VESTS One lot, small sizes only, are going at $1.48 though worth three times as much. G. W. Johnson IIIF TOTJ WOULD SEE WELL ' YOTJ WOULD HAVE RESTED NERVES YOU APPRECIATE YOUS EYESIGHT, YOU WILL-HAVE YOUR EYES MADE AND Miss A. McCulloch Optometrist 208-209 HUBBARD BUILDING with friends for Christmas and Sun day. Ernest Wiggins and family returned to their home in Portland lust evening after Saturday and: Sunday visit with relatives in the city. Russell Cooley, of Portland, spent tho week-end with friends in the city. Ho is now with the Fortland Railway, Light & Power company. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Dennis and daugh ter, I.olitar spent Christmas at Butma Vista with Mr. and-Mrs. W. I. Reynolds, the parents of Mrg. Dennis. Miss Edna Purdy, of Orcnso, is hore for the week, visiting with relatives and1 also in the interest of a magazine published for walnut growers. l.loyd Kigdon and sister, Mrs. vviiini- fred Clark returned this morning fromi'dence, 1540 North Liberty street, Tueo- Jefferson, where they spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foutaino. Mrs. E. A. Holton, of Portland, is in thd city spending the holidays with rel - auves. She is-stopping at tuo homo of Mrs. C. D. Purdy, 960 Mill street. George Schreiber and wife, living near Newberg, are viBtiors in the city. Mr. Schreiber is a graduate, of tho law department of Willanictto university. E. T. Albert and family, of Eugene, were hero visiting with relatives over Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Albert re turned today but Mrs. Albert, will spend tho week visiting with hor mother, Mrs. E. L, Briggs. William Lorenz and Miss Laura Lor enz returned today to their homo at Camas. Wash., after a Christmas visit with the family of if, F. Richardson. Mrs. Richardson accompanied them, to remain over the holiday senson. j(i jjc fc jc jjs jc s)( jjc sjc ifc jc sjc DIED. HILL At the family Home, 21.73 Broadway, at 10:30 Sunday morning, December 20, 1U15) Mrs. LCmina, wife of Charles H. Hill, aged 33 years, 10 months and 14 davs. Her death wun due to complications arising after childbirth, Besides- her husband, five children, three girls and two boys, one of the lat- ter being the baby, survive her. Uerj iiiiner ami motner, two. joiners na nvn aturnra nil Iivimit , ,1 Kiiiimiiu !Ii Survive hor;. The funeral will be held at the First Christian church at 2 o'clock tomorrow. Tucsdav, afternoon. Interment in City View cemetery. , BALDWIN At Independence, Oregon,' Fridi,- December -1, 19.15, Samuel He is survived by a widow. Sun- iiay, uecemticr x, lie was entomucu at Mount Crest Abbey. DKX1SOX At his home, 1540 North Liberty street, Monday, December ' seps MlSaa think of the Fully half of been made in YOUB GREATEST GIFTS X EXAMINED AND YOUR GLASSES I PITTED BY PHONE 109! J t 27,, 1!)15. Loekwooit D. Denison. Surviving him,, besides his wife," aro Charles K. Denison, of Suloin;, and two daughters, Mrs. Daisy Lally,. of thin city, and Mrs. Hollohan, of Canada. . Funeral services will bo held at tho home at 1.30 o'clock Tuesday after noon, witn Duriui in -ity view cem etery. ' ' . hJ G. A. R. FUNERAL Comrades- of Sedgwick Tost,. No. 10, G. A. R., and all Civil war veterans and the W. R. C, and Grant Circlo L. of O. A. E., uro horcby requested to attend tho funeral of our lute' comrade lock. wood D. Denison, from his lute resi- day, December 28, nt 1:30 o'clock p. nt. I G. A. R. services at tho cemetery. R. M. Harris, commander; D. Webster, adju- . tant msmm3j "TAKE THE COMBINED COURSE BUSINESS AND STENOGRAPHIC:, At the Capital Business College, m son; the knowledge you secure thort; can not bo taken uway from you, ami no matter what line of business you- div cido to follow, it will mean quick pro- .' 11 motion und better siilury." Fol!owillff tho Christmas. Holiday, ouf 0 -' ' regular work,, both, day and night, will' bn reHiininil nn Af'nndnv. Jnnuftrv ' 3(11 New class in shorthand. An ideal time. Jn auy d(!1,ttvtmc,lt. The principal' will bo in his office each and talk with, any who uro interested. CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE High and Ferry Streets UJIfflWiWPgpl -T?W Men's 50c heavy derby ribbed cotton Underwear' and 75c Swiss ribbed, athletic neck, are each 35c, $1.50 Coop er's Australian wool shirts and draw ers at 98c, $3.00 Cooper's spring needl wool at $1.13 the garment, $5.00 fancy ribbed wool athletic neck for $1.63" each, and our regular $6.00 French riblml silk and wool is a bargain at $1.78 the garment. Men's Hats at $1.12 for the $2.00, and $1.98 for the $3.00 kind. We also have men's cloth hats for rough weather autoing, etc., the regular $1.50 and $2 are now 98c. Then there's Oxford bags in 15, 16 and 17-in. at $2.48, $2.98 and $3.48, that were $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 and $2.50 sweaters for $1.43, $2.00 and $2.25 V ncck Jersey knit sweaters at 98r, 50c wool socks at 38c, and 25c wool sox for 18c. Men's Trousers $2.50 kind at $1.98, $3.50 ones at $2.68, $4.00 kind at $2.98, $4.50 kind at $3.38, $3.00 kind at $3.73, $6.00 kind at $4.43. & Co.