. CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY : S FULL LEASED WIRE DISPATCHES & THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1915 PRICE TWO CENTS JTS mi PRESS DEMANDS CHANGE OF ENGLAND'S CABINE1 Lloyd George Tells Workmen laxed If England Is to Win' Must Rk rl Munitions or Tell the Kaiser "We Cannot Go 0n"-h N0 Ton Liner Hits Mine and Goes Down -Big Italian h Sunk by Submarine-Russia Organizes Great ArnV) Londou, Dec. 2". Using as their slog an Lloyd-George's "too late," iuflu entinl new spacers today d em untied a re organization of the cabinet. Lloyd (ieoigo would be tlie probable head of the government if Asquilh wero forced out. J'rompt decisive action in the matter of . forcing conscription, however, can save Asquith, his colleagues and tho press hinted. Despite optimistic reports, it is hinted that the Lord Derby recru't jug enmpaign was not a success, and the fact that results thereof were withheld apparently confirms this view. Conscription advocates demanded that there bo no further sidestepping of the issue. They held that the issue ought not to be submitted to a general election. Ou tho contrary; anti-con-ycriptionists, pointed to Laborites' threats of the danger of conscription and their announcement that they would fight such a move to the finish. Unless the issue is met at tonight's cabinet session, advocates of compul sion expect to renew their fight on Asquith concerning tne Dardanelles and Balkan failures. The whole nation was stirred today liy the speech of Lloyd-Oeorgc Christ Jiias before a mass meeting of uuion men at Glasgow. In this ho told them frankly that union rules must be relaxed if England is to succeed. Two courses, otherwise, are open, he declared. The first is to go to the men in the trenches and in form them that "perhaps in 1W17 Amer ican workmen 'will have furnished you , enough munitions;" tho other, is to. go to the kaiser and tell him '.'wo cannot Co on." Such a course, be said, would Jay the nation open to a largo indemn ity, and would moan the annexation of Belgium and one or more British col onies by Germany. Russia's Mighty Army. San rrancisco, Dee. 27. Kussia is opnrimmiig ine mignnest nrmv the world has ever seen and while it is in I process of formation no man can leave too czar's domains without a white ticket which alone will save him from service in the army, Max Goutchan, a Jiussain student who arrived here to day aboard the liner Tenyo Maru, said. Men in every walk of' life and boys still in their teens are being mustered into service, Goutchan said. Kussia is buildiiior the mightiest fighting ma chine in point of numbers in the his tory of wars, he stated. "The war is far from being near its end," Goutchan said. "I was at the iogo of Antwerp and served with the Ked Cross there. Churches were laid low and schools demolished. During my work with the Red Cross relief corps, I saw women and children in the field hospitals with beyonet wounds." 16,000 Ton Liner Hits Mine. New York, Dec. 27. The 15,000 ton British liner Arlnnza, believed to have been commandeered at tho outbreak of the war, was sunk off Archangel, prob ably by a mine December 10, according to reports today. Tho news was sup pressed for fear that neutral shippers would be alarmed. She was the largest ship sunk thus far, with the exception of the Lusi tanin and Arabic. Jap Liner Not Warned, Washington, Dec. 27. American Con sul Brixtow at Port Said, cabled the Abe Martin $ Why can't a football player git his jictine took without lookiu' like he mis wanted for snmethin'f It haiut till we grow tip that we git fouled on people. . ) kv HUH I Union Must Be Re state department today a confirmation of the reported torpedoing of the Jap anese liner Ynsnka Maru without warn ing. He said that the periscope was seen afterward, but that the nationality of the submarine was not known. Tin department is awaiting knowledge of this point before framing any protest against jeopardizing the life of the sin gle American passenger aboard. tTntil n cruiser picked up the sur vivors of the Yasaka Maru, the attack ing submarine, said the report, followed them apparently to sec that no harm befell the passengers. Tho fact that the nationality of the submarine supposedly Austrinu or Ger man is pnknown makes further inves tigation necessary before any protest can be mnde by this government. Italian Liner Sunk. Turis, Dec. 27. Six passengers and one seaman perished, but 150 others were saved, when the Italian liner Tort Said was sunk by a submarine, accord' ing to Milnn dispatches today. Thesa messages reported that the attacking undersea boat flew Austrian colors. Tho Tort Said's call for help was answered by an Italian destroyer, which pursued the submarine for miles. The submarine, however, escaped by div. ing. After Tescuing the Port Said's pas sengers the destroyer seized a Greek steamer which stood by during tho tor pedoing. It was believed she shielded tho submarine, and perhaps had been supplying her. Turks Get a Beating. London, Deo. 21. The Turks have been heavily defeated in an attack on Kut-el-nmnrn, the British base to which retreuting forces retired after failure of the Bagdad expedition, it was of ficially announced today. General Townsheud reported that the Turks lost upwards of GOO men. Tho Constantinople war office report ed the Turks attempting to surround Kut-cl-amnrn. Persians (Jet Whipping. Petrogrud, Dec. 27. Kussian soldiers defeated several thousand rebellious Persian gendarmes, lod by Turk and German officers, midway between Teh eran and Hamadnn, the war office said today. "In tho Riga region we silenced Ger man batteries," tho statement added. "South of Ikskul, Germans used asphy xiating gas bombs. On the Dvinsk front they were repulsed." . Siberian King in Italy. Paris, Dec. 27. King Peter of Serbia has been landed by a warship in ituly. ne was taken oft in an armchair, auu plans to go to Koine, then to the viliu limmanuei, provided tor him. Possibly later ho will make a trip to Salonika to canter with the Serbian minister ot war. Before sailing he delegated his autnority to Crown Prince Alexander, Says Allies Gnrw Stronger. Los Angeles, Cab, Dee. 27. William .1. Finlay, of Los Angeles, who was wounded while tiglitinir with the t'au nilians in the battle of Fnstubort, is with his parents hero todav. on fur lough. Ho says the armies of the allies are growing stronger and more efficient continually, and that diey have not yet put lortu tneir tuu strength. No Turks or Bulgars, London, Dec. 27. Greece will not per mit Turk or Hulgar forces to cross the : urecinu irontier and has so notified the fiiuiat'r, uccuruing to press uispatenes to il uy. Another report said that Greeco had consented to the crossing. Hindus Stirring Revolt. Exeter. Cal.. Doc. 27 With tlu unr. poso of aiding in finmiciug u revolu tion against iiruisn rule in indiu, 100 Hindus in this region have organized and are conducting a campuiyu for funds. Italians on Greek Border. London, Dec. 27. ltaliuu troops who landed ot. Avloua have crossed the Al banian mountains and reached the Ureok frontier in southern Albania, ac cording to an Athens dispatch today, Submarina Got One, London, Dec. 27.--The l.NOO ton Bri tish steamer llndley has been sunk by a submarine, but her crew was rescued, NEGROES SAVED FBOM MOB. Muskogee, Okla., Dec. 27. The mob spirit which prompted an attack of a nig erowd upon tho county jail had ap parently subsided today. '-Tho two ne groes imprisoned for aliened murder, nnd sought by tho mob were safe either in Tulsa or a nearby jail, having been !'iriivu itwu. French Send Peace Prayers to German Trenches . Loaded in Shells . By CJarl W. Ackerman. (I'nited Pross.stuff correspondent.) Lille, via Berlin, Dec. 27. English mines blew the tiny Christmas tree from the German trenches Saturday and sent the Germans runnini; belter skelter. There was no Christmas truce, at least not ou tins iront. On Christinas ever, 3,000 soldiers heard a peace sermon in the cathedral at St. Maurice. "Let us pray God that Ho will carry our peace prayers to tho enemy," said tlie minister, und censweless artillery firing between Yprcs and LaBussee echoed his words. Throughout the night there was heavy artillery firing despite a rain storm. Lille awoke Christinas morning to find the town flooded, while other villages near the front seemed to be floating. Hut despite the downpour, Lille's 250,000 inhabitants mid thousands of soldiers managed to celebralo the holi day merrily. Lighted and decorated Christmas trees peeped from the win dows of homes, ami larger onesh were seen in the station and restaurants. .daily soldiers curried trees to the trenches, to the astonishment of of ficers and probubly the. enemy. The German front on Christmas of fered a refutation of the world wide accusation that "the Knglish are let ting the French do all the fighting." Oil Thanksgiving, I walked for two hours along the front line trenches in the Argoime, sometimes 15 feet from the French works. Only three rifle shots and occasional artillery firing were heard. But on Christmas even the rain did not stop the British artillery. Every clear day, they said, Knglish aeroplanes hover over Lille whose sub urbs are in rench of the Knglish guns, which bombarded occasionally. As soon as tho bombardment ceases, children again play in the streets. On Christmas cvo here, it was like Christmas with one great family. The correspondents sat with 1,000 Goetting la'ndstrum men, every one of whom was married. SomO one figured that they have 5,100 children. They unpacked cigars and cigarettes, knives, flash lights, fruits, nntcakes, sausages and bacon mid other presents frob home, and were joyous. The captain addressing them said: "A yenr ago I predicted we would spend another Christmas in the field. Now I wish to repeat this prediction for the coming yenr. Germany is fight ing four leading powers: some say she will fight a fifth." The latter was obviously intended to mean America. While the captain spoke, tho soldiers' eyes were dimmed with tears. The officer escorting our party re plied briefly, and was heartily applaud ed when he hoped for pence before an other Christmas. On Christmns afternoon tho $1500,000 theatre started by the French and com pleted by the Germans was formally opened by the crown prince of Bavaria. Sixteen hundred soldiers attended. E E One By One They Fly Away and Return Not, Neither Bear They Olive Twigs By Charles P. Stewart. (Tinted Press Staff Correspondent.) Stockholm, Dec. 27. The Kurd peace expedition sought todav to coax back into the dovecote (he dove of peace that escaped while the party was en route to Europe. The new management is trying to prevent further secessions from the ranks, and at the same time, stir a new spirit of hnrnionv. Kev. Jenkins Lloyd Jones believes there is still a chance for-partial success if this harmony en sues. At n meeting hit night, lenders ex plained Ford's plans to enlist HO0 so cialists who would probably support the program staunchly. Tile Swedish press today declared the expedition might have hastened pence if it had been properly managed. The latest secession from ranks was that of Mrs. Inez Miilhollnnd lioisse vain of New York, who attacked the antocralic control of the expedition. Bryan Will Join Party. Copenhagen, Dec. 27. Former Secre tary of State Bryan today cabled Ford peace expedition that he will join them here, according to ndvlc.es local peace organs received. Meantime, Governor ITnnnn, of North Dakota, who quit the peace expedition In a "huff." is in St. Josephs hospital here suffering with influenza. Local peneo advocates said that re ports that tho Ford party would make its headquarters here, instead of going to The Hague, were unfounded. In fact, they clnlmed, that, negotiations are now (Continued on Pass Five.) EIM'S COUSIN ASSASSINATED IN A FRANCISCO Murder May Start Tong War Between Chinese Factions in America THREE BIG PROVINCES MAY TURN AGAINST HIM Each Faction Accuses Other of Causing Death of Wong Yuen Yung San Francisco, Dec. 27. Fearful lest assassination of Wong Yuen Yung, cousin of the Chinese emperor here lend to a war between rival gunmen in local Chinatown, police today trailed every possible clue to his slayer. In dark alleys, where tongnien gath er, they interviewed sleepy-eyed celes tials, always meeting the same answer a shrug of the shoulders and a grunt iiiuiriuiiiK lacu oi comprehension, They sought, too, to wring from leaders of the monaaehist nnad republican group some information tlmla would lead to arrests. What little they couhl glean from persons unfriendly to the murdered Chinese tended to confirm their view that he was slain by monaraehist sym pathizers because ho deserted Yuan .Shi Kai 's cause recently. Yung was shot down from ambush as he rose from dinner in the exclusive Shang llai Low restaurant Saturday evening. Editor Woug of the Young Chinn newspapers revealed that Yung had written him a confidential letter, say ing he had broken with the emperor be cause he disagreed his monarchist am bitions. This lettr followed circula tion of Chinese newspaper reports that Yung was an agent of tho emperor here on a secret mission. Other Chinese held thnt Yung was a powerful figure in bis own land, and that if he took an active part against the emperor, it would certainly be to the advantage of monarchist agents to have him out of the way. Revolution Is Imminent. Meantime, affairs in China, to which Yung's murder is traced, are wavering on the brink of revolution, advices in dicate, t Assistant Editor Chang, of the Young Chinn newspaper reported re ceipt of cablegrams telling of three provinces, supposedly Yunn's bulwark of strength, wavering. "If they turn against him, Yunn's dream of being emperor will be blast ed," said Chang. Uther cables said that KwangHi, Yun nan and Wzeehueii provinces nro defin itely in revolt against the emperor. The Yountr China newspaper sent n cnbe saying that the present and form er governor of Yunnan province had notified the governors of Kinngs, ( hew Chow and Kwaugsi provinces that Yu an had tailed to heed their request for abdication and that the,y had since urg ed these three provinces to revolt against him. In the three nro vast numbers of troops. The same dispatch declnred LI Yuan Huug, vice president of the republic, under Yun Shi Kai had been mado a prisoner when he rejected Ynan's of fer of the title of princo to support the monarchy. Portland Chines Anxious. Portland, Or., Dee. 27. Two thous and Portland Chinese wero today awaiting anxiously news from their na tive laud as to the political results in China of the shooting of the emperor's cousin, Wong Vneii Yung in San Fran cisco Saturday night. These 2000 Chinese are Freemasons, ami Moy Hum a prominent interpreter, declares they are willing to die in battle fighting for the republic. Latin America Likes United States Policy (Ily United Press.) Washington, Dec. 27. Latin-America likes the I'nited Slates' new Pan American policy. Definite assurances of this weru given today ns the repre sentatives ot 20 American Kepublics responded to the welycome Vice-President Mjirashall ami Secretary Lansing extended to the second Pun-Americana Scientific conference. Hot li speakers emphasized the new policy of non-interference in the affairs of other Am erienn nations. The object of the con ference is to bring about closer co-opi eration in Pun-American relutions in solving transportation, financial and scientific piobleins of common Inter est. President Wilson's recently an nounced interest in . an-Ainerican mut ters gave it an unusual importance, livery one of the 21 republic in the western hemisphere Is represented. Ar gentine appropriated t!KI,(Hi(l for its part in the III day session. An elabor ate series of entertainments for the delcgutes and their wives has been ar ranged. Chief of these me the Pan- Amricaii reception at tho White, House, January 7, an a farewell banquet, January H, both considered diplomatic ally important. American Countries Consti tute Family Group "One for AH, All for One" Washington, Dec. 27. Secretary of State Lansing's positive declaration that the Monroe doctrine carries the same force today that has gone unchal lenged through four decades marked the first session of the first session of the second Pan-American scientific con gress here today. A warm acceptance of the doctrino of Pan-Americanism fea tured the nddross of Chuirman Sunrcz. "The Monroe doctrine is the national policy of tho United States," said Lansing. "Pnu-Americnnsim is tho in ternational policy of tho Americas. Mo tives differ to some extent but the ends sought nro tho snmc. Both policies can exist without impnirinag iiu force of either. Both do oxist and I trust they will ever continue in all their vigor. "Internationalism uppeared to bo in creasing in influence in the civilized world whnn th tirnnctif n-nr flint frmnl L , ...uv 6.. manifestation of nationalism, Btayed its progress in &uropo and brought dis couragement to those who had hoped the new idea would llshni- in n nnu- nrn of universal peace and justice. Let us nope iiiai it is tne mini outburst or the cardinal evils of nationalism, which for nearly a century Rnrciul ita hnnnfnl in. fluence over the worm. "Pan-Americanism is an expression of internationalism. America has be come the minrdifln nf thnt irlna a-lill. will in the end rule the world." Nearly 1,000 distinguished persons from North and South America' are at tending the session. Washington. Dec. 27. Tim XCnnrnn, doctrine America for Americans is as sacred a principle now as when it was at first proclaimed, Secretary Lans ing Baid significantly today before the second Pan-American Scientific con gress. "The feclinir that 21 Amnrlcnn pa. publics eonstituto a group separate and apart irora otuer nations, with com mon ideals and aspirations has become today a definite cnrtiiin fnrfn whw.h draws thorn together and makes them ine American inmiiy of nations," he said. Furthermore, he reiterated President Wilson's declaration that tho United States will never exercise might to wrest territory rrora her neighbors. . At the same time, he suggested that tho republics might woll take the motto of Duma's "Three Musketeers" "one for all, all for one. " He urged co-operation in defense against any country coveting th .jches of tho Americans. Hm rtfcturnrl tno. tlm Kuropenn continent at war, with its uutoiu misery ana torriDie nentago or suffering transmitted to posterity, eom nared with theMn rtntinntn fit. nnnp teaching a lesson of peace that should not De ignoroa. CHRISTMAS AT FRONT; PIPE ORGANS PEALED WHILE GUNS ROARED By William Philip Sinuns. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) With the French Army, Dec. 27 Under an abominable warm drizzle and thawing snow, except in the peaks and high passes, the oddest and most Im pressive Christmas Alsace has ever known, has eomo and gone. The world has witnessed few more dramatic yule tides. While soldiers forgot Jesus' birthday in grimly calculating the ranges for their incessant artillery firing, and in softly swearing over tho misses, hap py Alsatian families, 1,000 yards in the rear of tho battle lines dressed Christ mas trees, sang old time carols and wero happy over their return to franco. While enormous munitions columns, heedless of Christinas, toiled across the Jura and Vosges mountains, crowds packod tho cathedral at a midnight mans, praying for tho new-come French armies. While tho great pipe organs trumpeted "Ln Deliverance" and "Lo Noel," tho guns on llnrntmnnnsweiler kopf boomed their accompaniment like the roar of a distant surf. Belnaco never staged anything like it. On Christinas evo I watched the bombardment north of Altkirch. Through tho rnngo finder, its houses seemed to bo only across the street. The public square wns distinctly visi ble. It wns deserted except for the passage of a few vehicles or for a few (lernuin soldiers scurrying to cover. Only at points wero the Germans visi ble. "Thnt lust shot was beautiful, mag nficcnt a bull's eye to a hair," said an officer telephoning from distant batteries. While guns continued to hurl their Christmas gifts of high explosives to ward tho (Icrmansf somo quoted "pcaco on earth, good will to men" to a young grnduato of St. f.'yr, in the mouth when the war begun, but now a ft TODAY'S ODDEST STOEY. (By United Press.) Washington, D. C, Dec. 27. President Woodrow Wilson, who will be 59 years old tomor- row is, by virtue of the letter W at tho beginning of his giv- en name, the very last of the niiietv-tliree Wilsons listed in Who's Who In America. Po- culinrly enough also, the re- cital of Woodrow Wilson's lifo record takes up only 3 inches sje of Who's Wbo space, while the record of James Harrison sje Wilson; soldier and railroader, is accorded about an inch more. CONGRESS 1L NOf E Lawmakers Up Against Job of Discovering Tax That Will Please Everybody By Porry Arnold. (United Press Staff Correspondent.) Washington, Dec. 27. House demo crats have decided to fling aside Pres ident Wilson 's suggestion for taxing internal combustion engines, now an institution ou farms throughout the country. Congress oegan to hear from "the country" just ns soon ns the presi dent's message wns printed. Every farmer, who owned a gasoline engine to operate his fodder cutter, his sepa rator, his churn or pump, was up in arms. Tho response to the president's suq-ijesion was so instantaneous and vigorously negative particularly from farmers in addition to tho expected howl from the autoniobilist that ad ministration leaders in congross decid ed it was political expediency to drop tho pionosed plan at once. Congressional leaders, with an eye on the farmcis votes next vear, as woll as the votes of autoniobilists decided it would be better to shelve tho engine tax. Another factor in this decision, it is understood, is the widespread use of automobiles as farm vehicles. The proposed tax on gasoline is still an issue. Certain members profess to sec in the rocent flse in gasoline prices an effort by the Standard Oil company to create a sentiment against this plan of raising revenue. The gasoline user, now paying from 15 to 24 cents a gal lon according to locality, would raise a terrific roar if tho government pro posed to add two or more cents on each gallon as a tax. An increasing senti ment for a heavy inheritance tax is ap parent among members. There is also considerable opposition to the bank check tax, suggested by tho president. GENEROUS NOBTH BEND Marshficld, Ore., Dec. . 27. North Bend people today took up a subscrip tion to rebuild the home of Mrs. Eliz abeth Culbortson, who risked her own lifo Intc last night by dashing through tho flumes to save her two little grand children from being burned to death in bed. The house wns entirely destroyed. veteran captain in tho legion of hon or. "You think ninu killing inn I Christ mas are anachronisms " ho smiled, "Well, Americans thought perhaps an unofficial truce would be observ ed," 1 suggested. "Toe French army is fighting to up hold Christinas," he said, "for all that Kris Krinule represents for the right to live without the mailed list forever poised over our heads, for the people, or good will between neighbors, and the right to enjoy Santa Clans in our homes without danger. "Jt was Oermany that violated both the spirit ami letter of the law quoted by St. Luke. The allies will not stop fighting until they punish her." Meantime, tho guns barked on. Men at tho front were cither too busy or else not inclined to observed Christ mas. They received boxes of delicacies from the government, from their homos and irnm organizations, opened them casually, emptied tho contents into their pockets and elsewhere, and tion immediately resumed fighting, Our party attended midnight innss In a town near Ilartmaniisweilerkoiif. The It curfew law was suspended tor tho night. Tho cathedra! wus packed with wom en, children und soldiers. Tho organ ist was iiiiHsnrd, one of tho best known musicians in France, now a dragoon in the nrmv. Tho chief soloist, now a sor- geiint, is a blacksmith in pcaco times. I ho choir was made up entirely of sol dinrs. In the audience, three generals listened soberly. As the chimes of midnight rolled out over the town, the or:iu hurst forth into "Christians. It Is the Sacred of Deliverance. " Then the choir took up, "lln Is born the Divino Infant." While tho congregution knell in prayer, ami a priest prepared the Holy Sncraiuent, the guns kept on belching their lire una ileum, SPAiOEMUST' I State Public Service Commis sion Issues Order On Intra State Traffic FIRST CASE WAS HARD FOUGHT FROM START .Ruling Made In Accordance With Amendment Made by 1914 Legislature The State Public Service commission today issued an order comDellinir the physical connection of tho Southern 1'acifie and Oregon Electric lines at Al bany and which order promises to be far reaching in its subsequeat effects as a similar ease from Hulem and one from Mt. Angel is also pending. The ordor requires that the Southern Pacific and the Oregon Eloctric railroads in Al bany connect their trncks within 30 days so as to permit tho interchange of rroignt shipments consigned to. other points within this stnto. This is the first ordor remilrine physi cal connection of rival railroad lines that has ever been handed down ip this state nndor tho law that was passed h . the 1913 legislature. Under the act authorizing the establishment of a stnto railroad commission it was stated that the commission would have the power to regulate traffic within the state and undor this act the commission issued an order practically requiring physical con nection in tho case of the Southern Pa. cifie company against Campbell. Th'm order was overruled in the federal court by Judge Wolverton who held tnat the terms of the act were too broad anJ - interfered with Interstate, com merce. Accordingly the act was amenoT eu by the 1913 legislature to give the commission power fo fegulate "intra: state traffic" and the present eas will probably bring a test of this pro-' vision bnt the commission considers that it has a fnr better case than under the previous suit. i ' . The ease at Albany was started by an Individual shipper but the county and a number of other important ship pers joined ln the complaint and after an extensive hearing which was fought out on every point the commission in sued the order today requiring tho phys ical connection of the two lines. The- commission's order requires, however, tnat it must tie shown that the neces sary volume of business actually exists and that prospective business cannot be considered. It wns held that at Albsnv a number of the largest shippers would be accommodated by being able to, shin rrom eertain points on the S. F. branch and main lines to points on tho Orecon Electric lines not readied by 8, P. lines and to accommodate these shippers the order was made. The Southern Pacific was the main opposition to the order as the Orepon Electric remained largely "neutral" in the case though a party defendant ia the action. The S. P. attorneys te-k the stand that the territory of the Wil lnmotte valley belonged to the P. P virtue of prior establishment of a line nnd that tho railroad had built tip the indnstrles of tho valley and thnt the Oregon Electric was encroaching upon their territory. Tho commission held rnther to tho opposite that the ino tries of the valley which grew no be e.nnse of the natural resources had b-:" up the railroad and that the so-called territory was not to become tho person al property of any particular corpora, tion but the business wns to be th bnsis of competition thnt should benefit the shipper. The Salem case wns brought by th Mays-floode ftrick company of Dnnnld and it wns claimed that it was necessary to reload ears in Salem nnd to pay extra drnyngo nnd lnbor expenses thnt would bo eliminated if the bmiled car from one system could be switched to the other company's tracks without reloading or delay. Greece Makes Demands. Berlin, by wireless to Sayville, L. I.. Doe. 27. Greece has asked Bulgnrin to evacuate Albania, according to Sofia roports today. It is expected that Bul garia will reply satisfactorily. THE WEATHER : Oregon: Tonight rain west, nnd in creasing cloudi ness nnd warmer east portion; and Tuesday rain in west, snow east portion; souther ly winds, reach ing gnlo forces near tiio coast, i CINE TRACKS IH Lllltl COUNTY TFI5 15 Dfcl tMBER SURE)