!(s r. ft 'full leased W WIRE DISPATCHES ; 3fC djc )fc f( 3C c sjt 3C )fC ic f( f( j . ; CIRCULATION IS OVER 4000 DAILY " PRICE TWO CENTS SSEL THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1915 SERBS AND BUIGARIANS BAHLE IN sflUNTAINS Driven Out of Tlieir Country But Ul jjuered They Put Up Heroic Resistance to Bulgarian Advance In Albania Will Die To the Last Man Rather Than Submit to Teutonic Yoke-Russia Reaffirms Her Determination to Stay Until Victory Is Won -Hot Battle In Alsace By Honry Wood. (IVited Press Staff Correspondent.) . Rome," Pec. 24 For threo days Serbs uud Bulgars have been battling in the Albanian mountains near Eibasna, bravely, tenaciously. The spirit of the Kerbs, their clinin courage, was told today by Soroinii Prince Alexis Karag oorgevich upon his arrival here. Our men.'' he said, ' are fighting .fiercely and splendidly. Thov have Mopped every enemy chargo nnd are conducting themselves just as confi dently as though they wore campaign ing in linlgnrin. "Though they suffer from lack of ifood, tiieir spirit is not broken'. As my wife and I passed thom, a song roso from their bivouacs. "Thev would die before they would submit to the Teutonic yoke, and thev .now await only a signal from the al lies for starting n combined offon Hive." The Serb line runs from Scutari to Bnint Giovanni Di Medusa, thence to Durazzo, Tirano, Klhaann and Valona where rt joins the Italian forces. The Serbians have already acc.nm- plishcd the task 0f transforming large nrens or Aiuanian wilderness into well roaded country. Russia Will Stand Pat Petrograd, Dec. 24. Russia intends to stay in the war struggle to the very end. Premier Sazonoff addressing the diima today so declared, at the same time scottmg at recent peace rumors "The latest peace rumors," he said, -are senseless. The allies present, a tih iront. jiverywncre victory draws tiearer. . "The Russians captured ITamadan and Kum and thus ended German at temps to stir up Persia. In Greece, re lations with the allies are well defined following the fortification of Saloni ka." The duma budget committee voted a resolution that pence is lm nossihlA iin. til Germany's power lias been broken and republican influence In Periu guar anteed. Turkish Warships Sunk. London, Dec. 24 Unconfirmed Rome reports today said the Turk ship Mid irli, formerly the German Breslau was mink nnd the Sultan Selim, formerly the Goebcn, was damaged in a battle In the Black sea. The Breslau and Goebcn at the first part of the war performed the remark nble feat of escaping from Measiua af ter a British and French fleet had bot tled them up. Later the Turkish gov ernment secured them from Germany and named them. It is though possible here that the battle refers to the struggle off Varna, variously reported from several sources in tne lat tew days. The Goebcn was a 22,000 ton vessel with a complement of 1013: the RrM. liiu of 45000 tons with a complement VI Of (J. Rains Shells In Alsace. Zurich, Dec. 24. The Christmas miows of Alsace ore flecked with the" Mood of invaders and defender. The nost violent artillery struggle since the beginning of the'war accompanies the infantry battling for the summit of llnrtiiiannsweilerkopf. Apparently, tho side of battling veers frequently, Forty to 80 shells per minute are Uncle Jeff Fusey, who died an' left considerable property in Aprile, bus jest been adjudged insane. Practice may make perfect, but jest th same th' feller who only shoots off his mouth ouce in a while alius hits th' mark, Abe Martin falling. In the five days of battling in the snow, the casualties on both sides havo been more than 15000. Greek Soldiers Furloughed. Athens, Dec. 24 Greece granted fur lough today to 15 per cent of her re serves lor a month. This move came as a surprise in view I of the fact that the invasion of the central allies is about to begin, home authorities thought the movo meant Germnuy has assured Greece that the invasion will not come for at least a month; others interpreted it as fulfill ing the reported promise of Greece to the allies that Greece will demobilize 50 tier cent of her forces. Salonika dispatches said reports tnat aerial reconnnisnucos showed a number of Germans near the frontier were greatly exaggerated. Foundation of Rumor. Petroerad, Dec. 24. After being si lent in the face of press reports con cerning a bombardment of the liulgar Black sea port of Varus, the war ottice today announced that "our torpedo boats exchanged shots with the shore batteries," there. Greek Premier Stays. Berlin, by wireless to Snyville, L. I., Dec. 24. Premier Skouloudis of Greece will remain in his present position, ac cording to advices today. After five hours session, the Greek cabinet de cided no change is necessary. , British. Losses to Date. London, Dec. E4. Total British cas ualties to December t were; Killed 1 19,923 ; wounded 338,758; missing 09, 540. British Deny Report. Washington, Dec. 24. The British embassy denied today the report that Great Britain had declined to permit Kcd cross supplies to go to uerniany, Jlas Auto Load Presents for Fifty Little Tots, Natives of Hot Springs Washington, Dee. 24. An auto horn honked shrilly. Tots plaviug in front of their homes near the Washington Country club in Virginia paused. Others ran out of the houses, lliey knew the sound well for it was the horn on the big automobile, bearing the crest of the While House. As 50 tots delightedly crowded about the car, loaded with toys, candy and fruits, Head Usher I. N. Hoover of the White House, handed each a package, inscribed "Merry Christinas" in Presi dent Wilson's firm handwriting. For tho president was pluying Santa Claus vicariously. The 50 kiddies were his little friends, who day by duy greeted him with a smile and a wave of childish hands, ns his cur sped punt them at play, as he wus en route to the i golf course. In the White House, l.Ilen JIcAdoo, 11 months Old and Francis Snvre just one year old, the president's grand children, frnternized In the comaradrie of babyhood, unmindful of preparations for Sn ii t a Clnus coming. But when they awaken tomorrow they will flud n great Christmas tree in the library on the sec ond floor, loaded Quwn with bright lights, randies, toys and decorations. "Grnuddnddy," however, won't be there to trot them on the knee for he is on his honeymoon. He hadn't forgot ten them, though, and there will be some beautiful gifts for them and their parents. Every employe of the White House received a big fat turkey, the gift of the president. TRIENDS STOOD BY HIM Bedding, Cnl Dec. 24. With death constantly hovering over their charge, 1.1 men nnd a woman, Miss iSuruh Bridges, fought their way through a snow and rain storm, over 22 miles of rough mountain trails, and arrived here today with Adrlnn Bridges, who wns suffering Intensely from a severe case or rhumatism. With Bridges' rheumatism rapidly becoming serious and no meuns of sum moiling medical aid, the party put him on a stretcher and started over the rough ourney three days ago from Balrd. ?H 5jt sc jjt jjt j( )(t HER ACTS INDEFENSIBLE. Washington, T)ce. 24.-Vio- -lntion of humanitarian, if not also legal rights, was charged today against Knglund 's em bargo on Red Cross hospital supplies destined to her eu mies. Seizure of mails was likewise held imlofensiolo by authorities. An inquiry ninountirg to a protest against both is uuder oensiderntion by the state de partment; and representations paving the way for a modifica tion of the embargo have al ready been nindo to Foreign Secretary Grey. Whether mail seized aboard the liner Rotterdam was sus pected, or whether the seizure was intended ns pnrt of a gen eral policy is not divulged. E Japan Will Take Active Part In War On Land If Ships Are Not Let Alone Washington, Dec. 24. Japan will not look on passively if Germany or Austria .plans n greater submarine campaign against Japanese ships, said Attache Hirosha Snito of the Junapese embassy today; apropos of the torpe- loiog of tho Yasnlta Mam in the Med iterranean, I do not believe that sinking of the Yasaka Mam alone will foreo Jap an into a war on land," he said, "but if it develops that this is part of a general plan of sinking Japanese ves sels, then Japan .will certainly net.' Secretary of State Lnnsinir indicated that if an official report of the Binlting is not received shortlv ho will make in quiries concerning tho torpedoing from Ambnssador j'age at Home on tho basis of reports that one American was aboard. Officials do not regard the Tnsnka incident as complicating the Anconn case. Emperor Yuan Shi Kai Strengthens His Position Snn Francisco, Dec. 24. Followiug out his policy of creating offices as rapidly as possible, i'Jmperor Kuan am Kai of China has named Lull Ching Tseung, premier. and minister of for eign affairs; Choun Fun, governor of Kinngsu; and has appointed several more dukes, earls and viscounts, cables here today said. - Meantime, the revolutionary spirit smoulders among Snn Francisco's 13, 000 Chinese, many of whom are strong ly opposed to tho ehniign from a re public. Leaders, however, are doing no more than agitating at present ac cording to a prominent educatned Chin ese today. Because of tho compara tively small number of their fellow countrymen In tho United States, they apparently hesitnto at plunging into n revolution at present, though they will undoubtedly aid should tho revolution develop seriously. E Crowley and Von Brincken Trial Promises Jo Be Long Drawn Out San Francisco, Dec. 24. First steps in the stubborn defense planned by at torneys for C. C. Crowley, Baron Wil helm Von Brincken, nnd Airs, Marguret Cornell, charged with bomb plots were taken today in the United States dis trict court. Attorney J. T. O'Brien submitted a motion to dismiss the indictment aguinstMrs. Cornell charging that her constitutional right were violated when sho was forced to testify before the grand jury and her evidence against her, Mrs. Cornell on the stuud stated that Untied Stutos District Attorney Pies- ton did not instruct her as to her right until the close of her testimony, She declared he told her then that he in tended to indict her nnd advised her that anything she said after this point in her examination would be used uguiust her. Preston took Issue with this state ment and put TlKimns J. Miller, fd re nin n of the grand jury, on the stnnd to testify. "if tbo Court believes that I have in vaded the rights of Mrs. Cornell, I ash thut tho indictment be dismissed," lie stated. Attorney Bam Piatt then argued his demurrer to the indictments nguint Crowley and Von Brincken on the ground they were too general to consti tute cause for an action, in that no specific. Instance of the alleged pint to destroy munitions had been charged. FORD ABANDONS THO IS On HI WAY HOME Taunts of Belligerents', Ridi cule of Press and Cool Reception Cause It PEACE PROPAGANDA IS IN HANDS OF SECRETARY .Realizes Plan Is Futile and Will Get Out From Under Quietly As Possible By Charles P. Stewart. (United Press staff correspondent.) Stockholm, Dec. 24. Henry Ford's pence delegates arrived here today, and were Informed that Ford's illness is se rious but not dangerous. Some said he had gone to Bergen prcsumably"to Bail for America, but his lieutenants would not confirm the story. Swedish peace advocates arranged for a reeeptiou tomorrow. The official statement concerning Ford 's condition signed by Rev. Charles F. Aked, of Sau Francisco, and four otner leaders said in part: "When we left Christiania, the phy sician had not decided whether to recommend that Ford return homo or take the rest cure at some quiet place in Norway. "Before leaving Ford said: 'If I am well enough I will join the expedi tion later.' "Ford will undoubtedly bo selected as a member of the neutral pence con ference." A supplemental statement said that Ford expressed regret that he was un able to accompany, the delegates to Stockholm, but assured all of them that lie would foot the bills. He wished the program to be carried out and he auth orized the committee to direct it with Mine. Schwimmer's advice. Business Manager Plaintiff has prac tically succeeded Lochner and Mme. Behwimmer as director in chief. He forced" all the delegntes to pay their own laundry and personal bills and this caused a "howl." Effort Will Continue. London, Dec. 24. Henry Ford has abandoned his efforts to bring the boys out of the trenches by Christmas, and left today aboard the Bergensfjord for America, according fo . Bergen dis patches. Ford's reported departure, however, does not mean abandonment of the peace propaguudutf or it will be carried out by others aboard the peace ship Oscar. Mme, Sehwimmcr, a leading spirit In the expedition, has promised to interest other lenders for the Wo men's International Peace congress in a movement for creation of a neutral peace congress. Secretary Lochner remains with the peace party, due in Stockholm this uft ernoon. Dean Marquis, of Detroit, an intimate friend of Ford, and a servant also ac company the man who believed ho could "get the boys out of the trenches by Christmas." Ford 's reason for departing is ill health. The burden of preparing the expeditiou, coupled with the tiiunts of belligerents and neutrals and the cool ness of the Norweignn reception, nn doubtedly combined to break his consti tution. Charles P. Stewart, United Press stnff correspondent, who first reported Ford's disappearance, hinted earlier Hint success was hopeless, and that he intended to finish his mission "per functorily and inconspicuously ns pos sible." The party which went to Stockholm is ignorant of the fact that tlieir lead er and backer has headed for America, but it is assumed that Ford will con tinue to pay their expenses, though they will be in no danger of being stranded. Locher, who was really munnger of the expedition remains with the pence advocntes as Ford's personal represen tative, apparently with assurances of having all expenses paid, One Bergen report said that Ford left a $270,000 check to defray future expenses. It was reported, too, that a committee of five will be announced at Stockholm to carry out Ford's pro gram, His departure, however, it is be lieved, may have a serious, even disas trous effect on the program. Ford Is Downhearted. London, Dec. 21. "Henry Ford has quit the peace party," said a Christi ania cablegram to the Exchange Tele graph today, "because ho realizes that it Is impossible to make further head way, lie is downhearted pecauso or quarrels nmonv the delegates, and also because Mme. Sc'nwlmmer's assurance of official recognition from Scandina via wns not fulfilled." Ford's committee will carry on his program, headed bv Judge Lindsey, of Colorado. Others on It nre Secretary Lochner, Rev. Jenukln Lloyd, Lieuten ant Governor Bethea, of South Carolina and John D. Hurry, a Snn Francisco, a ban r rani'isco newspaperman. 19 SETS OF PLANS FOR EW OKE I Estimated Costs Ranges From $126,000 to $294,510 According to Type Nineteen sets of bridge plans were submitted by engineers "io the county courts of Polk uud Marion county this afternoon for tho Willamette river bridge at Salem. Plans for both steel and concrete structures were received at costs ranging from $10,430 tor a high level steel bridge to $04,510 for a (ffw level concreto bridge. AU of the pluus unless otherwise specified were lor a 30 loot roadway with a six loot sidewalk on each side. . The high level bridge with a plunk floor is Uie cheapest bridge but this type of bridge is like the oue now in place uud the county courts are of the opinion that a more substantial struc ture will be required to curry the heavy traffic which includes u single track street railway for a 40 ton car. Toe plans were opened by the view ers and then submitted to the county courts of both counties which ure in joint session this afternoon. Alter considering the plans the courts will probably take tho matter .under advise ment lor a short time to check up tho estimates which nccompined the plans and the one that is finally selected will be named and tne successful engineer will secure f 1,U00 for his Bet of plans. The low level concrete bridgo with a concreto approach and a paved road way is the most oxpensivo but the most durable and the steel bridges uotn ot the low level and the high level with a wooden approuch are the cheapest. The zoilowing is a full list of the plans and estimated cost: Clias. Evan Fowler, 1A concrete, concreto approach, estimated cost ;i:),20(i; IB, concrete, wood approach, estimated cost, $203,200; 1C, concrete, concrete approach, estimated cost, $102,107, 24 ft. roadway; D, concrete, wood approach, estimated cost, $173, 107, 24 It. roadway; E, concrete, con crete approach, estimated cost, f230( 9S0; F, concrete, wood approach, esti mated cost $200,980; G, steel, wood ap proach, estimated cost $148,180, high level, plank' floor. Sherzor Boiler Lift Co., Chicago, 111., Heel, siyi.lM. Portland Bridge & Building Co., Portland, 3, stoei, estimated cost $190,- JUS. W. H. Cullers, Portland, 4, steel, $192,438. ChaB. G. Nubers. Seattle, SA, con crete, concrete approach, $294,510; 5B, steel. J248.700. Bnrr & Cunningham, Portland, 6A, steel, concrete approach, $158,112; 6B, concrete, concrete Bpproacn, Qjia,m, high level; UC, steel, concrete approaca 128.430. hmh level. Bowerman & McCloy, Heottic, , con creto, concreto approach, ?2JS,oou. A. H. Lamm, Portland, 8, concrete, concrete nproach, $171,390. plus price of draw span. Marsh Engineering CO., ies .Moines, 9, concreto, concrete approach. Hohort WaRctield, 1U, . concrete, $195,000. Dr. Forbes andMrs. Farrell Not Set at Liberty-Will Investigate Flag Incident By William O. Shepherd. (United Press Stall' Correspondent.) Salonika, Dec. 24. Bulgarian offi cials Will not permit Mrs. Walter Har well, of Chicngo, and Dr. Harry Forbes of Boston who were maltreated by Bui gar soldiers recently, to return at pres ent to Greece. Instead, they will send them from Monastlr to Bulgur army headquarters in Serbia. Tho Bulgnrinn consul today assured the American consul hero that an of Ileal investigation will bo made of the tearing down of the Aniericnn flag dur ing the Furwell Foibes incident. If proven, he declurcd, the raiders will be punished. Dr. Edward Stuart, chief of the Bed Cross, has entered tho liulgar lines, bound for Sofia to protest nguiiist tne Monastir Incident. En route he plans to sco Forbes who defended the Ited Cross stores when Bulgur soldiers inso lently demanded that ho give them up. Tho weather hern has suddenly mod erated nnd tho snow has disappeared. Allied troops aro buying thousands of turkeys, plum puddings by the thous ands aro coming from London; thero will be Christmas for the Tommies, though tho nre far from home. THREE DEAD, TIVE HURT Downlevllle, Cat., Dec. 21. Five men nre near death today and three nre dead at Brandy City near here as the result of nn explosion of 22,000 pounds of dynamite. Tho explosive win set off to clear a bank of 150 feet of earth. Tho three dead arc h. Godfrey, Jack Hayes and Thomas Sadler. SUBMITTED DAY SEVEN OF A KIND. Hot Springs, Va., Dec. 24. Six honeymoon couples at Pres ident Wilson's hotel asked him and his bride today to parti cipate in. a joint Christinas celebration this evening. It is believed the presidential couple will accept for n few minutes at least. Hence the winter col ony is aflutter. The president and Mm. Wil-. son remained indoors this fore-' noon The president received a number of messages from' Secretory of State Lansing and ho telephoned to officials at Washington. f Tho executive Jmail ns bulky, presumably with pres ents. The president kept his Christ inns plans sercet. Defense Resting Examination and Hopes to Get Through by Night Los Angeles, Oil., Dec. 24. Andrew J. Gallagher, member of tho San Frun cisco board of supervisors, testified in the M. A. Schmidt murder triul today that he could account for every cent received and spent by the Los AngoloB strike comr.iit'.co during tho lubor dis turbances about the period of tho Times explosion. Gr.Ucgher was an important dofonso witness, striking at tho state's conten tion that some of this money was spent by Schmidt in dynamite work. The witness was chairman of the San Fran cisco comn.ittee for unionizing Los An- goies, ana as sucn was rnmiiiar with the finuneinl ci.d. Rushing Testimony, Los Angeles, Cal, Dec. 24. Ten wit nesses for the defense of M. A. Schmidt, alleged Times dynamiter, ar rived from San Francisco today. At torney (,'oglan planacd to . rush them on the stand as fast as possible, hop ing to conclude his ease before night, Ooglart said he has many witnesses, but does not intern! to use them, pre ferring to have just one or two at tack each element of the state's case. No defense is being entered to the evidence of an eastern dynamite con spiracy, as Coghlan cluiins the prose- ution failed to connect Schmidt with it. So far the defense has produced wit nesses to testify that Schmidt was not the man who rented the "dynamite launch" Peerless, that he did not visit Anton Johannsen here and that his al leged accomplice, David Caplan, did not rush awaysfrom Sail Francisco to Los Angeles on tne last train tne nignt be fore the Times was destroyed. Spend Christmas In Jail. Los Angeles, Cal., Dee. 24. Fighting to escape the gallows, M. A. Schmidt and David Caplan, alleged dynamiters, will spend a "Merry Christmas" in the county juil here. Full of confidence, Schmidt has been busy for several duys past mailing greeting cards, and presents to friends. He was forced ) do it by proxy, send ing others out to buy the gifts, for he cau not leave the prison except to walk over the "bridge of sighs" to tho court room. Caplan did tho same. Tomorrow they will bo guests of honor at Jailer Gallagher's big Christ mas dinner in tho "boarders' tank" of the prison, where important prisoners get special favors by tne payment oi $. a week. Afterward both will participate In a Christmas service to be conducted in the jail bv religious workers, who bring hollv nnd raise their voices in too nis- toric old Vuletide carols in the office- or tne iiisiiuii inn vi-i,i .'', men In the cells press their faces against the burs and sometimes, hesitantly and timidly, join in an old, hallowed refrain. Christmas Spirit Makes StockMarket Lively (Copyright 1915 by the New York Ev ening Post.) New York, Dec. 2. An undoubted show of strength and n general, though not spectacular advance todny brought nrices of slumlord Investments to two to three points above the week's earlier quotations. Ntill larger gains were uiiiuu In ImliiNtrinls. The market manifested a spirit of cnuminliln cheerfulness. The moro nnr icablo tone shown In the Vienna dis patches, suggesting thnt, at least, Aus tria is willing to yiciu OS gruueiuiijr ss possible, perhaps has a connection with this choerful spirit. jit KAISER BERIUUBIjX 11Jj London, Dec. 21. Rotterdam dispatches today said Kaiser Willielm's Illness wns rumored to lie serious, though, they mill ed, the reports have been of ficially denied., Zurich, Dec. 24. Knlser Wil helm Is reported suffering with a recurrence of last year's trou ble cancer of the throat. ft CHRISTMAS 111 TRENCHES AND illLSIET One Marked by Little Com forts Made by Loving Hands and Hearts THIS IN THE TRENCHES DIFFERENT IN NEW YORK Brokers Give Liberally, But Gifts Are Prompted by Business Not Love By Carl W. Ackerman. (United Press staff correspondent.) Berlin, Dee. 24. Millions of tiny Christmas trees, with lighted candles, will cost a ribbon of light atop the Ger man trenches tonight. Millions of packages, sent to the troops, bore tiny branches from ever green trees, each with a candle small enough to go through the mails. It won't be muc.n line tne . usual " wcihnachtsabend " for the soldiers, immured . in. snowy trencheB, but the packages bear the good cheer and welt wishes of the fatherland. Socks, knit ted by loving hands; dainties cooked aa only a German fenu can cook them: messages from the nome ioiks an these are destined to be at least a re minder of othor happier days. And, then the flaring little candles, and the sprig of Christmas tree these will typify the wonderoua celebration that always marks the German observ ance tf the holiday. Bnt above the ribbon of right, will float on many fronts the strainr of th- Christmas tree song from thousands of throats 'O, Tannenbanm, O, Tannen bauas." ... In the homes of Germany Christmas . will be a big celebration, though not untinged with a sadness for men, who have perished In the, months ot war. Toy shops havo been stripped of their goods to make happiness for the chit-: dren. For the most part, those toys are military. not the remarkable aiechaiv ieal affairs that in other years have spread to many children's hearts throughout the world. There are tin sol diers in the regalia of the kaiser's . forces; there are tiny guns; there are even miniature battle grounds, lined with trenches and. backed by artillery. The New York Way. Now York, Dec. 24. Santa. Claust drew rein with a rattle and a bang in Wall street today. The financial district broke out into ono of the wildest prosperity celebra tions in Ub history. "High jiuhs" marked the exchanges and the eurb market. Money proscnts flowed liku water. Twenty-fivo thousand dollars ia gold was distributed to exchangu em ployes, while hundreds of workers iu other finauciul institutions received ex tensive Christmas gratuities. On tho floor of tho consolidated ex change, a Christmas tree lighted, deco rated and loaded with gifts was cir cled by thousands of dancing brokers. Scrub women came in for a share of the largesse. Christmas presents were on the tree for them; and gold pieces made it a merry Christmas for these toilers, who keep tho magnificent of fices along the Money Way spick ni span. "War millionaires" everywhere woro lavish in their gifts. J. P. Morgan was reported to have givon each of his employes a present f on).fifth of , , 81llarVi whi,0 many other concerns gave at least a tenth. It wns a merry Christmas seuBon. The Central Trust was said to hnvo gone to tho extent of presenting its em ployes with half their annual salary as bonus. Mores nre jnmmea. GIRL KIDNAPED, BDT FREED San Bernnrdino, Cal.. Deo. 2-1. Kid naped from her home at Chino, 17-year-old Lillian Johnson was rushed here in an automobile by two men early to day nnd abandoned near the Santa Fo station. Police captured her alleged ab ductors, who gave fictitious names. Thoy were jailed. Both are young. Tho girl was taken to the county noNpnui. She is suffering from hysteria. THE WEATHER X Oregon: T o night and Hotnr day unsettled, proimlily rain west, snow east portion; wurmcr northeast por tion; southeast erly winds, In creasing along the coast. (!0W)