Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, December 23, 1915, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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The Store of the Christmas Spirit"
r I t w T m. m. Cm.
.j v. Sr Mht oaiem s Largest uepanmeni oiore
BLtu. k.
ll PlF$ " " Will find ready assistance in selecting gifts if they shop at Meyers
Late Christmas
Salem Woman Makes
Affidavit for Evidence
In Klamath Feud
Salem's Holiday Shopping Emporium. Gifts for Men, Women and
Children are displayed on every hand so that it is an easy matter to
make selections. Special prices rule in every department.
in the Men's Section,
in the Silk Section.
on Handkerchiefs, Ribbons, and Neckwear
on Men's, Women's and Children's Slippers
Special Prices
g Special Prices
" QrrirI PvinoQ on Toilet Articles, Leather Goods, etc.
:::: tDp&ClGll iTlCGb on Women's Ready-to- Wear Garments.
QrV PvintOQ on our entire lne f Furs
:::: OJJ6CICII J lltCO . on Art Goods and Christmas Novelties.
Special HP
viroQ in II
Prices in
Santa Claus Headquarters second Floor
Dolls, Doll Buggies, Dishes, Stoves, Doll Beds, Games, Mechanical Toys, Trains, Model Builders,
Engines, Drums, Tricycles, Etc. hundreds of articles to make children happy. .Bring them to see this
great collection from Santa Claus' storehouse. SPECIAL SALE PRICES on Dolls, Games, Mirror
scopes, Magic Lanterns, Engines, Wash Sets, Sewing Baskets and Hobby Horses, and doi ens of other
That Albert 'Ernest Lowrence threat
ened to kill Mrs. Alma Kuoline and
that the mnnler was premeditated was
the effect of an affidavit sworn to
before Attorney General Brown yester
day by Mrs. iJvdia R. Todd, of 290 S.
21st street in this city, relative to the
recent Klamath county feud. Lawrence
recently shot and fatally wounded Mrs.
Kuehno in a dispute over the posses
sion of some land near Klamath Falls.
It appears that Mis. Kuehne had talten
the land as a homestead but when she
was absent for a short time Lawrence
moved into the house and held posses
sion of the property.
Mrs. Todd stated in her aftidavit
that she went in the company of Mrs.
ivuehne some tune ago to the land in
question in order that Mrs. Kuehne
might secure some of her clothes that
were in the house wnn-h was then oc
cupied by -lawrence. At that time the
affidavit states that Lawrence said:
"Lydia, I want you to keep that
damned thing awav 'from here,'' refer
ring to Mrs. Kuehne.
Mrs. Todd replied, "Haven't you a
lot of gall to say that she cannot come
on her own place," an she says that
Lnwience answered:
"It is not hers and if she conies hero
again I will lull her."
Mrs. Todd states that she was very
well acquainted with both Mrs. Kuehne
and Mr. Todd and had know,n them for
some time before the fatal quarrel of
last week i..ich resulted in the death
of Mrs. Kuehne.
A telegram was received this
afternoon by L. J. Chapin from
H. L. Dow, secretary of the
First National Com Show, at
St. Fan, Minnesota, regarding
the corn sent from Marion
county to this exhibit. The
telegram is as follows: "Ore
gon and Washington had some
of the finest corn at the show.
For the western Oregon dis
trict, tho prize winners from
Marion county in the men's
class are A. T. (Jline, Mt. An
gel, second; i Borgelt, Salem,
third. Bov's class, William
Blake, Jr.,' Salem, first."
it The Store of Good Merchandise and
Low Prices.
TV 7
1 P
Three Masses Christmas
at St. Joseph's Church
St. Joseph's church will celebrate
Christmas with accustomed solenmitv
On this day every priest is allowed to
celebrato three masses, from which he
is enjoined on all other days, except
by decree of the pope made this vcar
which permitted the three masses for
November second, the Feast of All
Souls. The first mass Christmas morn
ing at six o'clock, at which the music
will be furnished bv pupils of Sacred
Heart Academy, all of which will be of
a high order. Second mass at 8 o'clock.
Solemn High muss at 10:30 in the morn-
High School Work Is
Offered In About 300 !
Schools In Oregon
The official directory recently is- j
ued by Superintendent of Public. In-;
st ruction J. A. Churchill shows that
there are about 3U0 schools in the .
state which offer work above the 8th i
grade, as follows: 44 otter .one year of
secondary worlc; bo otrer two years;
26 offer three years, and 183 offer
four years of high school work. Ap
proximately liuu teacners are cm-
ployed in the secondary schools, about
TO "per cent of whom are graduates of
colleges of universities, while many
more are graduates of technical or
normal schools. Colleges and univer
sities from every section of the United ;
States and from Europe are represent-!
ed among the high school teaching
force of the state; but by far the larg-1
est number of graduates of any single j
institution come from the University ;
of Oregon, there being about 18o grad
uates of that institution teaching in
the high schools of the state. A very
large percentage of the teachers of the j
vocational high school subjects are sup-,
plied by the Oregon Agricultural cor
lege. Children the Lady Calls !
Creatures of Food
San Francisco, Dec. 23. Beefsteak
ing, when the choir under direction ot will make a boy bad; too much starch
Professor D. F. Langdoiibiirg will, ;n bis food will make a girl flirty and
render ijoescne s -Mass. me cnoir litis fickle,
perfected itself in this and the music
will be the finest, of the chraacter, ever
beard in Salem.
Some of Baltimore's "best" citizens,
accused of taking underworld profits
as rent money, have the aoppoitunity
to choose between good citizenship and
good cash,
So says Dr. Dora Roper, exnert on
the treatment of defective children,
who maintains that whether boys nr
girls are good or bar depends on the ,
kind of food their parents feed them. j
For instance Dr. Roper says apples!
will drivo a boy into tuberculosis and j
beefsteak into the prize ring, while too
much cream on her mush will make a'
1 pound Dates
1 pound French Mixed Candy
1 pound Best Mix Candy
1 pound Best Mix Nuts
1 pound Pop Cora
1 dozen Bananas
115 Naval Oranges
Total value S1.29 1-2
In addition to the above we
give you aboslutoly free ONE
pound of our Christmas candy.
8 lbs. of Swoet Spuds for 25c
Fresh Roasted Peanuts 10c
per pound
Best Mix Nuts lb. 15c
3 lbs of Xmas Candy for 25c
Best No. 1 Walnuts (soft shell)
pound 20c
Best No. 1 Imported Walnuts
(soft shell) 2 pounds for . . 35c
Our 30c Steel Cut Coffee,
Special at 25c
Extra Special, 2 Loaves
Bread 5c
Christinas Candles, 5c per box
We undersell nil other Salem
stores because we buy and sell
for cash and pay no rent.
Order your Christmas groceries
early. If you can't come to the
store Phone 68.
Damon & Son
Open Tonight Until 8:30
855 f Commercial St.
girl peevish and naughty.
Candy eaten to excess is also a bu-1
thing says Dr. Roper, and will iiifluenco
a boy or girl to "play hooky" from
All Around Town
Dr. Mendlesohn will bo at bis office
January 1, 1910. n tf
Geese eaters may eat them this
Christmas at tho rate of "0 cents a
pound, whilo the Christinas turkey is
retailinf at 24 and li5 cents a pound.
Before placing your printing order,
Phone 2171). Fuller Printing Concern.
Among the O. A. C. Btudents who are
home for the holidays are Miss Gene
vieve Pra.ior, Miss Urn Constable, Miss
Esther Maag and .Miss June Kubin.
Dr. R. T. Mclntire, pnysictan and
lurgeon, 214 Masonic bldg. Phone 440.
Prof. F. S. Gannett, principal of the
Washington junior high school left for
Portland this morning. lie will lie mar
ried this evening to Miss Zolo llickcock.
Dr. Stone's Drug Store.
Loroy Harris, Willamette university
freshman und football player left yes
terday for his home near Garfield,
Washington, and will not return for
the coming semester.
Electrio baths and massage nndor
your phvslcian's directions. N. N. lm
us, 218 Hubbard lildg. Phone SS5. tf
The thlrty-Uiird semi-annual reunion
Phone 700
Care for any time of day or
Good Oarage In connection for
storage of cars.
Reasonable Rates.
246 State Street.
of tho ...lieiont and Accepted Scottish
Kite Masons, Valley of Portland,
Southern Jurisdiction, will bo held in
Portland January 1.1, 11 uud li).
Dr. Stone ' drug store.
Oeorge Freeburger, formerly of this
city, will bo married New 1'eurs lay
to a Portland girl. Ho is now prac
ticing dentistry in Juneau, Alaska.
Got your Christmas geese and tur
keys of C. L. Sperling & Son.
An advance of 20 cents a barrel for
flour was nnnoiinced yesterday in
Portland and under ordinary favorable
conditions tho advance will talto ef
fect in Salem within n day or two.
All kinds of dry wood, sawed of 4 ft.,
lowest prices. Prompt delivery. Star
Wood 1,0., Phono 4'M, lUln and Onk.
Josae George, wlio has been associat
ed with his brothers, William and Lee,
in the George restaurant, has purchased
a business at 200 State street, to bo
known as tho l.cononiy restaurant,
Fresh ranch eggs, 35c a dozen. C.
h. Sperling & Son.
R. A. Lucas has accopted the position
of district manager for tho Continental
l.ifo Jnsurnnco company of Salt Lake
City and will open an office here about
January 10.
Fresh ranch eggs, 35c a dozen. C.
I. Sperling & Son.
The six-year-old son of O. D. Noed
ham, living beyond Uosedule, sustained
a broken arm while playing in the bam
yesterday. Dr. O. It. Miles was called
to set the fracture and todnv the lm
is reported to bo getting along all right.
Mistletoe withberrlos, prompt deliv
eries. Phono 41.1,
Also a Nice Line of
Muiouio Bldg.
Bix Xmas dance at armory Saturday
night. Peorless orchestra. 50c.
Attorney General Brown and family
will spend Christmas ut their home in
Uosoburg. Mr. Brown will return to this
city immediately after Christmas but
the family will remain in Roseburg un
til after Now Years.
The White Swan Dairy.. Lunch., is
linking good. Try it and be convinced.
The United Artisans held special
Christmas tree exercises last evening,
besides initiating several candidates.
At tho closo of tho business session,
the ladies of tho cadet drill team were
each preented with an agate ring by
their captain, Mrs. Irene St. Helens.
Good cigars will ploaso the man. You
cannot niako a mistake. Order La
Corona, a Salem made 10 cent cigar.
Emmett G. Hall, who joined the Ma
rine Corps and who has been stationed
at M'nro Island for tho past fourteen
week, has been promoted to the posi
tion of clerk of tho company, and for
the present will remain at Mare Island.
Kvcntually, ho expects to go into tho
aviation service.
"Social Sorvice Mooting" at the
Unitarian church will be suspended for
next Sunday evening. The regular
meetings will begin again with the
first Sunday in January and will con
tinue until tiio last of Juno.
A ton foot rise in two days is some
thing unusual for tiio Willamette and
breaks tho sudden riso record for sev
eral years. Tuesday morning at 8:00
o'clock the gunge was "i,8 feet above
law water. This mnrninir it wns 1.Y8
c....( ,,i. ti... .,..,. .,..,..,..:.,
part of tho wharf.
Scandinavian "Julotta" will he held
in the Swedish church, corner S. 15th
and Mill streets, Christinas day, in tho
morning at u o clock. 1'rof. J. O. JInll,
of the Willametto university will eon
duct the service. All . Scandinavians
are most cordially invited to attend.
The Initiation committee of the Clier
rinns nnnoiiiico that several applications
have been received for membership
from the business and professional
men of tho city, Those acted upon
favorably will bo admitted to member
ship at the banquet and initiatory ex
ercises to be held at the Marion hotel
Monday oveiilng, January 3.
A policeman and a door keeper were
necessary yesterday to handle the
crowds ut tho opening of the Toggery
firo sale, at 12;'30 o'clock yesterday
afternoon, A force of 'JO clerks were
on hand to take cure of the fire sale
business but Mr. Hammond was obliged
to close the storo front 5:30 to ti:30
o'clock In order to straighten tho Stovk
for tho evening's business.
Salem Man Gets Prize
For Window Decorating
In a contest with thousands of the
expert window dressers of the country,
W. W. Cummins was awarded the
fourth prize, and with it $10, for the
artistic display of cutlery and silver
ware at the Spencer Hardware Co. Tho
awarding committee of the American
Artisan, the magazine offering tho
prizes, writes Mr. Cummins, that tho
judges unanimously chose his window
display not only because of its general
attractiveness but because of tho great
skill shown in the ararngement of arti
cles. Mr. Cummins says that the win
dow was not especially decorated to
enter the contest, but that it was just
an every day affair. Nevertheless, ho
is especially pleased with the award of
fourth price as hardware men from nil
over the country and Canada were com
peting for the prizes.
The curtain for the Forbes-Robertson
show at the opera houso Friday even
ing will not rise until 8:45 o'clock.
On account oi the stores staying open
until S:3I o'clock and the many church
entertainments in the city Friduy even-
i ut. Mr. waters deemed to tunny inoj
performance 15 minutes, in order that (
all may have an opportunity of seeing
this great Knglish actor and his Kng-1
lish company.
Officers White and Victor met the
Oregon Electric train which arrives in
this oil v at. 3:15 this morning and ar
rested John Fisher and John Hrown on
a charge of burglary ami held them for
the authorities at Albany where they
aro accused of robbing a butcher shop.
Fisiier and Brown had a ham wrapped
up in n butcher's apron, a meat cleav
er and ft steel for sharpening knives.
Thev had both paid their fares to
Portland and gnvo tho conductor ft
liiimli'iil nt llntinln nii kles und iicnnics.
Tho report from Albany states that
tho burglars broke into the till of tho
butcher shop and took some sthnll
cnange. Fisher and Hrown had
when arrested.
Tho exceptional-success of my
Coffee, department Is due to the
correct scientific blending and
roasting by one who knows
The Store of Housewares.
135 N Liberty St. Dione 7
Are You Ready for Xmas
Now in our previous ads we have been
as brief as possible and vou have read
them, so will make no change. This will
be the last word until after Xmas, in fact
THIS is more in the nature of an
acknowledgement of our thanks to the
Public for the liberal patronage accorded
us, than an effort to sell anv thing, for
if we are to judge by the past few days
we will have more business Friday than
we can take care of without more adver
tising, still we want to tell vou of the
many real bargains we have for there'll
still be something doing after Christmas
in our store.
Men's Suits-$10 ones at $6.48, $12.50
ones at $8.68, $15 ones at $9.88, $16.50
ones at $10.48, $18 ones at $11.98, $20.00
ones at $13.48, $22.50 ones at $14.98, $25
ones at $16.78.
Men's Shoes in black or tan, lace or
button, the PACKARD make, all lasts,
including the popular English, at $2.48
and $3.98.
One lot, small sizes only, are going
at $1.48 though worth three times as
Men's 50c heavy derby ribbed cotton
Underwear and 75c Swiss ribbed
athletic neck, are each 35c, $1.50 Coop
er's Australian wool shirts and draw
ers at 98c, $3.00 Cooper's spring needle
wool at $1.13 the garment, $5.00 fancy
ribbed wool athletic neck for $1.63
each, and our regular $6.00 French
ribbed silk and wool is a bargain at
$1.78 the garment.
Men's Hats at $1.12 for the $2.00, and
$1.98 for the $3.00 kind. We also have
men's cloth hats for rough weather
automg, etc., the regular J1.50 and $i
are now 98c.
Then there's Oxford bags in 15, 16
and 17-in. at $2.48, $2.98 and $3.48, that
were $4.50, $5.00 and $5.50 and $2.50
sweaters for $1.48, $2.00 and $2.25 V
neck Jersey knit sweaters at 98c, 50c
wool socks at 38c, and 25c wool sox for
. Men's Shirts $3.00 ones for $2.28,
$2.50 ones for $1.88, $2.00 ones for $1.48,
$1.50 ones for $1.13, $1.25 ones for 88c,
$1.00 ones for 48c, $2.50 tan corded
shirts with military collars, new ar
rivals at $1.48, flannel shirts that were
$1.50 to $3.00 are now 78c to $1.98.
Men's $1.25 ties in leather case are
73c, 75c tie and pin combination set in
fancy box, 38c, 50c, 75c and $1.00,
Xmas ties at 38c and 50c, 35c ties at
Umbrella weather is still with us, the
$1.00 umbrellas are 65c, and so on up
to $5.00 ones at $3.50.
Men's Trousers $2.50 kind at $1.98,
$3.50 ones at $2.68, $4.00 kind at $2.98,
$4.50 kind at $3.38, $5.00 kind at $3.73,
$6.00 kind at $4.48.
For men's gifts there are solid leath
er suit cases, and travelling bags, bath
robes, smoking jackets, hundreds of
silk and linen handkerchiefs, etc.,
fancy suspenders, belts, etc. In fact
the entire stock with the exception of
Ide collars, Holeproof and Phoenix
hose is on sale.
Store Open Evenings Until Christmas
r ur I A 1 1 RT C A M 0 r f